DM Nagging: It's pretty much my job

Started by Anastasia, April 12, 2018, 12:35:58 PM

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Ranbar reaches level 35.

- Cloistered Cleric 35 and Perfectus 25.
- 7 on a d8 but maximum per hit die, for a total of 21 hit points and a grand total of 725 hit points.
- +1 BAB for a total of 24.
- Lore rises by 1.
- Gains another daily use of cunning save.
- Gains 35th level cleric casting. This is another 14th level spell, Ranbar grabs greater divine power for now.
- All saves rise by 1.
- Skills go up as normal.
- Bonus Domain(Glory)(C35), Epic Font of Inspiration(P25) as new feats. This adds the domain power for Glory, which boosts her turning.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Realm posts are up as well as new topics to begin part two with needed priority setting.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


6th: Black Ice Touch, Chasing Perfection, Greater Dispel Magic, Greater Ghoul Touch, Mass Animalistic Power, Mass Bear's Endurance, Mass Bull's Strength, Mass Cat's Grace, Swift Etherealness, Waves of Exhaustion.
7th: Crushing Hand, Dispelling Slap, Greater Shout, Horrid Wilting, Meteor Swarm, Prismatic Spray.
8th: Blazing Radiance, Chain Dispel, Energy Drain, Magic Disjunction, Mass Hold Monster, Sonic Handshake, Wrath of the Heavens.
9th: Asgeroth's Groundbreaker, Disintegrating Burst, Donald's Crash, Visage of the Tarrasque
10th: Energy Immunity, Hellball, Titan's Surge
11th: Imix's Wreath, Queen's Displeasure, Superb Dispelling
12th: Disintegrating Burst, Greater Polar Ray, Imix's Burning Scream, Mass Energy Immunity, Mass Titan's Surge
13th: Imix's Touch

Suggestions welcome as well, Eb.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?

Iron Dragoon

This is not the greatest post in the world, no... this is just a tribute.


<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


I am posting this here so I don't have to troll through my threads to find it.

Commune with Knowledge
Level: Brd 11, Clr 13, Sor/Wiz 13
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Concentration

This spell contacts the platonic ideal of knowledge itself to obtain answers. This spell functions as contact other plane, except that the chance of a true answer is 1-96, the chance of a random answer is 97-100 and the Intelligence DC to avoid Intelligence and Charisma loss is 18, it lasts 1 day and a natural roll of 1 always results in a failure, no matter the total*. Certain questions, such as those that seek the secrets of deities, anathemic knowledge or knowledge protected by epic abjurations cause this spell to return a result of unknown instead of an answer. Unlike with contact other plane, the answers may be as long as needed and not only one word.

* Bards and clerics use Charisma and Wisdom in place of an Intelligence check, and lose their bard or cleric spellcasting in place of arcane spellcasting.

I'm not sure if it should be added to the Spell Collection or not, since as of right now only Moore and I guess Erathaol know of it.

Iron Dragoon

Worked up the following, just for tracking and organization. If anyone wants to claim a target or suggest someone's node might be a good fit for one, please do so. If I missed anything, please point it out so I can fix it:

"Within Carceri lies another, jailed within the First Prison," Zaphkiel goes on, "The Guardian is the prison itself, and holds far more than merely the seed. Pandemonium holds one, sealed within the Askaral Tomb deep within a forbidden portal. In the Abyss lies one as well, in the hands of a Guardian already known, who will confess to it if pressed properly." Is the answer to that, "There may be yet others, but as of yet we have no found signs of them."

Carceri- Not claimed.
Abyss- Not claimed.
Pandemonium- Not claimed.

"In Hades lies a seed, which is entombed within the Last Monument. The Guardian there does not manifest, but instead controls a great tribe of yugoloth cultists, who all worship at the Last Monument and pray for death, suffering and agony for all. They are wrapped in anathemic secrecy and hidden by the will of the Oinoloths, none of which have seen fit to do anything but contain them."

-Not claimed/possible Adversary

"As for Acheron and Gehenna, there are seeds but we have not found them yet," Zaphkiel continues, "Precious little is known of them. For Baator, you have already seen that divine seed," A look to Alicia. "Asmodeus also extends an invitation to any of you who are willing - to come before the Serpent's Throne within nine days and he will discuss sharing this seed with you as well as with his chosen."

-Not claimed/Asmodeus' maybe?

"There is one in Mechanus - within the broken ruins of Primus. All but inaccessible to use at the current time, and the Guardian there is a fearsome lion. Likewise, the seed in Limbo rests within the Spawning Stone, and it would be nigh impossible to reach without a confrontation with Ssendam. Both are difficult and will require the greatest skill and ability to obtain."

-Not claimed

"The seed in Arcadia is different - it is outside of the bounds of Arcadia entirely," Zaphkiel says, "You must break out from the limits of Arcadia and seek the seed there."

-Not claimed.

"Next is the seed in Ysgard - which is held in the lair of the Jormugandr. In an area the Jormugandr is highly territorial over, and tolerates no other creatures there but itself." Zaphkiel says, "The Guardian there wears the form of Jormugandr when it chooses to take a physical form. This will be a deep challenge, but at least one that the nature of Ysgard tempers."

-Moore claimed.

"For Arborea, the divine seed lies within the Womb of Arborea, the deepest of the Hidden Layers." Zaphkiel continues, "An ocean there, born of Morwel's tears, forms the core of that place. Deep in the ocean the divine seed rests. The Guardian there takes two forms. He takes the form of one of the leShay, though Morwel knows him and knows it is but an illusion. The other is of a forty nine eyed celestial, who has wings that bear forty nine mouths that speak holy truths. In this he pretends to be a Seraph, though never before Morwel. This seed has three charges. It will not be the hardest, more if you have Morwel's blessing to investigate, and discover a way to protect yourself from joining the cycle of rebirth."

-Seira and Amaryl have ties to Morwel, Moore mentioned/tentatively Cor's node.

A slight nod, "Next is the Beastlands. I know not where the seed is there, neither myself or my counterpart has found it. We have found traces of it, and we believe it would lie deep within the Beastlands. This will be a matter of investigation, and will likely be one of the last pursued by any side."

-Jessica mentioned, Bastian offered assistance/tentatively claimed by Eb's node.

"The one that lies within Elysium. It lies buried before the Empyrean Gate.  You must find a way to reach that seed safely and deal with the Arch Angels who protect the Gate. The Guardian of that seed maintains no form, but will intervene if you come close to it. This will be no easy task, though not as difficult as a few others."

-Cresiel mentioned/tentatively Moore's node.

"I do not believe this one to be difficult. Next is Bytopia's. It now rests in the Memorial there," he explains, "The sorrows of Bytopia must be faced, and what was lost must be remembered and mourned. The Guardian there takes the form of a gnome. This one will be difficult, as Bytopia itself will resist you."

-Not claimed/assigned

"The next is at the Ordial Gate in the Astral Plane. I know less of this one, save that no traveler in the Astral Plane can reach it. Originally, the Ordial Gate was meant to be a connection another transitive plane, one we ultimately did not use in favor of the Infinite Stair. The Incarnation of Balance changed it, so that I am not certain how to reach it now, only that it will be one of the hardest seeds to obtain due to this."

-Not claimed/assigned. Arbiter mentioned.

"Next is one in the Deep Ethereal, at the Heart of Dreams," Zaphkiel continues. "I believe it to have three charges, and any who seek it must be able to master and defeat any dream they can imagine. Reality will become a matter of dreams there, and dreams shall oppose you to the last. The Guardian there takes the form of a blindfolded gorgon. This one will not be easy, but nor will it be as difficult as the most challenging seeds."

-Commander Oberuth to help, tentatively Eb's node.
This is not the greatest post in the world, no... this is just a tribute.


That's really useful, go ahead and crosspost that in the divine FAQ thread.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


The divine seeds I'd prefer over others are Arborea's, Elysium's, Astral's, Deep Ethereal's and the Abyss's. Of those, I'm strongly interested in Astral's due to the potential of co-op with a scary gith lich. I think the first two would go easiest for me, since I already have an in there.

Anyways, I figure we can each pick 2 and go for them, then see what happens? If that's fine with you guys, which are your priorities?
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


The Abyss one sounds really easy to get if you've been there before but I think if you haven't it's a pain to reach that particular layer? Seira should probably think about sending Kascha over for it.

Alicia's most interested in the Ysgard one because she lives there and will probably move on that first.

After that Bytopia, Deep Ethereal, Arborea, and Elysium are quite relevant to her interests and experience. She'd probably prefer to go after Pandemonium or Hades early on before team Hell have a chance at them.


The one in Elysium interests Moore just because of past experiences, so if he has a chance to accompany whomever goes he would like to.

The same for the one in Ysgard, but obviously if people want to go themselves I realize from an OOC standpoint it's difficult to coordinate things!

After that, Bytopia's seems interesting, as well as Arcadia's.

Iron Dragoon

The hades thing has been on Alyssa's radar for a while now (I'm assuming that it's connected to living things growing in Hades). Beyond that, Alyssa doesn't have much connection to anything else, so she'll go for whatever else might be a good fit for her node.
This is not the greatest post in the world, no... this is just a tribute.


Sylvie's additions to the book grant an additional +7 bonus to checks to become One.

Antenora's conditions likewise add an additional +3. These stack.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?