
"I sense a soul in search of answers.  I shalt eat him."

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DM Nagging: It's pretty much my job

Started by Anastasia, April 12, 2018, 12:35:58 PM

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Iron Dragoon

1st draft (No idea on titles, for example. Ideas welcome!)

Alyssa Songsteel
Symbol: A book behind a curved horizon.
Home Plane: Alyssum Royal Academy
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Portfolio: Knowledge, Exploration, Potential
Worshipers: Explorers, Adventurers, Wanderers, Students, Settlers, Cartographers
Cleric Alignments: CN, CG,
Domains: Magic, Knowledge, Travel, Forge
Favored Weapon: Unarmed Strike

Alyssa Songsteel's patrons are those who hold wanderlust and a thirst for the unknown and yet to be discovered deep in their hearts. She encourages those that worship her to search out the hidden and forgotten gems of the world; whether those gems be beautiful vistas, lost stories and knowledge, or the simple joy of discovery. Those who hoard knowledge to themselves, however, will find no warmth from her - to have knowledge and discover things and not share it for the betterment for all is the antithesis of her nature.

Like her patron Shaundakul, Alyssa venerates the spreading of the hidden places and knowledge of the Planes. She views it as a personal mission for herself and her followers to spread knowledge and share these hidden places through education and guiding the settlers and wanderers of the Planes to make their homes.

She also encourages all settlers develop their homes and villages to include nature instead of pushing it aside. She sponsors the inclusion of Druids and Rangers into these settlements and guides her followers to hold faith with them.

The faithful of Alyssa are encouraged to dress in simple designs, but of high quality. She favors the noble colors of purple, gold, and red. For those who journey frequently, she prefers utility over form, but encourages having a small piece of quality clothing, like a scarf.


Alyssa is a newly ascended mortal, brought into divinity by need, to help in the fight against Shar. Her mortal life was not so unusual until she solved a Labyrinth made by Io as a test by her guild. Completing the Labyrinth granted her the inheritance of a portion of Io's power, elevating her to something with more potential than most mortals. After intense study, she was targeted by Shar and made to flee her home plane of Arythma. Guided by Shaundakul, she made her new home on a demi-plane in the Gates of the Moon, where she came fully into divinity.

Shaundakul is her primary ally among the Gods, but she also has close ties to The Red Knight; one of her higher ranking servants even serving as the Captain of her guards and armies. Combined with Emily Aryn, daughter of Seira Ayrn, as part of her closest advisors and friends, Alyssa has an unusual number of ties to Gods for such a newly risen demigoddess.

Alyssa opposes oppression and the lack of freedom in all forms, and advocates in the freedom of choice; even if that choice might lead someone to evil. She opposes evil as a practical measure; most evil beings' ambitions tend to rob others of their freedoms and tend towards the destruction of knowledge and places. Alyssa holds freedom high and acknowledges that it includes the freedom to choose evil. However, once that choice comes into conflict with the spreading and discovery of places and knowledge, her tolerance for it ends.

Alyssa is in direct conflict with Shar, as Shar targeted her as a mortal. Now that Alyssa has ascended, that conflict has only grown in intensity.


Never stop reaching beyond the horizon. Always find the next place, the next story, the next bit of knowledge. Never forget to record and share where you've been and what you've seen to inspire others to find their own paths beyond the horizon. Teach all who thirst for knowledge, and respect the land and places you go.

Clergy and Temples

Clerics of Alyssa are tasked with providing inspiration, guidance, and education everywhere they go. They are called upon to protect the freedoms of those who call for aid. They are meant to help guide and give respite to the wanders, seekers, and settlers of the world. Alyssa's temples are meant to serve as places of learning, not only for knowledge and dogma, but for skill and ability. They often resemble school houses more than temples, and contain libraries that are open to all. For those who come and learn and hone skills, the clerics will always offer to guide them to the next step of learning and skill, maintaining a network of scholars and craftsmen in their regions.
This is not the greatest post in the world, no... this is just a tribute.


First, unfinished draft of Antenora's. She and Amaryl have had the most time in the oven so they're the most prepared and ready to go.

Antenora Reynes
Opal Angel of Redemption, Redeemer, Hell's Bane
Symbol: Two hands clasped together, one coming from above and the other below, the one below wrapped in chains
Home Plane: Sylica
Alignment: Lawful Exalted
Portfolio: Redemption, battle, order, risen fiends
Worshipers: Paladins, risen fiends, atoners
Cleric Alignments: LG, NG, CG
Domains: Glory, Good, Law, Planning, Purification, Redemption
Favored Weapon: Black Horn Spear (Longspear)

Antenora Reynes is the sponsor of those who seek to save others from evil, and in turn protects those who attempt to atone for past wrongs. She advocates for those cast out and who wish to rise again from their own ashes. In particular penitent paladins are called to her service, those who have fallen or who have never known good and yet seek to rise towards it. A paladin who crusades for the righteous is not her truest follower, but a paladin who crusades for those lost in the night is. She is the voice of those who glimpse that there is a better way, and the mailed fist that crushes those who deny a chance to pursue those hopes.

In particular Antenora supports the vanishingly rare risen fiends, for she herself was born an erinyes in Hell. Those are the epitome of the hope she offers and each one is a story of good's ultimate endurance, love and redemptive power over evil. She supports them as examples that even the darkest evil can be overcome and atoned for, for good's power is never too little or never too weak to save a soul, should they reach towards it.

In all endeavors Antenora preaches planning, wisdom and forethought. A mission is the culmination of careful thought, the final step in a plan to achieve victory. Tactics, strategy and intelligence are all highly prized by her and encouraged. Emotional intelligence is valued most of all, for the ways of the heart are sinful, yet they offer a path to cleanse those sins away. A moment's insight can change the eternal fate of a soul, a lesson taught to all of her faithful early in their training.

Antenora's servants, who call themselves the Risens, favor armor over robes or other priestly finery. Armor painted opal blue or gold (or as finances permit inlaid with enchanted opal and gold) is the most common day to day wear. Beyond that Antenora cares little so long as her Risens wear her holy symbol openly, be it worn from the neck or stitched onto their clothing. Like Alicia's clergy, Antenora's often eschew helmets, though she encourages them to procure magical items to provide suitable protection if they choose to do so. Practicality and survival is more important than imitation of Antenora in this particular matter.

While Antenora's faith has just begun, there are still five holy days the Risens celebrate. They share and celebrate the Day of Ascension in mid-summer with Alicia's clergy, in which they celebrate both Antenora and Alicia's ascensions to divinity. This is a day of merriment, treated as a chance to refresh oneself from a long year of work. The day begins with a small religious service before a midday feast occupies them until late afternoon, at which point the faithful mingle amid themselves in private celebrations. While her faith is too new to properly incorporate it as of yet, Antenora wishes for the weddings of her Risens to be held on this holiday.

The other four holidays are Summer's Rest, Autumn's Rest, Spring's Rest and Winter's Rest. On the first day of each season, a Risen is to withdrawn themselves into solitude (or on the first free day after if duties or need preclude it) and reflect on their deeds this past season. It is a day to fast, to reflect and to engage in frank self assessment. Prayers to Antenora join this introspection. Those who have served with distinction in the past season may find a Sylican Opal on the ground besides them after these prayers. Those who have sullied their duties and their commitment to good (but not those who have merely failed missions, as bravery and righteousness is no guarantee of success, nor those who have done deeds worthy of a fall, an alignment change to a non good alignment or that require an atonement spell) may find a broken, ashen opal instead as a warning.


Antenora's early life is well known, as her legend ties into Alicia's legend well. The story of her escape from Hell, her service with Alicia, Alicia's reversal of Antenora's efforts to corrupt her and her ultimate redemption are no secret. In particular Alicia and Antenora's victories over Baator and the Spark Hunters are well known, as is their part in Romiel's crusade to Avernus that resulted in the death of Duke Agares. Her role as the Angel of the Opal Mountain and the guide for souls of the faithful to be reborn in Sylica is known as part of Alicia and Syala's faiths, as is more of her heroism across the planes.

As she is a newly risen deity, Antenora's relationships mirror those of her mortal life. She has not yet made any serious moves beyond those, but nonetheless has made allies. Beyond the deities of Sylica, who are her closest friends and allies, Antenora has a good relationship with Mystra. Mystra sponsored Antenora's rise and in turn Antenora has aided her several times, a pattern that shows no sign of change. Likewise, she has a good relationship with Sharess on account of Syala, though both deities work together at a distance, as fundamental clashes in personality emerge if they spend too much time together.

It is safe to say that Hell is Antenora's greatest enemy, a personal and intense loathing of Baator that comes from her own experiences there. She sees now that her entire life there was a pointless folly, an exercise in misery orchestrated by the leaders of Hell, a meaningless horror that engulfs every resident of Hell. She opposes any diabolical plans she can find, be it the workings of a mere imp on a single mortal or a pit fiend's schemes that could condemn an entire nation. She knows in every fiber of her being Hell must be stopped and there must be a grand repentance, that all of Hell must be turned away from wickedness and the chains of Baator broken forever.

Beyond Hell, Antenora has enmities with Shar, Malcanthet and the Adversary. She does count all of evil as her foe, so this list should only grow larger in time, as she finds her footing amid the divine. 
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


The finished first draft. Comments welcome.

Antenora Reynes
Opal Angel of Redemption, Redeemer, Hell's Bane
Symbol: Two hands clasped together, one coming from above and the other below, the one below wrapped in chains
Home Plane: Sylica
Alignment: Lawful Exalted
Portfolio: Redemption, battle, order, risen fiends
Worshipers: Paladins, risen fiends, atoners
Cleric Alignments: LG, NG, CG
Domains: Glory, Good, Law, Planning, Purification, Redemption
Favored Weapon: Black Horn Spear (Longspear)

Antenora Reynes is the sponsor of those who seek to save others from evil, and in turn protects those who attempt to atone for past wrongs. She advocates for those cast out and who wish to rise again from their own ashes. In particular penitent paladins are called to her service, those who have fallen or who have never known good and yet seek to rise towards it. A paladin who crusades for the righteous is not her truest follower, but a paladin who crusades for those lost in the night is. She is the voice of those who glimpse that there is a better way, and the mailed fist that crushes those who deny a chance to pursue those hopes.

In particular Antenora supports the vanishingly rare risen fiends, for she herself was born an erinyes in Hell. Those are the epitome of the hope she offers and each one is a story of good's ultimate endurance, love and redemptive power over evil. She supports them as examples that even the darkest evil can be overcome and atoned for, for good's power is never too little or never too weak to save a soul, should they reach towards it.

In all endeavors Antenora preaches plans, wisdom and forethought. A mission is the culmination of careful thought, the final step in a plan to achieve victory. Tactics, strategy and intelligence are all highly prized by her and encouraged. Emotional intelligence is valued most of all, for the ways of the heart are sinful, yet they offer a path to cleanse those sins away. A moment's insight can change the eternal fate of a soul, a lesson taught to all of her faithful.

Antenora's servants, who call themselves the Risens, favor armor over robes or other priestly finery. Armor painted opal blue or gold (or as finances permit inlaid with enchanted opal and gold) is the most common day to day wear. Beyond that Antenora cares little so long as her Risens wear her holy symbol openly, be it worn from the neck or stitched onto their clothing. Like Alicia's clergy, Antenora's often eschew helmets, though she encourages them to procure magical items to provide suitable protection if they choose to do so. Practicality and survival is more important than imitation of Antenora in this particular matter.

While Antenora's faith has just begun, there are still five holy days the Risens celebrate. They share and celebrate the Day of Ascension in mid-summer with Alicia's clergy, in which they celebrate both Antenora and Alicia's ascensions to divinity. This is a day of merriment, treated as a chance to refresh oneself from a long year of work. The day begins with a small religious service before a midday feast occupies them until late afternoon, at which point the faithful mingle amid themselves in private celebrations. While her faith is too new to properly incorporate it as of yet, Antenora wishes for the weddings of her Risens to be held on this holiday.

The other four holidays are Summer's Rest, Autumn's Rest, Spring's Rest and Winter's Rest. On the first day of each season, a Risen is to withdrawn themselves into solitude (or on the first free day after if duties or need preclude it) and reflect on their deeds this past season. It is a day to fast, to reflect and to engage in frank self assessment. Prayers to Antenora join this introspection. Those who have served with distinction in the past season may find a Sylican Opal on the ground besides them after these prayers. Those who have sullied their duties and their commitment to good (but not those who have merely failed missions, as bravery and righteousness is no guarantee of success, nor those who have done deeds worthy of a fall, an alignment change to a non good alignment or that require an atonement spell) may find a broken, ashen opal instead as an omen of peril.


Antenora's early life is well known, as her legend ties into Alicia's legend well. The story of her escape from Hell, her service with Alicia, Alicia's reversal of Antenora's efforts to corrupt her and her ultimate redemption are no secret. In particular Alicia and Antenora's victories over Baator and the Spark Hunters are well known, as is their part in Romiel's crusade to Avernus that resulted in the death of Duke Agares. Her role as the Angel of the Opal Mountain and the guide for souls of the faithful to be reborn in Sylica is known as part of Alicia and Syala's faiths, as is more of her heroism across the planes.

As she is a newly risen deity, Antenora's relationships mirror those of her mortal life. She has not yet made any serious moves beyond those, but nonetheless has made allies. Beyond the deities of Sylica, who are her closest friends and allies, Antenora has a good relationship with Mystra. Mystra sponsored Antenora's rise and in turn Antenora has aided her several times, a pattern that shows no sign of change. Likewise, she has a good relationship with Sharess on account of Syala, though both deities work together at a distance, as fundamental clashes in personality emerge if they spend too much time together.

It is safe to say that Hell is Antenora's greatest enemy, a personal and intense loathing of Baator that comes from her own experiences there. She sees now that her entire life there was a pointless folly, an exercise in misery orchestrated by the leaders of Hell, a meaningless horror that engulfs every resident of Hell. She opposes any diabolical plans she can find, be it the efforts of a mere imp on a single mortal or a pit fiend's schemes that could condemn an entire nation. She knows in every fiber of her being Hell must be stopped and there must be a grand repentance, that all of Hell must be turned away from wickedness and the chains of Baator broken forever.

Beyond Hell, Antenora has enmities with Shar, Malcanthet and the Adversary. She does count all of evil as her foe, so this list should only grow larger in time, as she finds her position amid the divine. 


No one is beyond redemption, though they must want it. Bend your words and deeds towards this fact, so that you may bring others into the light. Aid others, for those bonds are more ropes to pull souls out from Hell. A well thought out plan can save a gallon of blood and tears. Be vigilant but do not be alone, for loneliness poisons the mortal soul. Trust in the glory, goodness and mercy of the Heavens, for they are barred to no one who is willing to repent.

Clergy and Temples

As of now, the few clerics of Antenora are often hero-paladins that have taken their devotion a step further. They are commanded to spread the faith and save others, both in amid the good and peaceful and in the darkest corners of Creation. While they are not so foolhardy as to go preach in Hell itself, places of evil on the Prime are where they excel. Antenora has plans for grand temples in regions her Risens pull away from evil, but as of yet her divine career is too new for that to be a reality.

The holy lessons of Antenora are complied in a seven chapter book titled, "Redemption." This book is plainly written and well enough written to engross a reader. It focuses on the practical aspects of redemption and how to achieve it, as well as the various creeds, lessons and messages of Antenora's faith. It is as much a lure for the wicked as it is a lesson book for her faithful, and a handful of the most important tactics and secrets, things that need not be seen by the wicked freely, are instead passed down orally.


Bonus Material

Preferred Classes

Paladin is by far the most common class amid the Risens, including sentinels and paladins of freedom. While chaotic good creatures may find some of Antenora's focus on plans disagreeable, they are still welcome to serve her if they wish. Beyond that, cleric, knights, fighters and sorcerer are the most common classes of the Risens. There are no favored souls as of yet, this is a conscious choice on Antenora's part. 

Common prestige classes for the Risens are hellreaver, knight of the chalice, sword of righteousness and divine crusader.

Preferred Symbols

Antenora favors opals of all kinds (except black opals), white roses and sunrises. An opal is often used as a sign of favor from Antenora, which may be kept or sold as the petitioner wishes. Blossoms of white roses are seen as a sign of her mercy and approval, and have been seen to grow overnight and bloom in the morning when a new temple to Antenora is consecrated. Sunrises, similar to how Lathaderites view them, are seen as symbolic of a new start and a new life. Clerics to Antenora pray at dawn for their spells, and any atonement spell cast by one of the Risens is cast at dawn if possible.

Supplementary Material

Initiate of Antenora
Prerequisite: Paladin or cleric level 5th, patron deity Antenora
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to saves against spells and spell like abilities with the evil descriptor. In addition you add the following spells to your cleric or paladin spell list.

1st: Vision of Heaven (Paladin only)
3rd: Righteous Fury (Cleric only)
4th: Voice of the Archon
7th: Opal Cleansing (Cleric only)

*Voice of the Archon is a refluffed Voice of the Dragon from Spell Compendium. It functions identically.

Alternate Class Feature: Touch of Redemption

Antenora's paladins do not banish diseases of the body, but of the soul.

Class: Paladin

Deity: Antenora

Level: 6th

Replaces: If you select this alternate class feature, you do not gain remove disease.

Benefit: At 6th level you gain the ability to forgive the sins of another. You may cast atonement once per week as a spell-like ability. Unlike a normal atonement spell, this spell is capable of changing the alignment of a creature normally unable to change their alignment. They must be willing to change of their own free will.

At 9th level and every 3 levels thereafter, you gain an additional weekly use of atonement.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Second Draft.

I understand this a bit better, I was writing in the current tense and should've been writing it in a "this is what I envision" tense.

Spoiler: ShowHide
Moore's one goal in Creation is to rid the world of hopelessness. The idea of not having the power, courage or wisdom to overcome something is anathema to him. His teachings provide comfort to those who need it and make every effort to empower those followers with the knowledge and ability to go into the world and do good there.

His followers know they can rely on him to support them in times of need, but also know that sometimes he may be silent if they need to find their own path to hope without him. He trusts every one of them to be able to not lose themselves in their own struggles.

To that end, Moore encourages those of his faith to go out into the world and find people to help. For those who may not feel they can do much in the world, or who have more of an entrepreneurial spirit than one of adventure, he encourages them to bring hope to a community through support, with things like jobs or even donations to local charities. There are many ways to bring hope and inspiration, and it doesn't have to be through song and poetry alone.

There's no requirement of taking vows of poverty, people are free to choose their own ways of life, as long as their actions bring hope to others. While he would prefer people follow the law in their actions, he understands that sometimes people must take a difference stance. If their path is one that is not evil, he will generally approve of their lifestyle.


Not much is known about Moore prior to his ascension. Some say that those who know the truth simply say they see a "sea of light" and nothing else. Regardless, on the scale of Creation, Moore is a young deity who has quickly become the friend and enemy of many.

History first records his name as part of Aurora, a group of planar warriors that fight evil. He showed up rather unexpectedly one day, apparently sent by Celestia to offer aid to them. He quickly became a staunch defender of their values and was able to make quick friends and allies of their membership.

Time and time again he took to the battlefield in support of Aurora and their cause, singing and heralding their own victories against Hell, most notably in Benfal and Lifasa. He will be one of the saviors of Lifasa even long after that victory is a distant memory.

Some time after his victory in Lifasa, he established a small outpost known as Hope's Landing on Lunia. Over time, it has grown into a thriving community. It currently boasts as a rather booming trade nexus that is attracting attention from across Creation due to its investment things beyond profiting for the sake of profit.

While he is extremely friendly to the powers of Celestia, he's also made several diplomatic efforts with the likes of Brightwater's powers and seems to have a good rapport with Crystalle of Mineral.
He stands firmly against the machinations of Hell, as well as those of Shar – it's said that his songs and words have the power to negate even Oblivion itself.

He is strongly tied to Celestia; he does not require that anyone follow the Holy Mountain's path. He believes that those who pursue a path of hope and inspiration in others are already fulfilling the greatest virtues of Chronias. So far, no one has taken exception to Moore not following the usual tenets of lawfulness that make up the Holy Mountain, though Moore himself has been seen traveling the Mountain from time to time.


Moore believes in hope above all else. To offer others around you hope, inspiration and help when they need it; especially when they don't know they need it. Hope for a better tomorrow, hope to continue even in the face of hopelessness, the hope to never give up on anyone.

His writings support the idea that hope is a tangible thing, even though one cannot see it, they can feel it, just like any other emotion. He supports any endeavor to save others, be it through a financial or even spiritual means. These continued efforts to always be of inspiration to those around you are what his faith embodies.

The most important mindset Moore wants for his followers is one of devotion to themselves and people around them. It's impossible to support others if your support for yourself is lacking. The common saying of taking care of yourself first before taking care of others rings true in his faith.

Clergy and Temples

Moore believes that anyone can inspire hope in others and does not discriminate when there is interest in his faith. He believes that a single act of bringing hope and inspiration to another can have a cascading effect and encourages his followers to always be on the lookout for those in need.

The day of Moore's ascension is the only current holy day his followers have. That day is marked as one of true hopefulness, one which all followers are to go out and meet someone new and share their stories. The goal isn't to convert anyone to his faith, but simply to make Creation slightly better that day, so tomorrow can be brighter.

The temples themselves are always rather sparse in terms of furnishings, but they are comfortable and welcoming to all. He ensures that any location of worship has what it needs, be it food, warm beds or otherwise. Those that take it upon themselves to be followers of his faith find that it is easier to supply themselves with what they need as well, so they can provide it to others.

Not all his places of worship are necessarily temples. Some of them may be local eateries, theatres, any place where people are free to gather and be unburdened for a time. Even some people's homes have his symbol on their doors, so that those in the neighborhood always know who they can rely on for help.

His followers don't necessarily wear any clothing that marks them as such, but there's something about all of them that simply attracts people. However, those that choose to wear his holy symbol always wear it proudly and openly, so that those in search of them can be easily found.


Quote from: Iron Dragoon on March 13, 2020, 10:19:00 PM
1st draft (No idea on titles, for example. Ideas welcome!)

Alyssa Songsteel
Symbol: A book behind a curved horizon.
Home Plane: Alyssum Royal Academy
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Portfolio: Knowledge, Exploration, Potential
Worshipers: Explorers, Adventurers, Wanderers, Students, Settlers, Cartographers
Cleric Alignments: CN, CG,
Domains: Magic, Knowledge, Travel, Forge
Favored Weapon: Unarmed Strike

That all looks good, formatting aside (the bold and italics mostly and that's no big deal to fix). I like the symbol in particular.

Titles are tricky, they need to feel right and at the same time not overdo it. Since you went with royal academy as the home plane's name, perhaps a title like Queen something or Princess something is suitable? Probably the former, the latter doesn't feel right for Alyssa.

QuoteAlyssa Songsteel's patrons are those who hold wanderlust and a thirst for the unknown and yet to be discovered deep in their hearts. She encourages those that worship her to search out the hidden and forgotten gems of the world; whether those gems be beautiful vistas, lost stories and knowledge, or the simple joy of discovery. Those who hoard knowledge to themselves, however, will find no warmth from her - to have knowledge and discover things and not share it for the betterment for all is the antithesis of her nature.

Wrong way around, Iddy. Alyssa would be the patron of her clerics and faithful.

QuoteLike her patron Shaundakul, Alyssa venerates the spreading of the hidden places and knowledge of the Planes. She views it as a personal mission for herself and her followers to spread knowledge and share these hidden places through education and guiding the settlers and wanderers of the Planes to make their homes.

She also encourages all settlers develop their homes and villages to include nature instead of pushing it aside. She sponsors the inclusion of Druids and Rangers into these settlements and guides her followers to hold faith with them.

Feels like it needs a little more meat. That aside however, I do like the second part. It feels like Ianvasah's legacy.

QuoteThe faithful of Alyssa are encouraged to dress in simple designs, but of high quality. She favors the noble colors of purple, gold, and red. For those who journey frequently, she prefers utility over form, but encourages having a small piece of quality clothing, like a scarf.

That's an interesting focus on quality. A side effect of forge and general creation tendencies?


Alyssa is a newly ascended mortal, brought into divinity by need, to help in the fight against Shar. Her mortal life was not so unusual until she solved a Labyrinth made by Io as a test by her guild. Completing the Labyrinth granted her the inheritance of a portion of Io's power, elevating her to something with more potential than most mortals. After intense study, she was targeted by Shar and made to flee her home plane of Arythma. Guided by Shaundakul, she made her new home on a demi-plane in the Gates of the Moon, where she came fully into divinity.

Okay, pretty on the ball there. On the other hand I might suggest adding a pinch more of an overview, I suppose, or perhaps playing down her (relative and perceivable as a) defeat in fleeing Arythma. A little bit of spin on it, maybe.

QuoteShaundakul is her primary ally among the Gods, but she also has close ties to The Red Knight; one of her higher ranking servants even serving as the Captain of her guards and armies. Combined with Emily Aryn, daughter of Seira Ayrn, as part of her closest advisors and friends, Alyssa has an unusual number of ties to Gods for such a newly risen demigoddess.

Probably worth noting that Jarem's getting divinity of his own, so that may complicate his mention a little bit.

QuoteAlyssa opposes oppression and the lack of freedom in all forms, and advocates in the freedom of choice; even if that choice might lead someone to evil. She opposes evil as a practical measure; most evil beings' ambitions tend to rob others of their freedoms and tend towards the destruction of knowledge and places. Alyssa holds freedom high and acknowledges that it includes the freedom to choose evil. However, once that choice comes into conflict with the spreading and discovery of places and knowledge, her tolerance for it ends.

Okay, seems pretty on the nose for CN. Choice above all.

QuoteAlyssa is in direct conflict with Shar, as Shar targeted her as a mortal. Now that Alyssa has ascended, that conflict has only grown in intensity.

This does need more meat, even if it's only a few sentences of prettily spilling out that she's new and doesn't have a lot of rivalries yet. Understandably short, but still short.


Never stop reaching beyond the horizon. Always find the next place, the next story, the next bit of knowledge. Never forget to record and share where you've been and what you've seen to inspire others to find their own paths beyond the horizon. Teach all who thirst for knowledge, and respect the land and places you go.

Seems good here. A smidgen more would help fill it out, but this does capture Alyssa's beginning theology well.

QuoteClergy and Temples

Clerics of Alyssa are tasked with providing inspiration, guidance, and education everywhere they go. They are called upon to protect the freedoms of those who call for aid. They are meant to help guide and give respite to the wanders, seekers, and settlers of the world. Alyssa's temples are meant to serve as places of learning, not only for knowledge and dogma, but for skill and ability. They often resemble school houses more than temples, and contain libraries that are open to all. For those who come and learn and hone skills, the clerics will always offer to guide them to the next step of learning and skill, maintaining a network of scholars and craftsmen in their regions.

It might be worth discussing how clerics of Shaundakul and Alyssa are meant to compare and contrast. They occupy much of the same space as written, and would likely have at least a working relationship with one another.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?

Iron Dragoon

2nd draft

Alyssa Songsteel
The Guiding Hand, Queen of the Horizon, The Scholar of the Forge
Symbol: A book behind a curved horizon.
Spoiler: ShowHide

Home Plane: Alyssum Royal Academy
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Portfolio: Knowledge, Exploration, Potential
Worshipers: Explorers, Wanderers, Students, Mentors, Settlers, Cartographers
Cleric Alignments: CN, CG,
Domains: Magic, Knowledge, Travel, Forge
Favored Weapon: Unarmed Strike

Alyssa Songsteel's faithful are those who hold wanderlust and a thirst for the unknown and yet to be discovered deep in their hearts. She encourages those that worship her to search out the hidden and forgotten gems of the world; whether those gems be beautiful vistas, lost stories and knowledge, or the simple joy of discovery. Those who hoard knowledge to themselves, however, will find no warmth from her - to have knowledge and discover things and not share it for the betterment for all is the antithesis of her nature.

Like her patron Shaundakul, Alyssa venerates the spreading of the hidden places and knowledge of the Planes. She views it as a personal mission for herself and her followers to spread knowledge and share these hidden places through education and guiding the settlers and wanderers of the Planes to make their homes. She views teaching others and nurturing growth with reverence, and looks favorably on the passing of knowledge and crafting to others.

Because of her own accomplishments as a mortal, Alyssa views the building of communities favorably. Any who wish to build a life and town with their own hands will find an ally in her. She encourages all settlers develop their homes and villages to include nature instead of pushing it aside. She sponsors the inclusion of Druids and Rangers into these settlements and guides her followers to hold faith with them. After all, Druids and Rangers are the stewards of Nature, and Nature has given us all the places to find and explore.

Because of her own ability to forge and tailor, the faithful of Alyssa are encouraged to dress in simple designs, but of high quality. She favors the noble colors of purple, gold, and red. For those who journey frequently, she prefers utility over form, but encourages having a small piece of quality clothing or accessory, preferably made by their own hands, like a belt buckle, bracelet, a scarf, or handkerchief.


Alyssa is a newly ascended mortal, brought into divinity by need, to help in the fight against Shar. Her mortal life was not so unusual until she solved a Labyrinth made by Io as a test by her guild. Completing the Labyrinth granted her the inheritance of a portion of Io's power, elevating her to something with more potential than most mortals. After intense study, she was targeted by Shar and withdrew from her home plane of Arythma to gather allies and strike against her. Guided by Shaundakul, she made her new home on a demi-plane in the Gates of the Moon, where she came fully into divinity.

Shaundakul is her primary ally among the Gods, but she also has close ties to The Red Knight; one of her higher ranking servants, Jarem Aruwood, even serving as the Captain of her guards and armies for a time as they fought against Shar, and he himself gaining Divinity as they traveled and fought together. Combined with Emily Aryn, daughter of Seira Ayrn, as part of her closest advisors and friends, and Bastian who has newly found Divinity as well, Alyssa has an unusual number of ties to Gods for such a newly risen demigoddess.

Alyssa opposes oppression and the lack of freedom in all forms, and advocates in the freedom of choice; even if that choice might lead someone to evil. She opposes evil as a practical measure; most evil beings' ambitions tend to rob others of their freedoms and tend towards the destruction of knowledge and places. Alyssa holds freedom high and acknowledges that it includes the freedom to choose evil. However, once that choice comes into conflict with the spreading and discovery of places and knowledge, her tolerance for it ends.

Alyssa is in direct conflict with Shar, as Shar targeted her as a mortal. Now that Alyssa has ascended, that conflict has only grown in intensity. As Alyssa struck down Sharran cabals, her anger at the follower's of Shar's behavior expanded, and now she stands in conflict with anyone who encourages slavery or the razing of communities.


Never stop reaching beyond the horizon. Always find the next place, the next story, the next bit of knowledge. Never forget to record and share where you've been and what you've seen to inspire others to find their own paths beyond the horizon. Teach all who thirst for knowledge, and respect the land and places you go. She encourages everyone who follows her to become a mentor or a student to another, even if only for a few hours to teach, or learn, a trick or two. While she encourages generosity to others, her belief in helping others is to educate them to help themselves, and to teach them how to have the right expectations of themselves.

Clergy and Temples

Clerics of Alyssa are tasked with providing inspiration, guidance, and education everywhere they go. They are called upon to protect the freedoms of those who call for aid. They are meant to help guide and give respite to the wanders, seekers, and settlers of the world. Alyssa's temples are meant to serve as places of learning, not only for knowledge and dogma, but for skill and ability. They often resemble school houses more than temples, and contain libraries that are open to all. For those who come and learn and hone skills, the clerics will always offer to guide them to the next step of learning and skill, maintaining a network of scholars and craftsmen in their regions. Many of them are scholars themselves, often serving as teachers or professors in their own right.

Alyssa holds close faith with Shaundakul, and venerates both him and the Red Knight as a mentors and allies. As such, she expects that when her clerics and followers meet those of Shaundakul's faith that they not compete with each other, or come into conflict. She expects them to work together to map out and spread the knowledge they each have discovered. Shaundakul's faithful, along with those of the Red Knight, are expected to be offered hearth and home when found in need. The same expectation is placed when her faithful meet a Druid or Ranger in need, as she holds a Divine Grove dedicated to a fallen Druid who was a dear friend to her. Druids and Rangers might even find themselves wandering into this Grove.


Bonus Material

Preferred Classes
Wizards and Factotums are the most common class for followers of Alyssa. Though scholars of any kind are easily found, to include Scholar-Monks who gather knowledge, and Bards who collect and record stories.

Common prestige classes for her followers are Horizon Walker, Mage of the Arcane Order, Loremaster, and Archmages.

Preferred Symbols

Alyssa prefers favorite books of any kind as a symbol, but does appreciate denoting these from others by wrapping in a good quality cloth cover of her favored colors. If one cannot pick a single favorite book, a cloth bookmark with her symbol embroidered on it is fully acceptable. Clerics of Alyssa pray for spells at Dusk.

Supplementary Material

Initiate of Alyssa
Prerequisite: Paladin or cleric level 5th, patron deity Alyssa
Benefit: You gain the Knowledge Devotion feat as a bonus feat. In addition, you add the following spells to your spell list.

1st: Locate City
3rd: Arcane Sight
4th: Dimension Door
7th: Legend Lore
This is not the greatest post in the world, no... this is just a tribute.


There's a couple of ACFs up in homebrew, both for Latha. I worked those out while doing some development of the monks who follow her.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Quote from: Nephrite on March 14, 2020, 11:23:58 AMTo that end, Moore encourages those of his faith to go out into the world and find people to help. For those who may not feel they can do much in the world, or who have more of an entrepreneurial spirit than one of adventure, he encourages them to bring hope to a community through support, with things like jobs or even donations to local charities. There are many ways to bring hope and inspiration, and it doesn't have to be through song and poetry alone.

That last sentence is new and I think it's a good addition. It gets into the Moore/NG mindset of doing good no matter how.

QuoteHistory first records his name as part of Aurora, a group of planar warriors that fight evil. He showed up rather unexpectedly one day, apparently sent by Celestia to offer aid to them. He quickly became a staunch defender of their values and was able to make quick friends and allies of their membership.

Time and time again he took to the battlefield in support of Aurora and their cause, singing and heralding their own victories against Hell, most notably in Benfal and Lifasa. He will be one of the saviors of Lifasa even long after that victory is a distant memory.

Okay, that does nicely help draw out what he did with Aurora. He doesn't have the sort of one on one duel to point to - his build just isn't the type for it - so that works rather well to place it in spite of that.

QuoteSome time after his victory in Lifasa, he established a small outpost known as Hope's Landing on Lunia. Over time, it has grown into a thriving community. It currently boasts as a rather booming trade nexus that is attracting attention from across Creation due to its investment things beyond profiting for the sake of profit.

Bolded part could use some revision, it reads like a sentence got mangled.

I do like the spirit of the addition there, gives it more depth and connection to the whole.

QuoteWhile he is extremely friendly to the powers of Celestia, he's also made several diplomatic efforts with the likes of Brightwater's powers and seems to have a good rapport with Crystalle of Mineral.
He stands firmly against the machinations of Hell, as well as those of Shar – it's said that his songs and words have the power to negate even Oblivion itself.

Minor spacing issue that's evident with the last sentence.

I like the change there, it gives a bit of a hook and suggests a possible reason for the two being in conflict.

QuoteHe is strongly tied to Celestia; he does not require that anyone follow the Holy Mountain's path. He believes that those who pursue a path of hope and inspiration in others are already fulfilling the greatest virtues of Chronias. So far, no one has taken exception to Moore not following the usual tenets of lawfulness that make up the Holy Mountain, though Moore himself has been seen traveling the Mountain from time to time.

That's a good addition, helps fill out the section well.


Moore believes in hope above all else. To offer others around you hope, inspiration and help when they need it; especially when they don't know they need it. Hope for a better tomorrow, hope to continue even in the face of hopelessness, the hope to never give up on anyone.

His writings support the idea that hope is a tangible thing, even though one cannot see it, they can feel it, just like any other emotion. He supports any endeavor to save others, be it through a financial or even spiritual means. These continued efforts to always be of inspiration to those around you are what his faith embodies.

The most important mindset Moore wants for his followers is one of devotion to themselves and people around them. It's impossible to support others if your support for yourself is lacking. The common saying of taking care of yourself first before taking care of others rings true in his faith.

I like the last part in particular - it isn't the most unusual problem for a holy crusader to put others before themselves, perhaps more than they should. To spend enough so that you yourself are well taken care of is certainly worth a reminder.

QuoteThe day of Moore's ascension is the only current holy day his followers have. That day is marked as one of true hopefulness, one which all followers are to go out and meet someone new and share their stories. The goal isn't to convert anyone to his faith, but simply to make Creation slightly better that day, so tomorrow can be brighter.

I'd suggest noting a time of season to this - he lives in a Heaven where the seasons are largely immaterial - even if it's just one chosen for symbolism. The seasons may not matter as much in Celestia, but they matter a lot on the Primes.

QuoteThe temples themselves are always rather sparse in terms of furnishings, but they are comfortable and welcoming to all. He ensures that any location of worship has what it needs, be it food, warm beds or otherwise. Those that take it upon themselves to be followers of his faith find that it is easier to supply themselves with what they need as well, so they can provide it to others.

Not all his places of worship are necessarily temples. Some of them may be local eateries, theatres, any place where people are free to gather and be unburdened for a time. Even some people's homes have his symbol on their doors, so that those in the neighborhood always know who they can rely on for help.

Hm. I'd suggest playing up comfort and a home-like atmosphere in his temples. If they don't go in for a lot of furnishings or decorations, then that could be another way to sell it without those. The sort of place someone likes to go to, that gives them a sense that things can be a bit better and that they're safe there.

QuoteHis followers don't necessarily wear any clothing that marks them as such, but there's something about all of them that simply attracts people. However, those that choose to wear his holy symbol always wear it proudly and openly, so that those in search of them can be easily found. [/spoiler]

Very much a faith that recruits Charisma first, I see. It certainly isn't the first one.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Quote from: Iron Dragoon on March 14, 2020, 01:59:16 PM
2nd draft

Alyssa Songsteel
The Guiding Hand, Queen of the Horizon, The Scholar of the Forge

The second and third ones I like a lot. The first feels slightly extraneous, but it's workable with any sort of effort to justify it.

QuoteSymbol: A book behind a curved horizon.
Spoiler: ShowHide

Nice image. Did you make it yourself?

QuoteCleric Alignments: CN, CG,

As CN, you're eligible for CG, N and CE clerics if you want them, on top of CN ones. Just a heads up.

QuoteLike her patron Shaundakul, Alyssa venerates the spreading of the hidden places and knowledge of the Planes. She views it as a personal mission for herself and her followers to spread knowledge and share these hidden places through education and guiding the settlers and wanderers of the Planes to make their homes. She views teaching others and nurturing growth with reverence, and looks favorably on the passing of knowledge and crafting to others.

I like the changes to this paragraph. It gives you a strong idea that teaching, growth and learning are all important aspaects of her portfolio (represented in knowledge and potential).

QuoteBecause of her own accomplishments as a mortal, Alyssa views the building of communities favorably. Any who wish to build a life and town with their own hands will find an ally in her. She encourages all settlers develop their homes and villages to include nature instead of pushing it aside. She sponsors the inclusion of Druids and Rangers into these settlements and guides her followers to hold faith with them. After all, Druids and Rangers are the stewards of Nature, and Nature has given us all the places to find and explore.

Because of her own ability to forge and tailor, the faithful of Alyssa are encouraged to dress in simple designs, but of high quality. She favors the noble colors of purple, gold, and red. For those who journey frequently, she prefers utility over form, but encourages having a small piece of quality clothing or accessory, preferably made by their own hands, like a belt buckle, bracelet, a scarf, or handkerchief.

That's all solid and I think helps fill it in, as well as establishes a connection of rangers and druids to the faith.

QuoteAlyssa is a newly ascended mortal, brought into divinity by need, to help in the fight against Shar. Her mortal life was not so unusual until she solved a Labyrinth made by Io as a test by her guild. Completing the Labyrinth granted her the inheritance of a portion of Io's power, elevating her to something with more potential than most mortals. After intense study, she was targeted by Shar and withdrew from her home plane of Arythma to gather allies and strike against her. Guided by Shaundakul, she made her new home on a demi-plane in the Gates of the Moon, where she came fully into divinity./quote]

That's a lot better spun there. Same idea and same underlying facts, but the presentation's stronger for her.

QuoteShaundakul is her primary ally among the Gods, but she also has close ties to The Red Knight; one of her higher ranking servants, Jarem Aruwood, even serving as the Captain of her guards and armies for a time as they fought against Shar, and he himself gaining Divinity as they traveled and fought together. Combined with Emily Aryn, daughter of Seira Ayrn, as part of her closest advisors and friends, and Bastian who has newly found Divinity as well, Alyssa has an unusual number of ties to Gods for such a newly risen demigoddess.

You typoed Aryn in Seira Aryn's name.

This works better now, regardless.

QuoteAlyssa is in direct conflict with Shar, as Shar targeted her as a mortal. Now that Alyssa has ascended, that conflict has only grown in intensity. As Alyssa struck down Sharran cabals, her anger at the follower's of Shar's behavior expanded, and now she stands in conflict with anyone who encourages slavery or the razing of communities.

That's expanded well, gives her faithful more things to do and work for.


Never stop reaching beyond the horizon. Always find the next place, the next story, the next bit of knowledge. Never forget to record and share where you've been and what you've seen to inspire others to find their own paths beyond the horizon. Teach all who thirst for knowledge, and respect the land and places you go. She encourages everyone who follows her to become a mentor or a student to another, even if only for a few hours to teach, or learn, a trick or two. While she encourages generosity to others, her belief in helping others is to educate them to help themselves, and to teach them how to have the right expectations of themselves.

Solid improvements there.

QuoteClergy and Temples

Clerics of Alyssa are tasked with providing inspiration, guidance, and education everywhere they go. They are called upon to protect the freedoms of those who call for aid. They are meant to help guide and give respite to the wanders, seekers, and settlers of the world. Alyssa's temples are meant to serve as places of learning, not only for knowledge and dogma, but for skill and ability. They often resemble school houses more than temples, and contain libraries that are open to all. For those who come and learn and hone skills, the clerics will always offer to guide them to the next step of learning and skill, maintaining a network of scholars and craftsmen in their regions. Many of them are scholars themselves, often serving as teachers or professors in their own right.

Alyssa holds close faith with Shaundakul, and venerates both him and the Red Knight as a mentors and allies. As such, she expects that when her clerics and followers meet those of Shaundakul's faith that they not compete with each other, or come into conflict. She expects them to work together to map out and spread the knowledge they each have discovered. Shaundakul's faithful, along with those of the Red Knight, are expected to be offered hearth and home when found in need. The same expectation is placed when her faithful meet a Druid or Ranger in need, as she holds a Divine Grove dedicated to a fallen Druid who was a dear friend to her. Druids and Rangers might even find themselves wandering into this Grove.

Solid, and I like the bit that explicitly alludes to Ianvasah as the reason why for druid favortism.

QuoteBonus Material

Preferred Classes
Wizards and Factotums are the most common class for followers of Alyssa. Though scholars of any kind are easily found, to include Scholar-Monks who gather knowledge, and Bards who collect and record stories.

Common prestige classes for her followers are Horizon Walker, Mage of the Arcane Order, Loremaster, and Archmages.

Makes sense.

QuotePreferred Symbols

Alyssa prefers favorite books of any kind as a symbol, but does appreciate denoting these from others by wrapping in a good quality cloth cover of her favored colors. If one cannot pick a single favorite book, a cloth bookmark with her symbol embroidered on it is fully acceptable. Clerics of Alyssa pray for spells at Dusk.

Also solid.

QuoteSupplementary Material

Initiate of Alyssa
Prerequisite: Paladin or cleric level 5th, patron deity Alyssa
Benefit: You gain the Knowledge Devotion feat as a bonus feat. In addition, you add the following spells to your spell list.

1st: Locate City
3rd: Arcane Sight
4th: Dimension Door
7th: Legend Lore

Seems good.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


I touched up the areas you mentioned. I have no idea what happened with that bolded part, I assume I just forgot to put some words in...

Spoiler: ShowHide
Moore's one goal in Creation is to rid the world of hopelessness. The idea of not having the power, courage or wisdom to overcome something is anathema to him. His teachings provide comfort to those who need it and make every effort to empower those followers with the knowledge and ability to go into the world and do good there.

His followers know they can rely on him to support them in times of need, but also know that sometimes he may be silent if they need to find their own path to hope without him. He trusts every one of them to be able to not lose themselves in their own struggles.

To that end, Moore encourages those of his faith to go out into the world and find people to help. For those who may not feel they can do much in the world, or who have more of an entrepreneurial spirit than one of adventure, he encourages them to bring hope to a community through support, with things like jobs or even donations to local charities. There are many ways to bring hope and inspiration, and it doesn't have to be through song and poetry alone.

The most important mindset Moore wants for his followers is one of devotion to themselves and people around them. It's impossible to support others if your support for yourself is lacking. The common saying of taking care of yourself first before taking care of others rings true in his faith.

There's no requirement of taking vows of poverty, people are free to choose their own ways of life, as long as their actions bring hope to others. While he would prefer people follow the law in their actions, he understands that sometimes people must take a difference stance. If their path is one that is not evil, he will generally approve of their lifestyle.


Not much is known about Moore prior to his ascension. Some say that those who know the truth simply say they see a "sea of light" and nothing else. Regardless, on the scale of Creation, Moore is a young deity who has quickly become the friend and enemy of many.

History first records his name as part of Aurora, a group of planar warriors that fight evil. He showed up rather unexpectedly one day, apparently sent by Celestia to offer aid to them. He quickly became a staunch defender of their values and was able to make quick friends and allies of their membership.

Time and time again he took to the battlefield in support of Aurora and their cause, singing and heralding their own victories against Hell, most notably in Benfal and Lifasa. He will be one of the saviors of Lifasa even long after that victory is a distant memory.

Some time after his victory in Lifasa, he established a small outpost known as Hope's Landing on Lunia. Over time, it has grown into a thriving community. It currently boasts as a rather booming trade nexus that is attracting attention from across Creation due to its investment in its people, it exists to profit the people as well as for

While he is extremely friendly to the powers of Celestia, he's also made several diplomatic efforts with the likes of Brightwater's powers and seems to have a good rapport with Crystalle of Mineral. He stands firmly against the machinations of Hell, as well as those of Shar; it's said that his songs and words have the power to negate even Oblivion itself.

While he is strongly tied to Celestia, he does not require that anyone follow the Holy Mountain's path, believing that those who pursue a path of hope and inspiration in others are already fulfilling the greatest virtues of Chronias. So far, no one has taken exception to Moore not following the usual tenets of lawfulness that make up the Holy Mountain, though Moore himself has been seen traveling the Mountain from time to time.


Moore believes in hope above all else. To offer others around you hope, inspiration and help when they need it; especially when they don't know they need it. Hope for a better tomorrow, hope to continue even in the face of hopelessness, the hope to never give up on anyone.

His writings support the idea that hope is a tangible thing, even though one cannot see it, they can feel it, just like any other emotion. He supports any endeavor to save others, be it through a financial or even spiritual means. These continued efforts to always be of inspiration to those around you are what his faith embodies.

Clergy and Temples

Moore believes that anyone can inspire hope in others and does not discriminate when there is interest in his faith. He believes that a single act of bringing hope and inspiration to another can have a cascading effect and encourages his followers to always be on the lookout for those in need.

The day of Moore's ascension is the only current holy day his followers have. That day is marked as one of true hopefulness, one which lands in the first week of Spring. All followers are to go out and meet someone new and share their stories. The goal isn't to convert anyone to his faith, but simply to make Creation slightly better that day, so tomorrow can be brighter.

The temples themselves are always rather sparse in terms of furnishings, but they are comfortable and welcoming to all. He ensures that any location of worship has what it needs, be it food, warm beds or otherwise. The goal of any of his holy sites is for anyone to feel like they've just come home, no matter whether it be a temple in their hometown or on a distant and different plane.

Those that take it upon themselves to be followers of his faith find that it is easier to supply themselves with what they need as well, so they can provide it to others.

Not all his places of worship are necessarily temples. Some of them may be local eateries, theaters, any place where people are free to gather and be unburdened for a time. Even some people's
homes have his symbol on their doors, so that those in the neighborhood always know who they can rely on for help.

His followers don't necessarily wear any clothing that marks them as such, but there's something about all of them that simply attracts people. However, those that choose to wear his holy symbol always wear it proudly and openly, so that those in search of them can be easily found.


This is my bad, I forgot to go back and revise this when I did this last night, Iddy.

QuoteInitiate of Alyssa
Prerequisite: Paladin or cleric level 5th, patron deity Alyssa
Benefit: You gain the Knowledge Devotion feat as a bonus feat. In addition, you add the following spells to your spell list.

1st: Locate City
3rd: Arcane Sight
4th: Dimension Door
7th: Legend Lore

A few points here.

1. Why paladins? It's not a faith that's going to really attract them, unless you have variant paladins in mind.

2. Legend Lore should be noted to be cleric only if you keep paladins.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Okay, so one point for Alicia and her node.

The Day of Ascension holiday has Antenora joining in on it in her writeup. That's one thing and honestly, Antenora doing that is pretty true to form for her. I wrote Latha and did the same, it's sort of morphing into my head to be the one big day to celebrate all of Sylica across the faiths. Do you have any objection with it going in that direction?
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Not at all. Marie will get in on that action too.


<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Antenora Reynes
Opal Angel of Redemption, Redeemer, Hell's Bane
Symbol: Two hands clasped together, one coming from above and the other below, the one below wrapped in chains
Home Plane: Sylica
Alignment: Lawful Exalted
Portfolio: Redemption, battle, order, risen fiends
Worshipers: Paladins, risen fiends, atoners
Cleric Alignments: LG, NG, CG
Domains: Glory, Good, Law, Planning, Purification, Redemption
Favored Weapon: Black Horn Spear (Longspear)

Hell's Bane feels kind of generic as a title. Dunno what if anything to swap it for, Risen Fiend? Risen Devil? Would she want to be called either even with the risen qualifier? Her worshipers list is pretty narrow which fits for a new demigod but she'll probably want to look at broadening that over time.

Antenora's servants, who call themselves the Risens, favor armor over robes or other priestly finery. Armor painted opal blue or gold (or as finances permit inlaid with enchanted opal and gold) is the most common day to day wear. Beyond that Antenora cares little so long as her Risens wear her holy symbol openly, be it worn from the neck or stitched onto their clothing. Like Alicia's clergy, Antenora's often eschew helmets, though she encourages them to procure magical items to provide suitable protection if they choose to do so. Practicality and survival is more important than imitation of Antenora in this particular matter.

Not like helmets actually do anything in D&D!

While Antenora's faith has just begun, there are still five holy days the Risens celebrate. They share and celebrate the Day of Ascension in mid-summer with Alicia's clergy, in which they celebrate both Antenora and Alicia's ascensions to divinity. This is a day of merriment, treated as a chance to refresh oneself from a long year of work. The day begins with a small religious service before a midday feast occupies them until late afternoon, at which point the faithful mingle amid themselves in private celebrations. While her faith is too new to properly incorporate it as of yet, Antenora wishes for the weddings of her Risens to be held on this holiday.

That makes me think of mass weddings like the Moonies did. As a practical consideration for the workload of priests/space in temples it's probably not workable even if I can see it appealing to the orderly mindset.

Antenora's early life is well known, as her legend ties into Alicia's legend well. The story of her escape from Hell, her service with Alicia, Alicia's reversal of Antenora's efforts to corrupt her and her ultimate redemption are no secret. In particular Alicia and Antenora's victories over Baator and the Spark Hunters are well known, as is their part in Romiel's crusade to Avernus that resulted in the death of Duke Agares. Her role as the Angel of the Opal Mountain and the guide for souls of the faithful to be reborn in Sylica is known as part of Alicia and Syala's faiths, as is more of her heroism across the planes.

Could probably mention her part in Androlynne and the friendship it earns from Morwel, plus some of her feelings on the whole law/chaos spectrum when applied to Good.

Beyond Hell, Antenora has enmities with Shar, Malcanthet and the Adversary. She does count all of evil as her foe, so this list should only grow larger in time, as she finds her footing amid the divine. 

Surprised the Adversary's in there considering she wanted to get his help when we went after Rosewater, unless she was that unhappy with the end result that he's now on her shit list.