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Loot and Artifacts: Gimme!

Started by Anastasia, April 17, 2018, 02:47:16 PM

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Thanks! Seeking further clarifications for the following:

Quote from: Anastasia on November 04, 2018, 09:20:26 AM
Quote2) Secondly, a clarification on magic items with several stacking abilities. I've done this a lot in B3, but I find myself rusty now. And when that happens, it's always a good time to reevaluate what you know.

From the SRD page on creating magical items:
QuoteMultiple Similar Abilities
For items with multiple similar abilities that don't take up space on a character's body use the following formula: Calculate the price of the single most costly ability, then add 75% of the value of the next most costly ability, plus one-half the value of any other abilities.

Multiple Different Abilities
Abilities such as an attack roll bonus or saving throw bonus and a spell-like function are not similar, and their values are simply added together to determine the cost. For items that do take up a space on a character's body each additional power not only has no discount but instead has a 50% increase in price.

I remember that when making an item with several different abilities we would have the most expensive power be paid in full as it serves as the base for the item, and every other (cheaper) additions to it had a 50% surcharge. But have we ever used the multiple similar abilities item creation rule? I'm asking because I have an idea for one, obviously, and I've seen you simply sum up all the similar components instead of either giving discounts or placing surcharges on them while tallying things up, so I'm not clear how it would work.

Generally not. Admittedly with B3 I tended to err on the side of expensive since Afina's nightmarish pixie works endless DM nightmare item creation focus made it irrelevant.

Let's use an example, since I'm not clear on how I should work, only on how things worked in B3.

I want to make a Ring of Wizardry I through IX.
20,000 gp (I), 40,000 gp (II), 70,000 gp (III), 100,000 gp (IV) are from the SRD
140,000gp (V), 180,000gp (VI), 230,000gp (VII), 280,000gp (VIII), 340,000gp (IX) are from your progressive cost formula (pre-epic)

Would the Ring of Non-Epic Wizardry cost 20,000gp+40,000gp+70,000gp+100,000gp+140,000gp+180,000gp+230,000gp+280,000gp+340,000gp = 1,400,000gp, or were you merely summing things up for a quick and dirty cost estimate?

QuoteCha-ching. That's an expensive epic magic item. Um, lemme do some math real quick. It's 340k for a Ring of Wizardry 9 alone.

> roll 20000+40000+70000+100000+140000+180000+230000+280000+340000
<Kobot> Kotono rolled 20000+40000+70000+100000+140000+180000+230000+280000+340000 --> {1400000}

1.4 million for what you want. Yeah, no.

Would it cost 20,000gp*0.5+40,000gp*0.5+70,000gp*0.5+100,000gp*0.5+140,000gp*0.5+180,000gp*0.5+230,000gp*0.5+280,000gp*0.75+340,000gp*1 = 940,000gp, as per the multiple similar abilities?

Or would it cost as if there are multiple different abilities? 20,000gp*1.5+40,000gp*1.5+70,000gp*1.5+100,000gp*1.5+140,000gp*1.5+180,000gp*1.5+230,000gp*1.5+280,000gp*1.5+340,000gp*1 = 1,930,000gp?

QuoteBoosting the Hope Diamond with Divine Favor functionality (+3 luck to Attack and to Damage). Amusingly, the Luckstone is made with Divine Favor at the base, so presumably the CL used there is sufficient, and the weird duration of Divine Favor (1 minute) is not an issue. Do you have any formula you could provide for me to use for this? Luckstones in Balmuria have gone 20,000gp for +1, 40,000gp for +2, 80,000gp for +3 (slotless items, of course).

Okay, the bonus divine power gives and the bonus a luckstone gives are different. Which one do you want to add here? Divine favor's bonuses to the item?

I know! I just meant that I want to have a slotless item that gives a constant +3 luck to attack and to damage, same as divine favor. I merely noted that divine favor is already used to make luckstones with a +3 bonus (to saves), so as far as CL goes there are no issues (you asked me about CL values before when I brought it up).

I just don't know if you're allowing this item for me, and if so how much it would cost. I just want to round things out so I don't have to keep on recasting divine favor from my infinite slots. Also, that looks lame.

QuoteHow about the Bright Scale Cloak? Current version is [95,000gp]: Adds 4d10 holy damage to any breath weapon used by the wearer. What's the formula for it, if I want to turn it into a 6d10 or 8d10 or 10d10 bonus?

I don't have my notes from that long ago, so I'd have to rework it from scratch. Looking at the number it was probably fiat. Let me run some numbers later today.

Thanks! Will eagerly await this.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


Belated Amaryl Loot because seriously, Disgaea 5 is that good.

Shadow's Embrace

This cloak functions as a ring of defense+8. It gives the wearer the ability to use shadow walk at will (CL25th) and mindrape once per day (CL25th). Three times per day the wearer of this cloak may summon 1d8 greater shadows with maximum hit points per hit die.

Various minor objects and things worth 200,000 gold that she's cashed out.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Nice! Is it evil? And what's it priced at?
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


It can use mindrape and summon undead. It's evil.

Amaryl didn't get that far, she wants it tossed into the vault for purification, destruction or simply being kept out of the grubby mitts of Sharrans. (If you need a price, ask me later today once I've had more sleep.)
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Seira Loot from Fire (Seira, Amaryl, Omni) - divided three ways

To be sold:
Chainmail+5. (25,000gp)

Flying Carpetx2: SRD standard. (2x20,000gp = 40,000gp)

Beautiful Treasure Chest: 20,000 gold. A masterwork of Hassan Firan, a half efreet, half fire elemental artisan of some renown in the City of Brass.

8390370 copper pieces
930281 silver pieces
100000 gold pieces
100000 gold pieces
100000 gold pieces

Amaryl: Various minor objects and things worth 200,000 gold that she's cashed out.

25,000gp+40,000gp+476,931.8gp+20,000gp+200,000gp = 761,931.8gp /3 = 253,977.26gp

To be kept:
Ledgers: Various ledgers written in a code. With magic and time they should be cracked, or you can simply read them yourselves, as a deity is beyond such problems.

Each sack is a an expanded bag of holding, but it only functions for what is within it - one for copper coins, one for silver, three for gold. The last works for gemstones even if it has none in there right now.

Shadow's Embrace: This cloak functions as a ring of defense+8. It gives the wearer the ability to use shadow walk at will (CL25th) and mindrape once per day (CL25th). Three times per day the wearer of this cloak may summon 1d8 greater shadows with maximum hit points per hit die. -- Evil!

Ring of Hakimi: Grants fast healing 4, a +5 deflection bonus to armor class, constant feather falling and a +2 insight bonus to attack rolls. Only functions if worn by those of the Hakimi efreet bloodline. One of the family's signet rings. Ring of Hakimi's hard to price since it's tied to a bloodline. Makes it something you can't sell easily, though it isn't an artifact.

Parchment Sheet: This one's best explained IC, so bring it up with someone there soon or otherwise just check on it yourself.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


Seira Loot from Vacuum (Seira, Amaryl, Elle, Donald, Sanzha) - divided five ways

To be sold:
Bowl of Lost Treasures: This bowl can steal treasures from up to ten creatures at once. It steals the magic item the creature values the most (as if by a Soul's Treasure Lost spell), except they are absorbed into the bowl rather than being destroyed. With the proper command word, objects absorbed by the bowl can be freed from it. 244,000 gold.

Ring of the Stalker: Grants a +15 competence bonus to Stealth checks and the ability to use greater invisibility (CL10th) once per day. 44,500 gold.

Shadowbond Ring: Grants a +1 bonus to caster level to spells that draw on shadows, such as shadow evocation. 25,000 gold.

Ring of Protection+5, grants a +2 sacred bonus to saving throws. 62,000 gold. (purified)

Oulil Anklet: +10ft bonus to land movement speed: 3,000 gold.

244,000gp+44,500gp+25,000gp+62,000gp+3,000gp = 378,500gp /5 = 75,700gp

To be kept:
Dylisal: Earthbone Steel Heavy Mace+8, profane burst and impact. No price because Earthbone Steel is essentially priceless. You pay favors and other such things for it, not money.

Nightfall: Bracers of Armor+14. Grants a +2 profane bonus to the caster level of spells from the evil domain. 280,000 gold.

Seven: This circlet has powers wrapped in anathema. You'll need personal attention or more to work out its secrets.

Sorrowful Sword: Large greatsword+6. Any damage this blade deals is vile damage. As a swift action, you may attempt to absorb a spell cast on you into the blade. Make an opposed caster level check, the sword has a modifier of 1d20+33. Success absorbs and negates the spell, failure has the spell unaffected. 350,000 gold.

Dead Moons: 2 chakrams+6, unholy and returning. When both chakrams strike the creature, a delayed blast fireball modified by the corrupt spell metamagic is cast (CL24th), centered on where the creature stands.  The thrower of Dead Moons is immune to this fireball. 287,500 gold.

I'm getting the Anklet since an untyped bonus to speed, even just land speed, is very nice. I'll pay for it out of my share when I calculate my money.
Is anyone in my Node interested in the Bowl of Lost Treasures? It's an interesting way to fight, but I doubt it suits me much.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


Alicia's time adventure

Sword of the Eons: Bastard Sword+6. When this sword wounds a creature with a lifespan that is not immortal, the creature ages 1d8 years. The wielder's lifespan increases by 1 week for each year a creature is aged in this manner.
Sphere of Circles: Once per day, a sorcerer may use this sphere to combine up to 3 lesser spells per day into a spell per day of a higher spell level. For example, 3 3rd level spells could be combined to provide an extra 9th level spell for the day. This sphere cannot provide spell levels of a higher level than the user can cast. Extra spells granted by this item vanish after 24 hours.
Dawnshard: When exposed to the light of the dawn, the holder of this shard gains a +3 bonus to armor class for 24 hours. 
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


The rest later, doing this one on request.

QuoteI know! I just meant that I want to have a slotless item that gives a constant +3 luck to attack and to damage, same as divine favor. I merely noted that divine favor is already used to make luckstones with a +3 bonus (to saves), so as far as CL goes there are no issues (you asked me about CL values before when I brought it up).

I just don't know if you're allowing this item for me, and if so how much it would cost. I just want to round things out so I don't have to keep on recasting divine favor from my infinite slots. Also, that looks lame.

RAW an item of continuous divine favor with the sufficient minimal CL and slotless would be 180,000 gold. I don't know if this precisely balances with other things, but honestly this boat has sailed with alter reality being prevalent anyway. If you wanna blow that money on it, feel free. I think more than anything else it's a mistake, it feels like number inflation for the sake of it, as I don't feel you've had many problems keeping up numerically. But eh, as I said it's basically in play with alter reality so whatever.

> roll 1*9*2000
<Rei-chan> Kotono rolled : 1*9*2000 --> {18000}
> roll 18000*4
<Rei-chan> Kotono rolled : 18000*4 --> {72000}
> roll 72000/2
<Rei-chan> Kotono rolled : 72000/2 --> {36000}
> roll 72000+72000+36000
<Rei-chan> Kotono rolled : 72000+72000+36000 --> {180000}
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Alyssa Loot from Court of Stars

1 bunch of ethereal sharpened wire.
1 sorcerous book
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Quote from: Corwin on November 04, 2018, 10:04:13 AMLet's use an example, since I'm not clear on how I should work, only on how things worked in B3.

I want to make a Ring of Wizardry I through IX.
20,000 gp (I), 40,000 gp (II), 70,000 gp (III), 100,000 gp (IV) are from the SRD
140,000gp (V), 180,000gp (VI), 230,000gp (VII), 280,000gp (VIII), 340,000gp (IX) are from your progressive cost formula (pre-epic)

Would the Ring of Non-Epic Wizardry cost 20,000gp+40,000gp+70,000gp+100,000gp+140,000gp+180,000gp+230,000gp+280,000gp+340,000gp = 1,400,000gp, or were you merely summing things up for a quick and dirty cost estimate?

QuoteCha-ching. That's an expensive epic magic item. Um, lemme do some math real quick. It's 340k for a Ring of Wizardry 9 alone.

> roll 20000+40000+70000+100000+140000+180000+230000+280000+340000
<Kobot> Kotono rolled 20000+40000+70000+100000+140000+180000+230000+280000+340000 --> {1400000}

1.4 million for what you want. Yeah, no.

Would it cost 20,000gp*0.5+40,000gp*0.5+70,000gp*0.5+100,000gp*0.5+140,000gp*0.5+180,000gp*0.5+230,000gp*0.5+280,000gp*0.75+340,000gp*1 = 940,000gp, as per the multiple similar abilities?

Or would it cost as if there are multiple different abilities? 20,000gp*1.5+40,000gp*1.5+70,000gp*1.5+100,000gp*1.5+140,000gp*1.5+180,000gp*1.5+230,000gp*1.5+280,000gp*1.5+340,000gp*1 = 1,930,000gp?

They'd fall under multiple similar, seems to be exactly on point for it.

QuoteHow about the Bright Scale Cloak? Current version is [95,000gp]: Adds 4d10 holy damage to any breath weapon used by the wearer. What's the formula for it, if I want to turn it into a 6d10 or 8d10 or 10d10 bonus?

I don't have my notes from that long ago, so I'd have to rework it from scratch. Looking at the number it was probably fiat. Let me run some numbers later today.

Thanks! Will eagerly await this.

For now I'm going to put the kibosh on this. It's one half needing to work and the other that it's something unique and special to you rather than an off the shelf item. It's more likely to improve through nodes. Ask me again in a little while.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Quote from: Corwin on November 08, 2018, 09:35:19 AMComments:I'm getting the Anklet since an untyped bonus to speed, even just land speed, is very nice. I'll pay for it out of my share when I calculate my money.Is anyone in my Node interested in the Bowl of Lost Treasures? It's an interesting way to fight, but I doubt it suits me much.

Amaryl will get the bowl if needed, if only to lock it up. While it's not innately evil, she still feels it's too Sharran to let into the open market. She'll pay for that and the shadowbond ring as needed, with the ring being under the same logic.

Assuming the Ring of the Stalker is clean and clear, Elle's going to suggest holding onto it as a gift for someone else. It's really a wish list sort of item for a rogue or stealth type. It's a not a hill she'll die on, just a suggestion.

<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Given that I personally looked into this stuff, if it's evil its evilness is beyond me to discover, Elle. I guess she can buy it? Same for Amaryl, I think the logic's weird but hey it's cool if she wants to, we don't lack for essential gear. Amusingly, Emily has shadow evocation and shadow conjuration because they're very nice for sorcs, and I bet she's not the only one.

Also, a ledgers reminder. Even if you tell me I won't know IC till things resolve.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake

Iron Dragoon

> Also, I need to buy some ioun stones. Did you ever do like a full set discount? And alternate bonus types?
This is not the greatest post in the world, no... this is just a tribute.


Seira's gear adjustment

My Ring of Wizardry is upgraded to Ring of Wizardry I-IX [470,000gp/940,000gp] on account of multiple similar abilities.
The Hope Diamond is upgraded with +3 luck to attack and to damage at the cost of [90,000gp/180,000gp], its Cord of Dispelling feature is upgraded to +10 [115,000gp/230,000gp] and its Pearls of Power feature is upgraded to I-VII [70,000gp/140,000gp].

That leaves me with 1,677.26gp.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


I was reminded that I already have Boots of Speed, so I'll be adding the Oulil Anklet to them. There goes the remainder of my money.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake