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Started by Corwin, May 09, 2024, 11:04:53 AM

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18:25 <•Anastasia> Home at last. A day of rest passes in well, rest. Getting back to things, recovering, a chance to get yourself back together. By chance Skaya heads out near sunset to get a few things, only to find someone coming down thes treet. A familiar face: Anne. She smiles when she sees you, in a plain dress, all business with her holy symbol worn. "Skaya," she calls, "Your timing's good."
18:26 <Skaya> "I've been told that once or twice before!" Skaya says, smiling at the pleasant surprise.
18:34 <•Anastasia> "I'd like to invite you over for dinner at the orphanage," Anne goes on, "Tonight or another night as you like. They could use another positive influence in their lives."
18:36 <Skaya> "Tonight works," Skaya agrees after thinking it over. There's nothing planned, not so soon after their return. "It's actually a good chance. Remember how I mentioned that our surplus gear could be donated afterwards? A shame about the carriage and horses, but most of the other stuff is still good. Warm clothes, good rope and so on."
18:43 <•Anastasia> "That would certainly be helpful," Anne agrees at that, "Everything helps. When I started, I never imagined how much of everything an orphanage needs and uses up."
18:45 <Skaya> "It's a job that never ends. And when it comes to raising kids, the money is only a sideshow," Skaya commiserates. "Good thing we were able to return so quickly, or they would've all missed you crazily!"
18:56 <•Anastasia> "They already did, but I got enough money out of this that it's worthwhile." Anne answers, "My growth in this will ensure I can serve and protect them all the better now."
18:56 <Skaya> "Is there anyone who's interested in following your footsteps?"
19:04 <•Anastasia> "There's always a few, but not many make it past the trial period." Anne says with a soft sight, heading back toward  the orphanage. "It takes a calling to manage an orphanage, it's a constant drain of effort, attention and love. Many of the children are of poor tempers and lash out from it. Be it the loss of their family, their abandonment and possibly poor treatment before they got here, few
19:04 <•Anastasia> of them are smiling, happy children you wish to imagine."
19:05 <Skaya> "I have the utmost respect for you! Even those smiling, happy children would be a handful for me. Ah, I'm shivering just from thinking of that sort of responsibility~" She does in fact shiver, shaking her head. "How terrifying!"
19:14 <•Anastasia> "No matter how hard you try," Anne continues, softer, "Some chooes to run away. There's failures no matter how hard you try. Regrets, sorrows, lives that never had a chance to be good and know real happiness. Somehow, you have to balance those against your successes, or you'll drown under them. No, it's no surprise that few are cut out for this work. It's why I ask for donations, not service."
19:17 <Skaya> "A bit of both, where it comes to Rina and Regis," Skaya muses, nudging Anne as she walks by her side.
19:24 <•Anastasia> "A bit of both, but they're strong." Anne nudges you right back. "You may not have the will to do that, but you're wise enough to realize that.
19:24 <•Anastasia> "
19:25 <Skaya> "That's the kindest way I've been told that I'm lazy, you know," Skaya tells her with another grin.
19:44 <•Anastasia> "Hardly," Anne's smiling back, "Industry takes many forms."
19:48 <Skaya> "I guess that's true. I do have a few hobbies. How about you? Any non-orphanage-related things you like to do with your valuable free time?"
19:59 <•Anastasia> "Sleep." After a moment Anne looks to you, "It's a little sad that this is what comes to mind, but when I have free time, I'm usually exhausted. A little bit of magic can help, but it's not wise to rely on that too often."
20:01 <Skaya> "It's a bit sad," Skaya agrees. "Maybe you could try to integrate some hobbies into your work? Teach the kids to read through books from genres you like, arrange for pottery classes you can also participate in, that sort of thing?"
20:14 <•Anastasia> "I do when money permits," Anne says, "Which is why we need donations, or yet another reason."
20:15 <Skaya> "I guess it all comes down to that," Skaya muses. "Did you try partnering with some artisans? Have a few kids take on an apprenticeship?"
20:19 <•Anastasia> "We've managed a few for that, and it's for those who are older and have little hope of adoption," Anne continues at that, "Ideally, we find every child a home. In reality..."
20:23 <Skaya> "At least they'll get a good upbringing and a chance to start their adult life properly. That's a lot more than many people get in this world."
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


18:08 <•Anastasia> "We can do that much," Anne says, then side eyes you, "Which is why we need so many donations."
18:09 — Skaya grins at her. "That might've been effective if I hadn't just donated to you earlier."
18:15 <•Anastasia> With an easy smile, "The children always need more donations to see their way in this difficult world, do they not?"
18:16 <Skaya> "Which is precisely why it's wise to cultivate an investor like myself! And invest in my welfare!"
18:21 <•Anastasia> With a soft giggle you're lead along - to the orphanage, a bombardment of children getting ready for dinner. It's a big communal dining hall, several long tables and a large kitchen with half a dozen women working away within. You can see them all, from those a few years old to those on the cusp of their teenage years and a little beyond. A loud, moving mass of humanity that Anne takes you to,
18:21 <•Anastasia> as they hurry inand get settled in. The smell of cooking soup and bread fills your nose as you enter.
18:22 <Skaya> "You know, I've been thinking of picking up an instrument," Skaya muses as she accompanies Anne. She might as well help, she's good for any number of dinner-related chores. "Or maybe singing, but I'm not really feeling that right now."
18:30 <•Anastasia> "Have you? I've never had the time or inclination," Anne mentions as eyes turn to all of you. She smiles at you and nods, "Children, please be seated. The meal will begin shortly." That gets compliance more or less, everyone settling in. "Everyone, this is Skaya. A few of you have seen her before, but she's here to have dinner with us. Everyone, please say hello to her."
18:30 <•Anastasia> As one, a small tidal wave of voices, "Hi there, Miss Skaya!"
18:32 <Skaya> "Heya!" she greets them cheerfully, before telling Anne, "Time's not an issue, and inclination is a function of interest. Ever felt like learning an instrument?"
18:42 <•Anastasia> So many happy smiles as the food comes out. Soup, bread and a little bit of fruit. Simple food, but enough to at least feel fed. Anne and you get the exact same food as she sits a moment, but no one starts yet. "One moment," Anne murmurs, "Everyone, give thanks for the food and the hope you were given this day." Heads are bowed, a moment of silence, and then everyone tucks in. Once that's done,
18:42 <•Anastasia> "Only if the day sprouts a twenty fifth and twenty sixth hour," Anne says with a hint of wry amusement. "Perhaps a twenty seventh as well."
18:43 <Skaya> "There's magic for that," Skaya responds, observing the food provided. Having the same kind is fine, but if the older kids are not receiving more nutrition she'll find a private moment to talk to Anne about it.
18:48 <•Anastasia> Serving sizes look to be adjusted for age. "...After our trip to whatever that ruin was, I think I'll pass on time magic of any kind."
18:49 <Skaya> "Wise choice. It'll keep you away from giant golden golems." Skaya makes a face. Inevitables! "I'm still mad!"
18:56 <•Anastasia> "I do wonder what was hidden there," Anne speculates, "And what else was in that draconic stronghold. However, I fear that the lesson to be learned was a simple one: That like those mages we battled, we reached for something beyond our ability to safely grasp. Whatever those ruins are, they are the domain of heroes greater than us."
18:58 <Skaya> "Not greater. Just ones with more free time," Skaya objects. "If the ruins didn't collapse because of that Inevitable, we could've accomplished a lot. And who knows? Perhaps one day a path back there will be opened."
19:02 <•Anastasia> "Until that day," Anne smiles, then turns, "Gregory!" she calls sharply, as a young child freezes, a mushy carrot in his spoon, about to be launched. Other children giggle at him as he drops it back into his soup. She nods at him and returns to the conversation. "The most vexing part is when we grow lax or unfortunate, and a food fight breaks out. So much wasted food."
19:03 <Skaya> "Even if falls to the floor, you can still eat it!"
19:07 <•Anastasia> Anne's face twists in disgust, while several children laugh at that and call, "Yeah!"
19:08 <•Anastasia> "Children, do not eat off the floor," Anne's voice has a strong note of mother in her, something that jolts the spine in memories of past days long ago. "Do not throw your food or otherwise engage in a food fight. Be respectful of those who gave you money to eat with."
19:08 <Skaya> "Ah, but it won't taste as good, so isn't it a shame?" she adds for the benefit of the impressionable children. "And listen to Anne! Or she'll be scary!"
19:15 <•Anastasia> The children aren't arguing with either of that, just listening. "Good, now please continue enjoying your meal," she says, and things go back to normal. After that, "Not a child has grown with in me, yet I feel I have more mothering experience than a dozen wives."
19:18 <Skaya> "Speaking of such experience, working at the Guild is a bit like a wife or a girlfriend," Skaya muses, gesturing with a spoonful of soup. "I wonder how many adventurers like that sort of interaction. And it's all properly wholesome, too!"
19:28 <•Anastasia> "Of course." Anne keeps her voice down for this, "The men do like their lovely, supportive women."
19:29 <Skaya> "Even I want to talk about my troubles with someone from time to time, so I can definitely understand!"
19:32 <•Anastasia> A nod at that as the evening passes pleasantly and...OOC: Anything else you want to say to Anne here?
19:33 <Skaya> OOC: I'm good. I'll grab her when the next plot hook happens!
19:37 <•Anastasia> OOC: Sure, short pause while I finish up Neph's scene.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


18:29 <•Anastasia> ----
18:29 <•Anastasia> Afterwards, normality. As much as it is - what does Devar do with a day off and no responsibilities whatsoever? OOC: Go ahead and fill this in a bit, give you a chance to breathe with him first off.
18:35 <Devar> It ended with generally little violence - thank Eldath - but what an adventure that was. It's important to unwind after any adventure or outing, something he learned in the last few years. So today he's just wandering around town - though maybe today he'll stop by that orphanage that Anne kept mentioning. Eh, he'll get there eventually - for now he's just patrolling the edge of town, ear
18:35 <Devar> perked for anything out of the ordinary. 'Statistically speaking,' as Sanda would say, right?
18:39 <•Anastasia> Mellanics is busy in the summer heat. As you'd expect, a town alive and vital. Much of your day passes like this, a pleasant if warm walk. But deep into the afternoon as you pass by several small shops? You catch a sight. Sanda, one hand on her hip and the other waving a cane around, arguing with what looks to be a fish merchant. Nearby Regis watches with unhidden amusement, arms crossed.
18:43 <Devar> He knows better than to interject himself in between, so instead he steps up next to Regis. "Price dispute?" He asks simply.
18:50 <•Anastasia> It's a simple roadside stall, a bit of wood and canvas, along with carts holding fish. Regis shakes his head, "Mm. Something like that. I get the impression they know each other."
18:51 <Devar> A nod as he settles in to watch. He does like fish!
18:51 <•Anastasia> Meanwhile Sanda and the merchant, a chubby man with a scowl, stare each other down. "I don't care where you went. Fish are hard to get here except for little lake fish. I'm not discounting them, I can't afford to."
18:51 <•Anastasia> Sanda hmphs, "I can tell your bottom lines, old man. There's plenty of fat to trim if you want to give a discount."
18:52 <•Anastasia> "If I go under price, I lose money on the sale," The merchant retorts, "I'm here to make a living, not give you a discount. You want cheap fish, go journey north and have the magic to preserve them for the trip back."
18:53 <•Anastasia> With a wave of her cane, "Nonsense! Your bottom line is so padded it could stop a greatsword!"
18:54 <•Anastasia> Slowly Regis exhales before with a murmur to Devar, "I still say she should settle for beef for dinner instead."
18:58 <Devar> With a smile, Devar decides to break his silence and move forward. "My word, all of this noise - what type of fish has you both so fired up, anyway?" He asks.
19:00 <•Anastasia> "Sea Kings, the finest fish in the ocean," Is the immediate answer from the merchant. "Well worth every coin."
19:00 <•Anastasia> "Hardly! These prices are absurd, transportation or not," Sanda goes on hotly, "I can do the math, statistically speaking, your fish are overpriced!"
19:01 <•Anastasia> "They are not," Waving a finger in Sanda's face, "You entitled little woman, no wonder you don't have a husband."
19:01 <•Anastasia> Sanda's eyes go narrow at that, "Excuse me?" she asks, all ice.
19:01 <•Anastasia> Regis whistles and shakes his head, but stays out of it.
19:01 <Devar> OOC: Take 10 on K:L for 16, what's the usual price for Sea Kings?
19:02 <Devar> OOC: Sorry, 20, not that it probably matters for this
19:02 <•Anastasia> In Mellanics? Very rare due to the distance from the sea. 20 gold would be reasonable for a single fish, as only magic can get them here fast enough. His prices for them range from roughly 20-25 gold per fish.
19:03 <Devar> "How about I buy two of them for 35 gold. Is that fair? You probably don't sell many due to how pricy they are, so a small discount for buying two seems reasonable to me." He asks.
19:11 <•Anastasia> The merchant turns from Sanda's icy gaze and looks to you, "An interesting offer, sir, but I'm afraid that's still a little low. I can give you two good ones for 40 gold instead."
19:11 <•Anastasia> Yes, if Sanda's gaze could kill, ice daggers would be doing just that. Her cane's pointed in his general direction as well.
19:13 <Devar> "That's fine." He says with a smile, then turns to Sanda. "You know, cuts of beef are a lot cheaper around here, or do you not eat meat?"
19:18 <•Anastasia> With a sniff, "I felt like fish for awhile, and his pitch was good as it always is. But his prices!" Waving her cane about, "We can do math, old man!"
19:19 <•Anastasia> "Then we have a deal," The merchant is now all smiles, getting you your fish. "I can do math too, Miss, and I think better than you, at least for my own bottom line."
19:21 <Devar> "The prices aren't unreasonable." Devar says. "They do have to travel far to get here - and magic's the only real way to keep them fresh. Maybe we could get into the business if fighting earth elementals stops being profitable." He reaches into his pouch to get the 40 coins.
19:28 <•Anastasia> You get your fish. Sanda merely hmphs and turns away from him, "Thank you, Devar," she responds instead. OOC: Post expense in loot.
19:29 <Devar> "You're welcome. I'm not much of a chef, but if you didn't have any plans for the fish I can come up with something." He says, casting Prestidigitation to keep them both chilled for the time being.
19:45 <•Anastasia> "You bought them, of course you can cook them," Sanda agrees with that, "They should be excellent regardless."
19:46 <Devar> "Oh, I wasn't interrupting anything between you two, right?" He asks, having a realization.
19:53 <•Anastasia> Sanda tilts her head, "What do you mean?"
19:54 <•Anastasia> "Nothing," Regis doesn't miss that beat on the other hand, "Nothing to worry about there at all."
19:57 <Devar> A bit of a smile at Sanda and then a nod to Regis. "Well, these will keep for a while." He says. "If you all don't have a place you all frequent I usually eat at the Rowdy Ram, they'd probably let me borrow the kitchen for something as rare as these."
20:05 <•Anastasia> "Let's go," Sanda agrees to that, smiling to you. She starts to go ahead, giving you a moment wtih Regis. He comes up, "Feel free if you want to," he murmurs under his breath, "Don't let me stop you if she's your type."
20:07 <Devar> "Nothing to worry about there at all." He says with a smile back to Regis.
20:14 <•Anastasia> "Wise man," Regis banters and starts to follow, "Wise man."
20:18 <Devar> A bit of a smile at that. "So what has you two out and about today anyway? Just waiting for another prophesized adventure to fall into your laps?" He asks with a laugh. "I don't know that I'll be having any quite like that one anytime soon."
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


18:07 <•Anastasia> <Devar> A bit of a smile at that. "So what has you two out and about today anyway? Just waiting for another prophesized adventure to fall into your laps?" He asks with a laugh. "I don't know that I'll be having any quite like that one anytime soon."
18:12 <•Anastasia> "Dinner," Sanda says as if it's obvious, statistically speaking.
18:12 <•Anastasia> "I was along with it since it was a free meal," Regis admits shamelessly. "Never turn down free food."
18:15 <Devar> "You shouldn't." Devar agrees. "Well, it'll be more expensive than usual but I think we deserve a bit of a feast after all the trouble."
18:16 <•Anastasia> From there you're swept to Sanda's house - attached to her shop, full of books. Regis whistles at them all as Sanda weaves around a stack of them and goes to the kitchen, "Putting all your profits into the written word?" Stacks of them are in corners, next to bookshelves and even on tables. The only thing that breaks the clutter is more clutter, namely various potted plants. It smells of
18:16 <•Anastasia> dust, pollen and plants here.
18:19 <•Anastasia> "It's a wizard's perogative," Sanda answers as she takes the fish to be cooked, "Knowledge is learning, and learning leads to more spells."
18:20 <Devar> OOC: K:P for 21 - I know how Sylvie is from personal experience but would that tell me she's big on knowledge and books, or is that Sanda's personal slant?
18:22 <•Anastasia> OOC: That's entirely Sanda's personal slant. IT would match Sylvie's opinions, though she doesn't really take faithful so it's more of an obscure fact.
18:24 <Devar> "We'll definitely have to compare notes sometime." Devar says. "I've been dabbling in arcane matters as well, I'm hoping to specialize a bit into the various armor spells."
18:35 <•Anastasia> "Oh, are you?" Sanda says as she cooks, "Like Mage Armor and the like? I've heard there's a greater version of it, but I've not managed to weave a spell of that circle yet."
18:36 <•Anastasia> Regis clears away some books to sit on an old chair, "Really? You look every inch the strong warrior, not the...well, mage like Sanda."
18:37 <Devar> "I had a change of heart." He says with a bit of a smile. "Eldath pointed me in a slightly different direction. I still have my faith and strength as a paladin, though."
18:44 <•Anastasia> "Eldath, Eldath..." A few murmurs, before Regis snaps his fingers, "Pacifism, right? That's like the anti-Tempus."
18:44 <•Anastasia> "Also plants and springs," Sanda calls back as she gets the fish frying, speaking up over the pop and crackle of it.
18:48 <Devar> "It is admittedly a shift." Devar says, taking the fish towards the kitchen area. "I don't take a vow of pacifism or anything, but I try and find non-lethal solutions if they present themselves. They usually do not."
18:52 <•Anastasia> "They didn't last time, besides a few times with the elementals," Regis reflects, "But many of the strange things we battled were beyond words."
18:52 <•Anastasia> "Or too unintelligent to care," Sanda counters, "Troubling but unavoidable."
18:56 <Devar> "I still wonder what those elementals even wanted." He says. "We probably won't ever find out."
19:06 <•Anastasia> "Those are the worst, the missions where you stumble over something bigger and don't get all the answers," Regis kicks back, "The worst. So many questions you can't answer."
19:07 <•Anastasia> AS fish fries and the smell begins to fill the room, "That's what divinations are for. When I can manage them myself with the right odds of success, I'll get the answers."
19:09 <Devar> "Oh, that's true - Anne's might have the ability to do that now? I'm not sure. I definitely got a bit stronger from our adventure, so I can help out with healing a lot more now too." He says, cooking the fish in the meantime.
19:27 <•Anastasia> "Oh good," Sanda says, "Because I still have zero healing."
19:27 <•Anastasia> "The same," Regis admits freely, "If I work with all of you again, best to have Anne or you along then, Devar."
19:54 <Devar> "Yeah, she's really an inspiration - which I guess is what she'd like to hear." Devar says with a bit of a chuckle.
19:58 <•Anastasia> "It is," Sanda says as she sniffs and comes over, plates of food. "But for now, let's eat." OOC: Anything else you want to say or add here, Neph?
19:58 <Devar> OOC: Nope, we good
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


19:54 <•Anastasia> ---
19:54 <•Anastasia> OOC: Okay, quick check. Going alone or with Sanda?
19:54 <Skaya> OOC: Sanda
20:01 <•Anastasia> Cerine the Half-Woman's manor is as you remember it. You're lead inside this time, to a small sunroom where Cerine rests. Her eyes are closed as the summer sunshine warms her, looking over at you and Sanda as you're escorted in. OOC: Go ahead.
20:02 <Skaya> "Hello again, Miss Cerine," Skaya greets her. "I'm sure you've heard already, but your estimate was spot on!"
20:06 <•Anastasia> A soft smile, "I see," she says, "And both of you are none the worse for wear?"
20:06 <•Anastasia> "We're alive and have all our parts attached," Sanda says, "By the odds that means we did well."
20:08 <Skaya> "You could say it was statistically improbable, so we must've had good luck or a hidden backer behind the scenes!" Skaya says brightly.
20:13 <•Anastasia> "Regardless, business," Cerine continues, "That ring of yours is indeed more interesting than I first thought."
20:13 <•Anastasia> "Of course," Sanda says, "That strange trance couldn't have been the only thing it did."
20:15 <Skaya> "What were you able to discover?" Skaya asks, leaning over curiously.
20:19 <•Anastasia> "The daze effect is a side effect, as is calling to people," Cerine explains, "What it's really doing is slowly changing the body and mind of the wearer, and constantly seeking new wearers. It takes a long time, longer than a normal creature can live in that daze before thirst or even starvation gets them. It's preparing them to be something, perhaps a vessel for some creature."
20:19 <•Anastasia> "What sort of changes?" Sanda asks right away.
20:21 <•Anastasia> "Improved vitality, quickened reflexes, enhanced strength," Listed off one after another, "The mind becomes weaker, more pliant. Easy to replace and sweep aside, I fear."
20:21 <Skaya> "And actually, how were you able to draw that insight out?"
20:21 <•Anastasia> "A well compensated commoner was paid well for wearing it and being fed." Is the answer, "I stopped it once I concluded it was likely preparing him to be a vessel."
20:23 <Skaya> "Amazing!"
20:23 <•Anastasia> "How extreme were the changes?" Sanda then asks.
20:24 <•Anastasia> "He was an average man, physically. He now can lift two hundred pounds with little issue, leap higher than his height from standing still and worked all day with no signs of fatigue." Then with a paiend look, "His mind, though, is much quieter. Had I not known him before, I would thought he was born a dullard."
20:26 <Skaya> "A way to train up special forces for the army, I suppose? For volunteers?" Skaya muses. "But the whole preparing a vessel thing is terrifying. Especially since there are drawbacks like feeblemindedness, that's surely a lower plane origin."
20:31 <•Anastasia> "I have no doubt it's something pernicious," Cerine agrees, "I'm going to insist on purchasing it to study and see if it should be destroyed. I believe the answer will be yes, but it's an unusual working of magic. Of course, there's no price for such a thing, so one must improvise."
20:34 <Skaya> "Since it's so shady, I think you should keep investigating it if you enjoy the process," Skaya agrees. "If it turns out to have been misunderstood, I'd be happy to enjoy the benefits you could unlock from it. That aside, I'd be glad if you took a look at a couple of rings we found in the ancient dragon ruins."
20:39 <•Anastasia> "I can do that," An agreement to that, "What do they do?"
20:41 <Skaya> "They make me glow in a very pretty color," Skaya says, demonstrating the effects. "Also, they combine! How magical! I suspect they serve as keys to some magical barriers at the ruin, but I have no way of returning to check, alas."
20:45 <•Anastasia> "I'll let you know in a few days," she says, "Come back then and I'll tell you more."
20:45 <Skaya> "Sure! We'll also have something exciting to share by then."
20:48 <•Anastasia> OOC: Good to wrap this up here then?
20:49 <Skaya> OOC: Sure
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


18:06 <•Anastasia> ---
18:08 <•Anastasia> Summer continues. The heat of the season reaches towards its apex as Skaya works away as a receptionist. It's busy and hectic this morning, everyone coming and going as tasks are taken and cashe din. Devar's there for the same thing as...OOC: Go ahead and set yourselves up, I'll roll from there.
18:10 — Skaya has learned much from her wizard friend! With her magical options expanding, she's spending one of her treasured spells to keep cool and comfortable throughout the summer days. It even adds to her image, she finds!
18:12 <Devar> For his part Devar's just continued to take collection requests and is there looking through the various ones posted - summer's always got certain things blooming or some animal that's come into the habitat.
18:18 <•Anastasia> Right now a brand new, 18 year old worker comes up to Skaya. He smiles as he says, "Hi there. Skaya, right?" Pretty for a guy, good jawline and strong bodied. "I have one." At the same time as he leans in just a little closer than decorum suggests? Devar sees the various requests. Lots of monster elimination requests, it's that time of year. Also some caravan guarding as well as retrieving lost
18:18 <•Anastasia> goods. Along with all the minor jobs for protection, elimination and - "Hey Skaya! Devar!" Milla Knightson's voice carries over the noise, getting people to shut up. She stands in the doorway, hands on her hips as she calls, "You two, over here!"
18:21 <Devar> Hm, caravan guarding is usually lucrative - at least in general, he certainly considers-- huh? He looks over from the board.
18:22 <•Anastasia> Milla Knightson is tall for a woman, a striking brunette with short hair and wearing traveler's clothes, if ones of obviously high quality and make. Eyes turn to her, not a one of which seems to faze her for a moment.
18:24 <Skaya> "My apologies, but I need to see what this is about," Skaya tells the pushy man with a matching smile even as she keeps her distance and heads towards Milla.
18:25 <•Anastasia> With an escape made, Skaya comes on over. Milla nods to her and calls, "Come on, Devar, you two are being recruited."
18:25 <Devar> "May I ask for what?" He says, though he accompanies Skaya in approaching.
18:25 <Skaya> "It's an honor," Skaya says for her part, waiting to hear more.
18:26 <•Anastasia> Milla leads you outside and away a bit first, for a modicum of privacy. "Both of you proved yourselves in the last incident," Milla explains, "I want to see first hand how good you've gotten, and I could use a few extra hands on some exterminations, someone to watch my back."
18:29 <Skaya> "I've improved my fighting skills a bit," Skaya muses. "Mostly because I had a chance to work properly with others."
18:32 <Devar> "I appreciate the consideration." Devar says. "It sounds like a good opportunity to keep things peaceful for people."
18:33 <•Anastasia> "It'll pay good, too. 1,000 split three ways, plus any treasure we get," Milla continues, "Can either of you heal?"
18:34 <Skaya> "Not yet, I'm still in training. But Devar can manage it!"
18:38 <•Anastasia> "Good, potions are expensive," Milla says, "And I've not got the talent for it."
18:39 <Devar> "I've developed a decent amount of it." He says. "It's still a little limited, but I should be able to cover it." He says. "Honestly, I've considered trying to learn how to make potions due to how expensive they are, I just haven't had the time to commit to it."
18:40 <Skaya> "Can you provide more details about the job?" Skaya asks Milla. "Do you already have a list of targets? Or is this more of a being on retainer thing?"
18:44 <•Anastasia> "Yes, three targets not that far from town. With good horses we can hit all three in a day. The first is an ankheg nest, any past the first two is extra payment, 50 gold per for the third and fourth, 100 for the fifth and beyond. The second is a location of a possible dire wolf lair, if it's there eliminate it or confirm it's there otherwise, and if not report it as a false alarm. The last is
18:44 <•Anastasia> a request to eliminate a rust monster that's lairing in a farmer's field. Save your spells and arrows for that one, or use your fists. If we run into any beyond the first, it's 500 gold for each additional one eliminated, due to the risk they pose to equipment."
18:46 <Devar> "It's a good thing I can at least throw a decent punch then." Devar says. "If it comes to it I can prepare some spell options for that one, too."
18:47 <•Anastasia> "Our group's well suited to that task," Milla goes on, "It's one reason I chose the two of you for it. Most won't approach a rust monster unless you grossly overpay because of the risk. It's not worth it to them."
18:49 <Skaya> "Yes, a rust monster is definitely doable," Skaya agrees.
18:52 <•Anastasia> "So dire wolves, rust monsters and ankhegs. We have to conserve our strength and accomplish all three of these." Arms crossed beneath her bosom as she regards the two of you, "In what order would you two suggest we accomplish these in and why?"
18:53 <Skaya> "Rust monster. Let's deal with the nastiest one first."
18:54 <Devar> "I'd agree with that." Devar says. "If it takes the most resources to deal with, then we have plenty of time to recover afterwards."
19:00 <•Anastasia> "Alright," Milla agrees, a serious look, "Second?"
19:00 <Skaya> "Let's go for the wolf next. Searching is a nice break from combat, and it might not even be there."
19:03 <•Anastasia> "Rust monster, wolf, ankheg," Milla confirms, "We'll try it that way. Let's see what the two of you have."
19:03 <Skaya> "Lead the way~"
19:04 <Devar> "I look forward to it." He says with a smile.
19:08 <•Anastasia> roll 1d100
19:08 <•Anastasia> OOC: Oen sec.
19:08 → Kobot joined (
19:09 <•Anastasia> roll 1d100
19:09 <Kobot> Anastasia rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=63 ]{63}
19:10 <•Anastasia> You head out to the edge of town, where horses await. As you do...OOC: Both of you give me Perception with a +1 bonus.
19:10 <Skaya> OOC: I'll take 10 for 20
19:10 <Devar> roll 1d20+9
19:10 <Kobot> Devar rolled 1d20+9 --> [ 1d20=3 ]{12}
19:16 <•Anastasia> As you head out to the town outskirts, it's not hard for Skaya and Devar to notice someone trying to follow them. Someone on the shorter side and wearing a hooded cloak. It rather stands out considering it's the height of the hot, sunny summer weather. They must be sweating a storm under that.
19:17 <Skaya> "Let's say hi to our stalker?"
19:20 <•Anastasia> "I was going to let the head knock them out first," Milla says casually, in a low voice for the three of you. "But if youw ant to confront, go ahead."
19:20 <•Anastasia> *heat
19:21 <Devar> "By all means." Devar agrees to Skaya.
19:21 — Skaya turns towards the stalker and beckons them over!
19:24 <•Anastasia> The stalker freezes before approaching, slowly. After a few moments, "We aren't going to hurt you unless you're hostile. Calm down and act like an adult."
19:24 <Skaya> "Are you an adult?" Skaya asks curiously.
19:31 <Devar> Devar tries to hide a chuckle at that comment with a cough into his fist.
19:33 <•Anastasia> The hood's pushed back. It's a young man, face sweaty. Youthful. His brown hair is plastered to his forehead. "I'm on my own," he banters back, "You're Skaya, right? And that's Devar?"
19:34 <Skaya> "Pleasure to meet you! So, who are you and why are you stalking us?"
19:35 <Devar> "We're a popular pair it seems."
19:38 <•Anastasia> "I heard about you from John, who heard about you from Matron Anne." He says, "Says you're big shots who can get it done. So take me with you and teach me!"
19:39 <Skaya> "How much are you paying for training?"
19:45 <•Anastasia> "..." A long moment before, "...I don't have any money." A more sullen voice.
19:46 <Skaya> "Do you have marketable skills that would allow you to pay in trade?"
19:49 <•Anastasia> A look down, a long shake of his head instead.
19:50 <Skaya> "Wow, a real challenge, here! So what trade exactly do you want to learn?"
19:53 <•Anastasia> "I can fight," he says, chin up now. "Just show me some monsters and how and I'll fight them down."
19:53 <•Anastasia> Milla exhales a breath, but leaves it to SKaya and Devar, at least for now.
19:55 <Skaya> "You're statistically likely to die without seeing a single coin, though," Skaya muses, looking at him critically. "Anne will be sad, you know."
19:56 <Devar> "She'll probably scold him when he shows back up again." Devar muses.
19:58 <•Anastasia> "Go back to Anne, kid," Milla advises, "Green talent that does things like this ends up dead." Her words are blunt, "As you are now, you'd be a liability out there."
19:59 <Devar> "I don't mind taking you on a few requests when we get back to find out what you excel at." Devar offers. "I'm sure Skaya and I can find you something."
20:00 <Skaya> "Here, take a look," Skaya says, taking pity on him and demonstrating a proper punch a few times slowly. "Repeat that five thousand times a day, do it properly, and come back when it becomes second nature."
20:07 <•Anastasia> Devar's offer gets the kid to at least perk up some, "You would?" he asks, hopeful to Devar. He also takes in what Skaya does, watching intently.
20:08 <Devar> "Yes, but you have to actually ask Anne's permission." He says.
20:09 <Skaya> Ah, she really isn't suitable for babysitting. Anne would've handled it so much better.
20:12 <•Anastasia> A slight slump at that, but, "I'll ask Anne," he says, sounding sullen. "But she's so-"
20:13 <Skaya> "If you badmouth my friend I will smack you," Skaya interrupts him with a bright smile.
20:15 <•Anastasia> "T-thanks. I'll see you later, Devar," The kid knows when to fold them, taking tha tand hurrying away.
20:16 <Devar> "Well, that was interesting."
20:17 <Skaya> "It's so weird. If the kids want to learn how to fight, wouldn't it make sense to ask Anne for some tips?"
20:22 <•Anastasia> "I don't think he likes Anne," Milla observes, then with a bit of a cocky smile, "Make some waves, get attention. You get used to it. That's nice of you Devar, but you'll soon find the time you have is insufficient for the hopeful."
20:22 <Skaya> "People should learn there are no free meals, or they'll be taken advantage of before long."
20:31 <•Anastasia> "Speaking of nothing free, let's get going," Milla says, wiping her brow, "It's only going to get hotter today."
20:32 — Skaya follows, not feeling the heat!
20:34 <•Anastasia> OOC: For my reference, do you have actual heat protection, Skaya?
20:35 <Skaya> OOC: I actually do have fire resistance 5, and I also used endure elements earlier that day
20:36 <•Anastasia> OOC: I'll bear that in mind for any heat relatedissues, should generally get you off the hook. More.
20:36 <•Anastasia> roll 1d100
20:36 <Kobot> Anastasia rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=25 ]{25}
20:43 <•Anastasia> You have good, fast horses. You begin to head northeast, right out of town. The sun's hot and rising, but soon enough you reach a little farm outside of town. It's fields surrounded by a farmhouse and barn, fieldhands all at work safe for one field, which is left empty. The farmer is a man, sweaty and maybe thirty. He walks forward, fair haired and wearing a farmer's old,s tained clothes. "Are
20:43 <•Anastasia> you from the Heroic Guild?"
20:44 <Skaya> "That's true! I'm Skaya, pleased to meet you!" she introduces herself.
20:44 <Devar> "Devar, likewise." He adds a nod and a smile.
20:47 <•Anastasia> "Milla," An introduction as well, "You're Garman, yes?"
20:48 <•Anastasia> "Yeah," The man says, then spits to the side, "You see that empty field there," He points at it, "It comes up there when anything metal's around. Sometimes right under it, sometimes nearby."
20:49 <Skaya> "How long does it usually take? And how large of a metal object does it need to be?"
20:54 <•Anastasia> "A hoe or shovel's big enough, and a few minutes," Is the answer, "It's pretty quick, no good farming when it comes up that fast."
20:55 <Skaya> "Got a shovel to loan out?"
20:58 <•Anastasia> A shovel is duly produced.
20:59 <Skaya> Taking the shovel, Skaya heads out into the empty field! Once the bait had been left, she'll back away a few feet and wait!
21:03 <•Anastasia> As Skaya does, Milla murmurs, "Now when it appears, attack on my mark," she says, "Follow my words andl et me guide you. We'll be much more effective that way."
21:04 <Skaya> "Works for me," she easily agrees.
21:05 <Devar> Devar nods. "By all means." He says.
21:09 <•Anastasia> A nod at that as...OOC: We'll start combat next time, since I don't want to start a combat then leave it on pause for two weeks.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


19:01 <•Kotono> OOC: Before we begin, doe sanyone need any refreshers?
19:01 <Skaya> OOC: Rust monster!
19:05 <•Kotono> OOC: Rust monster. I'll take that as a no. More then.
19:07 <•Kotono> The shovel is placed down. There's a long pause of several moments and then? The ground shakes and the creature emerges out. A four legged, shelled and incetoid thing with a long tail, almost as big as a horse. It erupts out at once as, "NOW! For victory!" Milla cries, as...OOC: Motivate Dexterity, so +5 on the incoming init checks. For now surprise round so go, you two.
19:09 <Skaya> Standing only a few feet away as she is, Skaya doesn't miss a chance to close in and kick at the creature's leg joints!
19:09 <Skaya> OOC: Once we have a bot
19:09 <•Kotono> OOC: That would help, wouldn't it? One moment.
19:09 → Kobot joined (
19:10 <•Kotono> OOC: Go for it.
19:10 <Skaya> roll 2#1d20+5
19:10 <Kobot> Skaya rolled 2#1d20+5 --> [ 1d20=11 ]{16}, [ 1d20=11 ]{16}
19:10 <•Kotono> OOC: Two hits.
19:10 <Skaya> roll 2#1d8+3+4 cunning insight x2
19:10 <Kobot> Skaya rolled 2#1d8+3+4 cunning insight x2 --> [ 1d8=5 ]{12}, [ 1d8=5 ]{12}
19:11 <•Kotono> OOC: Rolling doubles today. Neph, go ahead and go and I'll resolve botha t once.
19:11 <Devar> Devar moves in, attempting to keep it from acting at all by stunning it before it can react!
19:11 <Devar> roll 1d20+6
19:11 <Kobot> Devar rolled 1d20+6 --> [ 1d20=1 ]{7}
19:13 <•Kotono> Two things happen at once, very fast. Skaya strikes like lightning, snaps as skittering legs are broken. Devar winds back and aims, but Skaya's blows knock it back and it's a clean miss. Then Milla lunges in and...
19:13 <•Kotono> roll 1d20+13
19:13 <Kobot> Kotono rolled 1d20+13 --> [ 1d20=19 ]{32}
19:13 <•Kotono> roll 1d20+13 crit?
19:13 <Kobot> Kotono rolled 1d20+13 crit? --> [ 1d20=5 ]{18}
19:14 <•Kotono> roll 2d8+14
19:14 <Kobot> Kotono rolled 2d8+14 --> [ 2d8=14 ]{28}
19:17 <•Kotono> With the beast already off balance and wounded, Milla strikes fast. Faster than Skaya's seen her move before, one blow that cracks the rust monster's head open. It collapses and skids back, going still as its blood waters the farmer's field.  Milla looks down at it afterwards, shaking her hand. "Good. Another one dealt with."
19:18 <Skaya> "Nice!" Skaya cheers, reaching out for a high five.
19:22 <•Kotono> In the distance the farmer watches, as a few cheers go up at the party's win. Meanwhile Milla turns and nods, "Good strategy all around," she says, "One down, two to go."
19:22 <Devar> "Very well done." Devar says, having not really added much to his own dismay! "Hopefully the rest will be as simple."
19:22 <Skaya> "Don't want to stick around and check if there's more of them?" Skaya asks, picking up the slightly-used shovel.
19:27 <Devar> "Oh, that's a good point." He agrees. "We are already here."
19:27 <•Kotono> "We can see," Milla agrees, "Place it again and we'll see."
19:28 — Skaya finds a cleaner place and then places the shovel down again! Since they're already here, might as well make sure the farmer is entirely satisfied with their work.
19:34 <•Kotono> roll 1d100
19:34 <Kobot> Kotono rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=34 ]{34}
19:34 <•Kotono> OOC: How long are you going to give it?
19:34 <Skaya> OOC: Let's spend an hour. Seems fair.
19:39 <•Kotono> roll 1d100+35
19:39 <Kobot> Kotono rolled 1d100+35 --> [ 1d100=12 ]{47}
19:39 <•Kotono> An hour passes, but no further sign of rust monsters.
19:39 <Skaya> "Looks like we're good!" Skaya finally declares, returning the shovel to its rightful owner.
19:42 <•Kotono> "Thanks! I'll remember this, the Heroic Guild came through," Garman takes the shovel back and bows to the party.
19:44 <Devar> "I hope the rest of your season is peaceful." Devar says with a nod.
19:44 — Skaya smiles, quite pleased with the outcome.
19:45 <•Kotono> As you turn to go on, "Wolf next?"
19:46 <Skaya> "Unless you want to spend the time to drag the monster's corpse back to town and sell it first," Skaya agrees. "But given the rewards, it's probably best to just go on for now."
19:51 <•Kotono> "Just go on," Milla agrees, falling in with the party. OOC: More, on emoment.
19:57 <•Kotono> The dire wolf lair (potentially) is next. It's a stretch of mostly open plains, with some dabs of forest and the occasional low hill. Some rocks about as well, but nothing to really slow anyone down. As you approach this - do you have any plan on how to approach this?
19:58 <Skaya> "Want to lead on this one?" Skaya asks Devar as they approach the plains.
19:58 <Devar> "Before we go in, I'll ward us with mage armor." Devar says. "It's still a rather limited timeframe, so may as well be cautious."
19:59 <Skaya> "Won't ever see me turn down free augmentations~"
20:02 <•Kotono> "Go ahead," Milla invites, "I'll stay back more on this one, I want to see the two of you hunt."
20:04 <Devar> "I'm not much of a tracker." He admits but still looks around for any obvious signs - if there's a den there have to be some sort of sign around here. OOC: Take 10 for 18 on Perception
20:05 <•Kotono> Devar leads the way and looks around a little bit. After about ten minutes, he spies what looks to be large, wolf-like tracks amid the plains. They certainly look like it as the sun's heat continues to amplify up, the day unfurling.
20:06 <Devar> "Oh, here we go." He says. "Let's see where these go - worst case we might be able to pick one or two of them off."
20:06 <Skaya> "Sure thing!"
20:10 <•Kotono> Milla follows as Devar follows and...OOC: Do you have the Track feat, quick check?
20:10 <Devar> OOC: no sir
20:13 <•Kotono> OOC: Perceptiona gain then.
20:14 <Devar> OOC: Might as well just take 10 for 18 again
20:18 <•Kotono> Following the tracks carefully, you're able to see they go towards one of the hills in particular.It's not much of a hill but there's some trees atop it, as well as some rocks littered about. It gives it a certain amount of cover, but that's where the tracks go.
20:19 <Skaya> "What now? Look for caves in the area?"
20:21 <Devar> "We might as well go to the top here and look down?" He offers. "We may be able to see one from there."
20:22 <•Kotono> Milla merely goes along with this, nodding and saying, "By all means."
20:23 — Skaya follows along with this plan!
20:24 <Devar> He heads on up! OOC: I'll take 10 for K:N for 21 if that helps me look for anything in particular.
20:25 <•Kotono> From what you recall of dire wolves, they like to lair in dug out dens, caves or similar places. Anything dark, warm and safe, lik enormal wolves but bigger. Due to their size, caves are more common.
20:28 <Devar> He'll see if he can see any caves or at least signs of the wolves from the hill!
20:29 <•Kotono> Not from here. There's just too much in the way to tell cleanly.
20:29 <Devar> He will head down from the hill and look for any signs of the wolves or even a cave that might be part of this hill!
20:29 <Skaya> "Let's just walk around and search for caves?" Skaya offers, doing just that herself.
20:30 <Skaya> roll 1d20+9 perception
20:30 <Kobot> Skaya rolled 1d20+9 perception --> [ 1d20=8 ]{17}
20:33 <•Kotono> OOC: Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you hadn't gone up yet. Strike that, somehow I missed that.
20:33 <•Kotono> OOC: I missed that in favor of your K:N check, so one moment.
20:36 <•Kotono> Devar goes up to the top of the hill. As he gets closer, he can spy it with his keen eyes. Near the top of the hill, mostly hidden by a large boulder, sits a dig out. That' one thing. The fact that you see two sets of canine eye staring out at you from it is another, a silent and still moment as you realize that.
20:42 <Devar> "...Ah." He murmurs, slowly turning to the others. "I think we found it. Or... part of it, perhaps."
20:43 <Skaya> "I'm quite impressed you're not worried about your predicament in the slightest."
20:45 <•Kotono> "Two dire wolves, potentially," Milla is intense nad still, "Do you two think you can win that fight?"
20:46 <Skaya> "I can probably take on a dire wolf under most circumstances. Devar?"
20:47 <Devar> "It should be fine." He says, "The magic should help." He says, angling to slowly take a step back to have that time to actually prepare.
20:50 <•Kotono> Milla slowly nods, stepping back as well. "Be ready to str-" Then they emerge. Two wolves closer to horses in size than anything else, rushing out. Gray furred and fast, they emerge out. "Mated pair," Milla says briefly, "Go!" OOC: Init. Remember the +5 from Motivate Dex.
20:50 <Skaya> roll 1d20+12
20:50 <Kobot> Skaya rolled 1d20+12 --> [ 1d20=8 ]{20}
20:50 <•Kotono> roll 1d20+9 Milla
20:50 <Kobot> Kotono rolled 1d20+9 Milla --> [ 1d20=7 ]{16}
20:51 <•Kotono> roll 1d20+2 dire wolf
20:51 <Kobot> Kotono rolled 1d20+2 dire wolf --> [ 1d20=2 ]{4}
20:51 <•Kotono> roll 1d20+6 dire wolf?!
20:51 <Kobot> Kotono rolled 1d20+6 dire wolf?! --> [ 1d20=5 ]{11}
20:51 <Skaya> OOC: How far away are they from either of us?
20:54 <•Kotono> OOC: I'll cover that once init finishes, waiting on Devar. Or I'll star ttyping it now since Neph still hasn't rolled.
20:54 <•Kotono> OOC: The dire wolves are 50ft away and uphill from you, so they have high ground. The terrain's not well suited to charging so that's not really onthe table.
20:54 <Devar> roll 1d20+7 init
20:54 <Kobot> Devar rolled 1d20+7 init --> [ 1d20=4 ]{11}
20:55 <•Kotono> Init is Skaya (20) > Milla (16) > Dire Wolf?! = Devar (11) > Dire Wolf (4)
20:55 <•Kotono> OOC: Go Skaya.
20:56 <Skaya> Since it's a rocky terrain Skaya decides to make herself a target for the female wolf and then finds cover a bit further away so said wolf wouldn't be able to strike at her!
20:57 <Skaya> roll 2d4+2 magic missile to get her attention, then I'll move back 5-10ft and prevent any possibility of charging on her side as well via the terrain
20:57 <Kobot> Skaya rolled 2d4+2 magic missile to get her attention, then I'll move back 5-10ft and prevent any possibility of charging on her side as well via the terrain --> [ 2d4=8 ]{10}
20:58 <•Kotono> The missiles fly and hit firmly, getting the wolf to yelp loudly. AT the same time Milla holds a moment as...OOC: Milla's inclined to play clean up here since this is very much your two's show. Devar and Dire Wolf are up. Go.
21:01 <Devar> Devar will move to try and get some rocks in between himself and either wolf as well to make it harder for them to get close, while warding himself with mage armor! Hopefully the wolves will split up, but if they both go for the same person that may be in their advantage too.
21:06 <•Kotono> Devar moves and gets cover, as the other wolf, presumably the male, circles around as well. Going at Skaya from the side, angling closer to her to try and get a clean line at her. Meanwhile the wounded female snarls now and growls low, coming closer to Skaya, but using rocks as basic cover as she comes closer. OOC: Milla's up.
21:07 <•Kotono> "Keep going and keep your guard up," Milla calls. OOC: Motivate Care major aura, +1 AC. She's still mostly watching. Skaya, go.
21:09 <Skaya> "Counting on you here, Devar!" Skaya calls out, before moving to engage the female wolf in melee!
21:10 <•Kotono> Milla continues to watch. OOC: Direwolf?! and Devar. Go.
21:10 <Skaya> roll 1d20+8 fighting defensively, cunning insight, stunning fist Fort17
21:10 <Kobot> Skaya rolled 1d20+8 fighting defensively, cunning insight, stunning fist Fort17 --> [ 1d20=11 ]{19}
21:10 <•Kotono> OOC: I'm sorry, I completely misread your line. Strike mine.
21:11 <•Kotono> OOC: HIt. Damage.
21:11 <Skaya> roll 1d8+3+5 and I'll use cunning defense if attacked
21:11 <Kobot> Skaya rolled 1d8+3+5 and I'll use cunning defense if attacked --> [ 1d8=7 ]{15}
21:11 <•Kotono> roll 1d20+8 fort
21:11 <Kobot> Kotono rolled 1d20+8 fort --> [ 1d20=18 ]{26}
21:12 <•Kotono> OOC: Nos tun.
21:13 <•Kotono> Skaya rushes forward and hits the wolf's side. A heavy blow that makes it yelp in pain again, as meanwhile Milla watches and waits. OOC: Devar and other wolf, go.
21:17 <Devar> Devar moves to engage the other wolf - drawing and swinging his sword to hopefully injure it!
21:17 <Devar> roll 1d20+6
21:17 <Kobot> Devar rolled 1d20+6 --> [ 1d20=1 ]{7}
21:23 <•Kotono> Devar misses as the other wolf dodges - and it's wolf time. One on Devar and one on Skaya now, closing in as for the moment, the battle is joined. Snarling bundles of angry fur, both coming at the party.
21:23 <•Kotono> roll 1d20+11 vs Skaya
21:23 <Kobot> Kotono rolled 1d20+11 vs Skaya --> [ 1d20=10 ]{21}
21:23 <•Kotono> roll 1d20+11 vs Devar
21:23 <Kobot> Kotono rolled 1d20+11 vs Devar --> [ 1d20=11 ]{22}
21:23 <•Kotono> OOC: ACs?
21:24 <Skaya> OOC: higher than that
21:24 <Devar> OOC: 21 it looks like, alas
21:24 <•Kotono> roll 1d8+11 Devar chomp and free trip incoming, just not his day
21:24 <Kobot> Kotono rolled 1d8+11 Devar chomp and free trip incoming, just not his day --> [ 1d8=8 ]{19}
21:24 <•Kotono> OOC: 1d8+10, so -1 to 18 damage instead.
21:25 <•Kotono> roll 1d20+12 vs Devar's CMD trip
21:25 <Kobot> Kotono rolled 1d20+12 vs Devar's CMD trip --> [ 1d20=12 ]{24}
21:25 <Devar> OOC: As usual for these situations, it's lower than that
21:25 <•Kotono> OOC: Give me a quick Acrobatics check so I cna resolve this all at once.
21:26 <Devar> roll 1d20+7
21:26 <Kobot> Devar rolled 1d20+7 --> [ 1d20=12 ]{19}
21:26 Channel mode set to -t by •Kotono
21:26 mode: •Devar (opped) and •Skaya (opped) 
21:27 <•Kotono> OOC: Done, topic away.
21:27 •Devar set the topic: Skaya: 31/31 Devar 14/32
21:29 <•Kotono> Skaya is able to weave aside, motivated and moving. She hops atop a rock and then leaps down behind it, safe for the moment. Devar, though? He's bitten through the meat of his leg, a sharp pain as he's then tossed down, tripped and tumbling. He's able to recover himself before slamming right into a rock in a rolling tumble, but he's now 10ft away from the wolf and downhill from it, and prone
21:29 <•Kotono> to boot. OOC: The ow. Milla.
21:29 <•Kotono> "Devar?" Milla asks, "Do you need help?" She's ready to move in a moment, eyes on that wolf.
21:29 <•Skaya> "I don't think I'll finish my fight in time to help him," Skaya calls over to Milla. "It'll be up to you."
21:30 <•Devar> "I'm not so proud as to get myself killed." He calls out. "So - yes, I'd be grateful."
21:31 <•Kotono> Init is Skaya (20) > Dire Wolf?! = Devar (11) > Dire Wolf (4) > Milla (3)
21:33 <•Kotono> Milla bursts into motion, darting towards the wolf, weaving and moving with unnatural speed before slamming her foot into the wolf's back. At least that'sthe idea, anyway.
21:33 <•Kotono> roll 1d20+13
21:33 <Kobot> Kotono rolled 1d20+13 --> [ 1d20=11 ]{24}
21:33 <•Kotono> roll 1d8+7
21:33 <Kobot> Kotono rolled 1d8+7 --> [ 1d8=4 ]{11}
21:34 <•Kotono> She can't quite do that, but she lans a solid followup to its ribs. The wolf yelps just like its mate, hit hard as Devar tries to gather himself and...OOC: Skaya.
21:34 <•Skaya> Reassured now that Devar is out of danger, Skaya reduces her wariness of the enemy she's facing and strikes twice!
21:35 <•Skaya> roll 2#1d20+5+5 cunning insight x2, stunning fist Fort17 x2
21:35 <Kobot> Skaya rolled 2#1d20+5+5 cunning insight x2, stunning fist Fort17 x2 --> [ 1d20=16 ]{26}, [ 1d20=7 ]{17}
21:35 <•Skaya> roll 2#1d8+3
21:35 <Kobot> Skaya rolled 2#1d8+3 --> [ 1d8=4 ]{7}, [ 1d8=6 ]{9}
21:37 <•Kotono> Two solid hits - and the wolf's bones audibly crack. It's sagging and yelping in pain, and takes that chance. It begins to withdraw away, scurrying uphill on weak legs, as Devar...OOC: Go Devar. Skaya's wolf is seeing the better part of valor right now.
21:38 <•Skaya> OOC: It needs to pass two Fort checks first!
21:39 <•Kotono> OOC: You're right, the distractions continue.
21:39 <•Kotono> roll 2#1d20+8
21:39 <Kobot> Kotono rolled 2#1d20+8 --> [ 1d20=19 ]{27}, [ 1d20=2 ]{10}
21:39 <•Kotono> OOC: Stunned so forget it falling back, it has no action this turn. Devar.
21:41 <•Devar> It's sure been a day so far, but Devar puts a hand on his leg to heal himself before he moves to stand. Wouldn't want to slip and fall down on some rocks because of an injury! OOC: Lay on hands for 18 then un-proning myself.
21:41 •Devar set the topic: Skaya: 31/31 Devar 32/32
21:43 <•Kotono> Devar rises, whole once more. His own wolf takes one look at the situation and withdraws as well, fleeing downhill. Milla doesn't let it go, chasing after it and leaping down, foot going for its head.
21:43 <•Kotono> roll 1d20+13
21:43 <Kobot> Kotono rolled 1d20+13 --> [ 1d20=11 ]{24}
21:43 <•Kotono> roll 1d8+7
21:43 <Kobot> Kotono rolled 1d8+7 --> [ 1d8=4 ]{11}
21:43 <•Kotono> It's enough of a hit to stagger the wolf, a kick to the head that turns a retreat into frantic stumbles, as meanwhile...OOC: Skaya, go.
21:44 <•Devar> This situation has him doubting pursuing his life as a Paladin over a martial artist for sure!
21:45 — •Skaya does her very best to put this wolf out of her misery.
21:45 <•Skaya> roll 2#1d20+5
21:45 <Kobot> Skaya rolled 2#1d20+5 --> [ 1d20=8 ]{13}, [ 1d20=19 ]{24}
21:45 <•Skaya> roll 2#1d8+3
21:45 <Kobot> Skaya rolled 2#1d8+3 --> [ 1d8=3 ]{6}, [ 1d8=5 ]{8}
21:46 <•Kotono> Init is Skaya (20) > Devar (11) > Dire Wolf (4) > Milla (3)
21:50 <•Kotono> A pair of blows finish the job, the dire wolf collapses down. A heavy thump as it's down and dying, or perhaps dead. Either way meanwhile Devar can see one thing - Milla moved fast. REally fast, keeping up with a fleeing, fast dire wolf and able to close to attack. That same speed as before. Yet it seems to vanish as the wolf continues to flee, and this time Milla holds back. She turns back
21:50 <•Kotono> and calls, "You able to keep a pursuit up, Devar?"
21:51 <•Devar> "I can run, at least!" He says. "I think you've got me beat in distance but I should be able to."
21:54 <•Kotono> "It's wounded, we can track a fresh trail and finish it off," Milla says, "I tmight take long enough to preclude that last job today, but it'll finish it off. Besides," She looks back up, "The den needs to be checked."
21:56 <•Skaya> "I'm still good to go," Skaya reports. "Want us to split up, or deal with the den first?"
22:00 <•Kotono> "It's your choice," Milla responds after a moment, gaze on both of you. "Your job."
22:00 — •Skaya glances at Devar, before saying, "Let's do it in sequence. We found the wolves once, we'll find the one that got away again. Let's head inside first to take a look."
22:01 <•Devar> He nods. "The trail is still fresh, so it shouldn't be difficult to follow anyway."
22:02 — •Skaya leads the way inside! Cautiously!
22:04 <•Kotono> Thus the party goe sup to check out the time! OOC: It's about that time so to Saturday.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


19:00 <•Kotono> It's a dug out den, large but hidden by the terrain. Peering in, you see bits of bone, scraps of meat and a few tufts of fur. Nothing else is immediately evident, though it does smell strongly of canine.
19:01 <Skaya> It only makes sense for Skaya to explore it further! She can see in the dark just fine, and she can defend against a wolf unless her luck goes terrible.
19:02 <•Kotono> It's not really a cave, it's just a dug out den. It doesn't go that far or anything.
19:03 <Skaya> Well then! "Nothing else here, so let's follow the tracks of the wolf that got away!"
19:05 <Devar> Devar nods. "Not really like there can be any hidden doors in a hole." He agrees.
19:06 <•Kotono> OOC: Okay, who is going to ride point on this and try and follow 'em?
19:06 <Skaya> "We're focusing on the commissions, so looking too hard is a bit pointless," Skaya voices as she takes the lead.
19:06 <Skaya> roll 1d20+9 perception
19:06 <Kobot> Skaya rolled 1d20+9 perception --> [ 1d20=5 ]{14}
19:14 <•Kotono> It's hot by now, and clouds are starting to roll in fast. Darker clouds as you follow the trail, fresh and easy to spot. The gait is notably staggered and with heavy impressions, letting you follow along. Soon enough you see it - by a little watering hole, a small pond. It's lying there on its side, panting hard.  Nothing's around except a few rocks.
19:15 <Skaya> "Want to get your revenge?" Skaya asks Devar.
19:19 <•Kotono> Milla stays back, ready but loose. "It looks like it took a serous injury, it should be easy prey: but wounded prey fights the hardest."
19:19 <Devar> A small frown. "This sort of thing just doesn't sit right with me these days." He straightens up. "That isn't a no - this sort of beast is dangerous to innocent people. Ill try to end it with one swing, but in case I miss, cover for me, all right?"
19:20 <Skaya> "Yeah okay."
19:24 <Devar> Devar draws his sword and takes off at a charge for the injured beast!
19:24 — Skaya tries to stay within a few dozen feet so that she could assist if need be.
19:25 <•Kotono> The beast isn't unaware and tries to rise, struggling to get up but it's slow and wounded, giving Devar the first strike that...OOC: Go ahead.
19:25 <Devar> roll 1d20+8 charge
19:25 <Kobot> Devar rolled 1d20+8 charge --> [ 1d20=18 ]{26}
19:25 <•Kotono> OOC: Hit.
19:27 <Devar> roll 2d4+2
19:27 <Kobot> Devar rolled 2d4+2 --> [ 2d4=3 ]{5}
19:30 <•Kotono> It's a solid hit to the wold, a slash that draws more blood. It's struggling to get up, growling away as...OOC: Hurt but not dead. Did you have something in mind, Skaya?
19:31 — Skaya briefly considers letting it play out before deciding an attempt at a clean death to the dire wolf would be better and follows Devar in.
19:31 <Skaya> roll 1d20+9+5 charge
19:31 <Kobot> Skaya rolled 1d20+9+5 charge --> [ 1d20=4 ]{18}
19:31 <Skaya> roll 1d8+3+5
19:31 <Kobot> Skaya rolled 1d8+3+5 --> [ 1d8=5 ]{13}
19:32 <•Kotono> A powerful one-two combo. The wolf shudders and goes limp under two heavy hits, collapsing to the ground. It's certainly not fighting anymore, at the least. OOC: Free act.
19:33 <Skaya> "It didn't die in one hit so helping was alright, yeah?"
19:35 <Devar> "It's what I asked you to do." He says. He holds a hand up slightly. "I'm not the type of person to concern myself with warrior's pride."
19:36 <Skaya> "Speaking of discarding pride and all that, are you good to go for our third commission? Or do you need to rest?"
19:38 <•Kotono> Milla approaches as she looks up, "I'm not sure that's happening right away. At best we have rain in an hour's time, and at worst we have storms."
19:38 <Devar> "We probably ought to find some shelter." Devar agrees.
19:40 <Skaya> "Think we'll make it back to town if we're stopping on account of rain?"
19:42 <•Kotono> A glance up, "Probably not," MIlla says after a few moments, "This one seems to be coming at a good run. We'd be better off finding somewhere to wait it out."
19:43 <Skaya> "Wolf cave is kind of smelly, but if there was one there might be others in the area?"
19:47 <•Kotono> Milla regards the two of you, "Is that what you'd do in this situation?"
19:50 <Skaya> "It's a bit difficult to answer since you're the one who accepted the requests," Skaya admits. "I don't know much about any conditions or urgency or other requirements. But in the absence of said urgency, I'd just return to town if you're serious about an impending storm and wait it out."
19:51 <Devar> "Ideally we could get back to town, but if we get caught in the storm trying to do that we might run into worse problems." Devar says. "If it doesn't seem like we can make it back to town - and it doesn't seem like we can - finding some sort of cave or at least coverage for the storm is our next best plan."
20:01 <•Kotono> "Alright, let's go then. Lead on on this," Milla invites the two of you.
20:02 <Skaya> "Right!" As she leads the way back, Skaya adds, "If it were the me from before, I wouldn't worry  much about some rain. But if we leave horses out in the open something might happen to them."
20:05 <•Kotono> OOC: Plan then?
20:06 <Skaya> OOC: We'll ride back
20:06 <•Kotono> roll 1d100+15
20:06 <Kobot> Kotono rolled 1d100+15 --> [ 1d100=85 ]{100}
20:07 <•Kotono> You begin to ride back, but soon the rumble of thunder and darkening skies promise one thing - you probably aren't beating this storm back. The breeze is starting to pick up, too.
20:09 <Skaya> How far is it to town?
20:09 <•Kotono> At this rate, a half hour or so, less if you push your mounts.
20:10 — Skaya spends a few moments to consider any nearby farms. It might be possible to weather the storm at one of them.
20:12 <•Kotono> There's one a bit off the beaten path. Small but it's fairly close by.
20:13 <Skaya> "Let's impose on a neighbor?" Skaya proposes. "I think we can offer ten gold for the shelter and everyone ends up happy."
20:15 <Devar> "Pragmatic." Devar agrees.
20:15 — Skaya leads the way!
20:19 <•Kotono> roll 1d100
20:20 <Kobot> Kotono rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=94 ]{94}
20:20 <•Kotono> On you go - it's a small farmstead that's already buckled down. Animals in the barn as the rain begins to fall fast, the wind picking up. At least it's going to break the heat for the day, hopefully.
20:21 <Skaya> "Hey there!" Skaya calls out over the developing storm. "Help a stranded friend? We'll pay for the shelter."
20:23 <•Kotono> The door cracks open, "You have horses, to the barn," A man comes out, thirtysomething and dirty. Dirty, worn clothes as the rain falls, hurrying his pace up and raising his voice to be heard over the storm.
20:23 — Skaya doesn't need to be told twice! She helps out as she can to get this over with as quickly as possible!
20:24 <Devar> Devar helps speed the process along by helping out himself!
20:32 <•Kotono> Into the barn, the party dripping wet but out of the storm. With the doors closed you're surrounded by cows and horses, the farmer turning to you. "Caught in the storm," he asks as the three of you take a moment to recover.
20:32 <•Kotono> "Yeah, this one came on fast," Milla says, hopping off her mount.
20:32 <Skaya> "Yeah, you got it! We were working on commissions and it messed with our plans."
20:38 <•Kotono> The farmer nods briskly, "I'll leave you to it," he says, going to check over his animals. For her part, Milla stands and listens to the storm. For the moment, it's quiet - do either of you have anything to say or do?
20:39 — Skaya volunteers her expertise and helps out! It's either that or be quietly bored for a while.
20:41 <Devar> Devar will help out where he can, though farmhand work isn't his personal forte.
20:44 <•Kotono> Milla settles in to watch as you three work. It's calming animals a nd checking on them. The farmer looks your way, "Good people. Heroic Guild, aren't you? HEard you're the guild that stopped those freakish monsters a little bit back. Plus you're always good if something comes up, like bad wolves or those ankhegs."
20:45 <Skaya> "That was quite literally us, yes," Skaya says, pleasantly surprised. "As for the ankhegs, we were actually on our way to hunt them when the freak storm hit us."
20:51 <•Kotono> "That's terrible luck," The farmer says as he checks over a horse. "But it means we can live in more peaceful times. Better you be willing soldiers."
20:52 <Skaya> "It's a rewarding job~"
20:59 <•Kotono> Outside thunder rattles the world, but at least you're safe in here. The storm thus passes soon enough. It's later afternoon now, so the question is: Do you want to do anything else ore return to town today?
21:01 <Skaya> "Let's return for now?" Skaya proposes, after paying the farmer for the shelter.
21:06 <Devar> "There's no need to hurry." Devar agrees.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


19:06 <•Anastasia> roll 1d100
19:06 <Kobot> Anastasia rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=89 ]{89}
19:07 <•Anastasia> The trip back to Mellanics is cooler but humid, a different sort of summer unpleasant. But you make it back as the summer sun begins to sink down towards the horizon, a long day down. Milla's quieter as ou head back towards the guild, seemingly lost in her own thoughts.
19:09 <Skaya> "Would you like to meet again come morning and wrap things up?"
19:11 <•Anastasia> "Tomorrow morning," Milla snaps out of her distraction and responds, as you approach the guild hall. You notice there's some sort of crowd gathered at the front, some manner of commotion going on.
19:12 — Skaya heads over to take a look!
19:16 <•Anastasia> It's a few dozen people, buzzing and murmuring. Milla follows along as you approach and you hear murmurs - something about some woman being arrested in the guild hall.
19:17 <Skaya> Wow! That never happens! Skaya gently pushes past the crowd, putting her acrobatics skills to modest use.
19:21 <•Anastasia> Pushing forward and into the guild, you find Picke arguing with a rotund, well dressed man with a mustasche and beard. He's fat and waggles a sausage-like finger at Picke, " law! It's her own fault for going against a messenger of Queen Ellaine!"
19:22 — Skaya listens quietly for now, trying to see if she can spot the woman who got arrested. Or how many soldiers are there to make the arrest.
19:23 <•Anastasia> Picke's gaze is steady, jaw set hard enought o crush gravel. "All I hear is is that you need to get out of my hall, now." No sign of an arrested woman or soldiers, just the one man.
19:23 <•Anastasia> The fat man stares down Picke with surprisingly little fear, "We'll see what the Queen says when she passages judgment on her," Is the retort, as he turns to leave.
19:25 <Skaya> "You mean passes," Skaya helpfully tells him. "A passage is a way of exit or entrance, or perhaps something you might book on a ship."
19:27 <Devar> Devar raises an eyebrow at what's going on, but figures the explanation for it is coming in the wake of this situation.
19:28 <•Anastasia> The fat man turns to you, face red and redder, "What was that?" he asks, deathly quiet.
19:29 <Skaya> "It can also mean a corridor or lobby giving access to the different rooms of a building," Skaya continues to help.
19:29 <•Anastasia> Picke steps forward, "Get out," his voice is tight now, angry and angrier. "That is someone who is a valued employee of mine."
19:30 <•Anastasia> Skaya gets an indignant glare, "I'll remember this," he says to her, before the fat man turns and departs.
19:30 <Skaya> "Isn't that what all the small villains say when they run away after being defeated?" Skaya voices curiously, albeit once he had already left.
19:31 <•Anastasia> "So who was that fool?" Milla asks, approaching her father.
19:31 <Devar> "I don't think I've ever heard someone say that seriously before either." Devar agrees.
19:33 <•Anastasia> "That, Skaya," Picke says tightly, glaring at where he left, "Is Bergen, a special envoy of the Queen and with special powers granted to him, who was here on official business. Your friend Rina already got herself arrested and we were arguing about that, then you did the same foolish thing she did and mouthed off to him."
19:34 <Skaya> "Glad to be of service," Skaya says without blinking an eye. "If he arrested Rina we're already enemies so he deserved being mocked."
19:36 <•Anastasia> "He also has the legal authority to have you arrested for any reason he cares to," Picke says, "By the authority of the crown, and now I have to deal with that overstuffed pile of stupid so Rina doesn't get hauled to Laremy to face judgment." Then Devar gets a look, "'re a man of of the Lady of Still Waters, aren't you, Devar?"
19:39 <Skaya> "But seriously, Rina got arrested over being rude?"
19:43 <•Anastasia> "And you almost did, too," Picke's expression is sour and angry, growing moreso by the moment.
19:43 <•Anastasia> Milla looks aghast, "And he did it HERE? What a blatant insult."
19:43 <Skaya> "If you think I was wrong, I'll do my best to apologize, Guild Master," Skaya tells him, inclining her head. "But he was terribly rude to you, and at your own home. That shouldn't fly."
19:45 <Devar> "Hm? Yes, but what about Lady Eldath?" He asks.
19:46 <•Anastasia> "It won't, but one matter at a time." Picke breathes out, "I'm going to need a few good warriors of the spoken word most likely, and negotiation is something that often falls under that remit. Are you skilled in that? Someone to help smooth this out will help."
19:49 <Devar> "I'm not someone with a silver tongue, but I'd say decent enough." Devar says. "If you've got an expert I'd call on them but I can likely manage a few things."
19:49 <Skaya> "I can in fact be nice and pleasant! Even to trash. But what exactly happened with Rina? What about Regis? And why is that bastard even here with his special remit?"
19:57 <•Anastasia> "I'd like to know as well," Milla agrees.
20:00 <•Anastasia> "She ran into him as he was leaving and got into a stupid argument with him," Is the answer, "Regis wasn't around as far as I know, and he was here to see me about matters from the crown."
20:00 <Skaya> "That matter from the crown sounds like our leverage. Would you be able to share it?"
20:10 <•Anastasia> "No." A flat answer, "Wasn't really a part of what got Rina in trouble, and it's a secret."
20:11 <Devar> "Well, it sounds like we need to get her out before things get worse." Devar says.
20:12 <Skaya> "So no leverage," Skaya muses. "Come to think of it, where is Rina held? Are there a lot of troops?"
20:16 <•Anastasia> Milla grins at that.
20:17 <Skaya> "I'm just asking! For knowledge's sake!"
20:17 <•Anastasia> Picke takes one long look at Skaya before he slowly rubs his face with his hand. "Foolish girl! If Bergen was still here, you'd be arrested for that and you'd deserve it!"
20:17 <Skaya> "Well of course I won't ask when he's around."
20:21 <Devar> "I guess the question is who can overrule his decision? I assume we have to talk to someone besides him to fix this?"
20:22 <•Anastasia> A long moment before, "You'll be with me, Devar," Picke agrees, "Milla, stand on alert here with Skaya in case you're needed. Right now, there's no one in Mellanics who can really overrule him, so I aim to talk him down from this entire foolishness."
20:23 — Skaya bows, acceding to his wishes.
20:27 <Devar> "As you say, sir." Devar agrees.
20:29 <•Anastasia> OOC: I'll keep Neph in here and Skaya in #evil. More in one moment.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


20:33 <•Anastasia> Once out into the streets and the sunset, "This isn't quite talking down violence, but it's the same idea," Picke begins, steps brisk, "It's a waste of everyone's time and of a good problem solve because Rina had to run her mouth, so we need to fix this."
20:36 <Devar> OOC: Take 10 for 20 on K:Local - do I know anything helpful about Bergen? Have I heard anything about him being reasonable in other situations or is he always just an ass?
20:45 <•Anastasia> You've heard a few things. Bergen is a powerful, connected merchant in Laremy, though he's about the entire kingdom on business. Arrogant, rich and somewhat unpleasant to most, he has a knack of getting in with the powerful. A natural brownoser in other words, and it's not really a secret. He'd get mocked to his face rather than just behind his pack if he wasn't so good at it.
20:49 <Devar> "Our best bet is to try and play to his ego." Devar says. "Maybe we can placate him by introducing him to someone or something like that." Devar says as they go along. "But if you've any other ideas I'm all ears."
20:53 <•Anastasia> "About what I was thinking," Picke says, "Butter him up a little, then calm him down and point out the facts of reality."
20:54 <•Anastasia> "I'd rather not distract him with someone, but it's my plan B if this doesn't work."
20:57 <Devar> "All right." Devar nods. "He probably serves Waukeen?" He muses, trying to think of something on the way. OOC: Take 10 for 21 on K:R, maybe I can think of some passage or something for Waukeenar along the same lines as "you attract more flies with honey" - that sort of "doing a good deed gets you favors down the road" mentality.
21:06 <•Anastasia> "He serves himself," Picke's expression is stills our, "If he serves anyone he doesn't speak of it, or it's an unspeakable one." Meanwhile you think. If he would respond to that, there is files with honey, it's actually used there. Also more gold with diplomacy than warfare...though then it goes into talking about how to make a heap of gold in wartime, so admittedly not the best example.
21:07 <Devar> "It might be." He says. "I'll look for maybe some symbol on him and tailor what I say around that."
21:13 <•Anastasia> "See if you can figure it out, if he has one," Picke agrees, then smiles tightly, "Oh, if he worships something we can come down on, this could be a very good night."
21:13 <Devar> "Him not having anything obvious would be some interesting signs too." Devar agrees. "But I'll figure it out."
21:22 <•Anastasia> "One more thing," Picke says, "If he asks you a question you don't want to answer, defer to me. Use that if he pins you in an awkward conversational position."
21:23 <Devar> "All right." He nods.
21:24 → Iddy joined (
21:30 <•Anastasia> From there you head to the Crestside Inne. The finest inn in Mellanics, a beautiful, scenic grounds surrounding a new and lavish inn. Not that you can really appreciate it in the first glooms of the evening, but what you can see in the dark suggests it's really nice. On going in to the front you find soldiers have the front blocked off. "This inn is under the usage of the Royal Envoy, Ber-"
21:30 <•Anastasia> "That's nice," Picke doesn't even stop, "I'm authorized to go in."
21:32 <Devar> Devar stays silent as to not undermine Picke's authority.
21:38 <•Anastasia> OOC: Was one moment. Does Devar wear the symbol of Eldath openly?
21:41 <Devar> OOC: Yeah
21:42 <•Anastasia> Picke gets a look, "H-hold on, that's the Guild Master and one of Eldath's," he says, "Sirs," he bows and steps aside, as his partner stares, but follows suit after a moment.
21:42 <•Anastasia> Picke nods briskly and heads right inside.
21:43 <Devar> Devar does the same and follows!
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


19:15 <Anastasia> It's nice inside. The sort of nice that suggests more gold coins than sense, with art and shiny decorations, as well as little magical lights to provide ample illumination. Picke strolls right in without a concern, a lavish floor inlay showing a dragon wrestling a giant. Servants, smooth and getting out of the way, don't impede you. Still, Picke grabs one by the shoulder and says, "Take us to
19:15 <Anastasia> Bergen." It's really not a request, and soon enough you're lead inside. As you do, "Remember," Picke murmurs, "Pay good attention to Bergen and see if you can figure anything out."
19:19 <Devar> Devar nods! His time will be spent on paying attention to both word and action - and perhaps specifically the words or actions not being used.
19:26 <Anastasia> Thus you head in. A room of luxury, of thick carpets and artwork, of flowers decorated and the sweet scent of them. Of Bergen sitting and drinking wine on an expensive couch, one with wood that's decorated to look as maidens. He's indeed rather fat, rounded and with a brown mustasche. His clothing is fine, in blues and purples. He wears golden rings, undecorated, and a heavy golden chain can
19:26 <Anastasia> be glimpsed, tucked under his shirt. He looks on and sneers, "And now what, Picke?"
19:27 <Anastasia> "And now we fix your mistake," Picke's answer is relaxed as he settles into a seat opposite Bergen, "Before it makes more trouble than either of us need."
19:29 <Devar> Devar offers him a respectful nod and half bow. Hm, no holy symbol on himself, but perhaps something else gives him a hint? He'll just keep an ear and eye out for now.
19:36 <Anastasia> "My mistake," Bergen blusters out, waving his cup of wine, "Your little tart of a heroine ran her mouth to her betters and got what she had coming."
19:37 <Anastasia> "Really, Bergen?" Picke sound disappointed, "I know you can do better than that."
19:38 <Anastasia> "Better nothing. You know how hard I worked to get this assignment? I deserve respect!" Bergen scowls, "And if she can't manage that, that's her problem.
19:38 <Anastasia> "
19:47 <Devar> He's going to stay quiet unless he has something important to ask, just keeping his eyes and ears open for now.
19:50 <Anastasia> "Yes, but who in the guild is going to respect you after you do something like that?" Bergen scowls as Picke explains that, "And we both know that if I have go over your head into it you'll get mud on you, win or lose. Rina was part of the team that dealt with those mutated monsters, and she's proven she's capable. She's not some no name who no one but their mother's going to care about."
19:51 <Anastasia> Bergen's nostils flare as he scowls, standing up, "Who cares about some monsters from under the dead lake?" He takes a breath, then sits, "There's precious little coin to be made there and everyone knows it. That's like complementing a janitor for cleaning the floor well."
19:55 <Anastasia> Picke blows out a breath slowly, "Devar, what do you think?" he says, "As a fellow hero of that mess?"
20:04 <Devar> Devar nods to Picke before he addresses Bergan, nodding again. "I think that you catch more flies with honey than vinegar. I think you'd be viewed as a reasonable man and likely have much more success in future ventures in and around town if people saw you as an ally to the Guild and its contributing members." He says, with as neutral a tone as he can.
20:11 <Anastasia> Bergen regards you tightly before, "Are you saying I'll get that much resistance by this?"
20:16 <Devar> "I think it ends up with a lot more busywork than someone like you should have to spend time on." He says.
20:24 <Anastasia> "Hmph, busy work," he growls low, "What's the point of him even being here, Picke?"
20:24 <Anastasia> "Use your eyes," A gesture at your holy symbol, "Eldath's types always have a person's best interests in mind, so long as they aren't evil. If he's telling you that, you can be sure he's being honest."
20:25 <Anastasia> You get glared at and your holy symbol in particular, but then the fat man says, "She'll be freed in the morning. A night's sleep and worry will do her good."
20:27 <Devar> Devar keeps a neutral expression, though inwardly that particular reaction seems odd!
20:32 <Anastasia> "Fine," Picke gets up at that, "Enjoy the rest of your time here." He turns to go, a short nod indicating for you to follow.
20:32 <Devar> Another bow before he turns fo follow Picke out!
20:34 <Anastasia> Once out of the inn and with a smidge of distance, "Now it could be nothing more than a ruse as he knows how to play the game, or a personal dislike of being pushed back against, or a dozen other things, but that entire interaction stunk."
20:36 <Devar> "He's definitely angling for something." Devar agrees. "Something he probably doesn't want anyone else to be aware of. Despite his disdain of it, I'm sure he's interested in that 'dead lake'."
20:41 <Anastasia> "If only out of second hand stories. I'm half worried he's trying to subvert or interrogate Rina and this is all a ruse," Picke continues, "And that he's playing us for time."
20:41 <Anastasia> "Or it could be what it appears, and an arrogant brown noser overreached and is sour that his hand got smacked," Picke then finishes.
20:42 <Devar> "Well, there'd be no harm in us trying to find her current condition then, right?" Devar asks.
20:43 <Anastasia> "None at all, but Iw ouldn't take any second hand word for it," Picke responds. "Under the circumstances, someone will need to get closer."
20:44 <Devar> Devar nods. "So just a matter of figuring out the best route to that end."
20:48 <Anastasia> "That in your or your friend's skillset?" Picke asks bluntly, "Sneak in or finesse in some how, lay eyes on Rina and confirm the situation?"
20:52 <Devar> "I'm not much of the sneaky type." He says. "But I may just be direct and ask if I can see how she's doing. The worst that happens is they tell me to pound a kobold."
20:54 <Anastasia> A deep snort at that image, "Pound a kobold." Picke says, mulling on it as you return and soon enough the two of you return and mee tup with Milla and Skaya. After a short bit of catching them up, "...and kobolds aside," A slight chuckle, "I'd like someone to lay eyes on Rina, just in case there's something to this beyond pissy merchant throwing authority around."
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


20:35 <•Anastasia> ----------
20:36 <•Anastasia> Whispers spread once Picke and Devar are gone. Milla can't help but smile, "You're insane," she says, "Entertaining, but completely insane."
20:36 <Skaya> "That's fair."
20:47 <•Anastasia> "I could get away with it, but do you have anyone who would save you if you ranw rong of him?" Milla asks now,  "That sort of petty man causes problems."
20:48 <Skaya> "Maybe?" Skaya muses, tapping her chin. "It depends on who he is, I never really paid attention to guys like that. But worst case, can't I just leave? You and Guild Master won't be implicated, then."
20:54 <•Anastasia> "Worst case, he arrests you and hangs you," Milla points out, "Or you escape and you're declared an enemy of the crown." Her smile's dropping a little, "Which would be such a waste."
20:56 <Skaya> "You're right. But sometimes, don't you feel like doing something less than optimal? Maybe stand up to petty tyranny while you're at it? That's how it was for me."
21:02 <•Anastasia> Milla just smiles at that and leads you back, as your fellow receptionists start to calm and wind things down. Back in Picke's office, where Milla shamelessly claims his chair for her own. Once nestled in, "All we really have to do is wait for a message or for father to return. Still though, I do, but throwing your life away on pointless defiance is a wate. You deal with fools like that by
21:02 <•Anastasia> undercutting them. Let them have the petty words they crave, and let them sink under the weight of their own arrogance."
21:05 — Skaya leans against the desk, shaking her head. "I still can't believe it's not Sanda. We all thought her mouth would get her in trouble one day, but then reality had to make a mess of that prediction."
21:08 <•Anastasia> "I'd have thought if anyone of your new little band did it it, it would've been Anne on some principled stand," Milla disagrees, closing her eyes and breathing slowly. "She's going to end up dead for her beliefs one day."
21:08 <Skaya> "Not if I can help it~"
21:21 <•Anastasia> "Not if you can help it," Milla counters, "That confident in your potential?"
21:23 <Skaya> "If I don't die to stupid merchants with royal remits, you mean?" Skaya voices with a lopsided grin. "I think I've done alright for myself. Leading a team worked out well, too. I learned a lot from it, plenty to lead to a breakthrough. I guess I'm not a teenage girl teleporting all over casually, but we can't all be that. I've got plenty of time to become a household name if that's in the cards."
21:24 → Iddy joined (
21:31 <•Anastasia> "A teenage girl teleporting casually. Tell me more," Milla's own smile is there, "What story birthed that image?"
21:35 — Skaya gives her a deadpan look. "Of course it's Seira. Just how many famous teenage wizard girls do you know of? Seriously, who starts training in magic that early? She's clearly nuts. Crazier than I am!"
21:35 <Skaya> She snorts, adding, "Ah, but those legends of teleporting all over are the best! Like in the middle of a kraken summit or above an active volcano or missing the target so badly she ended up in a whole other Prime one day!"
21:41 <•Anastasia> "Oh, the Godsrush," Milla chats right back,  "Of course. I heard stories of all of them as I grew up. I always liked the Wizard-Queen Alyssa and," A snap of her fingers, "That reminds me! That's who you remind me of! I remmeber the story of Lady Sylvie and her inspirations."
21:43 <Skaya> "Ah, gods might be a bit of a steep target," Skaya voices, before pursing her lips. "Then again, I already have Seira beat by accidentally teleporting beyond space and time and living to tell the tale. Maybe I'll come up with something more inspiring than what Celestia's selling one day!"
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


19:16 <Anastasia> "Still though, there's strength in those stories," Milla reflects, "But a good story is a strength of its own."
19:19 <Skaya> "Any fortunate encounters that you benefitted from in your own past?" Skaya asks Milla curiously.
19:29 <Anastasia> At that Milla hums, "Not since I was a child, and I only remember that foggily. I was ill at the time," Milla relates, "I had wanted to wield magic, but I lack the gift for it. Studious magic doesn't suit me, and my blood is too normal for sorcerous magic. Still, I had pursued it for some time, until I grew ill."
19:31 — Skaya notes that divine magic wasn't mentioned, but just files it away as she nods to indicate she's listening.
19:42 <Anastasia> "I got extremely sick, and father brought in a healer. It didn't work, and I laid in bed after sick," Milla explains, "Then I remember having a conversation with a handsome man, and then awakening and feeling much better." Her expression is a little distant, "He had a strange way of talking without talking, and seemed to know so much of everything."
19:44 <Skaya> "Never had that experience, to my regret," Skaya voices. "That's how you were set on your path? Which is amazing, by the way."
19:52 <Anastasia> "I took to my fighting lessons better after that," Milla agrees, "I don't even remember his name or his face, just him seeming to be gone in between the moments I dozed."
19:55 <Skaya> "Did you try going through the pantheons, seeing if something jogs your memory?"
19:57 <Anastasia> "A little, but father always said not to worry about it," Milla's expression is thoughtful as she hms, "Just to focus on my training and improve. He kept me busy enough I forgot about it for some time."
19:59 <Skaya> "Oh, that's true enough. It would've driven me crazy not to know, but I'm me." She nods to herself slowly, asking Milla, "That's the past, but what's the future like for you? Where are you aiming? Something to achieve in this kingdom? On this world? Somewhere out there, amidst the outer planes?"
20:03 <Anastasia> "In truth, I don't know. Father's strong but older, he's settled down." Milla says, "I've heard stories, of madness and power, of glory, danger and wealth for those who push beyond. Yet..." Her voice has a longing note, and she slowly licks her lips, "I'm not sure."
20:05 <Skaya> "I am!" Skaya tells her, eyes bright. "If I don't find my end here, I'm going to explore. This world, other worlds, then other planes of existence. There's just so much out there to discover, so many sights that even in this ancient multiverse no one had seen before! So many relics forgotten by all that await rediscovery, along with the wisdom of the ages. It's all out there, if only we reach out for it!"
20:15 <Anastasia> "If only we reach out for it," Milla echos you at that, "Hmph, you dream big."
20:16 <Skaya> "Nothing wrong with that!"
20:31 <Anastasia> "Nothing at all," Milla reflects now, "And now to wonder what's taking them so long. I hope he isn't going to have to fight his way out of there."
20:34 <Skaya> "I'm sure it's fine. And if we need to lead a rescue mission, early morning is the best time. Guards are less alert and all that."
20:42 <Anastasia> A little laugh at that, as...OOC: Let me momentarily pause you and catch Devar up, since next thing is going to depend on that.
20:53 <Anastasia> OOC: #dunes in the next line.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


20:54 <Anastasia> A deep snort at that image, "Pound a kobold." Picke says, mulling on it as you return and soon enough the two of you return and mee tup with Milla and Skaya. After a short bit of catching them up, "...and kobolds aside," A slight chuckle, "I'd like someone to lay eyes on Rina, just in case there's something to this beyond pissy merchant throwing authority around."
20:54 <Skaya> "I can definitely give it a try," Skaya muses. "But question becomes, what if things aren't on the level? What would you like me to do?"
20:59 <Anastasia> "That's the big question," Picke says, "Get Rina out safe and sound, and get back here. I can handle the consequences."
21:03 <Skaya> "Okay. Anyone else coming with?"
21:04 <Devar> "I'll help however I can, but I'm not the sort of person who can do much sneaking around." He admits.
21:04 <Anastasia> Milla shakes her head, "Adding more people to a sneak mission ends poorly, and you need a reserve if this goes wrong."
21:05 <Skaya> "Sure thing! I'll be off, then."
21:08 <Anastasia> OOC: Are you going along, Devar, first of all?
21:09 <Devar> OOD: I can't really sneak, so I'll stay with the other non-sneaky people.
21:19 <Anastasia> OOC: Okay, that's fair. Cor in here, Neph in #evil.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


21:19 <Anastasia> Picke leads Skaya out into the night. "I'm trusting you can handle this. Here are directions to where Rina should be held," A slip of paper is passed toyou, "If in doubt and it all goes worng, get out so we only lose one instead of two."
21:20 <Skaya> "Got it," Skaya says, studying the directions to see if she knows the place and what's around it. "Can you please get Regis and keep him safe? If there's lever for Rina, it'd be him, so we can't let someone grab him."
21:32 <Anastasia> "I sent someone to tell him and calm him down already," Picke says, "I think he was off seeing a lady friend." That amused look is back, "And was throughly occupied while Rina did her own business."
21:35 <Skaya> "Wao~" Shaking her head, Skaya returns her attention to the directions.
21:40 ⇐ Iddy quit ( Quit: Connection closed for inactivity
21:49 <Anastasia> It's apparently a small guard garrison on the opposite side of town, according to this. Fairly straight forward to reach.
21:52 <Skaya> "Oh. Any chance you can have a uniform you could let me borrow, Guild Master?" Skaya asks Picke. "It'd open more options, if so."
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake