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The Man in the Red Mask and Robes 06

Started by Corwin, May 09, 2024, 11:13:45 AM

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19:15 <•Anastasia> ----
19:15 <•Anastasia> OOC: Just a quick question before I begin - did you two have something particular in mind when you talked about going to do something somewhere, or wastossing things around?
19:15 <Skaya> OOC: Let's chat with Milla and see what's up, first
19:18 <•Anastasia> roll 1d100
19:18 <Kobot> Anastasia rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=74 ]{74}
19:21 <•Anastasia> It takes some effort to find Milla the next day. Something about chasing someone down, but you only get vague details before catching up to her. She's at the western gate out of the city, nearby and just past the guard station there. She rests in the shade of tree, eyes half closed as she watches merchants and travels come and go in both directions. "Kellym's nice this time of year," Milla
19:21 <•Anastasia> greets the both of you, the summery heat out in full blast today. "Thinking about going visiting?"
19:22 <Skaya> "Keeping my options open," Skaya responds with a shrug. "What would you recommend?"
19:23 <•Anastasia> Milla opens her eyes and gives the two of you a curious look, "Wait until late summer so you miss the worst of the heat," she says instead. "I don't have a lot of time, so what is it?"
19:25 <Skaya> "Part of it was just that, asking for some advice in case it was best for all if Rina and I laid low for a while," Skaya tells her. "Part of it is that we paused before completing our commission so I was wondering if we're gonna follow up, or just get paid for the part we did do."
19:32 <•Anastasia> "You never got paid for what you did?" Milla frowns, "Get that cleared up. I ended up sending the last task off with what happened, being up all night meant you were no good for today. As for advice, you want out of Mellanics for awhile?"
19:33 <Skaya> "I don't want to reflect badly on you or your father or the guild," Skaya says openly, since there's no need to hide her motives from Milla. "If that is best served by leaving for some extended time, it is something I can handle easily."
19:39 <•Anastasia> Now giving both of you her full attention, "Do you feel you need to leave?" Milla asks back, "I doubt father cares that much, or he'd say something himself."
19:39 <Skaya> "If it's like that, just tell me one thing. Off the record. Is the Crown investigating what's under the lake, or was the visit unrelated to that?"
19:41 <•Anastasia> OOC: Give me a charisma check, +2 bonus in that case.
19:42 <Skaya> roll 1d20+3+2
19:42 <Kobot> Skaya rolled 1d20+3+2 --> [ 1d20=17 ]{22}
19:44 <•Anastasia> It's not Skaya who gets an answer. Instead Milla turns to Devar, "Do you feel the same way and have the same question?"
19:45 <Devar> "I have the same question." He says. "I don't think we necessarily need to stay out of Bergan's way or anything, but I have a feeling he's not just throwing his weight around for no ultimate goal."
19:52 <•Anastasia> "Of course the Crown's investigating what's under the lake," Is Milla's answer, voice lowered, "Though as far as I know, what happened to Rina had nothing to do with that. Bergen's petty cruelty, nothing more."
19:54 <Skaya> "Okay. Coincidences do happen! In that case, got some job lined up that we could do together?" Skaya asks Milla curiously. "I couldn't help but think you were evaluating us for some task by letting us lead and fight the other day."
19:56 <Devar> Devar gestures slightly to Skaya with a 'See?' expressio at Milia.
20:00 <•Anastasia> Devar gets a flat look back before, "Alright. I need a team of four or five to head north along the border to Welland, and be willing to go into Welland itself. Trying to track down someone strange, someone who's been making trouble. A man in a red mask and robes. I don't have anything specific on him, but he keeps turning up where there's trouble. Someone's making trouble in our kingdom with
20:00 <•Anastasia> him, and it needs to stop."
20:04 <Devar> "You'd really think people wouldn't wear something that defining if they want to not be found." Devar says. "I guess it prevents divinations if you don't know their name, but still..."
20:06 <•Anastasia> "That or it's powerfully enchanted," Milla points out, "As well as practical against some divinations."
20:08 <Skaya> "Ah! That guy!"
20:10 <•Anastasia> "That-" Milla's expression turns annoyed, "You know him?"
20:12 <Skaya> "That's strange, I was sure you knew about it. Remember what got us Devar sent as reinforcements? I kept on sending reports back to the Guild Master, one about what we found at the caves and another about what happened along the way. We dealt with an unreasonably strong group of bandits en route, and that red masked weird mage guy was part of them.
20:12 <Skaya> He was the only one to disappear out of a locked room, so I assumed he's a mage, anyway."
20:16 <•Anastasia> "He must be, then," Milla says, "And no, but that means you at least know who I'm talking about. More reason for you to take it, because you know he's out there, making trouble like that.
20:16 <•Anastasia> "
20:16 <Skaya> "Mmm. I don't have confidence taking him down myself, but a team of four supporting me? Yes, I'm willing to give it a shot."
20:20 <•Anastasia> "Then form a team and go. You'll get 2,000 each gold for his capture or death, alon gwith any treasure on the way."
20:22 <Skaya> "Can it be half paid up front?" Skaya decides to check. "At least one of the girls I want to bring on would be onboard with that."
20:28 <•Anastasia> "Anne?" Milla cold-guesses at that, "So you can give her that and avoid being guilt tripped to help the orphans the entire time?"
20:28 <Skaya> "Yeah, though it'd make things an easy sell to the others too."
20:31 <•Anastasia> "Fine," Milla says after a few moments of thought, "But if you fail, you'll need to pay it back."
20:31 <Skaya> "That's fair."
20:33 <•Anastasia> "Then go gather your term and report back," Milla says, "Good luck."
20:33 — Skaya glances over at Devar to make sure he's fine with all this.
20:35 <Devar> A simple nod is Skaya's answer!
20:35 <Skaya> "I'll get going right away, then1"
20:38 <•Anastasia> With that choice made, one question is obvious: Who are you going to go ask?
20:39 — Skaya is going to invite Sanda, Anne, Rina and Regis. It'd make for a decent team of six to chase down a weird maybe-mage with no good leads!
20:42 <•Anastasia> OOC: Okay, Devar, anything to add onto that or discussion to be had?
20:43 <Devar> OOC: No sir
20:47 <•Anastasia> OOC: Okay then, how do you want to do this and wrangle theim into it?
20:48 <Skaya> OOC: Let's all meet for lunch at an inn and have a chat!
20:55 <•Anastasia> It's a late lunch, but it's lunch. A quiet inn in central Mellanics, cooler than outside and shaded. Over lunch the group listens, Rina quiet and Regis tense. It's Sanda who speaks first as Anne works on her stew, "So we go search, get paid for it and hope to find a provocateur?"
20:56 <•Anastasia> "Our success will be in the hands of higher forces than us," Anne says right away, "That sort of mission demands faith in our victory, and acceptance of what happens regardless."
20:56 <•Anastasia> Regis scowls, "Getting Rina out of here's good sense regardless, and if it goes more northernly and into Welland, we might even reach the sea coast eventually."
20:58 <Skaya> "Plus the order's a bit off. We get paid, convert that to better gear before heading out and ensure our survival, then the rest of it."
21:00 <•Anastasia> "Count us in," Regis says right away, and Rina nods quietly afterwards.
21:01 <•Anastasia> "The money's good," Sanda muses aloud, "So very good, and better if we find treasure. Logically speaking, we'll find treasure, so it's excellent money."
21:01 <•Anastasia> "
21:01 <Skaya> "Glad to have you onboard!" Skaya says cheerfully, before turning towards Sanda. "That other mission didn't end up taking the many months we planned for, so I figure you're good for an extended leave? And we're definitely getting decent treasure, that trashy guy is clearly working with bandits which means free money."
21:01 <•Anastasia> "I'm loathe to leave on a long trip again so soon," Anne reflects, "But the money could do so much good."
21:04 <Skaya> "Ah, speaking of that. Maybe you could make a change this time around?" Skaya muses. "There was this guy who heard your stories and wanted to be trained so he tried to tag along with me on a real job out of town. Maybe you can use some of the down payment to hire a few retired adventurers to train the teens that are looking for a job? Teach them the basics of survival and how to fight?"
21:07 <•Anastasia> "We already do that as we can for trades, but it's expensive and relies mostly on good will. We're disinclined to offer that sort of training generally," Anne goes on, "We can't offer enough, and going off half trained? No." Softer, "I already have gravestones to visit from that foolishness. The few with talent and the drive not to let go I quietly tutor in the basics, and have others help in
21:07 <•Anastasia> exchange for favors."
21:09 <Skaya> "Wow, that's new! I figured those old guys who took an arrow to the knee or something and long since retired would be bored and work for pennies."
21:11 <•Anastasia> "Statistically speaking, that wouldn't be finantically viable for them," Sanda points out.
21:11 <Skaya> "Not everything's about the money. Some people just like to recapture the glory of their heyday."
21:11 <•Anastasia> "Everyone wants money," Regis agrees, resting his head on his hand, lunch pushed away.
21:19 <•Anastasia> "Still..." Anne says after a moment, "I'll accept, it's too good a chance ot pass up."
21:20 <Skaya> "Mmm. You know, Sanda, Anne, I'm really hoping your magic will grow quickly. That'll open all sorts of fast travel options!"
21:21 <Devar> "There's definitely a lot of spells that make that easy, I hear." Devar agrees.
21:22 <•Anastasia> "So there are," Anne says, "I'll investigate a few simple ones, and se eif they're granted. But the truly good ones are well away and out of reach."
21:22 <•Anastasia> "Any basic wizard or sorcerer knows a spell for the basics," Sanda disagrees, "Logically speaking, isn that not superior, Skaya?"
21:23 <•Anastasia> "Spells aren't my thing, but what spells, Devar?" Regis asks.
21:24 <Devar> "Well, there's stuff like teleport, but that's pretty advanced. I have to wonder if our masked friend used it to escape... but if he's got spells like that then we'll have to be very careful on how to try and apprehend them." He says. "It may be safer to not assume he has that."
21:24 <Skaya> "Hmm. I was really talking about Teleport or Plane Shift, which are... well, I guess they're a bit off from our grasp for the near future? But I'm optimistic! And speaking of optimism, I'll check the Guild for a guard mission for any caravans heading our way. Getting our own wagon is not happening again since it's clearly cursed, so let's get paid while traveling with someone else's wagon."
21:31 <•Anastasia> "Sensible," Anne agrees with that.
21:31 <•Anastasia> "Teleport, is it? Things like that," Regis murmurs, "The stories of going across the country in a sneeze's moment."
21:32 <•Anastasia> "When will we leave?" Sanda speaks up at that, "How soon?"
21:32 <Skaya> "The stories of the wonderful mishaps with the spell!"
21:32 <Skaya> At Sanda's question, she coughs into her fist. "Like I said, let me find a decent guard mission. Let's be ready to leave within a few days if nothing comes up?"
21:36 <•Anastasia> Nods all around at that as...OOC: Okay then, prep before y'all leave?
21:36 <Skaya> OOC: How much are we getting paid for Milla's unfinished quest string?
21:37 <Skaya> OOC: I'll see from there if I have enough to check about an item or not
21:40 <•Anastasia> OOC: She never said before this?
21:40 <Skaya> OOC: I believe she said it was a thousand, but that was for completing all three.
21:42 <Devar> OOC: I unfortunately don't have logs for back then so I am of no help here
21:43 <•Anastasia> OOC: Okay, she'll give you 670 for two.
21:43 <Skaya> OOC: 1,000 split three ways, plus any treasure we get
21:43 <Skaya> OOC: Okay, thanks
21:46 <Devar> OOC: So just short on a +1 weapon or ring of deflection for me, so no purchases
21:48 <•Anastasia> OOC: Okay, cool. Post the gain in loot real quick Skaya. Any purchases for you? You'll have time to think since I need to go over NPC upgrades'n'stuff.
21:51 <Skaya> OOC: I presume Eyes of the Eagle would give +5 to perception, and Boots of Elvenkind and Cloak of Elvenkind each give +5 to stealth?
21:52 <•Anastasia> OOC: Boots and cloak would be an either/or since they're both the same bonus type, I believe. So just go with whichever you prefer, but yeah. What are the eyes in?
21:53 <Skaya> OOC:
21:53 <•Anastasia> OOC: Yeah, that'sf ine.
21:54 <•Anastasia> OOC: Anyway, go ahea dand get all of your ducks in order, do any loot posts you need to and we'll hit the gorund running on this next time, typos and all.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake