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Final Fantasy: An adventure in Mythos

Started by Dracos, September 12, 2004, 03:16:16 AM

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1987, A man by the name of Hironobu Sakaguchi was at his wits end.  In a moment of insight, he created an epic by the name of Final Fantasy.  It sucked.  And promptly saved the company from bankruptcy and created a phenomenon that would well outlast his tenure at the company.

2000 or so, Some hack by the name of Brian Clevinger was bored.  He decided to fling together a couple of old nes sprites and write some witty dialogue to them.  This became a rocking success which expanded the medium of sprite comic well beyond pretty much anything made at the time and garnered him fame and fortune.  From that point on, his teasingly stereotypical definitions of the characters of this old and tired story became the mainstay of public opinion.  You couldn't point out a black mage without someone thinking he was going to blast out with a level 9 light spell.

September, 2004.  A bored GM issued an ultimatium on the boards.  If a certain amount of days shall pass, he would render a game from the core material of gaming spirit and produce it upon the boards, though walls of apathy would bar his path.  He promptly forgets about the deadline when a nifty idea strikes him and begins tinkering.  Thus begins another: Final Fantasy...

Four heroes, each uniquely trained for the task, have been given the legendary light orbs, came together, traveling from far and wide, by foot, by sea, by air... to arrive at the famous city of Cornelia, where the greatest king in all the lands would recognize them as the light warriors... and so would begin their legend.

Four slots.  Apply my instant message.  Lazy gamers need not apply.  Folks who cannot even remotely keep up with my posting rates need not apply.  If you don't have about two hours a day on average synched with me, don't waste my time.  The game will be run on forums.  The character choices are, without any room for additional options, the original FF cast set.  System is the only one I ever really run, none whatsoever.  And remember to put your own twist on the characters.

Well, Goodbye.


Okay, brief extension.

I would like for those who apply a brief physical desc.  There will also be a discussion period ironing out your char.

As far as the adventure tone it is Epic-sub-comedy.  Cliches are somewhat welcome, but let's keep to the lighthearted drama and not the sillyfest. =)

Well, Goodbye.


Additionally, there will be at least one 'group meet' before it begins to make sure everyone meshes, gets the tone, and whatnot.

Well, Goodbye.


One additional thing.  Everyone pick a homeland.  You don't have to ever say anything in character about it but... you need to have some place you're sort of from.

Well, Goodbye.

Olvelsper : Then we will write in the shade.


Well, Goodbye.