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WoW guild recruiting call!

Started by Brian, September 14, 2004, 12:00:40 AM

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I should have mentioned Tailoring/Enchanting on my human warlock earlier, eh?  :/   Got Tailoring up to around 20 the first day of play... Which has been my last one until the weekend.  

I was thinking of going with Mining/Blacksmithing for my NE Warrior, but that will have to wait a bit since the elf lands are poor in mining materials.

I've gone the Herbalism/Alchemy route in the Beta, but it was only a semi-useful combo for my warlock then.

I might just try a couple gathering jobs if people are better at the stuff I picked up so far. :/
He's with fire and you get burned."-Magus

And then the mage drew his two handed sword.  "Shit! We're screwed!"


Don't knock mining and such.  Being able to collect what everyone else needs is awesome.  And if you can mine, someone else could engineering/smithing, and we could get all sorts of fab gear.
I handle other fanfic authors Nanoha-style.  Grit those teeth!  C&C incoming!
Prepare to be befriended!

~exploding tag~


I and a friend - Antitribu - are going to be taking on the Deadmines probably on Thursday or Friday our time, or on Saturday.  Most likely Saturday, in the middle of the day ourr time (Friday night for you).  Anyone level 16-17 or higher at that time is welcome to come along. :)
Hangin' out backstage, waiting for the show.


Current characters:

Tresjin - Level 10 Human paladin on Kil'Jaeden
Ferrian - Level 8 Human priest on Lightbringer
Wysteria - Level 6 Night Elf hunter on Sargeras
Riolla - Level 8 Gnome warrior on Blackrock
Melvin - Level 6 Tauren druid on Terenas
Malabulfar - Level 2 Dwarf hunter on Silver Hand

EDIT: Or, a picture instead...


Well, I managed to jump my Tailoring to Journeyman status.  Still not as good as some, but it provides me with some decent equipment.  

On the other hand, Enchanting is a bitch to level and I would appreciate donations of green quality equipment that people can part with.  I'm also offering free enchantments, minor though they are.  +5HP on chest/bracers, +1 Defense skill on bracers, and minor wands.
He's with fire and you get burned."-Magus

And then the mage drew his two handed sword.  "Shit! We're screwed!"


Quote from: "Rezantis"I and a friend - Antitribu - are going to be taking on the Deadmines probably on Thursday or Friday our time, or on Saturday.  Most likely Saturday, in the middle of the day ourr time (Friday night for you).  Anyone level 16-17 or higher at that time is welcome to come along. :)

Hmmm... Depending on what time, I'll try to join up.  I can't stay up too late as I got one of those silly morning shifts the next day.
He's with fire and you get burned."-Magus

And then the mage drew his two handed sword.  "Shit! We're screwed!"


Even though we have a supposed server we're supposed to play on, there's a bunch of people who play on other servers... bah.  Either that, or it's just that I'm never on when anyone else is.  What is Rez and Carth's names in WoW?
I think we live our lives in other people's hearts and minds. Alone by ourselves we're not very much good at all. But when we let someone else in with their stories and all their sights and sounds and songs and smells and sensations, we suddenly start filling our shelves and boxes with books and books of them and building up our libraries.


Kerasyn and Tsiran respectively.

Ehhh, most of the people in this thread play on Silver Hand primarily, where other people play isn't really my concern, 'cause I'm unlikely to link up with them. :)
Hangin' out backstage, waiting for the show.


Oh, yes.  Minor update to my previous post.  My schedule changed a bit, and I will be able to play longer.
He's with fire and you get burned."-Magus

And then the mage drew his two handed sword.  "Shit! We're screwed!"


Hey, alchemist peoples!

I want an Elixir of Wisdom.  It's a handy-dandy ingredient for a recipe I want to make.  

Can you make one, and if so, how much?
Hangin' out backstage, waiting for the show.


Don't think so. It might be an Expert Alchemy thing, I don't think they teach it to students like me. >_<

I'll check. What do you need it for?
[19:14] <Annerose> Aww, mouth not outpacing brain after all?
[19:14] <Candide> My brain caught up



On actually assembling the guild:

I will spend Friday night (pretty much all of it) actually getting the guild ready for people to join.  I'm going to be buying the guild charter tonight.  If you meet up with me before Friday, let's do the signature thing.  If we don't?

I'm spending all day Friday waiting in Stormwind.  I hope to have Grand High Powerleveler Rez offer to escort anyone who needs help getting there (:p) to sign it, but I'm going to be spending pretty much all evening on Friday (starting from 10:00 PM PST, and going on until 2:00 AM PST) just hanging out in Stormwind and waiting for signatures.

As to the technical details:  I haven't gone over this before, so I'm going to lay it down right now.

The guild should exist both OOC and IC.  Mainly, I (personally) expect the guildchat to generally be OOC.  I also consider /p and /t (or /w) to be OOC.  Only what everyone can see is IC all the time.

I'd like, honestly, to make WoW an actual RPing experience.  To that end, my characters have personalities, etc.  I expect most of you are largely the same.  Before we create this guild, I'd like everyone to know what my expectations are.  If no one agrees with what I want, we'll find a compromise that makes everyone happy.

However.  My plan is to have us create a guild, and then play our characters together.  Ideally, our members will arrange what basically amounts to skits.  Just as an example, my NE warrior has already refused guild invites (why am I only popular in online fantasy? ;_;) on the grounds that he owes his life to a mage that rescued him from certain death.  So anything that concerns his loyalty has to go through his mistress.  (Hi, Rez!)

Eventually, I'd like us to have setups where we can try and draw other players into RPing, as well.  Basically, by doing things where everyone can see -- almost, in a sense, taking RP to the level of performance art.  I know this sounds silly, probably, but hey, this is RPing, and we're on the RP server.  I've been lucky so far and not run into a lot of hard-core power-gamers, or even people who can't/won't RP at all.   But why not have fun RPing, added to the feedback and response we can get in the game?

I think it would be really rewarding if we could establish a guild with a very strong reputation as "cool people to hang out with".  Well, for the alliance, anyway.  ;)

Anyway.  These are only my ideals, and I don't want to be forcing them on anyone else.  If you agree, awesome, if you don't, let me know what we should use as the actual goals of our guild.  And now?  I log in to get that Charter.
I handle other fanfic authors Nanoha-style.  Grit those teeth!  C&C incoming!
Prepare to be befriended!

~exploding tag~


And listen, people. We all know the most important aspect of any guild is *what the tabard looks like*. We don't want to leave *anyone* out the design process. Get your opinions in now!
[19:14] <Annerose> Aww, mouth not outpacing brain after all?
[19:14] <Candide> My brain caught up


Tabards are cool, but I don't think anyone can afford one casually.  It costs 10 gold to create a tabard for a guild, and 1 gold when you actually buy one...  Even if we split the cost of creation, that's quite expensive. :/
He's with fire and you get burned."-Magus

And then the mage drew his two handed sword.  "Shit! We're screwed!"


Right now, yes.  Who's for white flames on a field of red? XD
I handle other fanfic authors Nanoha-style.  Grit those teeth!  C&C incoming!
Prepare to be befriended!

~exploding tag~