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Magic Knights Revolution

Started by Dracos, July 09, 2002, 09:45:11 PM

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Hikaru acted as typical of 14 year olds facing death were suppose to act.

She screamed.

Then she cried.

And THEN she got seriously angry.

Which was when things became not so typical.

"Fire Arrow!" Launching her own spell, even if it was the only one she knew, she tried to cancel the attacks out. If only her aim had been a bit better as the spell hit the spirit beast instead.


Fuu blinked a few times...before diving for cover. Seemed the RPGs hadn't contained all the truth, afterall.

Reality was MUCH stranger than fiction.


"KUSO!!!" Firia screamed as the fireball shot towards the girls... and as Alcione got away... sans the Spirit Beast that was smacked w/ the Fire Arrow...

Clef however, was calm, summoning a gust of wind to strike the fireball off path, and down into the river below...
What sort of madness will I create today?"


Timidly getting herself out of the underbrush, Fuu looked for all the world like a lost sheep.

"What was that all about?" She asked, trying her best to calm herself down.


"That... would be my former student Alcione." Clef responded with a sagely nod.  "She took all the training she could and walked away to work for Zagato..."
What sort of madness will I create today?"


Fuu felt a moment of sympathy for Clef, but it was promptly squashed under more..pressing concerns.

"Ano...what about maniac-san, Clef-san?" She asked, not having the heart to actually POINT at the girl with the very intimidating gun.

She didn't want to be rude, afterall.


"Well... something about her is odd.  I couldn't sense her approach at all... she's either very good or..." Clef started, but was interrupted by Firia's "Not actually real..."
What sort of madness will I create today?"

Bean Bandit

Umi glared at the gun wielding woman. Her life had taken a distinctly surreal turn, and she did NOT like it one bit.

"What's that supposed to mean?" she demanded. "Are you ghost or something? Are we going to meet ANYONE normal on this world???"
I love the games I've played here.


"You really should stop coming to conclusions Umi-san..." Firia stated non-chalantly, before tapping her ear and adding, "Linux... take her out of cloak."

And above the girls appeared the Revolution, gleaming in the sunlight....

"That is the Revolution... On board is one of the most advanced computers in the universe.  And, I'm one of the representations of that computer..." Firia continued, and added, "Any questions?"
What sort of madness will I create today?"


"Well, if you're as powerful as you say, then why don't you just go off and save the princess instead of hanging around here with us?" Hikaru asked, proving she isn't as ditzy as they said she was.


"Simple... I can't save the princess.  In order for me, and you three to leave, the Legendary Magic Knights have to save the princess... I'm only around to make sure you don't die while doing it..." Firia responded matter-of-factly.

"Hey!  If there's no danger to it, they'll just grow weak!" Clef replied angrily...

Firia waved him off, saying, "Hey, I didn't say I'd keep them from all danger.  I just said I'd keep them from being killed.  Broken limbs, minor bleeding, concussions... they don't kill, now do they?"
What sort of madness will I create today?"


"I think it depends on the injury, wouldn't you say?" Hikaru commented and listed possible ways one can die with said "minor" injuries.


"Eh, it ain't my problem to keep you from all danger... what would be the fun in that?" Firia commented as she slung the railgun over her shoulder.

Looking at Clef, she added, "So, you're the boss... where do they need to go?"

Clef stared in irritation at Firia and replied, "To Presea's mansion in the Forest of Silence.  They can pick up weapons there..."
What sort of madness will I create today?"


Fuu shivered at the thought of having to travel with a gun toting maniac, but...

It WAS the only way for them to leave this world. Moving in close to Hikaru, she whispered.

"Shidou-san, do you think we should go with her? Who knows what she could do to us at this time." Fuu whispered, gently biting on her lower lip and eyes wide as she looked at the shotgun sized railgun.


Hikaru pondered the situation, then sighed in resignation. "We don't really have a choice in the matter. Besides, she's right. We need her as much as she needs us."