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There's not enough bitching

Started by Dracos, October 23, 2004, 03:02:08 PM

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I know pretty much more about perforce than any person who does not work there.  I'm detailing out what will be how project teams here work with it for probably the next decade.

  That there really is no non-painful way to slice a chunk of one perforce server out and transplant it, full multi-integrate history intact really sucks.  It really, really sucks.
Well, Goodbye.


If I recall correctly Perforce is what they use at Google.


Well, Goodbye.


We use more of a Perforce-Godzilla hybrid.


"It appears this cadellac does not drive with 30000 people on it."
"We can solve that.  I present...GODZILLA."
"I don't see how this...."
Well, Goodbye.


Quote from: Dracos on May 07, 2010, 01:15:44 AM
Yes, they do.

Who are ye? :)

Gpfault, or nobody of any importance as of yet :P

At any rate, my favorite vcs du jour happens to be bazaar at the long as it doesn't crash.


Hum.  You were on RPGamer back when I was administrating it.  Mmm, oh well, hardly remember.  Welcome to the area. 

Bazaar is nice when you can use it.  Not really something that holds together well in the terabytes range.
Well, Goodbye.


Quote from: Dracos on May 07, 2010, 05:09:48 PM
Hum.  You were on RPGamer back when I was administrating it.  Mmm, oh well, hardly remember.  Welcome to the area.  

I'm afraid your timing is off.

I got banned by Rico, and unbanned by Paws...but yes indeed I'm that nutcase from RPGamer all right.

Also showed up briefly on Ammon's forum.  Anyway, well met.

Bazaar is nice when you can use it.  Not really something that holds together well in the terabytes range.

The only plus for me for bzr, is first class rename tracking.  But it's a mighty big plus.


Git is god. All else is heresy.


Today I decided not to wear a coat.

As I sit here just slightly too cold to properly concentrate, I recognize that this was a terrible decision.  Warm May indeed.
Well, Goodbye.


Dracos dislike cold.

Dracos also dislike smoke.

Dodongo Dodongo.
Well, Goodbye.


Six days ago: Producer does an import from spreadsheet into database.
Four days ago: I notice program is behaving screwily.  I sigh and hope it clears up over weekend.  Go home.
Yesterday: No such luck.  Things more hosed than earlier appeared.  I spend an hour hunting down phantomseque problem.  No luck.
Today: It is placed as higher priority than making sure team isn't hosed.  We try using my buggy test version of the program.  Find problem gets worse.  I copy database to previously working test server and find it suddenly hosed.  Oh... Check to see if producers dumped anything special there last week.  Producer strangled.
Today+5 minutes: Please add feature to protect me from hosing rickety cheap production program by being clumsy.

Well, Goodbye.


Burned my lunch a bit. Baaah.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


So wednesday evening, my mom got into a car accident, a three-way accident at that and she was the sandwich.

Basically, for whatever reason, the girl driving the silver/white car hit the breaks. I wasn't clear on why, it sounded like she was saying someone ahead of her did, so she did as well. Whatever the reason, she slammed them suddenly and fast. Mom has to do same. So does the guy behind mom. Both cars don't breaks near well enough. Fronts are totalled for both vehicles. Cops come in (it takes them TWO FREAKING HOURS in that texas sun to make it in), and they seem to decide both my mom and the kid behind her were at fault.

Looks like the sixteen year old girl gets off scott free, with nothing but a dented exhaust pipe (there is absolutely -no- damage otherwise to her car).

During those two hours we were stuck there, all we heard from her was bitching and whining "I want to go home, mom!" and the like. Just stomping around, this was not her fault and it wasn't fair for her to be here! Just being a brat in general. Her mother, when she shows up, is a similar pain. Her daughter is innocent! Everyone else is a maniac! Just getting in everyone's face, acting bossy/haughty and just plain rude, demanding everything and anything.

The other kid in the red car is sweating, doing the spiderman cracks joke routine when nervous, but you could see him shake, and he really did try to be helpful through the whole mess. My mom was a nerveous wreck herself, dazed from impact and such and they even had some EMS guys check her out. The other kid also seemed to be okay, outside of his nerves.

Again, both of their cars are completely TRASHED in the front. And the girl has just a dented exhaust pipe. And yet, two days later, it's the sixteen year old brat who is 'mysteriously' the injured party, as insurance calls. And I mean injured as in -real- injuries.

And my mom is, again, a nervous wreck.

Thanks a lot, you brat. You and your redneck mom are a real piece of work. Because I truly believe you were even remotely injured as you were stomping around like you owned the place and whining up a storm.
<Cidward> God willing, we'll all meet in Buttquest 2: The Quest for More Butts.


That's terrible :( 

And standard traffic law. :(  If a car in front stops, for whatever stupid dangerous reason, and you don't, it's automatically your fault.  Though I always was told it's the last person in a pile-up that is held to be at fault.  Either way, terrible hicks. :(
Well, Goodbye.