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The one, the only..

Started by Carthrat, December 09, 2004, 11:15:09 PM

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[Search Run: Tanewaki, Carthrat]
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Carthrat Tanewaki.
Date of Birth: (Selected Chronostat: Earth, Milky Way): 1/1/1976. Present Human Age: 28.
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 105kg
Apperance: Photo on File. A tall, broad man, possessed of long hair and favouring concealing, flowing clothing. Possessed of high physical strength and endurance.

Current Intelligence

Born on Telekineos, Sector #442. Parents unknown; presumed deceased. Appears native to Telekineos. Adopted in Telekineos State Orphanage.

On 10th birthday, was sent to work at a now-defunct factory. Developed knowledge of complex mechanical engineering skills; apparently taught by more skilled workers at the plant. Took state aptitude test; passes with 100%. Admitted into T.I.S (Telekineos Institute of Science) as a minor student; graduated two years early at 16 with full honors.

Reported to have dealings with inner-system crimelords. Gained training in firearms, melee, and unarmed combat from unknown sources. Worked as a small-time hitman and extortionist. This work continued after his successful application to join the University of Telekineos. Majored in Military Sciences, Physics, and Space-Engineering. Completed all degrees with honors; won a substantial scholarship from the Telekineos government and the university.

Used this money to by a light civilian cruiser. With his connections to inner crimelords, was able to retrofit this cruiser with unknown armour and unknown weapons, the designs apparently worked out by himself. With two friends (both Earth natives who had been abducted and taken to Telekineos), Setsuna and Yuki, began a pirate career. Assembled a sizable armada over several years; this fleet dominated other criminal fleets through technological superiority; what Carthrat couldn't buy, he made himself, which gave him a decisive advantage in most criminal warfare, and the ability to fight galactic forces on his own terms. This continued until the Galactic Federation organized a retaliatory fleet. Was defeated at the Battle of Orion's Belt. His cruiser and a few stragglers escaped unarmed; he returned to Telekineos, and it was discovered he was privateering on the governments orders. Embargoes were put into place on Telekineos, and Carthrat was partially responsible for the beginning of the civil strife on the planet. (For more information, see file #4432112D.)

Setsuna reportedly killed on Telekineos; details unknown. With many hostile agents developing on Telekineos, Carthrat and Yuki fled the planet, persued by unknown hostiles. The pair fled to Earth, and crash-landed on the landmass known as Europe. Details are sketchy from this point on; Yuki is reported to have been killed, and Carthrat is reported to have been spreading knowledge of the outer and inner systems to unknowing earth Mundanes.

Three months ago, Carthrat left Earth, travelled to Pluto (a planetoid in the same system), and has been persued by Slicing Gale, a mercenary organisation since (for reasons unknown). His movements have been sketchy at best, but recently, he has been reported to have arrived on the planet Heli 3. His goals and activities there are largely unconfirmable. Reports are sketchy at best; he is apparently gathering rare and difficult to maintain technological components for a new device, rumoured to be some kind of teleportation device. Rumors also have him searching for a woman; who this might be is subject to debate. Other sources have claimed he is looking for his deceased wife; a new lover; his parents; or a woman on earth whom he used to work for.

He has been spotted being accompanied by two accomplices; apparently earth natives. The first, a young woman, is apparently possessed of some kind of strange, otherworldly power which we have seen not before. The other, a man who has garnered conflicting reports from attempts to determine his age, appears to be skilled in all forms of melee combat, but it is unknown what his other skills are.

Formerly, Carthrat has been regarded as highly dangerous. However, presently, he seems simply to be on the run. He is not exhibiting his former ruthlessness, planning, or ability. While observers claim he is as skilled a marksmen as ever, he is apparently increasingly reluctant to kill people. Moreover, while he has been spotted dabbling in illegal substances and commiting various crimes, they are rarely of the same magnitude as those committed earlier.

He presently poses no threat to our organisation. While he could be a potential ally, his current attitude would require adjusting, and there is not enough gain in the effort that this would take.

It should be noted that two groups are presently searching for him. Slicing Gale, a relatively new mercenary group is searching for him on the orders of one of the crimelords of the galaxy, apparently with orders to capture or kill.

An unknown group that has formed only in the last months is also searching for him; headed, apparently, by a former mundane of Earth who has built up a dangerous fleet. Intel on this human is unknown.


Last Sighted, Carthrat possessed;

A modified T-12 Corvette, armed primarily with swarm missiles and plasma turrets. The engine has been modified to travel at supra-light speeds, equivalent to an interdictor or persuit ship. However, if engaged in combat, he does not have the firepower or shielding to defend against a sustained assault.

A personal cloaking device, reportedly made himself. Standard detection systems are defeated by his countermeasures; specialized equipment must be brought in. EMP-destabilizers particularly, which render his field useless, and visible to the naked eye.

An unknown amount of projectile-based firearms. These are easily defeated by even the simplest armour or shielding, however, Carthrat has been reported to hit vital spots on a target at a distance of 100 metres; care must be taken to make sure the shielding is absolute.

Unknown designs of precision-based energy weaponry. Focused Plasma, Multi-faceted/melded Tachyon, and Uranium railslugs have all been used by him before, typically to great effect. Because he knows the designs of many heavy vehicles, spacecraft, and power suits extremely well, he is capable of hitting vital locations and causing crippling damage.

Reported to have developed a device that diverts wind, heat, and air to change weather conditions. Reportedly capable of causing rainfall, fog, storms, lightning, and hurricanes. The effects supposedly take place relatively quickly, compared to normal meteological principals; caution is advised with regard to this instrument. It is in the shape of a staff, with a round ball at the end that crackles with energy when in use.

A pair of gloves that wreath themselves in fire, yet prevent any burn damage to the flesh underneath. Renders the user capable of hurling balls of fire that explode with the force of a small bomb. Also, they have been proven to be of potent use in melee combat.

An unusual, glowing amulet. Reportedly has strange, unknown capabilities, as of yet unseen by present technology.

[File Ends. New search?]
[19:14] <Annerose> Aww, mouth not outpacing brain after all?
[19:14] <Candide> My brain caught up


Looking good, C-Rat. Leaves space for further updates, too.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?