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The Halls of the Master

Started by Brian, January 24, 2005, 04:02:08 PM

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Kesir nodded.  "Then we shall conclude the game upon the morrow, over breakfast before I set off."

Kesir rose and bowed, waiting a moment before taking his leave of the elder.

Well, Goodbye.


Oki Bi smiles genially.  "Go in peace," he says, raising his right hand in the sign of benediction.
I handle other fanfic authors Nanoha-style.  Grit those teeth!  C&C incoming!
Prepare to be befriended!

~exploding tag~


Kesir turned, heading off out of the temple.

He would not see the city for a long time to come and while he could reminisce about the temple at night, it would be good to travel it once more.

His calm feet traveled the earthen grounds as he walked through the city streets, letting his feet take him where they would, even as he spent his time absorbing the flow of the city with his eyes.

Well, Goodbye.


The courtyard was crowded by the time Kesir got there, throngs crowding even onto the temple steps to see the gates of the Palace.  And the reason why became readily apparent.  The Emperor himself was speaking from atop the gate, while a rain of flower-petals drifted down from above.

" ... era ... of ... peace," the Emperor's speech concludes.

The throngs in the courtyard go wild at this, throwing confetti, and hats, into the air.
I handle other fanfic authors Nanoha-style.  Grit those teeth!  C&C incoming!
Prepare to be befriended!

~exploding tag~


Kesir blinked, listening as he moved closer to the crowd, standing unobtrusively near the outside of the cheerful gathering.  Unfortunately, he'd not been keeping up with the most recent events, so did not know what the speech was about.  He waited a moment to see if a minister would be following it up with greater clarification than what he heard.

Well, Goodbye.


It looks like Kesir just missed the last of the speech.  It doesn't take a master to put together clues from the excited city-folk standing nearby, only slowly dispersing:

"That'll do it!  No more assasins to darken our nights!"
"...body went and DID something about it!"
"The streets belong to the people again!"

At a guess, the semi-notorious guild of assasins has finally been dealt with.

Just as Kesir reaches this conclusion (which makes very little difference to him anyway; there's seldom call to assasinate a monk, as it turns out to be risky business for most assasins), a burly pair of guards pass through the crowd and begin purposefully marching up the steps.

Suddenly, however, Kesir's memory goes back to the board master Oki Bi showed him earlier that day.  These two guards represent a single stone.  If they are placed as they intend, then Kesir will be trapped in the path that leads to chaos.

Unfortunately, the only move he knows to counter it is either a block, which only buys time ... or a sacrifice.
I handle other fanfic authors Nanoha-style.  Grit those teeth!  C&C incoming!
Prepare to be befriended!

~exploding tag~


Kesir hesistated but a step before following in the burly guards' wake towards the front, pausing at the stairs and looking swiftly about, trying to figure out a solution to the dilema posed.  Them being placed may be a starter, but it alone can't be it.  It must be something about them being placed relative to the board as nothing exists in a vacuum.  He tried to discern what about the place was off in resonance to them.

Stopping them with a hand on one of their shoulders right before they could start climbing he asked.  "Pardon me, is there something going on?"

Well, Goodbye.


The guards spin, with looks of grave concern, though they relax when they see Kesir's robes.  "Ah, Master," the first replies, as both bow low to Kesir.  "We have come to request your presence on behalf of the Emperor.  He wishes to speak with you on a matter of some import to the Empire."
I handle other fanfic authors Nanoha-style.  Grit those teeth!  C&C incoming!
Prepare to be befriended!

~exploding tag~


Kesir maintained a calm face, though only a tribute to his training as his mind was whirling with what was actually occuring.  Nodding once though, he answered them.  "I shall go then."  Kesir gestured briefly for the guards to lead the way towards the palace.

Well, Goodbye.


The guards rise, only to bow again, and then lead the way, parting the crowd before them.

Kesir follows, through the gates of the palace, but not into the palace itself.  A small side-building for affairs of state and simple meetings is nearby, and that's where the guards lead Kesir.

Inside, one of the more high ranking members of the Emperor's Council is sitting at a low table.  Tea and breakfast have been laid out; far more extravagant than the meal at the temple.

The official looks gloomy, and then when he sees Kesir a bit surprised, and then finally, quite pleased.  "Young master!  I had not known-- but it is not important.  The Empire has a favor to request of you."
I handle other fanfic authors Nanoha-style.  Grit those teeth!  C&C incoming!
Prepare to be befriended!

~exploding tag~


"My ears, as are the ears of the temple, are always open to the needs of the emperor." Kesir responded formally, watching the official and attempting to perceive his actual motives behind the request, regardless of what he says about the empire.  Kesir respectfully sat across from him in a receptive pose.

Well, Goodbye.


The offical nods happily.  "Please," he says, gesturing to the meal.  "Help yourself, should you ... desire anything."  He frowns at this, realizing the wasted gesture on a monk.  "Well, the Emperor has exterminated the Night's Shadow within the city.  They no longer dare to show their faces here.

"But we are concerned that they live on yet, and are still a threat.  We wished to ask the Master of the temple if he would see fit to meet one of our officers in the field.  We are arranging a meeting of any and all Night's Shadow in a location they believe to be secure.

"We wish only for someone of your skill and foresight to aid our Captain ... to see what is not only most beneficial to the Emperor in the destruction of the assasin's guild, but beneficial to all citizens of the Empire."  He nods at this.  "If ... you see fit to grace us with your presence on this mission, we would be glad to give a gift to the temple.  A gift of...."  The offical here pauses, and licks his lips nervously, "10,000 Ryo, and a park within the city.  The emperor may also be persuaded to build a statue...."  He trails off again, and shrugs, looking nervously fearful.

It doesn't take much for Kesir to see through the man; he's asking the monk to judge an assasin, and he's afraid that a monke might be angered at being asked to kill someone.  Which is reasonable to fear.  But in truth, Kesir knows that he is not the one who is being sought ... and even though it is only a 'request', there may be ... repricusions should it not be met.  Even powerful men are reluctant to refuse the Emperor.

Kesir can see that he has time to back out of his course, but he will need to accept this to avoid Oki Bi being asked, instead.  And from what Kesir can see ... if Oki Bi's map was any explanation, the master must remain in the city to prevent chaos.

And, too, 10,000 Ryo could feed many of the city's hungy when they came to the Temple to beg -- for months, easily, but with care, possibly for a year.  If the land the emperor gives to the temple for a park is instead used for private temple farms, that year could be extended to several.
I handle other fanfic authors Nanoha-style.  Grit those teeth!  C&C incoming!
Prepare to be befriended!

~exploding tag~


Kesir took a small cup of tea, sipping it slightly in thought as he considered.  "Your gift to the temple is most gracious.  The temple remains, as always, a close friend of the Emperor and appreciates his generousity.  Specifically though, It would not behove the temple stand idle while the empire is in need of the vision and understanding to help keep it upon the path of prosperity.  I will lend my skills and presence to this mission."

Kesir placed the empty cup of tea upon the table, observing the official.

Well, Goodbye.


"We are most grateful," the official says, relaxing his shoulders from their anxiously hunched positions.

He and the guards bow again, and after rising, the official adds, "A courier will meet you in the palace square at dawn tomorrow, with instructions on how to contact the Captain.  Your gift will reach the temple before the sun sets tomorrow."
I handle other fanfic authors Nanoha-style.  Grit those teeth!  C&C incoming!
Prepare to be befriended!

~exploding tag~


"May the Emperor long prosper." Kesir formulically responded as he rose as well, turning and heading off towards the temple, the business moderately distasteful, but necessary.  Balance was maintained, through his own choice to act as a piece upon the board.  Heading out, he briefly surveyed the night sky, meditating a moment outside the palace on the stars and what they saw down below.

Moving to the temple, he sought the fellowship of his brethern for the night, for he had not talked with them in many a day. Tomorrow's worries were tomorrow's to be dealt with.

Well, Goodbye.