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Some Changes

Started by Music-chan, May 24, 2005, 04:31:04 PM

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Out of respect to our former leader, I waited a month to see if he actually wanted to come back and re-assume leadership.  But when mail started being sent back, well....

(Not saying we don't want Brian back of course)

Anyway, I've changed a few things in the guild, you may have noticed. I did pay 10g out of my own pocket and changed the guild tabard. If there are any objections to the new icon and color scheme, please let me know. Though I will not be paying for the change myself next time. >_> If the rest of the guild wants to change the tabard again, you'll have to pitch in some gold.

But hey, if people LIKE the tabard, that would make me happy. =p Please leave comments here if you have any.


I've also gone and changed around some of the hiarchy.

+There are two "leadership" positions for myself and Cy. Basically, he can do almost anything I can do.  

+The next step down from him is Savant, which means you can add or remove people from the guild. People are Savants if they're dedicated to the game and play quite often. (Most of mine and Cy's alts are Savants so we can add and remove as needed)  The Savant rank used to be the Soulrider rank but I figured since our guild was called Soulriders, we don't really need a rank called that.

+Journeyman is the next rank down and is pretty standard. Inductee is the next down from that and people will be moved up from Inductee the more often they play.

+The last rank is one I added called AWOL. If the character hasn't logged in for 2 months or longer, they are AWOL. If they haven't logged in for 6 months, they are removed. (There is one person in the guild who is really close to the removal point)  If the character logs in during the AWOL stage, they'll be moved up to Inductee.  (There are a few exceptions I will make, such as people who have left the game for school, money issues, etc)


I've started using the Officer's Notes to indicate what people's nicknames are in Soulriders (if they have one) and who is alts for who.  I believe Savants and Journeymen can see the officer's notes though only Cy and myself can edit them. (I might change this)  Mostly, I want it to be a way so that we all know who each other is because I have a horrendously bad memory sometimes.


That's about it for now. I haven't really changed much but I'd like to possibly run some guild-type events, just to get people more involved in the game.  But we're a really casual guild so I'm not worried about it too much.

Just a reminder, if you ever work with an unguilded person and they're interested, please invite them. We're not a closed guild at all and hopefully we can pull a few more people to IRC and the boards.
The Road goes ever on and on
Down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
And I must follow, if I can,
Pursuing it with eager feet,
Until it joins some larger way
Where many paths and errands meet.
And whither then? I cannot say.