
"Why do you call it soulriders?"
"Because we grind your souls, hopes, and dreams down ... and ride the wave."

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Intro 3 - A kid outside the grocery store looking in

Started by Dracos, May 28, 2005, 02:58:29 AM

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Shairthewm (11:23:41 AM): It was night. The London city lights were cold but bright as always at this time. Folks traveling home slowly from their places of work. Chittering between themselves as they headed for the places they would be coming from the next day.

It was chilly, mid-December in fact. Wretched time to be out and about, but not everyone had a comfy place to go home to and dinner would be really nice.
shukuen0953 (11:31:34 AM): Leets huddled deeper into his jacket, fighting off the biting cold as he watched people passing the alley on their way home. His satchel lay next to him, carrying his few worldly possessions and a half eaten bag of apple chips: the only remains of his raid on the marketplace a few days ago. A pang of envy struck him as he saw a particularly happy family of tourists wander by, probably visiting from some tropical climate with how they were acting.

"Feh, bloody idiots don't know the meaning of cold," he groused miserably.
Shairthewm (11:38:06 AM): They didn't seem to as they chittered happily. But that wasn't that important right now, as his grumbling stomach indicated.

Though he did feel a bit off. As if something important was about to go down.
shukuen0953 (11:45:06 AM): He shivered again despite having buckled down in his jacket.

"It's just a little colder, that's all," he muttered in an attempt to pacify the queasy feeling in his gut. His stomach disagreed loudly, and Leets thanked whatever powers were up there that he had the alley to himself. "Should have figured you were bloody hungry."

He reached into his satchel, digging out the now half eaten and crushed bag of apple chips, frowning as he poured the broken bits into his hand. "I definately need another run to the market soon," he grumbled halfheartedly and popped the handful into his mouth.
Shairthewm (11:50:40 AM): Maybe something tonight, as the chips did little to ease his hunger. The moon was slowly starting to rise, giving a bit of an erie glow to the late London scene.
shukuen0953 (11:59:41 AM): Leets watched the moon rise with partial interest. The soft, erie glow of London's streets only fueling his premonition that something was different about this night. He forced the feeling back, concentrating on trying to hear Big Ben chiming in the hour to que him on what time it was.
Shairthewm (12:02:46 PM): Eight. Still pretty early. Some of the shops these days stayed open most the night too.
shukuen0953 (12:10:41 PM): "I think I can risk a two hour nap," he chuckled, shifting his body to a more comfortable position. "And the Sheriff of Nottingham would get another reason to curse little ol' Robin."

Yawning quietly and feeling the spreading warmth of his partially sated stomach, his senses drifted off to a light sleep.
Shairthewm (12:13:05 PM): An hour later he awoke, feeling kind of off center. His stomach was still grumbling...but was that it? He felt kind of like a doe...with the hunter watching nearby
shukuen0953 (12:18:59 PM): Leets snapped to full wakefulness, the queasiness returning full force. He eyed the darkness suspiciously, unconsciously tightening his scarf. Just what is going on here? he wondered, gathering his things before cautiously peering out beyond the alley's corners.
Shairthewm (12:22:56 PM): He didn't see anyone. Though, that wasn't a sign that no one was watching.
shukuen0953 (12:29:31 PM): Leets frowned, glaring through the foggy darkness, his bad premonition still persisting. Tightening the straps of his satchel, he retreated back into the alley, taking a shortcut to the closest homeless community in the area. Whatever was happening now, he'd rather face it with some familiar people watching his back.
Shairthewm (12:31:23 PM): The place seemed pretty empty tonight as he headed back towards that community. The alleyways not having their usual rabble.
Shairthewm (12:31:35 PM): The moon was slowly shining in the sky, giving plenty of light to see by.
shukuen0953 (12:38:24 PM): He shivered as the chill returned, increasing his pace to reach the community. He would certainly feel better among other people again. "A fire to sit by wouldn't hurt either," he reasoned, trying to ignore the nagging feeling that something was desperately wrong.
Shairthewm (12:39:32 PM): He heard some boots...heading down the next street.
Shairthewm (12:46:21 PM): They sounded like they were getting closer. Thud...thud...thud...

How many...five...ten maybe?
shukuen0953 (12:48:21 PM): Leets flinched as he skidded to a stop. Someone was coming... a lot of someones apparently, his mind offered. He glanced quickly at his surroundings, trying to spot a place to hide from whoever was coming.
Shairthewm (12:53:29 PM): There was a fire escape along the nearby apartment building. Might take some getting to get up it though.
shukuen0953 (12:55:06 PM): He eyed the fire escape critically and listened to the approaching footsteps. Did he even have time to climb it or should he just hightail it away from them until a better opportunity appeared?
Shairthewm (12:58:08 PM): He had time, just barely.
shukuen0953 (1:03:03 PM): "Dammit," he muttered as the footsteps got closer. Tossing aside his remaining hesitation, he dashed towards the fire escape and began climbing, hoping his pause didn't cost him his chance of escape.
Shairthewm (1:05:56 PM): He heard voices below as he reached the roof. Gruff ones, even if he couldn't make out what they were saying.
Shairthewm (1:06:04 PM): Pretty close call as it was.
shukuen0953 (1:07:09 PM): He peered over the side of the roof, trying to catch a glimpse of the strangers and straining to hear what they might be talking about.
Shairthewm (1:09:05 PM): He saw soldiers. At least they looked like soldiers. They were systematically checking out the alleyway, scanning everything. It wouldn't be long until they noticed the fire escape.
shukuen0953 (1:12:33 PM): Leets watched the soldiers for a few more moments, his curiousity overriding self preservation. Just what would the military be looking for in an alley like this? he wondered, still straining to listen in on them.
Shairthewm (1:14:48 PM): "The subject has not been found yet." One was heard calling into a radio. Someone looked up and began heading up the fire escape after a moment.
shukuen0953 (1:16:17 PM): "Shit," Leets whispered harshly, leaving the edge and searching the roof top. The soldier would be coming up soon and he needed another exit now!
Shairthewm (1:20:41 PM): The roofs were pretty close. He could try a leap, or scurrying down to the next alley.
shukuen0953 (1:23:41 PM): He ran to the opposite edge of the roof, hoping for either a ladder or something soft to land on. He held no illusions of avoiding detection if he only ran to the next roof after all.
Shairthewm (1:24:27 PM): There was another fire escape on this side he could go down.
shukuen0953 (1:25:22 PM): Hope blazing in his chest, he quickly scurried down the fire escape, praying there was enough time to slip by their search party when he got down.
Shairthewm (1:29:10 PM): He heard them up top as he hit the ground running.

They'd be near and he'd have to move fast. But where? They sounded like they were moving pretty quickly? Where could he run to? The London streets were pretty lonely at this hour.
shukuen0953 (1:35:19 PM): "The police are definitely off the list," he grumbled, annoyed that his years of self preservation would come back to bite him at this time. The same reasoning applied to the marketplace as well, given that they would turn him in on sight.

He grimaced and considered the underground stations. Perhaps the darkness would hide him better then the moonlit streets. With that thought in mind, he made a beeline to the closest subway entrance.
Shairthewm (1:37:42 PM): They were closed. But hey, that wasn't too much of a barrier. The subways didn't run at this hour, but he could always head down the stairs and leap over the blockades. Then lose them in the tunnels. Someone could hide there for weeks.
shukuen0953 (1:39:55 PM): It was definitely a sound plan, though remembering the persistent air surrounding the soldiers, probably not the most thought out one. "No time for second thoughts," he said quietly, heading down into the underground stations.
Shairthewm (1:42:35 PM): He came down to the subway tunnels. One route heading north. The other south. No one was really around and hopefully there wasn't any cameras paying attention to him.
shukuen0953 (1:46:04 PM): He stopped for a moment, considering which tunnel to take and partially distracted with trying to hear if anyone was approaching.
Shairthewm (1:56:07 PM): No one yet. He seemed to be alone.
shukuen0953 (1:58:04 PM): He allowed himself to relax marginally, though still ready to make a run in the first direction to come to mind if needed. For the moment however, he explored his surroundings, trying to get a feel for the area.

...and possibly find a vending machine if the way his stomach rumbled was any indication.
Shairthewm (2:01:45 PM): His stomach rumbled and there were vending machines thankfully. Running was hungry work.
shukuen0953 (2:04:51 PM): Leets grinned, heading towards the machine. He stopped in front of it and looked over it appraisingly, looking at what he could carry and trying to find an obvious lock to release the treasures within.
Shairthewm (2:05:27 PM): Well, it was an old fashion one. Just one lock on the side of the type you could buy at the store. largeish.
shukuen0953 (2:10:20 PM): He grinned, taking the lock into his hand and concentrating. The familiar tingle shot through his skin as the lock began popping ominously before snapping open.

Tossing the now useless lock away, he opened the vending machine and took a good look at how much food remained.

Shairthewm (2:17:59 PM): It was half empty, lots of junk food filling it.
shukuen0953 (2:19:57 PM): Leets opened his satchel and reached into the vending machine, stuffing as many bags of chips and candy bars as he could inside. It may not be healthy, but beggars can't be choosers now.

Satisfied with his full bag, he listened again to be sure he still had time before searching for some water to go with his new stash of food.
Shairthewm (2:21:11 PM): There's a water fountain here.
shukuen0953 (2:22:26 PM): He pulled out his canteen, which was still half full, and proceeded to fill it all the way at the fountain.

With that chore finished, he repacked his replenished supplies and made his escape through the southern tunnel.
Shairthewm (2:30:25 PM): He heard some noise up above as he started moving. Probably none to soon as he went into the darkened corridors of the subway. It was bitter cold down here. Dark too. No real lights lighting the subway corridors.
shukuen0953 (2:37:56 PM): Leets followed the tracks silently, ignoring the smaller forks heading off. He would eventually reach the next station, and from there, he would disappear again in the streets of London while the soldiers were distracted looking splitting up and searching all his possible paths.
Shairthewm (2:40:40 PM): He heard boots...behind him. gaining slowly.
shukuen0953 (2:43:56 PM): He bit back a curse and quickened his pace. Probably shouldn't have underestimated these soldiers and their stubborness.
Shairthewm (2:44:31 PM): He came to an unfamiliar crossroads...which way though....danger there....the boots slamming closer and closer.
shukuen0953 (2:47:53 PM): Gah, where? Which way to the next station?! he thought frantically, distracted by the marching boots echoing in the tunnels around him. At least one path could be ignored, but that still left a chance that the others would be dead ends.

Or lead right into the enemies hands...

He shook that odd thought from his head. No time for hesitation, it's pick one and go! Without pause, he picked the path on the far right, running as fast as his legs could carry him and hoping another station would be along the way.
Shairthewm (2:49:11 PM): He ran and ran and ran.... into chicken feathers? The black corridor was slowly getting filled with chicken feathers as he ran by, the boots starting to get softer.
shukuen0953 (2:54:19 PM): "What the hell?" he choked, sputtering out a feather that had flew into his mouth. Definately not a dream, that tasted way too nasty to be his imagination, he grimaced in thought. Leets ignored his odd surroundings though, risking a glance over his shoulder to see if his pursuers were still there.
Shairthewm (3:02:14 PM): He couldn't see them, the chicken feathers obscuring the path behind him...but that might actually help in the long run.
shukuen0953 (3:03:29 PM): Not wanting to look a gift horse in the mouth, he continued running, hoping to find an exit out of this mad tunnel soon.
Shairthewm (3:04:20 PM): He ran and ran, his lungs burning as he saw daylight?

What? It shouldn't be daytime for hours! But he saw it at the end of the tunnel.
shukuen0953 (3:09:57 PM): He slid to a stop amidst feathers as he saw what was outside the tunnel, surprise on his face as he saw something that should have been impossible. Daylight this time of night was one thing, but an end to an underground tunnel that didn't lead up?!
Shairthewm (3:16:30 PM): It didn't seem to be changing as the passageway continued to swirl with feathers behind him. It was daylight coming down the end of the tunnel.
shukuen0953 (3:24:13 PM): He slowly approached the exit, half expecting something, probably a swarm of chickens, to jump out at him at any moment. "I never agreed to go down any rabbit hole," he muttered, cautiously looking outside.
Shairthewm (3:25:44 PM): He was looking out of a cave into a desert. The sky clear above with a single brightly shining sun.
shukuen0953 (3:32:39 PM): Once in a while, he was glad for his eccentric habit of wrapping his scar around his face, as there was no doubt he would have caught half the desert with the way he was gaping now. He grasped his satchel distractedly, suddenly glad he took the time to pack all the food and water he did. From the look of things, he'd definitely be needing them.

On the bright side, I lost those weird guys, he thought cheerlessly, pulling out a pair of old goggles from his pack and putting them over his eyes. Funny, he knew he would have needed them this winter, but never did he expect to use them against possible sand storms. With his eyes now protected from the sun and desert, he plopped down onto the feathery floor and dug out a candy bar. Best to eat up and rest until the sun sets, he thought sensibly. Even he knew he was poorly equiped to travel the desert by daylight.
Shairthewm (3:37:26 PM): Soon night fell... The desert not fading or revealing itself as a hallucination.
shukuen0953 (3:41:37 PM): Having gotten some rest and sated his hunger with a bag of chips, Leets gathered his belongings and began a steady trek out into the desert. He hoped that he'd find some sign of civilization before the sun rose again.
Shairthewm (3:43:36 PM): He found himself wandering...lost. He didn't really know the desert and didn't see anything that looked like a town or landmark nearby.
shukuen0953 (3:51:34 PM): Leets gazed further into the desert wearily, starting to feel weighed down by the sheer immensity of this strange land. He could see nothing in the distance: no lights, fires, or even trails left by travelers.

How ironic, he thought balefully. I survive London's coldest only to be done in by the bloody sun.

At least the moonlit desert was refreshing in comparison to the biting chills of home. Sighing, he continued his wandering, making sure he at least kept to a straight path if he had to run back to the cave he exited from.
Shairthewm (3:52:15 PM): It was a lovely sight...he came across...huh, what's this...some rusty blade sticking out in the sand.
shukuen0953 (3:53:57 PM): He blinked owlishly behind his goggles, studying the strange projection and nudging it carefully from its burial spot with his foot.
Shairthewm (4:00:46 PM): He saw a skeleton, buried in the sand, the rusty blade embedded into it's chest. It's features worn by years of wind and sand.
shukuen0953 (4:06:13 PM): Leets stumbled back in surprise and revulsion, quickly muttering apologies for disturbing the poor soul's resting place as he tried to calm his racing heart. He half considered leaving the skeleton and the blade to be buried once more in the sand, but felt oddly compelled to stay a moment longer.
Shairthewm (4:11:09 PM): The sword looked like it was probably rusted beyond use...but who knows, it could be pretty sturdy to hit things with though it'd be a bit heavy. maybe some blacksmith could do something with it.
shukuen0953 (4:22:24 PM): Leets considered his current situation: even if he did find civilization, there was no guarantee the natives would be friendly to him. Maybe a weapon would be useful. And if necessary, he could sell it to someone who could use it more readily then he could.

"Sorry about this, old chap. You won't mind if I take this off your chest now, would you?" he asked the skeleton, not really expecting a reply but it made him feel a bit better about the entire thing.
Shairthewm (4:25:02 PM): The skeleton just lay there, quite solidly deceased.
shukuen0953 (4:26:28 PM): "Righto then. Thanks," he said cheerfully, carefully grasping the sword's hilt and gently pulling it out of the skeleton's ribs.
Shairthewm (4:33:11 PM): The sword felt heavy in his hands, but he had it~!
shukuen0953 (4:39:17 PM): He gazed at his prize for a moment, a bit put off by its weight and the lack of a scabbard. He could try putting it in his satchel, but he didn't want to risk puncturing any of his possession if he could help it.

"Guess I'll just hold on to it for now," he muttered, continuing his wandering with his new sword dragging behind him.
Shairthewm (4:43:08 PM): It wasn't long before he was tired...the moon beginning to set.
Shairthewm (4:43:14 PM): He still hadn't found anything.
shukuen0953 (4:47:38 PM): "This... is... so not... good..." he panted, his pacing slowed considerably since he began. Maybe I should have stayed back in the cave, he thought bitterly, pushing on despite the protests of his limbs until finally, they gave out and he dropped unceremoniously down onto the sand.

"Thank god for eccentricities..." he grumbled behind his scarf, face half buried in the sand after narrowly avoiding a mouthful of dirt.
Shairthewm (4:50:36 PM): Hours later...

He felt something poking him gently.
shukuen0953 (4:51:41 PM): Leets groaned miserably, rolling to his side to glare sleepily at his tormentor.
Shairthewm (4:57:24 PM): He sees a man standing there poking him gently with a spoon. He's wearing a brown cloth and leather outfit and has long brown hair done in a topknot with speckles of gray in it. His face looks young, except around his wide sort of brown eyes where there's wrinkles just barely evident. He has a sort of childish grin on his face.
Shairthewm (4:57:42 PM): He has a bag on his back. Several in fact. They look pretty heavy but he's not straining much.
Shairthewm (4:57:58 PM): He also has a stick in his other hand, long, for walking, with a sort of slingshot top.
shukuen0953 (5:01:03 PM): Leets blinked, coming to wakefulness upon seeing the man. He gazed in surprise at the, mouth moving uselessly until he finally uttered a solid "Hello."
Shairthewm (5:03:05 PM): "Looks like you were in a bit of trouble there. Dangerous sleeping out here without some cover though. The sun can burn your skin right off your bones! And I've heard that there are these black scorpions around that live in dunes like that. Big as your head! They sneak up all on you and squish you!"
shukuen0953 (5:05:25 PM): Leets nodded numbly, already feeling a bit soaked from sweating. " lost," he somehow managed to say, trying to stand up.
Shairthewm (5:06:07 PM): "Here, here.." He stuck a flask of something in Leets hands. "Take a drink, I'll help you out. Where were you headed?"
shukuen0953 (5:09:29 PM): Though grateful, Leets shook off the gesture. "Got my own," he said raspily, taking his own canteen from his pack. It was warm in his hands, but still drinkable. "Don't want to take yours," he added placidly, taking a quick gulp of his water.

"And I'm just trying to get to the nearest town."
Shairthewm (5:11:11 PM): "Well, okay." He took a quick drink of the cold water and then put it away, helping Leets up. "Nearest town, huh? Let's see, wait a sec...I know this." He pulled out a bag of maps, looking through it. It must have had hundreds of them in there.
shukuen0953 (5:14:02 PM): Leets thanked the man as he was helped up, then stared at the bag of maps in disbelief.
Shairthewm (5:15:45 PM): Korea? Anasalon? Itsluki? He didn't recognize any of these places really. Eventually the man pulled out a map, checking it and pointing at town on it. "Here's the closest one to where we are."

There were lots of little notes on the map as Leets could see a few towns around the area as well as a tower marked on the map, near where his finger was, pointing to some town labeled New Brunswick on it.
shukuen0953 (5:21:32 PM): Leets blinked, Anasalon? Itsluki? Just where in the world was he? New Brunswick at least sounded familiar, but wasn't it somewhere over in America? How could it be anywhere close to London? he wondered.
Shairthewm (5:23:45 PM): " look a bit lost so I'll lead you there." The man put the maps away with a flourish and started walking.
shukuen0953 (5:24:51 PM): Leets followed the man gratefully, his new sword still dragging behind in his hurry.
Shairthewm (5:31:13 PM): He seems to lead through the deserts with a keen sense of direction, a town soon in sight as he lead the way.
shukuen0953 (5:34:43 PM): Leets kept an eye on the approaching town, trying to discern any familiar landmarks.
Shairthewm (5:36:04 PM): None were showing up, though he could kind of see something off in the distance. Pretty tall too...maybe a skyscraper?

Anyhow, the man led into the town, turning and giving a smile. "Anyhow, I'll let you go here, got more traveling to do myself."
shukuen0953 (5:39:17 PM): Leets snapped back to attention at the man's words. "Wait a minute," he said to the man as he reached into his satchel. He pulled out a two candy bars, which miraculously avoided melting. "Here, as thanks," he explained, holding them out. "I think you might like it. Just remember to keep them cool."
Shairthewm (5:41:55 PM): "Oh thanks." He smiled, leets realizing something as the man walked away...wasn't his satchel more full earlier?
shukuen0953 (5:46:58 PM): Leets frowned thoughtfully as the man departed, then did a double take as he suddenly noticed the sorry state of his supplies. "...I've been robbed?"

For several moments, that thought rolled around in his head, not quite believing what had happened. It just couldn't be...

"That bastard! And I gave him my candy too!? ARGH!"
Well, Goodbye.