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Part 1: A dusty small town in the middle of nowhere

Started by Dracos, June 01, 2005, 11:53:12 AM

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Leets and Darx:

The two entered the pub in short order.

It's a nice place really.  pretty large, plenty of tables, though most seem to be filled.  There's a bar with a middle aged woman in a brown blouse in the back with tired eyes running the place, several doors hinting at rooms and a fireplace with a reasonably nice large empty table near it, which would be nice for some quiet and thinking.  At the left of the room, there seems to be a few games of poker going on.  Halfway between the entrance and the fireplace is an old man in a gray robe with a mishappen hat and a red bird by his side, telling some stories to little kids.

Well, Goodbye.



It's good to be back in New Brunswick!  Arriving back, this little town you know at least there's no real need to watch your back.

You can see everything Darx did in the firs tpost.
Well, Goodbye.


Leets glanced around the pub curiously, feeling a little nostalgic about the last time he snuck into one. It was the more financially beneficial moment, though not that it was a particularly favorable experience.

"Definately not," he muttered uncomfortable at the memory, repressing a shiver. Drunkards really do hit on anything with legs.

His thoughts returned to the present, and he tried to listen in on the few conversations in the pub. Particularly the old storyteller, as he seemed interesting.



Heading along, your body is pretty sore as you reach this sort of metal factory at the edge of the small town, the stream heading into it.

Well, Goodbye.


Jan Smith scrunched his face a bit in distaste as he finally arrived in town, a little heavier in his wallet from his last job, but feeling not all that pleased with it.

He hated going to New Reno. Feeling like having a drink, he made his way to the Gecko's Tongue.

Entering the pub, he raised a hand in familiar greeting to the storyteller before making his way to the barkeep. "Hey Sally, how's tricks?" He easily began to converse with the woman as he took a seat near the bar. : Then we will write in the shade.


Drax, Jan, Leets:

"Quiet.  Your usual, Jan?" She commented, polishing a mug.

Leets headed over, sitting down at the empty table.   The man seemed to be telling a story about dragons and a knight.

Well, Goodbye.


"It's better when it's quiet." Jan nodded to her question. He looked around the room and spotted the new guy. "Huh. Never seen that one before. He barely came in?" : Then we will write in the shade.

Dexie Oblivion

Darx ignores the others, taking a seat at a table off to the side.

"Hrmm...I need to figure out where I am.."
Pet my snake, pet my ssssnaaaake. :P


Leets listened to the old man's tales with mild interest, until he noticed the winged man sitting off to the side. He sobered, wondering if there were any grain of truth to the stories.

And the next thing I'll know, there'll be giants and wizards too, he groaned, half expecting his dire prediction to come true with his current experiences. He sighed, laying his head down on the table wearily, not noticing his new sword slipping from his limp fingers.

He did however, flinch when its noisy crash mixed with the din of the pub and catching the attention of the nearby customers.

"Sorry," he murmured conscienciously, reaching down and picking up his wayward weapon.


Jan paused mid-sip as his senses suddenly seemed to clear up, if only slightly. His eyes immediately snapped to the previously empty table as he spotted a teenager pick up a rusted blade off the ground.

'What the heck just happened. I didn't see him a second ago.' Wiping the small frown off his face, he made his way to the kid.

"Sally, two drinks for our new guests! On me, of course." He said to the scarf clad youth as he took a seat at the table with him. : Then we will write in the shade.

Dexie Oblivion

He flicks a wing and turns towards the sound of the dropped weapon and the voice.

"Drinks? I think I'll pass." He turns in his chair and looks at them.

"But maybe you can give me...information." He rests one hand on the hilt of his sword, smirking slightly. "Where is this place?"
Pet my snake, pet my ssssnaaaake. :P


"Uhm... thanks," Leets said, smiling unsurely at the kind gesture. He glanced at the well dressed stranger, mentally tallying the merits of liberating his pockets before forcibly beating down that habitual thought. Mustn't aggravate the nice man unless he turned out to be like the traveller earlier.



The couple of thugs that Darx sat with glared a bit, indicating his presence was kind of unwelcome at the table.  "Not a place for baring weapons, stranger."

Jan, Leets:

Sally headed over with a smile, bringing two mugs of ale along and placing them on the table. "On your tab as usual, Jan."

Well, Goodbye.

Dexie Oblivion

Darx gives a soft laugh. "Oh? And who's going to stop me from doing it, hmm? You two inferior fools?"
Pet my snake, pet my ssssnaaaake. :P


Jan nodded to Sally, even as he rose and made his way towards the trio about to start fighting. "Please, gentlemen. Miss Sally has more than enough to worry about without you three fighting."

Going to work, he began to try and pacify the two local ne'er do wells, patting the two on the shoulders as he continued. "We must always act with grace and civility when dealing with people that don't know the lay of the land. Don't you two agree?" He asked with a charming smile, even as he slipped the two a bit of 'drinking' money, as he pulled away before they became even more infuriated.

He quirked a head at the winged man. "Especially when our guest may well have just arrived from the end of his world." He said as he focused on the very otherworldly wings. : Then we will write in the shade.