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Started by Dracos, July 13, 2005, 11:01:16 AM

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Apparently my departure indicated it was a time for the server to go crazy.

I'd like to remind everyone that in the case of an emergency, the backup room is

It has existed there for a while unused.  We have been researching other alternatives.  Work upon this shall commence very promptly upon my return.

Well, Goodbye.


Everyone Please Move to #soulriders on  The pointer will be moved there shortly.

We are moving immediately off of due to unresolvable issues with the administration.  I apologize for the sudden and quite rapid nature of this but it was unexpected and thus we're being forced to rely on backups.

Well, Goodbye.


Since the question has been asked several times, here's the story for the rapid move from pyoko:

7 PM, #rpgdl room. Random moron with a hostmask matching one of the pyoko servers itself enters the room ( Makes a stupid comment, leaves.

20 minutes later, four random idiots enter #rpgdl and begin acting disruptive. Nothing unusual; they're promptly punted by the channel ops. One of them shows up on /whois as being a server admin and IRCop.

Shortly after being kicked, they return. At this point, random people in the room begin to have their nicks changed with no warning (including myself, and I wasn't even looking at IRC at the time). The offenders are kicked again, and the room is locked to +i.

After some discussion among the ops, it was decided that we (at #rpgdl) would rather vacate the server than deal with abusive IRCops - admittedly, they weren't destructive, but very disruptive and annoying all the same.

Around 6 AM today, a massive netsplit hits the server and basically kills about 2/3 of the population of the other rooms on the server. Around 9 AM, I spoke with Drac, let him know what had happened the previous night, and it was decided to move rather than take the risk of more abusive IRCops getting bored and deciding to have some fun with #soulriders as well. And so we have the exodus to for the time being.
I am a terrible person.
Excellent Youkai.