
"Why do you call it soulriders?"
"Because we grind your souls, hopes, and dreams down ... and ride the wave."

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Started by Dracos, September 02, 2005, 01:18:55 PM

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Issue three: FIIIIIZBAAAN~...

Anyhow, I'm back.  Getting my notes in order and a large post ready to cover the month or so that we're timeskipping.  Warning, I might vanish in a week o so as I'm moving to pittsburgh.

I'd like everyone to ring in and let me know what's up with them, even if  I should know.

Ryder would like to come back in and pending no disagreements, I'll let him in for a set of five again.

Olguin, I'd like you to contact me about Jan.

Anyhow, if you've got game questions, ask.  I'm getting stuff ready.

Well, Goodbye.


Okay, I'm back.  I'm sorry about the delay, working to get it started again today.  Sorry about all that.

Well, Goodbye.


Sorry, I'm beat today.  I'll get back later today or tomorrow.

Well, Goodbye.


Okay, grad school is pretty hectic.  Now that my keyboard is fixed, I can post again, but primarily, the game is going to rely on you guys posting so that when I do have 5 minutes to post (rare it appears) I can do so rather than find I still have last post.

Well, Goodbye.


I've said it to Iddy and Merc, but I'd like to encourage all of you guys.  Whenever you're alone you guys can do a scene.  Heck sometimes when you aren't but you notice I am, bug me and I might be able to.

I can't run regular irc, but there's no reason why interpersonal communication in the party has to be zero.

Well, Goodbye.


I intend to slowly start this back up this weekend.  Post working willing.

Well, Goodbye.


Forum glitching sucks.

Especially with it showing month old forum status.

Well, Goodbye.


Sorry for the delay, Crunch is pretty fierce over here right now.  Haven't had mental energy for posting.

Well, Goodbye.