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Started by Dracos, September 19, 2005, 08:59:30 AM

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Unless they're gnomes! And become illusionists! Which Tatsu will do so he can make himself look like a parrot since he can't polymorph! Or something like that o_O
<Cidward> God willing, we'll all meet in Buttquest 2: The Quest for More Butts.



PCs, I want a coherent background, reasons for travelling together, and a good working setup by Thursday. <_<

I'll provide the basis of your first travel out - it won't be too far from Paxburg, likely.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


The Broken Bow- a popular tavern of Paxburg. Situated between the main marketplace and the elven district, the Broken Bow is well known for it's varied clientel, though it remains a favourite amongst half-elves. It picks up all sorts, however, and features a few private rooms for those interested, great food for the hungry, and good entertainment for the bored.

It was here Elaine, the Blade worked. It was here where she performed, from her songs to her music, but most famously of her, her clever tricks with blades; juggling and sword-swallowing were among her most popular acts.

Full elves frequented the tavern as well- Saul initially came, for he was teaching Elaine the naunces of the elvish langauge, and this was where she stayed- but he soon became a regular, often heading straight to the tavern once his duties at the nearby Temple of Waukeen were completed.

He made a curious friendship with Seryf, another elf. While he was a priest of Waukeen (often derided as greedy money-worshippers), she was a ranger, a woman of the wilderness. Nonetheless, she, Elaine, and Saul became friends, and she introduced Sir Gavin, a knight with whom she had once been serving with to the tavern. In turn, the knight brought along Darius, a warrior from the distant south. He was a beast-rider who had been falsley accused of poaching while hunting for his spirit-mount, and by way of recompense, Gavin had offered to take him to the Broken Bow.

It was perhaps him who sparked the ideas of adventuring in the hearts of the rest of the group, for he claimed his quest to bond with this spirit-mount would force him to travel far and wide. And to the friends, the promise of adventure was almost impossible to ignore. The idea of leaving Paxburg and travelling seemed exciting, and full of promise, and so an unbreakable group was formed.


That's fairly loose. Why not toss up invidual reasons why you want to adventure as well?

Saul naturally wants to start trading from scratch again, but more than that, he hopes to serve his goddess (by helping those short of cash take control of their financial lives, and by opening trade to distant places) and increase his knowledge of magic (by finding OLD SPELLBOOKS.)
[19:14] <Annerose> Aww, mouth not outpacing brain after all?
[19:14] <Candide> My brain caught up


Background for Sir Gavin:

Gavin is the only son of Sir William, a knight of the Sword who has been stationed in Paxburg for as long as Gavin can remember.  One of many honored knights in the realm and a senior knight of the realm, Sir William laid out Gavin's life for him from a young age, as is the way with most first sons of knights.  On the up side, Gavin was pretty good at it, an athletic youth who took well to the rigors of training, progressing swiftly from a young page, to a squire, to entering the lowest ranks of the knighthood.  Not completely inexperienced, Gavin is still fresh though, and as is expected, will likely soon go on a journey about the lands as young knights often do both to prove themselves and to stay in touch with the people they're protecting.  Sir Gavin, for the moment, is under the direct command of Sir Anitoch, senior knight of the knights of the crown in Paxburg.  A somewhat stern fellow, Anitoch and his men tend to see to the protection of the walls and the nearby territories as needed.
   Gavin himself is a reasonably light hearted individual.  While trained to the rigors of combat, he has not of yet grown truly hard about such things.  A friendly sort, he combines a plain image with a genial personality that tends to draw folks to him, making him fairly well liked among his fellow young knights.  Friends with Seryf from his time as a squire, he holds a fair bit of respect for her skills and her strength, having accompanied her with a few knights on hunting trips.  He's also friends with Elain, a regular to the Broken Bow both for the company and for it being one of the better places to interact and hear tales of abroad.  Friends with Elaine, he's also encouraged her more times than she can count to try joining up with the knights directly.


Personal reasons?  A chance to adventure, prove himself, see the world, and gain glory and regard in the eyes of his fellow knights.

Well, Goodbye.


These both look like a fine start. Two angles on this, and I eagerly await the rest of them.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Elaine's Background:

Elaine's fondest memory is getting caught pickpocketing. Strange, is it not?

However strange, it was the event that changed her fate, from the possibly harsh life of a petty thief, to that of a well-liked entertainer.

Born to a young human woman by the name of Meridith, she was raised as best could be in the slums of Paxburg, the area known as Giant's Underfoot, where those wishing to remain annonymus and forgotten resided along with the shadier aspects of society.

Her mother was a proud woman, who taught her as best she could about right and wrong, and struggled to give her a decent childhood. She never spoke much about herself, except possibly in some bedtime tales.

Bedtime tales were shared of a brave and beloved adventurer, an elf named Rewyn... whose love was true and strong and whose battles were grand and mighty. An elf named Rewyn who one day went in search of one final grand adventure...and has yet to come home.

But whether they were bedtime stories or something more, the youthful Elaine did not place much thought into them (besides a twinkle of admiration that is). More exciting things awaited her in her future, but would they wait for her if she did not work to reach them? Taking to some small amateurish shows in the streets of, her charm primarily aided in making some pocket change rather than skill, as she worked to amass a future for herself.

She got a bit greedy however and decided to dabble in some pickpocketing. And she went for the wrong man. Or was it the right one?

With an 'Eeep!' and a stern glance from one talented tavern proprietor, her dreams of thievery were dashed, and the girl began to babble anything that might let her escape. For whatever reasons, one might never know (was it charm? or a hint of potential? Who knows? It was certainly never revealed to Elaine), the proprietor broke into a grin and soon took the suspicious girl and her mother in, and offered them a home in exchange for their help with the business, no strings attached. While the half-elf was quite pleased with herself for finding them a better home, Elaine did not much appreciate the resounding smack she got to the head when her mother found out she had been picking pockets however and the long lecture that followed. Nor did she appreciate the tavern owner's booming laughter at her suffering.

Life in the tavern was...interesting, to say the least. The tavern owner was a man of many talents apparently, besides catching pickpockets, and he seemed to pour as much of his knowledge as he could into Elaine. An odd collection of knowledge it was at that, but it was definitely knowledge that the girl admired. The man's ability with daggers was amazing, and the crowds that gathered for his shows certainly did not disagree.

Her mother at times distressed over the knowledge she accumulated, and tried to drill in some varied knowledge such as etiquette and heraldry into her head, as well as playing the clarsach and singing, which she felt was more fitting.

Elaine's preference when it came time for her to do some shows herself, was not for the musical entertainment her mother favored, but the flashy and dangerous displays of the blade her uncle (for that was what she came to consider the tavern owner) had taught her.

She did of course vary what her shows might contain, lest the crowds become bored.

Both her mother and the tavern owner did agree that she should have some connection to her roots, and requested a elven cleric named Saul to teach her on the matter of the Elven language. The two became friends of sorts, in the manner that some students and teachers do, and Elaine has come to respect his opinion and knowledge in many matters.

She does find herself a bit uncomfortable though with his occassional joke about how she would fetch a nice amount of hops if he should sell her. While some might find that complimentary in a way, Saul had a way of speaking that she was never fully certain if he was joking or actually considering it.

Elaine has also acquainted herself with Seryf, another elven friend of Saul, as well as a human knight called Gavin, both of whom along with Saul frequent the tavern for a drink and the varied shows. Gavin has at times commented on her ability and suggested in his own subtle way that she should join the knights.

Not one for the (in her opinion anyhow) suffocating amount of rules, regulations and commanders, she has yet to accept his encouragement, preferring her more entertaining style of life. She has appreciated that on his free time, Gavin has taught Elaine a bit about using the broadsword as opposed to merely using it for some flashy trick. She has rewarded him (in her opinion, though perhaps not his) by on occassion teasing and flirting with him, much to the amusement of his fellow knights when they catch a show.

Elaine has in recent times begun to yearn for a bit more excitement in her life, perhaps using her abilities to slay a dragon, enact a rescue from a dungeon or some such.... to bring to reality tales of her -own- adventures in the world outside the city limits of Paxburg.
<Cidward> God willing, we'll all meet in Buttquest 2: The Quest for More Butts.


Mmm. This looks -great-, Merc. I like how it weaves in all the other PCs and also gives you a very nice background. Kickin'.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


not all the other PCs. I forgot Iddy ^_^;
<Cidward> God willing, we'll all meet in Buttquest 2: The Quest for More Butts.

Iron Dragoon

Darius, having been given a Holy Quest by his people, left his homelands to track down and find his spirit totem and tame it, returning to his people as the newest Beast Rider of the tribe. Beginning his journey, he travels to Paxberg, in hopes of finding someone who has heard rumors of the Simdolon. Awed by the city, he spends a few days in Paxberg. While staying there, he frequents the local tavern, the Broken Bow.

While there, he befriends a cleric named Saul. Saul, intrigued by the outsider listens to his tales and stories about his homelands. Eventually asking why Darius is so far from his home, he learns of the quest to tame the Simdolon. Impressed by the resolve and courage of Darius, Saul relates to him rumors of sightings of such a beast. Over joyed by the news, Darius leaves the city the next day, only to return weeks later, wounded and with infection beginning to set in. Seeking aid, Darius wanders to the closest temple, that of Waukeen. Rumors of the savage spread through the temple, catching Saul's ear. Recognizing the description, he remembers his tavern friend and goes to see if it is the same man.

Upon sighting Darius, Saul greets him and invites him for a night at the tavern. Agreeing, Darius leaves with him, and in the midst of the haze of alcohol, tells Saul of his success. Saul, unbelieving, challenges Darius to show him the beast. With that, they part ways for the night, agreed to see the animal the following day, who is sleeping outside of the town, hiding its self from the town guard.
This is not the greatest post in the world, no... this is just a tribute.


Deric? You mean Darius. Dumbass. =p

Edit: And it's Paxburg, not Paxberg =p
<Cidward> God willing, we'll all meet in Buttquest 2: The Quest for More Butts.


I'm going to desticky this for now.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?