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Oekaki Thread

Started by Serafita, September 25, 2005, 07:46:16 PM

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For those who don't know what oekaki is, it's basically scribbles.

With that out of the way, this is my first ever wacom-oekaki.

Kinomoto Sakura, from Card Captor Sakura.

Before you ask, no, I don't know why she was my first choice for an oekaki.  o_o


This is my second wacom oekaki.  Using wacom is pretty hard.  Eventually, I'll get used to it.  o_O

Hyuga Hinata from Naruto.  Trying out different method.  Bit cleaner image, I guess.  o_o


Third picture is an original wacom oekaki.  Drawn by me, and coloured by Storm, who inhabits the irc channel.  She provoked me into drawing this... maybe?  Is provoked the right word?  =)


Number four of my oekaki adventures.

Uzumaki Naruto and Hyuga Hinata from Naruto.  This is actually based off a scene from a fanfic called Ripple Effect by rayemars on  The link to that is here.

The scene is when Naruto pulls off Hinata's head protector to reveal that she had the Hyuga Branch Family curse seal branded onto her head.  Oh, and in the fic, Naruto is in permanent kyubi mode, thus his appearance.


Fifth oekaki is a simple one.

Uchiha Sasuke from Naruto... or is that...

Looks like Naruto and Sakura were too late.  "Ku ku ku."


Sera, you rock in more ways than most.

I humbly request more Hinata goodness. >_>


Neat stuff.  Damn, I really do need to get a more visible organization scheme =)

Well, Goodbye.


Never tried Oekaki before, so I'll just do Paint!

Me, myself, and I...

(drawing is fun...)


Silly Monsters are a bit more fun...

Fire and Ice...

(even cute can be lethal...)


Cute =)

who has no drawing talent worth mentioning =)
Well, Goodbye.


Very nice. I look forwards to more submissions in the future.
I tried Oekaki once, and the result was so horrific that it scarred me for a good while, if not life. It might have had something to do with the trackball I was using. >_>

DannyCat|somewhere: Watch out, Huitzil. Encredible froce is being swang here.


Trackballs are bad. =)  They're good for minimal size needs, not for accuracy of motion.

Well, Goodbye.


A short little story I've been working on...

(sorry if the visuals are a bit cheesy, but this IS oekaki / storyboarding...)


In Excess of No Side 1
: Black and White

A war is waging between the world's chosen Savior and the nations that refuse to follow him. In the midst of the chaos, a mysterious grave lies buried and forgotten...

As the army approaches, the cemetary becomes a battlefield. With a single explosion, the grave opens, and a figure awakens.

Is he undead? Is he a ghost? No one knows for certain.

Stumbling out, he approaches the two sides. Turning to face him, he simply raises his hand...



BW - Black and White

Found by a duo of traveling mercenaries, BW is mistakened for a monster that is plaguing the area (wanton destruction to the military and various local villages). With no memory (is it amnesia, or does he simply have no past...?), no emotions, and unable to be damaged or hurt (his skin is like clay), this silent figure wanders about in search of something just beyond his grasp...

(after drawing him a few times, I'm surprised how much he looks like Zero... >_< ...NOT INTENTIONAL... )

(the next parts are harder to draw...)


EDITED: 06/05/2006

For completeness, I'm now including this extension to the first part...


Act 1 - Precedence

In Excess of No Side 1
: Black and White

For as long as anyone could remember, there has been a shadow cast on the world. The Forbidden... human beings with the power of gods; every nation had confronted them, and every one had fallen. Dominated, those without strength were forced to fight for survival in a world full of fear.

But, twelve years ago, change came in the form of a single Ray of Light; a great and all-powerful Hero who pushed back the evil and gave the world hope. His actions would save this world from that Forbidden Era, and finally bring Peace...

...however... not everyone was willing to follow him.

So a new war has begun... between the chosen Savior and the people who would defy his will. Caught in the middle are two kingdoms, constantly at arms... the Holdstein and the Ehrdor...

And with that, the fighting goes on...

Five red-clad foot-soldiers, one group of two and the other three, are each sneaking through heavy bushes on opposite sides of a narrow dirt road.

Pike:<whispering back>"Shh... they're almost here..."

A group of eight soldiers, dressed in pale yellow and black are quickly marching down the road towards the cemetary in the distance. Right as they pass between the five, a voice is heard.


At that moment, a set of spears pierce forth out of the bushes, jabbing at the sides, backs, and stomaches of each of the soldiers caught in the middle. Without much time to retaliate, the red figures jump out and quickly let loose on the unsuspecting men. Desperately swinging their swords, they stand little chance against the five...

Pulling back, the man called Pike checks everyone for injuries and contemplates their next move. Looking down at the eight men, he begins to smile...

In the cemetary, a group of yellow and black soldiers hurry in following the orders of the man they call General Maluf. Customary to his usual methods, he set his plans in motion. His army, being comprised of only 240 men was on their way to join a pincer attack against the enemy but has surprisingly been cornered. No one knew the enemy's army had another division hidden somewhere near the Hero's Fortress. It was a miscalculation, to say the least...

Maluf:<motioning to his soldiers> "We can't be certain what direction they'll come from.
" The best thing we can do now is pull back into the cemetary and force them out into the open.
" Take the wounded and medics into the moseliums and set up some archers surrounding each.
" Have them use some of those gravestones for cover...
Soldier:<a little disturbed> "But, sir... we can't. This cemetary... it's Forbidden..."
Maluf:<saddened>"I understand how you feel... but this is war."
Soldier:<ashamed>"Y-yes sir..."

Everything went as planned. The wounded were being treated inside while the other soldiers carefully set their guards up. The enemy, who prized itself on sneak attacks would now get less opportunity. This would at least buy some time to strategize...

With the battling on the outside, the Medics were eager to finish their jobs. Preparing their bandages and setting up some clean water, they prepared their tools of trade.

Reaching out for one of the soldiers, the medic was shocked to find no wound on his patient. With that, a hand covered his mouth and a blade sunk into his chest...

Pike:<quietly> "shhh...."

Outside, Maluf was waiting for the enemy when an explosion rocked one of the moseliums. In the dust, a soldier scampered out screaming about an enemy trap. Calling his men to the scene, he was shocked to see another one nearby go up in a similar manner; then a third, and last a fourth.

One of the soldiers ran out of the dust, pointing inside that an enemy had snuck in. The archers quickly stood back and pointed their arrows at the scene, not noticing that very soldier as he snuck away.

However, one of them was not so lucky. Caught by an archer, Pike tossed his only blade into the face of one but caught an arrow in the shoulder and two in the leg. Immobilized, he was about to be finished off when Maluf signaled them to stop.

Maluf:<signaling to a soldier>"Do we have a pike?"
Maluf:<pulling out his sword>"I want his head..."
Another Soldier:<running up from behind>"Sir! The enemy's moving in!"
Maluf:"Dammit... Keep with the plan... Have the Archers..."

And at that moment, the sound of a nearby mosileum caught everyone's attention. The walls, cracked and brittle, fell to the floor and revealed the contents. Standing in the center was a vertical coffin.

Maluf:"What the..."

The cover of the coffin starts to slip off the front and falls forward, breaking into pieces on the floor. From within, a figure starts to fall towards the floor, but catches itself with its foot. Leaning forward, it stands there motionless.

With his sword in his hand, Maluf calls a few soldiers to his side and moves towards the figure.

Slowly, the figure, clad in black and white, looks up and glances at the death and destruction surrounding it.

At that moment, their eyes cross each other's. Looking at Maluf's sword, it watches him lift it.

In silence, the figure steps forward and simply raises its hand into the air...



He doesn't really look zero, but envy=art skills.

Well, Goodbye.


Sorry this took so long, but it turns out I haven't designed any of these characters yet. Not only that, but drawing a forest is hard... especially in Paint...

In this particular scene, I introduce two major characters:

This is Jarod, the magician. He's a tactician and is very good at casting long-lasting magic spells; sadly, he's not very fast at it... (those are magic bindings on his left arm - he wraps spells around his arm and throws them at targets...)

And this is Wren. One of my favorite characters, she is a mercenary who carries a nice two-handed short broadsword. Although playful and energetic, she tends to hide her real feelings, preferring not to get too attached to anyone... (this drawing is rather cheap with her sheath, as it doesn't really look quite like that...)


In Excess of No Side 2
: The Hunt

Jarod sneaks up BEHIND a tree to get a closer look while Wren hops UP the tree...

Jarod: <Looking up> "Don't get stuck up there..."
Wren: <glaring at him> "Don't be an idiot..."

Wren: "... ; do you think that's our monster?"
Jarod: <serious expression> "It's hard to say... It sure doesn't look human..."

Jarod: "Maybe a zombie... , an elemental... "
Wren: <serious expression> "...could be a golem..."

Jarod: ", well it doesn't really matter either way: better safe than sorry.
" I'll bind him, you grab him..."
Wren: <with a smirk> "The usual...?"
Jarod: <smile> "hn... try not to have too much fun."
Wren: <gets ready to pounce> "No guarentees! After all, I am a cat..."

Jarod pulls out a small bag from off his belt and starts mixing some magic dust. Writing the magic seal on the ground, he prepares to cast the spell. In a flash, a set of binding circles appears around the once sleeping BW.

BW: <jumping to his feet, his arms bound by the spell, he cautiously glares back and forth at the two...>

Jarod: "!? ... I missed his legs!"
Wren: "Well, looks like we got his attention..."

Suddenly, BW steps back and looks off in some random direction, after which, he quickly runs away.

Wren: <hops down off the tree, now surprised> "! He's fast! Quick, go get the buggy!" <runs off in pursuit>
Jarod: "Hey! Wait..! Damnit; we're not supposed to split up!..."

Running through, in, and around the trees, over streams and past various wildlife, BW seems eager to get away. However fast he is, Wren is having no difficulty keeping up...

Suddenly, BW stops dead in his tracks. After a second, he looks in another random direction. At that very moment, a strange sound can be heard off in that distance...

???: "RRRHHHHHhhh......"
Wren: <startled> "What IS that..!?"

Meanwhile, Jarod is at the buggy. As he gets in the seat, he grabs the two horse 's reigns and looks out towards the direction Wren ran off in. Near the horizon, a small steady stream of smoke can be seen...

Jarod: <holding his hand up to block the sun from his eyes> "There she is. Wait... it's red? This can't be good..."


Well, apparently Photobucket tends to compress your files down. I had to cut some of the edges off that forest scene to make the image come out better. Once I figure out how to do the compression myself (without it coming out garbled...), I'll update the pics... (that forest scene is actually twice that size - photobucket shrank it)
