Dragomir RPG Soulriders Original Arc

Started by Asrana, August 13, 2002, 01:48:32 PM

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Asrana giggled softly, a less childish giggle then she used around the 'boys', almost a mature laugh, "His name to most people is Midnight. But I use a shortened version of his real name." The dragon consented to being petted by Nabiki, it's eyes still shifting every now and then to check its surroundings.

"Hmm...Nabiki, what do you plan on doing once in Dracol? We'll likely be staying there for a week or so..."
lt;Kotono>  (Currently looks like a 16-year-old girl):I walk up to the leader and say, "Are you so sure you want our money?" and use my alter self ability to grow a massive bulge in my pants.


"Well, you are paying for expenses, correct?  I guess I could gather some of the rarer reagents for summoning and scrying circles.  Since you said it was a military city, I assume it should have some good magic shops around.  Otherwise, I guess I could see the sites, I guess.  Does it have lots of training sites and various dojos and barracks?"


Asrana smiled, "I'm paying for whatever can be justified as expenses towards the mission." She fingered the hilt of her tachi, "Yes...though most of the training facilities and barracks are associated directly with one of the draconian clans."

"Hmm...not much in the way of sites, there's the citadel and the odd things there-in...but not much else."
lt;Kotono>  (Currently looks like a 16-year-old girl):I walk up to the leader and say, "Are you so sure you want our money?" and use my alter self ability to grow a massive bulge in my pants.


Deciding to look at the big lizard up close, Calen stood up and made his way through the camp towards the dragon.
He's history...play with fire and you get burned."-Magus

And then the mage drew his two handed sword.  "Shit! We're screwed!"


Surprised by Kei's sudden movement, Kaye gave a startled jump backwards with a small "eep", landing on his rear, his legs kicking up towards Kei's incomming rolling body.

ooc: Mike must be finding all this amusing ^_^
<Cidward> God willing, we'll all meet in Buttquest 2: The Quest for More Butts.


"Yeah, the clan training halls would be pretty nice to visit.  Do they allow visitors to watch or train?  Do they not like camparing styles and teaching some of the odder moves?"


Kei was in the middle of the roll when he saw Kaye kicking up at him.  Since he was in the middle of rolling, there was no way he could stop.

But there was something he could do...

Thrusting his hands onto the ground, he pushed hard at the ground beneath him to hop up and used his remaining horizontal momentum to avoid the kick, the attack brushing against his back.

Orientating himself while in mid-air while angling himself to get the best hang time he could with his remaining momentum, he aimed to land on Kaye's chest with his knee.


Asrana smirked, "Were likely going to be told to restrict ourselves from using our clan schools. You'll be able to see and train in a few schools we're taught, but not the family schools. If you want to see our more odd techniques, you'll have to watch us in combat."
lt;Kotono>  (Currently looks like a 16-year-old girl):I walk up to the leader and say, "Are you so sure you want our money?" and use my alter self ability to grow a massive bulge in my pants.


Midnight swiveled his head towards Calen, gaining a glance from Asrana as he leaned closer, sniffing towards Calen before giving him the same draconic smil he'd given Nabiki and going back to hovering around Asrana.
lt;Kotono>  (Currently looks like a 16-year-old girl):I walk up to the leader and say, "Are you so sure you want our money?" and use my alter self ability to grow a massive bulge in my pants.


Eyes widened, and not really wanting to get kneed, Kaye grasped his staff off the side on the ground and placed it pointing upwards so it'd grab Kei on his way down.

'Jeez, this guy seems entirely too interested in trying to hit me' Kaye thought incredously as Kei started his decent towards the staff. 'It's not like I ever did anything to him...'

Technically that was true too, the slop never hit the dope.

OOC: Before anybody asks where the staff came from,  Kaye always carry it with him even if I don't mention it. I asked Asrana to make sure it didn't just sound too unplausible an act, as well. If you thought it was anyway, I'll edit my prior posts accordingly so it makes a bit more sense.
<Cidward> God willing, we'll all meet in Buttquest 2: The Quest for More Butts.


Slightly un-nerved by the dragon's smile, Calen shook it off and steped closer.  

"So who do we have here? A friend of yours?"
He's history...play with fire and you get burned."-Magus

And then the mage drew his two handed sword.  "Shit! We're screwed!"


Kei widened his eyes as Kaye erected his pole to meet him.  

"Crap," he thought as he descended. "There's no way I can get out of the way of his rod in time..."

And he was right.

With a loud "oof", Kaye's staff found its intended target and Kei found his stomach poked by the hard staff.  With a low groan, he unceremoniously fell down the side of the staff, holding his stomach.

"I'll get you..." he declared, sounding out of breath as if he just ran a marathon or did some rather intense physical activities. "As soon as I get my second wind..."

OOC:  ^_^


Mike watched Kei and Kaye in silence untill Kei finally slid to the ground. He stood there motionless for a momment befoer bursting out laughing.

Holding his sides he fell on his rear he was laughing so hard.
rnest Hemingway once wrote, 'The world is a fine place and worth fighting for.'
I agree with the second part.


Asrana's warm smile widened slightly as Calen approached, "Yes...this is Midnight, an old friend of my father's. He was also around when I was a kid."

"How has your morning been, Calen?"
lt;Kotono>  (Currently looks like a 16-year-old girl):I walk up to the leader and say, "Are you so sure you want our money?" and use my alter self ability to grow a massive bulge in my pants.


Nabiki stayed silent as Calen approached, wanting to hear about his morning.

OOC:  I know, shitty post.  -.-;