
Because we're grown ups now, and its our turn to decide what that means.

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The Story of B

Started by Dracos, August 15, 2002, 12:20:30 AM

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Yohko nodded, her eyes flickering to the youma ring reassurance of theior presumption.

She peered at the men, trying to find anything strange about the, straining her ears to listen to their song.
lt;Kotono>  (Currently looks like a 16-year-old girl):I walk up to the leader and say, "Are you so sure you want our money?" and use my alter self ability to grow a massive bulge in my pants.


The Youma Ring was...oddly all manner of signals.

Glowing as if something intense was nearby.

But it wasn't a demon.

A glint of gold was reflected by one of the men's feet.

When Yohko's eyes alighted on it, the Youma ring went into overdrive.


Yohko's eyes widened, her fingers tightening on the sword.

"Azusa-chan...they aren't mamono...but there's SOMETHING in there that affects hte ring..."

Taking a deep breath, Yohko concentrated on the object, trying to get some feeling from the ring as to what it was, nevermind she'd never tried this.
lt;Kotono>  (Currently looks like a 16-year-old girl):I walk up to the leader and say, "Are you so sure you want our money?" and use my alter self ability to grow a massive bulge in my pants.

Bean Bandit

Asuza tensed slightly, and raised her spear, looking at the men.

"What do we do, Yohko-san?"
I love the games I've played here.


Yohko could feel something gently tugging at her mind.

It was powerful. But benign.


That's when she felt herself painfully snap back into her own body. Something had blocked her probe.

The four men simulateneously turned towards the girls and shuffled into position so they were standing side to side.

All four of the men were clearly asian in what they managed to see.

But the majority of their faces were torn off, the jagged edges of the skin hanging signalling that it was quick, and brutal deaths the four faced.

In unison, the four men extended their left arms away from them while drawing their right hands towards them.

The one standing slightly ahead of the other three gargled something to the others.

The sound of something ...buzzing through the air was heard.

Four bolts of light appeared before the men.

Clearly highlighting a glittering box made out of gold. In contrast to the four, its power now seemed...infinitely purer.

And more powerful than the four demons.

Powerful enough to have cloaked them from the Youma Ring's senses by its mere presence.


Yohko almost hissed at the creatures, ducking behind the nearest solid protection.

"Azusa-chan, you know what to do." Her expression of nervousness and fretting betraying what she was feeling behind the colder teaching tone she used with Azusa.

Calming herself a bit, Yohko concentrated on the ring and it's energies, focusing it into a tight ball as she had once before this night.

Peeking out, she quickly raised her hand and aimed, letting the energy fly at the demon slightly in front of the others.
lt;Kotono>  (Currently looks like a 16-year-old girl):I walk up to the leader and say, "Are you so sure you want our money?" and use my alter self ability to grow a massive bulge in my pants.

Bean Bandit

Asuza nodded sharply, forcing her nervousness down into a tight little ball in her stomach, and dashed a few feet away, and dove behind cover.

She took a moment, making sure the demons were between her and her trainer, and that the tree she'd hidden behind could provide protection until they closed to within range of her spear and Yohko's sword...and then waited for them to come...
I love the games I've played here.


The first of the men suddenly spun their heads, bones noisily creaking and breaking as they turned to face Azusa. Before her frightened eyes, their arms spun around so they pointed at her.

Their arrows flew towards the younger Devil Hunter.

The second and third of the archer's suddenly let their arrows fly to impace brilliantly against the sphere of power Yohko had launched, bolts of energy blasting off it loudly into the ground as all three attacks faded from sight.

The sounds of buzzing filled the air once again as the trio recharged, being covered by one of their own.

Bean Bandit

Azusa yelped and ducked behind the tree, as she spotted the incoming arrows. She pressed her
back against her cover and brought her spear up to the ready position, slightly nervous as the demons closed the distance...
I love the games I've played here.


Yohko swore, ducking into her cover. Her plan wasn't working.

Dammit...what to do...

Peeking around the other side of her cover, she concentrated and threw another blast, her breathing increasing slightly in pace with the exertion.

If this didn't work...well, they'd see.
lt;Kotono>  (Currently looks like a 16-year-old girl):I walk up to the leader and say, "Are you so sure you want our money?" and use my alter self ability to grow a massive bulge in my pants.


A shooting star of power streaked across the clearing towards Yohko's attack, easily cancelling it out as it soared past to impact against the bark of the tree she was lying on, setting it aflame.

The demons that had been walking to Azusa suddenly jerked in place as they seemed to hit an invisible wall just five feet away where she was.

The golden chest glowed as they struggled past it to no avail.

The buzzing filled the air, but no arrows were forthcoming.

Bean Bandit

Azusa, noting that the demons had been prevented from going further, stepped out from her cover cautiously. When they were still unable to close, she realized that she had a golden opportunity.

Spinning her spear around to the ready position, Azusa lashed out at the nearest demon, careful not to extend her body past the point where the demon had stopped, only her weapon....
I love the games I've played here.


Azusa's spear flew through the air straight and true...

Through the body of the demon, who roared its death throes as a copious amount of blood flew to splatter against the girl.

All but two of the demons suddenly spun around to take careful aim at the girl, bolts of light appearing in their hands as they decided to take out the pest.

The remaining two kept Yohko at bay, alternating their arrows so one always remained as backup for the other.


Yohko's eyes widened as she turned, taking in the situation.

They were trapped.

Almost growling, Yohko glared balefully at the...things, trying to release her frustration and anger in her next blast, aimed for the demons attacking her partner, almost not heeding the creatures aiming for herself, but still trying to keep as far under cover as she could.
lt;Kotono>  (Currently looks like a 16-year-old girl):I walk up to the leader and say, "Are you so sure you want our money?" and use my alter self ability to grow a massive bulge in my pants.

Bean Bandit

Azusa's eyes widened as she saw all the demons hands glow. She wasn't silly enough to think that she could stand up to that, or dodge it.

She bolted back for cover, diving behind a tree, then promptly dropping to a crouch behind it, listening intently with no small amount of panic to the building attack, getting ready to dive into the nearby brush if the attack ruined her cover...
I love the games I've played here.