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Adventure 3 setup! Epic level shopping.

Started by Anastasia, October 27, 2005, 03:02:32 PM

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> Down the roads of forgotten times and trade a weary group of adventurers go. Down paths that nature is beginning to reclaim, underbrush regrowing in shadowy spots of the highway. Slowly the way winds on, day and day and days passing. But finally, the road again becomes better, more defined and broader. The forest thins out ever so slightly, a dale and a small river valley ahead. Deeply the ground is cut into, a bowl in the earth. This bowl is filled with buildings, wood and stone with smoke rising from many. The apperance of chimneys, each little trail of grey from each chimney a sign of life and money.
> Deeply the ground is cut into, a bowl in the earth. This bowl is filled with buildings, wood and stone with smoke rising from many. The apperance of chimneys, each little trail of grey from each chimney a sign of life and money. (More)
> The road runs by the small rivery brook, both passing through the center of this bowl. So bisected, two sides of the same township live, foot bridges across at several points. A wreath of trees at the very circular edges this place, a crown of nature to this town. If the knowledge and maps are right; this is Cup'o'Orial, once an important artery in trade. Now it's a quiet but living rural township. But perhaps a few shadows of it's wealth remain, merchant families living? (More)
> But perhaps a few shadows of it's wealth remain, merchant families living? (More)
> The people about are not dirty peasants. Most are dressed a little better, cleaner and walking with upright heads. A cartpusher hauling a load of turnips down th emain wayroad, a young boy and girl playing and laughing in the stream. Slightly more refined life, the late morning sun shining down on it all.
> With the intrepid group are two scraggly bandits(Well, one clean and one achingly normal and non descript), bound and in the center of the group. Surely there is a sheriff or knight's post in such a town, a place to deal with villanry.
* Elaine sets mode: +vvv Darius Saul SirGavin
* SirGavin leads into the small city, keeping his eyes open for any out doors merchants to ask or any sign of local knight authority.
* Saul keeps an eye out for an inn as they wander through, taking note of the rest of the town, too.
> Near the entrance of the town, a little wooden arch entering - there is indeed an in. "Gift of the Forest" is the name, and stenciled below it on a heavy wooden signpost atop it's welcome and opened doorway "Ale, drink, food and rest all to be found inside." Just past that are some houses - they look like some sort of open business, the doors open as well, but you'd have to go a little farther to see.
* Seryf follows along, more socialized people leading the way while she admires the town. Simple, none of the clawing over someone to reach higher like Paxburg, but not the dirt poor air of Silvat.
<Saul> "Mmm. We'd better deal with them first," comments Saul, glancing at the bandits. "Then we'll rent a room and sell what we can."
<SirGavin> "Works for me," Gavin stated in agreement.
<Elaine> "How long do you think we'll be here?" Elaine asks after Saul's comment. "I could probably get us a better rate by offering an entertainment service or something."
* SirGavin looks for someone who does't look terribly busy to ask directions from.
* Darius pats Serith's neck and leans over the saddle to rub her ears.
<Saul> "I don't know," replies Saul, shrugging. "We'll see what we find. It doesn't matter overmuch how long we stay- we've got plenty of gold, and a room can't be that much."
> Grousing, "Remember what you said, sir Knight," the ex archerman comments, as you begin to get a fewl ooks. The turnip driver stops and looks, the splashing children observing passersby.
<Darius> "Aye, though I imagine I'll be staying at the edge of town, or behind the inn its self.
<Darius> "
> Near the center, there is a three story thick and heavy mini fortress, tiny but in the style of a knight's building. That's probably it.
<Seryf> "Mmm?" Seryf inquires, looking between Gavin and the archer. "What's this?" she asks softly, curious and looking at Gavin.
<SirGavin> "In exchange for their cooperation with opening the chest and their good behaviour, I agreed to attest to their good behaviour."
* SirGavin heads towards the knight's building.
> "That's right," the archer nods. "We aren't lookin' to get the noose any more than you were lookin' to give up your gold."
> Serith gently stays walking at pace, looks by many right at her. As if they've never seen a tiger ridden, really.
> On you go, down this path. There are indeed merchantry houses here, modest but promising in appearance. Excellent. Down to the town square you go, the northwestern corner of the square for the knight's abode. Great wooden doors are open, a sign of peace and for any that need help to enter.
* Darius peers into the merchant houses as they pass, trying to take note of what types of wares each has.
> Well kept glass windows(Speaking of money again, not THAT common relatively) show nice storefronts inside, with names such as 'Duggan's Supplies' 'Barlet's Trading and Batering' and so forth. Hints of sundry goods are seen to the eye of Darius.
* SirGavin heads into the knight's abode, first glancing about to see if there was any he recognized, then glancing about to see who seemed in charge.
* Darius enters in with Gavin, watching the area and inspecting the gear of the knights that are present.
<Seryf> "Been in this line of work long?" Seryf asks the once bandits conversationally, after an oddly long silence.
> There is one standing guard at the entrance, a fresh faced young man in chain. His sword at his side, he nods quickly once he sees Gavin, though hesitates when he sees Serith. "S-sir," he squawks, "What in the name of the gods IS that?" he stares at Serith,s puttering.
> Past this guard is an open room, a great wood table of retangularness, past that a few cells and hallways going back. Pretty basic, a rather old knight in chain sitting and writing at that table.
> Old man, dead bald. Looks at least 55, his look up slow and measured, a grey beard and mustasche.
<Darius> "She's my friend. Her name's Serith, son. Don't worry, she doesn't bite.. TOO hard, at least."
> "Not that long, but the money is..or was, great," The archer is more than willing to fork over information, but quiets as the hall is reached.
* Darius reaches down and scratches Serith's ear again.
> The young knight has the Crown on his front, though the older knight does not bear a visible sign that you see. However, as he's sitting, you could very easily be missing such a sign.
<SirGavin> "Greetings.  Don't worry, the tiger isn't dangerous.  I've come to drop off some former bandits."
> "B..bu..." he sputters, wisps of blonde hair poking out from his heavy helmet. "Sir knight," hea ddresses Gavin. "We shouldn't let feral creatures inside the h..." Cut off by Gavin, he only nods. "Sir Galarad!"
* SirGavin turns. "Darius, would you mind having Serith wait outside for a bit?"
* Darius shrugs.
<SirGavin> "Just for simplicity?"
<Darius> "Aye, I suppose. I'll be out with her, if you need anything."
* Darius swings Serith around and goes outside, standing by the enterance to the building and sliding out of the saddle.
<Seryf> "Serith's not feral," Seryf grouses softly, but letting it pass otherwise, watching the proceedings.
* Darius takes the saddle off Serith and begins to rub her down, giving her time to relax without the burden of the thing.
<Saul> "He was talking about Darius," whispers Saul, cleverly.
> With a creak of wood and a creak of an old back, Sir Galarad stands from his labors. A sword is brightly etched into a breastplate worn over his chain, a sign of rank indeed. "Hail, knight of the Crown," he annouces formally, "And friends of our fellow knight."
> Serith looks long to the guard before turning and going with Darius, a faintly feline air of wounded and offended pride, tail up.
> So treated, Serith relaxes, as the noisy humans inside take care of business...
<SirGavin> "Greetings, knight of the Sword.  I thank you for your welcome.  I am Sir Gavin and I've come to drop off a few prisoners."
> Standing where he is, "The ones in bondage? What is the reason for this capture, Sir Gavin?" His voice is old and creaky, a heavy battleax's edges seen on his back, slung across.
* Darius checks his pack and pulls out a small portion of meat with an unsatisfied grunt, and motions for Seryf to see if she has anymore before giving the meat to Serith.
<SirGavin> "They were under the command of a bandit not far from the city, working for him in banditry.  When he fell, they ceded peacefully expressing a desire to change their ways."  Gavin gave a slightly inventful telling of the truth.
* Elaine resists the urge to snort.
* Saul does not look shifty. Really.
> "Mmm..." Stroking his beard a time or two and eyeing the bound prisoners. "So be it. We are not without mercy, and the citizens of this city will not object to the dam upstream being maintained for free, nor for the street cleaning to be so done. Hard work is an excellent solution to banditry ways, don't you agree?"
> "...Damn," the clean ex swordsman mutters, as if mortified at those comments.
<SirGavin> "Certainly, a good way for them to clean their heads and remember honest work," Gavin agreed.
> Meanwhile, outside, Serith sniffs the mean once and pokes it with her claws, batting the chunk of flesh around with far too much abandon, really.
<Elaine> "For how long would they be expected to...'repent their wicked ways'?" Elaine asks trying to restrict the amusement at the mortification of the bandits.
* Darius stands up and turns his back to Serith, looking around at the town.
> "Indeed," A tired nod, "Oh, a year or two of such should be sufficient. This is a peaceful and good town, and the Priests of Orial and others here will be more than willing to help with that."
> There is a bit of attention your way, Darius notes. A few townsfolk have come to look at the visitors. By visitors, they mainly stare at the giant predator currely chewing and knocking around good meat, slinking and darting about after a day of saddled work.
<SirGavin> "I leave them in your hands, sir knight.  Additionally, as I am recently to this area, is there anything our fellow knights need help with while I am traveling through?"
<Seryf> Taking a look out to check on Serith, noting her playing with her food, Seryf steps back inside. If she isn't eating immediately, she probably isn't very hungry, and her current chewtoy will probably last long enough to help with her mood.
> "Mmm..." A long look to all, not just Gavin. "First. Squire in training at arms, take the prisoners to the cells. We'll deal with their disposition after lunch." As that squire at the door gets to work...
> "Yes, actually. You appear to be not traveller in the strictest sense, but those brave and perhaps foolhardy warriors that seek excitement in this world?"
> *travellers
<Saul> "Foolhardy. Yes, that's me," mutters Saul.
<SirGavin> "Precisely, lord, though I would not say it such.  It is for the young to help police the edges of the land, is it not?"
* Darius waves cheerfully to the towns people with a friendly smile.
> As the two are taken without incident, "It may be so," he nods. "Within the past month..." So beginning and sitting back down, "There have been sightings of strange lights near an old fortress ruin well past the edge of this city."
<SirGavin> "Abandoned, normally, I presume?  Are you suggesting someone is taking up residence in it?"
> Some looks back, whispers at the strange mena nd their tiger. A little soft noise from Serith as she finishes the meat, coming up to her master and eyeing him stoically, yet with a certain gleam in her eye...
> "Exactly, on all counts." So saying, "It may very well be nothing, but if you wish, you are more than welcome to go."
<Elaine> "Sounds like fun. Think of the ADVENTURE we might find!" Elaine chirps, emphasizing the word 'adventure'.
* Darius gets a chill down his spine and slowly turns around to stare at Serith..
<Saul> "Think of the SQUATTERS we might evict!" replies Saul, vaugely thrilled.
<SirGavin> "Is there anything we should know about the rightful owners of the place, if there are any?"
> "King Leo's the owner, and he hasn't been around, nor anyone relating to it in a very long time." A shrug, dismissing it. "It's abandoned, as I said."
* SirGavin nods.
<SirGavin> "We'll check it out."
> "As you will," he concedes, as the prisoners are taken back. "I thank you for your work, and where can I address the letter of reference to for your superior?"
* Darius slowly turns around and spreads his legs into a low stance, never taking his eyes off Serith's..
> Serith is staring, starting to hunker down, twitching, as if to...
<Darius> "Just what're you thinking..."
<SirGavin> "Sir Davarius, Lord."
> "So be it," the knight finishes and nods, as if to dismiss.
> Meanwhile, Serith playfully lunges at Darius!
* SirGavin nods, departing with the group.
* Darius is bowled over by the tiger, landing on his back, one hand gripping one of her massive fangs, the other gripping the fur of her neck as he tries to get leverage to flip her over.
* Saul glances around a bit, then walks outside, to be greeted by an odd sight.
<Darius> "Oh, so it's that way is it?! Good, I'll show you what's what, ya damn furball!"
> Indeed it is! A few townsfolk watch in open dismay and shock as Serith and Darius wrestle, thrasing and rolling about!
<Saul> "There is a *Time* and *Place* for this, Darius," says Saul, blandly.
* SirGavin blinks as he comes out and slaps a hand to his head. "Darius, people are staring. Are you trying to cause a public disturbance?"
* Darius with a shout he twists and tosses Serith to the side, diving atop of her and holding her down.
> "OH MY GOD! FIGHT!" one call,s then another, "Is that...thing trying to eat him?!"
<Saul> "Nothing to see here, folks," says Saul, nudging Elaine. "This is, uh, a show!"
* Darius pauses and looks up at Gavin.
<Darius> "Huh? What now?"
> As Darius does that, pressure from Serith, pushing back and squirming under the measly human!
<Seryf> "No, she isn't trying to eat him," Seryf provides, shaking her head. "I think she's just wrestless," she wonders, shrugging.
> "That's...hope the elf is right..." one of the humans notes.
* Darius is shoved aside by a huge paw and then buried under mounds of fur once again!
<Seryf> "I'm pretty sure I'm right...or I'd better be, I think I'd be next," Seryf nods, snickering a little at the display.
> As this happens, a feline mouth wraps around the wrist of Darius, the play contuning quite roughly!
* Elaine snickers as well, and shrugs at Saul. "Like he said, it's just," she says before snickering again.
* Darius struggles and manages to grab one of her fangs and starts to shake her head back and forth, wrestling his arm back and then grabs her with both hands by the fur of the throat.
* SirGavin heads in. "Stop this you two."
* SirGavin tries to pull them apart.
* Darius grunts and stares at Serith.
> Serith finally stops, eyeing Gavin once before relenting, backing off from Darius with hungry eyes.
* Darius stands up and brushes off.
<Darius> "Just wait. You'll get yours, kitty.. Oh yes.. You'll get yours.."
* Darius stares at Serith with a grin.
* Midnight ( has joined #dunes
* ChanServ sets mode: +oa Midnight Midnight
<Saul> "Let's head back to those trading places," says saul.
> Serith gets up and stalks over to Seryf, even as the townspeople stare. Finally the turnip driver snorts. "Must be adventurers," he shakes his head. "Dam' fools, all of 'em."
* SirGavin whaps Darius. "Not in town."
<Seryf> "Your fun was disrupted?" Seryf asks consolingly, rubbing the predator's neck and behind her ears vigorously. "You want to hunt something, mm?"
<Elaine> "How much do you think we can get for this stuff?" Elaine asks Saul, since he's probably the best versed in trade.
<Darius> "Hey, I didn't start it. She jumped me, not the other way around. YOU try changing a six foot tiger's mind."
> As one half discusses matters of the practical, Serith settles at Seryf's feet, sitting and waiting.
* Saul shakes his head, and starts heading back to the trading houses.
* SirGavin raises an eyebrow and follows Saul.
<Saul> "Hmm. We should be able to make around," says Saul, thinking.
<Saul> OOC: Duuuuuune. Little help? >_>
> OOC: Hm?
> OOC: Oh. Go me and reading comprehension.
> OOC: Maybe 100-300 gold. Varies on selling prices.
<Saul> "Oh, 200 gold? A tidy sum, I think," replies Saul, nodding.
> Heading down, to those merchant houses. Besides the two named, there is a third - "Jackson's Post." All three look nice enough on the outside, really.
<SirGavin> "You're the expert merchant." Gavin let Saul choose for them.
<Seryf> Patting Serith. "Should go along with everyone," Seryf murmurs, beginning to head after Saul and Gavin.
* Saul checks to see if he recognizes any of the names.
> OOC - Mmm. Int check.
<Saul> roll 1d20
<Saul> OOC: FAIL
> OOC: Sec.
* Darius slings the saddle onto his pack, giving Serith some time free of it.
* Misukibot ( has joined #dunes
* ChanServ sets mode: +oq Misukibot Misukibot
<Saul> roll 1d20
<Misukibot> Saul rolled 1d20 --> [ 1d20=12 ]{12}
<Saul> OOC: Pass by 5.
> OOC: None of them are familiar to Saul. They aren't really distinctive names, anyway.
<Saul> "Mmm. I don't know any of these," replies Saul, shrugging, and he heads into 'Jackson's Post'.
<Elaine> "Well, I'm sure you'll fetch a good price anyhow," Elaine comments cheerfully.
> A tidy storefront, a few shelves of goods, but most is behind a heavy oaken bar and barrier. Behind this bar is an old man, piercing blue eyes and a pale complexion. "Hail and welcome, friends with coin," he offers.
<Saul> "Actually. We were looking to sell, then buy," says Saul, shrugging. "What goods do you trade in?"
<Darius> "I'll be out here."
> As Darius and Serith wait, " me what you want to trade. If it's good quality merchandise, perhaps we can come to an understanding."
* Elaine watches off from the side as Saul begins the trading process, her eyes going around the store looking at some of the goods for sale.
* Saul produces.. a silver bar!
<Saul> OOC: Will we be doing this the long way or the short way?
> OOC: Mmm. Present everything you will, I'll roll some check dice, and we'll summarise somewhat.
<Saul> OOC: Lemme pull up the loot thread.
> OOC: Okay, get all your ducks in a row.
> What's outside on display is minor stuff - some pottery, some dry foods, woodwork. Nothing metallic or too fancy, save for a few sturdy if basic knives in one corner. Mostly stuff that's useful without being pricey.
* Saul also pulls out Volte's dagger and the battered-looking gold ring, deciding that perhaps the rest of their equipment could go to someone who deals in weapons, primarily.
> roll 1d20
<Misukibot> Anastasia rolled 1d20 --> [ 1d20=15 ]{15}
> Tapping the ingot first with a slim metal poker, handheld easily, "By interesting," he notes, half trying to lift it, but not too much so at it's weight. "Mmm, this is worth coin indeed. I'll offer 55 Griffons and 3 Pence for it, I believe."
<Saul> OOC: grargh, I can't remember my own appraisal.
> OOC: Ha hah.
<Saul> OOC: Dammit. No logs for session 1-3.
<Saul> OOC: I'll wing it. ;_;
> OOC: Oops. My fault.
<Saul> "Hmm. I'll need to get it double-checked- I'm reluctant to part with it," admits Saul, apologetically.
> "Mmm..." Considering and eyeing the bar, "Perhaps a price of 61 golden coins will shed you of that reluctance?"
<Saul> "Hmm. Perhaps later," replies Saul, retrieving the bar. "You'll be my first consideration, mind."
> "Mmm, as you wish," he considers long, before looking t the dagger and the ring.
> roll 1d20
<Misukibot> Anastasia rolled 1d20 --> [ 1d20=12 ]{12}
> "Both is nicely made and kept, the other not. The ring is best melted down for it's metal...I'l give you 5 golds for the lot, and a single silver as well."
<Saul> "I can't disagree with that," replies Saul, not going to both arguing over a few coins. "Deal."
> "So be it," he smiles, "Thanks for the business, friend." Going and bringing back five Griffons and a single silvery coin, goods change hands.
* Saul pockets the Griffons, and heads out, heading to "Dugans Suppliers" next.
> Back to his friends Saul goes, pocket heavier with new coin. Another store - displays and shelves, weapons and armor and supplies about. More of an adventurer's store, a burly dwarf in the back, sitting on a padded deep chair and drinking from a mug. "Welcome, fine travellers," his gravelly voice calls as Saul enters.
> One of his legs is only a wooden pole that doesn't touch the ground, oak instead of flesh.
<Saul> "Hail, friend," replies Saul, in dwarvish. "We've got a few weapons we'd like to dispose of."
> A little smile, going on in just that tongue. "Welcome to my shop," he says a little more formally. "Aye, a surface hugger that speaks a true languague? What manner of amazement is this?" A hearty laugh, "Elven blood? I rarely seen see the forestmen in this town, stuck here as I am."
<Saul> "I was raised by a dwarf," replies Saul, snickering. "There's another piece of amazement for you. Barely set foot in the forests, myself."
> "By the Mace of Ivaldar," an oath laughed, "Indeed it is! If you are real and not a spectre of the Serel Wastes, tell me what business brings you to this sleeping town of humans."
<Saul> "Adventuring," replies Saul, solemnly. "The occupation for misfits of all kinds, I believe. It's like soldiering, without commanding officers and regular meals."
> "Much to my memory," he nods, "So either you wish to purchase things to extend your chances of coming back in less than several pieces, or ye're looking for a place to sell your gains."
<Saul> "Both, I suspect," replies Saul. "It is my weary duty to inform you, however, that it is my job to seperate you from your coin, rather than add to it. That dubious honor goes to my allies, who have a far better eye for what is necessary than eye."
<Saul> *I
> A soft grunt. "The second = then get on with it, lad."
<Saul> OOC: Equals? o-o
> OOC: meant to be a -.
<Saul> "As you wish," replies Saul, dropping the mighty silver bar onto the table, along with pulling out assorted weaponary.
<Saul> (Lord Voltes Sword/scabbard, Iron Staff, Two-Handed Sword, and the elf's rapier.)
> roll 1d20
<Misukibot> Anastasia rolled 1d20 --> [ 1d20=8 ]{8}
> Looking to the bar and hefting it up, "Silver," he nods. "Ain't got the skill to be sure, but it looks like it's not fresh from the rock and untreated. 75 pieces of gold, no more." Considering the others, "Mmm, cast off weapons and equipment, eh? 20 for all of that."
* Usagi ( has joined #dunes
* ChanServ sets mode: +oa Usagi Usagi
<Saul> "Mmm. I'll accept your offer for the bar," replies Saul, thinking. "The equipment, though... granted, it's used, but it's still highly servicable."
<Saul> "Mmm. I have some light armour, too," he continues. "And I believe my friends will wish to purchase more armour themselves."
<Saul> "Perhaps we could come to an arrangement, on that front."
> "Twenty is the price," he shakes his head, but stops. "Lemme see the armor as well, and what you and your friends have in mind, aye."
<Saul> "Mmm. Gavin," calls Saul, as he pulls out Lord Volte's leather armour (not wanting to insult the dwarf by offering him padded armour.)
> roll 1d20
<Misukibot> Anastasia rolled 1d20 --> [ 1d20=18 ]{18}
> "Aye..." he murmurs, studying it long. "It's not heavy stuff, but it's...daresay it may have passed through the hands of your kinfolk. I'll offer 30 gold for it," he says bluntly.
<Elaine> "How goes the selling of goods, Saul?" Elaine asks as she peers into the weapon store.
* Darius yawns and enters in, comming up to Saul.
<Saul> "Pretty well, Elaine," replies Saul, in Common. "Mmm. I'll take it, and for the weapons, too," he says.
<SirGavin> "Do you have any splint mail?" Gavin asked from behind, looking over the place.
> "Good," Grunting and counting a moment on his fingers, "125 total." Getting up and pegleg clattering, he begins gathering up the offered good.
<Darius> "Aye, I'd be interested in a set of that myself, good dwarf."
> eyeing Darius up and down, "Aye, I can manage that. 80 Griffons, lad," he speaks slightly accented common, pausing his gathering.
<Seryf> Seryf hums softly as she follows into the shop, looking around. "War arrows, as well?" she asks curiously, wrists resting casually on the hilts of her swords.
<Saul> "Mmm. I believe they'll be wanting to dispense of their own armour," notes Saul, blandly.
> "Those can be purchasesd," he nods to the elven lass, "HOw used is it and what type?"
<Saul> OOC: Dune- can we get prices on the armour? >_>
<Saul> OOC: So we know exactly how much we can spend, and all? >_>
> OOC: He said 80 for the splint.
> Back to Seryf a moment, "Lass, how many do you want?"
<SirGavin> OOC: Saul meant for selling Darius/Elaine's armor.
<SirGavin> OOC: Which they need to offer.
<SirGavin> OOC: Mmm
<Saul> OOC: Actually.
<Saul> OOC: Elaine could just take Gavin's.
<Saul> OOC: As it's chain, and all.
> OOC: He asked what type it was and wanted to know what sort of shape it's in. That wash is question back.
<Saul> OOC: Wait, yes, you knew that, and I fail.
<Seryf> "Mmm...I don't expect to go through them very fast...twenty-five and a quiver to go with?" Seryf murmurs easily.
<Saul> "The arrows we found came with a quiver," says Saul, helpfully.
> "A gold and four tankards," he decides at that, before shaking his head. "One less ifyou have the quiver.":
<Seryf> "We're keeping those for hunting, however, the quivers are rather full at current," Seryf reminds Saul.
<Saul> "If you say so," replies Saul, shrugging.
<Darius> "80 Gold? Hmm.. What would it do to the price if I were to also give you my armor in return?"
> "I told ya, lad, come over here and let me see it. What type is it," he repeats impatiently, staring at Darius. "I ain't gonna buy it without lookin' at it."
<Seryf> Seryf nods, getting the coins from her own pouch for ease at current and setting them on the counter.
* Darius walks over to the Dwarf.
<Darius> "It's Hide, made by my tribe, to the North."
> roll 1d20
<Misukibot> Anastasia rolled 1d20 --> [ 1d20=11 ]{11}
> Fussing and looking over it, "Huh...ain't too badly off, just...hmph. 8 gold off," he decides.
> Waiting for a nod, "That all for this, or you gonna want anything else?"
<Saul> "Mmm. Actually, I was wondering. You seem like you'd know- are there any mages in town?" asks Saul, curiously.
<SirGavin> "I'll be buying one as well." Gavin reminded, placing eighty on the counter.
> "You as well. Alright," the dwarf nods, then, "Not that I know of, no."
* Darius nods.
<Darius> "Deal, friend Dwarf."
* Darius lays out the griffons and shruging out of his armor.
> OOC: SEc while I finish the math.
<Saul> "A pity," replies Saul, sighing.
> "Your total owe 34 gold and 4 silver," A finish, as goods are bought and sold! (You can go on with having them unless someone is going to object now.)
* Saul plonks the coins on the table, nodding.
<Elaine> "Hmm...hey Gavin, what're you going to do with your chain mail? I think I could probably use it if you no longer have a use for it," Elaine comments after a brief though. She'd always thought chain mail would be inconvinient, but Gavin didn't seem to have that much trouble moving in it. Looked safer than her armor anyhow.
* Darius shrugs into his new armor, going through range of motions to adjust it and settle it correctly, tightening various straps and settling his blades.
<SirGavin> "Mmm...  Well, don't know yet.  Just didn't really feel like selling it.  Figured it'd be safe to keep an extra set."
> "Pleasure doin' business with you," the dwarf nods, getting his coins and dragging goods to and back.
* Elaine blinks. "Why would you want an extra set?"
<Saul> "Mmm. Thanks," replies Saul, nodding to the dwarf, before leaving the store himself.
<SirGavin> "Guess there's little reason for it, but you know, it's always good to have reliable armor in case it gets damaged.  Anyhow, why do you ask?  You want to try wearing it?"
* Darius glances over at Elaine.
<Darius> "Ooo.. Elf in chain.."
* Darius quickly vacates the area within arms reach of Elaine."
* Elaine colors a bit and resists the urge to throw a dagger at the other half-elf. Settling for throwing him a glare promising pain, the youngest of the adventurer looks to Gavin. "Uhm, yeah, why not? I mean, it's better defense than what I have right now, right? And I don't want more gobs getting the drop on me..."
* Elaine rubs the area where she'd been hit as she talks to the knight.
<SirGavin> "Ah, well.  Sure." He nodded.  "I could certainly let you use it.  After I switch out of it when we stop for the night, I'll let you have it."
> Heading out as business is done, the inn beckons. Or perhaps other matters, if one wished to explore the town.
* Saul does! And heads into the next merchant.
<Elaine> "Thanks!" Elaine replies before standing on her tiptoes and giving Gavin a quick peck in the cheek.
* SirGavin blushes a bit at that.
* Darius grins at Gavin from the doorway.
<Darius> "Awwww... Lookie there.."
* Darius ducks out of the shop, but quick.
<Seryf> Snickering softly at the antics, drifting towards the outside, the shop of war at least having some pull on her. "Now what Darius is about to to ask whether or not we should be getting one less inn room," Seryf adds, before following suit.
<Saul> "I am shocked," says Saul, blandly. "Shocked and *scandalized."
* Darius laughs loudly from outside.
<Elaine> "What? I can kiss my friend in the cheek!" Elaine mutters as she exits the store as well.
<Darius> "Question is.. Is that all you kiss?"
<Saul> "What am I going to tell your mother, Elaine?"
* SirGavin glares a bit at the others. "No impinging Elaine's honor..she was just being thankful."
<Elaine> "but it was just a kiss between friends!" the girl argues.
* Saul shakes his head, mournfully. "Honor and all, she explicitly stated," he mumbles, heading into the last shop, in hope of scrolls. Thin as it may be.
* Darius whistles as he shrugs on his pack and idly scratches Serth's chin and throat.
<Seryf> "And we're just joking, Gavin," Seryf returns, smirking a little. "Humans are known to be so rambunctious...we should be looking out for Elaine's safety."
<Darius> "Elves aren't so modest themselves.. I mean, there seem to be half-elves around.. After all, Seryf.. Walking around in leather like that.. How can a man say no?"
* Darius dodges around to the far side of Serith, heading off after Saul.
* SirGavin rolls his eyes a bit and reaches out and swats Darius at least aside the head.
<Saul> "You're awfully timid," notes Saul, at Gavin's latest attempt to dodge retribution.
* Darius takes the whap and idly swings the tip of his scabbard into the back of Gavin's knee, tripping him up momentarily while grinning at him.
<Seryf> "Do we blame that on the humans or the elves, though?" Seryf answers, blushing herself. "I say the humans, we elves are obviously too cultured and mature," she sniffs, mock haughtily.
* Elaine snickers. "Of course you are, Seryf. Of course you are."
<Darius> "Oh? Well, in the case of the Half-Elves, you pure bloods must have a hand in that *somehow.*"
* SirGavin glares. "The lot of ye... Anyhow, find anything, Saul?"
* Darius grins at Seryf and speeds up a little, whistling innocently.
<Seryf> Smiling more easily at Elaine. "I see at least some of you are getting to udnerstand who your elders are," Seyf answers, nodding in affirmation. "We'll make an elf of you yet, Elaine! Unlike some people I could name."
<Saul> "Don't make me feel old, Seryf," replies Saul. "I may be a hundred and twenty years old, but I've never felt younger."
<Darius> "Bah, if Elves are so cultured and mature as to not have fun with their own.. BAH!"
<Seryf> "Oh fine," Seryf sighs woefully, following along with all of the group. "And that's because you're such curious people!" she replies to Darius cheerily. "I mean, what better way to have fun than to be amongst those so vastly different? Or nopt different, as it goes, but the variance is interesting...and there's always the chance of meeting a human or half-elf with just a bit more interest in  them."
* SirGavin blinks. "Anyhow... if we've had enough posturing for one afternoon?"
<Darius> "Heh. Of course, half-elves are the way to go. Best of both worlds!"
<Saul> "You havn't tried teaching one," replies Saul, ruffling Elaine's hair. "Combine human impatience with elven laziness, and.. well, I'm sure you can guess."
<Seryf> "Oh, but that would make it so much more challenging..." Seryf smiles, glancing to Gavin. "Oh, feeling like getting tipsy and brutally honest now, Gavin?"
<SirGavin> "Tipsy? It's a bit early for drinking, I'd think, Seryf." He smiled at her.
<Saul> "It's never too early for drinking!" pronounces Saul. "Like true adventurers, we must make posthaste to the taproom!"
<Elaine> "Hey, I wasn't a bad student! Are you trying to imply something?" Elaine exclaims as Saul ruffles her hair.
> Off to the taproom! It's in a firelit and broad room, tables set up and a bar. A burly and quiet man, "Drinks," he asks simply, "5 gold to bring the pet in, whatever the hell it is."
* Saul leaves that option up to Darius. "What wines do you have on offer?"
<SirGavin> "And how much for the night?"
<Darius> "Do you have a room big enough to house the tiger and me?"
* SirGavin worked to make sure they got lodgings before Saul was left to drink through plenty of earnings.
> "Stuff from thep lains and a few elven draughts," The answer back comes easily, "Rooms are one silver a person per room. This includes a basic dinner and breakfast. As for that with the...tiger? 15 GP for the night for it to stay."
* SirGavin glancing at Darius. "The tiger will have to stay out... That's way too much gold to pay for a few knights."
<Darius> "Not a problem. I'll be with her then. We'll be out near where the water breaks the treeline."
<Saul> "I'll take one of the elven vintages," says Saul. "And some cups."
<Darius> "Tavern-keep, how much for a skin of draught?"
> "I'll call them both a gold," he shakes his head, going to get them. So it goes, liquor and roaring fireplace provided...
* SirGavin sits down near the fireplace after paying the Innkeep for the lot of them.
* Darius passes the keep a gold and takes the skin, heading outside to sit near the door and begins drinking, petting and lounging around outside with Serith.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?