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...There be ocean here?

Started by Dracos, January 22, 2006, 03:58:07 PM

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[21:03] <Dracos> The chirping of birds awakened the party from their slumber in Gnome Ann's inn.  Despite its odd appearance, the beds were comfortable enough and the rooms well furnished, if a touch on the small side.  Meeting outside their rooms, they smell some kind of stew downstairs, as the proprietess, Gnome Ann, is standing near the front door behind a counter.
[21:06] <Felix> "Good morning, Ann," Felix greets the owner of the inn where he's been staying since he found himself in this world.
[21:07] <Dracos> "Good Morning Felix."  She smiled.  "Did you and your friends sleep well?"  She was sunny as ever for a pintsized gnome.
[21:08] * Felix nods. "I slept as well as always. Your beds are quite likely the best in the city, my friend," the magician answers jovially.
[21:10] <Dracos> He was answered with a smile.  "Well now, would you folks like to sit down for breakfast?  We've got Squid  Stew this morning."
[21:10] <Jan> Jan half rose a hand towards the gnome in greeting as he moved downstairs from his room. "What'd I miss?"
[21:11] <Dracos> "Miss, darling?  Just  the sunrise.  Wonderful as always."
[21:13] * Leets enters, greeting the others. "I see we have a morning person here. Good morning, Miss Ann."
[21:13] <Dracos> "Good morning, hon.  Shall I set places for all of you?"
[21:15] <Felix> "I'll be taking off early, so I'll have to pass, Ann," Felix declines politely, wondering if his new friends remembered his warning, or are willing to try the eccentric meals of Gnome Ann.
[21:17] <Dracos> "Okay, hon." She smiled warmly.
[21:24] <Jan> "There anywhere Leets can find manuals on swordplay?" Considering the place, it wouldnt' be that out there.
[21:25] <Dracos> "Manuals on swordplay?   Well, shucks, darling.  That's not really my thing.  I don't really go for sharp and pointy, mind you.  The king was darn good at it though, and there's always that silly old guy with the bright eyes...Fawful or something like that."
[21:27] <Jan> "Could you give me the directions to where he's staying, please?"
[21:28] <Dracos> "Hmm, some school on the beach.  Big marble place."
[21:28] <Dracos> "Near the docks."
[21:29] * Quits: Ryder ( (Connection reset by peer)
[21:29] <Jan> "Oh, FA. Okay." Jan nodded.
[21:30] <Dracos> "Yeah, that might've been it." She grinned in that placelessly optimistic way of hers.
[21:31] <Jan> "Thank you for the help, though." He turned to look at the others. "Want to meet back up at the ship in the afternoon? Or should we just stick together and finish all our things together?"
[21:32] <Leets> "Well, how many are along the same way?"
[21:32] <Felix> "I haven't been to your ship, so I would need to stick together with at least one of you," Felix comments.
[21:34] <Jan> "We just need to go see FA and that lion wizard."
[21:34] <Jan> "Excuse me, Miss Ann? Do you see golems walking about commonly?"
[21:35] <Dracos> "Well no.  That'd certainly be an interesting sight." She smiled friendily.
[21:35] <Jan> "Would the guards freak out and try attacking one on sight?"
[21:37] <Dracos> "Well, I'm not sure.  Probably not if it doesn't break anything..."
[21:38] <Jan> "Bah. Oh well." Jan moved to sit.
[21:39] <Dracos> She headed over and started setting a place for him.  "It'll be just a moment."
[21:39] <Dracos> She hummed, heading to the kitchen...
[21:41] <Dracos> She then returned, humming just the same with a platter with a big bowl of soup with some white chunks in it.  "Jimmy caught a squid yesterday and we were hoping to make a good squid stew out of it.  But Sally is scared of squid and screamed when she saw it,sending stuff everywhere.  So this is sort of what came out."  She smiled.
[21:42] <Dracos> It looked sort of edible.
[21:42] <Jan> "Is it edible?" Jan poked it.
[21:43] <Dracos> "Well of course." She smiled.  Those kinda looked like potatoes now that he thought about it.
[21:43] <Jan> The negotiator tried some, lightly chewing as he waved for the others to sit.
[21:43] * Leets shrugs, sitting down and helping himself to a bowl.
[21:44] <Dracos> It was a bit mucky, but edible enough and filling besides.
[21:45] * Felix takes off, shaking his head while the two eat, planning on waiting outside, so as not to hurt the proprietor's feelings.
[21:46] <Jan> Jan was used to roasting scorpions and rats in desperate times, so he wasn't bothered too much..
[21:46] <Dracos> Heading outside, Felix found that the soft light of mid morning was illuminating the clear sky as he stood near the inn.
[21:46] <Jan> "It's good, thanks." He commented as he continues eating.
[21:48] <Leets> "The squids a bit more chewy then I thought," Leets said thoughtfully.
[21:49] <Dracos> Gnome ann smiled and waited for them to finish, cleaning up the plates after them and not rushing them off.
[21:51] <Jan> Once he was done, he followed after Felix, "So, what are you going to get? Sleep spell? I think old man Fizban knows that one already."
[21:56] <Felix> "I'm not particularly certain, to be honest," the magician admits.
[21:57] <Jan> "I've already seen all kinds of magic, so I could narrow it down for you."
[22:00] <Dracos> They arrived soon enough in front of the magic shop.
[22:01] <Dracos> OOC: Strike last line
[22:05] * Felix nods. "So you have some suggestions on what would be useful then?"
[22:11] <Jan> "Hm. There's healing magic and attack magic from what I've seen."
[22:12] <Jan> "Do you want to set things on fire? Or be able to heal from being shot relatively quickly?"
[22:12] <Felix> "Hrm, well, I suppose healing would probably be useful unless you have a medic already," Felix replies after musing on it a bit.
[22:12] <Jan> "I don't think Fizban can do that."
[22:15] * Felix nods. "Then perhaps I should talk to Shakra about whether he has any healing scrolls, I suppose."
[22:18] <Jan> "There's spells that make fogs spring up too, and illusions." Jan continued laying out the more support type of magic that he had seen in his day
[22:18] <Dracos> They saw Sharka's cavernous store ahead.
[22:19] <Jan> Jan opened the door and entered, wandering around and looking here and there.
[22:20] <Dracos> Shakra, immaculant and mystical as yesterday, came at the sound. "Greetings...ah, here to purchase more?"
[22:20] <Felix> "I have interest in illusion magic, though Shakra did not believe I was ready for those," Felix comments as he goes through the door.
[22:21] * Felix nods at the shopkeeper. "Indeed. I plan to be departing the city with these new comrades, so I wanted to stock up on some of the spells I might get from your store."
[22:22] <Dracos> "Well, certainly.  Whatever your silver can purchase I would be happy to sell."
[22:23] <Leets> "I'll meet you guys back at the ship, all right?" Leets said, before slipping out towards the beach to visit the Acadamy.
[22:26] * Felix nods towards Leets before turning back to Shakra. "Healing magic, I suppose is the first question. Do you have scrolls for such magic?"
[22:27] <Dracos> "Hmmm, while I've heard of such, the best I have in that direction is Rest in Peace, a spell for ensuring a nice uninterrupted sleep.  Healing isn't really my area." He said gruffly.
[22:29] <Jan> "Do you have spells to distract or impede attackers?" Jan piped up, remembering Mei-Ling's fog spells and how easily they managed to accomplish tasks with it.
[22:33] <Dracos> "Ah that, I do.  I have the spell Dazzle, which can be used  to create a bright light to stun nearby beings that see it.  Calm can be used to distill hostility.  If you're looking for more defensive spells, there's always Magical Protection and Resistance.  Fascination I find good for keeping folks distracted, though it's a bit advanced."
[22:33] * Felix nods at those spells, since they really seems more his style than attacking. "How much is each?"
[22:35] <Dracos> "Dazzle would be 150 silvers.  Protection 80 silvers.  Resistance 100 silvers.  Calm 250 silvers.  Fascination 200 silvers." He rattled off.
[22:37] * Felix turns to look at Jan to see his opinion, considering he'd probably be paying for some (if not all) of the spells Felix might learn. If Jan didn't show interest though, he might spend some of his own money.
[22:40] <Jan> "What does Magical Protection do?"
[22:40] <Jan> "Or Resistance, for that matter."
[22:41] <Dracos> "Ah, it is sort of like padding.  It strengthens the air around a mage and makes it more difficult to strike through and softens blows.  Relevant for those who find armor too restricting for proper spellcasting motion."
[22:42] <Felix> "Which one?" Felix asks. "Or are both, with Resistance being somewhat better?"
[22:42] <Dracos> "Resistance is used for resiliance against the elements.  It forms a sort of invisible haze around the mage that dispells extreme temperatures and the like and such."
[22:42] <Dracos> "Protection is the former, Resistance the latter."
[22:43] <Jan> "Can protection be cast on anyone else?"
[22:45] <Dracos> "Well, yes... with practice you could cast it on someone else and maintain it at a distance."
[22:47] <Jan> "I think we should get Calm and Dazzle." Jan commented. "As long as we dodge, we're in the clear, and dazzle lets us do that."
[22:48] * Felix nods in agreement. "Both spells caught my attention more, so I agree," Felix adds in.
[22:50] <Dracos> "Certainly."  He picked up a pair of scrolls.  "The silver?"
[22:50] * Jan paid.
[22:51] <Dracos> Shakra handed over the scrolls.  "Pleasure doing business with you.  And remember Felix, practice, practice, practice.  The art of the magi is a long one and requires dedication."
[22:52] * Felix nods. "Not to mention headaches," Felix muses.
[22:53] <Jan> "All things that are worthwhile are worth suffering for."
[22:54] <Dracos> Shakra smiled, obviously pleased with the understand.  "Well said."
[22:54] * Felix nods. "True enough."
[22:55] <Jan> "Well, to be honest, it's a truth I've recently discovered myself." Jan faintly smirked as he pushed his hands into his pants' pockets.
[22:56] <Dracos> "That is the start.  Many never learn."
[22:57] <Jan> "I have a question, Mister Shakra. Have you ever heard of anyone that possesses the power to change their shape to an elemental?"
[22:58] <Dracos> "Yes.  The archmage Ad Avis of Raesir was favored  of such things.  The fairy people also take well to such magics."
[22:59] <Jan> "Huh. I'm definately not any of those..."
[23:00] <Dracos> "I take it you are asking on a personal note?" He seemed curious.
[23:00] <Jan> "I can turn into what a former traveling companion called a earth elemental. A golem."
[23:01] <Dracos> "Mmm...  Magically?  Or is this some innate skill?  Perhaps a strong alignment with the earth?"
[23:04] <Jan> "It's an innate skill as far as I can tell, and I wouldn't be able to tell you. I don't think I'm particularly in tune with this world."
[23:05] <Dracos> "Allow me?" He lifted a hand, waiting for accedance. "I could attempt to see if you have a magical dweomer."
[23:05] <Jan> "A what?" Jan blinked, gesturing for the lion to go ahead.
[23:06] * Felix looks on curiously, watching as the shopkeeper and Jan discuss...something.
[23:07] <Dracos> "A magical aura, to say.  A sign that you are bespelled or have such residue."
[23:10] <Jan> "Huh. Well, it's okay with me. It might turn up something."
[23:11] <Dracos> He chanted, his words a  bit rough as his eyes glowed slightly. "Mmm...  You do have a faint magical residue...but I do not think it is normal wizardry that is the cause.  The hue seems slightly off...but it's hard to see.  It's quite faint."
[23:13] <Jan> "About a few years old?"
[23:15] <Dracos> "As I said, it's faint.   That could be the cause, yes.  Or it could simply be surpressed."
[23:15] <Jan> "Well, I could call up my other self, but I don't think I'd fit in here. And the guards would freak out."
[23:15] <Felix> While Jan and Shakra talk, Felix takes the opportunity to do some 'reading', and study the Dazzle scroll.
[23:16] <Dracos> "Mmm?  How big is it?" His cavern was rather sizable.  "You seek to learn more about what allows you to do this?"
[23:17] <Jan> "Well, more importantly, if it'll ever go out of my control if I'm not careful." Jan eyed the cavern and moved himself where he could call on his power without breaking anything.
[23:18] <Jan> He slowly let the energy gather, not wanting to transform in the building, but just showing how he did it to Shakra and Felix.
[23:18] <Jan> "Try scanning me now, if you want."
[23:18] <Dracos> "Hmmm, your dwoemer is getting brighter.  Though it's still faint.  Definitely not normal wizardry, I'm sure now."
[23:20] <Jan> "Isn't everyday you spontaneously gain this kind of power." Jan agreed with a nod.
[23:22] <Dracos> "It seems to be running a bit into the ground around you as well." He observed.
[23:24] <Jan> "When I do this, I can make the ground explode around me, then the next thing I know I turn into a giant metal man."
[23:27] <Dracos> Felix, meanwhile, finds these spells harder.  Readable, but it'd probably go easier in peace and quiet.  He can grasp them though, and can almost pull them into himself.
[23:29] <Dracos> "Metal?  That's odd...  not rock?"
[23:30] <Jan> "Nope. It's been pretty handy, otherwise those wolves I mentioned before would've torn me bit by bit."
[23:32] <Dracos> "Well perhaps I could tell you more if we step outside and see it." He nodded helpfully.  "Out of town."
[23:34] * Felix continues reading as Jan continues talking, until the spell is carefully memorized.
[23:35] <Jan> "I'd appreciate it, Mister Shakra."
[23:35] <Dracos> "Coming, Felix?  You could practice your detect magic."
[23:37] <Felix> " second," Felix says, checking if it'll take much more reading, in which case he'll finish studying it later.
[23:39] <Dracos> His head burns as the dazzle fades away, the words ingraved upon his mind.
[23:41] * Felix closes the now empty scroll, and puts the other away, before nodding. "Okay, I'm ready."
[23:45] <Dracos> The lionman lead out of the city to a clearing just a bit outside the city walls.  "Is this enough space?"
[23:46] <Jan> Jan walked away from the duo, turning to face them when he was comfortably away from them. "Yeah." He brought his right arm up to chin level as he instinctively called forth the power he had for years now. The ground beneath him suddenly shone as it erupted upwards to obscure him, the dirt and debris swirling about madly as he intentionally dragged the transformation out for the benefit of the two mages.
[23:50] * Felix uses the event as practice and concentrates on the spell for detecting magic, to see how Jan's transformation works.
[23:52] <Dracos> He sort of sees a greenish hue, indistinct sort of brushing along Jan.  Not much detail at all, but it is there.
[23:52] <Dracos> "Ah, it's much stronger now.  And even more firmly tied to the ground below."
[23:54] <Jan> Suddenly from deep within the cloud cover, twin red lights shone forth as the transformation completed, the vague outline of human growing and shifting a massive gun metal grey arm erupted out of the cloud cover, followed by a giant metallic humanoid.
[23:57] <Dracos> "It's inside you, like a core or a...tree root to the land.  Definitely not wizardry, but definitely magic."
[23:59] <Jan> The golem lowered its right arm from where it was held in the same way Jan had been holding his, the gleaming piston on the side shining brightly in the sun.
Session Time: Sun Mar 26 00:00:00 2006
[00:00] <Dracos> "You're a strange one.  I've never seen the like of your magic." Shakra commented.
[00:02] <Jan> The being merely nodded in agreement.
[00:04] <Dracos> "I take it you can understand us still as such but cannot speak?"
[00:04] <Jan> The left hand of the golem clenched as it once again responded with a nod.
[00:07] <Felix> "Can you detransform, so we can speak again?" Felix asks, still a bit amazed by the sight. "I'd like to know about what exactly you can do like that."
[00:08] <Jan> The golem merely lifted its right arm, the silver piston imbedded within whirring as air gathered in the fist.
[00:08] <Jan> With a loud click, then a clack, the piston smashed down into the arm, a visible wave of air blasting out from the right fist to fly out and reduce a nearby boulder to rubble.
Well, Goodbye.


[22:25] <Dracos> Leets made his way to FA's academy, the door closed when he arrived.
[22:27] * Leets walks up to the door, checking to see if anyone was in or if the acadamy was closed.
[22:28] <Dracos> Couldn't see inside, but he could always knock or try to open the door.
[22:29] <Leets> "Anyone in yet?" Leets called, rapping his knuckles on the door.
[22:30] <Dracos> "Yes, yes.  The door's open as always." The old man's voice rang out.
[22:30] * Joins: Jan (
[22:32] * Leets entered the acadamy, glancing around. "Hello, sir. I hope I'm not disturbing you."
[22:33] <Dracos> "Certainly not." The man was sorting books on a shelf.  "Let's see, you were the quiet one from the other day."
[22:35] <Leets> "Yes, well," Leets coughed, "I was more interested in your acadamy then talking the other day."
[22:35] <Leets> "I heard people learn swordwork here."
[22:36] <Dracos> "Well, yes, and other things.  It's good to know how to use a sword.  One of the basic tools of adventuring and all."  He smiled.  "I take it you're interested in the craft?  The journey?  The excitment?"
[22:39] <Leets> "To tell you the truth, I haven't had the opportunity to use the sword yet," Leets said, laughing self-depreciatively, "so I can't honestly say if its for me just yet."
[22:43] <Dracos> "Really?  Lad, it's important to give it a try before you find yourself needing it in a corner and all that."
[22:45] <Leets> "That's half the reason I'm here, actually. I was hoping to get some advice since my friends and I travel too much for me to get formal training."
[22:46] <Dracos> "Mmm, well then.  I suppose you'll want these." He pulled two books off the shelves, handing them to leets.  They were titled respectively. "Famous Adventure's Guide to Adventuring for Beginners, volume 1" and "Basic Swordplay"
[22:52] <Leets> "Thank you," Leets said, accepting the books from FA. "Do you also have information on magic blades by any chance?"
[22:52] <Dracos> "Plenty."  He nodded.
[22:53] <Leets> "Would it be all right if I look through them?"
[22:53] <Dracos> "Certainly." He gestured to a shelf on the bookshelf.
[22:55] * Leets nods and walks up to the shelf, picking out a book with a title he could read.
[22:56] <Dracos> He found it was a book on old artifacts and the like, swords inclusive.
[22:58] * Leets skimmed through the book at a steady pace, staying on each page just long enough to check for anything that struck him as familiar and noting their pages so he could recheck them later.
[23:01] <Dracos> Nothing in there, lots of blades, and few close, but none quite like his.
[23:07] <Leets> Leets returned the book, checking one last time for a book he could read.
[23:10] <Dracos> "Are you looking for something in particular?" The old man had sat down at his desk.
[23:12] <Leets> "Hm. Was kind of hoping to find some information about this." Leets carefully pulled his sword out.
[23:14] <Dracos> "Hmm?  An old blade?  Bring it close.
[23:16] <Leets> "It's kind of an oddity," Leets admitted, showing the sword to FA. "Someone said it was magic, but it was rusted when I found it."
[23:17] <Dracos> "Rusted hmm...  Well, it's definitely a fine blade...likely has a noble heritage too....  You had it reforged?"
[23:19] <Leets> "About a month after I found it. Do you know what it is?"
[23:21] <Dracos> "Hmmm...  With it's new forging, I can't say for sure.  Possibly a paladin's blade, definitely a knight's...hmmm," His hands traced over it.  "There's power in it, that's certain.  Hmm..."
[23:24] <Dracos> "I'd have to see it in action to be sure...  but I suspect it's a blade of heroism of some kind.  The type to empower those who protect the weak and the like."
[23:29] <Leets> "Really?" Leets asked, looking over the sword. "That's rather interesting. The other person who looked over it said it was for slaying demons and the like."
[23:31] <Dracos> "Slaying demons?  Hmmm...  I suppose...hmm.  It might be the Masamune, sword of courage, forged of the stuff of dreams to bring hope to the hopeless, left in the mountains of the east winds long ago near Totos, as I recall the legend, by a great hero."
[23:45] <Leets> "I don't suppose you have a book of that legend?" Leets asked, returning his sword back into the bag.
[23:47] <Dracos> "Nope.  Should write it down sometime.  But I'm taking a break from that, as I said."
[23:48] <Leets> "Well, that's understandable. Is that sword you mentioned in any of those books though?"
[23:51] <Dracos> "I believe I wrote a brief summary of it in one of them yes."
[23:52] <Leets> "May I ask which one?"
[23:53] <Dracos> "Not sure.  Probably this one." He grabbed  one from the middle and handed it to leets. "Feel free to look."
[23:54] <Leets> "Thank you." Leets looked through the offered text.
Session Time: Sun Mar 26 00:00:00 2006
[00:01] <Dracos> Leafing through it, he found an entry that mentioned the masamune, describing its dimensions and that it was a magical blade used for the fighting of darkness."
[00:06] <Leets> After finishing the book, Leets turned back to FA. "Thank you for all your help, sir. I hope we can meet again in the future." Bowing in appreciation, Leets left the Acadamy to rejoin the others.
Well, Goodbye.


[21:30] <Jan> The golem lowered its arm, the bolts along its two arms falling off with dull thunks. A shrill cry filled the air as steam poured out of the arms, obscuring the negotiator as he shifted back to his birth form.
[21:34] <Felix> "My, that's interesting. How different is it to be in that form?" Felix asks, impressed.
[21:38] <Jan> Jan walked out of the thick cloud of steam, waving it out of his face. "Power can get heady sometimes. If I overdo it, it really drains me, though."
[21:39] * Felix nods. "I imagine you're rather tough in that form though," Felix comments, given the appearance.
[21:40] <Dracos> "Mmm... The bond is weaker, but I can still see it.  A tie to the land."
[21:40] <Jan> "Nothing I've ever come across can hurt me. And if my armor gets chipped, it gets fixed next time I turn into a golem."
[21:42] <Felix> "Really? That's rather useful, I imagine," Felix comments, astonished.
[21:43] <Jan> "I don't really use it. It's a final measure since I don't understand it."
[21:47] <Dracos> "Mmm, well, I can't tell you more.  It's beyond my experience, though there is another who might be more familiar with your situation that lives near Silmaria."
[21:51] <Jan> "Who would that be?"
[21:54] <Dracos> "Well, he's a bit on the eccentric side, but the archmage Erasmus lives in the clouds high above the island.  He has a doorway near the outskirts of town, though he's not a big fan of visitors.  Tends to spend most days doing puzzles and things with his familiar."
[21:59] <Felix> "Well, he probably would enjoy some new puzzles to solve, if he likes puzzles," Felix comments.
[22:01] <Jan> "Would you like to come along with me, Felix?"
[22:01] * Felix nods. "It would be interesting to see what an archmage is capable of," he replies.
[22:01] <Dracos> "Hmmm, a warning.  He has his door guarded with a guardian to keep out mischief makers.  Tends to use a riddle to see if you're worth entry."
[22:03] <Jan> "What happens if we fail the riddle? Will the guardian attack us?"
[22:04] <Dracos> "Hmm, probably warp you back.  Oh that's right, you don't know Trigger, Felix.  You'll need either that...or perhaps kicking at the pillars around the entry way to trigger his warp spell up to his domicile."
[22:05] <Felix> "How much for Trigger and what are its exact effects?" Felix asks, unsure if the spell will cost too much and if it's worth it. They might want to just kick the pillars like the lionman suggests.
[22:17] <Dracos> "100 silver.  It's a way to trigger magical spells from a distance."
[22:19] <Jan> "We can just kick at the pillars, I suppose."
[22:22] * Felix laughs. "Well, if you're sure. I do think I could try and make some of that money with magic shows."
[22:25] <Dracos> Shakra smiled.  "It has been a pleasure.  Tarish kizik, as we say in Tarna.  I should go and tend my shop now."
[22:25] <Jan> "Thank you for all the help, Mister Shakra."
[22:26] * Felix nods. "Indeed. Well, shall we go meet up with the others then, Jan?"
[22:28] <Dracos> Shakra headed off back towards town.
[22:29] <Jan> "Yeah, we'll return to this island another day, for now it's best to head for the next Starstone."
[22:29] <Jan> Jan lead the way back to the ship.
[22:31] * Felix follows Jan.

*leets interlude*

[21:33] <Dracos> Heading for the ship, Leets found that he arrived first at the docks.
[21:36] <Leets> "Guess they're still shopping." Leets went onto the ship to drop some of his load. Hopefully, they won't take too much longer, though he'd probably go look for them if they did.
[21:41] <Dracos> He spotted fizban catnapping on a set of ropes that'd be set up more like a hammock.
[21:42] * Leets quietly drops his stuff off, not wanting to disturb the old man from his sleep.
[21:44] * Jan ( has joined #wasteland2
[21:47] <Dracos> Well, being the stealth expert, leets gets  to his place sneakly and quietly, unnoticed as he enters his room.
[21:49] <Leets> After depositing his things, he left the room to pass the time by wandering the ship.
[22:07] <Dracos>  Wandering the ship, he spotted the captain working to make things ship shape, and he could get a good glimpse  of the wood ship he'd traveled on and it's majestic corridors.
[22:12] * Leets whistled lowly in admiration. Wood or steel, it was still a sight to behold. He paused for a moment, then walked to the captain, being carefully not to sneak up on the man.
[22:14] <Dracos> "Hmm? Who's that?" He turned.
[22:18] <Leets> "G'afternoon, Captain." Leets greeted politely. "Am I interrupting anything?'
[22:21] <Dracos> "Ah, nope.  Just checking the equipment.  Always good to make sure everything is safe while at docks."
[22:25] * Artemis ( has joined #wasteland2
[22:27] <Leets> "Would you mind terribly if we talk a bit then?" Leets asked, falling into step with the captain and watching him work.
[22:28] <Dracos> "Of course not.  What's on your mind?" He smiled, crouching a bit to be eye to eye with him.
[22:37] * Leets shrugs casually. "Just kind of curious about your home country. It must be pretty advanced to build ships like these."

*leets interlude end*

[22:34] <Dracos> They arrive back at the ship, shortly after Leets did.
[22:35] <Jan> "This is the ship we got lent, the Rydia. It's a pretty good ship, as far as I know. Hasn't given us any troubles. Let me show you a spare room we have."
[22:35] <Jan> The negotiator led the magician below deck to where the rooms were.
[22:36] <Dracos> While on the deck, he spotted Leets talking with the sailor/captain/guy doing all the sailing work.
[22:36] <Felix> "How many people do you generally have here?" Felix asks, curious about the crew.
[22:37] <Jan> "Just our group and that sailor. I help with what I can, but he's the only one that knows how to run this thing, basically."
[22:38] <Felix> "Ah, I see," Felix nods his head at that, continuing to follow Jan towards the rooms.
[22:40] <Jan> He showed Felix a room. "This works for you?"
[22:42] * Felix looks around the room.
[22:43] <Dracos> It's a nice enough room.
[22:43] <Dracos> A bit of a  primitive looking ship, like one would see a few hundred years before Felix's time, Felix noticed.
[22:44] <Dracos> ToLeets: The man blinked at Leets.  "Well, yes.  It's baron.  You were there when we met."
[22:44] <Leets> "Yes, but we really didn't stay long enough to have a proper appreciation of the place," explained Leets.
[22:46] <Jan> "Good enough for you, Felix?"
[22:46] <Felix> "It's not Gnome Ann's, but its pretty good," Felix answers with a satisfied nod, as he goes in and puts his suitcase on the bed.
[22:47] <Dracos> ToLeets:"Well, I daresay, we're the most advanced nation in the world."
[22:49] <Leets> "You must have a lot of reason to be proud of your home too, am I right?"
[22:52] * Jan nodded and wandered out of the room to rest off his transformation.
[22:54] * Felix proceeds to open his suitcase and start putting some of his things away.
[22:55] <Dracos> ToLeets: "Of course."
Well, Goodbye.


[21:09] <Dracos> The next day...  The party had started getting the Rydia ready for travel, leaving most of them with a bit of free time...  And so it was that the mage Felix and Leets crossed paths on the ship, leets examining the rigging curiously and Felix just plain getting to know the ship.
[21:12] * IronDragoon ( has joined #wasteland
[21:13] * IronDragoon is now known as Mary
[21:14] <Leets> "Hello, Mr. DuCartes." Leets greeted when they crossed paths. "Have enough time to regret joining this quest?"
[21:15] <Felix> "Not as of yet," Felix replies with an amused shake of his head. "And you? Do you regret being on this journey yourself?"
[21:16] * Mary snorts.
[21:17] <Mary> "I sure 'as hell am. I just want 'ta go back 'ta land I know, where I can find a good bar and get in'ta a pistol fight or two."
[21:18] <Felix> "I have no greater wish myself than to return to my own land," the magician agrees.
[21:18] <Dracos> The soft sea air blew over the ship side, brushing along them as they chatted on the deck.
[21:20] <Dracos> They could see the captain working on the deck.
[21:20] <Leets> "Well, I've come to think of this place as home lately," Leets admitted, adding snort of amusement at thinking of his supposed 'home'. "So here I am to save it."
[21:20] * Mary grunts.
[21:21] <Mary> "You can live here all 'ya want. I plan 'ta get back where I came from."
[21:22] <Felix> "I as well, if I can see that possibility. Still, while I'm here, I will try to help with what I can," Felix comments. "Speaking of which, when will we be departing? Or are we staying around Silmaria for some time longer?"
[21:23] <Dracos> "It'll be a day to get ready, but beyond that, we can leave as soon as you want." The captain, as it seemed, called back.
[21:23] <Dracos> Jan was currently resting.  Though they noticed the old man was up and about, sitting near the back of the large ship.
[21:23] <Mary> "Might as well not waste a day.. I say we go find some work or somethin'. Need 'ta new pistols soon."
[21:27] * Felix nods. "Well, as we had to deplete much of the funds on buying spells on my part, making some of that money back would be agreeable with me, and making sure the spent money has had a worthwhile investment."
[21:28] * Mary draws a pistol, cocks the hammer back, and spins it over a finger a few times, then tosses it into the, spinning end over end, turning towards the plank off the ship and catching the pistol behind his back, before fliping it across the back of his hand and back into the holster.
[21:29] <Mary> "Well alright, then. Let's find us somethin' 'ta shoot."
[21:29] <Dracos> Heading down the plank, they came out on the docks, they could see the morning fisherman already returning with their catch, a half dozen men in all working to get it off their boats.
[21:29] * Leets shrugs. "Let's go then. Maybe there's something we can find back at the Adventurer's Guild." He headed for the landing to leave the ship.
[21:32] <Dracos> Heading past them and up the road, they came to the adventurer's guild, the door thankfully open at this early hour.
[21:36] <Leets> "Anyone remember where the guild request board was?" Leets asked the others, glancing around.
[21:36] * Mary shrugs.
[21:36] <Mary> "Down th' road from the guild hall, I think.
[21:36] <Mary> "
[21:38] <Felix> "Let's just use the one inside the guild, I say," the magician offers wrily as he enters the guild.
[21:38] <Dracos> Entering, they found the massive figure of Toro standing guard at the far end.  "Toro greets you."
[21:39] <Mary> "Howdy, Toro."
[21:39] <Leets> "Right pleasant day, isn't it?"
[21:39] * Mary tips his hat in greeting to Toro.
[21:39] * Felix gives a nod in greeting for his part. "Could you direct us to the request board?" he asks politely, getting right to business.
[21:40] <Dracos> "Request board?  Ah, yes." Toro pointed behind them on the wall, near where Mary and Leets had signed the guestbook earlier.
[21:40] <Dracos> There were a few notices on it.
[21:41] <Felix> "Thank you," Felix offers before turning to look at the board.
[21:42] <Dracos> "Pegasus Feathers - I am seeking some pegasus feathers.  I do not really believe that such a being does exist, but I am willing to pay for such things.  Inquire at Wolfie's stand."
[21:44] <Dracos> "Safety Not Guarenteed - Someone to go back into hades with me.  This is not a joke.  You'll be paid well after we get back.  Must bring your own weapons.  I've  only done this once before.  Inquire at the Dead Parrot Inn, second floor, at night."
[21:45] * Mary scratches the side of his neck at this second one, still not used to seeing these kinds of things..
[21:45] <Dracos> "Maurading Raiders - Mauraders sighted on Minos Island.  Reward: 5000 silvers for dealing with and cleaning them all out."
[21:46] <Dracos> "Dancing - One dancer needed tonight for Gnome Ann's inn.  Food included.  Costume included."
[21:46] <Dracos> That seems to be the last of them.
[21:49] <Felix> "Well now....I suppose neither of you is up for dancing, correct?" Felix asks his companions.
[21:49] * Mary grunts.
[21:49] <Mary> "Only if it's with a pretty girl."
[21:51] <Leets> "Never tried. Probably never will."
[21:54] <Felix> "Right then. I also imagine neither of you happen to have a pegasi feather on you, or willing to go to hell, if there is such a way to get there, for an unstated payment. Interested in the 5000 silvers job, you two?"
[21:54] <Mary> "Money's money, and shootin' is shootin."
[21:55] <Leets> "It sounds doable at least," agreed Leets. "Any clue where Minos Island is though?"
[21:55] <Dracos> "Minos island not good place.  Mostly wreckage now.  To north, half day by ship." Toro interrupted.
[21:59] <Felix> "Well, the captain did say the ship was ready to leave whenever," Felix comments.
[22:01] <Dracos> Toros stood, a sort of imposing but friendly enough presence.
[22:01] * Mary shrugs.
[22:02] <Mary> "Sounds like that's 'tha plan then."
[22:03] <Leets> "Mister Toros, do you have any information about these 'Raiders'? Or know where we can get information?"
[22:04] <Dracos> "Information?  Toro not really see point.  Though heroman.. I mean kingman always liked that stuff.  Toro think they just thieves.  Toro think they not really that big."
[22:04] * Leets eyes Toros, mentally comparing his own size to the minotaur. "I can't imagine why."
[22:05] <Dracos> The minotaur could like tear him apart like a wishbone without too much trouble.
[22:06] * Mary grins at Toro.
[22:06] <Leets> "Let's talk to the king then. Couldn't hurt to know what we're up against, right?"
[22:06] <Mary> "Sounds about right, Toro."
[22:07] <Dracos> "Kingman busy.  Otherwise they likely already gone.  Kingman very fast.  Faster than Elsa.  Elsa best though."
[22:08] <Leets> "Who, or what, is Elsa?"
[22:09] <Dracos> "Elsa toro friend.  Elsa great fighter.  Elsa and Toro be together long time.  Elsa though leave after lose Rites.  Head south."
[22:11] <Mary> "Any idea better'n 'south', Toro?"
[22:12] <Dracos> "Huh?  Better idea?"
[22:12] <Dracos> The minotaur didn't, by any measure, seem the sharpest tool in the shed.
[22:12] <Leets> "Do you know if there's anyone else we can ask about the raiders?" Leets elaborated for Mary.
[22:13] <Dracos> "Nope."
[22:15] * Leets grumbles mostly inaudiably. The others could catch "another shoot-out" and "paint targets" among his mutterings.
[22:16] * Felix shakes his head. "It seems we'll have to go in blind then?"
[22:17] <Mary> "Light 'tha way with gunpowder, I say."
[22:20] <Dracos> And so they were off towards the ship?
[22:22] <Leets> "Save it for when you're bullet proof," said Leets sourly. "In any case, unless we find someone, looks like we have to go in blind." He sighed, and made to return to the ship.
[22:23] <Dracos> And so they arrived back at the ship, now fast closing on midday.
[22:28] * Felix goes looking for the captain, to inform him of their decision.
[22:28] <Dracos> He's easily found near the front of the ship, eating a small lunch.
[22:28] <Felix> "Hello again, captain," Felix greets. "We've decided on a destination."
[22:29] <Dracos> "Well then, spit it out.  Back to Baron?"
[22:30] <Felix> "No, north rather, to Minos Island," Felix explains.
[22:31] <Dracos> "Okay.  Where's that abouts?  or should we just swing around this island and head for the first one we see to the north?"
[22:33] * Felix sighs. He'd been hoping the captain knew the area well enough to be able to find Minos Island. "I suppose we might have to do that....unless either of you two have a better idea?" he asks, turning to look at his other companions.
[22:35] <Dracos> "Where we headed?" The old man who'd felix had not really much met yet, asked.
[22:37] <Felix> "...Fizban, was it?" Felix asks, trying to recall the name. "The place was called Minos Island. It's about a half day north from here, supposedly, but not sure if it's straight north or what."
[22:39] <Dracos> "Well, one can look from the top and spy it can't they?" The old man suggested.  "Yes, that's my name... I think anyway."
[22:39] <Dracos> The captain nodded. "Okay, I can sail you guys that direction.  Shall we be off now?"
[22:40] * Felix shrugs and looks at the others.
[22:41] * Leets returns the look, raising one incredulous eyebrow. "I thought we already agreed to it."
[22:42] <Dracos> "Agreed to what?" Fizban absently replied as the captain nodded and got to setting sail.
[22:43] <Felix> "Just making sure. It'd be impolite otherwise," Felix replies.
[22:46] <Felix> "Well, captain, I'll leave the ship to you since no one seems to have anything to do before we depart for Minos," Felix says as he heads towards the rooms. "I'll be going to my room to finish studying those magic scrolls."
[22:48] <Dracos> "Scrolls you say?"  The old man curiously asked as they sailed off.
[22:49] <Dracos> It was evening, a bit late, the sun just dipped beneath the horizon as they came along the side of minos island.  Even from the boat they could see the shattered wreckage of the large castle that stood prominently on the largest hill on the island.
[22:49] * Felix nods. "Yes. As I'm learning magic now, the arcane variety anyhow, I recently acquired some scrolls, some with the help of Jan," Felix answers.
[22:51] <Dracos> The old man nodded, chattering to Felix about such things as they sailed.
[22:51] <Dracos> "Land ho." The captain called.
[22:57] <Dracos> Meanwhile below deck...
[22:58] <Leets> "Well, here's hoping that we're not up against an army," Leets said as he roused from rest and grabbed his weapons.
[22:58] <Mary> "Yeah.. I ain't got that many bullets.."
[23:00] <Felix> "Keep the ship ready to leave," Felix advises the captain.
[23:01] * Mary tips his hat up and grips his pistol hilts.
[23:01] <Mary> "Let's go find some targets, boys."
[23:01] * Mary grins.
[23:02] <Dracos> "Sure thing.  Good luck out there." The man waved them off.
[23:10] <Felix> <-__-Pausage-__->
[18:44] <Dracos> The gangplank down to the island beach was lowered  and ready for use.
[18:44] * Felix nods to the captain and steps out of the ship and onto the island. "Well, let's start hunting then," he says to the other two as he heads further inland.
[18:45] * Mary heads down to the beach, looking around.
[18:48] <Dracos> Stepping onto the beach, the sands were just starting to cool from the long day, the early evening winds blowing cold over them.  The forest looked somewhat uninviting and grim in the night atmosphere, the trees though providing ample space for travel as they grew at the edge of the beach sands.
[18:51] <Felix> "Should we head to the forest, or look elsewhere?" Felix asks of his companions.
[18:52] <Mary> "Forest, most likely. I reckon where'd you find food and water is where you'd find 'em."
[18:53] <Leets> "I think it'd be more likely they'd be hiding somewhere closer to shore."
[18:54] * Leets studies the area, trying to see possible waterways leading into the island. "They're pirates after all. It wouldn't really fit if they couldn't get thier boat off the island."
[18:55] <Dracos> None were visible from where they were standing, but it was a pretty large island.  There could be plenty of places for such along the beach.
[18:57] <Felix> "Hrm...Leets is probably right. Let's head further inland and then spread out from there," Felix suggests as he starts to head further inland.
[18:58] <Mary> "Lead 'tha way."
[19:00] <Dracos> Heading into the woods, darkness slowly fell, the stars, unfamiliar in their configuration, slowly rising into the sky.  They heard as they walked through the woods the sounds of forest animals...some perhaps even large ones, nearby.
[19:01] * Mary rests a hand on his pistol grip as they go, watching the area cautiously.
[19:03] <Dracos> The hoots of forest owls echoed through the woods as they walked, branches and grass crumbling beneath their feet.
[19:05] * Felix continues walking forward, unless one of his companions requests he stop, or if he spots anything of interest.
[19:06] <Dracos> Stepping in front of them, a large panther-like creature growled as it blocked their way, whipping tendrils twisting off its back as its golden eyes starred into them.  It was a large panther, fearsome looking in demeanor and stance.
[19:08] * Leets pauses, watching the predator cautiously. It certainly didn't act like it shared an island with violent marauders, but then, there's a chance neither the panther or the pirates have crossed paths yet.
[19:09] <Mary> "Ya'll want me 'ta take it down? My guns ain't exactly quiet, though.."
[19:09] <Dracos> It moved forward,loping towards them.
[19:10] <Leets> "No. Felix? Think you can scare it off with one of your spells?"
[19:12] * Felix nods as he slowly casts a lightning bolt in front of the panther.
[19:13] <Dracos> the panther leaped and snarled at them, moving off...for now it seeemed.
[19:14] * Felix keeps an eye on it, readying another lightning bolt should the feline change it's mind and try to make them lunch again, next time being a bit, if it tries.
[19:16] <Leets> "Well, I think we can assume the pirates are either animal lovers or aren't anywhere near here," Leets muttered, watching the panther slink back into the woods.
[19:16] <Dracos> The panther vanished  into the woods...mere moments later they couldn't see it.
[19:18] <Dracos> Once again, they were alone in the woods...though the sounds of night birds were decreasing.
[19:19] <Felix> "Seems it's decided not to make lunch of us. Let's keep going then," Felix suggests as he continues onward.
[19:20] <Dracos> As they moved forward, they came to a large clearing at the base of the hill...well, more like a small rock face, some 30-40 feet high...  paths along it leading up towards the shattered wreckage that was the castle.
[19:21] <Mary> "Who's goin' first?"
[19:21] <Leets> "Let's split up here," suggested Leets. "I'll search the castle. You two circle the hill and see if there's a path leading back to shore."
[19:22] * Mary nods.
[19:22] <Mary> "We goin' togeather, Felix?"
[19:23] <Felix> "I suppose. Will you be alright on your own, Leets?" the magician asks of the younger boy.
[19:24] <Leets> "Yes, I'll be careful," Leets said, and made his way up to the castle ruins.
[19:25] <Dracos> -----
[19:25] <Dracos> OOC: Shifts =p
[19:26] <Dracos> The other two were left alone at the base as Leets started to scale the rocky paths.
[19:28] * Mary takes the lead with a drawn pistol and heads to the right, circling around the hill.
[19:29] <Dracos> Circling around the hill, they eventually came to a path in the forest  that lookekd a bit more well trodden than normal.
[19:31] * Mary points the path out to Felix.
[19:31] <Mary> "What'd ya make 'a that? Should we follow it?"
[19:43] * Felix nods. "Let's follow from a bit off-road though, just so we don't encounter anybody along the way, or so we get to see them first at least," Felix replies.
[19:44] * Mary nods and heads out, keeping the road in view.
[19:48] <Dracos> The birds were quite quiet as they made their way through the woods.
[19:52] <Dracos> They eventually came out on the beach, near...a ship?  A smaller one than the Rydia, but decked out with cannons.
[19:53] <Felix> "Alright, how do you want to handle this," Felix whispers to the gunslinger, deciding to talk in a lower voice now that the enemy is concievably within range, so to say.
[19:54] <Mary> "Hmm.. Either we can go back and try 'ta find Leets.. Or attack it ourselves.. Think that ship we came here on might have some guns on it?"
[19:54] <Dracos> "Why don't you two give yourselves up and make it easy on us?" A loud voice broke their tet-a-tet, as they noticed a group of grinning rogues slipping out of the forest behind them...and the panther from earlier.
[19:59] <Felix> "Well, there go our options," Felix replies at Mary wrily as he slowly starts to raise his hands, before flashing his arms out towards the panther, thin tendrils of lightning flying at the beast.
[20:01] <Dracos> They passed towards the beast with lightning speed...and went through it!  A growl, off to the side echoed as the creature charged towards him quickly.
[20:25] * Mary spins around fires off a round at each of the men's head, empting his pistol of all six rounds.
[20:28] <Dracos> "What the hell?" The men stared at him.  "You both are some kinds of wizards!"  Muttered rage went through them as they charged Mary.
[20:39] <Dracos> Mary felt a paw smash into his side, something carrying him to the ground as the rage filed pirates swarmed them, moments left before they'd be cut to pieces.
[20:49] <Felix> Though surprised at the lack of effect of magic on the beast, Felix recovers and digs into his jacket, a clicking sound being heard as smoke surrounds Felix and he vanishes from his spot, another cloud of smoke popping behind the pirates and the leaping panther.
[20:50] * Mary twists around and digs his second pistol out of it's holster, firing four rounds in rapid sucession into the body of the beast pinning him down.
[20:51] <Dracos> He felt something smash down near his face as the bullets spun off through the empty space above him and continued on up, a growl nearby.
[20:52] <Dracos> "What..where'd he go?  Get the one on the ground" They chaotically shouted, some looking around as others slashed at the on the ground Mary with scimitars.
[20:56] * Mary twists some more and kicks out at the beast, hoping to get it off of him, and fires his two remaining rounds at the faces of two of the four remaining men.
[21:00] <Dracos> His kick passes through empty air as he fires his last two shots, taking two of the men down as a third slashed a long cut along his side.
[21:07] <Felix> Concentrating as the pirates seem to have lost sight of him with his dissappearing trick, Felix soon releases a much more concentrated dosage of electricity at the rogues from the back.
[21:08] <Dracos> They screamed, twitching as they slammed down on the ground for a moment, groaning...not quite out, but close to it it seemed.
[21:09] <Dracos> The panther rushed at Felix, growling.
[21:15] * Mary rolls to his feet, holstering one pistol as he does and popping the cylinder on his other, slamming rounds into the chambers as he gets to his feet.
[21:18] <Dracos> As he tries, something slams into his back, knocking him down onto his face, a snarl heard behind him as he felt heavy paws slash against his back.
[21:22] * Felix attempts to toss a spell at the incoming panther, this time releasing a dazzling array of lights, hoping to blind it as he turns towards his left.
[21:25] <Dracos> The lights went right through the panther as...the panther landed right beside him as he turned, snarling.
[21:26] <Dracos> Felix spots Mary on the ground faced down, bloody cuts down his back.
[21:28] * Mary rolls over and swings his pistol, trying to slam the steel into whatever is pinning him down.
[21:29] <Dracos> He hears a grunt, hot breath steaming over his face as something slammed his arm down.
[21:31] * Felix moves further away from the panther after him and towards his companion, while casting detect magic, hoping to get to the center of the mystery of Mary's attacker and his own attacker's immaterialness.
[21:32] <Dracos> His eyes glowed...and saw two panthers...or at least, the outlines of two.  One hungrily closing on Mary's throat, another where his mysterious attacker was, both looking quite the same to his eyes.
[21:34] * Mary continues to swing both his pistols at the thing pinning him, hoping to land a solid blow.
[21:36] <Dracos> grunts were heard as he struggled with the invisible creature on him, further claws striking and slashing up his shirt and chest.
[21:39] * Felix gathers electricity in his hands, and releases it straight at the panther above Mary, hoping he can hit -that- one at least, as he continues to run towards Mary.
[21:41] <Dracos> The panther is blasted off of Mary as he feels the heavy weight flung off him.  The remaining pirates running for the woods, even as the beast shook itself up and started to circle them.
[21:42] * Mary rolls to his feet and triest to finish loading his pistol.
[21:45] * Felix grins as he stands besides Mary, and aims another lightning bolt at that panther. "Sorry to keep you waiting," the magician comments.
[21:45] * Mary grunts.
[21:45] <Mary> "'Nother second or two and I'd be strip steak."
[21:45] <Dracos> The panther dodged and rushed at Felix angrily with swift strides.
[21:49] * Mary snaps up his pistol and fires off three rounds at the panther, hoping to score some hits or move it into a better position for Felix.
[21:51] <Dracos> The bullets went through the panther as it charged....Felix seeing one leaping at him.
[21:54] * Felix fires another bolt of lightning at the leaping one even as he jumps to the side. "The other panther is an illusion I think! Aim for the fleeing men if you can still get them!"
[21:55] <Dracos> The panther growled in anger, twitching as its mass carried felix to the ground.
[22:00] * Mary turns and fires his three remaining rounds into the air above Felix.
[22:04] <Dracos> A grunt was the panther on Felix stopped struggling and faded into view.
[22:04] <Dracos> The other vanishing.
[22:05] <Felix> "Thanks," Felix says with a grunt as he works to push the panther off.
[22:06] <Mary> "We're even now."
[22:06] * Mary grins at the magican.
[21:16] <Felix> "That we are," Felix agrees. "Let's catch up to the runaways, shall we?"
[21:22] * Mary staggers towards the direction the men had run to while reloading his guns.
[21:24] <Dracos> The woods would be hard to travel or keep pace with them, given their better knowledge of the terrain, but they'd be easy to track.
[21:26] <Mary> "You wanna bull rush through here or go back and find Leets? He knows more about sneakin' 'round than either of us, and we might wanna be warnin' him they know we're about."
[21:32] <Felix> "I think the time to sneak around is past, and I don't know how well we'd be able to find him except by making a lot of noise and getting his attention towards us," Felix comments as they move.
[21:32] * Mary shrugs and heads into the woods, trying to follow the trail.
[21:33] <Dracos> The trail is easy, marked with broken branches from their hurried run back towards the center of the island.
[21:34] * Mary follows the trail, watching the surroundings for anything hostile.
[21:38] <Dracos> The surroundings are pretty quiet, the gunfire probably having scared them off.
[21:38] <Dracos> They got to the hill easy enough.
[21:39] <Mary> "You got anythin' flashy enough you think'll bring 'em out? I'd rather have some cover, hurtin' a bit an' all."
[21:40] <Felix> "I can toss another flash or smoke grenade out ahead, and hope people try coming to check it out," Felix offers.
[21:40] <Dracos> they saw glimpses  of the men hurrying up the hill as they broke the cover of the woods...arrows flying overhead....
[21:41] <Mary> "Shit, back inta' tha' trees!"
[21:41] * Mary dives for cover behind the largest tree he can find.
[21:42] * Felix does much the same, following Mary's advice the moment it is uttered.
[21:42] <Felix> "Seems we don't need to draw them out, eh?" the older man quips.
[21:43] <Mary> "Need 'em 'ta get closer. Can't see 'em well enough from 'ere."
[21:46] <Dracos> The forest is obviously being watched now.
[21:47] * Felix nods, as he prepares to toss some lightning out, and with a look out from behind his cover, tosses in the general direction of the thugs. "Well, let's see if some lightning can't encourage them to move from their positions..."
[21:47] * Mary nods and looks away, hoping to protect his vision from the bright flash.
[21:56] <Dracos> The lightning slammed into the rock cover they had, sending dirt falling below, but doing little else.
[22:00] <Felix> "Hrm...I don't think I'll have too much success with attacking them, so..." Felix mutters before chanting a calming spell, aiming it in the direction of the thugs. Maybe he can calm their desire for killing enough for them to get close enough without taking an arrow through the neck.
[22:00] <Mary> "Hmm.. Ya got anythin' ta make it harder for 'em to hit or see us?"
[22:04] <Felix> "Maybe. I'm preparing a calming spell, but not sure if it'll take effect from this distance...It's the best I've got," Felix mutters before he releases the spell.
[22:04] * Mary nods.
[22:12] <Dracos> The spell fills the area with calm...or at least, the area around felix.
[22:12] <Mary> "... You go find out if it worked."
[22:14] * Felix takes a deep breath and nods. "If you don't see them shooting at me, I suppose it worked." With that, he takes a cautious step out from behind the tree, and waits to see if arrows start flying, ready to duck back if so.
[22:17] <Dracos> A few started to fly into the air, notably from the higher perches.
[22:18] * Mary tries to a clear sight on the ones firing the arrows and lets ouff a few rounds, two from each pistol.
[22:18] * Felix quickly ducks behind the tree again. "...I don't think that worked," the magician says with a sigh.
[22:19] <Dracos> The arrows get shot down by Mary....hard shot though.
[22:19] <Dracos> OOC: Oh, the ones firing the arrows...hmmm
[22:19] <Mary> OOC: I was about to say =p
[22:19] <Dracos> The gunshots barely miss as they chip the rock, the archers ducking under their cover.
[22:21] <Mary> "Hmm.. How many more 'a them lightning bolts can ya throw?"
[22:23] <Felix> "Still a good deal more...I think. I haven't exactly tired myself out before repeatedly using up spells," is the answer.
[22:23] <Mary> "Can ya toss 'em out fast enough to cover me? Long enough 'fer me 'ta get close to em?
[22:26] * Felix nods. "I'll do my best to make sure they don't dare peek over their cover."
[22:27] * Mary nods and picks out a route, from one place of cover to the next and takes off, running as fast as he can, waiting to get close enough to take his shots..
[22:27] * Felix quickly moves from his own cover, and takes position ready to aim lightning at any archers that pop up into view.
[22:28] <Dracos> Arrows flew awkwardly as felix pelted the rocks with cover, falling near, but not on Mary as he got towards the hilside, the archers turning and trying to shoot him with the range quickly dropping.
[22:29] * Mary continues his mad dash with a grin and fires at the closest archers as soon as they're in range, screaming a 'YEEEEHHHHHAAA!' at the top of his lungs.
[22:37] <Dracos> Arrows miss by bare margins as his gunshots ring true, scattering the mauradeers as they ran for cover up the castle.
[22:39] * Mary ducks behind cover and reloads his guns, then motions for Felix to come to him as he turns and prepares to lay down fire to cover his run.
[22:40] * Felix nods at the motion and follows after him as the marauders start scattering.
[22:43] <Dracos> The two are now about halfway up the hill towards the castle.
[22:43] * Mary roloads his guns and looks at Felix.
[22:43] <Mary> "Ready? You good 'ta keep goin'?
[22:43] <Mary> "
[22:45] <Felix> "You're the more injured one. If you're good, so am I," Felix replies.
[22:45] * Mary nods.
[22:45] <Mary> "Here I go, then."
[22:45] * Mary grunts and takes off, bolting up the hill like a madman!
[22:48] <Dracos> They got to the shattered gates of the castle/manor, the gateway open.
[22:49] <Mary> "What now, Felix?"
[22:52] * Felix shrugs. "Just hunt for more thugs? Sorry, but fight plans's aren't my forte."
[22:53] <Felix> ooc: cut the 's from plans
[22:53] <Mary> "Ain't this where Leets whent?"
[22:53] <Mary> Went*
[22:54] <Felix> "Probably, so we might stumble onto him, but who knows?"
[22:54] * Mary shrugs and heads in, pistols at the ready.
[22:57] <Dracos> Heading in, they saw a dead man near the stairs, collapsed in strange sort of tribal clothing.
[22:57] <Mary> "Bet that was Leets.."
[22:57] <Dracos> The place was huge, sort of a hollowed out wreck of a manor, with a half dozen doors, and a stairwell leading up.
[22:58] <Felix> "Probably. Let's find a trail of corpses to follow then," Felix suggests.
[22:58] <Mary> "Uhh.. Maybe its best if we just wait fer him?"
[22:58] <Felix> "You're the experienced fighter...
[22:58] <Felix> " Felix says with a shrug
[22:58] <Felix> ooc: damn enter key
[22:59] <Mary> "Yeah, but if we get lost in this place, we'll probably never find 'im. Who knows how many 'a them there are."
[23:00] <Felix> "Mmm...just so long as we're not giving them a chance to regroup and prepare by waiting..." Felix comments worriedly.
[23:01] <Mary> "Lets find some place we can hold up, then."
[23:01] * Mary starts looking for a defensable position.
[23:02] * Felix nods and follows.
[23:02] <Dracos> Behind the stairs would be good, they could make a pretty strong shooting hideout from there.
[23:03] * Mary ducks under the stairs and sets himself.
[23:12] <Dracos> Gunshoots rang out behind the door across the hall from them!
[23:13] * Mary readies his pistols with a gleam in his eye.
[23:13] <Mary> "If that's Leets, it's up to you to let him not not to shoot us."
[23:15] <Dracos> The door slammed open, a heavily toned man hurrying with fast strides towards the stairs.
[23:15] * Mary fires two rounds at the man's head.
[23:17] <Felix> "Well, I see you'll be taking care of when it's -not- Leets then," Felix comments wrily.
[23:17] * Mary grunts in reply.
[23:19] <Dracos> The man dropped...blood spilling over the floor.
[23:19] * Mary calmly reloads the empty chambers, and goes back to watching the area.
[23:29] <Dracos> A creak is heard as one of the upstairs doors opens.
[23:30] * Mary locks back the hammers on his pistols, and sets himself up to drop any hostiles that come into his line of fire..
[23:37] <Dracos> Mary couldn't hear anyone moving up there.
[23:38] * Mary continues to wait in silence..

OOC: Following leets view

[19:25] <Dracos> Leets made his way up to the ruins...but couldn't help the feeling he was being watched as he did so.
[19:28] * Leets frowned at the feeling as he climbed towards the ruins. He looked for possibly boulders or outcrops he could hide behind to throw off his watcher for a brief moment.
[19:29] <Dracos> This play was filled with them.  It looked like the place had been torn assunder...and had been decked out with hiding places before then.
[19:30] * Leets cautiously moves into hiding behind one of the nearest outcroppings, staying put for a moment until the feeling of being watched dropped.
[19:31] <Dracos> They didn't, if he didn't know better, he'd think he was walking into a trap.
[19:34] * Leets frowns, taking the moment to study the path and see where he could stay hidden long enough while moving to confuse the person watching him long enough to go stealth.
[19:36] <Dracos> He might be able to.  Depends how skilled those watching were.
[19:40] * Leets takes the path that keeps him hidden the longest, concentrating on his ability.
[19:41] <Dracos> He slips by, noticing a few archers behind him hidden carefully, but not quite seeing him as he slipped through.
[19:53] * Leets stops, studying the archer's positions, but seeing nothing he could do at the moment. He continues stealthily moving towards the castle a bit more cautiously, keeping an eye out for other traps or ambushes.
[19:56] <Dracos> Slipping through the guards, he came up towards the castle, the gateway smashed off its hinges by something a long time ago and lay on the ground nearby.
[20:01] * Leets slips into the castle, sparing a moment to study the interior for signs of recent use.
[20:04] <Dracos> Plenty of signs of boots having passed through...but where were the people?  He didn't hear many nearby.
[20:05] * Leets followed the tracks, trying to see which path the majority followed. Odds are that would be where the camp was.
[20:05] <Leets> Or maybe a treasure room.
[20:06] <Dracos> Most headed down the hillside.
[20:19] <Leets> Finding the trails available to be mostly unhelpful, Leets continued deeper into the castle, looking for anything that seemed out of place while he explored.
[20:24] <Dracos> He heard footsteps approaching as he started to move.
[20:30] * Leets quickly moves into the shadows, not willing to be found by someone bumping into him, and trying to see where the footsteps were coming from.
[20:32] <Dracos> He saw three men, one wearing a large cap.  "So, there's three of them heading down towards the ship is there?"
[20:34] <Dracos> They're coming in from one of the doors towards the top, heading down a twisting stairwell with chunks broken out of it.
[20:36] * Leets stays in place, though listening much more closely. Three? Who were they talking about?
[20:37] <Dracos> "Yes, Captain.  I've already sent a troop out to kill them."
[20:39] * Leets mentally groans, hoping they were talking about a different set of three intruders. He moves closer to the stairwell they were coming from, trying to catch a better glimpse of them while they passed.
[20:43] <Dracos> The one on the left was swathed in furs, his eyes looking about ferally as he talked with his captain with a gruff voice.
[20:44] <Dracos> The one in the center was tall with a wicked looking blade at his side and a black pirate cap on his head.
[20:44] <Dracos> And on the right a man with scars all up and down his bare arms, which looked strong enough to crush a barrel.
[20:51] * Leets knelt down and picked up a small handful of rocks. He threw a few in the far hallway behind the trio, trying to distract them to even the odds for himself.
[20:53] <Dracos> They turned towards it, the one on the right shouting. "Who's there, laggard?"
[20:59] * Leets quietly undid the safeties of his gun while they were muffled in his bag, then quietly pulled them out. While the trio of pirates were distracted, he aimed each gun on the feral man and the captain, aiming at their chests and hoping to hit something vital enough to eliminate two fo the three threats.
[21:01] <Dracos> The feral man went down as the gun shot fired...the second shot taking the captain in the arm as he spun with graceful speed.  "A spy!  Kill him!" A powerful looking fist slammed rapidly towards Leets face from the other henchmen
[21:07] * Leets gracefully ducked under the fist, years of dodging grabby shopkeepers and cops having refined his reflexes as he took the time it took for the henchmen to recover from his dodge to flee.
[21:07] <Dracos> "After him!" The captain held his arm as his henchmen chased after leets with long powerful strides.
[21:17] <Dracos> Leets is running from the stairs in the great hall.  There's rubble on the ground, and doors lining around the hall, as well as the large one of the entry way he came in on.  Outside there...there'd be the ambushers he snuck by earlier.
[21:30] * Leets scrambled, changing directions so quickly whenever his pursuers thought they had him trapped by the debris that they were almost dizzied in their attempts to keep up. Dodge, dash, dodge, dodge, roll, dash, he lead them on a merry game of fox & hounds before he finally took advantage of the distance he had and escaped through one of the doors.
[21:31] <Dracos> "Damn runt, come back here!" The man gave chase as Leets found himself in what looked like the remains of a dining hall, chandilers on the roof, shattered and half-standing tables on the ground, plates and cabinents smashed about, some still standingg along the walls, some littering the floor.  A rather dangerous place to run through.
[21:41] * Leets laughed, unable to restrain himself at the rush of adrenaline as he kept running. He leapt onto one of the broken tables, his inertia flipping forward precariously as the broken, jagged edge was lifted towards his pursuer like a wall of spears. He leapt off the table before his balance became affected. Leets hit the ground rolling, picking up one of the plates littering the ground and threw it like a disc at the henchman while he w
[21:44] * Leets hit the ground rolling, picking up one of the plates littering the ground and threw it like a disc at the henchman while he was trying to dodge to flipping table, then using the spin of his throw to change directions again as he continued running towards the other door.
[21:48] <Dracos> The man smashed down with a gauntleted hand, striking the plate to pieces and following carefully, leets lead growing.
[21:52] <Leets> At the door, Leets paused just long enough to fire off one round at his pursuers before throwing the door open and fleeing out of the room.
[21:55] <Dracos> The man dived as the bullet went over him.
[21:59] <Dracos> Slipping into the other room, he found himself in what might've once been a kitchen, shattered  plates all over the marble floor and no door way out.
[21:23] <Leets> "Not exactly the brightest move you made," Leets said, his pulse raised when he realized he effectively trapped himself. He scanned the room, searching for anything he could use to block the door, or an exit that wasn't as obvious at first glance.
[21:25] <Dracos> There was the wreckage of marble cooking area he might be able to move in the way.
[21:29] * Leets moved towards the wreckage, mentally calculating his chances of being able to move it to block the door before the muscular thug reached it, and the odds of it actually holding against said thug and his cohort.
[21:29] <Dracos> holding...pretty good, getting it there...not so, his mind computed with lightning speed.
[21:32] <Leets> Still, it was an obstacle. Leets eyed the room again, mapping out a dizzying course that might let him confuse his pursuers enough to escape the room in one piece. A few broken plates & cuttlery... maybe there might be a chance there.
[21:32] <Dracos> It's not quite big enough for a real run, but he could definitely probably twist a route around a bit and slip by if he's lucky.
[21:34] <Leets> Nodding to himself, he turned to face the door, tensing up to react accordingly when his pursuers caught up.
[21:44] <Dracos> The muscle man charged through a moment later, taking a step in and quickly scanning the room for him.
[21:49] * Leets eyes the pirate calculatively, legs tensed and ready, though he didn't want to risk giving himself away until yet. For all he knew, the big guy might have backup, and Leets didn't want to be caught off guard.
[21:50] <Dracos> THe man scanned the room. "Where'd the little rat go." He headed in, looking in the nooks.
[21:53] * Leets blinked, watching the thug's eyes pass him, his pulse alternating from freezing to racing as he entered. Not one to ignore his blessings, Leets waited for the pirate to cross half the room and cautiously made his way to the door, keeping a watchful eye on the pirate and ready to run if he was spotted.
[21:58] <Dracos> The pirate will probably turn for the door soon any as Leets goes towards it silently, evading the rubble.
[22:00] <Leets> Finally close enough, he threw (most of his) caution out and the door open, then fled back into the dining hall. Though a small corner of his mind was now questioning his sudden good fortune.
[22:03] <Dracos> The sound of footsteps soon after him showed it didn't last.
[22:10] <Leets> He increased his pace across the floor, running along the shortest route to the exit on the other side of the room.
[22:13] <Dracos> The captain is watching and moves to cut him off as he enters the main hall. "Running away so soon?"
[22:18] <Leets> "Well, I can't deny that you've been the most hospitable of hosts." Leets grinned as infuriating as he could, pausing long enough to aim both his pistols at the captain. "Sorry if this seems rude, but I'm in a bit of a hurry."
[22:18] * Leets fires both pistols.
[22:23] <Dracos> The man dived for cover, the bulleets barely missing.  "Georg, after him!"
[22:29] * Leets rasped the man, then fled into a different room. Hopefully one not trapping him like, pardon the pun, a rat.
[22:30] <Dracos> OOC: Not outside?  *nods*
[22:30] <Dracos> This time he found himself in a room that looked like it was meant for display, steel bars over many alcoves in it, though it looked mostly barren and no doors beyond it.
[22:40] * Leets stumbles to a stop, cursing at yet another dead end. His mind raced to formulate a plan given the short time he had available. He glanced at the room again, trying to think of a trap to stall "Georg".
[22:42] <Dracos> There was a balcony he noticed above him, and the door looked better for sealing.
[22:48] * Leets scanned the walls nearest the balcony, hoping that it wasn't too smooth to climb or that there'd be handholds he could use.
[22:50] <Dracos> It wasn't made for climbing but it was rough like it'd been damaged.
[22:54] <Leets> Having worked with worse, Leets scaled the walls with practiced grace, his gloves providing the extra traction he needed to not slip as he made his way up to the balcony. His new shoes certainly made it easier then he was used too, since they didn't have soles worn down to their last centimeter.
[22:55] <Dracos> They came in. "Where's he... Georg, we can't let this runt get away."
[23:00] * Leets stealthily flipped over the balcony and ducked out of sight. He slowly cocked his guns, listening to their conversation as he tried to decide his next course of action.
[23:01] <Dracos> They looked around, seeing if he was hiding in there as they complained about the guards letting him by.
[23:03] * Leets slowly peered over the edge, guns ready as he tried to see if he could snipe one of them while they were apparently distracted.
[23:05] <Dracos> He might...though he'd have to be careful the other didn't go after him.
[23:11] <Leets> Georg it is, Leets thought, after weighing which of the two could possibly still reach him if he didn't take the other out. The captain and his injured arm wouldn't be as threatening then an uninjured muscled thug. He aimed both his pistols in a way that there'd be no chance of dodging completely unscathed, and fired at Georg before he was spotted.
[23:13] <Dracos> Georg moved with grace and instinct, twisting, one biting into his side as he groaned in pain. "There! Upstairs!"  The captain pulled out a very primitive looking musket, firing back at Leets.
[23:14] <Dracos> The other got behind cover, heading out the door...
[23:17] * Leets ducked back, moving out of the line-of-fire. When he heard the musket's bullets impact against the wall. He immediately raised himself over the balcony rim, and fired at the captain, hoping his injuries would slow down the man from reloading his gun for another shot.
[23:19] <Dracos> the man was under the balcony, reloading and out of easy sight.
[23:22] <Dracos> Gunshoots are heard from another room though, the main hall?
[23:26] * Leets cursed, eyeing the balcony door. No way was he was climbing down with Cap'n Fruitloop waiting, and not really looking forward to someone sneaking up behind him. He opened the door, sparing a moment to make sure it was clear.
[23:29] <Dracos> He stepped out on the second floor, the floor pocked with holes and wreckage as it looked out a bit onto the main hall...
[23:33] * Leets frowned, almost tempted to peer into one of those holes to find out what had happened. Though if those gunshots were any clue, that'd probably be a bad idea...
[23:34] <Leets> Shrugging, he made his way down the second floor hall. The infiltration had gone sour so far, but maybe there'd be an opportunity to catch those two pirates off guard while he was out of sight again.
[23:34] <Dracos> Heading down it, he could see one of them dead on the floor in the center of the hall.
[23:38] * Leets blinked stupidly at the corpse, caught off guard. Either there were some awfully stupid gunners working for these pirates, or another group had broken in. He payed greater attention to his surroundings now, not wanting to be mistakened for one of the pirates and shot by a potential ally.
[23:40] <Dracos> There was the stairs down, and one lit room upstairs that wasn't wrecked utterly.
[23:45] * Leets made his way towards the lit room.
[23:50] <Dracos> Inside he found... a box with a lock on it, reasonably sized.
[23:50] <Dracos> Some maps of the area on a table.
[23:50] <Dracos> As well as various signs of recent usage.
[23:57] * Leets looked over the maps curiously, thinking about stereotypical pirates and their treasures.
[23:59] <Dracos> Mostly of the islands, marking in strange letters.
[00:01] <Leets> Not discounting them yet, Leets stuffed the maps into his bag. Maybe they'll fetch a price with the right person. He turned back to the box, checking to see if it was possibly trapped.
[00:03] <Dracos> No traps that he saw, though it was locked.
[00:04] <Leets> He lightly tapped it, applying his ability on the latch to unlock the box.
[00:04] <Dracos> With a click, it opened.
[00:04] <Dracos> Inside he found.... some piles of gold, and a strange scimitar.
[00:10] * Leets gaped, throughts grinding to a halt at the sight before him. Recovering, he filled as much of the loot into his bag as he could, as well as the weapon.
[00:11] <Dracos> The weapon didn't fit, but the gold did...he could always carry it.
[00:15] <Leets> Shrugging, Leets reloaded his guns to full, then left the room since he doubted he could carry anything else in his bag.
[19:09] <Dracos-Gm> Leets had just collected the gold into his bag.
[19:11] <Leets> Weapons fully loaded, and bag filled with pirate loot, Leets cautiously exited the room, keeping watch for the other intruders as to not get shot by mistake.
[19:14] <Dracos-Gm> Heading down the stairs...he spotted Mary in a guard position!
[19:15] * Mary motions to Leets, still watching the various doors and hallways.
[19:15] <Dracos-Gm> OOC: Remove that action.
[19:17] * Leets blinked, relaxing his weapons slightly, though not quite lowering his guard yet. "Mary? When did you get here?" he asked, loud enough for Mary to know it was him, but still stealthy since it seemed Mary was expecting trouble.
[19:18] * Mary snaps his head around and one pistol, catching sight of Leets, and then lowering his weapon.
[19:18] <Mary> "Not too long ago. Chased a couple'a guys with bows in 'ere, and decided ta hole up and wait fer ya."
[19:20] <Leets> "Well, unless you already took him out, I think only the captain's left right now," Leets said, glancing around.
[19:21] <Mary> "Only one I've shot in 'ere is that one."
[19:21] * Mary gestures towards the corpse he put two bullets into.
[19:24] <Felix> "We did take out a few earlier as well though, including their....'pets'," Felix chips in, a bit of annoyance at the memory of the panthers.
[19:26] * Leets shifts his bag of loot, then motions to the display room he had escaped earlier. "In that case, the captain should still be in there," he said, "unless he can climb one-handed anyway."
[19:26] * Mary nods and motions of Leets to lead the way.
[19:28] * Leets grunts, adjusting the bag so it wouldn't pull him off balance and cautiously making his way back towards the entry. "Careful. He's armed," he said in warning, watching the door of the room for signs that the captain was waiting in ambush.
[19:31] <Dracos-Gm> No signs about the closed door to that storage room leets had been in earlier.
[19:32] * Leets stays to the side, and nudges the door open with his foot.
[19:33] * Mary holds his pistols ready.
[19:34] <Dracos-Gm> No sign of the captain at a glance.
[19:36] * Leets sighed, trying one more tactic to make sure it isn't a trap. "Hey, Cap'n. I got to say thanks for donating your treasure to a better cause."
[19:37] <Dracos-Gm> A grunt, soft, behind the door.
[19:39] <Felix> "Do you want me to open the door so you can take care of him properly?" Felix suggests quietly.
[19:41] <Leets> Well, at least they knew he was still there. Leets rolled his eyes in slight exasperation. "Mary's a better shot," he whispered back, "but I can't think of a way to get in there without getting shot at first."
[19:42] <Mary> "Kick the door open and get against the wall. If he's in there, I'll hit 'im."
[19:42] * Mary places himself infront of the door, pistols at the ready.
[19:44] <Felix> "I don't have to kick the door open, I have a spell for that, so I can leave space for you to aim without getting in the way," Felix suggests.
[19:44] <Leets> "That works," Leets said, moving out of Mary's way as well in case the captain had enough time to fire back.
[19:44] <Felix> That said, with Mary already in position, Felix casts the spell in question at the door, letting it swing open for Mary to take out the remaining marauder.
[19:48] <Dracos-Gm> It swung open, revealing most the room...but not the pirate.
[19:48] <Dracos-Gm> He must be in the corner or against the wall near the door, where its not visible.
[19:49] * Mary eyes the room, and approaches carefully, trying to see or hear any sign of him..
[19:50] * Felix edges closer to the door as Mary approaches, and casts a calming spell, hopefully this time it'll reach the pirate, unlike with the arrow-slinging ones.
[19:54] * Leets frowned, wondering why the pirate hadn't reacted yet and cautiously peers around the door frame.
[19:54] <Dracos-Gm> A calming aura goes over the room around them.
[19:55] * Mary enters in, slowly and cautiously, eyes darting around, pistols ready.
[19:55] <Felix> "I've cast a calming spell," Felix informs his companions. "He shouldn't be as edgy now."
[19:56] <Dracos-Gm> "Give yourselves up." He called out.
[19:57] * Mary grins and keeps moving around the edge of the walls, looking for the man.
[19:58] <Dracos-Gm> The man could be seen against the left side of the wall along the doorr.
[19:59] <Dracos-Gm> "Well, thieves?"
[19:59] <Leets> "Oh, yes, we should definately surrender," Leets answered back somewhat mockingly to throw off the marauder. "We certainly don't stand a chance against a one-armed wonder as yourself."
[20:02] * Mary grins and snaps his pistols at the man, firing two shots from each at the man with a grin.
[20:03] <Dracos-Gm> The man shot back, falling over as his bullet graced Mary's shouldder.  The last maurader collapsing.
[20:03] <Felix> "For being calm, he certainly wasn't too rational, was he?" Felix commented.
[20:04] * Mary winces and holsters one pistol, then puts his hand on the wound, applying pressure.
[20:04] <Mary> "Damn that shit hurts.."
[20:08] <Leets> "You should be worried when it doesn't hurt." Leets entered the room to see what he can find on the not-so-good captain.
[20:08] <Dracos-Gm> The pistol, some coins, his hate, and his neat bloody pirate jacket.
[20:08] * Mary grunts.
[20:10] * Leets pockets the pistol and coins, as well as fold up the hat and jacket as proof they took out the marauders.
[20:22] <Felix> "Well, mission complete, I imagine?" Felix asks of his companions.
Well, Goodbye.


[21:29] <Dracos> Finally setting sail, they moved out of the silmarian docks.  "So where to next?" The man asked as he safely steered the ship away from the island chain.
[21:30] <Jan> "Back to Baron, I suppose. We can move west from there on our car, must be getting homesick by now, right?"
[21:31] <Dracos> "That's right." The man nodded as he steered the ship southward, a grateful look on his face.
[21:32] <Dracos> Days later, they made landfall at baron, about midday, a soldier waiting for them as they came to the docks.
[21:33] <Dracos> "Ah, will be good to be on solid ground again." Fizban commented as they gathered on deck.
[21:34] <Dracos> "So...where's this?" Felix asked, curiously looking at the city they'd made port at.
[21:35] <Jan> "Baron. This is the place where we got our loaned ship from."
[21:36] <Leets> "It's rather quaint, almost like Silmaria."
[21:37] <Dracos> "Anyhow, it's been a pleasure." the captain commented, being the first to debark the ship.  "Hope you folks have luck on your journey."
[21:37] <Dracos> He headed down the gangplank after that to the ground below.
[21:38] <Dracos> "Quaint?  I suppose there's more major cities around?" Felix queried, following down the docks.
[21:38] <Dracos> Fizban headed down as well with a sort of lazy walk.
[21:39] <Leets> "Not anywhere close to here though. It was several days drive if I recall."
[21:40] <Dracos> "I see.  Hmm, these folks seem at least more normal than Silmaria."
[21:41] <Dracos> "Excuse me." The guard tried to get their attention.  "The king has heard of your return and asked me to guide you first  to him and then to your..machine."
[21:42] <Leets> "All right, lead the way."
[21:44] <Dracos> The guard nodded, leading the party off towards the king, this time to a smaller chamber towards the back of the castle with seats for everyone.  The king was already seated.  "Have you found it?"
[21:52] <Leets> "We got one of them from an oracle," said Leets. "And some vague directions to the others."
[21:57] <Dracos> "Good.  Your vehicle is safe with my chief engineer for now but I wanted to talk with you on something before you moved on.  As experienced travelers of this world, perhaps you could help us with something.  A half week ago, one of our patrols ranging a bit far to the north west in the woods vanished."
[21:57] <Dracos> "All but for a single man who spoke of lizards that walked like men and ambushed them in the woods."
[21:59] <Dracos> "I was hoping, if you have a chance, that you might be able to check it out."
[22:04] <Leets> "Sure, I don't suppose the survivor could tell us anything else?" Leets prodded. "Like what were they armed with or how fast or strong they were?"
[22:07] <Dracos> "You can talk to him yourself." The king nodded.  "Bring Gregory in."  He ordered, a young looking guard soon brought to the table. "Yes, My liege." He looked a bit shaky still.
[22:07] <Jan> "What did those lizards hit you with, anyway?"
[22:12] <Dracos> "I w-well...  I'm not entirely sure.  Some of them fought us with blades, but they breathed something that turned Lancelot to stone and then crushed smashed him to pieces.  I thought I was going to die there before this woman interfered, drawing them off into the woods with black magic."
[22:13] <Jan> "Hm. Was she dressed in silks and had her hair done up in a elaborate ponytail?" Jan wondered.
[22:14] <Dracos> "Um...I couldn't tell...her hair was a striking pink though...and she was flying over the ground on a broomstick."
[22:15] <Jan> "Huh. Not Mei Ling, then." Jan tapped his cheek in thought. "We should go explore that. Maybe we can pre-emptively snip this before those lizards try anything worse."
[22:17] <Felix> "An old friend?" Felix asks.
[22:17] <Felix> "This Mei Ling character that is," he adds as a clarifier.
[22:17] <Jan> "She joined us for a month or two before setting off with another of our friends. They wanted to explore off on their own."
[22:18] * Felix nods. "Ah."
[22:19] <Jan> "She was another mage, was the one that first brought up the fact I was an elemental." Jan explained.
[22:20] <Dracos> "You intend to go there?"  The guard seemed a bit shocked. "But..."  "Quiet, Gregory.  These are experts, which is why I have asked them here."
[22:21] <Dracos> "Elemental?" The queen, sitting nearby, spoke up.  "What do you mean?"
[22:22] * Mary draws a pistol and twirls it around his index finger before fliping it across the back of his knuckles and flips it spinning end over end through the air, catching it behind his back and flipping it back into its holster, grinning at the guard.
[22:22] <Jan> "Something I recently had confirmed on our last trip. Seems I'm not entirely human." Jan nodded at the queen.
[22:22] <Jan> "Hopefully those lizards won't be able to turn me into stone."
[22:23] <Jan> "Besides, we have Mary, a trunk full of long range guns, and a mage on our side. They aren't going to get close enough to try."
[22:24] <Dracos> "A good plan.  I appreciate it as we can't truly risk moving a large contingent of soldiers out of the city for such, while still unaware of what else lies out there."
[22:25] <Dracos> "If we had support, it'd be one thing, but losing our various comrades and trade partners means I have to keep most the army near the city out of simple safety."
[22:25] <Dracos> "Hmm, do you know what you are?" She asked curiously.
[22:27] <Jan> "Jan Smith, negotiator. I just have an inner nougat of earth elemental now."
[22:27] <Dracos> She smiled.  "Well then."
[22:28] <Dracos> The queen, while interested, didn't seem like she wanted to pry into someone clearly helping them.
[22:29] <Jan> "Where can we find Cid, King Cecil?"
[22:35] <Dracos> "Cid will be in his workship.  Fredrick will take you there."  He stood, gesturing to a servant who nodded and moved to open the door for them.  "If you will follow me."
[22:37] * Mary tips his has to the queen a bit, and turns to follow Fredrick.
[22:37] <Jan> "Hold on, guys. We need to tell the king about Silmaria first."
[22:39] <Dracos> "Hmm?  Silmaria?"
[22:40] <Jan> "Yes, the man you sent with us to find the stone in the island nation to the north west knows the way there, and I have some notes in Pandora's Box about it. It's a set of islands ruled by a warrior king slash adventurer like yourself. It's the same level of technology as your kingdom, so there won't be as much of a culuture shock interacting with them like your kingdom would've had with Reno."
[22:41] <Jan> "It's...a strange place, though. Everything over there has a tongue in cheek type of feeling, and its people are pretty happy go lucky."
<Jan> "Still, they might be willing to forge an alliance with your kingdom just because of the shared traits your two kingdoms have."
[22:42] <Dracos> "Mmm, Interesting.  We'll have to send an envoy.  Thank you again."
[22:52] <Jan> "Don't worry about it." Jan nodded at the king and turned to follow Fredrick.
[22:57] <Dracos> So the party was lead to Cid who was working in one of the courtyards when they arrived, though soon turned to them.  "Ah, back already?"
[22:58] <Jan> "Did we get here before you had a chance to disassemble our car?"
[23:01] <Jan> Jan smiled at the engineer as he said that, moving towards the Phoenix.
[23:01] <Dracos> "Hey now....yes.  Anyhow, it's safe and sound."  He gestured to a shed nearby with large doors.  "You can get it there."
[23:02] <Jan> "We're going to run an errand for the king. I'll bring you some schematics from my neck of the planet eventually."
[23:05] <Jan> Opening up the shed, he checked on the car and went about opening it and letting the vehicle air out.
[23:05] <Dracos> The car seemed a-okay.
[23:05] <Dracos> Same shape they'd left it in and all.
[23:06] <Jan> "That does bring up an interesting point, where do all of you want to head off to after our errand? Should we deal with the more nebulous mountain king first, or should we take care of the gangs of New Reno?"
[23:10] * Mary sits down on the hood of the car and lights a cigar.
[23:10] <Leets> "I'd say Reno first, if only because it's familiar territory."
[23:11] <Jan> "Enough time passed too, that we won't be shot on sight."
[23:12] <Felix> "Either place works for me," Felix replies with a shrug
[23:13] <Jan> "Okay, I'll tell you two more about New Reno on the drive over."
[23:13] * Mary shrugs.
[23:14] <Dracos> "Mmm, One route is as good as another...  though some go through fire and other through sand." Fizban enigmaticallly agreed.
[23:15] <Jan> He got into the car and started it up, gesturing for the others to get in.
[23:18] <Dracos> It would be a bit crowded as Fizban claimed the front seat.
[23:31] <Jan> Jan continued to explain the intricacies of New Reno to the two newcomers to the group as they drove.
[23:31] <Jan> Eventually arriving at the forest they were sent to investigate.
[23:37] <Dracos> They drove through the woods, it getting harder and harder as they headed to the north west...eventually becoming apparent that they'd have to abandon the car or risk wrecking it or getting stuck in these thick woods.  The trees, they noticed, were getting larger, thicker as they traveled on, a different kind of breed of tree.
[23:39] <Jan> Pulling the car to a complete stop, the negotiator exited his car and looked about the woods. "Let's stop here for now." He stretched as he walked to the trunk and pulled out a shotgun.
[23:41] <Dracos> Fizban was snoring a bit in the back seat as he stepped out, the sun having recently set, though the stars were not yet beginning to rise in the sky.
[23:42] <Jan> "C'mon, Fizban." Having armed himself, Jan gently shook Fizban awake.
[23:47] * Mary gets out and stretches his shoulders, then cracks his neck as he looks around the area.
[23:48] <Jan> "Let's stick together while we're walking. Two guarding the rear, Leets can scout ahead, and both Fizban and Felix can stay in the middle."
[23:49] <Dracos> Fizban yaned. "Eh?" He stepped out, joining Jan.
[23:49] <Leets> "We're hunting, Fizban."
[23:49] * Mary shrugs, clearing his coat away from his pistols and shifting them around to a comfortable position before just resting his hands on them.
[23:49] <Jan> "For lizardmen that turn people into stone."
[23:50] <Dracos> "Ah, I've got a good spell for that.  Turns stone to mud." He nodded.
[23:50] <Dracos> Ever the iternint spellcaster.
[23:50] <Jan> "We probably don't want to turn into mud if we get hit. Might be useful if they hit themselves with it."
[23:51] <Leets> "I don't know. If they can turn us to stone by breathing, don't you think they'd be immune to their own effects?"
[23:52] <Jan> "Who knows how magic works, though. They might be immune inside, but weak to it outside."
[23:53] <Jan> He gestured for the others to start walking as he began watching their backs.
[23:53] <Dracos> They carried on into the woods, owls hooting a bit at the start, though it getting more silent as they traveled.
[23:55] * Jan looks about, shotgun at the ready.
[23:56] <Dracos> They heard a their right?
[23:57] * Mary snaps his head around as he turns, dropping into a slightly lower stance, hunched over and ready to draw.
Well, Goodbye.


[21:08] <Drac-GM> The first leaped out and up, charging ahead over the grasses from the woods alongside them and taking a mighty downward swing at Mary.
[21:08] <Drac-GM> The hissing grew louder as it was shortly followed, more streaming from the woods on either side.
[21:09] <Drac-GM> Three for each of the group that stood holding their ground.
[21:10] * Mary jumps back a bit, drawing a pistol as he does and firing three rounds into it's head as fast as he can.
[21:11] <Drac-GM> The creature screeched in surprise as the bullets smashed into its fleshy skull, carving bloody holes through its scaly face and sending it carrening to the ground before it could slash Mary.
[21:16] * Leets snarls something uncomplimentary about their ambushers and, aiming for a distraction,  fired two shots at the closest one to him, followed by two more shots to the each following it.
[21:19] <Drac-GM> Leets heard a cling as the shots caught in the armor, and one in one of their arms.  The lizardmen charging angrily and slashing at him, twin blades swinging towards him.
[21:20] <Drac-GM> Jan fired with the shotgun, catching one in the chest and sending it flying backwards onto its rear before moving along the path.
[21:20] <Drac-GM> Fizban could be heard muttering something under his breath.
[21:22] * Leets quickly raised his sword, bracing himself for impact as he placed it to block the two attacks.
[21:22] * Jan ( Quit
[21:23] <Drac-GM> Leets training came into good use as he managed not to be skewered, even if he was knocked back onto his rear at the awkward defense.
[21:25] <Felix> "Watch your eyes!" Felix shouts as he takes a quick glance at all the lizardmen's positions, hoping the others will take the warning to heart as he stretches his arms up to the sides with a snap, his cape rustling from the motion as a pair of flash grenades pop from his sleeves and start to fall to the ground.
[21:26] * Leets reflexively covers his eyes with the sleeve of his jacket.
[21:26] * Mary looks away and shuts his eyes, holding his gun level still.
[21:30] <Drac-GM> Shrieks were heard as the flash grenades went off, bright lights filling the slight clearing and giving them a brief moment of respite as the lizardmen were  blinded...  along with a confused and disoriented fizban!
[21:35] <Felix> As the flash starts to vanish, lizardmen still blinded, Felix opens his eyes again and seeing Fizban apparently didn't shut his eyes in time, moves towards him to keep an eye on him.
[21:38] * Leets takes the opportunity to disable the two lizardmen infront of him, his sword flashing out to slice their necks open. If this didn't kill them, it'd at least keep them from breathing on him.
[21:40] <Drac-GM> Well, he got one, and managed to yank his sword out without the other's wild swing at his noise stabbing him as Felix moved next to the confused mage.  Fighting with a blade in actual combat was still pretty new.
[21:42] * Mary opens his eyes and glances around a bit before turning and quick firing the remaining three rounds into the next nearest lizardman as he walked steadily backwards, trying to keep distance.
[21:44] <Drac-GM> The lizardman screeched in pain as Mary heard behind him the shuddering of earth as Jan transformed and smashed into a group of them, dragging them off into the woods.
[21:46] <Drac-GM> The group was now standing very close to each other, the lizard men shaking off the effect and hissing as they circled the group, about eight of them remaining... one, recovering more quickly, smacking leets sword and sending the young man off his feet, smacking into Mary's backside.
[21:52] * Leets managed to keep his hand on his weapons, though his hand ached from trying to keep his grip on the sword. He quickly regained his footing, firing off another shot at the head of the one that attacked him before it could recover its own footing.
[21:54] <Drac-GM> The shot went astray, missing as a lizardman breathed in deeply, spewing a noxious looking grey cloud at them.
[21:58] * Mary holsters his pistol as he draws his second, quick firing two rounds into the head of the nearest lizard man, before snapping his arm to the next target, firing off two more rounds.
[21:58] * Leets retreated, keeping as far away from that cloud as possible in the circumstances, dragging Mary with him before it touched him as well.
[22:04] <Drac-GM> Two alongside Mary fell, as he heard a hissing close behind him before being yanked hard to the side, seeing a blade coming down.  Leets dropped his gun as he grabbed at Mary, dragging him hard to get him out of the way...and dangerously near two lizardmen who slashed, a one leaving a painful bloody slice along Mary's side as they stumbled out of the way of the dangerous gas.  "Eh, eh..I can see!" Fizban...delightfully stated and star(Cont)
[22:04] <Drac-GM> ted muttering again at the lizardmen.
[22:05] * Mary grits his teeth as a small yell of pain escapes and draws an elbow in, pressing against the wound, but holding his gun steady still.
[22:06] <Felix> With the mage back in action, Felix attempts to join in the magic casting, preparing the lightning spell and hoping for a good effect from it as he targets lizardmen as well.
[22:09] <Drac-GM> The spell was quick to cast as a tiny zapped stunned the two beings, a tiny jolt of electricity launching forth from his fingers to hit them and giving him a moment's breathing room.  Odds didn't look good to remaining unskewered standing here though and those blades looked awful sharp.
[22:11] <Felix> 'Damnable lizards!' the frenchman swears mentally, as he pulls back, and hopes the old man has something better while he digs into his bag of tricks and hopes for a miracle.
[22:19] <Felix> "A little help here!" Felix calls out to the other two as he finds himself unable to go too far from the old man when he doesn't seem to be moving with him, or casting his spell yet. Hoping for that miracle, he pulls out a camera from his bag, and takes a picture of the lizardmen, hoping to stop them again with a flash, this time from a camera rather than flash grenades.
[22:22] <Drac-GM> Weird multicolored lights leapt out from the old man's fingertips as a blade found it's way into his shoulder, sending him groaning back onto the ground, the nearby cloth quickly reddening with blood as the lizardman pulled  it back, slowly licking it off with a look of glee.  The other slashed at short one camera as the blade sliced through it, cleaving it apart.
[22:23] <Drac-GM> The lights flew into another further back, sending it spinning around to the ground.
[22:23] <Drac-GM> More hisses though were heard from the woods nearby.
[22:23] * Mary whips his arm up, firing a single round into the closest lizardman's skull before snapping his wrist and sending the pistol into a horizontal tumble, shifting his weight and taking a stance perpindicular to his previous one, snapping his other arm out and catching the spinning gun in mid air, not having given it enough time to drop more than a few centimeters, and palming it in line with the next lizardman's skull, firing a
[22:25] <Mary> Firing a second shot into its skull.
[22:28] <Drac-GM> His gun nozzle seemed to let off a bit of smoke as the two lizardmen fell as one, their large carcasses smashing into the ground as small chunks of lead disagreed with their brains...briefly revealing an opening in the circle for the two to pull out through.
[22:33] <Felix> "Gah!" Felix exclaims with a jump as he finds himself one camera short...and thankfully not one limb short!
[22:47] * Leets rolls back into a stand, getting into a position where he has more room to move. He made a quick scan of the battlefield, cataloguing which enemies were closest to who.
[22:48] <Drac-GM> Leets has his sword in hands, about three lizardmen still standing, one who just stabbed Fizban and another looking like he's darn ready  to gut Felix.  He could also hear hissing quickly approaching from the woods.
[22:52] * Leets moves infront of Felix, sword ready to block the lizard's attempt to gut the magician.
[22:54] <Drac-GM> An arm shakingly heavy blow smacked both leets and Felix back three steps and Leets blocked the stab.  The current situation, Fizban seemingly down and out, Mary having just cleared a path and run out of ammo, and three angry looking lizardmen moving in for the kill, one moving towards the downed Fizban particularly
[23:00] <Felix> "Thanks," Felix says quite thankful for the timely save, even if it came from someone that much younger than himself. Collecting himself as best as possible, he tries to call up the calming spell in his mind, and directing its influence onto the lizardman desiring Fizban's death!
[23:01] <Drac-GM> The lizardman hesistated briefly...  Felix's skill with the spell showing though as he shook it off.
[23:05] <Leets> "You're welcome," mumbled Leets in response as he moves to aid Fizban, his sword flashing as he slashed at the distracted lizard's bare throat.
[23:07] * Mary snaps both of his wrists out at hip level, sending the two pistols into fast spins, arch upwards, then his hands blur as he naps twelve bullets from his gun belt, six in each hand, and then flings them into the air above his head in two seperate groups. He then catches his pistols, snaps open the cylinders, and then takes a spinning step away from the group, snaping his pistols towards the falling bullets, each falling into
[23:08] <Mary> before snapping his right pistol into a reverse spin, sending it speeding into its holster with a whisper of steel against leather as he completes his step, bringing his remaining pistol to eye level.
[23:09] <Mary>  each falling into a chamber
[23:10] <Drac-GM> He found himself blocked by a grinning lizardman, his small training in swordsmanship quickly put to the test as it delivered swift and powerful blows with it's sword, his sword barely getting in the way.  The other dashed towards Felix, its sword hungrily, sliding in a horizontal slash towards the magician.(cont)
[23:12] <Drac-GM> It looked grim for Fizban...before a chanting was heard from the woods, bright lights coming down from above as several spheres of fire smashed into the lizardman's back, it's voice screeching high as it burned.
[23:15] <Drac-GM> From the woods to their side burst out another swarm of them...five..maybe six, hard to tell in the'd be mere moments before they closed.
[23:19] * Felix spins as he attempts to pull back closer to the ground, letting his cape float upwards in the motion. As he finishes turning he unclasps his cape, letting it float in the air as he scrambles forward, letting the floating cape be the sacrifice to the lizardman.
[23:22] <Drac-GM> The lizardman slashed through the cape, charging onward and tripping as his eyes were covered, giving Felix a brief moment of freedom to haul ass for more room.
[23:30] * Mary fires off a single round, sending it speeding towards the throat of the nearest Lizardman, before snaping into a flurry of motion as he spins sideways, away from the new arrivals as his hands blur into action, firing the remaining five shots with such speed that one long crack is heard instead of indiviual shots, each round flying towards the head, chest, or throat of another target before he tosses the pistol into the air
[23:31] <Mary> as he draws his second one shifting his weight and sending his hip out to the side, letting the tumbling pistol fall into its holster smoothly.
[23:34] <Drac-GM> Three of the five drop there, two standing as the clings of bullets richocheting off of metal is heard.
[23:37] * Leets winces as the gap between his skill and his opponent as their swords clashed, but he pressed on, concentrating on his own power in hopes of triggering that electrical charge he felt back in Reno. He prayed that he could give Fizban enough time to finish whatever he was doing. Or at least get a brain and run to safety.
[23:42] <Drac-GM> Nothing seemed to happen as he struggled to maintain an unskewered state against the vicious lizardman.  Flying out from behind, what appeared to be a slender figure on ..a broomstick came up behind the one slashing at him, spinning and nailing it hard across the head with the broom, disorienting it.
[23:45] <Drac-GM> At the moment, Felix has a tripped Lizardman swiftly getting to his feet and shreading the cloak in front of him.  Behind that lizardman and to the side, Leets is fighting a desperate battle against the one nearby, before their as of yet unidentified helper smacked the lizardman across the head.  The two remaining lizardmen are charging at the quite obvious danger of Mary.
[23:54] * Felix again attempts to cast lightning, hoping for a better effect as he aims for the lizardman's chest, hoping the electricity travels through the metal in the armor, shocking the beast through that.
[23:55] <Drac-GM> The lizardman grunted in pain as the electricity ran down its armor.m
[23:58] <Felix> Seeing the shock isn't enough to down the beast, Felix starts putting more distance between it and he.
Session Time: Sun Apr 09 00:00:01 2006
[00:04] * Leets flashes a look of gratitude at the person who helped him, then, taking the opportunity provided, ducked under the lizardman and stabbed straight up through its skull.
[00:05] <Drac-GM> The blade seemed to help guide his hand, cleaving through the hard scales and killing the being, slipping free rather than dragging his blade down with it.
[00:06] * Mary begins to slowly walk toward the two Lizardmen charging at him, snapping off two rounds to each of their heads and tossing the gun into the air, catching it with the opposite hand and taking careful aim, firing the last two rounds off at the head of the Lizardman attacking Felix.
[00:07] <Drac-GM> The three of them stumbled and fell, taking a moment for their brains to match.
[00:09] * Felix breathes with relief as the lizardman goes down for good.
[00:10] <Drac-GM> "You guys alright?" A cheery voice called down from their unknown rescuer, clearly female.
[00:11] <Mary> "Perfectly fine, Missy. Yer'self?"
[00:12] <Drac-GM> "That's new, I'm fine."
[00:13] <Drac-GM> Jan slowly marched back into the clearing, looking sore, but none the worse for wear.
Well, Goodbye.


[20:12] <Leets> "Not that I'm ungrateful, but who are you, Miss?"
[20:14] <Jan> Jan relaxed as he rubbed his right arm, not really used to handling a shotgun and feeling the burn because of it.
[20:15] <Dracos> "Arche Klein.  And you, wandering about in the middle of the night?"
[20:16] * Thaeos is now known as Iddy
[20:18] * Iddy pops the cylinder on his Peacemakers and reloads them before spinning them back into their holsters and going near the bodies, and looking over them.
[20:18] <Jan> "Jan Smith, negotiator." He rested his shotgun over his shoulder as he looked up at the flying woman. "We were asked to investigate these woods because of a recent monster attack."
[20:19] <Iddy> "Name's Merrick. Hired gun, Missy."
[20:19] <Dracos> "You don't look like you're around here...but this really isn't the time or the place for chatting.  Want to come back to my cabin?  Bring your own beer though." She teased.
[20:19] * Iddy tips his hat to her and goes back too looking over the corpses.
[20:20] <Leets> "I'm Leets. It's nice to meet you, Miss Klein." He waved and smiled gratefully, sheathing his sword and going over to retreive his dropped gun.
[20:21] <Jan> "Well, I wouldn't mind a reprieve from splattering lizard brains all over."
[20:23] <Dracos> "Keep up." She smiled, gesturing as a little ball of light formed in her hand and followed her as she flew through the woods.
[20:23] <Dracos> They soon came to a cootage in the woods.  It looked pretty new, all told, as if it hadn't been there more than a few years.
[20:25] <Jan> Now that they were in the light, Jan took a moment to assess their savior.
[20:27] <Dracos> She was a young looking lady, slender and tending towards the petite side as she flew on what was clearly a broomstick of some sort, runes dimly visible along it.  From behind it was hard to see her face as she had quite long and fluffy pink hair.
[20:29] <Jan> "Hm. Did you see any other people besides us recently? Guardsmen?"
[20:32] <Dracos> She glanced back as she landed, her face younger than might be expected, with bright eyes.  Dressed somewhat flamboyantly, there was a sense of worry about her as she glanced over them.  "Yes, though they were mostly gone when I found them and the last of which ran off."
[20:34] <Leets> "What were those things anyway?'
[20:35] <Dracos> "Lizardmen.  They normally are left as sort of guards along the edges of well..." She frowned a bit.  "Anyhow, they're a bit above animals, but not too much.  They've also been much more active of late."
[20:36] <Jan> "Well, it's clear what we have to do come tomorrow, then."
[20:37] <Dracos> "Hmm, possibly.  Anyhow, come in."  She opened the door and gestured, lights coming on inside as they entered a homey looking cabin.  "So, what are you doing out here anyways?"
[20:38] <Jan> "That guard told his king about those lizardmen, and he asked us to come out here to check it out."
[20:40] <Dracos> "Mmm, which king?" She asked offhandedly, sitting at a table.
[20:41] <Leets> "From a town called Baron, some distance in that direction." Leets gestured towards the general direction they came from.
[20:41] <Jan> "King Cecil of Baron." Jan neutrally replied as he hung near the wall.
[20:45] <Dracos> "Hmm..." She sighed.  "I figured it was something like that."
[20:45] <Jan> "How long have you been living here? Doesn't it bother you having lizards that can petrify you around?"
[20:47] <Dracos> "They're not really a threat to me.  I moved here a little while ago when I felt ..mmm," She looked over them.  "Nature was off.  I came here to check on why a bit."
[20:50] <Jan> Jan continued looking at the girl, taking note of the pause. "Oh really? Well, it's your decision afterall." He changed the topic as he pointed to the broom. "You know, they'd pay you a fortune for that kind of stuff in Baron. Or get your rear handed to you by the airship engineer."
[20:51] <Dracos> "Hmm?  It's just an enchanted broom...and it's not for sale anyway." She smiled.  "Anyhow, you came here and saw the lizardmen..what do you plan to do from here?'
[20:52] <Felix> "Hopefully not get into more fights," Felix pipes in, his heart finally having had a chance to calm down after all that mess. "I really need some practice with magic before I get into another fight..."
[20:53] <Jan> "I'm going to see if they have a nest set up. Then I'll destroy it."
[20:54] <Dracos> "Yeah, I saw." she giggled.  "Just starting magic huh?"
[20:55] <Felix> "Indeed," he says with a sigh. "I only wish I had your apparent talent for it, miss Klein."
[20:57] <Dracos> She winked.  "Comes with time...who am I kidding, talent first!" She laughed.  "Anyhow...unless you're intending to be a pincushion, spending a long time in the woods hunting and fighting the lizardmen isn't probably the wisest idea.  Usually most people stay away from these woods, on the order of the king and all..."
[20:58] <Jan> "There's another king? Baron is the only kingdom near here."
[21:00] * Felix laughs weakly. "Yes, well, I'll probably try not to get into another fight until I've had time to properly master what little I've learned so far."
[21:02] <Dracos> "There was anyways.  This forest is the Ymir forest, south of city of Alvanista and technically bordering it.  The forest itself is maintained by the elves though."
[21:06] <Jan> "Well, while I'll buy the forest, since it has creatures Baron doesn't know about, I kinda feel you know things are more than just slightly wrong with nature, am I right?"
[21:08] <Dracos> At the side of the cottage, Mary works on binding the wounds he and Fizban got during the fight.
[21:09] <Dracos> "Slightly?"  She smiled grimly. "There's a darkness... a twisted foulness running through the earth.  I know that Ymir is not where it once was either."
[21:09] <Jan> "Yeah, I figured as much. Welcome to the wastelands, Miss Klein."
[21:10] <Dracos> "Mmm, I thought you said we were near Baron?"
[21:11] <Jan> "Oh, this world is called the wastelands. It's a patch work planet, that it is."
[21:12] <Dracos> "Mmm...I see.  That'd go along with what I felt." She tapped her cheek.  "But there's something more to that.  I'm sure the elves probably know..."
[21:18] <Jan> Jan looked towards the others before shrugging. "A demon is underneath the world." He shook his head. "Man, I'm getting too used to saying this."
[21:20] <Dracos> "Hmm. That'd account for the foulness.  How'd it get there?"
[21:21] <Jan> "It's always been here. It took the power of creation to simply lull it to sleep, and now it's up to my little group to gather the starstones to make sure it doesn't wake up."
[21:24] <Dracos> Leaning back, Leets noticed her ears were slightly pointed and longer than normal.
[21:24] * Mary grunts as he finishes checking out Fizban and begins on himself, raising his shirt to check at the large cut on his ribs.
[21:25] <Jan> "You two going to be alright?" Jan stopped talking with the woman to check with the others.
[21:25] <Mary> "Hmm.. Gonna need stitches, I think.. Got anythin' 'ta keep it from fester'n?"
[21:25] <Jan> "Yeah. Give me a moment." Pulling out Pandora's Box from his pack, he promptly went in.
[21:26] <Dracos> Painful...and would likely scar.  She considered. "Yeah, I've got some herbs that might help.  Healing really isn't my forte." Arche shrugged. "What?  A...gateway?"
[21:26] * Mary shrugs.
[21:27] * Leets blinks, mentally connecting Arche's previous comment with the new detail. "Excuse me, Miss Klein, but your ears - I mean, are you one of those elves you mentioned?"
[21:27] <Mary> "Long as it don't throw my arm off none, I ain't worried none 'bout a scar or two. Fester'n's bad, though, 'specially where it is."
[21:28] <Dracos> "Half-elf." She said decisively neutrally.
[21:29] <Mary> "What's an elf?"
[21:29] <Jan> Moments later he returned and handed the first aid kit over to the gunner.
[21:29] * Mary glances up from cleaning the blood off his side.
[21:29] * Mary take the kit uncertianly.
[21:30] <Mary> "Uhh.. I ain't much one fer stitchin'.. Anyone know how 'ta do it?"
[21:30] <Dracos> Arche looked at Jan a bit oddly. "What is that?  The magic on it is strange."
[21:30] <Jan> "It's my prize for getting cursed. It comes with a koosh ball inside."
[21:30] <Dracos> She looked over him.  "You're not cursed."
[21:31] <Mary> "Hmm... Could jus' burn it closed, I guess.."
[21:31] <Jan> "Well, in the figurative sense." Jan knelt down next to Mary. "Bite on something."
[21:32] <Mary> "Eh, jus' close it up. I've been shot an' stabbed 'fore."
[21:33] <Jan> "Alright." Jan opened up the medical kit and pulled out the needed tools before he went to work stitching Mary up.
[21:33] <Leets> "Did I say something offensive?" Leets asked cautiously at the change in Arche's tone.
[21:33] <Dracos> She sighed a bit.  "Half-elves aren't particularly the most welcome in Ymir."
[21:34] <Felix> "Why not?" Felix asks curiously.
[21:34] <Mary> "Uh, *grits his teeth a bit as Jan starts, but continues on* what's this elf thing ya'll're talkin' about?"
[21:35] <Dracos> "Old prejudices." She frowned.  "Even though humans are let in, half elves aren't."
[21:37] <Jan> "They can use magic really well in the old fairy tales I used to be read, Mary. Graceful and beautiful. Guess it isn't all so nice in real life, though." Jan added the last in reply to the discrimination claim.
[21:37] * Felix blinks. "How odd," he replies. "I'd almost understand if humans were also being ostracized, but if they're welcome? Baffling..."
[21:37] <Mary> "Eh? That it? What's the problem then?"
[21:39] <Dracos> She laughed.  "Something like that.  Not too off.  And well..the last part is only recent.  Last thirty years or so, and only on agreements with the Alvanista king.  Sort of a 'messangers can come' deal.'
[21:39] <Dracos> "Village law remains though, half-elves aren't allowed in."
[21:39] <Jan> "You're a half-elf, then?" Jan hadn't been around for the entire thing, afterall.
[21:40] <Dracos> "Yes."  She shrugged her shoulders.
[21:40] <Jan> It was more of a distracted question, though. He continued stitching up Mary.
[21:40] <Jan> "Vault City, medieval style."
[21:40] <Dracos> Fizban groaned, unconscious for all intents as he slept against the wall.
[21:41] <Leets> "So do you live here alone then, Miss Klein?"
[21:42] <Dracos> "Yes." She responded curtly.
[21:43] <Mary> "What 'fer?"
[21:44] <Dracos> "This was the best place for scouting out what was going on with nature.  And I'm plenty old enough to be out on my own." She waved a finger with a smirk.
[21:45] <Jan> "Well, at least you know what's going on now."
[21:45] <Mary> "Yeah, you hit that thing but good, didn't ya?"
[21:45] <Leets> "I'm not saying you couldn't, but don't you have any family to look out for?"
[21:46] <Dracos> "Hmm, I suppose."  She tapped her cheek.   "Still doesn't make a whole lot of sense."
[21:47] <Dracos> She twitched a bit and gazed icly at Leets. "None of your business."
[21:47] <Jan> "Well then, you're patched up!" Jan finished up as he loudly drew Arche's attention away.
[21:48] <Mary> "Thanks."
[21:48] <Jan> "Do you think you could put us up for the night, Miss Klein? I'll let you see my box." He joked.
[21:48] * Mary straightens out his clothes and fixes his gun belt.
[21:48] * Leets winced as he apparently hit a touchy subject, and mumbled an apology as he slipped back into silence.
[21:48] <Dracos> "Sorry, think I'll pass.  Don't really have spare beds, but the floor out here is warmer than out there."
[21:50] <Jan> "Thank you kindly, ma'am. Just need to really set up the box, anyway. Everyone who wants tons of space, march on in."
[21:50] <Jan> He set the box off to a corner where it wouldn't intrude.
[21:50] <Dracos> She poured herself a drink from the cupboard, sitting down and drinking.  "Hmm, odd device.  Where'd you pick something like that up?"
[21:50] * Mary glances at the box, still uncomfortable with magic..
[21:51] <Mary> "Think I'll stay out 'ere.."
[21:51] <Jan> "Nameless village out in the desert. It's guarded by spectral wolves."
[21:52] <Jan> "C'mon, Mary. Nothing is going to happen to you. I've been in and out of that thing enough times in front of you already."
[21:52] * Mary shrugs.
[21:52] <Mary> "Ground's more'n good enough fer me. Slept in plenty worse 'fore."
[21:52] <Dracos> "Where are you folks intending to go from here?" She wondered.
[21:52] <Felix> "Why would you want to sleep in worse when you can sleep in better?" Felix asks.
[21:53] <Jan> "Well, I want to check out these forests more. Maybe find where the lizardmen are and whittle them down at their home turf."
[21:54] <Mary> "'Cause I'm alright with it."
[21:57] <Felix> "After that we'll probably be hunting for more of those starstones, I imagine," Felix adds.
[21:58] <Dracos> "Fruitless quest..." She shrugged.  "Starstones?"
[21:58] <Jan> "We're going to the city I used to work around in to pick up a starstone, then we'll hit the Mountain King."
[21:58] <Jan> "They're the keys to the demon's towers. And the keys to the stuff of creation."
[21:59] <Jan> "We already have one."
[21:59] <Dracos> "Mmm...  Interesting...can I see it?"
[22:03] <Jan> "It's in the box. Follow me." Jan popped it open and was promptly sucked in.
[22:04] <Dracos> She followed, glancing around the room as yomi popped up. "Yo."
[22:06] <Jan> "I bring tidings from the world which you're too lazy to come out and see."
[22:06] <Jan> "You anti-social koosh ball, you."
[22:07] * Felix walks after Jan and Arche, curious to see what's inside the box.
[22:07] <Dracos> "I am the omnipotent Yomi...I am not a koosh ball!" It jested back.
[22:07] <Jan> "You squeak like a koosh ball, and you're round like one. So you have to be a koosh ball."
[22:08] <Dracos> The inside is sort of like a study, as felix pops in after the two, a fancy study with a few doors.
[22:08] <Dracos> " has no life to it." Arche commented.
[22:08] <Jan> "He's just too much of an old fart. Probably doesn't register on your senses."
[22:09] * Jan raises a hand in greeting towards Felix. "Welcome to Pandora's Box."
[22:09] <Dracos> She eyed Jan doubtfully.
[22:10] <Jan> "Anyway, can you show her the starstone? We kinda owe her for helping us against some lizardmen, Yomi."
[22:12] <Dracos> Yomi floated over to one of the rooms and through the door. "Sure, come on."
[22:13] * Jan follows after Yomi.
[22:14] <Dracos> Opening the door, they found the stuff they'd put in there neatly organized, the starstone among it.  "" She stared at it.
[22:16] <Jan> "I don't think it'll do your eyes much good staring directly into a bit of creation." Jan cautioned.
[22:17] <Dracos> "A bit of creation you call this?  It's ... not that, mmm...certainly not that."  She frowned a bit at it.
[22:18] <Jan> "Oh?" Jan looked over to Yomi.
[22:19] <Dracos> "They're the keys to the towers." Yomi answered, as he had before.
[22:20] <Jan> "I'll never get this." Jan threw up his hands in annoyance. "Whatever they are, they aren't going to be used to wake the demon up."
[22:20] <Jan> He muttered about the stupidity of keys having life energy if they were just going to unseal a demon.
[22:21] <Dracos> "So you're collecting these?  Going to bring the fight to the demon?"
[22:22] <Jan> "Hardly. I"m not hero. I'm just going to get them, stick them in this box, and forget about it forever."
[22:22] <Jan> "Probably return the box to those blasted wolves, too."
[22:23] <Jan> "It'll be my last hurrah before I quietly retire or something." He shrugged.
[22:23] <Dracos> "Odd thing to do...but then, I've done worse in my day." She teased.  " does one leave here?"
[22:26] <Jan> "Follow me." He returned to the lobby and stood in the middle of the red carpet.
[22:26] <Dracos> She did so.
[22:29] <Dracos> "So what now?" Arche wondered again.
[22:30] <Jan> "Yomi, punt us out of here!" Moments later, the duo were outside the box in a blur of motion.
[22:31] <Dracos> Felix notably stays behind to rest.
[22:32] <Dracos> "Mmm," Arche yawned herself, visibly looking a bit tired.  "Lucky you guys were flinging some magic around or I wouldn't have noticed you...but I'm going to turn in myselves.  Make yourselves comfortable and don't let the wolves bite...not that they really can in Ymir."
[22:37] * Leets mumbles a polite "good night" to the others, still feeling awkward from earlier, and promptly enters the box to avoid further mishaps.
[22:38] <Dracos> Time passed, and morning greeted a better rested group as they joined Arche for a breakfast of fruits.
[22:40] <Dracos> Arche is cheerful as can be and the fruit is pretty good besides.
[22:51] * Leets eats silently, watching Arche from the corner of his eye. "Miss Klein?" he finally said, swallowing his nervousness. "I'd like to apologize for my behavior yesterday."
[22:51] * Mary raises an eyebrow, but continues to eat.
[22:52] <Dracos> "What for?  You didn't know." She brushed it off.
[22:54] <Leets> "Still, I didn't think it'd be a touchy subject for you," he sighed, picking at his plate. "I always assumed families were close and all, regardless of... circumstances."
[22:55] <Dracos> She winced.  "One gets used to being alone." Her eyes looked old for a moment, out of place on her quite young face.
[22:55] * Mary grunts.
[22:55] <Mary> "After a while 'a wanderin', it's just how it is."
[22:56] <Jan> "Want to come with us? We're not going to fight the demon, but we are going to see this strange new world."
[22:57] <Jan> Jan appeared from where Pandora's Box was set up, having overheard part of the conversation going on.
[22:57] <Leets> "How long have you been on your own, Miss Klein?"
[22:58] <Dracos> "Mmm.  Maybe.  Perhaps...perhaps not.  Maybe you could do a favor for me though."
[22:58] <Jan> "Why, shoot."
[23:00] <Dracos> "I'd like to know what Origin thinks on this.  The changes.  Assuming he's still there.  I can't get to him though.  The elves have been entirely too paranoid since the change to even remotely let a half-elf in."
[23:00] <Jan> "Who's Origin?"
[23:03] <Dracos> "Origin is the king of the dwarves.  A great spirit of nature and forger of the eternal blade.  He guards a monument of creation, you could say."
[23:04] <Jan> "Think they'd let us in to see someone that important?"
[23:05] <Dracos> "No.  Not really.  As I said, they've been paranoid of late.  I think you've got a better chance though than me."
[23:06] <Jan> "Where's the elf village so we can check?"
[23:07] <Dracos> She drew a small map and handed it to him. "Here, follow this."
[23:08] <Jan> "Okay, I'll give it a try."
[23:10] <Dracos> "Thanks.  Anyhow, your friend right enough?"  Fizban had stayed sleeping in from the wound he'd received.
[23:11] <Jan> "Pretty well, he likes to sleep in a lot, though. So I left him resting in Pandora's Box."
[23:13] <Dracos> She nodded.  "Be careful and good luck." she smiled.
[23:14] <Dracos> "Hmmm, might be best not to mention Origin, if you end up talking your way through.  Not many know of him, or should."
Well, Goodbye.


[21:11] <Dracos> A gruff looking fizban stepped out.  "Well then...shall we be off?"
[21:11] * Mary stands up with a small wince and shifts his gun belt.
[21:11] <Mary> "Might as well."
[21:12] * Felix nods as he stands up. "I suppose we should. Thanks again for your help yesterday, Miss Kleine."
[21:12] <Leets> "And thank you for your hospitality, Miss Klein," Leets said gratefully as he also got ready to leave.
[21:12] <Jan> "You two should stay here. Not fit to make the trip, I think." Jan addressed Mary and Fizban.
[21:13] <Dracos> She smiled.  "Good luck."
[21:13] <Dracos> "Mmm..stay with a pretty young lass?" Fizban considered, tapping his nose with his staff. "I guess I can't protest that."
[21:14] <Mary> "I reckon.. Can't move my arm none too well without poppin' tha' stitch.. If'n ya don't mind, I'd stay as well, Miss Klein."
[21:15] <Dracos> "Well, I don't mind the company." She smiled.  "Few enough people get out here and don't get me started about the lack of parties."
[21:16] <Jan> Jan reloaded his shotgun as he started towards the door, "Besides, if they're xenophobic, less people being around would keep them relatively calm."
[21:17] <Jan> "How do we get to the elf village, Ms. Klein?"
[21:18] <Dracos> "Drew it for you on the map.  The only way to Origin is through the village, intentional on their part, you understand."
[21:20] <Felix> "About how far is it, Jan?" Felix asks as he moves towards the negotiator, to take a look at the map. "I'd like to practice spell casting along the way, and know to stop far away enough to not cause a disturbance."
[21:20] <Dracos> Looks like it'd be about a half day trip.
[21:21] <Jan> "Half a day. Not really that long to practice."
[21:23] * Felix shrugs. "Practice is practice," he says with a small smile. "Right, Miss Kleine?"
[21:25] <Mary> "No one gets good without practicin' nothin'."
[21:25] <Jan> "It might attract those lizardmen, though."
[21:25] <Dracos> "Mmm, something like that." She noded.  "I preferred to always go in slinging myself."
[21:26] * Felix grimaces at the thought of more lizardmen. "Well, I suppose I'll practice later. I'm still not proficient enough to deal with more lizardmen on my end."
[21:27] <Jan> "If they show up again, I'll use my power. There won't be any underestimating them this time."
[21:27] <Leets> "Why don't you just practice focusing then?" suggested Leets. "If nothing else, you might be able to throw some spells faster."
[21:28] <Jan> Jan exited the building, hanging around just outside to wait on the other two.
[21:28] <Dracos> Fizban took a seat on the table, checking out breakfast.
[21:29] * Mary lowers himself back down to a comfortable position with a slight grinding of his teeth, and takes out his pistols and begins to clean them of their recent use.
[21:29] <Leets> "Well, we'll be seeing you all when we get back." Leets waved farewell to the remaining travelling companions and hurried after Jan.
[21:30] * Felix nods at the younger boy. "That might work," he says, making plans to do so along their traveling today.


OOC: Mary split

[21:38] <Dracos> "So, where are you from?" She asked curiously.
[21:39] <Mary> "Place called Arizona. Been told it's a world or two a-ways from here."
[21:40] <Dracos> She smiled, stretching.  "I can believe that.  Care to help me go gather some fruit?"
[21:41] <Mary> "I reckon I can do that, Missy."
[21:42] * Mary reassembles his pistol and reloads it, then slips it back into his gunbelt and hauls himself to his feet.
[21:43] <Dracos> She walked over and picked up her broom, stepping outside and then floating up to around head height.
[21:44] * Mary stares for second and then shakes it off, falling into line with her.
[21:45] <Dracos> She floats off at a middling pace.  "So what's it like?"
[21:46] <Mary> "What like, Missy?"
[21:47] <Dracos> "Arizonia?"
[21:48] <Mary> "Ah. Hot. Desert, mostly. Few plains here an' there. Scrub brush. Not a bad sort'a place, once you get 'ta knowin' yer way 'round it."
[21:50] <Dracos> "Not my type of place.  I like the cool breezes of the forest." She swooped around the branches of the trees.
[21:51] <Mary> "Heh. I left fer a reason, ya know. Most of the country near there's the same, though. Hard 'ta get far enough out 'ta find anythin' else."
[21:53] <Dracos> "That's a shame." She agreed sympathetically, stopping near a bush and landing.  "Mmm, smells about right."
[21:54] <Mary> "Eh? Ya can tell by smell? Never seen that 'fore.."
[21:55] <Dracos> "I've got a good sense of smell, see?" She worked through the push and tossed him a strawberry-like fruit.
[21:56] * Mary catches it out of the air and looks at it.
[21:56] <Mary> "So what's this anyway?"
[21:56] <Dracos> "Jusiabi."
[21:56] * Mary grunts.
[21:57] <Mary> "I ain't even gonna try 'ta say that.. What's it taste like?"
[21:59] <Dracos> "Try it.  It's sweet." She started gathering some up.
[21:59] * Mary takes a bit of it, cautiously..
[22:00] <Mary> "Mmm.. Good.. I ain't used 'ta this kinda food. Been livin' offa trail rations and stews fer a long time."
[22:04] <Dracos> "Trail rations?" She gathered it up.
[22:05] <Mary> "Food that don't go bad fast. Dried meats, hard breads and cheeses. Things like that. It'll keep ya goin' but don't taste none too good."
[22:06] * Mary takes the load of fruit from her, and sets his arms to carry it comfortably, letting her pile more on to what he has already.
[22:06] <Dracos> She smiles and does so. "Don't you know how to cook?"
[22:06] <Mary> "Naw, not too good. Know how 'ta make enough 'ta live between towns, but not more'n that."
[22:08] <Dracos> "Half the fun of traveling is the cooking." She floats up and leads back towards the cottage.
[22:09] * Mary shrugs as best he can.
[22:10] <Mary> "Just ain't ever been nowhere 'ta learn it, and what I know gets me along fine."
[22:11] <Dracos> "Maybe I'll give you a lesson when we get back.  No way to be on the road without it." She floats ahead.
[22:12] <Mary> "If ya want to. Dunno how well I'll do with it."
[22:15] <Dracos> "Got to try first.  You like eating right?" She landed in front of her cottage.
[22:15] <Mary> "What man don't?"
[22:18] <Dracos> "Well, that's the first step" She tapped his stomach and lead in. "Put them on the counter, would you?"
[22:18] * Mary nods and sets them down, keeping them all togeather in a pile.
[22:24] <Dracos> Mary proceeded to get a lesson in a few exotic dishes...  and of course, a follow up lesson in how they tasted for lunch.  "Mmm, quite nice, miss Klein." Fizban complimented, looking more lively than he had earlier that day.
[22:25] <Mary> "Yeah, stuff's pretty good. Much better'n what I usually eat."


[21:37] <Dracos> The party made their way through the woods, following the path she gave them, the woods getting more civilized as they traveled, bridges over rivers, soft birds humming in the air.
[21:39] <Dracos> "Halt." A stern, but melodious voice called out.  "You may go no further."
[21:40] <Dracos> There was no one here?  or was there...stepping out from the trees right near them, a man dressed on leather armor with a spear blocked their path, notably two pointed ears along his head.
[21:41] * Jan pauses in mid-step.
[21:43] <Dracos> "You are not welcome in these lands, please turn around and go the other way."
[21:46] <Jan> Lowering his foot, he peered at the man. "Excuse us, but we'd like to request sanctuary in your village. We were sent here to investigate the strange deaths of some of the soldiers from a kingdom nearby, and we were attacked by lizard-like men on the way."
[21:48] <Dracos> "Their deaths are unfortunate.  If you need, we may provide an escort back to your kingdom."  Jan noticed the man's eyes were twitchy.  He was nervous about something.  "You may not enter past here though."
[21:49] <Jan> "Have they been attacking your village as well? We can offer you our services fighting them off.."
[21:50] <Dracos> "We need no such help." His voice was stern, too tight.  His eyes wary.
[21:55] <Felix> "Might I ask why we would not be welcome?" Felix asks politely.
[21:56] * Velsper (Velsper@ has joined #wasteland
[21:56] <Dracos> "No humans without permission are allowed entry here."
[21:56] <Felix> "How would we get permission then?"
[22:00] <Dracos> "The seal of the King of Alvanastia is the only such permission we'd accept at the moment.  Now be off with you."
[22:01] <Leets> "Can you tell us where we can get that?"
[22:01] * Felix looks towards Jan. "How far away to Alvanastia? Should we get that escort he offered earlier?"
[22:02] <Jan> "Alvanastia doesn't exist on the maps."
[22:03] <Dracos> The elf frowned. "Regardless, you must leave here.  Now."
[22:05] <Felix> "You offered an escort. Would -they- know how to get to this Alvanastia?"
[22:06] <Dracos> "You misunderstand.  We  will escort you to the edge of the forest, no further."
[22:07] * Felix snorts. "You call that an escort?"
[22:08] <Dracos> His eyes narrowed hostily. "It is what we offer.  We have no need to leave the forest."
[22:08] <Jan> "Oh well, we can't convince you otherwise. Hope you're ready to face whatever has you so spooked all by yourselves."
[22:09] <Jan> "C'mon, guys. They don't have any need for us."
[22:09] <Jan> The negotiator casually let his power flare up in him he began walking away.
[22:10] * Felix nods, as he follows after Jan.
[22:10] * Leets shrugged, and followed as well.
[22:12] <Dracos> Leets felt a sense that they were being watched.  And not just by one...but by many...hiding among the woods.  This was one heck of a guard if so.
[22:12] <Dracos> Leading away, they moved a bit down, out of view of the elf.
[22:16] <Jan> "What a waste of time."
[22:19] <Felix> "Indeed. What do we do now? We don't know where this Alvanastia is..." Felix comments with a sigh.
[22:20] <Jan> "It didn't make the trip, obviously."
[22:21] <Jan> "And if it did,'s out of the way."
[22:24] <Felix> "Let's head back then? Maybe we can figure out another way to get in after talking with the others," Felix suggests.
[22:26] * Jan nods, heading out towards where the pink haired woman lived.
[22:26] <Dracos> A delicious smell wafted out of the house as they got close.
[22:28] <Jan> "We're back."
[22:29] <Dracos> "So quickly?" Arche raised an eyebrow.  "Didn't get through, huh?"
[22:29] * Mary raises a hand in greeting.
[22:29] <Dracos> They're in the middle of a meal, several nice smelling dishes of fruits and meats on the table.
[22:30] <Felix> "Apparently we need the seal of the King of Alvanastia to get in," Felix answers with a shake of his head.
[22:31] <Jan> "And that place probably may not have made the trip to this world."
[22:33] <Dracos> "Mmm...  I once flew in, but it didn't go so well...  I vaguely remember what that seal looks like, but it's been a long time."
[22:33] <Jan> "The guard was twitchy."
[22:36] <Jan> "I think something happened there, or something is really troubling those elves."
[22:36] <Dracos> "Paranoid." She leaned back in her chair. "They've got an even closer tie to nature, the earth, than I do."
[22:38] <Jan> "Hah. They must be thinking the world is about to end about now."
[22:39] * Retrieving #wasteland modes...
[22:39] <Dracos> "Possibly." She tapped her cheek.
[22:39] <Jan> "Well, if they had let us in, I would've kept them from thinking that, but oh well."
[22:39] <Dracos> "Frightened people can be reasoned with...if you get through the fear." Fizban suggested.
[22:40] <Jan> "Too much work for little to no gain."
[22:40] <Mary> "If they got so much respect fer the earth, why not turn into tha' rock and give 'em somethin' 'ta think about?"
[22:41] <Jan> "I used my power near them, seemed to have caught their interest, but not nearly enough."
[22:42] <Leets> "How well do they 'sense' anyway?" Leets asked Arche curiously.
[22:44] <Dracos> "What do I look like, an elf?" She teased.  "Depends on their age and power really.  All would feel the strife going through the ground right now though...and the brief moment of terror that accompanied the shift."
[22:46] <Jan> "Anyway, I don't think much else can be done right now. I don't really feel like twisting their arm into letting us in, much less the huff they'd raise if we got near that Origin."
[22:47] * Leets looked apologetic and asked something different. "It's just that, I'm wondering if they sense any kind of energy in particular."
[22:47] <Dracos> "Huh?"
[22:48] <Jan> "Let me guess, you want to sneak in."
[22:48] * Jan turned towards Leets, arms crossed before him. "Forget it. If they catch you, they'll get even worse. Might even be crazy enough to attack Baron."
[22:49] <Jan> "Just leave them to their devices." He waved a neglient hand in the direction of the elf village.
[22:49] <Leets> "It's just a thought," defended Leets, though he did see the logic behind that. "I haven't really tried it on someone with an extra sense."
[22:51] <Jan> "Leets can shield his prescence from people unless he does something to draw attention to himself. We think he uses some kind of special energy to do it." The negotiator explained to the people that weren't in the know.
[22:51] <Dracos> "Interesting." Arche commented.
[22:52] <Jan> "Try and call it up, Leets. Maybe Arche can comment on it."
[22:53] * Felix casts 'detect magic' so he can see if it's a magical effect or what, that the younger boy's ability is derived from, like Jan's golem form.
[22:54] <Leets> "Well, that's the thing. I don't think it'll work if they already know I'm here." Leets frowned, then stood up. "How's this. I'll be outside. Come out in about five minutes and we'll see if it works or not."
[22:55] * Leets exits the building, moving out of the line of sight and concentrates on his ability.
[22:56] <Dracos> He feels nothing, even as he slips into the shadows.
[22:57] <Jan> Jan sat down at the table, and reached for an apple. "Not a place for a non-magic folk. So I'm going to sit out of that one." He slowly began to ate
[23:03] <Dracos> "Well, you're welcome to stay here a bit." she agreed.
[23:04] <Dracos> "So, how's your studying coming along?" The old man inquired of Felix.
[23:04] <Jan> "You going out? He's waiting for you all, and let me tell you that he'll be annoyed if you leave him out there a second too long."
[23:05] <Dracos> Arche headed outside, looking about for leets.
[23:05] <Dracos> Leets, you see Arche glancing around, not seemming to notice you.
[23:08] <Felix> "It's going alright, I suppose. It's a bit frustrating to not be as far along as yourself or Miss Kleine, but I understand it'll take time to get anywhere near such levels. After those lizardmen though, I'm definitely practicing a bit more seriously," Felix replies to Fizban, as he checks for the results of his detect magic spell as Leets did his thing.
[23:09] <Dracos> Nope.
[23:09] * Leets slowly moves closer to Arche, stopping three feet to the right of her.
[23:10] <Jan> Eat.
[23:12] <Dracos> Felix sees nothing and neither does Arche as Leets stealthy moves behind her.
[23:14] <Felix> "Interesting, I'm not seeing anything, even while attempting to detect magic," Felix comments.
[23:14] <Dracos> Arche turns around and starts walking back in. "Seems like he headed off further."
[23:14] <Leets> "Well, at least I'm fairly sure it isn't magic now," Leets commented idly from behind Arche, admiring her figure from his position.
[23:15] <Leets> He may not be human according to Vault, but that didn't mean he wasn't a typical teenage male.
[23:16] <Dracos> She glanced. "You're fast?  Or a ninja?"
[23:17] <Jan> "Invisible!" Jan yelled from inside.
[23:18] <Leets> "Neither. I did say it doesn't seem to work if they're expecting me," Leets said, "and I've been standing here infront of you for a while now."
[23:19] <Dracos> "I...see, or rather I don't." She shrugged, glancing at Felix.
[23:21] * Felix shrugs back. "I didn't see him either."
[23:21] <Mary> "Like lookin' through 'tha air."
[23:22] <Leets> "So, do the elves sense anything similar to what you usually do, Miss Klein?"
[23:26] <Dracos> She looked at him with a 'look'. "Yes, as far as I know and have told you.  If I knew for certain, I'd not try and ask them."  She headed in.
[23:27] <Jan> Jan finished up eating. "Went well?"
[23:27] <Dracos> "Well, he's pretty darn good at hiding, that's for sure."
[23:28] * Leets sighed, "Look, Miss Klein, I'm sorry if I insulted you (again), but I'd rather be half-sure then unsure with this kind of thing."
[23:31] <Dracos> She shrugged a bit. "You've got a nice hiding skill.  Don't you know what you can do?  I didn't see you and neither did your friend."
[23:32] <Jan> "That's the thing. He doesn't know what the heck that is."
[23:32] <Leets> "Until about a month ago, I didn't even know I had a this and it's not like I have much opportunity to practice," Leets grumbled. "Heck, I thought I was human before too."
[23:33] <Dracos> "You're not?" She glanced over him.
[23:35] * Mary raises an eyebrow, interested..
[23:36] <Leets> "Apparently not." Leets shrugged, retaking his seat. "They didn't really talk about what I was. Just that I wasn't human and would I please not stay and contaminate their perfect city."
[23:37] <Jan> "Elves aren't the only paranoid idiots we've crossed paths with." Jan idly commented.
[23:37] <Jan> "Anyway, we're pretty much done here now, I guess. Sorry we couldn't help you out, Ms. Klein."
[23:38] <Dracos> "Safe travels then."
[23:48] <Jan> "I'm for leaving, what do you others want to do? I see nothing worthwhile here."
[23:48] <Mary> "I 'suppose we've made a burden of ourselves enough, Missy. Reckon we outta be leavin'."
[23:52] * Jan nodded, gathering the things they had left behind as he headed out.
[23:52] * Leets frowned, reluctant to leave their promise to Baron incomplete. Though it seemed the others have already decided it wasn't worth fighting over.
[23:55] <Leets> Not seeing any other choice, Leets offered one last apologetic look to Arche and hurried after the others.
Well, Goodbye.



[20:52] <Dracos-Gm> -------------------
[20:52] <Dracos-Gm> The group met back at arche's considering their next moves...
[20:52] <Dracos-Gm> It was evening-time...
[20:54] <Jan> Jan caught Leet's look towards the pink haired woman and paused, considering.
[20:58] <Leets> "Something on your mind, Jan?" Leets asked cooly at the older man's sudden hesitation. What was bothering him this time?
[21:00] <Jan> "Hey, Miss Klein. How much did we owe you for the food and lodgings?"
[21:00] <Dracos-Gm> "Don't worry about it." She shrugged.  "I've got plenty to spare a bit."
[21:01] <Jan> "No, you can't get something for nothing. Even if it's a favor for a favor. Leets, she couldn't sense you, so I'll put my faith in you. Carry us into the woods past the elven village in Pandora's Box."
[21:06] * Leets blinked, caught off guard by the suggestion. "Are you... sure that would work?" he asked, stunned and hopeful as he considered the plan.
[21:06] <Jan> "Not sure at all, but I have to balance things out. Besides, I want to see how good Yomi is at cards and I've never had a long enough time to check."
[21:07] <Dracos-Gm> "I'll totally whoop you." Yomi promised, floating nearby.
[21:07] <Dracos-Gm> "Fulmonian Bridge?" The old man added.
[21:09] <Jan> "Let's start with the more basic version, shall we?" Jan nodded over at Leets. "I'll see you when we're in the woods behind the elf village."
[21:09] <Jan> He moved into Pandora's Box.
[21:09] * Mary winces a bit as he enters it..
[21:10] <Dracos-Gm> Soon leets and Arche are alone...
[21:12] * Leets picks up the box, adjusting his grip on it so he wouldn't drop it by mistake. "Wish us luck then," he said, smiling nervously as he headed back into the forest and towards the elvin village; concentrating all the while on his ability.
[21:13] <Dracos-Gm> The night sky was dark as he traveled silently through the woods, every sound amplified to his noise conscious hearing.
[21:17] <Leets> Eyes scanned the dark woods, wary of ambushes and guards. Leets worked hsi way through the brush at a slower pace then earlier, trying to keep from making too much noise to bring attention to himself.
[21:19] <Dracos-Gm> Getting near the elves, he spotted four guards on duty, carefully watching the path into the village.
[21:19] <Dracos-Gm> even late at night they were quite cautious to the outside.
[21:23] * Leets cautiously approached, trying to be inconspicuous as possible on the off chance they can sense him coming.
[21:29] <Dracos-Gm> They're looking and one even looks real close to him for a moment...but then the moment passes as leets gets closer.
[21:34] * Leets mentally sighs in relief, sneaking past the guards and into the village. Once there, he works towards where Arche said Origin was at, still keeping an eye out for signs of other guards or pedestrians out.
[21:35] <Dracos-Gm> The village was pretty quiet at this time of night.  He saw some guards towards the back, several well made wooden houses including some with shop signs on them, and a larger one towards the back as well.  Possibly the mayor or leader.
[21:39] <Dracos-Gm> There were two guards near the path at the back of the forest...that should lead to the forest behind the town.
[21:39] <Dracos-Gm> the one origin was said to be at.
[21:44] <Leets> So far so good. Leets readjusted his grip, thankful that his gloves prevented any slippage from sweaty palms, and made his way down the path to Origin.
[21:47] <Dracos-Gm> he found himself in a dark forest, strange critters roaming about.
[21:47] <Dracos-Gm> This must be the forest Arche had talked about.
[21:47] <Dracos-Gm> there didn't seem to be any guards here.
[21:54] * Leets studies his surrounding for a moment, then lowers Pandora's box and knocks on its side. "I think it might be safe now," he says, keeping voice low to avoid catching anyone's attention.
[21:58] <Jan> The hatch of the box opened, spitting out an annoyed looking negotiator.
[21:58] <Jan> "The old man is crafty."
[21:58] <Jan> Jan muttered as he dusted himself off and ducked low.
[21:59] <Dracos-Gm> "He's just bad at bridge!" The old man followed, chasing his hat as he came out.
[21:59] * Leets hissed "quiet", reminding them they were trespassing.
[21:59] * Mary climbs out and looks around slightly nervously, resting his hands on his pistols.
[22:00] <Felix> "So how far in are we?" Felix asks quietly as he comes out along with the others.
[22:00] <Leets> "We should be just outside the shrine," Leets said, "or whatever passes for it anyway."
[22:04] <Jan> "C'mon. Let's quit chatting. We're going to be caught." Jan picked up Pandora's Box and started towards where Origin was said to be.
[22:05] <Dracos-Gm> OOC: outside the shrine = past the village, postedit
[22:06] <Dracos-Gm> The forest was calm...  almost having an aura of peace and tranquility as they walked through it.
[22:06] <Dracos-Gm> It felt old, older by far than the forests outside it.
[22:06] * Mary looks around, keeping alert, and his hands on his pistols.
[22:06] <Jan> "Is this typical of holy lands?"
[22:08] <Dracos-Gm> They noticed along certain paths, some strange small animal, about the size of a large housecat, playing in the grasses...heading straight, they eventually came to a rock wall...time to double back.
[22:08] <Leets> "Haven't been in enough to comment," Leets said, glancing at their "expert" (Fizban).
[22:09] <Dracos-Gm> "the woods are always with the grasses." Fizban rhetorically stated.
[22:09] * Jan doubles back to the clearing before last. "Very zen."
[22:11] <Jan> OOC: make that last clearing.
[22:11] <Dracos-Gm> Four paths, other than the ones they'd traveled, lead off from here...
[22:11] <Dracos-Gm> A small lake in the center of the clearing.
[22:11] <Jan> "Did Arche tell you anything about this part of the woods, Leets?"
[22:12] * Retrieving #wasteland modes...
[22:14] * Jan took a few hesistant steps down the path the forest animal from before had taken, out of the fact that there wasn't any better choices available.
[22:14] <Leets> "I don't think she's been this far herself, considering..."
[22:15] <Jan> "She knew about Origin. Anyway, let's just go down this path."
[22:16] <Dracos-Gm> He noticed there always seemed to be one wandering around the paths.
[22:19] <Jan> Jan began leading them down paths with the creatures on them. If nothing else, it'd be easy to follow them on the way back if they got lost.
[22:19] <Dracos-Gm> Finally, they came to a clearing where it was...ominiously silent.
[22:19] <Dracos-Gm> no sounds of birds
[22:19] <Dracos-Gm> or of beasts.
[22:19] <Dracos-Gm> The soft foot padding of their feet against the grass the only noise.
[22:20] <Jan> Jan drew his shotgun ready as he set Pandora's Box on the ground before him.
[22:22] <Dracos-Gm> At the end of the clearing stood a mighty monolith, ancient beyond reckoning with something carved on it.
[22:23] * Jan gestured for the others to stay back as he slowly moved toward the monolith.
[22:23] * Idy (iron_drago@ has joined #wasteland
[22:24] * Mary (iron_drago@ Quit (Connection reset by peer)
[22:24] <Dracos-Gm> The words made no sense to him, written in a foreign far as he could tell.
[22:24] * Jan peered at the writing on the monolith.
[22:24] * Felix goes see what's carved on the mighty monolith, ancient beyond reckoning.
[22:24] * Leets keeps watch, feeling a bit pressured by the ominous monolith.
[22:24] <Jan> "Where's the monkeys?"
[22:25] * Idy is now known as Mary
[22:25] <Felix> "Eating bananas in the treetops?" Felix offers as a small joke.
[22:25] <Dracos-Gm> Felix could read them...  "Here Sleeps the King of Dwarves, Lord of Crafters, Forger of the Eternal Sword, Origin"
[22:27] * Jan lowers his shotgun since it looks like nothing is going to jump out and bite their heads off. "Can you read it, Felix? It's scribbles to me."
[22:27] <Felix> "Here Sleeps the King of Dwarves, Lord of Crafters, Forger of the Eternal Sword, Origin," he quotes faithfully.
[22:28] <Jan> "Must be a magic thing. So, wake it up."
[22:28] <Dracos-Gm> The monolith shook at those words... a glow lighting up through to the sky from it, blinding them for a moment...
[22:29] <Dracos-Gm> When their eyes recovered, they saw him, a short, 5 footish man, stockish and mighty in build, with four arms, each bearing a weapon dressed in regal black clothes with a golden and silver ring of metal swirling about him.
[22:29] <Jan> Jan winced as he stumbled backwards, a shudder running down him from the sudden appearance, and fighting back the twitch impulse to shoot.
[22:30] * Leets manages to stop himself from gawking. Barely. "Are you... Origin?"
[22:31] <Jan> "Um...greetings, your royal highness, Origin." The negotiator bowed as he set his shotgun down. Carefully.
[22:31] <Dracos-Gm> He seemed to ignore Leets as he spoke.  "I see..." His voice thundered.  "I see humans before me." He pointed at Felix... "Dreams..." at leets "Myths..." at jan.  "Things forgotten..." Yomi? "and..." His eyes gleamed at the old man for a moment.  "A memory...  What brings such before me, mortals?"
[22:34] <Jan> The negotiator kept his expression cool as he looked at the...god? "We were sent here by a Miss Klein to find out what's going on with this world."
[22:36] <Dracos-Gm> "This world yes... It is an enigma..." He paused.  "But not to my eyes.  I am the forger.  I see this as it is.  As it was made.  As it moves to destruction.  It's secrets are not to me."
[22:36] <Dracos-Gm> (more)
[22:37] <Dracos-Gm> "This world was made from a dream.  A dream too strong to fade away as it fell through the current of time.  On a speck of darkness, it was caught, a tree root, twisted and folded upon the shattered prison of a once god."
[22:39] <Dracos-Gm> "This dream was too strong to shatter.  To fall apart... and so, as time continued things collected on it.  Shorn off of other worlds.  Of dreams.  Of myths.  Indistinguishable and fragile as  they gathered and formed the land around this dream."(more)
[22:40] <Dracos-Gm> "But the once god is not dead...nor does it sleep.  A dream sturdy enough to found such a one sturdy enough to climb.  And climb it does, slowly but surely up."
[22:40] <Dracos-Gm> "From nothing it comes and to nothing it delivers...  when arise it does from the dream it shall bring nothing to all...and then leave."
[22:41] <Dracos-Gm> "Only if the dream is ended....or torn free, will the once god be cast back into the darkness."
[22:47] <Mary> "An' how can the dream be ended or torn free?"
[22:48] <Dracos-Gm> "To tear it...slay those involved in the dream... shatter their will... their hopes...they're dreams...  and the dream shall tear with them."(more)
[22:49] <Dracos-Gm> "To end it....bring it to conclusion.  It is a dream of waiting.  Of comrades seprated for ages.  Of a dwarf under a tree carving myths and dreams of wood long lost to the world.  Of a friend lost to wandering, ever seeking this end."
[22:53] <Jan> "Can we ever go back to our worlds? Or are they just..gone?"
[22:57] <Dracos-Gm> His eyes gleamed, looking deep within Jan.  "You come not from a world of flesh and blood, stone and steel.  Your world was one of myth, forged of word and deed, hewn in the minds of those who would listen from story and tale.  You are a part, shorn free from you, there is no return.  Your world is lost to you."
[22:59] <Mary> ".. Are all our homes lost?"
[22:59] * Felix nods at this, looking worried.
[23:01] * Leets ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[23:01] <Dracos-Gm> "Some lost...some forgotten....some brought here...some destroyed.  To each of you, the path back is lost."
[23:01] * Leets (Dinh@ has joined #wasteland
[23:02] <Jan> "What's the nature of Leet's power?"
[23:02] <Jan> He pointed towards the young man.
[23:02] <Felix> "...No way home at all?" Felix asks, feeling very dissapointed.
[23:07] <Dracos-Gm> The god pointed.  "He is a dream, born of human genius and intellect.  Forged in halls of steel and shadow, the culmination of a forbiden art.  From this came children of dreams, born with powers beyond mortal men... to him was allotted the fade before the eyes of men and vanish like the whispers of the wind."
[23:14] <Leets> "So I was created," Leets mumbled, musing over these revelations. And did the god just say children? As in there were others? He pushed those thoughts aside for the moment. "About the starstones. Are we doing the right thing collecting them? Will they really help free the people who still have a world to return to from this dream world?"
[23:17] <Dracos-Gm> "free?  Return?  The starstones are keys of fate, fragments of the once god used to unlock doors of potential where sealed away are thousands of spirits.  There is *Power* there...  Power to change the world...perhaps."
[23:18] <Jan> "What can we do to free the souls of those villagers that are in spirit form and hunting us down?"
[23:18] <Jan> "I don't want to use lethal force, but..."
[23:20] <Dracos-Gm> His hand pointed outwards.  "In the west, there is a graveyard of spirits, five stones each bound in a way to the starstones and shaped in the manner of a skull..."(more)
[23:21] <Dracos-Gm> "Here lies a shade of the past, watching over the darkness...  And buried with his corpse, is a whistle that would calm their souls."
[23:24] <Jan> Jan paused, and went through the last question he had on his mind. "Is my power ever going to make me a bloodthirsty monster? Why did I get it when I lost my world?"
[23:25] <Dracos-Gm> "A myth is tied to their story.  Yours did not end there.  The story you forge forges you." The dwarf answered, floating there.
[23:27] <Leets> "Uhm, about my sword. The Masamune. What exactly is it and what can it do?"
[23:31] <Dracos-Gm> "The sword was not forged by me, but forged it was of hopes, of dreams, of courage...of potential.  From the red rock of the stars by a swordsmith skilled beyond measure, two spirits were bound together to forge a weapon to provide hope to the people, courage to the wielder, and the might to defy the darkness wherever it may stand."
[23:34] <Jan> "What can we do to make the elves trust us humans in this world?"
Well, Goodbye.


[21:34] <Dracos> The dwarf king floated before them, considering.  "The elves are frightened more than most.  They feel the rot of the land before the coming of the demon.  The separation from that which they knew and held sacred.  Human civilization reached them once before though, and properly conveyed human civilization could reach them once again."
[21:42] <Leets> "You called Mister Smith a myth. Do you mean his other form?" Leets pressed, "What exactly is it?"
[21:46] <Dracos> "He is a myth.  His other form is an expression of this myth.  A slow binding and reforging.  Rehewn he survives by the forging of a new myth.  To fail is to fade.  His words and deeds have bound him to this land... and so bound does it express itself through him."
[21:52] <Felix> "Is there anybody else from our worlds here?" Felix asks slowly. If they're stuck, it would at least be nice to find others from their home.
[21:53] * Velsper (Velsper@ has joined #wasteland
[21:54] * Velsper is now known as Jan
[21:55] <Dracos> "This...I know not.  It is possible, but this is not within my domain."
[21:56] <Jan> Jan stared at the dwarf king for a moment before cooly adjusting his posture. "The wolves. To get the whistle from the grave, do we need to gather the five starstones?"
[22:00] <Dracos> "No.  It is simply forgotten there with the one whom carried it."
[22:03] <Leets> "Is there others like you we can contact? And where would we meet them, if we could meet them?"
[22:06] <Dracos> His eyes roamed over them for a moment in silence.  "There are others.  Some less friendly than others.  To the west..." His hand pointed suddenly. "Upon the desert sands roams a city of souls...ghost and smoke which stand guardian over one such who remains in slumber."
[22:07] <Dracos> "To the east, another, trapped perhaps in madness, lost in destruction upon the broken plains." He pointed again, this time in a different direction.
[22:09] <Dracos> "In the oceans sleeps one...  a being of great power whom reigns over the oceans cold."  He pointed north now.
[22:09] <Dracos> "Others still wander, obscured  from my sight.  Others more do not wish to be found or known."
[22:12] <Dracos> The floating god folded his arms back, watching them.
[22:14] <Jan> "What happens if the dream ends? Do we all just go and die?"
[22:17] <Dracos> "That... is an interesting question.  Cut simply free, the god would fall...  and the world would be without a root.  It would shudder apart... myths would fade, dreams would die, humans would...perhaps find it worst of all."  The god paused, seeming to ponder.
[22:20] <Dracos> "This would happen, because this is not a world forged.  It's veins do not run with life nor strength.  Things hewn from it are fragile and bear not the power to endure."
[22:22] <Felix> "Is there any way to give the world another root? Something else that can support it?"
[22:26] <Dracos> The rings of silver and gold spun about the god a bit more rapidly. "Another root...would not work.  But if it was reforged as it could perhaps survive.  To do so would require tools suitable to such a purpose.  The demon's towers...would be such tools.  They are, at their heart, vehicles of destruction.  Fragments of reality bound incredibly strongly by the demon's will.  Tools through which his will may be expressed and more (more)
[22:26] <Dracos> importantly, anchors to stabilize his climb up through this tattered world."
[22:28] <Dracos> "My eyes see them though for what they are...  to express his will, they are bound strongly with the power of creation.  The souls and anguish trapped within for millenia, fuel for such.  One could forge a world of life from nothing but ocean and dreams with such...  or perhaps....  reforge a dead world into a living one."
[22:34] <Leets> "How would we use the towers for this purpose?" Leets asked. "If they're creations of the demon..."
[22:38] <Dracos> "A key would be necessary.  A grain of potential.  I sense that you have one such artifact upon your persons.  Taken to the roof of a tower it could be used to allow a mortal mind to interact with the tower and express, for a moment, its full power behind such a will.  This is not without danger though.  A mind distracted or without understanding for what it reforges could destroy it just as easily.  They are such tools.  A city, for example, (more)
[22:38] <Dracos> could easily become a grain of sand before it, if misused..."
[22:38] <Dracos> ]
[22:40] * Leets glances at the others, then asks, "What is the artifact that we have?"
[22:42] <Dracos> The god shifts slightly in his floating seat.  "Your minds perceive it as a star seed."
[22:46] <Jan> "Which amongst us is most well suited to interacting with the towers?"
[22:49] <Dracos> "As mortals...all of you are well suited.  It depends on your vision, though he" A strong arm pointed at Felix. "Would find it easier than most."
[22:49] * Felix blinks. "Am I?"
[22:51] <Jan> "You're a mage in training. Maybe that's why."
[22:52] <Dracos> "It is a manner of mind.  It does not take much, simply the correct focus."
[23:00] <Dracos> "Is there anything more, mortals?" his eyes flared a bit.
[23:03] <Felix> "How do you do that eye flare thing? It's very impressive..." Felix can't help but ask.
Well, Goodbye.


[23:05] <Dracos> "It is merely the winds twisting to my will."
[23:06] <Felix> "Hmm...I don't suppose you could teach me the trick?" Felix asks politely.
[23:06] <Jan> Jan eyed Felix strangely. Well, on that note...
[23:08] <Jan> "I'd like to request your aid, sir. If we're going to be successful, we may have to ask those others that are like yourself. It might have to come to a fight at some point."
[23:10] <Jan> "Everyone is running scared right now, and if I am what tied to this land, it probably looks poorly on my job resume. Please, Sir Origin, help us."
[23:10] <Dracos> "There are ways to such things.  Bindings deep within the nature of my being.  I can aid...but only once a pact is formed."
[23:13] <Jan> "I understand the sanctity of a contract." Jan nodded in agreement. "What do we have to do?"
[23:15] <Dracos> "Bring a ring of diamond to symbolize the pact.  Then you must show your will and ferocity in battle.  To conquer over all and merit my strength added to yours."
[23:27] <Leets> "Thank you for your time, Lord Origin," Leets bowed in respect to the dwarf king.
[23:27] <Jan> Jan repeated the action. "You've been a most gracious host."
[23:28] <Jan> "C'mon, everyone. Let's go back to Arche before we head off, we've got a long trip ahead of us."
[23:29] * Felix nods in agreement.
[23:29] <Jan> The negotiator turned and exited the clearing.
[23:29] * Leets follows after making sure they didn't leave anything behind.
[20:03] <Dracos> -----
[20:03] <Dracos> And so the adventures snuck back out under the cover of nightfall...  spending a brief day with Arche, they then made their way back to baron, arriving early in the day and soon gaining audience with the king...
[20:04] <Dracos> "The king will see you now." The minister said, opening the doors for the party, all of them there.
[20:06] <Jan> "Good day, your majesties." Jan bowed once he was before the two royals.
[20:09] <Dracos> "Greetings, Jan, Leets, Mary, Felix, and Fizban." The king pronounced.  "What news do you bring of your mission?"
[20:09] <Jan> "There's lizardmen in the woods, and they can petrify you with their breath."
[20:13] <Dracos> "Fiercesome foes.  Do they have weaknesses...or are they likely to remain tight to some section of the woods?"
[20:16] <Leets> "Well, they're as mortal as anything, though very skilled and intelligent," Leets piped up helpfully. "So long as you kill them before they can use their breath weapon, I don't think they'll be too much trouble if you're soldiers are cautious."
[20:17] <Jan> "We also found a village of elves there. Just like your home, they got sent here from theirs."
[20:20] <Dracos> "Elves?  Dark elves?  Or...?" He asked cautiously.
[20:21] <Jan> "Don't know what dark elves are. These were elves. They even had an agreement going on with the humans in their world, but they're afraid because they can feel the demon beneath the sands."
[20:24] <Dracos> "Hmm, your thoughts?"
[20:25] <Dracos> The king seemed genuinely interested.
[20:27] * Jan ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[20:33] * Felix ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[20:35] <Leets> "Well, we aren't entirely certain about them. They seemed kind of paranoid about meeting strangers when we encountered them, and we didn't really have much of a chance to get to know them." Leets paused, organizing his thoughts. "Still, in times like these, they might be worthwhile allies."
[21:00] * Leets ( Quit (Trillian (
[21:00] * Velsper ( has joined #wasteland
[21:01] * Velsper is now known as Jan
[21:05] * Leets ( has joined #wasteland
[21:10] * Dracos nods. "Would you be willing to lead a diplomacy party there?"
[21:10] <Dracos> OOC: Edit 'Cecil'
[21:14] <Leets> "We'd be honored to, sir," Leets said, thinking back to Origin's offer. "Would I be too bold to make a request?"
[21:18] <Dracos> "Go ahead." The king allowed.
[21:19] <Jan> "We found a god in the same forests. He could help us in our quest, but he requests a diamond ring in order to forge a contract to aid us."
[21:20] <Dracos> "A god, truly?  Such could be provided...but do you believe this is wise?"
[21:21] <Jan> "From an intellectual viewpoint, no. They'll probably think that's the only reason we want to help them, and we had to sneak in to hear the god's words the first time."
[21:22] <Jan> "But...we do need his power. He told us of other gods that could help us, but that some would probably be against us. We would need the power."
[21:22] <Dracos> "Can you convince him?"
[21:23] <Jan> "We just needed the contract ring."
[21:23] <Jan> "Some of us can go with your people to convince them, while the others gain Origin's trust, I guess."
[21:24] <Jan> "Or we could just tell them the truth and hope they let us in."
[21:24] <Dracos> "I will have such a ring brought to you.  Prepare and I will send an envoy with you to the elves."
[21:30] <Jan> "Thank you, your majesty."
[21:38] <Dracos> OOC: Party acquires: Diamond Ring.
[21:38] <Dracos> OOC: Someone add it to inventory =p
[21:39] * Iddy (iron_drago@ has left #wasteland
[21:40] <Dracos> -------
[21:40] * Iddy (iron_drago@ has joined #wasteland
[21:40] <Dracos> Traveling with the envoy, an accompanyment of a broad minister and three additional guards, they made their way through the woods...
[21:40] <Dracos> They're path traveling first  to Arche's hut, which they soon came across.
[21:42] <Jan> Jan walked up and knocked on the door.
[21:50] <Dracos> "Yes?" He heard from behind him a little ways, Arche flying out from the woods, a basket under an arm.
[21:51] <Jan> "Hey there, Miss Klein. I wanted to know if you had any messages for anyone in the elf village. We're leading some men from a nearby kingdom to form an alliance with the elves."
[21:54] <Dracos> "Yes...actually.  Would you mind waiting a bit out here while I write  one?"
[21:55] <Dracos> She landed, heading into her cottage.
[21:56] * Jan nodded and hung back near the door of the cottage.
[21:57] <Dracos> About ten minutes later, she stepped out.  "Give this to a pink haired woman...she should be running the item shop."  She handed Jan a sealed scroll.
[22:00] <Jan> "Right, then." Jan placed the scroll in his pack and waved for the soldiers and minister to follow.
[22:03] <Dracos> The elves stood guard as before when they arrived.  "Halt.  What is your business here?"  it was an older elf this time it seemed leading the guard at the gate.
[22:05] <Leets> "We're simply escorts for a diplomatic envoy," Leets said, his voice somewhat neutral as he gestured to the ambassadors behind their group.
[22:07] <Dracos> "In the name of King Cecil of Baron, we seek passage to speak with your leader under a banner of truce."
[22:10] <Dracos> The elf examined them and nodded.  "Bind your weapons.  In this village, any act of violence will be seen as a breaking of this trust given.  I will lead you to our leader, Brambard."
[22:12] <Jan> Jan made sure to secure his revolvers, and waited for the others to secure their weapons before leading the way into the village.
[22:13] <Jan> Following the elf that was obviously in charge.
[22:14] <Leets> After securing his own weapons, Leets followed the others into the elf village.
[22:18] <Dracos> Heading into the village, he lead them towards the largest building in it.  "This is the city inn.  your guards can stay here while you come with me to Brambard." The man spoke to the minister.
[22:20] <Jan> "Can we come along? We have important information as to what's going on in the world as well."
[22:21] <Dracos> The elf looked them over.  "Three of you, at most."  He offered.
[22:22] <Jan> "Thanks. I'll just take Leets here."
[22:22] * Jan waves for the kid to come over.
[22:24] * Leets straightens up, unconsciously adjusting his bag as he headed over to Jan.
[22:26] <Jan> "Thanks for your patience." He told the elf.
[22:27] <Dracos> They were lead to a small, but still notable cabin.  It seemed old, though there was a solidness in it that said "I was here before you were born...and I shall be here after you are long gone".  Opening the door, they were lead into a small room, a few chairs and an older elf by a fireplace.
[22:28] <Jan> Jan morbidly wondered if he'd be around longer than the elf.
[22:28] <Dracos> The elf had blue hair streaked with white, something they'd notably not seen in any of the elves so far.  His face bore the slightest hint of wrinkles as his eyes looked wisely upon them.  "Greetings travelers."
[22:28] <Jan> "We bring warm greetings from the kingdom of Baron, Sir Brambard.
[22:29] <Dracos> "This is a country I have never heard of.  But perhaps I should not be surprised...  torn from your homelands as well?"
[22:31] <Leets> "Not ours exactly, but yes."
[22:32] <Jan> "We have important information that may interest your people, so we came with the minister from Baron today."
[22:32] <Dracos> "Yes, Lord Brambard." The rotund diplomat respond.  "Our king, Lord Cecil of Baron, would like to extend his hand in friendship to our new neighbors..." He began, going over a bit of the details of such.
[22:35] <Dracos> The elf responded in kind.  "Such an agreement...would perhaps serve us well.  What information do you bring?"
[22:35] <Jan> "We know about the nature of the world."
[22:36] <Dracos> "You know the reason why this land is dead?"  The elf asked in a serious tone.
[22:38] <Jan> "It's a patchwork world with a demon as its basis. It draws in bits and pieces of other worlds to it."
[22:39] <Jan> "My friends and I are on a mission to bring this world back to life, and trying to help wherever we can."
[22:39] <Dracos> "So... It has torn Ymir from our homeland and brought it here?"
[22:39] <Dracos> The elf matched eyes with him for a moment, judging, measuring... looking to him with the wisdom of ages of experience.
[22:40] <Jan> "Essentially." Jan nodded, meeting the elf's eyes with the truth.
[22:41] <Jan> "We can fix it, but it's a long road ahead of us. We already have a key to bring the world back to life. There's four more left."
[22:42] <Dracos> "I sense no dishonesty in your spirit.  You may  return to your king and know that while we will not allow encroachments into Ymir...neither shall we show hostility to the people of baron.  His messangers and representatives will be welcomed here and we shall do what we can to aid in our survival in this world."
[22:44] <Dracos> The minister nodded.  "And equally so shall the people of baron show friendship to the elves of Ymir."  He formally responded.
[22:44] <Jan> "Thank you, Sir Brambard." Jan smiled, and exited the cabin with Leets while they left the Minister to hammer the details out with Brambard.
[22:45] <Jan> He walked up to a nearby elf. "Excuse me, I need to resupply. Could you please tell us where the item shop is located?"
[22:45] <Dracos> A green haired young boy. "Over there." He pointed to a shop.
[22:47] <Jan> "Thank you kindly."
[22:47] <Jan> He led the way to the item shop, and quickly located the pink haired woman Arche mentioned. "Excuse me, ma'am?" He spoke up while they were still near the door to keep from spooking her.
[22:48] <Dracos> "Please, come in." She smiled. "Humans?"  Her eyes widened a bit in surprise. "It's been many many years since the last time I saw any such around here."
[22:50] <Leets> "Yes, well, I suppose it would be difficult if you didn't know there was an elf village here," Leets said jokingly as he introduced himself. "I'm Leets by the way."
[22:51] <Dracos> "Good day, Leets.  I'm Miranda and this is my shop."
[22:53] <Jan> "My name is Jan Smith. Hopefully you'll see more humans around, we've recently helped a union form between your village and the kingdom of Baron."
[22:53] <Dracos> "ah...ambassadors?"
[22:55] <Leets> "No, just guides." Hesitating for a moment, Leets then changes topics. "We have a message for you from a Miss Arche Klein. Is that name familiar?" he asked cautiously.
[22:57] <Dracos> Her eyes widened noticibly. "Come in." She waved them closer, gesturing to keep their voices down.
[22:57] <Jan> Jan nodded and shut the door behind them as he drew closer to Miranda. He pulled out the scroll from his pack and handed it to the pink haired woman.
[22:58] <Jan> He gestured for Leets to pull back a respectable distance from her even as he did so as well. From her reaction this was most likely an intensely private moment.
[22:59] <Jan> "She's our friend. Helped us out a while back." The negotiator briefly explained their relationship for the woman.
Well, Goodbye.


[21:19] <Dracos> She nodded.  "My thanks..." Her voice was sharp with emotion as she was reading the letter.
[21:23] <Dracos> "C-can I get anything for you to thank you?" She closed it.
[21:24] <Jan> "No, but if you'd like, we can take a letter back to her."
[21:24] * Mary nods.
[21:24] <Mary> "I'd reckon she'd like that."
[21:26] <Dracos> She nodded, tears coming to her eyes. "Thank you...Thank you. I'll have it ready soon." She pulled out paper, starting to write.
[21:29] <Jan> "No need to rush. We'll be back soon since we have other stuff to do. Take your time to compose the letter."
[21:30] * Jan gestured for the others to follow as he wandered towards the exit. "We'll drop by in a few hours, if that's alright with you."
[21:31] <Leets> "It was nice meeting you, ma'am," Leets said, offering a parting wave before exitting after Jan.
[21:32] <Dracos> She nodded, her hand penning forth a letter fiercely.
[21:32] * Mary tips his hat to her and follows the group out.
[21:32] <Felix> "Indeed," Felix agrees with the young one as he gives a polite bow to the distracted lady before following the others.
[21:32] <Dracos> They stepped out into the village, the warm noontime sun warming their backs.
[21:36] <Leets> "How long do you suppose those negotiations are going to take?" Leets asked conversationally, studying the village more closely since he didn't need to sneak around. Yet.
[21:36] <Dracos> "Well, knowing diplomats, they could take days." Fizban supposed boredly.
[21:37] <Mary> "So... Drinkin'?"
[21:38] * Felix ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[21:38] <Jan> "We have to go talk to..." Jan started, looking over at the woods pointedly.
[21:38] * Felix ( has joined #wasteland
[21:40] <Leets> "Besides, isn't it a little early for drinking?" Leets interjected drolly, trying to keep a straight face.
[21:40] <Jan> "It's never too early to drink."
[21:40] <Mary> "Damn right, Jan."
[21:41] <Leets> "I'll get back to you about that in six years."
[21:41] <Dracos> "Now, now...don't tease the lad," Fizban good naturedly added.
[21:43] <Leets> "Let's just go. Maybe we'll be lucky and their guards are all at the negotiations."
[21:45] * Jan ( Quit (Connection reset by peer)
[21:47] * Jan ( has joined #wasteland
[21:47] * Leets shakes his head ruefully, but still taking in the teasing with some amusement as he followed the path to Origin.
[21:47] * Mary follows after, not really having anything else to do.
[21:49] <Dracos> The guards were there, but after some skillful wordplay, the party was through and heading to Origin's tablet.
[21:49] <Dracos> They soon arrived in the clearing, just as before.
[21:50] <Jan> Walking up to the monolith in the center, Jan brandished the diamond ring.
[21:52] <Dracos> Nothing happened.
[21:52] <Jan> Sword powered up since SNES Kirby
[21:52] <Felix> ooc - bad Jan
[21:55] <Dracos> OOC: Strike accidental line
[21:55] * Felix moves towards the monolith and once again reads the inscription on it.
[21:57] <Dracos> As before the earth shook, a glow filling the clearing...a blinding flash... and then floating before them was the dwarf king, Origin, as mighty as ever.
[21:57] <Dracos> "To what purpose do you call me forth?" The dwarf's eyes roamed over them.
[21:58] <Jan> "We wish to forge a contract with you. We've brought the diamond ring you requested."
[22:01] <Dracos> The spirit went silent, considering.  "By pacts of old, such a right may be claimed.  Are you prepared to face the challenge?" He intoned.
[22:02] <Leets> "What kind of challenge do you mean, precisely?" Leets asked warily.
[22:04] <Dracos> "The rite of combat.  You must show your will and ferocity in battle.  To conquer over all and merit my strength added to yours."
[22:05] * Mary sighs.
[22:05] * Mary begins checking the rounds in his pistols.
[22:08] * Leets considers, then checked over his own weapons as well, making sure the swords were unbounded and his guns were loaded, as well as taking Pandora's box out of his bag so it wouldn't weigh him down.
[22:10] <Jan> Jan merely clenched his right hand as he moved away from the rest of the group. With a massive explosion, the earth beneath him gathered towards his human body.
[22:15] * Felix looks over to everyone seeming ready for battle and nods to the spirit, himself ready for this challenge. "We'll take your challenge then."
[22:17] <Dracos> "Old one."  He pointed at Fizban towards the back of the group.  "You may not participate.  Only these four."
[22:17] <Dracos> Fizban looked old as he glanced at the others and grimly nodded, standing to the side.
[22:20] <Dracos> The god stretched out his arms, his hands suddenly in each of them, there was a wicked looking blade, each a different style and hue, but each looking equally deadly and devestating.
[22:21] <Dracos> "So it is met.  Come and show me your determination." He clashed two of them together, lightning striking out in waves from him, twisting about the clearing towards the party in a twisting web.
[22:23] * Leets ( has left #wasteland
[22:23] * Mary tries to jump out of the way of the lightning, while drawing a pistol and snapping off four rounds at the God.
[22:23] * Leets ( has joined #wasteland
[22:24] <Jan> Jan reared back and with a massive fist sent tons of debris into the air to muffle the force of the lightning as he moved close to Origin.
[22:26] <Dracos> The rings around the god spun, the bullets tinging as they struck the swiftly spinning metal, the god flashing forward to meet Jan's wall, the lightnining glancing off the earthen barrier...which moments later was penetrated by a fierce blade, twisting with tremendous strength and striking through, another swinging rapidly towards Jan's torso.
[22:26] * Felix wraps his cape around himself, vanishing in a cloud of smoke, and reappearing in another burst of smoke some distance behind the spirit, hoping to catch it by surprise with...something. Once he thinks of it.
[22:30] <Jan> Smashing one fist into the ground, the golem was suddenly elevated as the earth beneath it suddenly rose in a rapidly crumbling pillar. Taking the opportunity, the golem leapt from its platform, right arm rearing back. The sound of turbines whirled through the clearing as the piston drew back.
[22:32] * Leets drew out his recent acquisition, the scimitar feeling odd in his hands as he unsheathed the magical sword. Now how did it work again? he wondered rhetorically, trying to familiarize himself with the weapon's powers.
[22:33] <Dracos> The scimitar glowed, a sheath of hot fire licking around the blade.
[22:34] <Dracos> Twin blades crossed in a guard position, even as the earlier one sliced through the crumbling pillar...the fourth hand suddenly holding a spear which was flicked backwards, heading right towards Felix without missing a beat.
[22:34] * Mary fires his last two rounds at the god's knees, snapping the pistol back into its holster with one hand and flipping his second pistol into the air, catching it and firing off two more rounds at the opposite knee.
[22:37] * Felix swears as the spirit apparently was not distracted by his disappearing act, and jumps to the side as the spear heads for his former spot, holding tightly on to his hat with one hand lest it flies off, while his other hand releases a quickly cast dazzle spell at the spirit.
[22:40] <Dracos> One bullet got through his spinning rings, striking into the clothed flesh.
[22:41] <Jan> With an ominous click, the piston finished drawing back as Jan reared back and struck from above, right fist flying towards the god's face.
[22:43] <Dracos> The swords caught it, ringing loudly as the god was driven back, the blades buckling but holding before the tremendous assault, a glow of energy sufusing the ancient spirit as he blocked the assault.
[22:43] <Leets> He watched the god's movements, trying to get an understanding of its strategy. Moving quickly while three of its arms were occupied with Jan and Felix, Leets charged in fast and low, swinging the flaming sword upward towards the god.
[22:45] <Dracos> The blade struck through, slashing a searing mark against the god's strong arm before the freed hand came up, swinging swiftly in an uppercut and sending a very dazed leets flying up and back through the air to land on his back several feet back.
[22:47] * Leets grunted, blinking stars from his vision as he registered the blow. "Ow," he muttered, tongue probing to make sure no teeth were missing. That'd probably teach him to forget the range of his opponent.
[22:48] * Mary snaps his gun into the air, sending it end over end and and catching it behind his back, sending the remaining four rounds at the god's eyes, two towards each eyeball.
[22:49] <Jan> The golem suddenly pressed its attack by unleashing the stored pressure in the right arm, a massive blast of force and air blasting forth from in between the knuckles of the fist that was smashed up against the god's defense.
[22:52] <Dracos> The god was launched backwards rapidly, floating in the air, the sudden motion resulting in all of Mary's shots being clear misses.  His arms swung around, suddenly holding throwing axes that looked devestatingly sharp, flinging them forward towards the landed Jan with great speed.
[22:53] <Jan> The golem raised its forearms to block the axes with the shields on the front of the arms, not capable of much else with its relative lack of speed.
[22:54] <Dracos> Jan feels, surprisingly, pain as the axes dig into the shielded parts of his arms catching deeply into the metal.
[22:57] <Felix> With Origin currently focusing more on the others, Felix takes the time to concentrate a bit more, before releasing a burst of lightning from his fingers towards the god's head.
[23:02] <Leets> Recovered enough that he was no longer seeing double, Leets switched weapons to the Masamune; the holy weapon fitting in his hands more comfortably then the flame sword. Once again, while the god was concentrating on Jan, Leets moved in for another strike, though was more cautious for the god's extra limbs as he stabbed with the intent of disabling at least one of them.
[23:05] <Dracos> The blast of lightning struck the back of his head as he spun around, his attention clearly gotten this time...though not for the best as the spirit closed its hands suddenly around four large warhammers, arms spinning around rapidly as it charged toward Felix directly.  Leets' strike rang out as he tried to get through, the angle wrong on that strike as the god moved away from him towards Felix.
[23:07] <Jan> The golem stumbled before wrenching an axe out of the armored gauntlets on its arms. It rushed after the god, and suddenly concentrated as he willed several pillars to rise up between the rampaging deity and the mage.
[23:09] * Felix once again, holding his hat, starts using his feet and moving, trying to stay out of reach of Origin's weapons, and hoping another person gets his attention again.
[23:09] * Mary snaps enough bullets to reload both of his pistols out of his belt, tossing them into the air as he draws his second pistol, snapping both cylinders open and catching each round into a chamber in mid air before snapping the cylinders closed.
[23:11] <Leets> Leets scowled, adjusting himself as he tried to repeat his last attack.
[23:16] <Dracos> Felix moved fast...but not quite fast enough as a hammer clipped his side, sending him flying hard to slam against a tree, feeling like at least a few of his ribs were broken, blood flecking at his lips.
[23:16] <Dracos> The god twisted, somehow catching leets sword against a warhammer shortly after.
[23:17] <Dracos> The pillars were devestated in the king's wake, each smashed to pieces by the swiftly spinning hammers.
[23:19] * Mary grinds his teeth and snaps one pistol into the air, flipping end over end and takes careful aim with the other, using both hands to steady his aim and fires two rounds, one at each eye again, before catching the airborn pistol again.
[23:21] * Leets twisted, his sword slipping free from the hammer to slash at the hand holding the hammer.
[23:22] <Dracos> Fizban moved over, trying to pull Felix from the fight gently, looking grim as he watched the battle.
[23:22] <Jan> Having finally caught up to where the melee was going on, the golem moved around Origin and slashed with twin axes, aiming for the deity's back.
[23:23] * Felix grits his teeth in pain, as he casts a minor calming spell on himself, not enough to make him oblivious to the danger, but at least to the pain and how badly he must be off.
[23:25] <Dracos> Mary's bullets slipped through the rings...but encountered something, hitting against some sort of glow as they went through.
[23:26] <Dracos> The blade met blade, driving the god briefly backwards as he adjusted, pulling back and darting around the clearing, circling the adventurers, Jan's axes leaving sharp cuts in the metal rings as they spun, a glow again appearing as the blows hit.
[23:28] * Felix is now known as Merc-zonked-out
[23:30] * Mary snaps his pistols out as he rolls across the ground, trying to get behind some cover and firing four rounds at the god's knees again, two to each.
[23:32] <Dracos> The rounds slam into a shield that forms between the god's lower hands.
[23:44] <Leets> Familiar ground. Leets freed himself, then tried for a feint to lure the god's defense away before twisting for a slash in the opposite direction.
[23:50] <Jan> The golem twisted and helped Leets in attacking the god by slashing with the axes, bodily getting in Leets way as he gestured for room from the boy.
[23:51] <Leets> Catching the gesture, Leets retreated to a safe distance to catch his breath.
[23:52] <Dracos> The god grunted as an axe got through, his guard for Leets blow misplaced to block the axes as leets pulled back, his body turning as Jan was suddenly hammered with a pair of maces, rock smashin blows dizzyingg him as they struck.
[23:52] * Mary continues firing, aiming his shots for the God's face.
[23:53] * Leets drops his sword and exchanges them for his guns, adding his own shots with Mary's.
[23:54] <Dracos> The glows intensified as shot after shot rang into the god working fast and hard to bring the golem down.
[23:55] <Jan> The golem stumbled backwards, falling to a knee as it thrust its right fist into the ground, the piston coming down with a roar.  The earth below the god erupting upwards in razor shard chunks.
Session Time: Sun May 28 00:00:00 2006
[00:01] <Dracos> The chunks tore into Origin, his clothes and lower body actually showing wounds and tears as it glowed, holding together, dust and rock filling the air and obscuring both the wrathful god and that golem.  Leets saw something lift above the darkness... and then Jan felt a tremendous blow rack his head...followed by darkness as he fell unconscious, transforming back to normal...the cloud fading revealing an angry looking god, his rings slowly and waveringly spinning around him as he held the biggest hammer they'd ever seen in two strong hands.
[00:01] <Dracos> Jan reverted back to normal as consciousness fled him on the ground.
[00:02] <Dracos>  rings slowly and waveringly spinning around him as he held the biggest hammer they'd ever seen in two strong hands.
[00:02] * Mary snaps his pistols out and fires his remaining rounds at the god's hands, hoping to make him drop the weapon.
[00:04] <Dracos> The rings spun in the way, deflecting the bullets with a glow as the god turned towards them, the hammer vanishing before their eyes as two mighty blades formed in his hands.
[00:06] * Leets frowned as he watched the rings, repacking the guns and retrieving his sword. "Can you keep him distracted?" he muttered to Mary.
[00:07] <Mary> "I can try. He's brushin' my rounds off like nothin'."
[00:07] * Mary snaps fresh ammo into his pistols and readies himself.
Well, Goodbye.


[20:31] <Dracos> Origin lifted his blades, bringing them clashing together and sending another web of lightning their way.
[20:34] * Shukuen_ ( has joined #wasteland
[20:35] * Mary dives behind whatever cover he can, firing his pistols as he tumbles through the air, hits the ground in a shoulder roll, and skids to a halt, pistols firing the last of his six shots, three from each pistol.
[20:35] * Leets ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[20:35] * Shukuen_ is now known as Leets
[20:38] <Leets> Leets circled Origin, moving away from Mary's position until he was on the opposite side. There, he moved in to strike, testing the god's defenses as Mary fired.
[20:45] <Dracos> Leets was forced to dive and weave as the lightning struck out.  Mary nearly getting zapped as he dove for the ground, 5 of his six shots slamming into the god as he rushed Mary, a foot lashing out at his head.
[20:48] * Mary springs into a forward hand stand, flipping up and attempting to land on the God's incomming foot, bending his legs to absorb the impact, and trying to fire his remaining six shots into the ankle.
[20:49] <Leets> Recovering from his near frantic dodging, Leets dove in closer to the god and added his own attack, stabbing upwards towards the floating deity.
[20:50] <Dracos> The God howeld in wrath, all six connecting as twin powerful uppercuts smashed into Mary's chin...darkness and stars filling his vision as he slammed upward and collapsed.  The god seemed to waver as he twisted around Leets attack, two blades meeting Leets' one.
[20:52] <Dracos> the god moved forward and up, rising out of leets reach and turning to face him.
[20:54] * Leets backed out of the god's immediate range, catching his breath and trying to plan his next move.
[20:55] <Dracos> The god seemed to be doing the same, his rings wavering a bit as he focused.
[21:01] <Dracos> "It ends now."  Origin intoned, two other swords forming as a burst of lightning flew at Leets, the god following, ready to strike him down where he dodged.
[21:04] <Leets> Scowling, Leets leapt backwards, trying to put some distance between himself and the lightning. His grip on his weapon shifting in preparation to strike at Origin if he couldn't dodge the god's following blow.
[21:07] <Dracos> The lightning arc'ed towards him, continuing on and striking him, sending him dazedly back as the god closed striking rapidly from four different angles.
[21:09] * Jan ( Quit (Connection reset by peer)
[21:09] * Velsper (Velsper@ has joined #wasteland
[21:09] * Velsper is now known as Jan
[21:13] <Leets> Leets winced, his vision blurring and ears ringing from the electric shock. He managed to recover enough to see the god's four arms coming for him; and with some conscious effort, charged forwards, between Origin's outreaching arms to stab towards the god's chest.
[21:16] <Dracos> His blade yanked him forward, aiding in the blow, even as the god parried it hard, a blade smashing apart to knock his aside to his shoulder, actually wincing before Leets eyes, glowing 'stuff' floating off...  and then there was pain...then darkness.
[21:16] <Dracos> ----
[21:17] <Dracos> Jan awoke with a pounding headache, the feeling of soft grass against him, his body sore, but alive as he heard nearby crickets chirp.
[21:19] <Jan> The negotiator slowly rose, mindful of his head as he took care looking around them.
[21:21] <Dracos> Felix was just waking up, propped against a tree, his whole left side of his ribcage feeling like it should be dust and broken bone fragments, but somehow all intact.  Fizban was tending gently to him.  Near Jan, Mary and leets were slowly recovering as well, Leets clothes torn where deadly slashes must have hit, but other than soreness, both were alive.
[21:21] <Dracos> Hovering near the tablet was a mostly revitalized looking Origin, as the night sky hung above them.
[21:22] * Mary grunts as he sits up, shaking his head.
[21:22] <Mary> "Fucker kicks harder'n a mule.."
[21:23] <Felix> "Well, from the looks of you all, I'm going to assume you didn't win after I went unconscious..." Felix says wrily.
[21:23] <Jan> "We weren't good enough."
[21:24] <Dracos> Mary had what felt like a migrane...and he regretted his quick motion and shaking his head for a few moments after doing them.
[21:24] <Leets> "He was a god," Leets said pointedly from where he lay. He'll get up. Later.
[21:24] <Dracos> "No, you were not." Origin intoned.  "Your strength is not enough."  He sounded oddly not final in such.
[21:27] <Dracos> "But your determination was strong.  I stand impressed by such, and as such I shall grant ye a boon."
[21:27] <Dracos> "I will allow you to summon me one time, by contract, as a tribute to the determination you have shown.  When in need, hold up the ring that you have brought and call for my aid by name."
[21:28] <Dracos> His eyes glowed...the ring matching as it seemed warm before he vanished.
[21:32] <Felix> " least I didn't get my ribs caved in for nothing," Felix finally says in the silence they're all left under.
[21:34] <Dracos> With that the clearing flashed...the god vanishing without another word, the warm ring falling to the ground.
[21:34] * Mary grunts and stands up.
[21:35] <Mary> "I think it's time fer some sleep."
[21:35] * Mary staggers a bit where he stands.
[21:36] <Jan> "Argh." Jan once again chose to stand! He promptly regretted it as his vision went blurry for a second. "C'mon..." He walked over to Felix to help him up.
[21:36] <Leets> "Please tell me we don't have to do that with the next god we meet," Leets muttered, pushing himself up and ignoring the way his muscles were rioting against the movement.
[21:37] <Mary> "You plannin' on meetin' more gods?"
[21:37] * Mary snorts.
[21:37] <Dracos> Fizban already was helping felix. "Give yourselves a moment."
[21:37] <Leets> "Considering just where we are, I don't doubt a god will be meeting us next."
[21:38] <Jan> "Who knows." The negotiator ignored Fizban's words as he stubbornly went to help Leets up.
[21:42] <Leets> The young thief would have gladly accepted the aid, if he could convince his arms weren't going to fall off by lifting them off the ground. "How long were we...?" he gestured to the tablet with his eyes. Pretty much the only thing that wasn't sore or numb.
[21:43] <Dracos> "A few hours." The old man responded.
[21:43] <Mary> "Beer?"
[21:44] <Dracos> "I've none on me...but maybe the elves will oblige."
[21:44] <Mary> "Beer."
[21:44] * Mary pointing back towards the village.
[21:45] * Mary starts stumbling down the path towards the village.
[21:45] * Leets rolled his eyes at their gunner's one-tracked mind. "Bed," he corrected half-heartedly, finally managing to stand.
[21:47] <Jan> The negotiator beared his headache since the others were much worse off as he helped Fizban carry Felix back to the village.
[21:48] <Dracos> -----
[21:49] <Dracos> The next day, a sore, but significantly improved in being alive party assembled in the inn.
[21:56] <Jan> "Why didn't he want you joining the fight, Fizban?"
[21:56] <Dracos> The old man closed his eyes tiredly. "It is not my place to interfere."
[21:59] <Jan> "That's pretty weird, considering you've been helping us out so far."
[22:02] <Dracos> "I have...  and I didn't mean in such a general sense...  I simply couldn't help there...  It is something I wish you would not pry at...a memory of a past time.  Needless to say, you can trust that I am with you." His eyes briefly clear.
[22:06] <Leets> "Well, I think we've stuck around long enough, how about we get back on that quest of ours then?'
[22:08] <Jan> "Felix needs to rest more, I think. Besides, this way we can escort the diplomats back to Baron before continuing on. Maybe Cid can help us maintain the car when we get back."
[22:12] <Mary> "Mm.. We still need ta pick up that letter."
[22:12] <Dracos> "Can't forget the letters...I remember a man from...whosky I think it was in the high mountains."  Fizban rambled.
[22:16] <Jan> "I'm the one least beat up from the fight with Origin, so I'll go get it."
[22:16] * Jan rose from his seat and started off to recover the letter.
[22:18] <Dracos> She was ready when he arrived, giving him a bag and the letter.  "Your kindness will be remembered."
[22:21] <Jan> "Huh? What's the bag for, miss?" Taking the letter carefully in one hand, he held the bag awkwardly in the other. "You don't need to worry about it. Ms. Klein's a friend."
[22:23] <Dracos> It feels a bit heavy, jingling. "For you.  A little thanks."
[22:25] <Jan> "Oh...well, thank you kindly, ma'am." Jan wasn't about to turn down anything given to him so insistently.
[22:26] <Jan> "I'll make sure it gets back to her. Have a good day." Jan nodded at the pink haired thankfully before stepping out and headed back to the inn.
[22:27] <Dracos> The others were waiting outside for him.
[22:35] <Mary> "Ready? I'd rather get this over'n done with, an' relax fer a few days."
[22:36] <Dracos> ----
[22:37] <Dracos> They arrived back in Baron without incident, the diplomatic party being welcomed back and leaving them at the inn to report to the king.
[22:41] <Jan> "I wish we could abuse the black hole in Pandora's Box in a fight." Jan mused out loud. "But I guess dragging a god into another dimension wouldn't work."
[22:41] <Leets> "Not to mention we wouldn't be able to use the box anymore."
[22:42] <Dracos> "That'd probably wreck Yomi's home."
[22:44] <Jan> "Should we check on the royals now? Or should we see if Cid might mind helping us maintain the car."
[22:47] <Leets> "Cid works the royals, doesn't he? Why not just do both while we're there?'
Well, Goodbye.


[21:13] <Jan> "Sure, why not. May as well get that done." The negotiator admitted.
[21:20] <Leets> "Come on, let's go while they're talking with those ambassadors." Leets said, rolling his eyes in a put-upon manner, and making his way towards the castle. From pick pocket to politician. Oi vey.
[21:21] <Dracos> Mary begged off, having his fill of politicians for the moment and went off to hunt down some good ale.
[21:21] <Dracos> The rest  of the group made their way to the royal castle, where after a short delay they were granted an audience with the king.
[21:24] <Dracos> "Allies, you come once again before me.  Tales of your success preceed you."
[21:25] <Jan> "It was a worthwhile trip afterall. Thank you for offering us the opportunity to go along with your diplomats, your highness."
[21:27] <Dracos> "We appreciate what you have done for Baron."
[21:29] <Jan> "It's quite alright, your highness. We'll be heading out to the west soon in search of another starstone, but while we're gone, is there anything we could do for you?"
[21:31] <Dracos> "No, though I appreciate your candor...  I think it would be best if you continue your quest.  It is of great importance and I doubt anyone else is as equipped for handling it."
[21:32] * Felix ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[21:33] <Leets> "Actually, sire, if it isn't too much trouble, I'd like to ask for some time for additional sword training."
[21:33] * Jan looks over at Leets. "Eager to start getting ready for the rematch?"
[21:37] * Leets mutters under his breath, before adding outloud: "I don't like being useless."
[21:43] <Dracos> "Well, I can't personally train you there, but that can be arranged.  Sorry, but too much work running things and I don't have time for a student."
[21:46] <Dracos> "Anything else?"
[21:46] <Leets> "It is for me, but I don't know about the others."
[21:48] <Jan> "Thank you for the assistance, your highness."
[21:48] <Dracos> They were lead out following that, leets taken aside and lead to meet his new sword instructor.
Well, Goodbye.