
"If it has HP, we can kill it."

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COR Headquarters

Started by Dracos, August 28, 2002, 05:54:25 PM

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"Aye Aten...  it has been a long time.  Those two are from a parallel world to your own."

Fearless Leader
Well, Goodbye.


"Yeah. I seen their kill count since they began their mission." Aten shook his head sadly. "I really pity whatever world they originated from."

"But enough about that, I see that you seemed to have settled down here." Aten leaned forward, slight curiousity on his features. "So tell me, did you ever find whatever it was you were looking for?"


"Yes.  And that is why I called you here.  As you know, I came to the conclusion that there is no world for us.  But in this world, already destined for destruction in the normal course of events...  perhaps we can challenge fate.  For us, bereft of a real place to call home, we can forge one."

Fearless Leader
Well, Goodbye.


Aten smirked slightly. It seemed as if the years hadn't changed old Dracos in the least. "Hmm, two old misfits we be, eh comrade?" He chuckled a bit, standing up. "Well, it was nice talking to you. Really cleared up my mind."

Walking out the office, Aten replaced his helmet, then called back before leaving. "If you're ever in the mood for a quick spar, tell me. It'll be just like the old days, testing our skills and all." Shrugging, he left the office.


Kanban was worried... the liquid had filled the tube, and he was running out of air.  They couldn't possibly mean to kill him, right?

They say that you can read a person's thoughts by thier eyes...  His were saying, "HELP ME!!!!"
What sort of madness will I create today?"


Eventually, kanban's lungs could hold it no more...  mouth opening he took a breath of the liquid...

and found he could breath it.  The transculent liquid not harming him in the least... though he felt...oddly sleepy.

His body went numb as the nanomachines began to work, altering his dna on the most basic level.  Slowly his form began to soften, his masculinity disappearing as he became completely female.  The nanomachines were then drained from the tube, which opened with a hiss moments later.

"You are finished, Miss Musume."

Fearless Leader
Well, Goodbye.


Kanban stumbled out of the tube, her walk a little shaky because of the change in weight distribution...

"I can't believe it... After all these years..."

Kanban quickly picked up her clothes and put them back on, the motion sickness from earlier forgotten...

"Thank you so much... is there anything else you need with me?"
What sort of madness will I create today?"


"Nope.  Just go back to your room.  Dracos will be having a briefing on your first mission early tommorow morning."

Fearless Leader
Well, Goodbye.


Kanban grinned and gave Rei a thumbs up as she walked out the door...

"I'm so gonna get laid..."

Turning a left, she sweatdropped at the endless hall of labs, and winced.

"Never'll find anyone here..."

Turning around, she finally saw a guide sign!  It pointed to the bar, docks, and barracks...

Without hesitation, she headed for the bar.
What sort of madness will I create today?"


Stepping into the bar, Kanban took a seat and put her feet on one of the tables...

"Attention... it's all about the attention..."
What sort of madness will I create today?"


A thirty year old blue haired woman stood behind the bar, serving the few soldiers here in their off hours.  Her pale skin accented her deep blue eyes.

Fearless Leader
Well, Goodbye.


Kanban sighed and walked to the bar, taking a seat a stool...

"Can I get a Bloody Mary?" she asked the barkeep.
What sort of madness will I create today?"


"Sure gal." The bartender replied, turning and quickly making the new woman one.  She slid it in front of Kanban and went back to cleaning a mug.

Fearless Leader
Well, Goodbye.


Kanban grabbed the glass and took a small sip, smiling contently as the drink slid across her taste buds.  "Enjoy it while you can girl... you won't in the morning."  she said to herself.

Looking towards the soldiers, she asked, "Having fun over there?"
What sort of madness will I create today?"


A broad chested, though short, older man with a long nose and black hair turned to her smiling.  "Yes, I am...though, it could always get better."

Fearless Leader
Well, Goodbye.