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Adventure 9.1:

Started by Carthrat, April 14, 2006, 07:50:14 AM

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[01:57] * @Saul sits somewhere in the vaunted mage guild library, toying slightly with the recently-identified ring, 'lent' to him by Elaine. Frowning for a moment, he briefly sets it aside, returning to poring over tomes relating to magical beasts.
[01:57] * @Saul has nearby a map of the area surrounding Paxburg and a few texts relating to the history of the area, hoping to turn up a likely location where a magical creature, complete with feathers, quills, or what-have-you can be found.
[01:58] <@Kotono> OOC - Go ahead and make an Intelligence check here. Since you have a reasonable magical library, no mod. However, do note the cost of this.
[01:58] <@Saul> roll 1d20
[01:58] * Saul sets mode: +o Serith
[01:58] <@Saul> roll 1d20
[01:58] * @Serith bats the dice around, getting a roll for Saul : [ 1d20=14 ]{14}
[01:59] <@Saul> OOC: Passed. Cost is 5 silver, i.e. negligable, right? Bah and your bookeeping
[02:01] <@Kotono> After a few hours of research, Saul has a few promising leads. It's known that cocatrices and pyrotricies are occasionally found on the rocky sea cliffs near Paxburg. Not common due to hunting and being rare to begin with, but they are known of. A pheonix is mentioned to be said to live somewhere in the vast Dwarven mountains to the northwest. Those are your best two leads offhand.
[02:03] * @Saul frowns. A cockatrice is probably the last thing he wants to tangle with, and while a phoenix sounds less.. lethal.. than the fearsome birds, Saul really has no idea if he could even find it, let alone convince it to give up a feather. Nonetheless, one lead will be followed in time.
[02:04] <@Saul> Setting aside those books for now, he pulls over another pile of books and essays, commencing research on another topic of interest- that of the binding of a familiar. Back when he was studying, his mentor had one.. and he never did share his secrets with Saul, in the end.
[02:04] <@Kotono> OOC - Int check again.
[02:04] <@Saul> roll 1d20
[02:04] * @Serith bats the dice around, getting a roll for Saul : [ 1d20=15 ]{15}
[02:05] <@Saul> OOC - Pass again. *stabs checks in general*
[02:05] <@Kotono> OOC <_<
[02:07] <@Kotono> A few more hours of research nets more information. This has been the fourth hour of study(Remember, it's an hourly rate, as I recall.), more fragments netted. Familiars - such powerful but rare beasts. A soul bond is created, elevating both in theory. The spell is not overly difficult, but the preparation is bothersome. It requires a good sum of money spent on herbs and insense, but the results are likely to succeed.
[02:07] * @Saul tsks, frowing over the necessary costs, quickly assessing what they would consist of.
[02:09] <@Kotono> OOC - Apprasal check.
[02:09] <@Saul> roll 1d20 !@$!@$
[02:09] * @Serith bats the dice around, getting a roll for Saul : [ 1d20=5 ]{5}
[02:09] <@Saul> OOC - Pass.
[02:10] <@Kotono> Probably at least a few hundred Griffons, debatable dependin gon local prices. It won't be cheap, but...ooh, that's right. If Chimar sells those, and...oh yes. 500 GP if one does it well.
[02:12] <@Saul> "With the gems, it should do," frowns Saul, thinking of the three gems sitting back in the Broken Bow. Saul takes many notes on the preperation and a recipe list, deciding that in the end, his first order of business will be to sell the gems and attempt to summon a familiar. In terms of power, there is no simpler route.. though, Saul reminds himself harshly, there is a price to be paid, as with all things.
[02:13] <@Saul> Slowly, he returns his pile of tomes to the proper place on the shelves, before toying with the ring- and, after casting a quick spell (Protection from Evil on self), slips it onto his finger with baited breath!
[02:17] <@Kotono> It is worth noting he'll need the actual spell procured. Perhaps this is the right place to sell or look? But so is put aside as Saul casts Protection from Evil! The ring slips on his finger! There is a feeling - his mind expands slightly, the ring seeping in. It's not to his normal mind, but a well twisted and trained segment of his intellect feels broader. Open. Ready to be filled.
[02:18] * @Saul smiles to himself, fears dismissed as his.. potential.. increases. Putting away the last book, he heads through the guild to the counter, one last piece of business here in mind.
[02:19] <@Kotono> A drawn old man keeps the desk - a fussy clerk, reading from a vast book as Saul approaches. "Aaah. Saul. That was four hours." So noting as he looks up, "Was your time well spent?"
[02:20] <@Saul> "Indeed, I learned much," replies Saul, producing a small pouch for the man. "There's one thing I'd like you to do for me, though- I've acquired a spellbook which I have no further use for. Naturally, however, I am sure others have interest in it, and I'd like to make my willingness to deal with it known."
[02:22] <@Kotono> "Mmmm. Yes. You wish to trade this book?" Closing his tome and looking up, fussing over his gray robes as he does, "Do you wish to barter or sell?"
[02:23] <@Saul> "Either is acceptable," replies Saul. "The book contains one spell I had not heard of before; I have a list of the details here," he says, producing a couple of sheafs of prachment. "If the guild itself is interested..."
[02:25] <@Kotono> So he skims the pages, making a few notes on his own paper. "Mm hmmm. Hmmm. I see. Yes, this is an interesting spell of reasonable potency. We may be interested in procuring this spell - or barring that, the entire book. Are you interested in such an inquiry?"
[02:27] <@Saul> "Indeed," replies Saul. "By my own judgement, the entire book is worth several thousand gold- however, there are numerous spells I am looking to acquire for myself, so I would be interested in making arrangements."
[02:27] <@Kotono> "Mmmm.  Yes. If you would wait?" So starting to rise, "Sir Proctor is in, and he will be more than willing to discuss this matter."
[02:28] <@Saul> "Certainly."
[02:28] <@Kotono> So left, Saul waits a good ten minutes for the clerk's return. He comes back in, gesturing Saul to follow.
[02:28] * @Saul follows after the cleric, making a mental list of things he is interested in.
[02:30] <@Saul> OOC: Clerk.
[02:30] <@Saul> OOC: -_-
[02:34] <@Kotono> So Saul is lead in back. In manyw ays it is achingly plain. Halls and rooms - yet in others? Symbols are inscribed, oddities at every turn. So it is a mixed blessing when you come to a small personal library. A man with a long white beard and jet black robes sits, reading from a book bound in oynx colored leather, not looking up. "Come, sit." He sits at the only table in the room, wood so dark it borders on black, the only light in this room
[02:35] * @Saul sits down, bowing his head, slightly. "Greetings," he says, glancing around the room, curiously.
[02:36] <@Kotono> Books, books, and books. Each has no title on it's spine, mostly dull and dark colors. "Tell me of what you propose, Saul." His voice is harsh and direct, grating. "So we may move onto the pertinent business."
[02:39] <@Saul> "In raw terms? The complete book is worth at least 4,000," replies Saul, deciding to get straight to the point. "If that is all you wish to deal in. As far as magic goes..." he shrugs. "That's up to you."
[02:47] <@Kotono> "That is not the important matter here. Your recent actions have drawn attention." Waving his hand to dismiss the matter, "Before you went trapizing through the home of an associate."
[02:49] <@Saul> "Then I believe it is up to you to propose something," replies Saul, an edge to his voice. "This home was by any measure abandoned, and were it not for me and my group, the book in question would likely have been left to rot."
[02:53] <@Kotono> "Oh, to the Abyss with this book. I mean your thinly veiled attack on a member in good standing of the Mage's Guild - Ankiroth's home is now a pit of contention between ourselves and the local authorities."
[02:57] <@Saul> "Indeed, and I do hope his standing drops suitably after his guilt is revealed," replies Saul, snorting. "I've more important things to do than discuss the fate of a criminal's property," he adds, standing up. "It seems there's nothing more for us to discuss."
[03:01] <@Kotono> "Go." So not even looking up the entire time, "Be aware of what you have done."
[03:02] <@Saul> "Only what is right," winks Saul, shortly leaving the library and returning to the clerk's desk. "Proctor was not interested in what I had to offer," he remarks. "If you'd leave the details for the perusal of others, I would appreciate it."
[03:03] <@Kotono> "As you wish." Scribbling down further, "I'll send a page if there is interest. Is that all, Saul?"
[03:03] <@Saul> "That will be all. Thank you for your time," says Saul, shortly leaving the guild.
[03:04] <@Saul> OOC: That's all for tonight, I'm gonna go crash.
[19:14] <Annerose> Aww, mouth not outpacing brain after all?
[19:14] <Candide> My brain caught up