
"I sense a soul in search of answers.  I shalt eat him."

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Session 30-4-06

Started by Prince Herb, May 06, 2006, 06:00:03 PM

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Prince Herb

Session Start: Sun Apr 30 18:40:22 2006
Session Ident: #kotb
* Now talking in #kotb
* Prince_Herb is now known as Princess_Herb
* Seriumu ( has joined #kotb
* Seriumu ( Quit (QUIT: )
* Seriumu ( has joined #kotb
* Seriumu ( Quit (Connection reset by peer)
* Seriumu ( has joined #kotb
* Seriumu ( Quit (Connection reset by peer)
* Seriumu ( has joined #kotb
* Rockman_Zero ( has joined #kotb
* banana_man ( has joined #kotb
* Seriumu ( Quit (Connection reset by peer)
* banana_man is now known as Seriumu
* Rockman_Zero is now known as System-lord_Zero
* System-lord_Zero is now known as Rockman_Zero
* Rakhal ( has joined #kotb
<Princess_Herb> When last we saw our heroes, they had just smurfed a group of vicious bandits in the Caves of Chaos, and Celanyth was going through their pockets in a touching scene of devotion.
* Seriumu is now known as Hidoyou
* Rakhal makes a tasteful small shrine.
* Rakhal is now known as Chandor
<Chandor> Chandor does even :)(
<Princess_Herb> Celanyth mutters something about how poor the bandits appear to have been - barely a handful of coins between them.
<Hidoyou> Hidoyou struggles with his wounds.
<Hidoyou> "I suggest retreat for now. We will regroup in town."
<Princess_Herb> Third pokes the dead bodies with her spear to make sure that none of the bandits are faking it
<Hidoyou> "Take any valuble possessions and let's go," Hidoyou says, standing up and heading towards the cave entrance.
<Princess_Herb> thorn blubbers : "But we need to help the nymph clean the water!"
* Chandor warns that if further miscreants arrive, he will not be able to heal anyone, but if we wait the night, he will be able to again.
<Princess_Herb> Aseneth stands back and surveys the scene
<Princess_Herb> "Well," she says, "we can pull back a little way.   The bandits will reinforce their defences, but we know the terrain now."
<Princess_Herb> She follows Hidoyou to the entrance of the cavern.
<Princess_Herb> Celanyth fills a bag with the small amount of coins.
* Rockman_Zero is now known as Mitchigan
<Mitchigan> "Heh, though they may outnumber us, they will be like so much grass before my blade.
<Princess_Herb> Bravely, the party worked their way back to the entrance and out into the sunshine
<Princess_Herb> roll 1d6
* Musk-bot --> "Princess_Herb rolls 1d6 and gets 4."
<Princess_Herb> thorn looks dejected for a bit
* Boo ( has joined #kotb
* Boo is now known as Louie
* Louie is ready to kill goblins
<Princess_Herb> You head back towards the Keep, alert for the presence of bandits or goblins, but none appear
<Princess_Herb> And then, as you round a corner, you see an unusual sight ahead of you...
<Mitchigan> "What the....?"
<Princess_Herb> A man dressed in a suit of studded leather armour stands in the road.
<Princess_Herb> And I do mean a suit
<Princess_Herb> It's cut to resemble civilian wear
<Princess_Herb> Of a particularly outre and ahead-of-the-fashion-curve type
<Princess_Herb> Big shoulders, wide lapels, and all
* Louie polishes his brass knuckles
<Hidoyou> Hidoyou stands in front of the group defensively.
<Louie> Heya Boyz.. Howza goin?
<Mitchigan> "Good morrow sir. What pray tell, would you be doing all the way out here?"
* Mitchigan says, surprised at the strange accent.
<Louie> Wellz, i heard that you were the professional adventuink typez and was lookin to see  if i could join up with ya. I just caught up with ya now
<Hidoyou> Hidoyou examines Louie up and down.
<Mitchigan> "Word indeed travells quickly in these parts."
* Mitchigan mutters, somewhat suspiciously.
<Hidoyou> "Useless. We return to the inn."
<Louie> I gotta strong arm and can handle myself in a scrap. I juzt ask for an equal share
* Mitchigan nods in agreement.
* Chandor examines Louie with a growing frown. "Hmm, we need to do something about your wardrobe."
<Louie> Eh? Dis here is top of the line leather. Best the local armorer can make
<Mitchigan> "It looks like no armor I have ever laid my eyes upon."
<Louie> Ah! Lucky man ya are then, one has always got to look their best. Wether in town or cave
<Chandor> "Ah, but it is not very fashionable. We can probably fix it up though. I have some great patterns we could decorate it with, and we could also add some accessories.
<Louie> Really> I was eyeing some solid gold cuflinks, and getting a silver lined hankerchief for my pocket. Lack of funds do~
<Chandor> Hmm, that is a problem. I must confess to lacking funds myself too. Maybe we can do something about it when we have more funds.
<Louie> I'm not expecting for ya all to swear brotherhood and all right now. Just talk it over and get back to me
<Louie> Juzt leave word with the barkeep at *enter inn here* and i'll get word
* Mitchigan turns to the group
<Princess_Herb> Celanyth shrugs
<Mitchigan> "What say you to this?
<Princess_Herb> thorn wonders if Louie knows anything about water purification treatments
<Princess_Herb> Third says nothing at all
<Louie> Water? Bah.. now i know of a good supplier of higher grade liquids if you know what i mean
<Princess_Herb> Aseneth says : "He looks healthy enough."
<Princess_Herb> Aseneth sneezes
<Hidoyou> Hidoyou continues walking
<Mitchigan> "Although strange in his mannerisms, I sense no ill will from him. He may prove to be a valuble asset."
<Mitchigan> "If only as a huma shield, I suggest we let him join."
<Mitchigan> ^human
* Chandor feels that he can be spruced up in time. With a little extra money.
* Louie grins. "Well glad ta joinz ya all"
<Mitchigan> "Indeed... But understand that even though you may be joining us, you have yet to prove your mettle."
<Louie> "Ya, bash zome gobboe skulls. I can do that"
<Mitchigan> "Myself and my fellow comrades have already fought together, side-by-side in the tick of combat... 'Tis nothing so trivial as merely 'bashing some gobble skulls'. We have risked life and death for each other, and that is a bond not easilly forged."
<Mitchigan> ^thick not tick
<Louie> "Won't be running from any fights thats for sure"
<Princess_Herb> The town is just as you left it, except that a very newly painted merchant's wagon has appeared outside the Green Man.
<Mitchigan> "That remains to be seen. I have a feeling that many harsh trials await us in the near future."
* Chandor investigates the wagon
<Princess_Herb> The gatekeeper feigns surprise at seeing you back so soon.
* Louie follows along with the others
<Mitchigan> "Greetings gatekeeper!"
* Chandor looks for keymaster
* Mitchigan says with a firm nod of his head.
<Princess_Herb> The wagon has wide seats at the front - it can carry several passengers as well as the cargo in the back
<Princess_Herb> There are about 8 barrels in the back of the wagon, stencilled with the name of the contents
<Princess_Herb> "OATS" "APPLES" and so on
* Chandor is disappointed. No fabrics :(
* Louie wanted a gold-plated repeating crossbow
<Mitchigan> "How goeth your day guardsman?"
* Mitchigan asks the gatekeeper.
<Princess_Herb> Sabine the gatekeeper looks up : "It's going well.   Mendel came to town with his wagon, and he brought the new crossbow I ordered."
<Mitchigan> "I see. Congratulations! May your bolts always find the hearts of evil men, and creatures alike!"
<Princess_Herb> "Uh, thanks, I guess" she says
<Mitchigan> "So, has anything of interest happened here while we were gone? I recall there being an incident at one of the houses. Some vile vagarant broke in and terrorised a small child... Has he been caught yet?"
<Princess_Herb> Third and Aseneth head back into the inn.
<Princess_Herb> Sabine scratches her head : "We're still looking for that one.   No one got a good look at him."
<Hidoyou> Hidoyou discusses magic with Aseneth back in the inn.
<Mitchigan> "Hmm... I see. I might have to ask Celanyth about that, for he had been out doing something during that. Perhaps he might've seen something that may lead to finding that vile scum, and laying him to justice."
* Mitchigan says with a shrug.
* Louie goes to the inn with the others
<Princess_Herb> Hidoyou sees a party of new arrivals inside the inn.
<Mitchigan> "So, when doeth your shift end? I was perhaps thinking that we might have dinner together."
* Mitchigan says, flashing a smile.
<Mitchigan> roll 1d20 for charisma
* Musk-bot --> "Mitchigan rolls 1d20 for charisma and gets 7."
<Princess_Herb> A short and rather fat merchant in rather expensive looking clothes, and two dollybirds, one on each arm have taken up the best table in the lower room
<Princess_Herb> Sabine shakes her head : "I don't rob cradles."
<Princess_Herb> Behind the merchant are two guards, partly concealed by the shadows.
* Mitchigan snaps his fingers, "Darn... I can't even win the old ones over," he mutters quetly.
<Hidoyou> Hidoyou examines the guards
<Mitchigan> "Oh well, good day to you."
* Mitchigan salutes, and heads towards the Inn.
<Louie> Hmm.. I recognize that guy. Heh. the guild has him around their finger, to much gamblin does that
<Princess_Herb> One is male, one female, but they both look tough.   They're wearing chain and have swords and shields
<Princess_Herb> The fat man pours sparkling wine from a large green bottle into some elegant crystal glasses for himself and his giggling companions
* Mitchigan walks into the in with a grin...
<Princess_Herb> The light glitters off the expensive jewellery that the three are wearing
<Princess_Herb> Celanyth hears the chink of the glasses and studies the group interestedly
* Chandor scrutinises them. Do the jewels go properly with the rest of their accoutrements, or do they just look tacky and out of place?
<Louie> Nice... Buy a nice r-bow with those.. But don't wanna mess with the guild's pet
* Mitchigan wanders over to Chandor
<Princess_Herb> He has the flair to carry off his outrageously flamboyant outfit, Chandor decidces.
<Mitchigan> "Seems a little tacky, don't you think?"
* Mitchigan says, gesturing at the merchant with a nod.
<Chandor> "He can carry it off though. I must study him to see if I can learn anything"
<Louie> *low oive* You thinking of rolling him?
<Louie> *low voice*
<Chandor> *low voice* Just watching how he moves and carries himself. I may be able to learn something
<Louie> So.. What do ya planz to do ?
<Hidoyou> Hidoyou looks for paper
<Hidoyou> and something to write with
<Princess_Herb> Hidoyou calls to the innkeeper for pen and ink
<Princess_Herb> The innkeeper brings over a quill, a pot of cheap ink, and a couple of sheets of rough papyrus
<Hidoyou> "Thank you," Hidoyou says absently.
<Hidoyou> He begins scribbling on the paper, drawing a map.
<Hidoyou> He mumbles to himself. "There's kobolds here, undead here, bandits there..."
* Mitchigan orders an ale.
* Louie enjoys a ale and cigar
Session Time: Mon May 01 00:00:00 2006
<Louie> So..Where will we all be heading out to after we are done here?
<Princess_Herb> They have no cigars.   "No call for that stuff around here, sir - we only have one hobbit."
<Mitchigan> "Back to the caves... Evil still dwells within, and we must slay it!"
<Hidoyou> Hidoyou finishes drawing his map.
* Mitchigan mutters firmly, as he takes a swig of ale.
<Louie> Sounds good to me
<Hidoyou> "I will retire for now. Tomorrow we will discuss our plans."
<Mitchigan> Likewise... It has been a long venture.
<Princess_Herb> Aseneth agrees - she's exhausted
<Mitchigan> Sleep well M'lady.
* Louie nods and retires for the evening
<Princess_Herb> [And so the party sleeps...   And as they sleep, they gain levels - one apiece]
<Hidoyou> As he sleeps, Hidoyou remembers the hard fought battles in the lower planes...
* Louie ( Quit (QUIT: )
* Princess_Herb ( has left #kotb
* Hidoyou is now known as Seriumu
* Seriumu ( has left #kotb
* Disconnected
Session Close: Mon May 01 00:12:51 2006