
Game for the gaming god; co-op for the entertainment couch!

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Rules of the Game

Started by Tomas, September 29, 2002, 12:45:52 AM

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The Serafita Round Robin has a long and uh, not-so-pretty history.  But
the namesake of the story isn't so much the centerpiece of the story as
the catalyst that just brings further chaos onto the scene.  The SRR is
a bit different than any traditional RPGs that you don't play a
specific character: everyone plays a rather liquid plot.


The Round Robin is just that: a group of people with no specific plot
in mind who write parts of a story.  More than anything else, it's a
big collaborative story.  At the end of the RR, all posts will be
collected and put into text format, uploaded and posted for reading at
your convenience, though it is assumed that all will be keeping up with
it as the story is written.


Easy!  Either email Ling or Tomas, you'll get a confirmation email from
us within a week (hopefully, we do *sort of* have lives, so you'll have
to forgive us if we're just a bit tardy), and then you'll be set.


Absolutely!  It's characters that drive a story, so remember, make
yours interesting and worth our read!  We're all here to have a little
fun.  All characters are understood self-insertions, so go as wild as
you like.  (Knowing, of course, that with this, there also comes the
likelihood that if you make yourself superpowered, Ling or Tomas might
pull out an enormous stun gun of some questionable origin and "deal
with you.")


(a)   One-sentence posts will be summarily dealt with if they are not
absolutely essential and unavoidable.  Such posts as: "Then Joe
leapt over a fence and killed Bob, and Bob ate dust," will be (a)
deleted from the thread, and (b) posters will be given a First
Warning.  We want to have fun, but we also want this to be good.
(b)   OOC comments need to be kept in the OOC thread.
(c)   Three strikes and you're out.  If you want to argue your case,
email Ling or Tomas - we're more likely to give the benefit of
the doubt if you're polite, though.
(d)   Keep all characters alive unless you have written permission
from whichever character you're killing off.  (In such cases,
please forward a copy of said written permission to Ling or
Tomas before taking any action.  Naturally, if you plan to kill
yourself, this is a moot point.)
(e)   Be reasonable.  If the story is going in one specific direction,
ie: everyone is trying really hard to build a tower (work with
me, people), you have an obligation as a responsible member of
the RR not to suddenly dismiss the preexisting plotline with a
sentence and have everyone rocket into outer space to battle
(f)   Be respectful.  This ought to be self-explanatory.
(g)   Final decision over any post will be handed over to the
RRMasters, Ling and Tomas.  If you have a specific complaint or
question, please email *both of us*, you have two times the
chances of getting a response under such conditions.


Ling - (email only, please):
Tomas - (email only):