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Episode 6! Another offer and a dramatic nighttime fight!

Started by Anastasia, September 20, 2006, 04:09:45 PM

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> ---Arc 2 go!---
> The rooftop here is a quiet, lonely place. The cot Balder used is still in place, so slumber can be had. But in this semi rest it comes - it begins. A velvet soft murmur, piercing her dreams. "Come...Come...Come...." Awakefulness bruises her reality view, the dimness of the shack seen.
<Hotaru-chan> "...No," the reply is instinctive, Hotaru drawing her world closer into herself. She doesn't want to see anyone, much less those that might inhabit her dreams and memories.
> Hotaru's neck crawls gently, the voice closer. "Come to me, inhuman. I feel your pain, your desire, the inkling for release. In this lofty nest you scream out like a flare into the night." The voice is coming from outside, the door to the shack is ajar.
<Hotaru-chan> Hotaru's smile is sharp, pained, darkened. "No. I can feel what you are, I will not. No matter what, I will not," she answers calmly, nearly tonelessly. "Pain is but a side-effect of my duties, of my love."
> Slowly the door opens. You see a figure shrouded in the night, covered in a hooded cloak that melts into the ink evening. Only a smile is visible, a little, teasing, unknowing smile. "You fight for pain and love? What an..." A chuckle follows, "Unusual inhuman. No human could fight for such mixed ideals."
<Hotaru-chan> "For pain?" Hotaru snorts quietly. "No, I accept pain's existence. My life has rarely been without it, but it is never the focus of my desires. Love is love, what I will do for love includes pain."
> He continuest o approach, passing through the door. Even closer, all you can make out is the barest details. Besides your bed now, extending a pallid white hand. "Be that as it may, come. Merely outside to talk...before my time and business comes again all too soon."
<Hotaru-chan> "I will not follow, nor will I cooperate," Hotaru answers, looking up at the man with eyes that begin to flare, renewed life and will in the face of adversity. "I know what you are, creatures from the void. I knew the Beast too closely to not know it."
> "I am not the Beast." This comes with more amusement, tone dripping with humor. "I offer you a chance to talk with me. This is not our time of war right now, I bear you no hostility. Unless..." A hand goes up to his hood, sa if to brush it back, "You wish to fight me?"
<Hotaru-chan> "I am not that stupid," Hotaru answers with a snort, leaning back. "But I will not follow you. If you desire to speak to me, you will do it without further movement," she answers, her smile twisting. "And you are not the same as the Beast Lord, but you are close enough to maintain my caution."
> His hand drops from his hood, withdrawn. "The Beast Lord spoken of in the prophecy is long dead now. His legacy only lives with in your memories now, inhuman. I see in you why, however. There is a side to you, a horrible, hateful, black side." A pause as he stares on at Hotaru, smile still not moving. "Do you know who I am, inhuman?"
<Hotaru-chan> "An associate of the other void beings, I presume," Hotaru murmurs, shruggging. "I'm more than aware of that side, the Beast desired it."
> "I am...Death. Nothing more and nothing less. Death is my reason for existance, the void you cling to is merely another matter." Again his hand brushes up, nearly pushing back his hood.  His voice is quiet, respectful. "I walk this Earth forever and always, the eternal result of mortality. I walk all worlds of humans and normal beings, yet rarely see inhumans such as yourself here."
<Hotaru-chan> "Surprised I haven't made your aquaintance until just now then," Hotaru greets dryly, crossing her legs. "And what do you wish here, Death?"
> "To talk to you. Or if you wish, walk with me a night on this Earth." Death is quiet and speculative, thoughtful. "The other inhuman I met was a vibrant force, of the wind and life. You are..." A long pause, his smile growing, "Not."
<Hotaru-chan> "To walk with you, I suspect would take me far from this Earth, and yet not far at all, but in that, much farther than I would like," Hotaru answers softly. "Quite, I am not. I save and restore life, but I also annihilate it. Such is Saturn."
> "I would simply take you with me. But as you wish." Death pauses at that, no moonlight or starlight coming from the opened shack door. "Your true name is Saturn?"
<Hotaru-chan> "Such might be debated. Saturn though, is only a force, exerted by me," Hotaru shrugs again. "A posture, a power, a weapon across all dimensions, but not me."
> "...mmmm." Death merely laughs again, a sound that drives all the chill into the night ten times over. Hotaru can't help but shiver at such a noise. "Some of my compatriots would say that you cling to a human identity foolishly, and that you merely await a true awakening, likea ll of the inhumans here."
<Hotaru-chan> "Saturn was my awakening," Hotaru smiles. "One might more accurately consider us humans mascarading as inhumans pretending to be humans."
> "Saturn is your beginning." Death chuckles again, waiting and drifting back ever so slowly. "I do not wish to battle you, Saturn."
<Hotaru-chan> "And I do not wish you had ever come to our world. However events unfold, they will unfold, and my love dictates where I stand," Hotaru answers softly, shaking her head. "Nothing else."
> "You love them so much you will die?" It's a plain, to the point question, Death at the doorway now.
<Hotaru-chan> "Death is a miniscule price to pay for love." Hotaru smiles, almsot contentedly there. "For them, I would have joined the Beast in his eternity."
> "Then I await you, Saturn." His voice is soft, the door simply crumbling away into dust as he lightly touches it. Outside is the rooftop, the nightscape dim. Even the Moon is hidden, a perfectly black world.
> Death glides back as if lightly propelled, gliding to stand on this dark roof.
<Hotaru-chan> "You await us all," Hotaru agrees, shrugging and letting Death go, not following.
> roll 2d6
* Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6 and gets 5." [2d6=2, 3]
> Hotaru feels faint, weak! "I am here, waiting," Death says simply, hand going to his hood. "Should I make this the day you die, Saturn?"
<Hotaru-chan> "I never said I desired death," Hotaru hisses, steeling herself suddenly, armoring her mind and soul from the inside in layers of violet. "I will live as long as I can to keep them."
> "You do not wish to lose them? Ever?" Death asks, standing and waiting.
<Hotaru-chan> "Ever in my life," Hotaru agrees. "Their love is my first priority, followed by their survival above mine."
> "None of you need to die," Death continues, "Now or ever. I hold the power of life in twain with death - those that I choose shall never taste my scythe. I have seen an eternity of greiving widows, forgotten children, abandoned lovers. Wish you to join them?"
> "I offer each of you...eternity." Death once again extends his hand, waiting.
<Hotaru-chan> "I do not desire your eternity," Hotaru answers with a smile. "A paradox, or so it seems, but I have not seen Love in your ilk, nor will I follow you to see it, or even consider your offer until I have."
> "No." Death shakes his head, "I speak not as a leader of the Inhumans, but what I truly am - the Lord of Death and Eternity." Now Death strides forward, stronger. "Simple immortality - never to grow old, never to wither, never to lessen into a shell housing your tired spirit."
<Hotaru-chan> "And how exactly, would I know to trust you? I can't, and don't," Hotaur shrugs. "Nor do I know if any of the others would accept such an offer, and I would not have myself an immortal without them."
> "Death...never lies. I wait and I consider, but Death never hides what it truly is." Now he laughs again, amused vastly. "I have already begun with one close to one of you. A quest of knowledge and a peace offering, if you will."
<Hotaru-chan> "Wind? I know of him," Hotaru shakes her head. "I see your offer, I tell you that my life is not my own to dictate. I hold it in trust with those I love."
> "Yet..." Death chuckles again, "You stay on this lofty nest like a flare in the night. Alone and in pain...what a curious being you are."
<Hotaru-chan> "I will depart in time, but even beings as I need solitude. If any of them require me, they know how to reach me," Hotaru's expression is easily relaxed. "And I would answer them far more quickly than I answered you."
> "So be it." Death agrees quietly, floating into the air, vanishing. But his voice remains. "Then accept a gift from me, Saturn. A taste and a test of the coming revolution!" From where he was it appears - two man like creatures of pure bone, slender scythes held in hand. "Empty Ones, battle until you cannot battle any more!"
<Hotaru-chan> Hotaru stays surprisingly rational for it, and clicks the beacon on her communicator before she takes out her henshin wand. "Saturn Power, Make Up!"
> OOC - Roll initiative.
> roll 1d6
> roll 1d6
* Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d6 and gets 3." [1d6=3]
* Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d6 and gets 4." [1d6=4]
<Sailor_Saturn> roll 1d6+9
* Hatbot --> "Sailor_Saturn rolls 1d6+9 and gets 11." [1d6=2]
> OOC - Go, Saturn.
> ---Arc 2 go! (Connects to Hotaru's room in #evil!)
> Umph! "Usagi! Usagi! USAGI!" Clawing on Usagi's face, as she hears a beaconing sound! "WAKE UP!"
<Usagi> "Kyaaa!" Usagi shrieks as her delicate and beautiful face is mercilessly clawed by a vicious and evil assailant, sitting up and scrambling away from the unprovoked attack!
> Luna hops away, landing just past your feet. "Communicator beacon!" she hisses, as the sound penetrates Usagi's sleep addled mind.
<Usagi> "Whu... aah! Okay!" Usagi nods blearily, stumbling out of bed and blinking to try and focus as she picks up the communicator from her nighstand to see what's happening!
> It's Saturn's symbol and it's sure going off! The data on the screen shows she's several miles away - Uasgi dimly knows the area as downtown where all the skyscapers are.
* Usagi nods in recognition, quickly teleporting herself to the top of the skyscraper Balder resided upon - she can narrow it down better from that vantage, hopefully.
> OOC - Okay, I'll integrate you into #evil at the end of the round.
Meanwhile again!>
---Arc 2 go! (Connects to Hotaru's scene in #evil.---
> Mgh. The solitude and sleepiness of night parts into something else altogether. A loud, persistent paging noise stirs him, a sound unknown.
* Takeshi rolls out of bed with a thump, having heard that noise earlier the same night. "Ow! What the bloody hell is it going off NOW for?" Takeshi mumbles, getting up to go retrieve the communicator from his bag again.
> It's beeping most loudly - Saturn's symbol is luminous.
> A steady pulse, shedding lots of light and noise.
* Takeshi blinks in surprise, pressing the button to answer - he can't imagine why Hotaru would be calling at THIS hour unless it was an emergency. "Yes?"
> No reply, but data pops up! A location and longitude, along with some info. It's a few miles away!
<Takeshi> "Crap..." Takeshi mutters, letting the form of the ancient general of Earth sweep over him. "No time to waste, then!" Barely pausing, he runs out of the house, heedless of the other inmates, taking to the skies at full speed and heading for the location indicated!
> So Takeshi searches! Into the luminous, glowing downtown of Tokyo! So he rushes on - after ab it of flying it seems that the highrises are his destination, communciator narrowing it down.
* General_Nephrite concentrates as he flies, willing his fists into the bones of the Earth in preparation for trouble ahead.
<General_Nephrite> roll 2d6 for stone fists
<General_Nephrite> roll 2d6 for stone fists
* Hatbot --> "General_Nephrite rolls 2d6 for stone fists and gets 4." [2d6=3, 1]
> Nephrite's fists turn to stone as he soars on, hurrying! It's the highest skyscraper, and he can see a bit of light up there flickering! OOC - Weaving you into #evil in a few.
Back to the main action!
<Sailor_Saturn> There isn't a hesitation after that, Hotaru steps out of the shed, wings spreading in a sudden glowing blaze and lifting her from the rooftop! She has to survive, to see them again, to fight for them. Best to do this safely, as she gathers energy to herself and the glaive on her way up.
> As Saturn takes to the sky both bony champions rush at her! Their scythes rip out, trying ot tear up the fragile flesh of Hotaru!
> roll 2d6
* Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6 and gets 8." [2d6=5, 3]
> roll 2d6
* Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6 and gets 8." [2d6=6, 2]
> But both fail! A clattering of metal raking across the rooftop, missing!
<Sailor_Saturn> Hotaru just smiles, the simmering energy of her spirit raging and fluxing around her, beginning to focus and swirl into the glaive as she aims it. Barbs of blackness appear, serrated vicious violet spines, around her glaive, then suddenly rushing out! "Saturn Ruin Eruption!"
<Sailor_Saturn> roll 2d6
* Hatbot --> "Sailor_Saturn rolls 2d6 and gets 10." [2d6=4, 6]
> The barbs ruin the concrete roof around the Empty Ones! Gouges and tears, ruination so delivered but none on target! As that resolves Usagi appears a little to the side, seeing the battle and Saturn's narrow miss!
> OOC - React/initiatives as needed.
<Sailor_Saturn> roll 1d6+9
* Hatbot --> "Sailor_Saturn rolls 1d6+9 and gets 10." [1d6=1]
> roll 1d6
> roll 1d6
* Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d6 and gets 3." [1d6=3]
* Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d6 and gets 2." [1d6=2]
* Usagi eeps, not having expected to find the battle right on top of this very building. Quickly skittering back, the pajama-clad blonde holds up her transformation pen and calls out "Moon Crystal Power, Make Up!" as she briefly illuminates the area around her, garbing herself as the warrior of love and justice, Sailor Moon!
> OOC - Go Saturn. They suck at initiative.
<Sailor_Saturn> Hotaru floats in the sky, blazing bat wings of energy holding her aloft as black and violet flicker around her and her polearm. "Destroy..." she hisses, the power of her soul once again blazing anew, the barbs turning back on the same skeletal figure, trying to tear it apart once more!
<Sailor_Saturn> roll 2d6
<Reikobot> Sailor_Saturn rolled : 2d6 --> [ 2d6=7 ]{7}
> roll 2d6
<Reikobot> Kotono rolled : 2d6 --> [ 2d6=11 ]{11}
> The bony warrior is shattered like glass! Barbs of dark rip it into smithereens, leaving only a scythe that breaks up into whisps of gray! The other steps back and looks long at Hotaru, but the newly transformed Sailor Moon is a viable target! The click of bone on stone is heard as it rushes her!
> roll 2d6
<Reikobot> Kotono rolled : 2d6 --> [ 2d6=7 ]{7}
> But a bare miss, scythe carving out the stone roof in a narrow rill!
> OOC - React/initiative.
<Sailor_Moon> roll 1d6+9
<Reikobot> Sailor_Moon rolled : 1d6+9 --> [ 1d6=2 ]{11}
> roll 1d6
<Reikobot> Kotono rolled : 1d6 --> [ 1d6=3 ]{3}
<Sailor_Saturn> roll 1d6+9
<Reikobot> Sailor_Saturn rolled : 1d6+9 --> [ 1d6=2 ]{11}
> Moon=~Saturn>Empty One
<Sailor_Saturn> The barbs return to the glaive, spinning and twisting again as Saturn's energy builds, until it's unleashed again! A race of blazing power, black and purple twisted together to bring an end to all things!
<Sailor_Saturn> roll 2d6
<Reikobot> Sailor_Saturn rolled : 2d6 --> [ 2d6=7 ]{7}
> roll 2d6
<Reikobot> Kotono rolled : 2d6 --> [ 2d6=7 ]{7}
> Another direct hit! This one is shredded into bony fragments and mulch! There's nary anything left of it! "Not bad..." Death murmurs, here there and everywhere vocally.
* Sailor_Moon frowns slightly, looking around at that voice but not seeing any visible threats... "That was anticlimactic..." she mutters quietly.
<Sailor_Saturn> "When Death summons it, I figured I couldn't be too cautious," Hotaru offers, a little meekly as she floats down to the ground, wings disappearing.
* General_Nephrite touches down on the roof, having seen the utter destruction of the second Empty One. "Looks like I hurried for nothing,"  he remarks quietly.
> "Was it...the three of you?" Death's voice carries! Shimmering around them are more - six Empty Ones, each a skeletal warrior! "I am not bound by the mere...limits the other inhumans are. Have at you, as you say?" A laugh follows this, dryly amused.
> They stand around you, each one having a sharp, nasty scythe in it's bony, fleshless hands!
<Sailor_Saturn> "...I don't know whether to be glad or annoyed," Hotaru sighs, glowering sharply. 'I wonder what happens if we just leave?"
<Sailor_Moon> "Six, eh?" Usagi raises an eyebrow, a shimmer of golden light at her side heralding the arrival of her sceptre which she collects in a leisurely sweep of her arm, twirling it around a moment before raising it. "Not going to show yourself?"
<Sailor_Saturn> *"I
<General_Nephrite> "Great..." Nephrite mutters, dropping into a combat stance as he eyes the surrounding goons. "I really need a workout at 2 am. Really."
> "Come now..." Death murmurs, as the warriors begin to charge! OOC - Initiative.
<General_Nephrite> roll 1d6+10
<Reikobot> General_Nephrite rolled : 1d6+10 --> [ 1d6=3 ]{13}
<Sailor_Moon> roll 1d6+9
<Reikobot> Sailor_Moon rolled : 1d6+9 --> [ 1d6=6 ]{15}
<Sailor_Saturn> roll 2d6+10
<Reikobot> Sailor_Saturn rolled : 2d6+10 --> [ 2d6=3 ]{13}
> OOC- Group initaitive for the baddies.
> OOC - Failtaru
> roll 1d6
<Reikobot> Kotono rolled : 1d6 --> [ 1d6=1 ]{1}
<Sailor_Saturn> roll 1d6+10
<Reikobot> Sailor_Saturn rolled : 1d6+10 --> [ 1d6=3 ]{13}
> Moon>Neph=~Saturn>Baddies
* Sailor_Moon doesn't show much care at being surrounded, even as the bony creatures begin to advance, only shifting her grip on the Lunar Staff and holding it aloft, a clear cry of "Moon Twilight Flash!" ringing out as a burst of bright light erupts from the blonde, banishing night for just a brief instant!
<Sailor_Moon> roll 2d6
<Reikobot> Sailor_Moon rolled : 2d6 --> [ 2d6=5 ]{5}
> roll 2d6
> roll 2d6
> roll 2d6
<Reikobot> Kotono rolled : 2d6 --> [ 2d6=8 ]{8}
> roll 2d6
<Reikobot> Kotono rolled : 2d6 --> [ 2d6=5 ]{5}
> roll 2d6
<Reikobot> Kotono rolled : 2d6 --> [ 2d6=4 ]{4}
<Reikobot> Kotono rolled : 2d6 --> [ 2d6=5 ]{5}
<Reikobot> Kotono rolled : 2d6 --> [ 2d6=7 ]{7}
> roll 2d6
<Reikobot> Kotono rolled : 2d6 --> [ 2d6=5 ]{5}
> Each one is battered, scarred by the light! No sounds come from them, but bones are bleached whiter and steps are taken back! Daamge in a viseral form, near shatterings!
<Sailor_Saturn> Saturn holds her free hand up at the example, a burning, searing blaze of destructive force forming there, growing as large as she can force her will too, and detonating with a blast of light and her omnidirected will!
> OOC - Soul check +5
<Sailor_Saturn> roll 2d6+5 burning 30 ep
<Reikobot> Sailor_Saturn rolled : 2d6+5 burning 30 ep --> [ 2d6=2 ]{7}
> OOC -....
> OOC - 1d6
<Sailor_Saturn> roll 1d6
<Reikobot> Sailor_Saturn rolled : 1d6 --> [ 1d6=3 ]{3}
> roll 2d6 DCVs
<Reikobot> Kotono rolled : 2d6 DCVs --> [ 2d6=2 ]{2}
> roll 2d6 DCVs
<Reikobot> Kotono rolled : 2d6 DCVs --> [ 2d6=9 ]{9}
> roll 2d6 DCVs
<Reikobot> Kotono rolled : 2d6 DCVs --> [ 2d6=11 ]{11}
> roll 2d6 DCVs
<Reikobot> Kotono rolled : 2d6 DCVs --> [ 2d6=12 ]{12}
> roll 2d6 DCVs
<Reikobot> Kotono rolled : 2d6 DCVs --> [ 2d6=4 ]{4}
> roll 2d6 DCVs
<Reikobot> Kotono rolled : 2d6 DCVs --> [ 2d6=9 ]{9}
> The skeletons are torn apart! What comes raining down is a pure blazing wave of destruction, shattering parts of the roof and ruining Empty Ones into nothingness! Only one is missed, somehow getting just out of the way!
* General_Nephrite scowls, striking out at the one survivor in a flurry of motion - and then vanishes, only to reappear an instant later behind the Empty One as his stony boot arcs through the air towards its back!
<General_Nephrite> roll 2d6
<Reikobot> General_Nephrite rolled : 2d6 --> [ 2d6=8 ]{8}
> roll 2d6
<Reikobot> Kotono rolled : 2d6 --> [ 2d6=9 ]{9}
> The boot shatters it's ribs and spine, sending the Empty One into vanishing! Got it!
<Sailor_Moon> "Please tell me you're not going to send twelve of those things out, now?" Usagi asks the empty air, lowering her staff with a click as the base taps against the concrete.
<General_Nephrite> "God, I hope not," Takeshi mutters, straightening up for the moment as they appear to be out of enemies.
* Sailor_Saturn slumps slowly, exhaustion creeping up again in the midst of the night for Saturn. "I didn't expect it to work that well..." she murmurs, looking around, and reaching inside herself. Regardless, she'll need more energy.
<Sailor_Saturn> roll 2d6
<Reikobot> Sailor_Saturn rolled : 2d6 --> [ 2d6=4 ]{4}
> As Hotaru feels her energy restored? "Excellent. You possess commendable power." Death appears in front of all of you, face still hidden by his hood.
* Sailor_Moon shifts her posture slightly, staff held before her defensively as she eyes the Inhuman warily. "You're Death?"
> Death is garbed in a black, hooded robe, hiding his face and body. Only a hand is visible - a white, pallid hand. "I am. Tell me, why do you fight?"
<Sailor_Moon> "I figured Death would go for a classier challenge than wave after wave of Empty Ones. Chess, or something," she adds a little jibe as she sizes him up. "Wouldn't have to fight if you didn't start it, after all."
* Sailor_Saturn just lets Usagi speak. She's always been very good at this whole ideological thing!
<General_Nephrite> "To atone," Takeshi answers simply, sizing up Death carefully in case he decides to get into this. That would very likely be less than fun.
<Sailor_Saturn> "Hm? I answered you, to love," Hotaru adds softly to death, staying near Usagi.
> "Chess?" Death merely chuckles at that image, his smile looking towards Takeshi. "Love...what of you, Sailor Moon?"
<Sailor_Moon> "You want to know why I fight?" the blonde asks, raising an eyebrow as she peers at the cowled figure, still keeping herself tense and alert.
> "Yes. Tell me, why do you fight us and live amid humans?" Death stays still, seeming to be waiting on Usagi.
<Sailor_Moon> "I already told you - because people like you keep trying to mess things up," Usagi returns. "If you just left this world alone, I wouldn't have to fight at all, and we'd all be far happier."
> "I am Death - this world demands and creates my existance. The very concept of mortality demands my every moment of being. But I make you an offer, far better than these."
<Sailor_Moon> "You're all a bunch of jumped up troublemakers," Usagi replies irately. "What offer could you possibly have to interest us?"
> "Eternal life." Death's hand glides by his hood, resting on the side of it. "Never having the day where I come to take you."
* General_Nephrite snorts at that. "Thanks all the same, but I'll pass. I doubt you price for that would be anything I'd want to pay."
<General_Nephrite> your*
<Sailor_Moon> "If I wanted to live forever, I wouldn't need your help," Usagi snaps. "Why would you offer, anyway, though?" she follows, more considerate as she ponders what his game is.
> "None of us want to kill you, inhumans. Remember that." Death begins to glide back, becoming indistinct. "I will not have the chance to be merciful much longer should we meet again."
<General_Nephrite> "Then if you're so reluctant to kill us, tell us why," Takeshi says, stepping forward.
<Sailor_Moon> "You might be merciful to us, but you think we'll accept that so long as you threaten everyone else in the world?!" the blonde demands, stepping forward.
> "Hmm hmm hmm..." Death's reply is quiet, waiting. Above him a skull of blue fire forms, blazing and gathering!
* General_Nephrite raises a fist in preparation to block a possible attack. "So are you going to answer or just leave?" Takeshi challenges.
* Sailor_Saturn takes a deep breath, beginning to gather energy for her own last ditch defense of them, preparing a wall...
> "This matter is done for now..." Death vanishes, but the skull goes brighter, giant and going towardsa ll three heroes as it looks to tear them apart with phantom teeth!
> roll 2d6
<Reikobot> Kotono rolled : 2d6 --> [ 2d6=10 ]{10}
* General_Nephrite quickly moves to intercept the projectile, thrusting his hands out before him with a sharp cry. "I don't THINK so!"
<General_Nephrite> roll 2d6
<Reikobot> General_Nephrite rolled : 2d6 --> [ 2d6=4 ]{4}
> The skull breaks in two, neatly cleaved in twain! The blue energy is gone, destroyed and shattered safely!
<Sailor_Moon> "Nice going, Takeshi," Usagi smiles in relief as that particular crisis is averted. "That us done for the night?" she looks around, confirming that Death is truly gone.
* Sailor_Saturn relaxes marginally, letting go of her too few energies for the moment. No need for them now. "That was certainly...I don't know," she murmurs, listleslly looking about.
> Usagi sees no sign of Death remaining, only the damaged rooftop.
<General_Nephrite> "Looks like it," Takeshi says with a frown. "Still trying to get us to join them, though."
<Sailor_Moon> "What were you doing out here at this time of night, anyway, Hotaru-chan?" Usagi asks, turning to her fellow senshi and letting her staff vanish back to wherever it goes when she's not using it.
* General_Nephrite scans the area for any last possible surprises left by Death before turning to Hotaru himself, simply waiting on the answer to Usagi's question.
<Sailor_Saturn> "Argument with mom," Hotaru shrugs, deep breath and spreading her wings again. "I didn't want to see anyone tonight, mah. Look where that got me," she snorts. "Sorry to wake you both."
* General_Nephrite shrugs. "Not a problem if it's an emergency," the young man replies. "It's no big deal."
<Sailor_Moon> "I guess it can't be helped... but tonight is a school night," Usagi sighs a little. "What were you two- ah, nevermind, if you didn't want to talk about it," she shakes her head at her aborted question.
<Sailor_Saturn> Hotaru gives Usagi a sad glance. "Really, I'd rather not flesh out that much of what my mom thinks about my love life in front of a boy," she snickers darkly, eyes flickering over to Takeshi and shaking her head. "Goodnight," she offers, beginning to float off into the sky, and towards a certain apartment.
* General_Nephrite covers his face with one hand. "THAT'S what had her upset?" he mutters.
<Sailor_Moon> "She and her mom bring out the worst in each other," Usagi nods sadly as Hotaru departs, sighing a little. "Oh, well, might as well see if I can get to sleep and hope I'm not late for school in like six hours. See you... well, later today, I guess?" she gives Takeshi a weak smile.
<General_Nephrite> "Yeah, I'll see you in a few hours I guess," Takeshi replies, taking off from the rooftop himself. "Sleep well, Usagi."
<Sailor_Moon> "'Night," the blonde waves, before taking a deep breath and teleporting back to her room, intending to detransform and fall right back into bed.
> -----
> Somewhere else, far away...
> All around is emptiness. The throne room is empty, barren, lifeless. A throne of skulls is where Death sits, hooded gaze looking out into the infinities beyond. A pure white floor stretches out around him, Pestilence sketching out a short bow to him. "We're ready to begin when you are, of course."
> Death takes in those words without reaction, waving his pale hand. "Go. Temptation will go with you."
> "Thank you." Pestilence smiles at that, "We haven't gotten a chance to be together since just before this began."
> "Go," Death repeats, Pestilence vanishing after. But Death does not stop, instead gazing out and speaking.
> "They are strong, willful, and united. They will do...much for it. Happy?" Death murmurs, something behind his throne, unseen but heard. "I am." Death breaks into a smile at that, looking back out at the endless infinity.
> ---
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


[17:50] <Kotono> Serenity's home is cloaked by trees blocking the waning late fall sunlight. IN this peaceful, frosted over the heroes of Juuban gather. Serenity's TV is against one wall, the couches and all else arraigned so that all can sit. The Queen of the Moon sits in the middle of the main couch, Nior and Janna against the far wall.  Nior's arms are crossed as he watches, mostly silent. OOC - Go ahead and set yourselves up if you're gonna be here
[17:51] <Thrall> Having come right after school, Usagi has acquired herself a seat on the couch, no longer showing any inclination to avoid Serenity as she sits next to the pink-haired woman, snacking on whatever snacks have been prepared for them.
[17:51] <Asher> Asher designates himself to the place immediately after school's out, having drawn himself to a comfortable spot on the same couch he'd claimed before in past visits, backpack out, idly scribbling away on what is presumably homework of some sort.
[17:52] <Kotono> Kotono enters shortly after, going to Asher and curling up there. She doesn't say much, but she looks happy!
[17:52] <Kotono> REi is a bit later, coming in and joining Nior aganist the wall, expression distant but firm.
[17:53] * Makoto fidgets slightly, smoothing her school uniform skirt and tugging on her ponytail as she seats herself in the room's recliner, notably anxious, but managing to sit still, at least, looking like she wishes she'd decided to watch at home.
[17:54] * Takeshi arrives a few moments later, having taken the time to inform Reiko that he'd be late today before heading over to Serenity's house. Noting the crowd already present, he too remains standing to leave seats for anyone else that wants one.
[17:55] <Kotono> "Nervous, Sis," Kotono calls as everyone settles in. It won't be long now, at least, only about 3 or 4 minutes. The TV news is just starting the broadcast preparation.
[17:55] * Hotaru follows Rei in, almost beelining for Makoto with the lack of seats, and folding down onto Makoto's lap with a wry smile. "Who wouldn't be nervous under the circumstances?" she asks Kotono, smoothing her T*A uniform.
[17:56] * Makoto just gives Kotono a faint smile, hoping against hope that most of the footage isn't of her, this time-though, considering, that seems a faint hope as she almost distractedly hugs Hotaru closer, like a human plushie.
[17:58] <Usagi> "They can't say bad stuff about us, can they?" Usagi asks, seeming fairly relaxed and just a little expectant.
[17:58] <Kotono> "We're going to the Interior Departm-wait," The anchor is a younger man, speaking of plastic surgery and makeup with his nearly flawless good looks. A hand goes to his ear, a look of distraction. "The Interior Ministry has annouced that Prime Minister Yoshimori will personally address the press conference."
[17:58] <Usagi> "Wow, the prime minister? This must be big..." the blonde adds at that interruption.
[17:58] <Takeshi> "This must be pretty damn big," Takeshi says with a slight frown.
[17:59] <Makoto> "Hooboy..." Makoto murmurs, slumping in her seat.
[17:59] <Asher> Pencil and paper stopping and shuffling back, Asher folds said material back and glances over at Takeshi, a question in his eyes. "Have my notebook, by any chance?"
[18:00] <Takeshi> "Yeah, just a sec." Takeshi rummages in his bookbag for a moment, passing the notebook over to Asher. "Got copies for everyone too, can hand them out afterward."
[18:00] <Kotono> "Damn," Janna calls as the screen shifts! Sure enough, you see the Prime Minister at the podium. He's about sixty, gray haired but fierce, like a lion otu of battle for a short respite. Stocky and short, he nonetheless dominates the stand he is at. Even over the flag of Japan, the rising sun overshadowed.
[18:01] * Hotaru takes a deep  breath, hugging Makoto and snuggling in under all that. This could get interesting...
[18:01] <Asher> "After the conference would be a good idea," Asher replies with a nod, shutting up with the aforementioned events on TV. Snagging his notebook back gratefully, he clicks a pen open, eyes on the screen.
[18:03] <Kotono> "Ahem." A tiny bit of feedback from the sound system as he starts, steeping his fingers together. "People of JApan and residents of Tokyo in particular. Many of you are aware of the Juuban Angel news stories." Behind him an image is projected - this one new! Sailor Saturn in a frozen shot, as she attacks Pestilence at the Expo. Then another - from the neck down Usagi is seen, standing on the podium as she diffused a crowd. The angle on
[18:04] <Kotono> The angle on this one is different, but it's a good shot if frozen framed.  Not too different, however - it's clearly from roughly the same area, just pointed in a far different direction.
[18:04] <Usagi> "Hey, I'm no angel!" the blonde protests weakly. "I was acting as a concerned citizen in that picture!"
[18:04] <Kotono> "Oh my," Queen Serenity murmurs, hands to her lips as she watches on, enthralled.
[18:04] * Makoto tightens her grip on Hotaru slightly, her eyes riveted to the screen. "I've got a bad feeling..." She murmurs.
[18:05] <Takeshi> "Concerned citizen?" Takeshi raises an eyebrow as he murmurs.
[18:05] <Asher> Asher shakes his head wearily, writing something down. Civilian form... well, this definitely wasn't shaping up well. "I hope they don't have photo IDs of us all..."
[18:05] <Hotaru> "That would make more than one of us..." Hotaru sighs, patting Makoto's hands and leaning into her. "Just wait it out."
[18:05] <Usagi> "Do you see me doing any magic?" the blonde questions, gesturing at the tv.
[18:05] <Kotono> "Further..." Another image - this one of Hatred in demonform, then a surprise! A grainy image of Misuki appears on screen, the ninja leaping across rooftops at night. "There is something more than 'extreme cosplaying' or pranks behind all this."
[18:06] <Makoto> "Oi..." Makoto breathes. "Who took that...?"
[18:06] <Kotono> For the new members, they see Misuki - a ponytail and red bodysuit, bands of knives and sharp weapons all over as she leaps nimbly.
[18:06] <Usagi> "Wow, is that from when we first met her?" Usagi asks, not recalling any other instances of night roofhopping involving the ninja.
[18:07] <Kotono> "They've been sitting on those awhile, then," Rei broods darkly.
[18:07] <Takeshi> "Standing in the middle of a combat zone, magic or not," Takeshi shakes his head, not pressing the point. "Let's hear what they have to say first."
[18:07] <Makoto> "It has to be." Makoto nods, not looking away. "This just gets better and better..."
[18:08] <Hotaru> "I wouldn't be surprised..." Hotaru frowns. "Though...mmmm. There was a military intelligence officer at one of the attacks, it probably was made worse..."
[18:08] <Kotono> Prime Minister Yoshimori stops, breathing deeply before addressing the nation with solemn, grave tones. "We have investiaged..."
[18:10] <Kotono> Another image appears -a nd this one is breattakign! The Agency Tower at sunrise, beautiful sunshine framing the colored tubs that rise and connect in the tall buildings all around it. A peaceful scene of Gaia's govermental heart, the Minister stopping. "We have investigated...and found out very much indeed. Two years ago, scientists in the United States detected massive disruptions of energy on new, experimental wavelengths."
[18:10] <Makoto> "...Fuck." Makoto breathes, eyes widening.
[18:10] <Usagi> "Oh... God..." Usagi now starts to feel a bit faint.
[18:10] * Takeshi simply raises an eyebrow, wondering exactly what it is that this is.
[18:10] <Kotono> "With their help, we have found out that there is a cause and place for our difficulties. We are not sure of what they are entirely, and our work is minimal...but Tokyo is under attack and has been under attack."
[18:11] <Hotaru> "...Holy shit..." Hotaru whispers, shivering.
[18:11] <Kotono> "...shit," Kotono breaths, whimpering. "That's like...they got to Gaia or found a way to get pictures?!"
[18:11] <Takeshi> "That's Gaia?" Takeshi says, surprised.
[18:11] <Makoto> " Are they going to blame Gaia for...?" Makoto shudders, sickly pale.
[18:11] <Hotaru> "That's Agency City..." Hotaru nods to Takeshi, swallowing.
[18:11] <Kotono> There is a break, a vast clatter of press voices off camera, but the Prime Minister raises his hands. "Silence, please."
[18:12] <Usagi> "I'd almost be proud if I wasn't kinda scared..." Usagi murmurs, now utterly spellbound by the TV.
[18:12] <Takeshi> "Bigger question now is whether they've got any of our identities," Takeshi scowls.
[18:13] <Hotaru> "We'll see if my 'uncle' is waiting for me when I head home..." Hotaru remarks darkly, eyes glued to the projector.
[18:13] <Kotono> "Further, we have found much information in Tokyo itself. First and foremost...I do not understand them, but our city has protectors that we do not understand. The Juuban Angels...the Sailor Senshi." The Prime Minister speaks slowly, another picture. THis one of the Crown with it's windows shattered on the second floor, "We believe they have saved countless lives."
[18:14] * Usagi starts to smile. "At least we're not misunderstood..." she remarks, relief palpable.
[18:14] <Makoto> "...Word gets around fast." Makoto murmurs faintly.
[18:15] <Hotaru> Hotaru lets out a long, relieved breath at that. "Yeah...we're not going to be hunted..." she whispers, shivering bodily in Makoto's hold.
[18:15] * Takeshi simply waits for more information for now, arms folded over his chest.
[18:16] <Kotono> "Even further," Now the Prime Minister growls darkly, "As of today there was another incident. This time the Sailor Senshi did not get there, for it targetted the Diet itself. While there were no casualties, the damage to inner vaults was vast. We tried...and our entire police force there could not even harm the sole attacker." An image on screen - Death walks, face hidden as bullets fly around him. They are deflected by movements of a
[18:16] <Kotono> hey are deflected by movements of a black scythe of energy, as if commonplace.
[18:16] <Asher> Asher is copiously taking notes, raising his eyes now and then with a bit of a questioning look, then it just stops cold at the newest image on the screen. "My god..."
[18:16] * Usagi puts a hand over her mouth, staring wide eyed at the screen. "Oh, no..."
[18:17] <Hotaru> "Oh my..." Hotaru whispers, another, deeper shiver. "He...oh god..."
[18:17] <Asher> His breath startles for a moment. "Now we know why the government is holding this..."
[18:17] <Makoto> "...Fuck..." Makoto says again. There's just no adequate profanity...
[18:17] <Takeshi> "They're looking for help," Takeshi says bluntly.
[18:17] <Kotono> "No one has been seriously injured. I repeat - no one has been seriously injured. Teh damage was primarily to property." The Prime Minister pauses, face stern and angry. "I...we do not know how to stop them, so I swallow the pride I have and the pride of our nation. Sailor Senshi, I ask of you - protect us."
[18:18] <Usagi> "They're going to get it," the blonde states firmly, sitting up straighter.
[18:18] <Asher> Asher's face is blank, the writing pausing, as he mulls over the screen without further comment.
[18:19] * Takeshi nods slowly. "I agree, for what it's worth." He takes a deep breath. "The next question is, how do we get in touch with them?"
[18:19] <Makoto> "...We need to go there." Makoto murmurs, faintly. "He's not just asking for help-he needs the public to see us answer, or there's going to be panicking..."
[18:19] <Kotono> "We know the Sailor Senshi are in this city and live among us. Beyond that, we are not sure - yet. If you find one, we ask that you do not interfere with them at all." A screen set of small images, battle pictures taken - Sailor Moon, Sailor Mars, Sailor Pluto, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Saturn, Tuxedo Kamen. There are others as well, but we do not have images yet. Most look roughly the same."
[18:20] <Hotaru> "...I have a way to contact them," Hotaru offers softly, biting her lip. "It depends...if we think we can reveal my identity in confidence to them, or if we want to try and maneuver around it."
[18:20] <Kotono> "Further..." A pause as the Prime Minister speaks, looking ot the television screen. "Please. If it takes us coopting you to save our country, we will without question. No one in our government wants not make us come to your doorsteps in time. Please." The Prime Minister bows, a look of tired pain over his face.
[18:20] <Asher> Asher shakes his head slowly, finding the moment to regain his words. "This is hard to believe. For all of everything, Death ended up helping us far more than hurting us. He just gave us full public recognition and support from the government itself."
[18:21] <Thrall> "We don't need to reveal our identities," Usagi shakes her head. "Just show up at the Diet transformed..." she stands up slowly. "I think they'd like it if we hurried."
[18:21] <Kotono> Then the Minister takes a very long breath, then nods. "Questions from the press now."
[18:21] <Takeshi> "That... may not be a bad idea, Usagi," Takeshi replies, looking around at the others for confirmation.
[18:22] <Makoto> "...And a hidden warning what they'd do if we didn't." Makoto notices, softly. "They're desperate. We should go as soon as possible."
[18:22] <Hotaru> "A possibility," Hotaru agrees mildly, smiling weakly. "Though I wouldn't be honestly surprised if Eiichiro knew it."
[18:22] <Kotono> Queen Serenity nods. "You are all correct. Transform and go..." The Queen of the Moon considers long, "Usagi, take them all and go. not sure I can go, not yet. I am not certain if people will see through my other form or not. All of you, will you speak for me there?"
[18:23] <Kotono> Rei has been quiet, cursing quietly. "Yeah, we know what we have to do now."
[18:23] <Usagi> "Of course," the blonde promises, taking out her transformation pen before calling out "Moon Crystal Power, Make Up!"
[18:23] <Asher> There's a faint pause, Asher looking down at his notes, a little bit of skepticism on his face but nodding assent nonetheless. "Looks like it."
[18:23] * Takeshi nods, transforming in silence.
[18:23] * Hotaru nods, standing from Makoto. "Saturn Crystal Power, Make Up!"
[18:23] <Kotono> "Right!" Kotono stands up and nods, "Pluto Crystal Power, Make UP!"
[18:24] <Asher> Asher pushes the notes away, standing up and raising Reclaimer. "Reclaimer Crystal Power!"
[18:24] <Sailor_Pluto> "Mars Crystal Power, Make UP!" Rei joins the others, transforming into the pretty heroine of love and justice!
[18:24] <Makoto> Makoto nods to Queen Serenity and smiles faintly, rising. "We'll call if we have a problem." Out comes her pen, and up. "Jupiter Crystal Power....Make UP!"
[18:25] <Sailor_Pluto> OOC - How are you guys going to try to get to the Diet?
[18:25] <Sailor_Saturn> OOC - I suppose we could teleport into the parking lot...
[18:25] <Sailor_Moon> OOC: Teleport into the entrance? I figure most of us will have been their on school trips, at least.
[18:26] <General_Nephrite> OOC - I need a teleport buddy!
[18:26] <Sailor_Pluto> OOC - That's reasonable, yeah.
[18:27] <Sailor_Pluto> OOC - I won't bother making you roll or worrk about TP logistics in this case since there's so many of you. Scene movement on time!
[18:27] <Sailor_Moon> "Remember, this is as much PR as anything," Usagi looks around at some more than others. "It won't do for us to argue amongst ourselves when the world is watching."
[18:28] <Asher> Asher's face tightens considerably as he looks at the TV again, almost seeming to want to voice something. But he stays quiet, only concern etching across his face.
[18:28] <Sailor_Saturn> "Yes, Fearless Leader-chan," Hotaru remarks playfully.
[18:29] <Sailor_Jupiter> "Then we should make an effort not to say too much." Makoto nods to Usagi. "We're there for a reason, and if we get into a Q&A, there'll be trouble."
[18:29] * Sailor_Moon nods to Makoto. "Just need to let them know we're here to help, they don't need our life stories," she agrees, getting ready to depart.
[18:30] <General_Nephrite> "Who's speaking for us, then?" Takeshi looks to Usagi.
[18:30] * Sailor_Jupiter nods, satsified. Not like she intends to say anything anyway.
[18:31] <Sailor_Saturn> "She tends to be the most personable," Hotaru indicates Usagi.
[18:32] <Sailor_Saturn> "I don't know that you want Rei or I cursing at the paparazzi..." Hotaru snorts softly, black gloved hand taking Jupiter's gauntleted one.
[18:32] <Sailor_Jupiter> "...upskirt photos..." Makoto realizes fidgeting unhappily.
[18:33] <General_Nephrite> "Usagi it is, then. Are we ready to go?" Takeshi nods.
[18:33] <Sailor_Saturn> "That's what the leotards are for, I guess I can't try blowing up cameras..." Hotaru sighs.
[18:33] <Sailor_Pluto> The front of the Diet is a mess! The front doors are closed with at least two dozen police officers there, standing guard! The long formal rotunda is broken, lots of damage seen on the showy marble floors inside. The police officers stop and stare carefully, hands cautiously on weapons!
[18:34] * Sailor_Jupiter raises her hands slowly, and carefully.
[18:34] <Sailor_Moon> "I believe we were invited?" Usagi gives the police a charming smile, stepping forward from the rest of the group towards them.
[18:34] <Sailor_Moon> roll 2d6 for aura of serenity
[18:34] * Hatbot --> "Sailor_Moon rolls 2d6 for aura of serenity and gets 2." [2d6=1, 1]
[18:34] <Sailor_Pluto> OOC - roll 1d6
[18:34] <Sailor_Moon> roll 1d6
[18:34] * Hatbot --> "Sailor_Moon rolls 1d6 and gets 4." [1d6=4]
[18:35] <Asher> Asher turns around to watch Usagi's back, imminentely aware that here is someone watching his back!
[18:35] * Sailor_Saturn waves brightly with her free hand, smiling happily at the police. Even if she's got a silence wall half prepared.
[18:35] <Sailor_Pluto> One officer takes a walkie-talkie out, speaking, "They're here...oh wow..." the oldish officer stairs, his gray hair hidden by a police cap. "They're so..."
[18:36] <Sailor_Pluto> Guns are put away, weapons gone as the officers call, "You're really them?" They speak in wonder, many smiling for no particular reason.
[18:36] * General_Nephrite stays near Usagi as well, letting his skin shift to stone as he moves - if someone gets a crazy idea with a gun, it'll help immensely.
[18:36] <General_Nephrite> roll 2d6
[18:36] * Hatbot --> "General_Nephrite rolls 2d6 and gets 7." [2d6=2, 5]
[18:36] <Sailor_Pluto> "Bring them in,"t he voice from the other side of the walkie talkie burbles that out loudly.
[18:36] <Sailor_Pluto> OOC - Gah.
[18:36] * Sailor_Jupiter lets her hands drop, and bites back an urge to say something sarcastic, just waiting...
[18:36] <Sailor_Pluto> "Bring them in,"t he voice from the other side of the walkie talkie burbles that out loudly. It's pretty clearto you - that's the Prime Minister's voice!
[18:37] <Sailor_Moon> "Sailor Senshi, at your service," the blonde bows politely, continuing to blast off good vibes. "Can you take us to the Prime Minister, please?"
[18:39] <Sailor_Pluto> "Yes," The officers part nearly as one, making plenty of space for the Sailors to head inside the ruined building. "Right this way..." And on you go! The insides really have been dented up good. Scarred, broken, hurt, blasted. Death did a number, and you also see lots of bullet holes in the walls...
[18:40] * General_Nephrite scans the damage as they enter, shaking his head a bit at the devastation - and not incidentally keeping an eye out for anything out of the ordinary in the rubble. What exactly was Death DOING here, anyway?
[18:41] * Sailor_Saturn spreads her senses out, keeping a spiritual eye on everything as far as she can reach.
[18:41] <Asher> Asher seems unusually reclusive even for himself as he keeps right in pace with the others, his eyes focused entirely ahead and around him.
[18:41] * Sailor_Moon tries not to show too much reaction to the damage - even if Death avoided them handily, she's far less sure of her own ability to dodge or deflect bullets. Walking with chin raised, the blonde leads her friends through Japan's corridors of power, doing everything she can to present a good impression for everyone who sees.
[18:41] * Sailor_Jupiter wonders vaguely if she should suggest it, then does, leaning over to Usagi. "Maybe you could offer to fix this up for them if they need a show of good faith, Sailor Moon."
[18:42] <Sailor_Pluto> OOC - Soul check, 'taru.
[18:42] <Sailor_Saturn> roll 2d6
[18:42] * Hatbot --> "Sailor_Saturn rolls 2d6 and gets 7." [2d6=4, 3]
[18:43] <Sailor_Moon> "That's... not a bad idea. They might want to leave it for evidence, though. I'll ask," Usagi agrees, before stopping. "Excuse me," she asks the nearest police officer. "Would it be okay if I did something to fix up this damage?" she asks, gesturing around.
[18:43] <Sailor_Pluto> "Um...we're nearly to the Prime Minister," Your
[18:44] <Sailor_Pluto> You're in a small hallway, leading to an access door. "He said to just bring you to him."
[18:44] <General_Nephrite> "It can wait until after we speak to him," Takeshi says quietly.
[18:44] <Sailor_Saturn> "There aren't any abnormal magic presences," Hotaru provides to her companions softly, glancing around. Better this way.
[18:44] <Sailor_Moon> "I'll ask him, then," the blonde shrugs. It can be handled on the way out just as easily.
[18:45] <Sailor_Jupiter> "Mmm. Maybe after." Makoto nods, frowning a little-the stiff atmosphere is a little uncomfortable.
[18:46] <Sailor_Pluto> The officer nods, the others leading you into the room without question or pause. They're even nice about it, but ahead? Woah! This is the press conference room! In rows of chairs are dozens of cameras and newspaper people, snapping photos and screaming questions! The Prime Minister turns and awaits, solemnly looking on. "So they have come," he says into the microphone.
[18:47] * Sailor_Jupiter covers her eyes, wincing at the flashes of the cameras, grimacing.
[18:47] * General_Nephrite once again scans the room before looking back towards the podium and the prime minister, a neutral expression on his features.
[18:48] <Asher> Asher similarly isn't in any position that he'd call comfortable, being stiff and otherwise quiet as he looks around.
[18:48] * Sailor_Saturn refrains from glowering despite the intensely good feelings, or projecting a wall between them and the media. "Eesh..."
[18:48] * Sailor_Pluto stares in honest surprise, grinning a momenta s she makes a V for the camera.
[18:49] <Sailor_Pluto> Sailor Mars hangs back, tossing her hair as she watches and waits. "You're up, Moon," she alls.
[18:49] * Sailor_Moon seems to have a smile for everyone in the room as she enters, her presence giving off naught but soothing feelings of reassurance. "We couldn't refuse a request from the Prime Minister," the blonde states, bowing formally towards their head of state. "I am Sailor Moon, at your service." Despite her effective stage presence, she does worry a bit, knowing her family are likely watching this...
[18:50] <Sailor_Moon> OOC: head of government.
[18:53] <Sailor_Pluto> "Thank you," he extends his hand after bowing, a formal handshake offered. "I only ask taht you help our fair nation survive."
[18:55] * Sailor_Moon strides forward and up onto the podium, taking the Prime Minister's hand for the photo op. "It's what we've been doing all along. We won't let these invaders have their way, I promise," the blonde affirms warmly.
[18:55] * General_Nephrite stays near Moon without ascending the dais, still scanning the crowd. While it looks like the possibility of anything going wrong here is pretty slim... it at least helps him keep his mind off the vast number of cameras and his own nervousness in facing them.
[18:56] <Sailor_Saturn> Hotaru likewise keeps her eyes and senses open, scanning the crowd, the sky, everything around them as she waits for something to go wrong, polearm held ready. Who knows how this'll pan out.
[18:57] <Sailor_Pluto> Snapflash! Pcitures are taken by the dozens, the moment and all the Sailors captured! As they do the Prime Minister leans in a bit, lips moving faintly.
[18:57] * Sailor_Jupiter does likewise to Nephrite. The more she looks busy, the less will be asked of her, anyway. Hopefully the inhumans won't seize the opportunity...
[18:58] * Sailor_Saturn glances over closely to the prime minister, senses focused on him in an instant to check his weave.
[18:58] <Asher> Asher takes the moment to inspect the room's architecture, its entrances and exits, and notably if any open windows are about as he relaxes his posture a bit, though rather than smile for the cameras he steadily keeps his gaze neutral.
[18:59] <Sailor_Pluto> No open windows, it's all internal. There are a few very discreet cameras, Aser thinks.
[18:59] <Sailor_Pluto> OOC - Soul check 'taru.
[18:59] <Sailor_Saturn> roll 2d6
[18:59] * Hatbot --> "Sailor_Saturn rolls 2d6 and gets 4." [2d6=1, 3]
[19:00] <Asher> What about up? The height of the ceiling, any obvious entrypoints there? Is there an exit to the press conference room aside from the one they came in? His look diverts itself across the room.
[19:00] <Sailor_Saturn> Forcing herself to relax the paranoia that had her about to do something intensely bad, Hotaru offers a few smiles for the cameras, trying to relax herself as she steps over, taking Jupiter's free hand again.
[19:01] <Sailor_Moon> A slight widening of Usagi's eyes is all that betrays her, the blonde quickly managing to school her expression into its former warm and reassuring countenance. She's a consumnate actress, when she wants to be, after all.
[19:01] <Sailor_Moon> Nodding slightly in reply to the Prime Minister, she turns to face the cameras. "We Sailor Senshi swear that we will do everything in our power to protect Japan, and the world. I know a lot of you must be scared of these strange new events, but please; trust us. We're here to help," she declares earnestly.
[19:01] * Sailor_Jupiter gives Hotaru a slight smile as she takes the hand given, patiently going back to scanning the sea of lenses...
[19:02] <Sailor_Pluto> "That's correct," the PM nods, "That'sa ll now." With that he looks to the girls, going out a door on the other side, back and away, waiting.
[19:03] * Sailor_Jupiter blinks, looking to Usagi curiously, wondering what to do now...
[19:03] <Sailor_Moon> "I'm sorry we can't stay to answer your questions - I'm sure you have lots," Usagi goes on for the press. "But please believe in us." Giving one last dazzling smile, she gestures for the others to follow her as she steps towrads the side door the Prime Minister left by.
[19:04] * General_Nephrite follows along, taking one last look over the roomful of cameras before ducking out just after Usagi.
[19:04] <Asher> The sea of lights, cameras, and people all serve as a distraction that Asher pushes away, following behind Usagi in tandem with everyone else.
[19:04] * Sailor_Saturn follows last with Jupiter, making sure everyone's ahead of them and safe as they disappear through the door.
[19:04] * Sailor_Jupiter blinks and looks to the others, hesitating before heading out, following Hotaru's lead.
[19:04] <Sailor_Pluto> Rei follows along, a captivating wave to the cameras, as she stops and blows them a kiss. Then she's following, on and on..
[19:05] <Sailor_Pluto> Through a hall and past some quiet, dim rooms to a conference room. It's very plain, just a table with a few pitchers of ice water. The Prime Minister sits at the head, gesturing. "Sit."
[19:06] <Asher> Asher hesitates, looking at Takeshi for a moment, something flickering in his gaze.
[19:06] <Sailor_Jupiter> "...?" Makoto looks to Usagi, a little startled. This has suddenly gone far afield of Publically accepting the request...
[19:06] * Sailor_Moon takes the end of the table opposite the Prime Minister, carefully sitting down herself. "How did you know?" she asks curiously, giving the older man a disarming smile, filled with cuteness and warmth.
[19:06] * General_Nephrite catches the look and raises an eyebrow, shaking his head slightly as he takes the seat to the left of Moon.
[19:07] * Sailor_Saturn raises an eyebrow. "This'll become interesting to arrange..." she snickers, glancing at her glaive, but throwing her senses again through the room, checking it over for presences, human or inhuman. Can never be too paranoid.
[19:08] <Asher> Asher waits for the others to take their seats before settling into one of his own, closest to the door that they came in, still gripping Reclaimer steadily at his side as his head cranes around the room for... anything that should be noted.
[19:09] <Sailor_Pluto> He smiles gently, "There was a Canon booth at the Tokyo Technology Expo. The pictures they got of all of you were the best ever. We showed an edited one here today. With a full on shot of your face when you aren't...whatever you are, it was doable." Yoshimori clears his throat after, pouring himself a glass of water. "I mean what I said." A pause as he looks pained, "We couldn't even slow him down."
[19:09] <Sailor_Pluto> "
[19:11] <Sailor_Moon> "I always thought I was unrecognisable like this," the blonde nods with a cheerful pout, gesturing vaguely over herself. "My own fault for being too sure of it, I suppose..." Leaning forward, her expression becomes a little more serious. "But I mean what I say as well - we're going to do everything we can to stop the ones that attacked the expo."
[19:11] <Sailor_Saturn> "I wouldn't have expected bullets to slow Death down," Hotaru answers softly, sitting down with the glaive resting in the crook of her arm and shoulder. "How much role did Military Intelligence play?" she asks bluntly, looking across at the prime minister.
[19:12] * Sailor_Saturn glances at Usagi, shaking her head at herself. "Nevermind," she snickers sudddenly, closing her lips. "I jump too much."
[19:12] * Sailor_Jupiter looks to Hotaru, then at the others, before watching Usagi and the Prime Minister converse. It did seem like she was right about the hinted threat to unmask them, though.
[19:13] <Sailor_Pluto> "They've been helpful," Yoshimori nods to Hotaru, before, "That's all we can ask. We barely know anything or that other place - we know it calls itself Gaia, but beyond that?" A lumpy, nasty shrgu. "The US has the technology that's working on it, and we're catching up as we work together."
[19:13] * Sailor_Pluto sits and watches, nodding, "Ooooh, that's probably some cool stuff, isn't it?"
[19:14] <Asher> Asher holds back the hint of a smirk, easing his thoughts just a little as he looks over at Kotono. Letting them chitchat, he continues a sentinel overview of the room.
[19:14] <Sailor_Pluto> Sailor Mars snorts, "Yeah, it's called Gaia. Shush, Pluto.":
[19:14] <Sailor_Moon> "I have to say, I'm impressed at that," Usagi admits, smiling pleasantly. "But Gaia isn't really anything to do with our current troubles, though."
[19:15] * Sailor_Jupiter gives Rei a faintly exasperated look, nodding in agreement with Usagi's statement.
[19:15] * Sailor_Saturn nods, taking a deep breath. "Gaia's threat ended two years ago. Practically speaking, our allies rule it now."
[19:16] <Sailor_Pluto> "Go on," The Prime Minister watches you over his hands, resting his chin down. "It's all we have."
[19:19] <Sailor_Saturn> "Ahm..." Hotaru glances at Usagi. "Do you want me to explain the void?" she asks curiously, blushing.
[19:19] <Sailor_Moon> "We ourselves are still learning about this new threat," the blonde admits. "Hmm... Nephrite? Ah... Reclaimer?" she temporises rather than giving away Asher's real name, a slight teasing smile on her lips. "And Saturn, yes. You three are best able to explain what we know."
[19:20] <General_Nephrite> "Go ahead, Saturn," Nephrite yields the floor for the moment. "Best to explain the basis first."
[19:20] <Asher> Asher's face freezes for a moment, and he graciously inclines his head towards Hotaru.
[19:21] <Sailor_Pluto> "Yes, go on. We need to know," The PM watches each, pausing on Reclaimer and Nephrite. "I had the impression most of youw ere named on Greek Gods."
[19:21] <Sailor_Pluto> "Ahem, Roman ones." A correction half a second later.
[19:22] <Sailor_Moon> "Planets, really, but that's neither here nor there," the blonde waves it aside, letting Saturn get into her exposition.
[19:23] <Sailor_Saturn> Hotaru smiles lightly to her three other companions, taking a deep breath. "The current threat, as far as we know, are inhabitants of what we, or I, choose to label as the void. It's a black space of emptiness between different dimensions, worlds, planes, what have you. We've been through it anywhere between one or four times depending on incidents." (More, react as you like!)
[19:24] <Sailor_Pluto> "Space?" The Prime Minister asks,b ut doesn't press it.
[19:25] * Sailor_Moon simply remains quiet and serene, smiling peacefully as Saturn talks. She has learned a thing or two about how to comport herself from hanging around Serenity all the time, after all.
[19:27] <Sailor_Saturn> "Despite this, it still has inhabitants, such as the Beast Lord of Ghosts, who is destroyed to the best of our knowledge, or the current plethora of visitors - Death, Temptation, Pestilence, Hatred, and Despair. Despair is dead. "
[19:27] <Sailor_Saturn> "And no, it's very different from space. Space is in our reality, it has properties discernable to us. The void lacks such properties. You can stand or fall in it, you can walk, you can fly, things can be made there. It's rather, a lack of reality, and thus, primarily subject to your will and your knowledge of how to use it." Hotaru smiels dryly. "That's the basis of where we believe they come from, and their natures.
[19:27] <Sailor_Saturn> Past that, we've been improvising."
[19:28] <Sailor_Pluto> "We know who Death is, yes," Now your leader is quite grim faced, lookign down. "Is there any way we can even slow them down?"
[19:29] <Sailor_Saturn> "Extremely powerful shinto priests had success during the conflict two years ago. I'm not sure I'd hazard them against the leaders of this group," Hotaru shakes her head.
[19:30] <Sailor_Pluto> "I see...then we are entirely dependant on you." A sigh as he thinks, "But of Gaia - are you certain it is no threat now?"
[19:32] <Sailor_Saturn> "Absolutely and completely positive," Hotaru nods, smiling wryly. "The head of state is our princess, who was born there. The head of government is loyal to us and our cause. Furthermore...with the manner in which we were forced to save that world, no Gaian invasion force could stand against us."
[19:32] <Sailor_Jupiter> "We could put you in touch with a representative, if it's to ease your concerns." Makoto suggests.
[19:33] <Sailor_Pluto> "Yes, that would be good," The Prime Minister agrees quickly, serenely.
[19:33] * Sailor_Saturn nods. "We have more than one...ah, military attache with us. Our allies on Gaia sent them when they recieved word of what was going on."
[19:35] <Sailor_Moon> "You shouldn't worry overmuch about Gaia," Usagi agrees gently. "Even if they had the will, they lack the magic to come here in any great numbers. And I don't expect anyone had even dreamed of technology to bridge the gap, like you mentioned earlier."
[19:35] <Sailor_Pluto> "Thank you," Another nod as he ponders, "We can peek in - the scientists call it a dual existance with Earth. I don't understand it, but it's in the same place as our world and yet isn't. I'm not sure they even understand it."
[19:36] <Sailor_Moon> "That sounds about right," Usagi inclines her head a bit. "Anyway, back to our current threat?" she gently tries to shift things back on track.
[19:36] <Sailor_Saturn> "Yes, that'd be fairly accurate based on its mode of existence. Aside, though...Reclaimer and Nephrite have been able to commit more time to detailed research on the current threat," she nods, gesturing.
[19:37] <Sailor_Pluto> "Then yes, the current threat. This void, whatever it is."
[19:37] <Sailor_Pluto> OOC - Gah.
[19:37] <Sailor_Pluto> "Then yes, the current threat. This void, whatever it is." Now turning his attention to Asher outright, "Is it between Earth and Gaia?"
[19:39] <Asher> "Earth and Gaia are put only two planets in the midst of many worlds and planes, Prime Minister," Asher replies, doing his best to put a diplomatic edge to it. "The void's 'reach', if you can call it that, extends far further." Not bad for complete ab libbing. He gestures over to Takeshi with a slight nod. "However, Nephrite has been organizing most of our efforts on research as to the current threat."
[19:39] <Asher> *are but
[19:39] <Sailor_Pluto> "It's cool and complicated!" Sailor Pluto blurts out, "It's like kind of the interdimensional gum between places but it's really big, almost like leftovers ors omething, huh?"
[19:40] <Asher> "Kotono," Asher mutters softly, beneath his breath so only she can hear him.
[19:41] * General_Nephrite nods to Asher, taking to his feet as he clears his throat, coughing a bit at Kotono's outburst. "Er... yeah. As far as where these enemies come from, it would seem to be something like a subset of the void - will defining reality would be the only way to explain what I've seen of their world. Most of it doesn't obey the laws of physics that we're familiar with here."
[19:41] * Sailor_Jupiter smiles at Kotono, strangely relaxing with the burst of oddness.
[19:43] <Sailor_Pluto> Kotono just smiles, taking Asher's hand and nodding, "Well, it is cool," she murmurs, blushing.
[19:45] <Asher> Asher suppresses the overwhelming urge to sigh and keeps the handhold out of sight as he focuses his gaze on Takeshi's explanation.
[19:47] <General_Nephrite> "The ones we've run into so far all seem to be strongly associated with various emotions - or death, in the case of Death who was here yesterday. They seem to be looking for something or someone here on Earth, and we've been looking into the matter to see if we can determine exactly what it is they're looking for."
[19:47] <Sailor_Pluto> "Like what you do," The Prime Minsiter goes on, pondering all of that. "Deathw as looking for something here, but he left when he said itw asn't here."
[19:48] <Sailor_Moon> "And he really didn't hurt anyone?" Usagi interjects, still a bit surprised at that.
[19:51] <Sailor_Pluto> "....." The Prime Minister looks down, quiet. "The official story is that no one was. Unofficially? Four people in critical condition, dozens of lesser injuries, and I know atl east one will never walk again already. His back was snapped like a twig."
[19:51] * General_Nephrite closes his eyes, shaking his head slightly. That seems more in line with reality.
[19:51] * Sailor_Jupiter grits her teeth, looking at the others, not wanting to volunteer for Hotaru, but...
[19:51] <Asher> Asher expels a breath, tension that was already there now justifying itself. He reflexively turns his head to check the room again.
[19:52] <Sailor_Pluto> "Death wasn't the time for any of them to pass, but he's damn well made a good effort and sending them there." The PM sounds angry, angry and frusturated.
[19:52] <Sailor_Saturn> Hotaru takes a deep breath. "I might be able to help the one with a broken back. THe others...if they'll live, I need to conserve energy," she soffers softly.
[19:53] <General_Nephrite> "Believe me, we're making every effort we can to put a stop to their attacks," Nephrite assures the older man. "One of them has already been killed, and with luck that won't be the last one we can put a stop to permanently."
[19:54] <Sailor_Pluto> "If you would," THe Prime Minister rises, tired, "I'll lead you to him now."
[19:54] * Sailor_Moon smiles slightly at Hotaru's offer. "It's just too much for most people to be expected to stand against," she admits. "I hope we can put a stop to these invaders soon... funny as it is, Death was restrained compared to the ones at the expo. That could have been horrific if we weren't there."
[19:55] * General_Nephrite takes his seat again, seeing that the explanations seem to be concluded for now.
[19:56] * Sailor_Saturn nods, standing and smiling weakly. "Most of the time, I'm destruction incarnate, but I can heal, amongst other tricks," she nods, glancing across the others. "Mah, lead on," she nods, looking to the prime minister.
[19:56] <Sailor_Pluto> "To the rest of you - thank you, and we'll be in touch through Usagi." With a bow he stands, leading Hotaru on out!(#evil, Hotaru.)
[19:57] <Sailor_Pluto> As he goes, "You can go now - I've gathered you have a way to get out of here thatw on't attract attention."
[19:57] * Sailor_Moon stands as well and bows. "Thank you, we can leave from here, yes," she agrees.
[19:57] <Sailor_Jupiter> Makoto looks to Usagi, then to Hotaru, wondering if the smaller girl wants company.
[19:57] * General_Nephrite rises and bows to the prime minister as he departs. "Thank you for your time, sir."
[19:58] * Sailor_Saturn offers a hand to Jupiter, a smile as well as she gestures after her. "I'll be bringing my body guard," she snickers.
[19:58] <Asher> Asher rises as well, gently letting go of Kotono's hand and giving a polite bow to the Prime Minister, remaining broodingly quiet as always.
[19:58] <Sailor_Jupiter> "I'll come with Saturn, if that's all right?" Makoto says, finally, nodding.
[19:59] <Sailor_Pluto> "As you wish," The Prime Minister calls.
[19:59] <Sailor_Saturn> Hotaru nods, taking Makoto's hand and following in earnest.
[19:59] * Sailor_Jupiter nods and rises, moving over to Hotaru as they leave, hand in hand.
[20:04] <Sailor_Pluto> "Let's go," Kotono says once they're gone, "At least that went well, huh?
[20:04] <Asher> "Fairly," Asher notes with a bit of caution. It still makes him wonder what their adversaries were up to...
[20:05] <Sailor_Moon> "Still surprised they figured it out," Usagi notes, her demeanour seeming more relaxed as she gets up. "Anyway, shall we go?"
[20:05] <General_Nephrite> "Seemed to," Takeshi agrees, nodding. "Won't be long before they know who the rest of us are, though, if they know Usagi's identity And yeah, let's go."
[20:06] <Sailor_Pluto> "Then we'll just have to trust them," Rei's scowl is dark, Sailor Mars coming ove to Usagi. "Let's just get out ohere."
[20:07] <Sailor_Pluto> So back to SErenity's they go! The Queen and the other two await inside, "I saw on the TV," she says simply. "That was...good of you, but where are Saturn and Jupiter?"
[20:07] <Sailor_Moon> "Saturn went to heal someone who was hurt by Death," Usagi explains, detransforming. "The government kept it secret."
[20:08] * General_Nephrite blows out a long breath as the group reappears in Serenity's home, letting the almost-comfortable tension leave him. "Didn't go too badly. Gave the prime minister some brief explanations after we left the press conference," Takeshi explains.
[20:09] <Usagi> "He also knew I was Usagi Tsukino," the blonde adds, sitting down next to the pink-haired woman. "Guess I was too conspicuous when I calmed down that riot at the expo..."
[20:17] <Sailor_Pluto> "Now that may be a problem...but if they are in good faith?" Serenity smiles at that last part, "I saw all of you. Welld one to each of you for your good words and conduct. I couldn't have dreamed of a better impression."
[20:18] <Usagi> "Thanks," Usagi beams at the praise. "They do seem sincere about wanting our help, so I don't think I'll have any trouble. Just a bit annoying that it's not secret anymore, I guess."
[20:19] <Takeshi> "I doubt they'll make it public, at least," Takeshi says, stretching a bit. "Does them no good if their protectors are mobbed or constantly having to watch over their shoulders."
[20:19] <Usagi> "Exactly," the blonde nods to Takeshi. "They said they'd contact us through me in the future, so I guess I better warn my family, though..."
[20:21] <Sailor_Pluto> "Smal mercy," Rei snorts, going to sit on the couch with a plop...and smiles. "AT least we have a distraction," she mutters to no one at all.
[20:22] * Usagi smiles and pats Rei's leg. "We'll be fine, Rei-chan," she assures soothingly.
[20:22] <Sailor_Pluto> Rei looks at Usagi's pat and smirks just a bit, "I made up my mind," she goes on easily, "Hey, everyone!I 'm curious about something!"
[20:23] * Takeshi glances over at Rei. "Hmm?"
[20:23] * Usagi raises an eyebrow but her smile doesn't slip, letting Rei carry on as she pleases while returning her own hands to rest primly on her lap.
[20:25] <Asher> Asher raises his eyes for the first time from the floor, having been subdued and quiet ever since their return.
[20:31] <Sailor_Pluto> "I think I'm okay with this, as much as it's annoying." REi smiles after some thought, nodding, "At worst, we at least have Gaia...though I think it won't come to that. It bettern ot!"
[20:32] <Usagi> "Yeah..." Usagi agrees slowly, not making much sense of that. "But didn't you say you were curious about something?" The two statements didn't seem to follow...
[20:34] <Sailor_Pluto> "Are you curious as well," Rei bats her eyelashes at the rabbit, smirking now.
[20:35] <Sailor_Pluto> "Mmmm." Pluto goes over to Asher, idly leaning on him and smiling. "What'cha thinking about?"
[20:35] * Usagi smiles innocently at Rei. "I think I've come to terms with things," she replies simply, rising to her feet. "Anyway, might as well head home if that's it for today... want to walk me partway, Rei-chan?"
[20:35] * Takeshi raises an eyebrow at that.
[20:36] <Asher> Asher similarly looks confused as to what exactly Rei and Usagi were talking about, responding only by relaxing and leaning back against Kotono. "Trying to figure out what exactly... well, I'm not sure,"  he admits. His thoughts were a bit scatterbrained.
[20:39] <Sailor_Pluto> As Usagi asks, her communicator beeps.
[20:39] <Sailor_Pluto> "Mmmm?" Kotono gently rubs up against him, "What exactly, Asher-chan? All of thist oday?"
[20:39] * Usagi twitches, glancing at the TV to see if the news is mentioning a sudden monster attack at the Diet as she takes out her communicator. "Hello?"
[20:40] <Makoto> Makoto's face, notably free of Roman-ish Tiara greets Usagi. "Hi. Saturn asked me to get in touch with you. Apparently, this isn't just a severed spine."
[20:41] * Usagi makes an unpleasant face at the mention of spines being severed. "What's wrong?" she asks.
[20:41] <Asher> "Mostly that and trying to figure out what our enemies are up to," he agrees amiably, taking Kotono's arm and trying to keep her settled down as glances over at Usagi in a bit of a surprise.
[20:42] <Makoto> "She says it's more of a curse than an injury, and she's afraid to do too much about it, because she might kill him." Makoto relates. "Can you swing by again?"
[20:43] <Usagi> "Okay," the blonde takes a deep breath. "Meet me in the room we were just in?" she asks, before taking out her transformation pen and calling, "Moon Crystal Power, Make Up!"
[20:44] <Asher> "Is there an attack?" Asher asks quietly, looking ready to move himself.
[20:45] <Sailor_Pluto> Kotono starts to answer, but goes to looking at Usagi instead. "Is there, huh?"
[20:45] * Sailor_Moon shakes her head. "Saturn needs help healing the man with the broken back," she says, demeanour turning more serious. "Nothing for you guys to worry about - should be back soon." And with that, she winks away back to the conference room.
[20:46] <Takeshi> "Definitely not anything I can help with," Takeshi says, relaxing a bit as he shakes his head.
[20:48] <Sailor_Pluto> "Mmm," Kotono gently tugs at Asher, going towards the couch. "Queen Serenity, I'm sure it'll work out and w'ell all be useful and besides, atl east they aren't hunting us or turning Tokyo into some sort of post acoplocalytpic Senshi hunting ground, huh?"
[20:49] <Asher> "We have enough concerns as is, I won't disagree with that..." Asher manages as he's pretty much led back with Kotono, face still impassive and in the midst of consideration.
[20:53] <Sailor_Pluto> To thetouch, Kotono curling up with Asherand looking at Takeshi. "We've done some research but we're still working, you know?"
[20:54] <Takeshi> "I understand," Takeshi says with a slight smile, nodding to the two. "I should probably get going, anyway - pick up some dinner and then head home."
[20:54] <Sailor_Pluto> "Takeshi!" Serenity calls at that, "If anything, would you like toe at over here. One should get used to my hopefully acceptable cooking?" A slight bow by the Queen, a smile.
[20:55] <Asher> "Erm. Could you leave those copies here? I can hand them out to the others when they come back; just looks like today's been too busy to really go over it for now." Asher shoots a glance at the queen's words, quickly amending his words. "Or that."
[20:56] * Takeshi chuckles. "I suppose that'll work," the young man agrees, heading over to the kitchen. "Oh yeah - I'll just leave them here. Seems like everyone stops by here often enough that they can pick one up when they get here." He heads over to his bookbag by the door, taking out the copies of his and Asher's combined notes and handing a copy to Kotono and Rei, and the original notebook back to Asher.
[20:59] <Takeshi> OOC - Edit note, kill the notebook.
[20:59] <Sailor_Pluto> "That will work....the three of you, come. We can prepare dinner for the others." With a warm smile Serenity looks to Asher and Kotono, "Or do you wish to be alone?"
[21:00] <Asher> "Works," Asher agrees easily as he slouches back against the couch, pursing his lips and snagging the notebook he'd left behind on the table to open up to the passages again. It wasn't like they were being of much use just sitting around, anyway.
[21:00] <Sailor_Pluto> "Oh!" Kotono blushes at that, "You want to be alone with me, Asher-chan?!"
[21:00] <Sailor_Pluto> "That's....oh, I'm okay with it, but you know?!" Kotono glomps onto him tighter, nuzzling into his shoulder!
[21:03] <Asher> ...
[21:03] * Takeshi covers a smirk as he heads in to help Serenity in the kitchen. "You two have fun out here, then," he comments, chuckling to himself.
[21:03] <Asher> OOC - That was supposed to be to TAKESHI'S STATEMENT.
[21:03] <Sailor_Pluto> OOC - I'd try Kotono Kontrol now!
[21:05] <Asher> Asher's face flushes back momentarily as he throws Takeshi a nasty look. "No, we'll do our share, Queen Serenity, we wouldn't want to skimp out on responsibilities." With that, he deattaches himself from the couch, looking back at Kotono with a 'you're not getting off the hook that easily' look.
[21:09] <Sailor_Pluto> Kotono stays where she is, puckering her lips and looking on hopefully, "But she said it's okay, Asher-chan, and...wanna make out," she asks most innocently.
[21:14] <Asher> "Kotono, I'm helping her out in the kitchen," Asher states resolutely, giving her a long look. Sometimes... he sighs and heads off to help the monarch and Takeshi in preparing dinner.
[21:15] <Sailor_Pluto> As Asher goes, she feels a hand on his shoulder, "Asher-chan!" Kotono calls, racing up.
[21:18] <Sailor_Pluto> *he
[21:19] <Asher> Asher spares the blonde a look as they both head in, looking to see what Serenity exactly had in mind here.


This stuff is where we split for Hotaru and Makoto going with the Prime Minister after the big meeting
[20:03] <Sailor_Pluto> Down the halls Jupiter and Saturn go. An elevator takes you into a basement - one converted into a hospital. Here wounded men are treated, curtains of white making distinctions between beds. The smell of medicine and sterile alcohol is deep.
[20:04] <Sailor_Saturn> "So I have a more detailed question" Saturn hazards softly as she follows the prime minister, glancing back at Jupiter. "Do you know the identities of the rest of us?"
[20:05] <Sailor_Jupiter> Makoto scowls as she looks around. Injuries that need to be hidden to keep the public calm are slightly frustrating, if unavoidable. She listens as Hotaru speaks, but doesn't comment.
[20:09] <Sailor_Pluto> "No, not yet." A pause at this, "We haven't investigated, but..." Another pause, "We'll probably find out, yes." Down to the end you go - a man is in a bed here. He lies flat and unmoving, weak. He lies on his stomach, back bandages massively.
[20:09] <Sailor_Jupiter> "Is that really necessary?" Makoto can't help but ask, unhappily.
[20:10] <Sailor_Saturn> "Surprising," Hotaru murmurs, stopping over the man, and leaning her glaive against the wall. "Whatever you do, don't touch the polearm," she instructs, reaching out to put one finger on the man's back, reaching deeply with her senses to feel out the exact form of the problem. "I'd have thought you'd have mine by now...mah."
[20:16] <Sailor_Pluto> There are uniformed officers here as well as doctors going about, but all stand aside for Hotaru! OOC - Soul check -4.
[20:16] <Sailor_Saturn> roll 2d6-4
[20:16] * Hatbot --> "Sailor_Saturn rolls 2d6-4 and gets -2." [2d6=1, 1]
[20:17] <Sailor_Pluto> Oh, it's easy to see. A great swirling mass of gray and black swirls deeply in his lines, a massive boil of destruction, death and pain.
[20:17] <Sailor_Pluto> Hotaru can easily tell it's not natural, even for an injury.
[20:19] <Sailor_Saturn> "...Oh, yeah, dur," Hotaru snorts to herself, beginning the same process as she did for Chikako, focusing a shell of white and violet around the darkness, beginning to tighten and strangle it as she feelds healing energy into the man...
[20:19] * Sailor_Jupiter looks on curiously, but standing back. She's here for moral support, and little else. Just to be careful, though, Makoto scans the room carefully between pauses.
[20:19] <Sailor_Saturn> *feeds
[20:22] <Sailor_Pluto> OOC - Soul check +2
[20:22] <Sailor_Saturn> roll 2d6+2 burning 10 ep
[20:22] * Hatbot --> "Sailor_Saturn rolls 2d6+2 burning 10 ep and gets 7." [2d6=2, 3]
[20:23] <Sailor_Pluto> roll 2d6
[20:23] * Hatbot --> "Sailor_Pluto rolls 2d6 and gets 8." [2d6=5, 3]
[20:23] <Sailor_Pluto> Hotaru's struggle is long and difficult! She does affect it a bit, but the very energy seems to be designed or imposed to resist! The progress is minimal, Hotaru feeding in some healing to it! (15 EP worth.)
[20:25] <Sailor_Saturn> Hotaru mutters softly to herself. "Malicious bastard..." she whispers, feeding more energy in, hardening and tightening the walls sharply, pouring more and more of her own energy into. "This would be easier with Moon here...we'll see," she breathes, letting more violet seep in on the inner edges to pierce and divide the blackness into smaller bits she can more effectively subdue.
[20:25] <Sailor_Pluto> OOC - Soul check +2 again.
[20:25] <Sailor_Saturn> roll 2d6+2 burning 10 ep
[20:25] * Hatbot --> "Sailor_Saturn rolls 2d6+2 burning 10 ep and gets 7." [2d6=4, 1]
[20:27] <Sailor_Pluto> roll 2d6
[20:27] * Hatbot --> "Sailor_Pluto rolls 2d6 and gets 6." [2d6=3, 3]
[20:27] <Sailor_Pluto> The progress again is very minimal - it's resisting massively! The energy is hard to break, taking Htoaru's healing and only very slowly letting go of any wounds it covers! OOC - Another 15 EP in healing.
[20:29] * Sailor_Jupiter moves up nearer Hotaru as Saturn strains, grimacing a little. "It bad?"
[20:29] <Sailor_Saturn> "...Okay, find Jupiter some place private, and have her call Usagi. It isn't JUST an injury, it's essentially a curse," she growls.
[20:31] <Sailor_Jupiter> "...Okay." Makoto coughs lightly, looking around and nodding, hoping only the Prime Minister heard that.
[20:32] <Sailor_Pluto> The Prime Minister is lingering, and with a wave of his hand, the doctors and officers break and make haste away.
[20:33] * Sailor_Jupiter looks to the Prime Minister nervously, waiting for...whatever he decides.
[20:34] <Sailor_Pluto> "Go ahead," he decides, curtains closed and the little area pretty much empty now.
[20:38] <Sailor_Jupiter> Jupiter nods and moves over to a defensible position, using the bed and machines to obscure her from view if anyone walks in, and releases her transformation, and freeing up her communicator.
[20:39] * Makoto fishes the communicator from her skirt pocket, and hits the moon's button...
[20:39] * Sailor_Saturn takes a deep breath. "Moon's the best with outright breaking curses. I'me versed in black magic because I have to use it every now and then, but breaking it might kill him with my energy composition," she explains, closing her eyes.
[20:42] <Sailor_Pluto> "Black magic..." Yoshimori digests that, leaning against a wall as he watches, expensive suit slightly rumpled.
[20:43] <Sailor_Saturn> "It's more manipulating the void than anything else," Hotaru provides, her smile weak. "Some of it's nastier than other stuff. Like energy draining, that's 'not to be used ever unless maaayyybe it means your survival'," Hotaru provides, shaking ehr ehad. "Energy cloaking is a different matter, but...yeah."
[20:44] <Makoto> Makoto's voice comes out from her hiding place-"Jupiter Crystal Power, Make up!"
[20:44] <Sailor_Jupiter> And The senshi of Jupiter emerges once more. "She'll meet us in the room they left from." Makoto offers to the PM, bowing.
[20:45] <Sailor_Pluto> "Go get her and bring her back here," he instructs after a moment. "No one's gonig to stop you."
[20:46] <Sailor_Jupiter> "Yes, sir." Makoto replies, excusing herself quietly and slipping out, heading back the way she came.
[20:47] <Sailor_Saturn> "Anyway, honestly? This is just babble to keep myself occupied," Hotaru murmurs, shaking her head. "Everyone sees magic differently."
[20:47] <Sailor_Pluto> So shortly Sailor Moon and Jupiter return!
[20:48] <Sailor_Moon> "Saturn?" the blonde asks as she steps into view, wincing a bit at the state of the patient. "Jupiter mentioned a curse?"
[20:48] * Sailor_Jupiter takes up a position by the edge of the curtain as she leads Usagi in, just waiting.
[20:49] <Sailor_Saturn> "It's like Neptune, only with alot of black and a lot of focused intent," Hotaru sighs, gesturing slightly at the man as Moon arrives, and the white-violet outlined pocket of gray and black. "If you can break the magic on it, I can fix him, just that this would be an exercise of brute force if I do it alone."
[20:50] <Sailor_Moon> "Okay," the blonde takes a deep breath as she takes up position opposite Saturn next to the bed. "Let me see..." she rests a hand gingerly atop the bandages around his back, closing her eyes as she feels out for the any malign foreign influences on the patient.
[20:53] <Sailor_Pluto> OOc - Soul check -4
[20:53] <Sailor_Moon> roll 2d6-4
[20:53] * Hatbot --> "Sailor_Moon rolls 2d6-4 and gets 5." [2d6=3, 6]
[20:54] <Sailor_Pluto> Easy enough - there is a vast knot of gray and black ribbons within his infinity, a vast, unnatural injury of the highests scale. It's been slightly dented, but not enough.
[20:56] <Sailor_Moon> "I see it..." Usagi murmurs, brow furrowing slightly as she begins to focus, a glow around her arm barely visible against the sterile illumination of the ward. Marshalling the purifying light of her soul, she seeks to flush out the darkness from the poor man's spiritual makeup.
[20:56] <Sailor_Pluto> OOC - Soul check +2
[20:56] <Sailor_Moon> roll 2d6+2
[20:56] * Hatbot --> "Sailor_Moon rolls 2d6+2 and gets 8." [2d6=3, 3]
[20:57] <Sailor_Pluto> roll 2d6
[20:57] * Hatbot --> "Sailor_Pluto rolls 2d6 and gets 11." [2d6=5, 6]
[20:57] <Sailor_Pluto> This has somethingm more of an effect! The ribbons of black and lines of gray are strained by this, a muffled moan from the injured officer! OOC - Soul checks +6, both Usagi and Hotaru.
[20:57] <Sailor_Moon> roll 2d6+6
[20:58] * Hatbot --> "Sailor_Moon rolls 2d6+6 and gets 15." [2d6=3, 6]
[20:58] <Sailor_Saturn> roll 2d6+6 burning 30 ep
[20:58] * Hatbot --> "Sailor_Saturn rolls 2d6+6 burning 30 ep and gets 13." [2d6=6, 1]
[20:58] * Sailor_Jupiter jumps, looking around wildly!
[21:00] * Sailor_Moon sways slightly dizzily. "Oooh..." she murmurs, trying to compose herself. "Something's wrong..."
[21:00] <Sailor_Jupiter> "Something's wrong, you two..." Jupiter snaps, taking a slower, more careful, but urgent look at her surroundings, then at their current project.
[21:01] <Sailor_Saturn> Hotaru's eyes widen sharply, and she dives after what she senses mind and energy thrown at the focus, a spear of the purest violet coming with her to simply annihilate that little focus. "Usagi, follow my energy," she instructs, shivering.
[21:01] <Sailor_Saturn> *senses,
[21:02] <Sailor_Moon> "Huh... uh, sure!" the blonde nods, blinking and refocusing, following the weave of magic and trying to track what Hotaru does and imitate it with her own power.
[21:02] <Sailor_Jupiter> Makoto blinks at Usagi's sudden proclamation, wondering if the danger is magical, or physical. Scanning first for visible threats, Makoto tries to see the fireflies...
[21:02] <Sailor_Pluto> OOC - Soul check -2, Mako
[21:02] <Sailor_Pluto> OOC - Soul check, Usa.
[21:03] <Sailor_Jupiter> roll 2d6-2
[21:03] * Hatbot --> "Sailor_Jupiter rolls 2d6-2 and gets 7." [2d6=6, 3]
[21:03] <Sailor_Moon> roll 2d6
[21:03] * Hatbot --> "Sailor_Moon rolls 2d6 and gets 2." [2d6=1, 1]
[21:03] <Sailor_Pluto> OOC - Soul check +1, Hotaru.
[21:03] <Sailor_Pluto> OOc -...1d6 Usa.
[21:03] <Sailor_Moon> roll 1d6
[21:03] * Hatbot --> "Sailor_Moon rolls 1d6 and gets 1." [1d6=1]
[21:03] <Sailor_Saturn> roll 2d6+1
[21:03] * Hatbot --> "Sailor_Saturn rolls 2d6+1 and gets 6." [2d6=1, 4]
[21:04] <Sailor_Pluto> A solemn cluster of black fireflies, black and gray. Horrific, something about it making Makoto's sense tingle like mad.
[21:04] <Sailor_Pluto> Usagi sees it with Hotaru's help! A horrible formless cluster of blackenergy inside! There is a distinct feeling of danger she gets from it, a laughing skull seen inside!
[21:04] <Sailor_Pluto> roll 2d6
[21:04] * Hatbot --> "Sailor_Pluto rolls 2d6 and gets 10." [2d6=6, 4]
[21:05] <Sailor_Pluto> Hotaru's thrust of power indents in it, a wound but not enough to puncture it outright, not alone!
[21:05] <Sailor_Pluto> OOC - My fault, Usa.
[21:05] <Sailor_Jupiter> "Holy Fuck...Be careful!" Makoto blurts, sorely tempted to rip them both away. "It's...Agh. Danger Sense is going nuts...!"
[21:07] <Sailor_Pluto> With Usagi's added on thrust she can see it! A formless ball of black energy, a laughing skull within! But her power of white cloaks it, a single dagger of purple added! Together both penetrate the mass, making it surge out, winking and...
[21:07] <Sailor_Pluto> roll 2d6+4
[21:07] * Hatbot --> "Sailor_Pluto rolls 2d6+4 and gets 9." [2d6=4, 1]
[21:07] <Sailor_Pluto> While weakened and fading, a massive blue, fiery skull erupts out, right at all the girls! OOC - DCV -3 since it's badly diluted and weakened.
[21:07] <Sailor_Moon> roll 2d6-3
[21:07] * Hatbot --> "Sailor_Moon rolls 2d6-3 and gets 6." [2d6=6, 3]
[21:07] <Sailor_Saturn> roll 2d6-3
[21:07] <Sailor_Jupiter> roll 2d6-3
[21:07] * Hatbot --> "Sailor_Saturn rolls 2d6-3 and gets 2." [2d6=4, 1]
[21:07] * Hatbot --> "Sailor_Jupiter rolls 2d6-3 and gets 5." [2d6=3, 5]
[21:08] <Sailor_Pluto> The girls move, jumping ducking and weaving! The skull fades away into nothingness, the energy mass gone entirely now! But...
[21:08] <Sailor_Saturn> Hotaru's already on the rebound, hands burning with bright life energy as she lays them on the man, trying to weave him back together as fast as she can!
[21:11] <Sailor_Pluto> This goes well! Hotaru sinks her energy in, not that relatively much needed int he aftermath. (20 EP.)
[21:12] * Sailor_Moon watches anxiously as Hotaru works her magic, this now past her area of expertise. "This was a trap," she notes distantly as she watches. "Like he knew this would happen."
[21:13] <Sailor_Saturn> Hotaru lets out a long breath, slumping down. "He should be okay, he'll need to walk to be sure, but he looks alright...if he isn't, I'll havce to do...I dunno, magical surgery," she murmurs, nodding to Usagi. "That was planted there, and planted DEEP."
[21:13] <Sailor_Jupiter> "Holy...Death..." Makoto growls. "He made him into a human bomb..." Jupiter snarls. "He knew we'd be around to help eventually."
[21:14] <Sailor_Pluto> "....I'll make sure that's known if there is another attack," The Prime Minister nods, and then, "Thank you."
[21:15] * Sailor_Moon nods slowly. "Least we could do..." she defers to the Prime Minister, before adding more quietly to the other senshi, "I don't suppose one of you could give me a lift out of here, by the way?"
[21:16] * Sailor_Saturn waves her hand tiredly, standing. "It makes me feel better," she offers, smiling weakly. She nods to Usagi. "I can," she offers, taking a deep breath. "I'm going to have to push myself again...mah."
[21:17] <Sailor_Jupiter> "I can." Makoto nods, glancing to Hotaru. *I think* "You just worry about yourself, Saturn." Makoto smiles. "I didn't use any energy."
[21:18] <Sailor_Moon> "Thanks, Jupiter," Usagi smiles, reaching over to take Makoto's hand.
[21:19] <Sailor_Jupiter> Makoto nods. "Headquarters, or home?" Makoto adds, taking Usagi's hand in hers and giving Moon a faint grin at the silly dancing around identities again, and looking at Hotaru to make sure she's holding up ok.
[21:20] <Sailor_Saturn> Hotaru snickers quietly, nodding and glancing at the prime minister, then Makoto, offering a weary but solid smile. "One thing, if you want to at some point show us your office, we can get there instantly," she offers, shaking her head before she disappears in a rush of violet.
[21:20] <Sailor_Moon> "Where we were before coming here," Usagi agrees.
[21:22] <Sailor_Jupiter> Makoto bows respectfully to the prime minister, and hopes against hope she can take someone with her. She's never tried, yet...wait, the empty one. *This should be ok.* She decides, willing the two girls away.