
"It occured to me while drunk, so it must have been genius."

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Gaikokujin desssssssssssu!

Started by Carthrat, October 26, 2006, 04:06:32 AM

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Brought to you by an icy witch and her Waukeenar friend... (haha I get to use caps in mine)


Sin: A once mighty empire, extending over the entire western continent. Arcane might was the greatest force present, and ironically spelt out it's end.

People were almost totally united before Armageddon, quite literally, broke out, due to the overly frequent use of Gate spells. After the angels and demons ruined about 90% of the continent, a few bright sparks decided to leave, and sailed away, breaching the shore of...

Yapan, a series of three continents that form something of a hamburger. To the north lies The Kingdom of the Rising Human Glory, and the meat of the sandwich takes the form of the Elven Federation of Dove and Honor, whilst the lower half of the bun being where the action takes place. In possession of The Yapani Empire of United Mankind, this side is where things are a-changing, primarily in the province of

Tenbin. There isn't actually much to say about Tenbin, apart from the fact that it's ruled by a magic-hating bitch, going by the name of Lady Shion. This is not enough to prevent out brave heroes passing through...


Skye L'Croix, one of the few Sinians who managed to escape the carnage back on her homeland. A polyglot, wanderer, and wizard, she possesses a temper 'of moderate swiftness', magical ability 'of moderate import', a purse of 'rapidly dwindling capacity', and a few things I can't tell you, on pain of knife. Intrepid (we hope), cunning (most definately), and brave (played by the guy who fast-talks dragons), her goals include getting together with her scattered countrymen, digging up ever-more magical lore, and perhaps, maybe, someday kicking all the remaining outsiders off her home continent and reclaiming it.

Kailan is her trusted familar, a most noble raven of the blackest sheen. His mastery of the fine art of sarcasm has enabled him to hone his skills into veritable needles, which he uses frequently to pop the ego of his beloved master.

Matters have been complicated by the appearance of

Inazuma Raddo, an enigmatic advisor to The Emperor. According to his words, the Elves, enemies of all mankind (or so Yapani humans would have you believe), are after Skye for some reason, and she is to travel to the Capital. Reasons are unclear, and due to a series of unfortunate events, he and Skye were seperated. It was only after this event that he was revealed to be some kind of Divine Emissary. What consequences his fate could have are unknown...

Other notable figures include

Aru, a Paladin in service to God. No, really. Her skill is great, though it almost did not prevent a most craven attack whilst she was sleeping. Sadly, she is also mute, relying on mystical spells of communication to get by. After Raddo was (kidnapped? killed? Who knows?), she heard of Skye's desire to travel to the Capital for Answers. Concerned for the fate of her home province of Tenbin, she asked Skye to ask the Emperor for help, seeing as the Sinian mage has a scheduled meeting with the man. Thus, she escorted her to a port of Tenbin, and towards the capable hands of

Tohsaka Rin, leader of the Tohsaka clan, which is supposedly a group of powerful mages. Erratic in her moods and devious in her cruel plots, she has misled our most noble protagonist into taking the Test of the Tohsaka's, in order to determine whether or not the woman is worthy to inherit some secrets. Because they are secrets, our mage did not ask what they were, but foolishly accepted anyway. Concerned with making sure what happened in Sin does not happen in Yapan, Rin is developing spells that will allow her to prevent Gates...

Mina runs an (illicit?) shop, titled "Mina's Menagerie", where she weaves most cunning illusions to permit the fantasies of any who walk within. SKye volunteered to work, because, like all students, she badly needed the money. (No, you pervs, she didn't do anything like that.)

The Wand of Magic Missile (CL2), who occasionally possesses Skye and makes her forget that she knows any other spells. Dozens of rounds have passed with no other spell cast, but... 2d4+2! Always hits! How CAN you go wrong?

The Scroll of Scorching Ray, which, while it only appears once, was very, very good to me.

Last, but not least, is our resisdent

Ridiculously High Level Mage Whose Name I Can't Remember. And that's all I DO remember, apart from some dire warnings indeed.

There were some others, too, but I can't remember them. I'm sure they're not important (which means at least one will come back to bite me in the ass. So be it! They don't get boldcolourtextdescription until that happens, though!)

The story, as it is, is soon to follow, likely beginning with Skye's exciting excursion into Tohsaka's fun-fun happy underground torture chamber...
[19:14] <Annerose> Aww, mouth not outpacing brain after all?
[19:14] <Candide> My brain caught up


Skye L'Croix

Chaotic Good Female Human
5th Level Wizard (EL 5. Hundred. Million.)

Hit Dice (5d4+10), (26 HP)
Initiative: +7
Speed: 30ft
Armour Class: 13 (17 w/Mage Armour)
Base Attack/Grapple: +2/+2
Attack: Dagger, +2, 1d4/19-20x2, Dagger(thrown), +5, 1d4/19-20/x2
Special Attacks: Spellcasting
Special Qualities: Familiar, Protagonist, Spellcasting
Space/Reach: 5ft/5ft
Saves: Fort +5, Refl +6, Will +8
Abilities: Str 11, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 18, Wis 14, Cha 11
Skills: Craft: Calligraphy: +11, Concentration: +10, Knowledge: Arcana: +12, Knowledge: Planes: +12, Knowledge: Nobility: +6, Knowledge: Paladins: +5, Knowledge: Religion: +7, Spellcraft: +15, Spot: +6, Listen: +6
Langauges: Sinian, Northern, Southern, Eastern Elven, Western Elven, Draconic, Celestial, Aquan, Auran
Feats: Scribe Scroll, Improved Initiative, Luck of Heroes, Craft Wand

4x Daggers, 3x Katana, Kukri
Potions of Sanctuary, Delay Poison
Scrolls of Dispel Magic, Fox's Cunning, Identify, Alter Self, Invisibility, Protection From Arrows
Wallet of Banking (100gp Bond)
Headband (?)
Amulet (?)
Rod (?)

Cloak of Resistance +1
Wand of Magic Missiles (18 charges)

Wizard Spells Prepared: 4/5/3/2/ (DC 15+Spell Level)

1st: Alarm, Mage Armour, Magic Missile, Charm Person, Sleep, Protection From Evil, Nerveskitter
2nd: Alter Self, Invisibility, Protection From Arrows, Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Summon Monster II, Knock, Mirror Image, Web
3rd: Steeldance, Fireball
[19:14] <Annerose> Aww, mouth not outpacing brain after all?
[19:14] <Candide> My brain caught up