
Because we're grown ups now, and its our turn to decide what that means.

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Started by Carthrat, January 22, 2007, 01:14:39 AM

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From an early age, Calathra had trouble speaking. Her throat and vocal chords were damaged from birth, and what voice she could muster came as an extremely quiet, low, throat rasping. As one might expect, this produced a solitary child, a rarity in the country of Luiren.

She found solace predominantly in being unoticed. The professions of stealth and guile were frequent in halflings, of course, and since most didn't pay her any attention, she almost made a game of slipping into places where she shouldn't. Anyone who'd get upset over her couldn't bring themselves to rant too long at a girl who couldn't talk back. She practically mastered the art of simply staring into space, which served her well; since she rarely spoke, she mastered the long-lost art of *listening to what others had to say*, as well.

It's not that the life of an adventurer was what she wanted in the first place. It just sort of happened that way. She was employed by a nameless merchant as a spy of sorts, and she slipped in here and there to listen in on his competetitors. It kept food on the table, so it seemed enough.

One day, though, she got caught by a swordsman, of all people. Halan Teralane, he was called. The laws of the land where she was picked up would enable her execution for tresspassing... but when Halan discovered she couldn't speak well enough to make a plea for her defence, his heart softened.

Virtually kidnapping her from the merchant whom she worked for, he took her to the secluded lands of cold, and began re-educating her in the ways of a blade.

"Because," said he, "Everyone has something they must pass on. A student who cannot talk back makes the best recepticle."

Secretly, Calathra seethed at her treatment. But since he spared her life, she had to go along with it. And, truth be told, she enjoyed the lessons, if not his company.

After some three years of training, Halan simply vanished, leaving behind a note. "The meek and ye are silent both. The silent knife you hold- in whose service will it draw?"

With nothing left for her at Halan's home, Calathra simply left. She still hates the fact that she was confined in the first place... but ultimately, she surely has better things to do than hunt a single swordmaster in this world. The mute (almost) woman thus wanders the coldlands, serving, indeed, as the silent blade of the weak. Holding to her own standards of justice, she slays those who opress those undeserving without mercy... and without reward. A lonely, thankless existence. Time, it seems, will tell how long she can stand it.

Haran himself was not without enemies. More than once, the master was challenged by passing disciples of the Sublime Way. Indeed, he seemed to have some measure of fame, though Calathra never asked (or cared) why. Unfortunately, she discovered later, some of that had passed on to her. Though she has yet to be found, she hasn't left the region in which Halan lived... and she's overheard people who are looking out for a halfling who fancies herself a swordswoman.

As long as she keeps a low profile, though, they'll likely never find her...


Cloaked in white, Calathra's collar obscures part of her face from the cold, and she wears a long, tattered scarf that frequently trails behind her. The heavy clothing conceals all manner of weapons. Her eyes perpetually have bags under them, and when not fighting or engaged in strenuous activity, she prefers to remain still, often standing unassumingly in a corner or behind one who speaks, listening to every word.

Chaotic Good Female Strongheart Halfling
6th Level Swordsage
Hit Dice (5d8+15)+(6+1d5), 43 HP (must update)
Initiative: +8
Speed: 30ft
Armour Class: 24 (Touch 19, Flat-Footed 15)
Base Attack/Grapple: +4/-1
Attack: Short Swords: +13 (+11/+11), 1d4+6/1d4+3 19-20/x2
   Thrown Dagger: +13 (+11/+11), 1d3-1 19-20/x2
Special Attacks: Manuevers, Quick
Special Qualities: Quick To Act +2, AC Bonus, Discipline Focus: Weapon Focus (Shadow Hand), Insightful Strike (Desert Wind), Halfling Traits
Space/Reach: 5ft/5ft
Saves: Fort +4, Refl +10, Will +8
Abilities: Str 8, Dex 22, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 6
Skills: Climb +1, Balance (3)+9, Concentration (9)+12, Jump (8)+9, Hide (9)+15, Move Silently (9)+17, Listen (9)+14, Sense Motive (7)+10, Swim (3)+4 Tumble (6)+12
Langauges: Common, Halfling, Damaran
Feats: Weapon Finesse, Shadow Blade, Two-Weapon Fighting, Rapid Assault
Equipment: Mithril Shirt, Amulet of Health +2, Gloves of Dexterity +2, 2x Masterwork Short Sword, 2x Silvered Dagger, 2x Cold Iron Dagger, Warpony+GearAdventurer's Kit, Potion of Cure Light Wounds, Potion of Endure Elements 15gp

Maunevers Known: 11
Manuevers Readied: 6
Stances Known: 3

(Dw: 3, DM: 3, SS: 3, SH: 3, SD: 1 TC: 2)

Burning Blade (1d6+5 fire damage all attacks for 1 round.)
Counter Charge (Vs. Charge; Opposed Dex Check; +4 vs. larger or equal creatures; success means attack is foiled, can move him 2 squares in any direction. Failure means creature gets +2 on attack roll.)
Sapphire Nightmare Blade (Opponent Flat Footed, +1d6 w/Concentration Check that > his AC)
Sudden Leap (Jump as swift action)
Wolf Fang Strike (Attack with two weapons as standard action)

Flashing Sun (+1 Attack, all attacks at -2)
Mountain Hammer (+2d6 damage, ignore DR, Hardness)
Shadow Jaunt (50ft Teleport, Standard Action)

Death Mark (Enemy takes extra fire damage, explodes for 6d6 dependant on size)
Insightful Strike (Concentration check instead of damage roll)
Mind Over Body (Concentration check instead of Fort Save)

Child of Shadow (20% miss chance if move more than 10ft in a round.)
Step of the Wind (Ignore difficult terrain; +2 on attacks in difficult terrain, +4 on bull rush/trip.)
Giant-Killing Style (+2 Attack, +4 Damage vs. Larger Foes)
[19:14] <Annerose> Aww, mouth not outpacing brain after all?
[19:14] <Candide> My brain caught up


Name: Jeanne of Tethyr
Race: Human
Class: Paladin 6
Alignment: Lawful Good
Age: 20
Height: 4' 11''
Weight: 115lb
Hair: Blonde, styled in ponytails
Eyes: Blue

Str: 18 (4)
Dex: 15 (2)
Con: 10 (0)
Wis: 12 (1)
Int: 7 (-2)
Cha: 18 (4)

HP: 41
AC: 16
Init: +2

BAB: +6/+1
Attack with Masterwork Spiked Chain: +11/+6 to hit/2d4+6 damage
Attack with Masterwork Longbow (+4): +9/+4 to hit/1d8+4 damage

Fort: 09=5+0+4
Ref : 08=2+2+4
Will: 07=2+1+4

Funds -- 515gp
Adventurer's Winter Kit [tm] (20gp)
Masterwork Chain Shirt (250g) -- +4 to AC, Max Dex +4, Armor Check Penalty -1
Armor Spikes (50gp)
Masterwork Composite Longbow +4 (800gp) -- 1d8, x3, piercing, 110ft
Arrows: Cold Iron (20gp) -- 200 arrows
Arrows: Alchemical Silver (20gp) -- 200 arrows
Bracers of Strength +2 (4,000gp)
Periat of Wisdom +2 (4,000gp)
Masterwork Spiked Chain (325gp) -- 2d4, x2, piercing

Divine (Paladin) Spells:
lvl1: (3) 2+1

Able Learner [houserule], Combat Reflexes (lvl1), Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Spiked Chain (lvl1), Power Attack (lvl3), Divine Might (CW p107,lvl6)

Intimidate: 1 (5)
Knowledge/Religion: 1 (-1)
Perform (Oratory): 6 (10)
Ride: 1 (3)

Aura of Good, Detect Evil, Smite Evil 2/encounter, Divine Grace, Lay on Hands, Aura of Courage, Divine Health, Hero's Courage, Turn Undead [3+Cha mod times a day], Specialization: Guardian Angel (Maron), Panacean Touch (Su)

Guardian Angel Spells:
lvl0: (6) 6
lvl1: (5) 4+1

Guardian Angel Known Spells:
lvl0: (5) Cure Minor Wounds, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Guidance, Light
lvl1: (3) Command, Cure Light Wounds, Protection from Evil


Guardian Angel:

Jeanne's parents were poor peasants in Tethyr, and when their last two harvests were ruined by a drought, they did not think they could take care of her. Thus, on her seventh birthday, Jeanne went to live with an elderly gentleman she called grandfather from that point on. He was the minister of a church of Sune, the Lady Firehair of a nearby town, and ran something of an orphanage for children like her. The classes were hard for the illiterate Jeanne, though there was one she excelled at, despite her learning disability -- the religious studies of Sune.

A decade later, the city came under siege by a group of organized bandits who fancied themselves 'rebels'. Word was sent to the Knights of the Silver Chalice by the town's council, but many were afraid that help would not reach them in time. It was at that time that Jeanne, now the priest's assistant, heard Sune's call. She was told to take up the old chain used as Sune's symbol from the church's altar, and to organize the townspeople into a band of defenders.

Many doubted her, but as she charged into battle, some were shamed into action and followed. And when she lead them to victory against the rebels' vanguard, more yet saw the truth of her words. Soon, Jeanne had her army, and under her guidance, they encircled and completely crushed the rebels. Those few remaining fled, only to be caught by the arriving forces of Helm, who had been en route, warned by their God.

From that point on, Jeanne was taken to a monastery, where her religious zeal and combat ability were tested extensively. She preserved, impressing her would-be captors, and ended up receiving much-needed training in the art of war, until she was finally admitted into the Order of Helm as a Knight-errant. Sune was satisfied with this outcome, and this time sent an angel to deliver her wishes to Jeanne. They merely were a desire for Jeanne to travel north, as far as she physically could. She would know more when she reached there, the angel told Jeanne, and with that, her decision to leave Tethyr for the first time in her life was made.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


Jeanne's Guardian Angel[/u]
See Guardian Angel Link for other details  and special abilities of the guardian angel.

Hit Die: 21 (3d8+2*Cha)
Charisma: 14 (+2)

AC: 17 (+1 Dex, +2 Cha Deflection, +4 Shield)

Knowledge (religion) 1 (1)
Sense Motive 2 (3)
Spellcraft 1 (1)

Point Blank Shot: +1 atk/dmg ranged attacks up to 30 ft.
Weapon Focus (ray): +1 atk to rays

Attack Bonuses
BAB: +2
Dex: +1 (applies to melee and ranged due to incorporeal traits)
Point Blank Shot (ranged to 30 ft only): +1
Weapon Focus (rays): +1
ATB: +5 (rays)

Light Ray: 1d6
Point Blank Shot (ranged to 30 ft only): +1

Spells per Day
Lv 0: 6
Lv 1: 5

Spells Known:
Lv 0: (5)
- Cure Minor Wounds
- Detect Magic (permanent on)
- Detect Poison
- Guidance
- Light
Lv 1: (3)
- Command
- Cure Light Wounds
- Protection from Evil

One of the many good spirits inhabiting the celestial realms, Maron was selected by the goddess Sune to deliver her wishes to a paladin in her services. This paladin was a human mortal known as Jeanne of Tethyr, a charming, confident and beautiful (if not somewhat dimwitted) young woman.

The shy being found itself to be interested by the girl who currently held some Sune's favor, and followed the paladin around for a while. Jeanne eventually became aware of her follower and sought some conversation with Maron. Though it took a while for the young paladin to coax Maron out of some of her shyness, the two developed a powerful friendship as a result of Jeanne's actions.

Rather than abandoning her new friend once she felt that she should return home, Maron entered into a contract of sorts, forming a bond to the paladin that would place her as Jeanne's guardian angel, promising to always be there for Jeanne when she called for her aid.

Maron quickly found herself to be spending more and more time with Jeanne after becoming her guardian angel, however, and perhaps she didn't mind this so much. Though occassionally Maron would return to the celestial realms she called home, often she now chooses to spend her time with Jeanne instead, exploring the vast north of Faerun that Jeanne was directed towards, and helping the paladin in her acts of good.

Maron has medium length brown hair and wears a sleeveless white dress with a gold plated trim extending from the chest and around her neck. Around her arms and down to her wrists are cloth wrappins with gold trims at both ends, and feathery white wings extend from her back.

Maron usually spends her time invisible to most beings of the world, though she will quickly manifest into the visible plane when she and Jeanne are alone or occassionally during those battles Jeanne finds herself in, appearing as a transparent angelic spectre hovering around the paladin.
<Cidward> God willing, we'll all meet in Buttquest 2: The Quest for More Butts.


<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Part 2 - notes and such that doesn't fit neatly into PCProfiler.



Improved Toughness. 1/HP level.
Divine Shield. Standard Action to add Charisma Bonus to Shield's AC bonus.
Holy Wrath
You summon holy energy in order to smite your foes.
Prerequisite: Smite 2/encounter, Cha 13
Benefit: As a standard action, you may expend a smite Evil attempt in order to create a burst of holy energy that damages a single target. The energy deals damage equal to 1d6 per level of smiting class, and the target get a reflex save (DC 10+1/2 paladin level+Cha) for half damage. Half of the damage dealt is of either Fire, Electricity, or Cold damage (Chosen at the time the feat is taken), and the other half is pure divine energy, which is not subject to energy resistance.
Special: This feat may be taken multiple times. Each time, the paladin's holy wrath may correspond to a different element. For example, a paladin could take the Holy Wrath (Electricity) and then take Holy Wrath (Fire).

Class shit.

Aura of Good (Ex)
The power of a paladin's aura of good (see the detect good spell) is equal to her paladin level. It is not a switchable aura.

Detect Evil (Sp)
At will, a paladin can use detect evil, as the spell.

Smite Evil (Su)
Once per encounter, a paladin may attempt to smite evil with one normal melee attack. She adds her Charisma bonus (if any) to her attack roll and deals 1 extra point of damage per paladin level. If the paladin accidentally smites a creature that is not evil, the smite has no effect, but the ability is still used up for that encounter. 2/encounter.

Lay on Hands (Su)
Beginning at 2nd level, a paladin with a Charisma score of 12 or higher can heal wounds (her own or those of others) by touch. She gains a pool of healing, which allows her to heal a total number of hit points of damage equal to her paladin level × her Charisma bonus. A paladin may choose to divide her healing among multiple recipients, and she doesn't have to use it all at once. Using lay on hands is a standard action. A Paladin may refresh this pool with a full minute (10 rounds) of concentration and prayer. Refreshing the pool brings the Paladin's pool of healing back up to the maximum (Paladin level * Charisma Bonus). She may fill her healing pool a number of times per day equal to 1 + half her Charisma modifier (rounded down).

Alternatively, a paladin can use any or all of this healing power to deal damage to undead creatures. Using lay on hands in this way requires a successful melee touch attack and doesn't provoke an attack of opportunity. The paladin decides how many of her daily allotment of points to use as damage after successfully touching an undead creature. The target may make a Will save (DC 10+1/2 Paladin Level+Cha) to negate the damage.

The paladin's Lay on Hands gains additional capabilities as she progresses in level as a paladin. The paladin may use all additional effects in conjunction with healing, as long as she spends enough points.


Switchable Auras
All auras except Aura of Good are switchable as a move action. You may have only one aura other than Aura of Good active at a given time. These auras function while the paladin is conscious, but not while the paladin is unconscious or dead. The paladin's auras only affect her allies, and not the paladin herself.

Aura of Courage (Ex)
At 3rd level, the paladin may exude an aura of courage that inspires her allies. Each ally within 30 feet of her gains a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against fear effects. Aura of Courage's bonuses scale by level. At level 8, allies gain +6 to saves against fear, and a +1 morale bonus to attack rolls. At level 13, allies gain +8 to saves against fear, and a +2 morale bonus to attack rolls. At level 18, allies gain immunity to fear, and +3 morale bonus to attack rolls. This is a switchable Aura.

Hero's Courage (Ex)
Beginning at 3rd level, a paladin is immune to fear (magical or otherwise).

Divine Health (Ex)
At 3rd level, a paladin gains immunity to all diseases, including supernatural and magical diseases.

Turn Undead (Su)
When a paladin reaches 4th level, she gains the supernatural ability to turn undead. She may use this ability a number of times per day equal to 2 + her Charisma modifier. She turns undead as a cleric of her level. (5 times a day right now.)


Dinadan is the 'Shield of the Gods', or so he tells himself. He's the stereotype - a good man who lives only to protect those that can't help themselves. While not the brightest he puts his blade to the cause of good with vigor and zeal! (I can expand this as you want, depending on how big a background chunk you want.)
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?