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Mosters, aliens, cannon fodder!

Started by thepanda, December 11, 2002, 10:23:22 PM

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In the cold void of space she comes, a member of an ancient race which has spread silently through the galaxy. Nothing of the old order remains where their kind land. Bugs, xenomorphs, hardshells: called all these yet calling themselves nothing the creatures have been the downfall of many a world.
   Picked up as many of her people are, to be used as weapons, the aliens thought to study her. Sadly, like countless other before them, the hand that feeds became the hand that bleeds. Slightly higher on the evolutionary ladder than her ancestors due to the creature from whose chest she ripped like an obscene mockery of birth; this intelligent creature waits for release. For the moment allies, an unlikely idea picked up from the parasite's host, may be useful.
   For the moment.

Physical traits:   
This young queen stands three meters tall when fully stretched out. She will usually be hunched or running on all fours, however, making exact measurements hard to determine. She has a tough exoskeleton, difficult to pierce and bony in appearance. Her head is sleek and elongated. There are no discernable facial features, except the mouth. The fanged jaws open to reveal a second set of jaws that shoot out with blinding speed and can pierce metal. The effect range of the jaws is extremely limited though.
   The long, bony tail is used to balance the massive frame. It is prehensile and can be used to grasp and to attack with the barb at its end. Four pipe-like protrusions stick out from her back. The protrusions on her back fold down over her back allowing her to enter smaller spaces. Four clawed limbs, the forelimbs being used both as hands and legs, allow her to move at alarming speeds along walls, ceilings, and floors. Add strength and the ability to survive in extreme conditions (water, intense heat and cold) and you begin to understand why they're considered one of the universe's most dangerous predators.
   The shell is jet black with a slightly violet coloring due to mutation.

Can exist in extreme conditions.
Acidic blood
Limited telepathy (can't read minds. You can drop this if there are no Telepaths as this is being noted only for possible communication)
Gets into tight spaces
Secretes a substance that hardens into a polymer (that hard hive-making stuff)

Monstrous appearance
Cold, insect-like mind frame
Detests bright places
Physically weakened from stasis
Unfamiliarity with tech