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Re:Tomb Omake: The Tomb of Delphi

Started by Dracos, February 17, 2003, 11:36:31 PM

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"Gimme a hand flipping over this car for a barricade.  Common..."  The man lowered to lift the car up with a couple of others that he gestured to.

Fearless Leader
Well, Goodbye.


"Eh? Shite! Elron's callin' me again! Can't he do anything on his own?"

And with an expression of clumsy frustration and an air of the half-witted firmly held about her, Ladyhawke dives back into the crowd... and towards the leader again.

nto the Darkness
Into the Depths of Reality
At The Edge of Insanity
At The End of Creation
There I Am


Amidst the chaos, Carthrat sights the leader-type person, draws his gun, and fires a shot aimed at the guys head, taking that extra half-second to make sure he dosn't hit the wrong guy..
[19:14] <Annerose> Aww, mouth not outpacing brain after all?
[19:14] <Candide> My brain caught up


The unnamed man went down, a bullet in his head, gurgling blood as he collapsed on the car.  Shouts promptly went out as people turned around looking for the culprit, "Someone shot sarge!"

Meanwhile a shadow seemed to start to cover the street...

Fearless Leader
Well, Goodbye.


It seemed prudent to put away his gun and roll behind cover again, so that's what Carthrat did.

Then, he looked UP.
[19:14] <Annerose> Aww, mouth not outpacing brain after all?
[19:14] <Candide> My brain caught up


And he was not alone in this, as many of them turned from looking for him to the oddly darkening sky as a truly massive ship floated over the city...

And then, just to make things all happy, it began to rain as well...

Fearless Leader
Well, Goodbye.


Kwok yelped, clutching his wounded arm diving for whatever spot seemed the best for someone to crawl and hide in.

He gave a quick look for Carthrat and the other chick as he ran..
[19:14] <Annerose> Aww, mouth not outpacing brain after all?
[19:14] <Candide> My brain caught up


Stumbling into an alleyway, Kwok managed to get at least momentarily out of view as the rain fell around him.

Fearless Leader
Well, Goodbye.


Yokoshima travelled along the road, never noticing a figure, dashing valiently across the rooftops at he sneaked across the heavens.
 Waiting patiently.

Watching the latest of his targets.  His wife said he was quite strange for this.  But he could not help it.  It was all he could do for entertainment these eons of ~peace~.

As the rain began to fall...  Yokoshima felt a presence landing behind him with fluid grace... A slight 'thud' as the feet echoed against the ground...

Fearless Leader
Well, Goodbye.


'Carthrat...' Ladyhawke thought to herself as she heard the shot and sall the man fall... sarge by the sound of it.

'And if he was only a sargent'... Ladyhawke's eyes widened with the thought, "there has to be some one ELSE in charge!" the last was said out loud, though she did manage to keep it below a whisper.

Snagging the nearest person and putting on her best 'I outrank you so much that'd you'd die of old age before you ever catch up with me' look as she did, she barked out. "Sarge is down! Where's the Captain?!"

'Hopefully the follow a military hiearchy... if not...' She frowned. "Where the hell is Wiseman NOW!?" she muttered, fully aware that the person in her grasp could hear her.

nto the Darkness
Into the Depths of Reality
At The Edge of Insanity
At The End of Creation
There I Am


"What the fuck, Your Wack!  Get the fuck away from me you nut..." The guy raised his pistol.

Fearless Leader
Well, Goodbye.


"I don't have time for fools." Ladyhawke growled, drawing her saber sharply across the man's throat, having put her hawk back into her belt when she saw her target fall.

'Step the second, get the hell out of here!' she thought to herself, barely having the presence of mind to catch up a fallen weapon as she glanced around for Carthrat and prepared to clear to his locale.

nto the Darkness
Into the Depths of Reality
At The Edge of Insanity
At The End of Creation
There I Am


"Hey, She killed George... get her!"  Three guys leapt at her in anger, bringing her to the ground from the sheer weight.

Fearless Leader
Well, Goodbye.


Genma stowed his first-aid kit and shouldered his pack.

Turning, he examined the house, walking around it looking for, and making note of, any windows, doors, or opening potentially large enough for someone to enter or exit.


While there weren't any on the first floor, Genma's keen eye espied a window that, while he couldn't fit through, his thiner companion shouldn't have any problems with on the second floor.  It was unfortunately closed.

Fearless Leader
Well, Goodbye.