
"In closing, we have the best hobby ever. The End."

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Started by Huitzil, September 30, 2003, 10:15:07 PM

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Format your posts like this:


Description of in-character actions

specific description of game skills attempted or used.

X is the scene number, it only changes when the GM (me) changes it. Y is the post number, it starts at 1 and then goes up by 1 for each subsequent post, resetting when a new scene starts. The SCENE NAME is set by the GM, me again.

Describe what your character does in bold text. If you wish to have an extended conversation with another PC, don't do it in a bunch of posts, find each other on IRC, talk in-character, then have one of you clean it up (remove names and timestamps, put quotation marks around things, change /me's to narration, et al) and then post it.

At the end of your post, put in italics the following info: Your character's name (so everyone can keep track), a summary of any skill you are going to attempt along with your score and any innate bonuses/penalties in that skill, as well as any specifically game-related OOC things. Other OOC comments go in the other forum, which is a wild an lawless expanse. For example, "Do I see anything unusual?" would go in your post in italics, but "Devreille Shanassin looks like a poufdah" would go in the OOC forum. Parenthetical notations that absolutely have to go somewhere other than the end of the post, like "I punch Jack Everstar in the nuts (unless my power armor is still not working)", go in the narration text, unbolded.

I will roll all dice. If you want, I will note the totals of rolls in my narration when describing successful or failed actions.

If there are any questions, ask them here.
ee the turtle, ain't he keen?
All things serve the fuckin' Beam.



Eric spins and yells into Setsuna's face. "What the FUCK did you think you were doing?" he bellows as spittle accumulates on the corners of his lips, "munching carpet while we werte off getting shot at? Fuck THIS, I'm not taking any more orders from you!"

Eric grabs Dee's severed head, causing still-warm blood to drip onto the drab military tile. "You see this?" he yells, holding the cranium by its hair in front of him as one might use a clove of garlic to ward off a vampire, "THIS is what happens to people who think about lezzing out while they're supposed to be making sure people don't get killed! And furthermore, it's what's GOING to happen to you if you don't shape up right now!"

Eric: I attempt to use Interaction -- Intimidate on Setsuna to make sure she doesn't do anything retarded again. My skill is 13/6/3, and I have a -1 step modifier due to my Good Looks perk.

edit: whee, the example post and I don't even do it all right! ME R SMRT
ee the turtle, ain't he keen?
All things serve the fuckin' Beam.


Query: Should we be including the whole skill thing as well (Our skill level) Or assume since you have our sheets you can just glance it up?

Well, Goodbye.


Quote from: "Dracos"Query: Should we be including the whole skill thing as well (Our skill level) Or assume since you have our sheets you can just glance it up?


Include the skill level, yes.
ee the turtle, ain't he keen?
All things serve the fuckin' Beam.