Soulriders 5.0: Legend of the Unending Games

The Thunder of Gaming => Balmuria 6: The Answer => Border City of Balmuria => Mapping the Path => Topic started by: Anastasia on June 15, 2019, 04:41:43 PM

Title: The Realm of the Alyssum Royal Academy
Post by: Anastasia on June 15, 2019, 04:41:43 PM
Realm Rank: 16

Realm's Total Resources Used: 100/100%

Current Tasks

Recruit Specialists
Task Rank: 16
Task Difficulty: Moderate (10%)
Percentage Used: 10%

Recruits specialist wizards for your realm, to better teach the people there.

Recruit Magical Beasts
Task Rank: 16
Task Difficulty: Moderate (10%)
Percentage Used: 10%

Gather and prepare magical beasts for magical beast military forces.

Adventurer's Guild
Task Rank: 15
Task Difficulty: Moderate (10%)(Light and 5% due to task rank)
Percentage Used: 10% (Doubled)

Map and explore the Labyrinth Mountains.

Army Building
Leader: Walt Songsteel
Task Rank: 16
Task Difficulty: Moderate (10%)
Percentage Used: 20% (Doubled)

Assemble and polish your armies, above and beyond the norm.

Improved Realm Equipment
Leader: Alihana
Task Rank: 16
Task Difficulty: Light (5%)
Percentage Used: 10% (Doubled)

Bring all of the realm's equipment to a higher level.

Bring the Order Onside
Leader: Delaize
Task Rank: 15
Task Difficulty: Moderate (10%) (Light and 5% due to task rank)
Percentage Used: 10% (Doubled)


Inactive Tasks


Permanent Tasks

Realm Defense
Task Rank: N/A
Task Difficulty: Custom (Any)
Percentage Used: 10%

Realm Production
Task Rank: N/A
Task Difficulty: Custom (Any)
Percentage Used: 10%

Task Rank: N/A
Task Difficult: Custom (Any)
Percentage Used: 10%



Mage: Slightly increases the success of tasks relating to magic.

Walt Songsteel

Forge Master: Decreases the cost of tasks regarding smithing or item creation by 3%.

Alihana Songsteel

Seamstress: Decreases the costs of tasks regarding clothing or item creation by 3%.

Rickar Stokesland

Solid: Reduces the chance of calamity in dangerous tasks.
Title: Re: The Realm of Alyssa (Work in progress)
Post by: Iron Dragoon on June 16, 2019, 12:04:27 PM
Put Delaize on the covert comms with the order task please. 50% resources.

25% resources to soldier recruitment.

25% resources to spies.
Title: Re: The Realm of Alyssa (Work in progress)
Post by: Anastasia on June 16, 2019, 06:23:41 PM

Fast deployment something. Gates or something. Gates or something.

Pending getting gates, you'd have to talk to Shaundakul there.

QuoteResources. Raw materials and things for trade and income generation.

Realm Production would cover that.

QuoteA couple companies worth of soldiers. I want to act as a skirmish force, but I need enough people to reliably hold a position and to bring a significant enough force to an army vs army fight.

Realm defense likewise for this one.

QuoteI need some level of specialists for each school of magic.

Added a task for that.

QuoteBastian can't be a spy master and counter Intel without bodies to help.

Node members aren't part of realms like this, but I added Walt and will add some others shortly, need to look a few things up.

QuoteSet up some sort of super secure comms system so I can covertly communicate with people and the Order.

Got anything in mind?

QuoteI think I want to mix in some solid magical beast units, so stables and a stable master.

Anything in particular? Magic beast by itself is very broad.
Title: Re: The Realm of Alyssa (Work in progress)
Post by: Iron Dragoon on June 16, 2019, 11:23:39 PM
Quote from: Anastasia on June 16, 2019, 06:23:41 PM
Set up some sort of super secure comms system so I can covertly communicate with people and the Order.

Got anything in mind?

Not entirely sure. As Cor mentioned, anything with DvR is going to be able to eves-drop on anything I can set up, so I guess... Quest for divine assistance to defeat that? I'm not sure if I know anyone who can set up a reasonably effective block against Shar. I don't want to exactly go asking favors from Io for something like that.

QuoteAnything in particular? Magic beast by itself is very broad.

I was thinking of some sort of Calvary and Air thingies. Blink Dog Pixie Calvary might be hilarious (though I'm not sure they wouldn't just get trampled). And Shocker Lizards, of course.
Title: Re: The Realm of Alyssa (Work in progress)
Post by: Anastasia on June 17, 2019, 06:46:51 PM
First would require taking to Shaundakul and getting information there.

Okay, is that what yo uwant to go with? Updating with new tasks for that shortly.
Title: Re: The Realm of Alyssa (Work in progress)
Post by: Iron Dragoon on June 17, 2019, 07:15:52 PM
Yeah, update with those and I'll reassign %s.
Title: Re: The Realm of Alyssa (Work in progress)
Post by: Anastasia on June 18, 2019, 12:38:32 PM
Done. I'll add more later but this'll do for the moment.
Title: Re: The Realm of Alyssa (Work in progress)
Post by: Iron Dragoon on June 21, 2019, 09:05:27 PM
Forgot to update on % for this.

Recruit Specialists: 20% (Delaize)

Recruit Magical Beasts: 20%

Realm Defense: 20%

Realm Production: 30% (Walt Songsteel)

Rest: 10%
Title: Re: The Realm of Alyssa (Work in progress)
Post by: Anastasia on June 21, 2019, 10:24:33 PM
Title: Re: The Realm of Alyssa
Post by: Anastasia on July 23, 2019, 12:05:56 PM
Quick question: Have you decided on a name yet?

Update 1

Delaize reports you have two potential new leaders: Pallus III and Sir Rickar Stokesland. They merely await you signing off on them, since you wanted to meet at least one of them IC.

Delaize also reports that efforts for magical beasts are going well, and several shocker lizards have been captured while efforts with the slabs continue.
Title: Re: The Realm of Alyssa
Post by: Iron Dragoon on July 23, 2019, 10:51:23 PM
Name: Alyssum Royal Academy.

Yes, let's meet the new guys IC. I guess we can drop by the stables while we're at it.
Title: Re: The Realm of the Alyssum Royal Academy
Post by: Anastasia on July 23, 2019, 10:52:27 PM
Sure, we'll see to that.
Title: Re: The Realm of the Alyssum Royal Academy
Post by: Anastasia on October 21, 2019, 10:14:43 PM
New leader added.
Title: Re: The Realm of the Alyssum Royal Academy
Post by: Anastasia on October 21, 2019, 10:17:27 PM
Update 2

Reports indicate a contingent of shocker lizards have been captured as you commanded.

Delaize reports that the integration of leaders goes well. Do you have any guidelines for future leaders?
Title: Re: The Realm of the Alyssum Royal Academy
Post by: Iron Dragoon on October 21, 2019, 10:19:15 PM
No real guidelines. It's been going fine so far.
Title: Re: The Realm of the Alyssum Royal Academy
Post by: Anastasia on October 21, 2019, 10:39:09 PM
Cool. Anything on the lizards?
Title: Re: The Realm of the Alyssum Royal Academy
Post by: Iron Dragoon on October 30, 2019, 11:47:44 PM
Just for a reminder since searching logs is hard for me right now, what was Shaundakul's response to the deployment portals? I think I remember it getting tied I. With the demi-plane leading us to where we wanted/needed to go.

As for the shocker lizards, find the alpha, if they have such a thing, or the smartest one. Test for trainability and what do I need to do to get the awakening spell from Surraruthru?
Title: Re: The Realm of the Alyssum Royal Academy
Post by: Anastasia on December 25, 2019, 06:38:57 PM
Update 3

Training the shocker lizards goes well, particularly with an epic druid on hand. She can get an awakening spell for them if you don't mind casting it yourself or shelling out for the components.

The beginnings of trade have taken root in your realm. A human trader from a faraway realm has offered you a token of his good will: A golden statue of a monkey. Will you accept it?
Title: Re: The Realm of the Alyssum Royal Academy
Post by: Iron Dragoon on December 25, 2019, 07:10:06 PM
Quote from: Anastasia on December 25, 2019, 06:38:57 PM
Update 3

Training the shocker lizards goes well, particularly with an epic druid on hand. She can get an awakening spell for them if you don't mind casting it yourself or shelling out for the components.

Absolutely will. On that same note, Surraruthru created an Awaken Magical Beast spell already for the hydras. Also, Epic Ignore Material Components.

Quote from: Anastasia on December 25, 2019, 06:38:57 PM
The beginnings of trade have taken root in your realm. A human trader from a faraway realm has offered you a token of his good will: A golden statue of a monkey. Will you accept it?

I will inspect it with magic thoroughly just to be safe, and have some people look into who this guy is. If everything checks out, acceptance and maybe a meal depending on who this guy is.
Title: Re: The Realm of the Alyssum Royal Academy
Post by: Anastasia on December 25, 2019, 07:44:04 PM
Gimme a quick spellcraft roll.
Title: Re: The Realm of the Alyssum Royal Academy
Post by: Iron Dragoon on December 25, 2019, 08:01:22 PM

Take 10 for 70.
Title: Re: The Realm of the Alyssum Royal Academy
Post by: Anastasia on December 25, 2019, 08:21:19 PM
It's not enchanted as far as you can tell.
Title: Re: The Realm of the Alyssum Royal Academy
Post by: Iron Dragoon on December 25, 2019, 08:26:21 PM
What about who this guy is? Anyone of note?
Title: Re: The Realm of the Alyssum Royal Academy
Post by: Anastasia on December 25, 2019, 08:27:59 PM
Title: Re: The Realm of the Alyssum Royal Academy
Post by: Iron Dragoon on December 25, 2019, 08:31:40 PM
K:P take 10 for 58
Title: Re: The Realm of the Alyssum Royal Academy
Post by: Anastasia on December 25, 2019, 08:35:14 PM
Is name is Sanodel, and he seems unremarkable, a minor trader of no real note.
Title: Re: The Realm of the Alyssum Royal Academy
Post by: Iron Dragoon on December 25, 2019, 08:38:40 PM
Alright, accept the gift, Alyssa will pen a welcome letter to him.
Title: Re: The Realm of the Alyssum Royal Academy
Post by: Anastasia on April 26, 2020, 10:02:26 PM
Alyssa, the next arc is going to focus on divine matters, worshipers and divine growth. In light of this, do you wish to change your assignments here at all?

Your realm may go up in size as well next update, so do bear that in mind.
Title: Re: The Realm of the Alyssum Royal Academy
Post by: Iron Dragoon on April 26, 2020, 10:04:56 PM
I probably will change things, but before I do, I'd like to do the size update so I know what I'm working with and don't have to change it again as soon as that happens.

Also, I want to get updates on the status of the projects as well before deciding anything.
Title: Re: The Realm of the Alyssum Royal Academy
Post by: Anastasia on April 29, 2020, 10:09:26 PM
It turns out that this post was on the ball, Iddy.

You realm is expanding big time, way more than just level 8. The only question is if you let the growth happen organically or if you force it. You're getting a big improvement either way, so it's 100% up to you. Likewise, if you have any tasks to suggest, this is the time.

Are there any suggestions for new leaders while you're here?

Title: Re: The Realm of the Alyssum Royal Academy
Post by: Iron Dragoon on April 29, 2020, 10:31:51 PM
I'd let it happen organically.

As for tasks... Well, it sorta depends on what the status of the current tasks are. Like, do I have a reasonable amount of specialists now? What are the benefits of them? Where am I at on the Magical Beasts? Do I have a platoon's worth? A company's worth? A battalion's worth? What's the realm production look like? How much trade is being produced from it now? Is the trade enough to make the realm self-sustaining for trade now? Did Bastian find any recruits for his spy master stuff? Did any get found from the realm defense recruiting?

For new tasks... I would start an adventurer's hall or something to coordinate the mapping/exploration of the Labyrinth Mountains and track what sorts of resources are discovered there (metal/gem mines, for example).

Depending on the state of Realm Defense, I may cut down some of the % for recruiting and focus on building a true army instead of just a defense force.

Need to get some stuff going for contacting the old Arcane Order and preparing for a return there.

Also we'll have something dealing with the establishing of that library/info thing we talked about.

Depending on the state of realm production, I might start something that improves tools for the regular people or gear for the army.

Most of that touches on the current goals, so I really need an update on the current state of things before I can decide on redistribution.

As for leaders... I really don't know? I guess I'd want something that represents my new clergy/paladins? I don't have a lot of leaders, so anything is really an improvement.
Title: Re: The Realm of the Alyssum Royal Academy
Post by: Anastasia on April 30, 2020, 09:24:48 PM
Quote from: Iron Dragoon on April 29, 2020, 10:31:51 PM
I'd let it happen organically.

We'll start you with a rank 16 realm them. A normal demigod has a rank 21 realm but you're growing into it, growth will be addressed early on.

Quote[As for tasks... Well, it sorta depends on what the status of the current tasks are. Like, do I have a reasonable amount of specialists now? What are the benefits of them? Where am I at on the Magical Beasts? Do I have a platoon's worth? A company's worth? A battalion's worth? What's the realm production look like? How much trade is being produced from it now? Is the trade enough to make the realm self-sustaining for trade now? Did Bastian find any recruits for his spy master stuff? Did any get found from the realm defense recruiting?

You have sufficient specialists and magical beasts to do what you want. Try not to get too hung up in exact numbers and feel free to shoot for goals. If something's off base I'll let you know. You're a deity and as your realm grows, resources on the level you're worried about won't be a concern. Same reason why Alicia or Seira's nodes don't have great big piles of numbers of who can do what and every army. It's avoided so it doesn't become a giant numbers race I have to keep track of, you're past the stage where you have to worry if you have someone who can do basic tasks.

QuoteFor new tasks... I would start an adventurer's hall or something to coordinate the mapping/exploration of the Labyrinth Mountains and track what sorts of resources are discovered there (metal/gem mines, for example).

Added along with updating your node. The previous tasks are left there for now if you'd like to continue them, but I'd suggest refining them instead.

You're also at 90/100%, so you have a little room to work with already.

QuoteDepending on the state of Realm Defense, I may cut down some of the % for recruiting and focus on building a true army instead of just a defense force.

Sure, up to you, let me know if you want to do that and I'll post about it.

QuoteNeed to get some stuff going for contacting the old Arcane Order and preparing for a return there.

Also we'll have something dealing with the establishing of that library/info thing we talked about.

Library I'm going to sit down and talk to you about tonight since you want that to be your thing.

If you can think of a relevant task in regards to the Order, let me know and I'll make it.

QuoteDepending on the state of realm production, I might start something that improves tools for the regular people or gear for the army.

Could be a good task, sure.

QuoteMost of that touches on the current goals, so I really need an update on the current state of things before I can decide on redistribution.

As for leaders... I really don't know? I guess I'd want something that represents my new clergy/paladins? I don't have a lot of leaders, so anything is really an improvement.

Sure, we'll touch on that early in your next arc since you need leaders. Both you and your name-alike do.
Title: Re: The Realm of the Alyssum Royal Academy
Post by: Iron Dragoon on May 01, 2020, 04:11:06 PM
Alright, let's see...

Recruit Specialists: 10%
Recruit Magical Beasts: 10%
Adventurer's Guild: 10%
Realm Defense: 10% (Rickar)
Rest: 10%

New stuff:
Army Building: 20% (Walt)
Improve Realm Equipment: 10% (Alihana)
Contact Arcane Order/Integrate Order into Realm Force: 10% (Delaize)
Resource gathering/expansion: 10%
Title: Re: The Realm of the Alyssum Royal Academy
Post by: Anastasia on May 01, 2020, 05:29:42 PM
Okay, new tasks added and assigned points to, with the exception of resource gathering, as that falls dead into realm production. I put the points there instead. How do things look?
Title: Re: The Realm of the Alyssum Royal Academy
Post by: Iron Dragoon on May 01, 2020, 05:33:51 PM
Looks good.
Title: Re: The Realm of the Alyssum Royal Academy
Post by: Anastasia on May 01, 2020, 05:37:43 PM
Title: Re: The Realm of the Alyssum Royal Academy
Post by: Anastasia on January 17, 2022, 09:47:08 PM
Update 4

Your father reports that army building goes well. He's doing his best and he's managed to ensure the quality of equipment is excellent. Aid from both Selune via a few advisors as well as Shaundakul has supported his efforts.

Your sister's efforts in realm equipment bear fruit. She also notes a curious change. She's sleeping less each night and yet feels rested, which in turn lets her get more done, particularly when she travels about under the moonlight.

Delaize informs you that he has brought as much of the Order onside as is possible now. He has come into possession of a spell scroll of a unique spell, if you are interested in it.

Mapping of the Labyrinth Mountains continues well. The realm itself seems to ultimately foster it in it's way. A note appended to it from Jarem comments that his is expected considering the realm and your will are naturally linked.
Title: Re: The Realm of the Alyssum Royal Academy
Post by: Iron Dragoon on January 17, 2022, 10:08:59 PM
Quote from: Anastasia on January 17, 2022, 09:47:08 PM
Update 4

Your father reports that army building goes well. He's doing his best and he's managed to ensure the quality of equipment is excellent. Aid from both Selune via a few advisors as well as Shaundakul has supported his efforts.

Great! I will ask Jarem to have one/some of his logisticians help him out, as well. I'll also have my librarians and more active explorers bring him any forging lore they find to help.

Quote from: Anastasia on January 17, 2022, 09:47:08 PMYour sister's efforts in realm equipment bear fruit. She also notes a curious change. She's sleeping less each night and yet feels rested, which in turn lets her get more done, particularly when she travels about under the moonlight.

Excellent! I'll take a look at her to see what's changing, but I doubt it's anything to worry about.

Quote from: Anastasia on January 17, 2022, 09:47:08 PMDelaize informs you that he has brought as much of the Order onside as is possible now. He has come into possession of a spell scroll of a unique spell, if you are interested in it.

Certainly am!

Quote from: Anastasia on January 17, 2022, 09:47:08 PMMapping of the Labyrinth Mountains continues well. The realm itself seems to ultimately foster it in it's way. A note appended to it from Jarem comments that his is expected considering the realm and your will are naturally linked.

I'll have a talk with Jarem about trying to find a way to use the Labyrinth passages to our advantages. There's sure to be lots of areas we can hide away supplies and use as outposts and fortresses, as well as tons of prime places for ambushes and traps, if we ever need to do a defensive war. IIRC, the mountains tend to shift around and stuff. If they do, it'd also make great training areas for Scouts and Guerilla tactics.
Title: Re: The Realm of the Alyssum Royal Academy
Post by: Anastasia on January 21, 2022, 12:51:24 AM
All of that's useful but background things by and large.

The spell is...

Level: Sor/Wiz 5
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 10 minute/level

You create a second mind that thinks just like your normal mind. Any skill check that is purely thought based (such as a Knowledge check) gains a +2 bonus due to your expanded mind, as if it benefited from aid another, but this is only a side effect. Should you suffer Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma ability damage or drain, your second mind is not affected and retains your full ability. This allows you to ignore such damage for the spell's duration. Once the spell's duration expires you suffer the effects of that damage or drain as normal.
Title: Re: The Realm of the Alyssum Royal Academy
Post by: Iron Dragoon on January 21, 2022, 01:01:01 AM
Quote from: Anastasia on January 21, 2022, 12:51:24 AM
All of that's useful but background things by and large.

Yeah, there wasn't much in there to instigate any change of operations, really.

Also, awesome spell.