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Started by Carthrat, March 04, 2008, 08:54:02 AM

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The Armory

The blessed craftsman of the Island are quite capable of producing all sorts of mundane goods- but their greatest feats stem directly from knowledge granted by the High Priest. Each sacrifice increases the number of tools that can be constructed; the kind of boons that can be granted, and the miracles that may be called upon. Here is a number of what the craftsman of the Island can develop.

Vast quantaties of Storm Power are needed to create these devices, so not all soldiers hold large numbers of them. However, Channelers have always been granted the first pick. Therefore, if you require access to any of these items throughout play, you can assume they've been granted to you. (This doesn't mean you get to carry them all into battle and change as time goes on; only carry equipment you know you're going to use, so the rest can you go the other soldiers.)

Storm-crafted devices take on a metallic, snakelike look. Bows seem to be muscles crafted out of cement; each looks almost alive, but they are no more difficult to use than mundane equipment.


Defending Shortsword +4
Shocking Burst Longsword +5
Shock Halberd +3
Speed Scimitar +3
Wounding Dagger +4
Brilliant Energy Dagger +2

-New Weapon Traits

Targeting Frost Longbow +3 (Every strike against a single target from this bow gives a +1 bonus to hit on subsequent attacks, up to a maximum of +4. Your maximum strength bonus may be used to calculate damage.)

Maelstrom Maul +3 (Functions as Greatclub) (Each blow from this mighty hammer creates a small vortex about it. Anyone adjacent to the target, excluding the wielder, must make a reflex save (DC 18) or suffer half the damage dealt to the target before damage reduction.)

Martyr's Oath: Flaming Shock Frost Keen Vicious Human Bane +10 Longsword (The first blow made with this weapon shatters it, dealing the damage dealt to the target to the wielder as well as the *extra* Vicious damage. For the record, it does 1d8+7d6+12 damage to humans without strength or PA factored in, and an extra 1d6 to the wielder. You can only carry one of these at a time. It leaves horrible, disfiguring scars on people who survive. The Martyr's Oath required an unusually high amount of storm power and few exist.)

Furies Gift +3 (Gauntlets. Those reduced to less than zero HP by a blow from the Furies Gift die instantly unless they are High Priests. The killer instantly gains temproary HP equal to their number of HD; this fades after 10 rounds. 3/day, they can be used to make touch attacks that deal 5d6+5 electricity damage.)

Wave Fan
Damage: 2d8
Type: Slashing
Size: Large (Two-Handed, reach weapon)

Wave Fans, when not in use, appear to be long black, rectangular strips of metal and wood; however, when unfurled, they form a wavering, transcluent fan of water. It's exceptionally difficult to bypass this weapon without opening oneself to a strike; tumble DCs to ignore it are increased by 10. Anyone struck by a Wave Fan's AoO must make a fortitude save (DC 16) or be nauseated for one round.

This weapon, however, doesn't benefit from strength bonuses to damage. They are usually used to protect spellcasters in the back ranks from harm.

Damage: 2d6*
Type: Lightning
Size: Large (Two-Handed weapon)
Range increment: 30ft

Thundershafts are powerful weapons that discharge bolts of electricity over short distances. Armour is ineffective against their powerful blasts, and thus all attacks made with them are treated as touch attacks. They appear as two glass tubes bolted together by a small strip of steel, and are held by metal grips attached to the tubes.

The bolts have very short range, and the lightning itself often staggers and zigzags on it's way to it's target; it can't be used to make sneak attacks, and size bonuses to AC are doubled.

By spending a standard action 'charging' the weapon, the wielder of a Thundershaft can increase the damage dealt by 1d6; he can charge the weapon for up to three rounds, resulting in up to 5d6 damage. However, if he does not fire the weapon when it is fully charged, it implodes and destroys the weapon, dealing 5d6 damage to the wielder and all within five feet. (Reflex 18, wielder gets no save.)

Thundershafts can only be fired once per round at most. They are the most common weapon carried by the rank-and-file on your island.


Moderate Fortifictation Breastplate +2

Gossamer Cloak

Armour Bonus: +1
Dodge Bonus: +6
Armour Check Penalty: 0
Spell Failure chance: 20%
Max Dex: Infinite

Gossamer Cloaks are woven from the dreams of the furies, or so the priests say. Coils of fabric wind around the wearer, making them difficult to see and lighter on their feet, but those who wear this armour speak of a whispering in their minds; words of a langauge none can speak that confound and drive many a warrior to madness.

The light qualities of the armour are transferred to the wearer, enabling them to make great leaps and travel at great speeds. Yet this very lightness can work against them, as they suffer a -4 penalty against bull rushes. On the plus side, they get a +5 bonus to jump, tumble, hide, and move silently checks, and can jump without a running start with no penalty. Furthermore, they never take damage from falling from a great height. Some blessed with this item have chosen to make a leap of faith in order to see what lies below the sky. The High Priests warn against this, stating that those who make such foolish gestures will inevitably be consumed.

Skirmisher Coat

Armour Bonus: +5
Dodge Bonus: +3
Max Dex: +6
Armour Check Penalty: 0
Spell Failure Chance: 20%

Skirmisher Coats are used by people who need to move quickly. Providing sturdy protection, they also add +10 ft to movement speed, as well as enabling them to more swiftly dodge blows.

Titan's Bulwark
Armour Bonus: +10
Deflection Bonus: +3
Max Dex: 0
Armour Check Penalty: -8
Spell Failure: 100%
Speed: 20ft

These mighty suits of armour are almost impenetrable. They appear as nothing so sturdy as stone blocks, soldered together and roughly beaten into a shape men can wear. Those who wear the bulwark of the titan lead the way into battle, absorbing blows that could fell dragons. The wearer of this armour gains Damage Reduction 5/-. The sheer heft of it is difficult to budge, adding a +4 bonus when defending against bull rushes.

Nothing can stop the Titan's advance- but nothing can hasten it, either, as all speed-enhancing magics quail beneath the armour's dominating presence. Likewise, one who wears this armour lacks real mobility of any kind, suffering a -4 penalty to dexterity.

Shield of the Heart - This shield provides mundane protection as a Large Shield +2. However, twice per day, the bearer can either use an immediate action to gain a +4 bonus against any [Mind-Affecting] spell or effect.


Empowered Spellshard (any)

Helm of the Priest - Although this helm provide no direct benefit, those wearing it can be used by the high priest as remote cameras, so to speak, seeing what they see and hearing what they hear. The priest can also communicate through the helm, providing tactical support.

Helm of the Seer - This helm provides greater capacity to *see*. One wearing this gains darkvision, as well as a +5 on spot and search checks.

Boots of Grounding - Among the chief reasons why your island is better off than others, the Boots of Grounding provide a simple, simple benefit- Lightning Resistance (5) whilst standing on a solid surface.

Boots of Breaching - By kicking an obstruction, the Boots of Breaching effectively cast disintegrate on it. This only applies to inanimate objects, and functions 2/day.

Boots of Cloudtreading - By *carefully* lowering themselves into the sky, those wearing boots of Cloudtreading can slowly walk across the storm at no greater speed than 10ft per round. They are considered flat-footed whilst walking, and any dramatic action- such as attacking, or being attacked- will cause them to lose their balance and plummet.

Grappling Hook Gun - Fires a grappling hook attached to a rope. The rope attached has a range of 100 feet. Generally, an attack roll of 10 will find a secure spot to latch onto. Counts as a simple weapon.

Flare Gun - Fires a signal flare up to 100ft, creating a bright light equivalent to a daylight spell.

Force Barricade - Resembling small boxes, Force Barricades can be planted in the ground as a standard action to set up a 10ftx10ft Wall of Force to block off an area. Most islands possess some means to deal with Walls of Force; whether or not it's in a place where it needs it is another story. The wall lasts for 1 hour before running out of energy. You can carry one of these; no more.


This is not the sum total of powers granted to your island by the Furies. The High Priest can also grant Boons to her Channelers, permenant enchanments that increase their abilities. She can also call upon great miracles, such as lightning storms, healing rains, and similar effects. However, doing so is quite draining, so she can manage only a two or three every battle without putting herself in danager. Miracles avaliable to you will be detailed on a battle-by-battle basis, as they require some preperation.
[19:14] <Annerose> Aww, mouth not outpacing brain after all?
[19:14] <Candide> My brain caught up