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Loot and Artifacts: Gimme!

Started by Anastasia, April 17, 2018, 02:47:16 PM

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Moved over here since it's loot.

Quote from: Corwin on June 16, 2019, 11:11:53 AM
Purifications! What are the quests for these EVIL items?

Inevitable: This ring was worn by Agares, appearing as a wide band of dead gray metal that slowly twists into nothing as it loops around, ending just before it finishes making the ring, leaving a tiny gap in it. Any time a creature deals lethal damage to the wearer, they must make a DC 30 will save. Failure deals 18 points of damage, the wearer healing the same amount minus 1. In addition, it grants a +2 profane bonus to armor class and saving throws. [Inevitable radiates strong evil.]

To purify Inevitable, you must wear it while seeing to the restoration of lost life and then the creation of something that will restore more life than was lost. Both must be on a great scale, at least that of a large empire. Each day the ring is worn on this quest, the wearer loses 1 point from their maximum hit points. These hit points cannot be restored until the quest is finished.

If you have an exact quest that fulfills those parameters feel free, but it should be something that isn't easy nor quick. If it's something that could be done quickly, it's a bad choice here.

QuoteTodesurteil: This lantern sheds life draining green light in a thirty foot radius. Each round a being is exposed to it, they suffer one point of vile consitution drain. This can only be healed by a Restoration spell cast in a sanctified area.

This lantern can be purified by quenching the lantern's green light within one of the Seven Great Springs of healing in Empyrea, then have a phoenix willingly hold the lantern until it is slain by the Constitution drain, then immolated by the flames of the phoenix's rebirth.

QuoteSorrowful Sword: Large greatsword+6. Any damage this blade deals is vile damage. As a swift action, you may attempt to absorb a spell cast on you into the blade. Make an opposed caster level check, the sword has a modifier of 1d20+33. Success absorbs and negates the spell, failure has the spell unaffected. 350,000 gold.

To purify the Sorrowful Sword, you must have Mystra cast a holy spell which you absorb into the sword.

Yeah, this one's a bit of a softball with whom the party knows.

QuoteDead Moons: 2 chakrams+6, unholy and returning. When both chakrams strike the creature, a delayed blast fireball modified by the corrupt spell metamagic is cast (CL24th), centered on where the creature stands.  The thrower of Dead Moons is immune to this fireball. 287,500 gold.

To purify Dead Moons, the two chakrams must be placed on the living moon, anointed with holy oils and left there one week. Thereafter, they must be used in a quest to slay a creature of evil with both the fire subtype and at least 30 hit dice. You can construct any quest along these lines for a quester to fulfill, so long as it's a reasonable challenge for them.

QuoteNightfall: Bracers of Armor+14. Grants a +2 profane bonus to the caster level of spells from the evil domain. 280,000 gold.

Nightfall can be restored by being touched by the regrets of a fallen paladin who bears the hopes of a nation.

Decursing! Here my intent is to request Legend Lore (the long version), along with divine power'd creator and last owner names, and if possible the name of the person/being who cursed them.

QuoteQualles: This cloak of elvenkind grants a +15 competence bonus to Stealth checks and a +6 enhancement bonus to Dexterity. When worn by an elf, they gain a +2 bonus to Dexterity (stacks with the enhancement bonus), a +2 to attack rolls with long swords or longbows and a +5 bonus to saves against enchantment spells and effects. However, Qualles is cursed. Any who wear it suffer 4d10 damage per round and are nauseated (no save). As it is cursed, no price is provided.

Qualles was made by Ardunlan the Gold, an elven warrior who wore it for many adventures, including the slaying of Nolofar, the Plague from the Stones. The last owner is easy - Alumar Starwarden. Whatever cursed it wasn't a person - it was a force. Dark as these curses are, they weren't the result of an intelligent being.

QuoteStar Shot: Longbow+5, anarchic. Gains the ghost touch, holy and keen properties under star light or in the hands of a star elf. Star Shot is cursed. Whenever an arrow is fired from it, one of the wielder's fingers are sliced away by the razor sharp bowstring. This deals 3d10 damage as well as results in the loss of a finger. A DC 20 Dexterity check avoids this fate. This check must be repeated for each arrow and any result of a natural 1 always fails this check, no matter how the total. As it is cursed, no price is provided.

Star Shot was made by Ardulan the Gold, an elven warrior who wielded in many adventures, including the rout of the Twivel. The last owner is easy - Alumar Starwarden. Whatever cursed it wasn't a person - it was a force. Dark as these curses are, they weren't the result of an intelligent being.

QuoteStar Sword: Longsword+5, holy. Gains the ghost touch, keen and frost properties under star light or in the hands of a star elf. Star Sword is cursed. Any attack with it has a 25% chance to strike an adjacent ally instead. If there is no adjacent allies, the attack instead targets the wielder. As it is cursed, no price is provided.[/i]

Star Sword was made by Ardulan the Gold, an elven warrior who wielded in many adventures, including his last. It is said that he gave his life to defeat Rodal, The Ever-Night. The last owner is easy - Alumar Starwarden. Whatever cursed it wasn't a person - it was a force. Dark as these curses are, they weren't the result of an intelligent being.

Reforging. Technically somewhere between purification and remaking an item, perhaps at a loss. I'm wondering whether I could do it for these items (via Elle or a deity with Create Artifact) since Amaryl thinks they're icky but I can see ways to twist the underlying concept into cool items she'd use.

Quote[Storage]Bowl of Lost Treasures: This bowl can steal treasures from up to ten creatures at once. It steals the magic item the creature values the most (as if by a Soul's Treasure Lost spell), except they are absorbed into the bowl rather than being destroyed. With the proper command word, objects absorbed by the bowl can be freed from it.

[Storage]Shadowbond Ring: Grants a +1 bonus to caster level to spells that draw on shadows, such as shadow evocation.

Do you have anything in mind for these or just fishing for ideas here?
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


So how would I go about decursing that set?

Do you have anything in mind for these or just fishing for ideas here?

Fishing for the bowl, really, though a ring which boost fire spells CL is both useful and non-shadowy.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


Give me a quick K:A and Spellcraft for the decursing. It's relevant. I'll handle that and the fishing in a single post.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Taking 10 for K:A 122 and Spellcraft 107
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


Whatever cursed it was powerful, primal.

You'd need to be powerful to do it - a deity's alter reality should suffice, or a sufficiently powerful wish or miracle. Additionally, you'll need to find out what cursed it and find out a symbolic counter to it.


For the bowl, changing it so it functions as a Restore Soul's Treasure spell is possible.  That would be the simplest and easiest solution. You could try and get more exotic if you want beyond just a simple purification, though it's pretty focused so you'd lose something in it.

Making the ring into something that bolsters light is possible, and perhaps a closely related concept like life or fire. Exactly what would depend on what you're aiming for.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Legend lore on Alumar Starwarden, please. I'd also like to know which deities he (?) and Ardunlan the Gold followed.

Re: the bowl, would Amaryl still object to it if instead of choosing what you held most dear the bowl, when activated, pulled in magic items in the following preset order? Weapons, armor, magic items. It could be used as a security system for the Cauldron or in army combat. Basically, the only reason we're not using it is because Amaryl thinks it's icky, so would that fix the matter for her?

Re: the ring, I'd like to make it a ring that bolsters fire for my own use. What do I need to do to make it happen?

As for the purifications, would anything change were I to aim for going through one of them myself?
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


Quote from: Corwin on July 17, 2019, 02:09:36 PM
Legend lore on Alumar Starwarden, please. I'd also like to know which deities he (?) and Ardunlan the Gold followed.

Re: the bowl, would Amaryl still object to it if instead of choosing what you held most dear the bowl, when activated, pulled in magic items in the following preset order? Weapons, armor, magic items. It could be used as a security system for the Cauldron or in army combat. Basically, the only reason we're not using it is because Amaryl thinks it's icky, so would that fix the matter for her?

Re: the ring, I'd like to make it a ring that bolsters fire for my own use. What do I need to do to make it happen?

As for the purifications, would anything change were I to aim for going through one of them myself?

Alumar Starwarden is a minor Truefriend within the annals of Arvandor. Truefriends - the sort called saints in other faiths and sometimes even in this faith - are elven heroes of great renown. In particular, he faced down Three-Fold Shadow Walkers. A hero of skill and wisdom, he ultimately outsmarted them and laid them low through bowmanship and swordsmanship. That's his one legend, he hasn't done a ton else on that scale, but it's good enough to gain the title of Truefriend. According to the legends, he follows the Elf Father.

Ardulan the Gold served the elven pantheon in general, though he did favor Solonor Thelandira.

Like some sort of item storing system, or meant to be used offensively?

Let Elle do her thing and see how it comes out, or have someone else do it.

Possibly, depending on the item. Let me know if you have one in mind and I'll get back to you.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Like some sort of item storing system, or meant to be used offensively?

Offensively, like a Cauldron security system that can be turned on. Presumably one that is either directed by a dedicated guard or can recognize invaders from defenders and focus exclusively on the former.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


Yeah, something like that could be worked out.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Excellent. In that case, I'll have Elle make the changes to this and to the ring.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


Cresiel buys a ring of protection+5 for 50k.

Xandra upgrades her ring of defense to +5. This costs 56k.

Kaja will pass for the moment depending on how funds line up.

Jetina will get an amulet of retributive healing for 4k, it's 3/day from the MIC. Useful.

What's that put node funds at before I go on?


Cresiel could use a ring of protection, a cloak of resistance and basically anything to bolster his casting. Suggestions?

Xandra should upgrade her ring of defense and get some sort of casting booster. A ring of arcane might may make sense.

Kaja could use a save booster but he's pretty well set up.

Jetina basically all of the above except deflection/resistance.

That sound about right?
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


I don't know if I'll get to Cor's stuff tonight, so I'm making it a todo in case I don't. Just heads up, it's morning or weekend bait.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Quote from: Anastasia on July 18, 2019, 09:08:53 PM
Cresiel buys a ring of protection+5 for 50k.

Xandra upgrades her ring of defense to +5. This costs 56k.

Kaja will pass for the moment depending on how funds line up.

Jetina will get an amulet of retributive healing for 4k, it's 3/day from the MIC. Useful.

What's that put node funds at before I go on?


Cresiel could use a ring of protection, a cloak of resistance and basically anything to bolster his casting. Suggestions?

Xandra should upgrade her ring of defense and get some sort of casting booster. A ring of arcane might may make sense.

Kaja could use a save booster but he's pretty well set up.

Jetina basically all of the above except deflection/resistance.

That sound about right?



Xandra will add a ring of arcane might to her ring of defense. That's 30k after the add on modifier.

Kaja could use some suggestions.

Also, you were talking about a ring? Could you post that here?


Cresiel could use a ring of protection, a cloak of resistance and basically anything to bolster his casting. Suggestions?

Xandra should upgrade her ring of defense and get some sort of casting booster. A ring of arcane might may make sense.

Kaja could use a save booster but he's pretty well set up.

Jetina basically all of the above except deflection/resistance.

That sound about right?
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


I am completely terrible when it comes to suggestions for folks who who damage with weapons. I will have to do some digging and thinking.

Here is the proposed ring:

Ring of Warmagic

This simple band of white gold is rather unassuming at first glance. If worn by a character without levels in Warmage, it provides no benefit whatsoever. When worn by a Warmage, this ring empowers them; your warmage level is treated as five levels higher to determine the damage bonus of warmage edge. In addition, the warmage may use their Sudden metamagics from Warmage class levels an additional time per day. Finally, they may add half of their Intelligence modifier to their Armor Class as an Insight bonus.