Soulriders 5.0: Legend of the Unending Games

The Burial Grounds => Old Games 8 => True as Steel => Topic started by: Merc on September 18, 2009, 01:31:25 AM

Title: Galewyrn
Post by: Merc on September 18, 2009, 01:31:25 AM
Alright, some basic world details. Generally, going with the assumed Iron Heroes default world, slightly tweaked.

Magic does exist, but it's somewhat uncommon, spread apart, and not truly developed. While some magic items do exist out in the world, they're very rare, and a good deal are cursed items of some fashion or already in use by powerful people or lost to the world. Magic users themselves are treated with caution, but not hatred. They do tend to make people nervous, however.

You guys start out in a large village, a trade hub situated about five days away from a large city where various nobles live. More details to follow, and possibly map when I get to it. Gimme a bit to think up general info on area and names.

Mainly, your village is a farming community that's grown and prospered by being along a popular trade route. All of you are fairly young folks, who've lived if not your whole lives there, at least a large portion of it. So yes, you all know each other to some degree. You're not necessarily friends, but you're all familiar with each other.
Title: World Geography/Overview
Post by: Merc on September 30, 2009, 11:17:18 PM
Galewyrn is a world much like our own, though it's certainly less advanced and equally more fantastic.

Note, however, that though I deem to call it 'fantastic', this world is surprisingly lacking in magical forces. You see, it is quite dangerous to its user and those around him and thus has not developed into a true force of reckoning within Galewyrn. Those few individuals willing to test their mettle with forces beyond their understanding are, if not feared, certainly treated with much caution and nervousness.

The world of Galewyrn has been occupied primarily by the human race, by and large. Though a few races of similar wit and daring exist, most are spread out, few in numbers, and generally do not interact with humanity. In fact, most tend to reside in places unsuited to humanity, or simply out of their way and thus not within their interest to visit. Those few of these strange humanoid races that choose to wander and interact with our race are generally considered to be some sort of mutation or the like, possibly the result of some unfortunate arcanist's meddling.

Galewyrn is composed of eight territories. While two are island continents, the rest of the territories belong to a single heavily fractured continent, though the landmass is still all connected. When we claim it is fractured, however, we do mean fractured, as the continent of Gale has a large enough body of water locked inland that many deem an ocean, the Wryndfall Ocean.

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Iceborne Wilderness
Not much can be said of the Icerborne Wilderness, besides the obvious. It's COLD!

It consists of all the land north of both the Vyrdam Republic and Belnord, the frozen tundra closest to the northern pole. Some rather barbaric tribes are rumored to reside there.

Vyrdam Republic
Originally various splintered territories, one of the rulers of the largest of these territories managed to fund a large and capable army that proceeded to slowly absorb the others into itself. For a bit over three hundred years, this was known as the Vyrdam Empire. However, misfortune (or not, depending on the point of view) struck as the then ruler was assassinated with no heir apparent to take the throne. War almost came to be as the many powers fought for control, until a different sort of government was proposed that fortunately, most could grudgingly agree to. Some, could not, and went on to become the territory of Adallia. The rest, however, went on to become what would today be known as the Vyrdam Republic.

Because many in the republic still believe that Adallia should not exist as a separate territory and seek to reabsorb the land, many strong adventurers come from Vyrdam, especially in the areas nearest the borders of Adallia, where skirmishes are simply part of life.

Adallia (
As mentioned, Adallia is a group that splintered from the Vyrdam Republic at the time of its conception. Originally three territories, they have since banded together under one leader, currently King Fardune III. For a similar reason as Vyrdam, many powerful men have come from Adallia, the result of the strong rivalry between the two territories' ideology. Of note, actually, is the fact that Adallia tends to produce many more strong women than men. Nobody could truly say the reason, but it does seem an odd coincidence that if one were to try and name Adallian heroes, more female names will come to mind than not. In recent times, it's become almost a practice for some families to give their male heir a femenine name to try and inspire heroics in the future.

Many names are thus gaining a reknown in Adallia as gender-neutral.

Farvona Lands
The lands existing between Belnord and Vyrdam are known as the Farvona Lands. Due to the harsh powerful weather that often hits the area, the territory is an odd mix of jungle, desert, and mountains and various other places that would make a normal human cringe. A great many nomadic tribes live in these lands, the most famous being the Siribe and Hattrac tribes. The Siribe tribe tends favor the greener areas of Farvona, and are known for both their kindness and their unforgiving nature. While this might seem at odd, the Siribe are quick to welcome strangers and treat them as a long lost friend, but if scorned in some fashion will NEVER forgive the one at fault. In fact, many are strong believers in the power of the spirits, and some of their spiritualists are even rumored to be able to unleash curses leaving their targets forever fraught in misfortune.

The Hattrac, meanwhile, tend to be more mistrusting initially. Rather, they are quite cautious of others, particularly those of pale flesh. They are much more apt to put some trust in those whom they've known to fare and live through the harsh desert heat of Farvona. They are particularly antagonistic to those of Vyrdam, as many 'heroes' from Vyrdam have sought to seek their fortune trying to expand Vyrdam southward, only to fall to the arrows and axes of the Hattrarc. Only one person from Vyrdam, Clafas Lion, has been known to earn their trust following their long history with those from Vyrdam.

South of Farvona lies Dalewyn. One thing about Dalewyn that stands out: It actually encourages people to mess with magical forces. Weird buggers!

This is likely due to the presence of Norwic Academy, a group of various towering buildings, all of which have served for hundreds upon hundreds of years to students of the arcane and spiritual matters and still stand to this day.

Given the unstable nature of wrestling with forces beyond reality to try and do the impossible, Norwic Academy is easily one of the top ten wonders of Galewryn due to this fact.

Many of those who seem capable of controlling these magical powers are sent to Norwic, assuming the trip can be afforded, of course. More often than not though, parents are likely to try to shield their children away from such abilities, or knock the idea from their minds if possible.

Because Norwic Academy also functions as the central gorverning body of the Dalewyn territory, many of its students from foreign territories often choose to stay, enjoying the position of partial power granted to them that they'd likely not be able to enjoy at their homes. The fact that they're less likely to blow up a large area of land while in Norwic if they screw up, means they're generally not missed all that much back home anyway.

Unfortunately, not much is known about Eldymis. The people are very closed off, and irrationally xenophobic. This might be due to the fact that the island is directly west of Dalewyn, and everyone knows the people from there are magic-powered lunatics. Of course, this is just random guessing, as Elymians aren't prone to sharing these facts.

What is known about Eldymis is that it is ruled under a monarch named Kayden, and that those amongst its people trained in the ways of combat are all masters of fighting with a weapon in both hands. The infamous pirate, Drake, is known to hail from this territory, and sails along the Zoraydre Sea. He is singlehandedly responsible for the prosperity of land routes between Dalewyn and Farvona due to his making travel across this sea such a hazzard. Occassionally he sails further up north into the Hanasein Ocean, and makes himself a pest to those of Hilfernas and Belnord.

The people of Belnord are generally peaceful folk, more interested in farming and developing products for the rest of the world with its many rich resources. Not many from these lands will generally become famous in any fashion. They are in fact considered by some to be part of the Hilfernas Kingdom, as they do pay a tax to it. They can, however, afford to be so peaceful because they are so isolated to prevent large-scale invasion.

To the south lies a mountain range that sports the highest mountains of the worlds, the highest of which is Krog's Peak. Supposedly, at the top of the peak lies the home of a retired warrior, Krog. So his memoirs says, anyhow. No other person to this day has claimed to reach the top and find evidence of a domicile.

To the east lies Shimon's Wall. A natural cliff-face overlooking the northern Wrynfall Ocean, Shimon's Wall serves as an obstacle that would make invasion from the west a fool's errand. There does exist one area where a winding path forms leading up the wall and serves as a trade hub for Belnord, as the city capital of Balmur exists atop the cliff near the path's end.

Finally, to the north is the obviously unwelcoming Iceborne Wilderness, and to the west liest Hilfernas, with which Belnord holds strong ties of alliance. Thus, in all directions, Belnord tends to present obstacles of some fashion that grant it some protection.

Hilfernas Kingdom
The Hilfernas Kingdom controls the island continent west of Belnord. Once upon a time, there used to be a land bridge connecting the two lands, but it has long since fallen into a chain of small islands. They are still connected through large and heavily travelled bridges, however.

Hilfernas has long had a relationship with Belnord, and while some claim this relationship to be one of master/servant, both of these claim otherwise. Despite the fact that Belnord pays a tax to the Hilfernas Kingdom, this is mostly one of protection. The few members of Belnord that wish to learn the art of combat often head towards the military schools of Hilfernas, though primarily, they tend to export their products to Hilfernas. In return, many officers from Hilfernas are sent to Belnord to act as the officials to prevent crime, handle what criminals might arise, stop wild animals, and generally provide a friendly service to Belnords. In essence, they have something of a symbiotic relationship.

Further proof of this is that the husband or wife of the heir-apparent of Hilfernas has almost always been someone from Belnord, allowing Hilfernas to have strong ties to the people of Belnord.
Title: Adallia - Territory
Post by: Merc on September 30, 2009, 11:19:55 PM
Jump To:
Adallian Territory (Terrain, Trade, and Noteworthy Places)
History (Expanded Overview) (
Culture (Religion, Magic, Law, and Government) (
People (Basic information, Classes, Foreign Relations) (
Miscellaneous (Known Dangers, Famous People, etc) (

Trade Routes - Map of Adallia
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**Expanded Territory Info to go here***

NOTE: You guys will start off in the town of Ferune.
Title: Re: Adallia - History
Post by: Merc on October 15, 2009, 09:15:16 PM
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Adallian Territory (Terrain, Trade, and Noteworthy Places) (
History (Expanded Overview)
Culture (Religion, Magic, Law, and Government) (
People (Basic information, Classes, Foreign Relations) (
Miscellaneous (Known Dangers, Famous People, etc) (

**Expanded History to go here***
Title: Re: Adallia - Culture
Post by: Merc on October 15, 2009, 09:15:38 PM
Jump To:
Adallian Territory (Terrain, Trade, and Noteworthy Places) (
History (Expanded Overview) (
Culture (Religion, Magic, Law, and Government)
People (Basic information, Classes, Foreign Relations) (
Miscellaneous (Known Dangers, Famous People, etc) (

**Expanded Culture to go here***
Title: Re: Adallia - People
Post by: Merc on October 15, 2009, 09:15:46 PM
Jump To:
Adallian Territory (Terrain, Trade, and Noteworthy Places) (
History (Expanded Overview) (
Culture (Religion, Magic, Law, and Government) (
People (Basic information, Classes, Foreign Relations)
Miscellaneous (Known Dangers, Famous People, etc) (

**Expanded People info to go here***
Title: Re: Adallia - Miscellaneous
Post by: Merc on October 15, 2009, 09:17:51 PM
Jump To:
Adallian Territory (Terrain, Trade, and Noteworthy Places) (
History (Expanded Overview) (
Culture (Religion, Magic, Law, and Government) (
People (Basic information, Classes, Foreign Relations) (
Miscellaneous (Known Dangers, Famous People, etc)

**Expanded Misc info to go here***
Title: Re: Galewyrn
Post by: Merc on October 17, 2009, 09:08:09 PM
Currently trying to focus on getting sunday stuff done. Region stuff will follow once I get a chance at it.

In the meanwhile, here's your city and some basics:

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The black and white image has a few number guides.

1. Havenford - Originally where soldiers were given a chance to rest, train, etc, the barracks eventually came into disuse until a magical experiment gone wrong resulted in a small lake forming at its center. As trade boomed around the town, someone had the bright idea to turn it into a housing community. While not as private as having your own home, having to share living space with other families has made many much more socially active, so residents of Havenford like to claim.

2. Ferune's Graveyard - A fair few of Adallia's heroes have come from Ferune itself, and a few even managed to make it back home. It's a fairly normal graveyard, outside of a small statue on the grave of a local hero, Barielli, better known as the hero of the Breaking Point War. A lot of the Dalian Academy students often show up to pay their respects...usually around the time of exams.

3. Jonas' farm, one of the four family farms to survive within the city walls. When the city walls were first constructed, there were more farms within town, but as time passed, a lot of them sold their lands either to one of the four families, or to reconstruction efforts by the city to develop. Ol' Jonas is currently known for two things. His third son, Dorian Jonas, is the current mayor of the city. The second is that while his farm is not one of the largest, it's fairly popular for the delicious large vegetables he grows, and people swear by the pumpkin pies and cakes made by his wife.

4. The Town Center, it is the best show of how Ferune has prospered from a small farming community into a growing trade city. As a city, it's still fairly small, and highly dependant on the trade economy, but being situated where it is, means it only has time to grow. The mayor's building is situated in the southern area of the plaza, overlooking Finyard's Fountain and a large part of the town center. It is the noisiest and liveliest of places in Ferune.

5. The primary residential area. While there are some homes all around the city, most are found in this small area.

6. Arune's Joy Chapel, a small building built about seven years back due to the increasing number of faithful settling into town. Congregations are every day at noon and seven in the evening. The chapel, is however, open at all times to the public.

7. Another of the four families to still maintain a farming area within city walls, Dale Whitney primarily supports his income with a horseriding school in his large field out west.

8. Similarly, ol' widow Marian Skydale helps support her farm's income with some side business. For the past fourteen years, she has been been using her farm as a homestay inn, popular for the pond out back. It's not as cheap or large as Haven's Inn, but traveler's often recommend it for the homecooked meals and the general atmosphere of the place.

9. Dalian Academy is a military academy built about twenty five years back. Focusing more on the academics than harsh military training, most of its graduates rarely go seeking out to make a name for themselves through combat. Still, the school does prove popular, although there's some talk about starting to allow a curriculum aimed at magic users. Obviously, this has proven to result in rather heated debate.

10/11. Haven's Inn and The Traveler's Hideaway (respectively to their numbers) are, besides Skydale's homestay inn, where travelers primarily seek to stay. While not in the town center like some of the other inns, they are larger and have stables where travelers can leave their mounts secure and comfortable.

12. Beaumont's Farm. Tobias Beaumont is mostly known simply because he holds the largest of the farming lands in Ferune, many of the farmers outside the western walls paying him for use of their lands. He's pretty fair about fees as well as payment due as well as providing assistance whenever a farmer finds himself lacking in workers, so he is well-liked by most of the community.

I'd post other details, but really, I make this up as I go along, and I want to focus on checking that encounters from tomorrow won't result in a party wipe or oneshot kill of any enemies you encounter (You guys have such wildly different defense and damage outputs!). If you're curious about something, poke in the general discussion thread, and I'll add some tidbits about it.
Title: Re: Galewyrn
Post by: Merc on April 24, 2011, 08:31:50 PM
VIRIDIAN, Capital of Vyrdam
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1. City Gates
2. City Wall
3. Graveyard
4. Prison
5. Garrison (1 per two gates & central)
6. Lord Regent's Castle
7. Castle Gates
8. Castle Wall
9. Noble Estates
10. Civic District
11. University
12. Fine Shops
13. Deer Park
14. Entertainment District
15. Guilds
16. Caravan/Tent Shop Districts
17. Inn
18. Marketplace/Store Shops
19. Red-Light District
20. Slums/Poor-Neighborhoods
21. Average Residential District
22. Wealthy Residential District
24. Temples

Five garrisons are stationed around the city, four in charge of guarding the city gates (two gates per garrison), as well as the general area around the garrison. The Western Garrison, is also in charge of the prison, located in the north-west of the city next to the garrison itself.

The fifth garrison is led by the city's elite, all soldiers dedicated to protecting the Lord Regent from any intruders that might have made it past any of the first four garrisons, and from where troops and orders are directed.

Deer Park
While the park is closed during a few days of the year for Kellan's use as well as that of other nobles, it is generally open to the public, although hunting the deer is punishable by death. To date, only eight criminals have been beheaded for the crime in the past 124 years, and the park has remained open for the public's enjoyment. A glass case with 8 pairs of chopped hands can be found within the grounds. Most look fairly old/mummified, though one pair does look rather...fresh.

Noble Districts
There are currently 5 noble families in Viridian:
-Lord Travis Kellan, lives in the estate to the east of the university. His family is responsible for establishing both the university and the deer park on the opposite side of his estate. His son is friends with Prince Ophius.
-Lady Marian Winchester, lives in the northernmost estate. Is a young and single noble, and thus held in very high regard by many other young nobles, hoping to join one of the 5 families of Viridian. She's paradoxically known for being very sweet as well as for having a horribly sharp tongue when it comes to political issues she holds dear. Rumor has it that Lord Darius may be hoping to bind their houses, and have her marry either William or Victor, a rumor which quite vexes her admirers and who have been pressing her recently in almost desperate need.
-Lord Cecil Bartlett, lives in the estate to the south-west. Not much is known about him other than the fact that he once attended Norwic Academy, down in Dalewyn. If he knows magic, he doesn't really tend to show it off. Prince William often visits and has tea with him and his wife.
-Lord Francis Reethe, lives in the estate far east from the other noble estates. He's a constant patron of the entertainment district, and particularly the coliseum events.
-Lady Wanda Caswell, lives in the estate to the east of the civic district. She's very old, if she lasts a few more years she might live to see 100, not that most of Viridian's residents would know for certain given she's a recluse. Her children and grandchildren are all strongly involved with the day-to-day operation of Viridian, either in the civic district, as soldiers, educators, or who knows what else. Her son, Tirian Caswell is the strongest contender for the Lord Regent position that is not from the Albrecht family.

The 6th estate belongs to the Albrecht family, led by Lord Darius Albrecht. The Albrecht family also happens to be the noble family currently in charge of the Vyrdam Republic, as has managed to hold onto the position for three straight generations now. All three of his children are considered strong candidates as the next Lord Regent once Darius passes, though Prince Victor seems to hold the highest chance of keeping the prestige and responsibilities of the position with their family. Victor has something of a friendly (as far as anyone can tell) rivalry with Tirian Caswell.

The estate is still in use in spite of the family's primary residence being the Lord Regent's castle, it's current master is Prince William, having elected to maintain the estate. It is located directly south of the castle walls, and to the west of the university, and next door to Lord Bartlett's own estate.

Civic District
While many decisions are certainly handled by Lord Darius and others within the castle, much of the governing related maters are handled within this district.

Entertainment District
While there are some music houses, play houses and other sources of entertainment, the main draw of the district is the Coliseum. The days are punctuated by constant fights where soldiers, nobles, adventurers and common man alike test their might against each other, against beasts and slaves. Slaves are not very often used in such fights these days, as the fights tend not to be to the death...except in their case and that of beasts. People just don't seem to have much respect for their lives, and slave owners have to consider just how much their slave's life is worth before entering them into a fight. Beasts are cheaper and much more bloodthirsty (well, with the proper incentive in some cases) anyhow.

Evenings can hold other events, and while it can be quite the expensive endeavour, it has made many troupes and get-rich schemers a ton of gold and fame. It's just a matter of knowing what the public wants.

Guild District
Mercenaries, jacks-of-all-trades, entertainment troupes, and all such groups of people get together in this district and carve out of life together, knowing that when things get tough, it's always good to have a 'family' to fall back on. Even if you had to pay them to join in, family is family, and in this case, you do get to choose it.

Inn Districts
While there are various scattered inns around the city, these four districts pack a concentrated amount of taverns and inns due to their location and accessibility from the most common entrances to the city and the shopping districts.

Maya, Aleph, Brina and Anassia are currently staying in the south-western inn district.

Red-light District
The OTHER 'entertainment' district. If you're looking for a thrill, this is the right place. Just make sure you keep a good hold on your wallets, and carry a visible weapon.

Packed tight in the south-eastern corner of the city, right in front of that entrance, are the slums. The population of this small neighborhood amazingly rivals that of the rest of the city combined, if you don't count merchants, travelers and soldiers. Many people often find that the only way to maintain even their poor lifestyle is to either find work at the red-light district, the coliseum, or thievery. Sometimes a combination of the three.

A temple for Arune can be found south of the Albrecht estate. Arune is the most popular/common deity and followed by many in both Vyrdam and Adallia (your hometown of Ferune had a chapel to Arune).

Two other temples are found in Viridian, one along the east entrance road, north of the park, and the other further south-east. They are dedicated to Elishar and Vesper, respectively.

A bunch of chapels to other minor deities can be found around the town, including some smaller ones to those three. There are none dedicated to Hapshulam though, if you choose to look for it. Elise would be horrified.


Other things to do:
Besides what's listed above and exploring along those areas (you may find it difficult to visit the noble estates or the prison though!), you also have:
1) Maya found a person willing to serve as a tour guide to the city. He might be able to give a bit more insight, and you generally won't have heard some of the stuff I mentioned above like the details about the park's glass case or lords/ladies of the noble estates otherwise. It's a 5gp fee for the group altogether.
2) There is that party that was mentioned in one week's time. You could try to crash it and catch up with Victor? You'd need to find some ways to crash it of course.
3) Some jobs can be found at the guild district

If curious: Map is a modified map from cityscape >_>