Soulriders 5.0: Legend of the Unending Games

The Burial Grounds => The Pursuit of the Unattainable => The Day After Tomorrow => Old Games 7 => The Book of Earth => Topic started by: Brian on June 25, 2004, 04:13:52 AM

Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Brian on June 25, 2004, 04:13:52 AM
<Brian> In short order, the men are assembled on the courtyard, about three thousand keep defenders, and the same number of assorted Storm-riders, with more standing in the wings, ready to charge in if required.
Nathan looks around for Alec.
<Brian> Alec is, as always, right behind Nathan.
Ginrai checks who else is on the tower with him
Nathan was just making sure. Yup.
<Brian> Lammermore is standing at the lead of the formation -- for a change, Ekim is standing nearby, his arms crossed over his chest as he surveys the battle-ready men.
Dracos tries to position himself close to Nathan and Bjorn if possible.
<Brian> There's not much time for questions, though, as men run to grab shields, and the gates ponderously crank open.
Bjorn takes up his place at the front of the formation, next to Lammermore, and blinks at Ekim. "Lord Ekim?"
<Brian> He nods at you, and moves to stand out of the way, by the side of the gate.
<Brian> "Let's go," Lammermore says grimly, as the moon sets.  He begins to pace forward at the same time it dips below the towering mountain range that stands above the keep.
Nathan waves a salute to Ekim as they go past.
Bjorn studies Ekim, but paces Lammermore and moves forward.
<Brian> The dwarf nods again at Nathan, his face splitting into a menacing dwarven grin.  "Luck be with all," he rumbles.
<Bjorn> "Luck," Bjorn says, distantly and quietly so that almost no one else can hear him, "will not be needed."
Nathan grins and nods to Ekim as they go past.
<Brian> After a few steps, and some rearangement, a contingent of six thousand men is outside the earthenworks, prepared to fight for the safety of the world.
<Nathan> "It never hurts to have, though," Nathan notes quietly as they leave the gate.
<Brian> Ginrai!  We now switch to you, since you've got the better viewpoint from the towertop.
<Brian> Today, your tower is being shared with Devin, and no one else.
<Ginrai> So, what can I see of the Dreadmarch army?
<Brian> Well, from what you can see, a group of orcs, ogres, and the occasional troll is rushing forward, towards the Earthenworks.  The trebuchets wake up behind you, and fling small clay pots of burning pitch across the battlefield -- great fun for all -- but the lorekeepers are holding back, saving their worst for the Jotun which have not yet entered the field.
<Brian> The archers are waiting for the Dreadmarch to get into range.  You can probably hit the main Dreadmarch charge with your lightning spell before the Jotun enter the field.
<Brian> You can hear -- distantly -- shattering clay pots and screams of rage and pain.
Ginrai decides to deal with the front of the charge then
<Brian> Okay.  Go ahead and make your to-hit roll.
<Ginrai> roll 3d6 to see how powerful this will be.
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Ginrai ... : 3d6 to see how powerful this will be. --> [ 3d6=9 ]{9}
<Brian> That's a direct hit -- congratulations, your 60 meter wide attack spell has struck a charging army.
<Brian> Now go ahead and roll your damage.
<Ginrai> roll 2d6 to see how powerful this will be.
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Ginrai ... : 2d6 to see how powerful this will be. --> [ 2d6=4 ]{4}
<Brian> The initial zap doesn't seem to phase the charging forces, but it's targeted, so you can let the spell go wild, now.
<Ginrai> roll 3#2d6 to go wild
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Ginrai ... : 3#2d6 to go wild --> [ 2d6=11 ]{11}, [ 2d6=5 ]{5}, [ 2d6=7 ]{7}
<Brian> The Dreadmarch pretty much ignores the initial surge, which makes the next deafening crack of electricity that much more devastating when it comes, writhing through the outlying orcs and ogres, and leaving nearly a hundred of the Dreadmarch lying prone.
<Brian> At this point, the Dreadmarch has reached the Earthworks -- the archers go into action, and the Jotun take the field again.
Ginrai gets his shield spell ready.
<Brian> Okay.  Go ahead and make your activation roll to raise the shield.
<Brian> You have a -8 penalty to your roll.
<Brian> Which is 16+INT/5.
<Ginrai> roll 3d6 and hope the shield can come up.
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Ginrai ... : 3d6 and hope the shield can come up. --> [ 3d6=9 ]{9}
<Brian> The spell comes easily and a glowing barrier of force one third the width of the keep is raised in the sky before the gate-area -- and importantly, it's shielding the men below from Jotun-flung boulders.
<Brian> Which are being launched by the (again) 20 Jotun now.
<Brian> roll 10#3d6
<Brian> roll 10#3d6
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Brian ... : 10#3d6 --> [ 3d6=10 ]{10}, [ 3d6=11 ]{11}, [ 3d6=14 ]{14}, [ 3d6=8 ]{8}, [ 3d6=11 ]{11}, [ 3d6=13 ]{13}, [ 3d6=7 ]{7}, [ 3d6=11 ]{11}, [ 3d6=10 ]{10}, [ 3d6=15 ]{15}
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Brian ... : 10#3d6 --> [ 3d6=8 ]{8}, [ 3d6=13 ]{13}, [ 3d6=11 ]{11}, [ 3d6=10 ]{10}, [ 3d6=16 ]{16}, [ 3d6=10 ]{10}, [ 3d6=16 ]{16}, [ 3d6=12 ]{12}, [ 3d6=6 ]{6}, [ 3d6=5 ]{5}
<Brian> A good number of the rocks fail to land remotely near the defenders.
<Brian> Two of them slam into the walls, bouncing off ineffectually.
<Brian> Eight hit Ginrai's energy shield.  The rest just go across the battle-field without doing anything.
<Brian> roll 12#1d6
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Brian ... : 12#1d6 --> [ 1d6=1 ]{1}, [ 1d6=5 ]{5}, [ 1d6=6 ]{6}, [ 1d6=1 ]{1}, [ 1d6=6 ]{6}, [ 1d6=1 ]{1}, [ 1d6=5 ]{5}, [ 1d6=3 ]{3}, [ 1d6=2 ]{2}, [ 1d6=1 ]{1}, [ 1d6=1 ]{1}, [ 1d6=6 ]{6}
<Brian> The rocks hit the shield, roll up its incline a short distance, stop, and then roll backwards, slamming into the Earthworks (and splattering a few Dreadmarch rushers) quite messily.
<Brian> Ginrai, you're now going to be operating as a speed 1, which is going to reduce your total END spent per round to 24.
<Brian> You're recovering 10 END per turn, so you can hold the shield for about ten minutes before you pass out.
<Brian> Now.
<Brian> Mortal defenders, shielded by the benevolent hand of Ginrai the defender.
<Nathan> BRB!
<Brian> You can hear Dreadmarch minions screaming in the Earthworks as arrows and boulders rain on them.
<Brian> The archers are firing through the gap beneath Ginrai's shield, and the boulders land pretty much on top of it.
Bjorn unsheathes his swords, and waits impassively. "Forgot to ask Ekim about my the katana," flickers briefly through his mind.
<Brian> After a good minute, maybe two, of this, the Earthenworks waver, and collapse into the ground, the Jotun-flung boulders rolling away across the battlefield towards the Dreadmarch.
<Brian> You're not sure why the Earthenworks are gone -- there's no General in sight.  But there's four Jotun that are lumbering forwards with clubs.
<Brian> And a number of other random minions.
<Bjorn> "We planned for this," Bjorn raises his voice.  "Storm-riders forward!"
<Brian> These particular Jotun don't seem to be hindered in any way -- the others across the field are either on fire (and thrashing about madly) or sealed in ice.
<Brian> At your command, the Storm-riders surge forward, the fire of the archers peeling away to stay clear of them.
<Bjorn> Leading by example, Bjorn charges with them, moving to engage the nearest Jotun.
<Brian> We'll enter combat time here.
Nathan charges with Bjorn, obviously.
Dracos matches Bjorn stride for stride, moving to get past the jotun and aiming for the back of it's legs.
<Brian> Okay.
Nathan -will- move-by a dreadmarcher on the way if I get the chance, though!
<Bjorn> As he runs, Bjorn looks back over his shoulder to make sure the rest of the plan is being followed -- that the Keepers have moved forward to fill in the shield wall, and the rest of the troops are holding position until the Jotun have been stopped.
<Brian> It's going to be phase 0.  Everyone has a held action except for Rez.
<Brian> The Jotun is going to act first, since it's got reach, and waits when it sees hero-types approaching it.
<Brian> Nathan: Roll for your move-by.
<Nathan> roll 3d6 for smackDown!
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Nathan ... : 3d6 for smackDown! --> [ 3d6=9 ]{9}
<Brian> Okay.  Roll for transfer.
<Nathan> roll 4d6
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Nathan ... : 4d6 --> [ 4d6=17 ]{17}
<Brian> Okay.
<Brian> The Jotun is going to attempt to swing with its club, effectively trying to hit everyone.
<Bjorn> Um.
<Bjorn> What are my options?
<Bjorn> Or, in other words: can I block?
<Brian> You can TRY.
<Nathan> Who's going to be hit first by the sweep?
<Brian> From where you are, Phil is going to be hit first, then Lammermore, then Bjorn, then Alec, then Nathan.
Bjorn will not attempt to block.
<Brian> Who's diving for cover?
Dracos drops to the ground, trying to stay under the club.
<Brian> Everyone who is, make your dive-for-cover roll.
<Dracos> roll 3d6 for dive to cover methinks.
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Dracos ... : 3d6 for dive to cover methinks. --> [ 3d6=13 ]{13}
<Brian> You throw yourself to the ground.
<Brian> roll 3d6 for Lammermore
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Brian ... : 3d6 for Lammermore --> [ 3d6=16 ]{16}
Nathan will stand up and block the thing - if it gets near me, which I am starting to doubt.
<Brian> Lammermore trips over Phil, and doesn't make it to the ground in time.
<Brian> roll 3d6 to hit
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Brian ... : 3d6 to hit --> [ 3d6=4 ]{4}
<Brian> Lammermore is hit.
<Brian> roll 12#1d6
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Brian ... : 12#1d6 --> [ 1d6=1 ]{1}, [ 1d6=1 ]{1}, [ 1d6=2 ]{2}, [ 1d6=5 ]{5}, [ 1d6=1 ]{1}, [ 1d6=6 ]{6}, [ 1d6=6 ]{6}, [ 1d6=2 ]{2}, [ 1d6=4 ]{4}, [ 1d6=6 ]{6}, [ 1d6=5 ]{5}, [ 1d6=1 ]{1}
<Brian> Lammermore takes a hit, and goes flying into a group of Storm-riders that's fighting a quartet of trolls.
<Brian> roll 3d6 for Alec's dive.
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Brian ... : 3d6 for Alec's dive. --> [ 3d6=9 ]{9}
<Brian> Alec hits the turf.
Bjorn waits for the club to get near him, and then prepares to hit the ground, planning to roll back to his feet.
<Bjorn> 4 points to DfC, 2 points to Breakfall.
<Brian> I need two rolls -- a DfC first, though.
<Bjorn> roll 3d6 DfC
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Bjorn ... : 3d6 DfC --> [ 3d6=7 ]{7}
<Bjorn> roll 3d6 Breakfall
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Bjorn ... : 3d6 Breakfall --> [ 3d6=9 ]{9}
<Brian> You hit the ground and pop back up easily.
Nathan grits his teeth and brings his blade around to try and smash the club.
<Brian> Okay.
<Brian> Make your block roll.
<Nathan> roll 3d6 for block-fu
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Nathan ... : 3d6 for block-fu --> [ 3d6=9 ]{9}
<Brian> roll 3d6
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Brian ... : 3d6 --> [ 3d6=6 ]{6}
<Brian> Your block will succeed IF you can destroy the weapon with your transference.
<Nathan> roll 4d6 for Trans-FER!
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Nathan ... : 4d6 for Trans-FER! --> [ 4d6=9 ]{9}
<Brian> Otherwise, you're going to help Lammermore fight those trolls.
<Brian> The club splinters, but the backlack knocks you flat on your ass.  On the otherhand, there's now a cloud of sawdust raining down like confetti all over the place.
<Brian> The flash of light from the destruction of the tree draws eyes from across the battlefield.
<Brian> roll 3d6
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Brian ... : 3d6 --> [ 3d6=10 ]{10}
<Brian> And the Jotun falls backwards, unable to balance with the club suddenly vanishing.
<Brian> Meanwhile, however, you've got bigger issues to contend with -- specifically, there's an armored dwarf breaking free of the ranks and bee-lining towards Nathan.
<Brian> The Dreadmarch raises a huge rallying cry at this sight, and he skids to a halt about ten meters away putting one hand out as though in a gesture of peace.
<Brian> The orcs, Jotun, and trolls all back away, leaving the three of you (and Alec) in the center of a large circle.
Dracos gets to his feet as soon as possible.
Nathan stands up, faintly surprised he's still alive, and eyes the dwarf curiously.
<Brian> Everyone's uncertain, as the Dreadmarch falls into a defensive posture, and the Storm-riders and keep-dwellers pull back to see what their enemies are up to.
<Nathan> "Estin Stonewright, I presume?"
<Brian> "Yes.  A duel!" Estin yells.  "Your best, versus me, and no others shall battle!"
<Dracos> "One on one?  Or our group here versus you?"
<Brian> Now that you can all see Estin up close, you can see he's well armored.  Probably as well as Ekim, and his skin is the same -- looks like stone.  Now that you are closer, however, you also notice two other things.  Estin's eyes burn, like Ekim's, but they're blue, instead of red.  Also, this guy's about a half a meter taller, and way more muscular than Ekim.
Nathan raises an eyebrow at this.
<Brian> "All of you," he says, lowering his hand, and unlimbering his great axe.
<Nathan> "Wasn't that going to happen anyway?" Rez quips.
<Bjorn> Bjorn says nothing, but falls into mugamae, and begins circling Estin, moving around behind him.
<Brian> Estin grins.  "That was my greatest hope," he says in a voice as deep and grating as Ekim's.
<Dracos> Dracos smiles.  "Sounds good to me.  Get down to business right along."  Dracos moves a bit away from Rez, without moving too close to Bjorn.
<Nathan> "Then answer me one question before we start, Estin."
<Brian> "What's that?" he asks, cracking his neck loudly.
<Nathan> Nathan raises his blade. "What DID convince a dwarf and an Archon to lead the Dreadmarch against us, anyway?"
<Brian> "An agreement that humans are too weak to be forged anything respectable," he says, spitting.  "Those weapons were not made by you -- they were made by others for you.  You lack the strength and the will to create your own future, and instead borrow from us, and from the Archonae, without giving anything in return.
<Brian> "You are parasites, I intend to purge this world of you."
<Nathan> "Then perhaps we'll teach you the error of your ways."
<Nathan> "Shall we?"
Dracos laughs.
<Brian> Estin takes up a battle-ready stance, the axe held up and ready to strike down at you.
<Brian> "Wait," someone calls from the edge of the circle.
<Brian> Estin looks over, and raises an eyebrow, as Lammermore staggers into the circle, a nasty cut over one eye bleeding into it.  "You'll not count me out," he growls.
<Brian> "Enough," Estin says, shaking his head.  "We begin!"
<Brian> With that, he charges Nathan.
<Brian> It's phase 0, everyone is considered to have a held action (except for Estin, who is attacking).
Nathan steps back and attempts to block.
<Brian> Go ahead and make your roll.
<Nathan> roll 3d6 for block-fu!
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Nathan ... : 3d6 for block-fu! --> [ 3d6=4 ]{4}
<Brian> roll 3d6 for dwarven attackery
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Brian ... : 3d6 for dwarven attackery --> [ 3d6=16 ]{16}
<Brian> Your sword is as light as a feather, and effortlessly wards off the axe, which you think should have the ponderous weight of a Buick.
<Brian> Make your transference roll.
<Nathan> roll 4d6 for transference.
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Nathan ... : 4d6 for transference --> [ 4d6=19 ]{19}
<Brian> A large chip is carved from the axe -- but it does not break.
<Brian> Next in DEX order is Dracos.
Dracos charges forward, aiming for the dwarf's back while he's attacking Nathan, bringing his sword around hard.
Nathan raises an eyebrow, back-stepping again.
<Dracos> Points to DC.
<Brian> Go ahead and make your attack roll, Drac.
<Dracos> Roll 3d6
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Dracos ... : 3d6 --> [ 3d6=7 ]{7}
<Brian> That's a hit.
<Dracos> roll 3d6+1
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Dracos ... : 3d6+1 --> [ 3d6=13 ]{14}
<Brian> Go ahead and roll your stun multiplier, which is 1d6+1.
<Dracos> roll 1d6+1 for Even a dwarf feels this.
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Dracos ... : 1d6+1 for Even a dwarf feels this. --> [ 1d6=6 ]{7}
<Brian> You've Dazed Estin.
<Brian> Bjorn, it's now your action.
Bjorn steps in, taking opportunity of Estin's sudden stagger to deliver as vicious a strike as he can.
<Bjorn> 6 Points to DC.  Martial Strike.  Holy damage, NND.
<Bjorn> OCV 10.
<Bjorn> roll 3d6
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Bjorn ... : 3d6 --> [ 3d6=10 ]{10}
<Brian> That's a hit.
<Bjorn> roll 2d6+1d3
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Bjorn ... : 2d6+1d3 --> [ 2d6=3 1d3=1 ]{4}
<Brian> Unfortunately, for all that he's a sadistic and asshollish monster, he does not appear to be unholy.
<Brian> Next, segment 3, speed fours.
<Brian> Estin recovers from being stunned, and shakes his head clear.
<Brian> Bjorn: Your action.
<Bjorn> 'Wait,' Bjorn thinks to himself, 'what was it Paul said....  Ice.'
<Bjorn> Letting the cold of his calm spread through him down into the swords, Bjorn moves in and strike again, this time aiming more precisely.
<Bjorn> 2 to DC, 4 to OCV.  OCV 14, NND Cold damage.
<Bjorn> Martial strike.
<Bjorn> roll 3d6
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Bjorn ... : 3d6 --> [ 3d6=6 ]{6}
<Brian> Okay.
<Brian> That's a hit.
<Brian> Go ahead and make your damage roll.
<Bjorn> roll 2d6
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Bjorn ... : 2d6 --> [ 2d6=8 ]{8}
<Bjorn> roll 1d5
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Bjorn ... : 1d5 --> [ 1d5=1 ]{1}
<Brian> Estin grunts, and spins to face Bjorn, turning his back to Nathan.
<Brian> Segment 4, speed 3s.
<Brian> Nathan and Lammermore act in this round.
<Brian> Lammermore after Nathan.
<Nathan> Nathan flicks his gaze to Lammermore and jerks his head towards Estin, stepping to the side to give Lammermore room to move in, raising his own sword to strike as he does so.
<Brian> Lammermore nods at Nathan, keeping his eyes on Estin, and draws back for a powerful hit.
<Brian> And ... Lammermore is going to haymaker.
<Brian> So in dex order, we then come to ... Dracos.
<Nathan> Noting what Lammermore is up to . . . Nathan aims to do the same.
Dracos pulls his blade along, preparing a haymaker, combat points to OCV.
<Brian> Okay.  Segment 5, haymakers are going to land.
<Brian> Everyone first rolls to coordinate.
<Dracos> roll 3d6 coordination
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Dracos ... : 3d6 coordination --> [ 3d6=10 ]{10}
<Brian> roll 3d6 for Lammermore's teamworkness.
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Brian ... : 3d6 for Lammermore's teamworkness. --> [ 3d6=11 ]{11}
<Nathan> roll 3d6 for shining FORCE!
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Nathan ... : 3d6 for shining FORCE! --> [ 3d6=14 ]{14}
<Brian> Okay.  Now everyone gets to make their attack rolls.
<Brian> roll 3d6 for lammermore's attackness
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Brian ... : 3d6 for lammermore's attackness --> [ 3d6=8 ]{8}
<Dracos> roll 3d6 for I bring the pain
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Dracos ... : 3d6 for I bring the pain --> [ 3d6=11 ]{11}
<Nathan> roll 3d6 for ULTRA COMBO!
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Nathan ... : 3d6 for ULTRA COMBO! --> [ 3d6=12 ]{12}
<Brian> Everyone hits.
<Brian> Let's roll damage separately to keep things neat.
<Brian> Nathan, you go first.
<Nathan> roll 3d6+1d3 for Haymaker WHAM!
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Nathan ... : 3d6+1d3 for Haymaker WHAM! --> [ 3d6=14 1d3=3 ]{17}
<Brian> Roll for your Stun.
<Brian> Your stun multiplier is 1d6+1.
<Nathan> roll 1d6+1 for Stunning Mupltiptipililication
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Nathan ... : 1d6+1 for Stunning Mupltiptipililication --> [ 1d6=6 ]{7}
<Brian> Dracos, make your attack roll.
<Dracos> roll 4d6 for DAMAGE
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Dracos ... : 4d6 for DAMAGE --> [ 4d6=20 ]{20}
<Dracos> roll 1d6+1 for MORE STUN
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Dracos ... : 1d6+1 for MORE STUN --> [ 1d6=4 ]{5}
<Brian> Lammermore's attack roll lands now...
<Brian> roll 3#3d6+1d3
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Brian ... : 3#3d6+1d3 --> [ 3d6=11 1d3=1 ]{12}, [ 3d6=10 1d3=2 ]{12}, [ 3d6=11 1d3=1 ]{12}
<Brian> roll 1d6+1d3
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Brian ... : 1d6+1d3 --> [ 1d6=2 1d3=1 ]{3}
<Brian> roll 1d6-1 for stun
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Brian ... : 1d6-1 for stun --> [ 1d6=4 ]{3}
<Brian> Rez, roll transference.
<Nathan> roll 4d6 for Trans-fer!
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Nathan ... : 4d6 for Trans-fer! --> [ 4d6=6 ]{6}
<Brian> *plink*
<Brian> But, you have very thoroughly dazed him.
<Brian> Segment 6, speeds 2 and 4.
<Brian> Dex order.
<Brian> Alec gamely swats at Estin.
<Brian> roll 3d6
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Brian ... : 3d6 --> [ 3d6=15 ]{15}
<Brian> At 1/2 DCV, Estin lurches out of the way (barely).
<Brian> Bjorn, your action.
<Bjorn> Again, Bjorn strikes hard, taking advantage of Estin's daze.
<Bjorn> 6 points to DC.  OCV 10.  Martial Strike, Cold damage, NND.
<Bjorn> roll 3d6
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Bjorn ... : 3d6 --> [ 3d6=13 ]{13}
<Brian> That's a hit.
<Bjorn> roll 3d6+1
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Bjorn ... : 3d6+1 --> [ 3d6=6 ]{7}
<Bjorn> roll 1d6-1
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Bjorn ... : 1d6-1 --> [ 1d6=2 ]{1}
<Brian> Estin seems annoyed by this hit, and glares at Bjorn as he recovers ... but his attention quickly goes back to Nathan.
<Brian> Segment ... 8.  Speed threes -- Nathan, Lammermore, and Dracos.
<Brian> Dex order, Nathan first.
Nathan steps forward and slashes quickly at Estin - sweep attack, two attacks, all +1s to OCV.
<Brian> Okay.  Make your rolls.
<Nathan> roll 2#3d6 for Strike! Strike! Strike!
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Nathan ... : 2#3d6 for Strike! Strike! Strike! --> [ 3d6=10 ]{10}, [ 3d6=13 ]{13}
<Brian> Hit, and ... hit.
<Brian> Go ahead and roll for your damage.
<Nathan> roll 2#2d6+1
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Nathan ... : 2#2d6+1 --> [ 2d6=9 ]{10}, [ 2d6=10 ]{11}
<Brian> Okay.  Roll your Stun (twice).
<Nathan> roll 2#1d6+1 for Stunning, yo?
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Nathan ... : 2#1d6+1 for Stunning, yo? --> [ 1d6=6 ]{7}, [ 1d6=2 ]{3}
<Brian> Okay.  Now roll your transference (twice).
<Nathan> roll 2#4d6 for And -NOW- for the objective . . .
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Nathan ... : 2#4d6 for And -NOW- for the objective . . . --> [ 4d6=15 ]{15}, [ 4d6=16 ]{16}
<Brian> Okay.  You crack, and then (finally) sunder his armor.
<Brian> It collapses to the ground around him.
<Brian> Grunting, Estin shakes off the pain that would have crushed a human by now.
<Brian> It's now Lammermore's action.
<Brian> roll 3d6 for sliding into the opening Rez has made
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Brian ... : 3d6 for sliding into the opening Rez has made --> [ 3d6=9 ]{9}
<Brian> He hits four times.
<Brian> roll 4#2d6+1
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Brian ... : 4#2d6+1 --> [ 2d6=4 ]{5}, [ 2d6=10 ]{11}, [ 2d6=3 ]{4}, [ 2d6=10 ]{11}
<Brian> roll 1d6-1 stun
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Brian ... : 1d6-1 stun --> [ 1d6=4 ]{3}
<Brian> roll 3#1d6-1 stun
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Brian ... : 3#1d6-1 stun --> [ 1d6=5 ]{4}, [ 1d6=4 ]{3}, [ 1d6=3 ]{2}
<Brian> Two of the glowing trails behind Lammermore's swords draw blood on Estin -- but it's not blood.  It's (by appearance) magma.
<Brian> Dracos, your move.
<Dracos> I would like to sweep, 3 times.  Points to ocv. *crosses fingers*
<Brian> Make your rolls.
Dracos brings his sword into the opening as fast as he can.
<Dracos> roll 3d6
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Dracos ... : 3d6 --> [ 3d6=8 ]{8}
<Dracos> roll 3d6
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Dracos ... : 3d6 --> [ 3d6=10 ]{10}
<Dracos> roll 3d6
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Dracos ... : 3d6 --> [ 3d6=12 ]{12}
<Brian> Two hits.
<Brian> Go ahead and roll your damage twice.
<Dracos> roll 2#2d6+1d3
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Dracos ... : 2#2d6+1d3 --> [ 2d6=10 1d3=3 ]{13}, [ 2d6=9 1d3=3 ]{12}
<Brian> Apply your stun multiplier.
<Dracos> roll 2#1d6+1
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Dracos ... : 2#1d6+1 --> [ 1d6=5 ]{6}, [ 1d6=4 ]{5}
<Brian> You've wounded him a bit more.
<Brian> He looks mad, for some reason.
<Brian> Segment 9, speed 4s.
<Brian> Estin acts first.
<Brian> He raises his axe, which begins to glow faintly with reddish/gold energy, and slams it into the ground -- everyone makes a breakfall check.
<Nathan> roll 3d6 for Break-FALL!
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Nathan ... : 3d6 for Break-FALL! --> [ 3d6=9 ]{9}
<Bjorn> roll 3d6
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Bjorn ... : 3d6 --> [ 3d6=9 ]{9}
<Brian> roll 2#3d6 for Lammermore and Alec
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Brian ... : 2#3d6 for Lammermore and Alec --> [ 3d6=8 ]{8}, [ 3d6=9 ]{9}
<Dracos> roll 3d6 for breakfall!
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Dracos ... : 3d6 for breakfall! --> [ 3d6=6 ]{6}
<Brian> Well, none of you are thrown to the ground by the reverberations, or the cracks forming in the ...steaming snow and dirt around you.  These cracks are hot, and emiting glowing light.  You kind of don't like where this is going.
<Brian> roll 3d6 for breakfall
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Brian ... : 3d6 for breakfall --> [ 3d6=16 ]{16}
<Brian> For what it's worth, Estin knocks himself down, though.
<Brian> roll 3d6 breakfall
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Brian ... : 3d6 breakfall --> [ 3d6=7 ]{7}
<Brian> Ekim, however, lands perfectly -- you have NO IDEA where he came from -- you're busy fighting one dwarf in a duel to the death, and another just popped out of the sky and slammed into the ground between Nathan and Estin, his shield slamming deeper into the ground.
<Brian> The spikes seem to actually be holding the earth together, and Ekim grunts, pressing his shield down into the earth as if to hold everything back.
<Brian> "Hurry," he grates, glaring at Estin with enough raw hate that fire is actually radiating from his glowing eyes.  "Destroy this traitor!"
<Brian> Bjorn, you kept your footing -- it's now your action.
Bjorn winds up, moving to deliver the most damaging blow he can.
<Bjorn> Haymaker.  6 points to DC.  OCV 10, Cold damage NND.
<Brian> Okay.
<Brian> Segment 10.
<Brian> Bjorn: Go ahead and make your attack roll.
<Bjorn> roll 3d6
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Bjorn ... : 3d6 --> [ 3d6=7 ]{7}
<Bjorn> roll 4d6
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Bjorn ... : 4d6 --> [ 4d6=14 ]{14}
<Bjorn> roll 1d6-1
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Bjorn ... : 1d6-1 --> [ 1d6=6 ]{5}
<Brian> That's a ... sorry, that hit ends up reaching the house rule of "any hit that succeeds by more than 10 is a critical".
<Brian> I'm afraid instead of rolling, you're going to have to be satisfied with max damage.
<Bjorn> Oh.
<Bjorn> Too bad.
<Brian> Which is, if I see here, 24.
<Bjorn> Yep.
<Brian> So.  Let's see here.
<Brian> Estin is now Knocked Out, and cooling very quickly.
<Brian> The Dreadmarch breaks, and begins fleeing for the far edge of the field.
<Brian> The trebuchets and Lorekeeper surge into action and chase those who flee with magic and arrows.
<Nathan> And Ekim and our not-entirely-stable grounding?
<Brian> "Hurry," Ekim grunts, still holding the shield in place.
<Brian> Segment 12, everyone acts.
Nathan raises his blade for a haymaker.
Dracos promptly runs a blade into Estin's skull. >_>
<Brian> Okay, Dracos, make your roll.
<Dracos> roll 3d6
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Dracos ... : 3d6 --> [ 3d6=8 ]{8}
<Brian> That's max damage.
<Brian> What's your damage?
<Dracos> both to dc.  3d6+1
<Dracos> 19.
<Dracos> roll 1d6+1 stun
<Chibi-Suu> them bones was tossed for Dracos ... : 1d6+1 stun --> [ 1d6=3 ]{4}
<Brian> No stun -- he's dead, and his body instantly hardens to stone (incidentally trapping your blade).
<Brian> Those Dreadmarch minions that have not made it off the field turn to dust.
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Brian on June 25, 2004, 04:20:55 AM
Eying Estin's remains, Ekim wrenches Phil's blade free and hands it to him.  "My thanks," he says gravely, as the cracks in the earth cool down.

Parthipan, concerned for the safety of his friends, arrives on the scene as the moon crests the upper reaches of the eastern peak.
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Rezantis on June 25, 2004, 04:22:44 AM
"Well . . ." Nathan hums, "That would appear to be that. Thank you for your help, Friend Ekim."
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Brian on June 25, 2004, 04:30:10 AM
Ekim smiles, and wrenches his shield free of the earth.  "My thanks to you," he rumbles.  "Estin was a traitor."  He eyes the corpse distastefully, then shakes his head and starts walking towards the keep's gates, evidently needing some time alone.

A battle-medic approaches Lammermore, and hauls him off before he can say anything else, leaving Bjorn, Parthipan, Phil, and Alec upright.  Alec heaves a sigh and sits on the ground heavily.  "Glad that one's down," he says, nodding to himself.

He eyes Estin's axe contemplatively for a moment, and then turns away, looking out towards the Dreadmarch encampment.
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Rezantis on June 25, 2004, 05:49:21 AM
"No kidding. Five down, eight to go."

Rez hums, following Alec's gaze towards the dreadmarch encampment.

"A little leery?"
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Ginrai on June 25, 2004, 01:04:54 PM
"You guys really need to tell me what happened here later on," Ginrai says as he's eying the slab of stone that was once a Dwarve's corpse.

"That the dwarf would be the general this early isn't a good sign.  Just how powerful will the other generals be?"
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Dracos on June 25, 2004, 01:50:39 PM
Dracos sheathes his blade, taking the axe up and examining it with magic vision.  "I suspect a rather different reason, Parthipan.  He went after Nathan specifically, knowing exactly what Nathan's blade could do.  He did not go directly for Lammermore or Bjorn, to assail the leadership of the keep.  He did not go for me, to assail the leadership of the storm-riders or demonstrate the superiority of dwarvish weapons over human craft.  Instead he directly went after Nathan.  I think it was a tactical manuever.  Last battle went very easily.  A good deal of that was our ability to tear apart the magic armor and weapons of the enemy general and remove that protection and power.  By taking out nathan or his sword, it'd strike a quick and damaging blow to our ability to resist the future generals.  It'd be a waste to send out any general without a very good chance of dealing with Nathan's sword without his blade failing apart first, even if the general could be very dangerous to all of us.  You saw how his axe survived clashing with Nathan's sword."

Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Bjorn on June 25, 2004, 02:12:36 PM
Bjorn grunts.  "He went after Sir Shuker after his sword destroyed a Jotun's club and sent the Jotun sprawling," Bjorn points out.  "But he was quick enough to turn on me in the fight once I'd begun to hurt him.  I'd be inclined to say he was doing exactly what he said -- trying to kill our best.  I doubt he set out to target Nathan in particular."
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Brian on June 25, 2004, 07:58:05 PM
Phil is unable to lift the axe that's locked in the stone's grip, but to his eyes it does not appear to be magical at all -- just exceedingly well crafted.

"A little," Alec replies to Nathan, nodding.
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Rezantis on June 25, 2004, 08:10:29 PM
"He went for whoever looked like the biggest threat, Phil.  Who that looked like varied, and his inability to concentrate on any one of us got his ass killed."

Rez hums, then snickers.

"By the way, Alec, really sorry, but I guess I didn't learn anything from the last time."
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Bjorn on June 25, 2004, 08:16:16 PM
"No," Bjorn says, calmly.  "What got him killed was being on the wrong side.  He made any number of mistakes, but that was the basic one."

Looking around the battlefield, he pauses to look at the stony remains, and then shakes his head, sheathing his swords.  "Come on.  Let's get back into the Keep."

With that, he strides off, helping to escort some of the wounded back into the Keep.

Bjorn now leaves this thread and joins Protect Life (
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Rezantis on June 25, 2004, 08:21:40 PM
Nathan summons the gauntlet - underneath his gloves, of course - and tries to shift Estin's axe himself.  While holding his sword in his off-hand, 'cause he can't really put it down or anything.

"We shouldn't just be leaving this here . . ."
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Ginrai on June 25, 2004, 08:28:09 PM
"Need any help with that?  If you want I can go and get Ekim."
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Brian on June 25, 2004, 08:31:55 PM
That axe isn't budging for anyone.  There is no way that you can move it without -- one would expect -- smashing through the stone hands wrapped around it, and each of those hands is as big around as any of your upper torsos.
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Rezantis on June 25, 2004, 08:36:49 PM
"I don't think he wants us to bug him right now. Nice work with the shield, by the way," Rez hums absently.

"You know, this thing . . . any objections to me just smashing it here?"
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Ginrai on June 25, 2004, 08:42:25 PM
"Thanks."  Looking at the axe, Ginrai asks, "Are you sure you want to do that, if it's even possible?  I mean, unless it's magical, it *could* be used to forge some nice new weapons."
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Rezantis on June 25, 2004, 08:48:25 PM
"Well, Ekim's the only one of us who's likely to have a -chance- at moving this," Rez hums, and glances questioningly at Phil and Alec, "But I don't know if he'd want to, and it's not like he doesn't have raw materials already . . . I doubt he'd appreciate the suggestion.  Welll, I suppose it won't hurt to hear from you for a while."
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Brian on June 25, 2004, 08:57:44 PM
"Huh?" Alec asks, blinking.  "I don't think anyone here can use it, except maybe that huge giant stone monster thing.  I guess we can break it."
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Dracos on June 25, 2004, 10:58:38 PM
"That's....a very interesting idea.  I think it'd be very delightfully ironic, in fact, to have a stone monster returning the enemy's own axe to them.  Where is Derrick and his golem?  Anyone mind running over quickly and finding him?  If that golem doesn't want to wield it against our enemies, we might as well destroy it."

Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Rezantis on June 25, 2004, 11:08:22 PM
"Suppose we may as well - I doubt anyone else could even lift it."

Nathan heads off to go looking for Derrick!
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Brian on June 26, 2004, 04:42:57 PM
It takes very little time to find Derrick.  He and the golem are standing just inside the gate, looking a little flustered at all the activity.  The golem has drawn itself up to be as thin and tall as possible, to take up less space.

Nathan blinks at then, then asks them to follow, and leads them back to the site of the fallen Dreadmarch general, and his granite corpse.
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Dracos on June 26, 2004, 04:50:20 PM
"Greetings, Derrick, Golem.  Was just looking at this axe and the thought occurred to us that your golem might find it useful.  At the least, it'd be ironic to return such a weapon the hard way to the dreadmarch."

Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Brian on June 26, 2004, 04:55:37 PM
Derrick looks uncertain, but the golem nods, and reaches forward, breaking the statue's hands a bit to free the huge weapon, and then hefting it experimentally.

After studying it, you realize that the golem can adjust its height and width a bit -- and it assumes (roughly) the proportions of the dwarf, its mechanical components drawing in and shortening until it's the right size.  The golem nods gratefully and then walks directly to the side of the gate, outside of the walls, as though he's taking up a post there.

"Well," Derrick says, frowning.  "He's made up his mind, anyway."
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Dracos on June 26, 2004, 04:58:27 PM
Dracos laughs.  "It looks good with him.  He's an impressive fellow."

Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Brian on June 27, 2004, 04:32:44 AM
The golem makes a whirring, chirping chitter, and its eyes look pleased at the comment.

Derrick nods uncertainly.  "Just ... remember that you are alive," he says to the golem.  "And respect your own life, as well."

The golem nods at this, and then taps on the wall once with a metalic finger, and a second time on its massive stone chest.
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Dracos on June 27, 2004, 04:46:14 AM
"Anyhow...let's get inside.  Parthipan, there was some things we had to investigate, did we not?  Now's as good a time as ever, I suppose, though we should not bother Ekim.  You know where Radagast is?"

Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Ginrai on June 27, 2004, 12:41:55 PM
Ginrai shakes his head.  "He might be back in his room.  Let's go and check."
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Dracos on June 27, 2004, 12:45:29 PM
"Nathan, ye probably should come along.  So come on.  Derrick, I'll see you later.  Keep safe."

Dracos lead the way for the small company to Radagast's room!

Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Brian on June 27, 2004, 05:12:29 PM
Derrick nods, and goes to chat with his golem.  At this point, the battlefield is entirely cleared of wounded, and now there are soldiers working on clearing the debris -- discarded weapons, armor, random shards of pottery, and the like.

Phil, with the experience of someone who's been crawling over the keep for a good week solid now, leads the way to Radagast's (and the Lorekeepers') tower.  The guards at the entrance still expect all weapons to be given up before allowing anyone in.
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Dracos on June 27, 2004, 05:14:19 PM
Dracos does so, and asks Rez to wait a few minutes if he has an issue, heading in to find Radagast.

Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Brian on June 27, 2004, 05:25:03 PM
Nathan is still holding his glowing and humming sword, which, to judge by the appearance of the guards, they don't really want to accept anyway.

In short order, Phil is able to go inside and find Radagast, who is going through a stack of his notes on one of the tables in his study.
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Dracos on June 27, 2004, 05:26:28 PM
"Greetings Radagast.  Do you have a moment to investigate that issue now?  We got distracted last time, but I think it is best to figure it out one way or another."

Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Brian on June 27, 2004, 05:29:05 PM
"Yes," he agrees, pushing the notes away.  "I'd thought I had something else about the crystals ... but no matter.  I'm certain it will come to me in time."

With that, he heads out and meets up with Nathan, where Phil is able to reclaim his sword.  "Beneath the keep?" Radagast asks.
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Dracos on June 27, 2004, 05:30:13 PM
"That's where I last saw it heading." Dracos confirmed.

Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Brian on June 27, 2004, 05:32:13 PM
"Very well," Radagast says, then leading everyone down staircase after staircase, until everyone finds themselves in the chambers of the Interers.  Phil sees (now) the thread coming down through the cieling, and then headed down again, through the floor.
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Dracos on June 27, 2004, 05:34:40 PM
"Deeper than this.  It heads through the floor."  Dracos directed.  "Is there further basements?"

Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Brian on June 27, 2004, 05:37:20 PM
"There is one," Radagast says, shaking his head.  "Follow me."

Radagast then leads everyone into another sub-basement.  Now the opressive feeling of weight overhead is much more intense, and the hallways are abandoned, not even glimpses of black-cloaked Interers ghosting about at the edges of sight silently.

This hallway leads to a massive double-door, which fills the hallway -- a good four meters high, and wide -- and is solid iron.

A huge black iron star is pressed across it, like a seal.  At a guess, it appears to be of dwarven manufacture.
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Dracos on June 27, 2004, 05:38:24 PM
"What is behind this door?" Dracos questions, pausing before it.

Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Brian on June 27, 2004, 06:16:05 PM
Radagast sighs.  "This is directly below the point you said you saw the ... the thread at.  The door is sealed, of course, by Ekim, to protect ... the crystal."
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Dracos on June 27, 2004, 06:17:32 PM
"I feel I'm missing something.  Can you explain what's this crystal?  It's clearly important."

Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Brian on June 27, 2004, 06:36:48 PM
Radagast nods, turning to face Phil directly.  "The crystals -- and there are three of them -- function as the focuses of the gods will upon earth.  The crystal of Hammar was taken back to the south by the Archon that came here.  In this room is the crystal of Aestock, which Bjorn and Parthipan -- and Madame Mirallia -- found in the pass on their way here.  It ... fights off the dread and fear that proximity to the Dreadmarch should inspire.  It's our chief defense against the overwhelming fear that they use as a weapon against us.

"My suspicion is that it was left in the pass specifically to be found.  I don't think we should mistrust it ... but while it protects us, it also grants some gift or power to Elric.  The question is then, how we deal with this quandry."  Radagast hesitates.  "Might you be able to discern more about the relationship of the crystal and the thread if you were to see them?  I can summon Lord Boneforge to open the seal and let us examine it."
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Dracos on June 27, 2004, 06:52:00 PM
"While I believe I could, I think it would be wise to give Lord Boneforge some time to recover from what happened today.  We also should look into a plan then on what to do in the worst case anyway, now that we know it's a possibility.  I do think though it's a little much to expect that they planned for us, or some other group, to have gone through that pass, taken that specific route, and brought the crystal here.  Though at the same time, someone did pass through that pass before us, somehow."

Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Brian on June 27, 2004, 07:03:29 PM
Radagast looks surprised at hearing this last.  "Truely?" he asks, frowning.  "How do ... what evidence did they leave behind?"
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Dracos on June 27, 2004, 07:08:36 PM
"The torc, that should have been on Nathan's ancestor's body where he lay slain was missing.  Sure, there is a possibility that it was merely slagged by the beast, but at the same time...  It renders the possibility that someone very careful slipped through there since we did not spot the melted remains of it."

Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Rezantis on June 27, 2004, 07:32:10 PM
"It wasn't slagged.  That part of his body was mostly intact, it was definitely removed.  That could have happened at any time, though - it could have even been one of his retainers who promptly fell into the chasm, so don't get too attached to that fact."
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Brian on June 27, 2004, 08:47:19 PM
"Hadrick," Radagast muses.  "That's something to consider, though.  Well, of more pressing concern, at the moment, is what to do about this," he says, gesturing towards the sealed door.
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Dracos on June 27, 2004, 08:49:07 PM
"We'll have to get Lord Boneforge when he is ready to come down here and oversee checking the crystal out.  Maybe whatever is being done with it can be separated from the protective power of it safely."

Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Brian on June 27, 2004, 09:15:27 PM
"Possibly," Radagast agreees.  "Either way, we must devise a plan to deal with the possibility of losing the crystal.  It would hurt our morale more than you would remember, since you weren't here when the Dreadmarch arrived."
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Dracos on June 27, 2004, 09:38:00 PM
"I'd suggest, if we had to lose it, then it better not be known as much as possible.  Anyhow, let's start planning...  I think I have to go handle some stuff with my own men for now.  Do you need more of my help with anything?"

Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Ginrai on June 27, 2004, 09:55:25 PM
Ginrai looks confused.  "Hmm?  Even if they didn't know that the crystal was gone, wouldn't they lose morale?"
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Brian on June 28, 2004, 12:25:56 AM
"They would notice," Radagast agrees.  "Lord Bloom ... you weren't here, so you wouldn't remember.  But when the Dreadmarch attacks, the men lose will to so much as raise a spear in the face of the ... the raw dread which compells them to give up.  If the crystal is gone, or damaged, we lose that protection."
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Dracos on June 28, 2004, 12:36:57 AM
"Then, it is clear.  In the worst case we need another crystal.  We need to see if we can acquire the third crystal.  It might require gating a force out there to take it by force, but in the worst case scenario, we may need to go to those lengths.  Who has the third crystal?  You've mentioned where one is.  We know the other is behind that door.  Where's the third?"

Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Brian on June 28, 2004, 12:51:18 AM
Radagast looks at Phil like he's proposed something monstrous.  "We'd ... need to take it from the high church of Liene.  If we were to do that, though, we'd lose the blessings of the moon.  And then we'd have no protection between the days of the siege from the Dreadmarch."
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Dracos on June 28, 2004, 01:00:06 AM
"If it's the fourteenth moonrise and Elric is about to charge down our throats, I think we'd have a more direct threat to worry about, no?  I'm not saying lets go charge down and steal it, but we have to keep our minds open even to that degree in order to consider scenarios that will work.  So, the crystal that was taken away, the one we are supposed to have.  Could we track it and recover it?  Are there any magics that would be able to, even temporarily, fake the power of the crystal?  Theoretically, the worst we have to plan for is the last night.  He could get impatient and come earlier, but I don't think that he will.  So we have to figure out what can be done."

Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Ginrai on June 28, 2004, 01:02:59 AM
"Of course there's also the possibility that Elric's being powered by *all* three of the crystals."
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Brian on June 28, 2004, 01:16:45 AM
"The crystals represent the essense of the gods themselves, there's nothing that I know of...."  Radagast trails off, and smacks one fist into the opposting palm.  "That's what I was looking for in my notes!  There's supposed to be a prayer that can accomplish one thing -- that one being to stave off the Dread.  But I don't believe I found any more information than the fact that it exists," he says, somewhat apologetically.
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Dracos on June 28, 2004, 01:29:02 AM
"Well, then we have to find someone who does.  We have to research this quickly.  Parthipan, you should spend what time you have free helping Radagast look for that.  That will be our primary plan.  To figure that out.  Anyhow, is there any reason we can't retrieve the other crystal from the archanoe?  You've given a clear reason why we can't afford to do it with Lienne, but what about the other?"

Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Brian on June 28, 2004, 01:47:04 AM
"Attacking the Archonae would be a risky proposition," Radagast warns.  "Admittedly, we stand to retrieve some Loremasters that are captured there ... but they are more powerful, and also most likely loyal to Solariat.  They are, after all, still working with the Archonae.  But to do that we would need to fight the Archonae.  They would not willingly part with that crystal."
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Dracos on June 28, 2004, 01:50:40 AM
"Hmmm...We may not have to attack them.  There are other possibilities.  Pax, I believe, mentioned two of their number there.  Anyhow, that's secondary.  The question more directly is: If we got that crystal, could it be used to provide the same protection?  If not, there is no reason to waste time pondering possible ways to accomplish getting it."

Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Brian on June 28, 2004, 01:56:40 AM
"It could, but Parthipan raised a valid point.  Elric's power may be tied to another -- or all of -- the crystals in the same manner."  Radagast sighs.  "I think it would be best to see if you can puzzle out his connection to the crystal more clearly before we proceed."
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Rezantis on June 28, 2004, 01:59:17 AM
"So, um . . . how would Elric be drawing power from an object holy to the younger gods anyway? Wouldn't they have something to say about this?"

Rez promptly sticks his nose in.
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Brian on June 28, 2004, 02:04:06 AM
"I don't know," Radagast says, shaking his head.  "I would hope that Lord Bloom could shed more light on that."
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Rezantis on June 28, 2004, 02:06:54 AM
"Well, we're going to need to take a look at it - and I really suggest we have a chat to Mirallia before doing anything."

Nathan hums.

"So who do we ask to let us in? Ekim, or Lord Kevin, or . . . ?"
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Brian on June 28, 2004, 02:08:48 AM
"Ekim holds the keys," Radagast says.  "It is his lock, after all."  He looks thoughtful.  "Mirallia might know something of the prayer we would need."
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Rezantis on June 28, 2004, 02:10:17 AM
"Mirallia might also know more than we do about how these crystals work, and how one might have been tainted," Rez notes, "Shall I go and find Ekim, then?"
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Dracos on June 28, 2004, 02:16:45 AM
"Hmm... yeah, might as well.  See if you can gather Mirallia as well, but try not to cause too big a notice that we're having a huge gathering down here."

Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Brian on June 28, 2004, 02:18:14 AM
Radagast nods thoughtfully.  "It would probably be for the best," he says slowly.  "By the way ... if you don't mind me asking, have you told anyone else...."  He trails off, glancing at Alec, and frowns very slightly.  "Does anyone else know about this thread?" he asks.
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Rezantis on June 28, 2004, 02:24:49 AM
"Alec knows where we're from, and all, if that's what you mean . . ." Nathan hums, then shrugs.

"Basic rundown, Alec, is that we're all somewhat exceptional on our world in that we can do things normal people can't.  Phil can see the threads of, well, magic - and he can do it here when he tries.  And he's seen threads leading from Elric down to this crystal, which is what we're talking about.  Obviously, that can't leave this room, yadda yadda yadda.  Anyway, I'll see if I can go and find Mirallia and Ekim. Mirallia first, I think, because Ekim will draw . . . attention.  Back in a few."

Assuming nobody stops him, Nathan - and presumably Alec - head off to try and find Mirallia. If Alec has questions, he can ask along the way!
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Brian on June 28, 2004, 02:47:25 AM
Nathan runs off and quickly finds Mirallia helping the wounded.  She doesn't question, as the wounded that can be saved, already have been, and follows Nathan (and Alec) back to the sealed door below the keep.  Alec seems to take everything in stride and doesn't ask any questions right away.

Radagast and Phil are still ruminating over the locked door, and Parthipan is pacing back and forth, deep in thought.
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Rezantis on June 28, 2004, 03:10:42 AM
"My pardon for calling you away so abruptly, Madame Mirallia, but we have need of your cons-" Nathan abruptly stops and gives Drac a glare.

"Dammit, I'm starting to talk like this idiot.  Anyway.  We've been working on finding these anchors that Elric apparently has, and one of the trails lead straight back to what's behind this door - so most likely the crystal.  And we have no idea what to do. And we were wondering if we could have your thoughts - could Elric have tainted this? Would the younger gods take exception and be able to do something about it? Is there any way of replacing the effects of the crystal if it is one of Elric's anchors? I . . ." Nathan shrugs helplessly, "We don't know nearly as much as we need to, and so we figured you'd be able to help us with that."
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Brian on June 28, 2004, 01:07:15 PM
Mirallia looks very thoughtful for a long moment.  "I do not think that Elric, no matter his power, could truly taint an artifact with the power of any god without their follower's knowing," she finally says.  "But a crystal is merely a thing, and a force or power could be used there ... do ... lorekeepers use power this way?" she asks, looking at Radagast and Parthipan questioningly.

Radagast nods.  "We can," he confirms.  "Though, I would expect Elric's power to be different from a lorekeeper's."

"Well, either way, I doubt any of the younger gods would appreciate such a missuse of their artifacts, unless they felt it was beneficial to us for such an anchor to exist.  Does this limit Elric's power, or enhance it?" Mirallia asks.

Radagast blinks in surprise.  "Well," he says slowly.  "We did learn of the link through Mattias...."
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Dracos on June 28, 2004, 01:59:45 PM
"We'll know when I can see it.  At least, I think I will.  Nathan, go get Lord Ekim.  No point pondering this further without seeing it directly."

Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Rezantis on June 28, 2004, 06:57:44 PM
Nathan raises an eyebrow at this, then shrugs.

"Phil, if you want this done with anything even remotely resembling subtlety, I'm not the person to be using right now," Rez glances at his sword meaningfully, "Madame Mirallia was bad enough, but Lord Boneforge will attract a lot of attention if we're seen coming down here - I think you're better off getting someone else to do it, really."

Nathan hums.

"In fact, I don't really think I'm going to be able to add much more to this, so if it's alright I may vanish. I don't think I have much more to add anyway.  If nobody wants me for anything else . . . ?"
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Dracos on June 28, 2004, 07:01:15 PM
"Actually, I was hoping for your help afterwards putting together that unit to train for synching up with the keep forces."

Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Rezantis on June 28, 2004, 07:32:51 PM
"Do you want me to go and get started on that now?  Since I'm not really going to be that much help here, and all, I may as well."
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Dracos on June 28, 2004, 07:50:40 PM
"Sure.  Why not.  Keep it to mostly swordsman though.  I doubt most of our berskers would work well, training or no."

Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Rezantis on June 28, 2004, 07:51:46 PM
"Swords and pikes, sir yes sir."

Rez smirks, and heads up and out towards the stormrider camp.
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Dracos on June 28, 2004, 08:34:16 PM
Dracos shook his head.  "Anyhow...  Someone go get Lord Ekim or shall I run out there?"

Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Ginrai on June 28, 2004, 09:11:29 PM
Ginrai shakes his head.  "I'll go get him."
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Brian on June 28, 2004, 11:05:13 PM
Nathan now goes to Noisy Training (

Ginrai now goes to Breath Born of Mud (

Radagast nods to himself, and Phil is left alone with the Loremaster, and the priestess.

"So ... Lord Boneforge is to open this portal?" Mirallia asks after a moment, looking closely at the iron seal, but not touching it.
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Dracos on June 28, 2004, 11:14:14 PM
"Yes.  As I understand it, he built the seal upon it and is in charge of it."

Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Brian on June 29, 2004, 01:20:29 AM
"He has the key," Radagast says nodding.  "It was constructed should all the other locks on this door fail ... Lord Kevin voiced doubts about the safety of leaving it unlocked here.  But none should enter...."  He frowns.  "We should station guards here," he decides.
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Dracos on June 29, 2004, 01:54:12 AM
Dracos nodded.  "Couldn't hurt.  Cautiousness is the note of the day."

Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Brian on June 29, 2004, 02:05:31 AM
"We didn't want to do something so overt, earlier," Radagast sighs.  "With everyone on guard as they are now, though...."  He trails off and shrugs.

Mirallia offers Radagast a smile.  "Well, we're surviving, and we'll win through yet," she says confidently.  "That's what's important."
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Dracos on June 29, 2004, 02:07:43 AM
"My men can provide the guard if you don't want to worry more of the keep guard."  Dracos nodded in agreement with Mirallia.

Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Brian on June 29, 2004, 02:18:54 AM
"We can manage the keep guards with more subtlety," Radagast says, then pauses.  "Actually," he reconsiders, "Storm-rider guards might not recognize the significance, and thus, not spread any rumors.  Hmm.  Well, Lord Kevin may accept that offer yet, Lord Bloom."
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Dracos on June 29, 2004, 02:46:32 AM
Dracos nodded, waiting for Ekim to arrive.

Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Brian on June 29, 2004, 02:48:43 AM
Mirallia hums to herself idly after a while, drawing that glowing pendant from her robes and turning it over to look at it for a moment.  This attracts Radagast's attention, but he doesn't say anything immediately.

After a while, he shakes his head and turns his attention to Phil.  "I think Windmaster Parthipan's stride must be a good deal shorter than Sir Shuker's," he says, smirking.
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Dracos on June 29, 2004, 03:13:56 AM
Dracos glances briefly at the pendant, checking for any dangerous looking magics a touch paranoidly before nodded to Radagast.  "Parthipan has never been the...swiftiest of foot."

Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Brian on June 29, 2004, 12:58:53 PM
To Phil's eyes, the seal is completely nonmagical.  The door is also very non-magical.  But there are threads of magic lining the hallway, seeming to originate behind the door.  You're not sure what they are at a glance, but they resonate calm and confidence.
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Brian on June 30, 2004, 04:44:53 PM
Ekim and Parthipan return, Ekim's heavy footsteps resound long before he comes into sight.
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Ginrai on June 30, 2004, 04:55:02 PM
Ginrai waves at the others.  "Hey guys!  Sorry to keep you waiting."
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Dracos on June 30, 2004, 04:55:29 PM
Dracos turns to the returning lorekeeper and smith, "Sorry for bothering you Ekim, but we're trying to confirm a dangerous suspicion regarding Elric.  Would you mind unlocking this door?"

Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Brian on June 30, 2004, 05:21:16 PM
Ekim nods.  "Very well," he says, his voice grating more than usual.  He lumbers forward, and inserts a key into the middle of the seal.  It's a large, eight-pointed iron star, and after it's unlocked, each of the points fold into the center.

Once those points fold inwards, Ekim grabs the lowest points, and pries it off of the door, holding a massive chunk of steel aloft for a moment before setting it against the side of the hallway -- Mirallia and Radagast back away to leave some room.

The revealed door is huge, with two iron handles that the lock was apparently sealed onto.  The entire steel face is engraved with images of men and dwarves fighting huge shadowy figures, orcs, ogres, but no Jotun.  The humans have shining garnet eyes, and the dwarves have tiny rubies, sappires, and emeralds.  The ruby-eyed dwarves look the smallest, too....  Three of them stand in the background over a forge beating a sword on an anvil.  The sapphire eyed dwarves are larger, and bear axes and huge spears, marching on the front-lines with the humans.  The emerald-eyed dwarves -- you think they're dwarves, anyway -- are about the size of Jotun....
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Dracos on June 30, 2004, 05:24:29 PM
Dracos backs away as well, waiting for Ekim to finish opening the door, looking curiously at the artwork but not questioning yet.

Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Brian on June 30, 2004, 05:41:39 PM
The door-handles are turned, and then the doors are hauled open, revealing a circular chamber that looks quite familiar to Parthipan.  This looks a lot like the room that the crystal was originally found in, except that the tiles here are alternately green and gold.  It's also a bit smaller, only about thirty meters across, with a cieling that's a low dome, probably two meters high at the walls, and four in the center.

The pattern of tiles on the floor leads inward, alternating spirals of green and gold, which lead up to a large, glistening white stone pedastal.  On this pedastal sits the crystal that Bjorn retrieved from the pass -- supposedly the stone of Aestock.

It's currently shedding a brilliant light (though it does not hurt to look at, or blind anyone who does look at), and everyone who sees it feels assured and confident.  After a moment, it's visibly clear that the light appears to be flowing upward, like mist boiling out of a large cauldron.  It then pools in the cieling, and just maintains a reflective puddle of light filling half of the cieling space.

To Phil's eyes, this light diffuses into the stone, thousands upon thousands of tiny, intricate glowing runes lining every surface, including the floor and the pedestal.  From the stone, which Phil can't see through, it would SEEM that the light (and confidence) then goes across the keep.

Directly opposite the crystal is a wide, two-meter high stone door.  Ekim ducks, so that his head is lower than the lip of the dome, which blocks off the upper meter or so of the doorway, to peek in.  "Ah," he says, seeing the crystal.  "Good."
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Dracos on June 30, 2004, 05:50:08 PM
Dracos nods, ignoring examining the crystal closely for the moment as he tries to get a hold of the thread they'd followed from the floor above, making sure where it is going.

Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Brian on June 30, 2004, 06:37:10 PM
It takes Phil's eyes a long minute to adjust to the lighting in this room ... but he can shortly see the thread.  It plunges through the center of the cieling, and from there, the threads are tightly woven through the crystal itself.  Not around it, but through it.
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Dracos on June 30, 2004, 06:40:32 PM
Dracos turns his head slightly to Radagast.

~The thread comes down through the ceiling and wraps through the crystal.~

Dracos turns back to the crystal and examines the crystal carefully, slowly trying to make out the magics in it and their purposes as best he can.

Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Brian on June 30, 2004, 07:00:08 PM
Phil peers into the crystal, but the magic threads are both too bright and too thick to discern more than he's already ascertained.

Radagast looks around the room thoughtfully.

Mirallia just admires the glow.
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Dracos on June 30, 2004, 07:06:07 PM
Dracos shakes his head, blinking and walking around the room a little, examining the crystal from other angles trying to get a better view and allow his eyes to adjust to the bright light.

Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Brian on June 30, 2004, 07:22:29 PM
Phil's gazing into the crystal fails to produce any sort of prophetic vision.  He only seems to be generating a migraine.  Though, the confident feeling running through him allows him to not really mind.
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Dracos on June 30, 2004, 07:27:22 PM
Dracos rubs his head, turning to Radagast.  "So, Loremaster Radagast...  Elric's thread lead here to the crystal.  What can we do now?"

Dracos shook his head, taking a step back and looking over the rest of the room.

Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Brian on June 30, 2004, 07:33:20 PM
The room is really simple ... except for the glowing runes everwhere, and the magic glowing crystal ... and the huge stone doors behind the crystal.

Radagast frowns, and peers at the crystal.  "I can't discern the thread myself," he says, shaking his head.  "Else I'd advise a course of action...."
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Dracos on June 30, 2004, 08:16:36 PM
Dracos focuses, giving what little useful information he received from following the thread down to Radagast as a mental image.  "It runs through the crystal."

Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Brian on June 30, 2004, 08:22:56 PM
"If only we knew what it did more clearly ... and if removing the crystal from this place would have an effect on the thread."  Mirallia looks surprised at this suggestion, and Ekim crosses his arms over his chest, sinking to sit on the floor, where he can look into the room more easily.
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Dracos on June 30, 2004, 11:45:32 PM
"I could try to keep looking but it gives me a hell of a headache and I can't really see much."

Dracos shrugs, somewhat apologetically.

Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Brian on July 01, 2004, 01:12:41 AM
"Well," Radagast says, shaking his head, "what's important is that we've verified the connection.  How we act on that remains to be seen.  I'll mention it at the next meeting.  Which I expect to be next morning."  Radagast frowns, then looks around the room.  "We should re-seal this place," he adds.  "No sense leaving it open and vulnerable."

Ekim nods his agreement, and Mirallia steps outside the room, to stand next to Parthipan, who's only peeked in, not actually crossing the threshold.
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Dracos on July 01, 2004, 01:53:06 AM
Dracos steps outside the room.  "Agreed."

Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Brian on July 01, 2004, 12:59:21 PM
Once everyone is outside, Ekim replaces the seal, but not before everyone can get a glimpse of the images of men and dwarves fighting side-by-side again.
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Dracos on July 01, 2004, 01:12:22 PM
Dracos glances curiously over at Ekim, risking it.  "Lord Ekim, did you make this?"  Dracos gestured at the art on the inner door.

Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Brian on July 01, 2004, 01:54:35 PM
Ekim shakes his head slowly.  "No, no.  That was made by a cousin, but not myself.  And long ago," he replies moodily.
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Dracos on July 01, 2004, 02:10:36 PM
Dracos nodded, moving away from the door a bit.  "Whatever happened to the other dwarves?  It looks more like a telling of history then artful fancy."

Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Brian on July 01, 2004, 03:37:47 PM
Ekim sighs moodily, and looks at the door, as though he could see the images through the seal.  "There ... are three tribes of dwarves," he says in his rumbling voice.  "There were."

Radagast and Mirallia look at Ekim curiously, and the dwarf scratches his chin, his beard making tinny noises as the wires pull apart from where they've tangled through one-another.

"In the beginning, we were three.  The Younger Brothers, smallest and surest of the dwarves, with their skill at craftsmanship.  The Older Brothers, then, were our defenders and warriors, and craftsmen as well ... but to a lesser degree.  We could not fight as well as they, but we were together.  And then...."  He sighs, and drops his stone arms to his sides.  "There were the Oldest Brothers.  They had little skill at all in crafting, but great strength and love for the Earth."  He shakes his head.  "They were turned from us and became the Jotun.  Very few of the Oldest Brothers remain as they were ... most of them have long ago succumbed to the Dreadmarch."

He pauses thoughtfully, and gazes at the door.  "There were five hundred dwarves, once.  But each Dwarf is three brothers.  I am saddened ... when an Oldest Brother, or an Older Brother, or a Younger Brother dies, then one hundred years and a day later, he will be reborn.  But only if his other brothers still live.

"Because of Estin, when the Jotun all fall, then there will be no Oldest Brother, only a Youngest Brother.  He has fallen from our wheel, and will never again tread upon it."  He turns sad eyes on everyone, and then shrugs helplessly.  "But such is the cost of a fall."
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Dracos on July 01, 2004, 04:15:15 PM
"How...cruel a fate."  Dracos shook his head, not knowing what else to say.

Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Ginrai on July 01, 2004, 11:50:22 PM
Turning to Radagast, Ginrai says, "Before I forget, Devin asked if he could meet with you and Lord Kevin about a possible strategy for tomorrow's battle."
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Brian on July 02, 2004, 12:08:48 AM
Ekim nods gravely at Phil's words.

Somewhat distracted from the discussion by Parthipan's comments, Radagast frowns.  "This is something we can discuss, certainly.  But, I suspect it would be more beneficial to discuss it at the meeting tomorrow anyway," he opines.
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Ginrai on July 02, 2004, 12:12:42 AM
"We might need to talk about it tonight only because his plan involves combining the powers of multiple lorekeepers."
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Dracos on July 02, 2004, 12:17:58 AM
Dracos shakes his head a bit, starting to slowly lead the way out, for once not concerning himself with the conversation and more silently paying attention to Ekim.

Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Brian on July 02, 2004, 12:20:41 AM
Ekim plods on silently behind everyone else.  Now that everyone has passed them, he can't easily step past everyone, as he's nearly as wide as the corridor, and has to hunch over a bit to fit.

Radagast frowns at this.  "It will need to wait until tomorrow," he says after a moment.  "We can't risk that plan until Devin's finished assessing the wall, to see if Mattias has sabotaged it."
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Dracos on July 02, 2004, 03:03:23 AM
Dracos turns to Ekim as they exit.  "Thank you for your help, Ekim."

Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Brian on July 02, 2004, 03:22:27 AM
Ekim nods.  "I am glad to help," he says, simply bowing.  "Be well."  With that, he walks away, headed back to the forge.

"Well, Windmaster Parthipan and I must get some sleep," Radagast says, glancing at the position of the moon in the sky.  "Rest well, Lord Bloom," he adds, as he and Parthipan head up to the tower.  Mirallia nods as Phil as well, before she departs, leaving Phil alone in front of the keep.
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Dracos on July 02, 2004, 03:24:19 AM
Dracos heads over to the new Storm-Rider dwellings, looking for his commanders to touch base on how things were going with them.

Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Brian on July 02, 2004, 03:28:47 AM
When you return to the Storm-rider camp, you see Eric dismissing the united keep-defender/Storm-rider training group, with Lord Roger Lowry, Sir Warrick Aubron, Sir Harold Volter, Lord Farwell, and Lord George.  They glance up when Phil approaches, and nod respectfully.
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Dracos on July 02, 2004, 03:31:09 AM
"Greetings.  It seems fortune is with us tonight.  I was hoping to touch base with all of you on how your clans are doing.  Whether there's been any serious casaulties or other issues that need to be addressed."

Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Brian on July 02, 2004, 03:39:11 AM
"Ah," Sir Warrick says, nodding.  "Wise."  He turns to look at the others expectantly.

"We have accepted the duty of defending the keep with pride," Lord George says, nodding, adjusting the collar of his cloak as though to hide his caribou torc.  "Our casuallties have been light, and we've lost few in the skirmishes."

"They 'ave got hardly no fight in them at all," Lord Roger says, shaking his head.  "'Avent managed to take down more than two score of the Oxen clan."

"We've been barely scratched, save by Jotun stones," Lord Farwel reports, nodding.  "Otherwise, learning not to trip over these south-landers short spears."

"A rabbit should learn to hop," George says, eyeing Farwell coolly.

"And that we do," Farwell says, shrugging, and eyeing George back, just as coolly.

"Our forces fare well, Lord Bloom," Sir Harold says, shooting both Farwell and George a sidelong glance.  "Three score lost, and most to the Jotun."

"We've lost naught but those struck by Jotun," Sir Warrick adds.  "A score and a half lost, no more."

"Eight score have been struck from the ramparts by Jotun stones," Eric says shrugging his shoulders uncomfortably.  "But I know that our losses are less than the keep-dwellers."  The others all stare at Eric, who quickly shakes his head, and explains, "Only half that are lost to us -- the rest simply need time to mend.  Ah ... four score slain, Lord Bloom."
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Brian on July 02, 2004, 03:47:05 AM
Nathan approaches, Alec in tow, and listens curiously, not saying anything immediately.
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Dracos on July 02, 2004, 03:59:28 AM
"The loremaster responsible for that debacle has been reprimanded, but it is good that it was not worse.  While the fighting has been good for us, we have to remain careful.  I'm glad to hear that save for that incident the war has taken relatively few of us.  That said...  If any of you have ideas or concerns, feel free to voice them.  I'd like to use all of our cunning to keep as many of us alive while driving off the dreadmarch as possible.  Even if they don't have much fight in them, we can't forget that we have a long ways still to go and therefore we can't afford to relax in our victories."

Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Brian on July 02, 2004, 04:04:35 AM
"We've got some possible plans," Erik says, rubbing the back of his neck and closing his eyes.  "Most of them involve using the newly trained troops, though, and we'd like at least another day before putting them into action."

The other commanders nod at this assesment.  "But, if that's all, I'll get m'self some rest," Lord Roger says, winking.  "By your leave, Lord Bloom."
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Dracos on July 02, 2004, 04:06:41 AM
Dracos grins.  "Rest well, Lord Rogers.  And same to the rest of you.  Make sure you're well rested and wide awake to enjoy watching the dreadmarch turn in terror from your blades on the morrow."

Dracos turned to Rez.  "Nathan, what do you think about coordinated swordwork?"

Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Brian on July 02, 2004, 04:07:18 AM
The commanders bow, and then go their separate ways, Alec following behind them sleepily.
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Rezantis on July 02, 2004, 04:09:43 AM
"I think coordination is vital to the precise application of a bladed instrument!" replies Nathan brightly.
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Dracos on July 02, 2004, 04:14:12 AM
Dracos laughed.  "Okay, bear with me.  I'm used to more fragile beings then the generals we work with.  Usually when you hit someone with a sword, they go down and they do not get back up.  The generals here general...not gone along with the proper way of doing things.  They are quite rude about staying up when stabbed, wouldn't you say?"

Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Rezantis on July 02, 2004, 04:16:58 AM
"Oh, definitely.  I mean, we're handing over some extremely pointed and weighty arguments as to why they should just lie down and bleed, but they seem to be exceptionally thick when it comes to such things."
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Dracos on July 02, 2004, 04:23:11 AM
"Indeed.  Well, we have to deal with this one way or another.  They have to have something keeping them up.  Whether it's magic or supernatural resiliance, it doesn't matter.  Anyhow, I'm thinking, if it's supernatural regeneration then the best deal is to deal as much damage in a very small range of time as possible.  If it's something that is weakening how they feel our blows, then the same holds true.  Therefore, I think we should train a bit to synchronize hitting the generals at the same time.  It was pretty effective this past night in knocking Estin this way and that.  I think if this holds with all generals, we'd likely get more out of having the three or four or five of us hit the general at the same time from different directions then we would get out of hitting him one after another and letting whatever magic or natural talent is keeping them from collapsing into a bloody heap from having more time to work."

Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Rezantis on July 02, 2004, 04:25:01 AM
Nathan shrugs.

"I agree with your reasoning, but I also see it being fairly difficult to actually practice this . . ."
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Dracos on July 02, 2004, 04:27:45 AM
"I dunno.  I don't see it that much.  Just practice keeping near to the same striking speed and timing.  Or being aware that that is the plan and, in knowing so, have someone who'll lead off the attack, the others timing their blows to impact right when the leader's should."

Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Rezantis on July 02, 2004, 04:30:08 AM
"Difficult to organise that . . . really, if we've got a basic plan, anything more is just going to end up out the window and confusing us, as I see it. Keep it simple.  It worked fairly well last time and that's all the organisation I reckon we need . . ."
Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Dracos on July 02, 2004, 04:31:54 AM
"Oh, I agree with keeping it simple, but keeping in mind to do that when we can.  Instead of simply doing whatever comes to mind at the second and hacking as fast as we can hack.  Who knows, with the Jotun it might take all of us stabbing it just to make it notice we're there."

"Anyhow, I'll talk more with you on it tomorrow.  Let's get some rest."

Dracos headed off to get some sleep in his new chambers.

Title: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Post by: Brian on July 02, 2004, 03:45:09 PM
After sleeping well (but dreamlessly) both Nathan and Phil wake up early to go to the morning meeting with Bjorn and Parthipan.

Nathan and Phil now go to Soldier Dream (