Soulriders 5.0: Legend of the Unending Games

The Thunder of Gaming => Crimson Hangout => Border City of Balmuria => Logs => Topic started by: Corwin on April 01, 2012, 12:57:23 PM

Title: 238.3 Croger's Return
Post by: Corwin on April 01, 2012, 12:57:23 PM
[19:45] <Kotono> ------------------------
[19:45] <Kotono> OOC: Tai, how were you going to ge tin touch with Dad?
03[19:45] * Alicia ( has joined #terrorofdunes
03[19:45] * Taishyr is now known as Demedais
[19:48] <Demedais> Prepare a Sending to clear our arrival, prepare Plane Shift once and go in the early morning Balmuria time, so that I can pray for the second Plane Shift once I get there. This of course might backfire horribly, but.
[19:49] <Kotono> Okay.
[19:50] <Kotono> Go ahead and tell me the contents of the sending real quick?
[19:53] <Demedais> "Dad - was hoping you would have time for a visit. Wish to bring someone to meet you. Will be arriving early our time. Demedais"
[19:53] <Kotono> roll 1d100 chances of interplanar sending for failure
03[19:53] * Hatbot (~Hatbot@ has joined #terrorofdunes
[19:53] <Kotono> roll 1d100 chances of interplanar sending for failure
06[19:53] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 chances of interplanar sending for failure and gets 47." [1d100=47]
[19:54] <Kotono> You receive an answer, 'You are welcome to come here, Demedais.'
[19:54] <Kotono> Who's going with you, Polly?
[19:54] <Demedais> Yeah.
[19:56] <Kotono> Okay. I'll start you off right after planeshifting. Go your spells lined up/
[19:56] <Demedais> Kay, give me a sec.
[19:57] <Kotono> Sure.
[20:02] <Kotono> roll 5d100
06[20:02] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 5d100 and gets 346." [5d100=52, 57, 84, 73, 80]
[20:06] <Kotono> You stand on a rocky, jagged slope that rises upward and upwards. Martyrdom stretches ahead of you, the path ahead one of constant climbing and difficulty. Yet it is one without pain. Aches are gone, little discomforts banished away.
[20:06] <Kotono> Pollyanna holds a hand to her chest, "Mmmm..."S he closes her eyes and bows her head. "It's so very peaceful here."
[20:09] <Demedais> "It is." Demedais nods simply. "Our destination is up at the top. Shall we?"
[20:11] <Kotono> Pollyanna begins to walk. She walks with her eyes half shut, "I...I feel as if Helm is close. This is part of the House of the Triad?"
[20:12] <Demedais> "It is. We ascend now to Ilmater, who, though his servant, saved my father's life." Demedais nods slightly.
[20:16] <Kotono> Thus you ascend. It is not a difficult trip, the climb up overcome as you apply effort to it. (More)
[20:16] <Kotono> roll 1d100
06[20:16] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 22." [1d100=22]
[20:17] <Kotono> Is it not a long trip. You find yourself entering the great open air temple quickly, the two at it before they even realize it. Floating in the air and approaching Demedais is a Lantern Archon. It bobs in the air once towards each of them. "Honored guests from Balmuria, Demedais and Pollyanna?"
06[20:18] * Demedais nods. "Yes."
06[20:22] * Demedais nods. "Yes." A slight pause, before glancing to the Lantern Archon in brief confusion, letting it continue.
[20:30] <Kotono> "Would you please come with me?" Another bob in the air, "I'm tol ead you to your father.'
[20:39] <Demedais> "Ah, certainly." Demedais nods, confusion dispelled. "Thank you."
[20:40] <Kotono> The two of you are lead along. The sick are healed here, celestials in palaver with various sorts. Clerics of Ilmater rest and talk here, worship services constant.  Demedais feels soothed to the marrow of his bones, pains and worries lifted away. Pollyanna smiles, head bowed and eyes closed. An innocent, restful smile blooms on her face as she keeps the pace up.
06[20:44] * Demedais looks around carefully, but continues to follow the lantern archon back and in.
[20:51] <Kotono> You come to a simple golden tent. It's large enough to fit several people in comfortably. It's flap is open, the Lantern Archon standing aside.
[20:54] <Demedais> "...Thank you." Demedais says, silently curious as to the reason behind the tent but not questioning directly as he enters slowly.
[20:59] <Kotono> Demedais' father sits inside of the tent. It's large as a hall, far larger than it should be. He sits on the ground, waiting. A book rests in his lap. His face is full of energy, his eyes shining. His frame has gained some muscle mass, his movement to stand up one single, fluid motion. He wears plain gray robes, a red ribbon dangling down his neck.
[20:59] <Kotono> "Demedais." With a huge smile to him, "My son."
06[21:01] * Demedais smiles broadly at the sight of his father's renewed health. "Father. It is good to see you so well." A slight glance behind to Pollyanna, before nodding. "Pollyanna, this is my father, Croger. Father... this is my fiancee."
[21:02] <Kotono> Croger advances to her, offering a hand. Pollyanna shakes it, eyes widening. "It's good to meet you in earnest, Sir." She then makes a curtesy to him, "You look as if this blessed realm has agreed with you."
[21:04] <Kotono> "Absolutely. Lord Ilmater's energies have reinvigorated my tired body and soothed my weary spirit, blessed be to him." Croger smiles and winks to Pollyanna, "Demedais, you look very well."
[21:04] <Demedais> "I am. We are currently resting and planning our next actions down there." Demedais nods at this.
[21:10] <Kotono> "I've been here, instructed in Lord Ilmater's teachings. The world will need Ilmater's shielding hand and back in the coming years. As long as my body lasts, I aim to go and ensure that his word spreads, so that Ilmater's aid can come freely. Esthan was only a symptom of the disease, a sign of the struggles mighty and mundane that are to come."
06[21:11] * Demedais nods to this, unsurprised by the road Croger's followed. "I would be hard-pressed to disagree, from what I have seen and heard of places beyond Balmuria."
[21:12] <Kotono> "In the ruins of evil's depredations, a new flower grows. An apt maxim." Croger says, "I owe this chance to you. You bent heaven and earth to ensure that I lived despite Esthan's every effort."
[21:17] <Demedais> "I... did what I could, there; it was not of any interest to me even beforehand to let any of Esthan's schemes succeed if I could help it." Demedais shakes his head, before suddenly nodding. "This reminds me. Esthan has been imprisoned in Celestia, never to see freedom again."
[21:18] <Kotono> "Triumphant." With a singular, short nod, "Then I can return to our world straight away."
[21:20] <Demedais> "When you are prepared, I can come to bring you back, or you may have your own route." Demedais replies, a bit lost in thought. "Do you have a plan of action once you get there?"
[21:22] <Kotono> "Yes. I wish to spend a little time in Balmuria. I suspect I will not need to stay long. Ilmater's gifts are needed elseware. Balmuria is a place of light and peace. But realms beyond Balmuria's reaches may need Ilmater's aid far more."
06[21:23] * Demedais nods. "Then we can arrange this. There is room at the Temple, I am sure."
[21:26] <Kotono> "Let's return then," Croger says, "Right now. The sooner I get there, the sooner Ilmater's words can benefit the helpless."
06[21:29] * Demedais nods slightly. "I need time to prepare my spells, but other than that, we should be able to do this easily. Give me a moment."
[21:31] <Kotono> OOC: You can assume this goes without incident. Go ahead and line again. Sec.
[21:33] <Demedais> OOC: Deme just had sudden "...Wait." revelation. Quickly switching out Dispel Magic x2 and Invis Purge for Water Walk x3, everything else is the same.
06[21:36] * Demedais nods, finishing his prayers and standing. "Alright. Shall we?"
[21:40] <Kotono> "Certainly," Croger stands.
06[21:40] * Demedais nods, and invokes the prayer for Plane Shift upon the three!
[21:40] <Kotono> roll 5d100
06[21:40] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 5d100 and gets 301." [5d100=71, 93, 61, 8, 68]
[21:40] <Kotono> roll 1d9
06[21:40] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d9 and gets 7." [1d9=7]
[21:44] <Kotono> You appear in deep grassy fields. Ahead of you, you can see several empty farm fields. Scarecrows are about, warm farmhouses shuttered against the chilly rasp of winter's breath.
[21:46] <Kotono> Pollyanna looks around, "Well, we're in the Baronies...or maybe Malmuth?" She shivers and rubs her arms, "We should be able to find out as soon as we reach a farmhouse or town."
06[21:53] * Demedais nods slightly. "Yes. Should be easy enough, then."
[21:55] <Kotono> Thus, the party walks to the nearby farmhouse. As you get closer, Pollyanna eyes Demedais, "Want to do it or should I?"
[22:00] <Demedais> "You'd... probably be best doing it, as I seem to be conspicuous." Demedais notably keeps his armor off, at least.
[22:03] <Kotono> Pollyanna goes to the front door! She knocks twice, a young woman wrapped in a warm shawl answering. The two talk low for a few moments. She then returns, "We're about three hundred miles west of Balmuria, give or take. On the better side, I got her to tell us where we could buy some horses nearby. So let's get going?"
[22:09] <Demedais> "Certainly. That'd be best." Demedais nods. "Horse could probably support two of us, but not three."
[22:09] <Kotono> "Horse?" Croger look sto Demedais now.
[22:12] <Demedais> "Uh... the paladin mount I was granted." Demedais says, embarrassed. "I wasn't precisely the most creative at that time."
[22:13] <Kotono> "He also names his chairs Chair and his bed Bed." Smiling just a little bit, "But I love him anyway."
06[22:14] * Demedais rubs his head, seemingly too embarrassed to correct this.
[22:16] <Kotono> roll 1d100
06[22:16] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 83." [1d100=83]
[22:16] <Kotono> roll 1d100+20
06[22:16] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100+20 and gets 21." [1d100=1]
[22:21] <Kotono> A few days later, you are passing through a small village. It's peaceful and sleepy with the winter, only a few people out. One of them, a man with a shock of black hair and a twitch in his shoulders, stares. Abruptly, "Sir! Sir!" He calls, approaching.
06[22:22] * Demedais blinks at this, turning. "Yes? Can I help you?" A glance to Croger and Pollyanna, as he turns his horse.
[22:24] <Kotono> The man twitches and bows before him. "Captain Demedais of the Crimson Guard?"  he asks, respect filling his words.
[22:26] <Demedais> "Ah, yes." Demedais says, in bemusement. "How may I aid you?"
[22:34] <Kotono> "I'm honored." He blurts out, "I served in the army a little while, but I never got to meet anyone like you."
[22:35] <Kotono> Pollyanna starts to smile, but keeps her peace.
[22:36] <Demedais> "Ah." Demedais nods slightly. "Thank you for the services you rendered, then, sir."
[22:40] <Kotono> "Thank you." Her eturns, standing back. "It's an honor, sir!"
[22:47] <Demedais> "And to you. Farewell." Demedais nods with a smile, before leading the group on.
[22:51] <Kotono> The rest of the trip to Balmuria passes without incident. You come into sight of the west gate of the city, your trip home finished. OOC: Deme, do you wan tto follow up on any of this immediately?
[22:53] <Demedais> OOC: Uh... not that I know of? I'd probably want to get Dad up to speed on what I know of the regions around Balmuria, probably mentioning Kesse but also warning that I've no clue how well anything can be done there.
[22:54] <Kotono> OOC: Okay. We'll cut you here for the moment then. Let me focus on finishing up Seira/Alicia.