Soulriders 5.0: Legend of the Unending Games

The Burial Grounds => Avatars => Old Games 4 => The Starry Wastes: Respawning => Topic started by: Anastasia on July 24, 2006, 02:41:45 PM

Title: Rules!
Post by: Anastasia on July 24, 2006, 02:41:45 PM
In no particular order, and I imagine there will be updates.

1. First level HD is maximum, and then you roll from there. No rerolls,b ut you can choose to take the average result of the rolls instead(Rolling all 5s on a d10 or 2s on a d4 or whatever.) for speed or ease of use.

2. WPs and NWPs will be altered as the game goes. Both will be used as slots for both the originial content and various new powers.

3. The -10 HP rule is in effect.

4. Initiative will be individual or group depending on the circumstances as needed.

5. I may opt to make certain rolls on the PCs behalf as needed for game speed. This may mainly be basic initiative and occasional checks if a PC is unable to do so. Any and all rolling can be done in #dunes or #elysium at your leisure. Just make sure I'm in there and lurking to see it.

6. I may as you to include the results of your rolls in certain posts for easy reference.

7. Spell components will not be used except when integral to the spell. However, wizards can still not cast when muted or tied up or in armor, ect. This does not apply to clerical magic.


9. Teleport and teleport related spells are off limits. If in doubt, ask me. I think I'm just going to ban them anyway.

10. Rabbit|AFK does not accept clerics.

11. If in doubt about anything, just poke me or make a post on the OOC board.

12. Critical hits happen on a natural roll of 20 and critical fails happen on a roll of 1. A critical confirmation is needed for the critical, which is another attack against the target's AC. A critical fail check is needed for the crit fail, if another 1 is rolled, it's a critical miss. Otherwise it is merely a miss.

13. HP is rolled at the very last moment. Once you roll HP you cannot make any changes to your sheet save for GM approved corrections. This'll let you fiddle with builds without getting to reroll HP. This also applies to exceptional strength.

14. More rules to doubtlessly follow as needed.
Title: Rules!
Post by: Anastasia on August 02, 2006, 06:32:55 PM
New rule 13 on HP. Check it out.