Soulriders 5.0: Legend of the Unending Games

The Testing Grounds => The Terminus Pool of Gaming => Topic started by: Asrana on November 15, 2006, 11:31:06 PM

Title: Siret Teralyn - A royal vagabond?
Post by: Asrana on November 15, 2006, 11:31:06 PM
Since Dune and I lack impulse control...let's use it!
Title: Siret Teralyn - A royal vagabond?
Post by: Anastasia on November 16, 2006, 02:50:25 AM
General information on things Siret encounters. To be updated regularly.

Fiefdom of Alent: A kingdom! Maybe you'll find out more later?!

Great Roads: The highways of the Fiefdom of Alentia. A project made 50 years ago. Quite useful and well kept.

Gran Alentia: Largest city in Alent. Full of adventure, or so you hope? It's surrounded by a manmade river, a circular city of highwalls and defense. Quite defendable on a glance.

South Gate of Cyrembal: The soutern gate for entry into Gran Alentia. The main gate is for merchants and takes forever to get through. There is a smaller gate for non merchant travelers that's fairly quick.

Lord Sambar: Lord of Gran Alentia.

Inn rates in Gran Alentia:

5 SP for mediocre.

12 SP for average.

4 GP for nice/good.

Kerio's: An inn at Gran Alentia.

Huuan: A cheery fighter Siret met on the Great Roads near Gran Alentia. Seems cheery but not so intelligent. Is apparently known as a troublemaker in Gran Alentia?

Several: A friend of Huuan. Apparently some sort of wizard or mage.

Grangrene The Sneaky: A petty thief around Gran Alentia. He has a 10 GP bounty for capture. Siret saw him pickpocketing, and a single spell put him to sleep.

Durill: A normal peasant pickpocketed by Gangrene. Saved by Siret and owes her a favor. Works at Delsus' Bakery.

Kerio: The middle aged innkeep and owner of Kerio's. Has a mysterious power?

Odehi: Kerio's son.

Delsus' Bakery: A bakery in Gran Alentia.

Red Barrel Inn: An inn in Gran Alentia. Siret was paid 10 GP to take a package here.

Rusted Petard: A hostel near Gran Alentia. Has a nice tap/general room, full of life and energy. Was the site of a group of brawling dwarvezs looking for a stolen Gemmer.

Black Star Guild: The premier adventurer's guild in Gran Alentia. Features a general bulletin board for minor tasks, as well as a 1000 GP membership - this includes an internal bazaar, item loans, better jobs, and so on.

High Court Road: One of the main roads of Gran Alentia.

Salient's Point: A lesser road in Gran Alentia. Has the Red Barrel Inn on it.

Djardin's Kingly Respite: A wealthy jewely shop at Gran Alentia. It drips money and magic in equal shares.

Joachim - Owner of Djardin's Kingly Respite. Hired Siret for 20 GP a week for scribing.

Doald - One of the servants who works for Joachim.

Bob - A jaunty capped youth who tooka  package from Siret. Wears a feather cap.

Unnamed scribe for Joachim - Died when he contracted the shaking plague suddenly. (Seizures.)

Gemmer - A rare gem that can divide into several smaller, but overall more valuable types of gems. A dwarven masterpiece.