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Omake grab bag!

Started by Anastasia, April 13, 2007, 07:45:04 PM

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This is for omakes, which is non canon stuff that ranges from the small to the large, to the funny to the serious, to the weird to the, well, weird. It's basically fucking around when we have time to kill as well as a GM testing ground. None of the thing posted here happened in the real game, but I may take elements from them that develop well, or use them for playtesting. They're posted purely for amusement.

Omake 1: The strange Imp and stranger Countess.

Sometimes omakes go long, sometimes short. When they run short, it's either a throwaway idea or a instance where the PCs didn't go down the longer story paths. Happens.

> -----Balmuria omake land go! Gods help us!-----
> The current crisis has passed. Shamal's life returns to a veneer of normality, or as much as anyone's life will be when they're an adventurer/guardswoman. In fact, it's currently the best time of the day - Shamal has no duties whatsoever, so the early morning is passing in her warm bed. Yet like many good things, it comes to a premature end. "Shamal?" This voice carries into your house, raised enough to reach your ears even hear. "SHAMAL?"
<Shamal> Someone in her house and they haven't been brutally maimed by a handful of angry canines plus one feisty rabbit? What madness is this?! Getting up and wrapping the blanket around her otherwise unclad form like an impromptu robe, the blonde looks around to make sure her animal friends actually are present before she searches for the intruder.
> The wolves, lead by Laika, are outside. Flopsy stays on your bed, as you look about. In the very front of your yard and bellowing is Countess Stronger, hands cupped around her mouth. She calls out over and over, "Shamal! Shamal!"
<Shamal> Oh... what a loud voice she has. Shamal winces and rubs her temple for a moment before leaning out the window, making sure to hold the blanket tightly around herself to prevent giving her visitor and the neighbours an inadvertant show. "Isn't it a bit early in the day for this?" she enquires, nonetheless putting on a blithe smile. "If you'd given me warning I'd have prepared for a guest."
> "Yes well, sometimes things happen rapidly!" She turns and smiles winsomely, waving her hand aside. "Can I come in without getting a faceful of canine?"
<Shamal> "Yes, ahhh," Shamal stifles a yawn as she waves dismissively, "Yes, of course." Giving a sharp whistle to get the attention of the various dogs, "It's okay, she's a friend," she tells them, retreating from the window. "Door's open, make yourself at home while I get dressed," she calls, going back into her bedroom to toss something respectable on to wear.
> Countess STronger does just that. She sits in one of the wooden chairs, white cape reaching the ground, yet scarlet red worn besides that - a medium length, full body adventuring dress. "Do hurry!"
* Shamal returns, dressed far more sedately in a coarse blue woolen dress with a white shawl thrown over her shoulders, hugging Flopsy to her chest as she emerges from the bedroom. "Can I get you anything to eat or drink?" she asks, already making her way to the kitchen. Breakfast needs to be strictly organised with as many residents as the Velka home has!
> "No. NIce pet, your familiar?" A curious question, but she doesn't even stop to wait for an answer. "Shamal, I need some help if you're willing. I also need it quickly, and Seira's still off Gods only know where."
<Shamal> "His name is Flopsy," Shamal nods, setting the rabbit down on the counter and handing him a carrot, before she sets out several large bowls on the floor and fills them with a mixture of meat and her own healthy trail mix, clapping her hands once to get the dogs' attention to the fact that it's mealtime. Leaving the animals to their feeding, she returns sit opposite Stronger, sadly being denied of her own breakfast while her guest is present. "The last time I he
<Shamal> "The last time I helped you didn't work out so well for me," she can't help but note, eyes narrowing slightly. "But I'm listening."
> "Oh yes...that." Stronger coughs apologetically, bowing her head. "BUt let's not linger on the past. I've come into possession of a strange quartz crystal. As far as I can tell, it's a holding device for some sort of unusual creature. I do declare that not only do I want to use the crystal for various possible purposes, but that the creature inside could be valuable."
<Shamal> "Creatures trapped inside magical prisons tend to be put there for good reasons," Shamal observes. "Also - and I admit, this is more going by stories than experience - they tend to act out extremely violently against the first people they encounter upon release. Usually being the unfortunate who freed them."
> "Yes well, that's why I need help." Stronger nods quite agreeably to that, "Someone to invoke the powerwords to release the seal, while I manage it in case the creature isn't very...agreeable."
<Shamal> "Okay... and what would I get out of this?" the blonde asks. Admittedly she doesn't even care so much, but considering the last job she did for Stronger was for free, it's probably best not to come across as a soft touch.
> "How about a few scrolls and some gold?"S he offers right back, "I'm sure I have a few spells you'd like to learn, and I'd pay for you to enscribe them. Is that acceptable?" She smiles nicely at you, waiting and crossing her legs. Meanwhile, you can hear the dogs wolfing down breakfast, a soft bark of control by Laika carrying.
<Shamal> "I suppose so," Shamal aquieses. Stronger is probably going to go through with this no matter what, and if things go wrong then the guard would get involved anyway, so might as well get in on the ground floor. "What do you know about the creature, then?"
> "Not much. I believe it may be some sort of devil - it has lawful and evil tendencies. This is part of why I want some support." Past that, Stronger shrugs easily, "I'm not fazed or inhibited, even if it is a devil."
<Shamal> "Okay," Shamal gets up. "If you'll give me a few moments, I can prepare some relevant spells and then I'll be ready."
> "Go ahead...oh, can I see that rabbit?" Stronger asks, most innocently. "It's kind of cute, for an animal."
<Shamal> "Of course," Shamal smiles as she retrieves her spellbook. "Don't you have a familiar of your own?"
> Flopsy is petted and held, "Never bothered. Didn't want the risk of losing one on the road. Aaaaw, you're just precious!" Stroking the rabbit's head, "All it takes is one irritatingly lucky goblin or mercenary."
<Shamal> "Yes, Flopsy isn't exactly useful in a fight," Shamal admits as she begins to peruse her spellbook, committing patterns of arcane power to memory, "But Laika more than makes up for that."
> Rubbing the rabbit's neck, "I suppose so, yes. Aaaw, you almost make me want to get a rabbit..." Shaking her head, "Do hurry now."
<Shamal> "Breaking reality with the power of my mind takes time," Shamal murmurs distractedly, spending several more minutes reviewing her spells before she puts the book aside. "And done. Let me just grab my wands and I'll be ready." Retreating into the bedroom, she returns momentarily, now wearing a red sash around her waist into which her wands of healing and lightning have been tucked into.
> A nod by the Countess, tossing her hair aside. "O-ho! Now then, let us go. To Luna De Stronger!"
<Shamal> "Come on, Laika!" Shamal calls to her favoured animal companion, leaving the other animals to watch the house while she's gone.
> So the three take to the city! A non descript day of little note, sunny and happy. On reaching Stronger's spell shop, you see the inside has been cleared, save for one table. On it sits a chunk of black quarts, flecked with red and green. It has a slight glow around it, a light of the same mix of colors. It's perhaps the size of a jagged baseball, flatted out and long.
<Shamal> "So what's the plan?" Shamal asks, eyeing the crystal. "I read off the command words and you magically pummel the devil back to Baator once it comes out?"
> "Well..." Going over to the back, a scroll is taken. "You read the command words after I cast a few protective spells around myself, then we see what it does. If it's hostile, we nuke it. If it's not, we'll see."
<Shamal> "I've got a few spells I'd like to cast as well, just in case," Shamal agrees, following Stronger to look at the scroll and see how much she's going to have to read off.
> It's about ten words - a normal spellcasting time, likely. The scroll is passed off, as, "Hold on," Stronger steps away, beginning to chant.
* Shamal has a whole ton of spells to cast, herself, starting off with Mage Armour, and then Bull's Strength, then Magic Fang, then Shield, and finally Protection from Evil. All of which are happily shared with Laika, firmly bolstering the pair of them with magical might and protection!
> "Stone of the earth, shield my body!" "Armor of Magic, protect my flesh!" "Floating barrier of light, I summon you to stop all aggression!" The first three are cast back to back to back, and then with a final breath, "I conjure the name of the Great Fires! Give me your energy, give me your eternal power!" The first spell tints her skin grey, the third making a shimmering field of force appear in front o her. The last makes her body radiate heat, like a furnace.  Clearing her throat afterwards, quite casual, "Well then, if we're prepared?"
> heat, like a furnace.  Clearing her throat afterwards, quite casual, "Well then, if we're prepared?"
<Shamal> "Better get this going before my spells run out," Shamal smiles weakly, knowing most of her spells have a pretty short shelf life. Taking position fifteen feet from the crystal with Laika immediately in front of her, the blonde witch proceeds to read off the scroll provided by Stronger.
> OOC - Spellcraft check.
<Shamal> roll 1d20+13
* Hatbot --> "Shamal rolls 1d20+13 and gets 18." [1d20=5]
> OOC - Caster levle check.
<Shamal> OOC: wizard or druid?
> OOC - Whichever prot from evil was from.
<Shamal> roll 1d20+2 wizard
* Hatbot --> "Shamal rolls 1d20+2 wizard and gets 21." [1d20=19]
> The crystal goes clear white at that last word! IN a rush a blur of red, green and black rushes at Shamal - but at the last moment it recoils back, like it slammed into a brick wall! It lands next to the crystal, a mew of pain coming forth! What lies there? It's only a foot or two tall, green fleshed and with a human like face. A little trident is clutched in it's hand, a decidely nasty look on it's face as it lies face up.
<Shamal> "Is that an imp?" Shamal peers at the odd little thing, somewhat relieved that her protections held. Was Stronger expecting her to get possessed or something?
> "Not sure offhand," STronger peers at the strange little creature, "It's no Pit Fiend, I know that much."
> roll 1d20+14
* Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+14 and gets 17." [1d20=3]
> "Oooow!" The thing whines, quickly flipping up, "Grr...humans, and I am not an imp," It's snarl is full of rage, face twisting up into a contortion. "I am the Great Overlord Gryl'Zar!"
<Shamal> "Well we can't have any demonic great overlords running around. Let's kill it," Shamal decides flatly.
> "Works for me," Stronger says, quite easily smiling at that, "I wonder if that minature weapon is magical, at least?"
> "W-Wait..." It stops quickly, eyeing Stronger, then Shamal and then finally Laika. It holds it's hands up, "Fine, I'm an imp."
<Shamal> "That... doesn't really convince me that we should let you continue to exist on this plane," Shamal replies, a bit puzzled by the admission.
> "I'll grant you a magical contract - that's what im...that's what I do," It says hastily, "Power, wealth, magic, knowledge, lovers, anything you want!" It look sto both of them, "Thigns beyond your wildest dreams!"
* Shamal shakes her head. "I really don't want my soul to go Baator. Besides, you'd probably twist what I asked for so it'd turn out nasty." Smiling nicely as she hefts her quarterstaff, the blonde looks down at the tiny devil, "It's really nothing personal, Gryl'Zar, it's just... you *are* a being composed of primal evil, after all."
> Countess Stronger nods even more agreeably to that, "Sorry, you little...whatever the Abyss you are, but we didn't make it to where we are by trusting DEVILS, did we? Ta-ta!" AT that, STronger begins to chant! OOC - Initiative.
<Shamal> roll 1d20+2 shamal
* Hatbot --> "Shamal rolls 1d20+2 shamal and gets 5." [1d20=3]
<Shamal> roll 1d20+3 laika
* Hatbot --> "Shamal rolls 1d20+3 laika and gets 22." [1d20=19]
> roll 1d20+3 imp
* Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+3 imp and gets 16." [1d20=13]
> roll 1d20+7 stronger
* Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+7 stronger and gets 20." [1d20=13]
> Laika>Stronger>Impy>SHamal.
> What comes out of the imp's mouth isn't very nice sounding, but it can't be understood by Shamal! INstead, it looks about, "I didn't say anything about your soul," it tries, already getting itself up and ready for combat!
<Shamal> "Any price a devil asks for really isn't worth paying. Now just sit tight and you'll be reforming back on Baator before you know it," Shamal reassures, before gesturing her dog forward to put the bite in, Laika growling and bounding forward to do just that, teeth glinting with magical reinforcement!
<Shamal> roll 1d20+10
* Hatbot --> "Shamal rolls 1d20+10 and gets 29." [1d20=19]
<Shamal> roll 1d6+8
* Hatbot --> "Shamal rolls 1d6+8 and gets 9." [1d6=1]
<Shamal> roll 1d20+6 trip check
* Hatbot --> "Shamal rolls 1d20+6 trip check and gets 19." [1d20=13]
> roll 1d20+3
* Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+3 and gets 11." [1d20=8]
> With a bite, the imp's side is torn up and chomped, Laika again making a meal of demonic flesh! As she takes the sulphery meat, it squeals like a pig, "Stop...Stop! I'll give you things for free if you don't kill me! Just sto...aaah!" Down it goes, Laika tripping it, shaking it around it her jaws!
<Shamal> "I don't think Mielikki or Helm would approve of me taking gifts from a devil," Shamal replies, repressing a sigh. The thing's so pathetic it's setting off all sorts of merciful urges in her, but she really shouldn't let herself be tricked.
> "Lances of flame, I summon you from within! Let the entire world burn down into a cinder!" Countess Stronger chants, grinning as she does, "Oh, a little imp shouldn't be outright immune to being burned alive, should it? Do die now." From her body a lancet of fire shoots off, scorching it!
> roll 1d20+10
* Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+10 and gets 16." [1d20=6]
> roll 5d6
* Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 5d6 and gets 14." [5d6=3, 2, 5, 3, 1]
> WIth a shot of fire, the demon is cooked alive! It lets out a piteous whine, before it's body breaks into a million fragments! Inside of it is a black vortex, spinning around! The body fragments are sucked in with a wailing cry, and flashing over it, a great, towering demon's image shows! A creature that wraps itself in it's wings, a halo of fire around it's body! "Cuuuuurse you! May my retainers punish you for an eterniiiity...!" The imp's voice comes from the image, before it all winks away.
> eterniiiity...!" The imp's voice comes from the image, before it all winks away.
* Shamal sighs as the fiend vanishes. "I feel like I went a little overboard," she remarks, still surrounded by potent arcane defences.
> "...I do declare, I wonder what the devil that was about," Countess Stronger muses, staring at where it was. "That...demise wasn't normal, nor was it's speech. Still, that was far easier than I expected."
<Shamal> "Well, whatever he was, he's back in Hell now, and probably facing demotion for giving such a pathetic display. I doubt we need worry," Shamal shrugs. "So what will you do with the crystal?"
> "Study it and perhaps use it, or sell it. Whichever occurs..." Stronger frowns, biting her lips, "...ah well, it's dealt with. I must admit a lingering curiosity, but you're correct. It's back in it's homeland, and that's all that matters to us. Now then, those scrolls?" With a smile as she starts to walk back to the cases, "I'm not some firebreathing, pet slaying mistress, you realize?"
<Shamal> "Perish the thought," Shamal replies innocently, dispelling the protections that represent over two thirds of her daily allotment of spells as she follows the self styled Countess.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?