
"It occured to me while drunk, so it must have been genius."

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The Journal of Brun Rockfist

Started by Dracos, August 18, 2012, 02:02:02 AM

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Day 1

Upon leaving the Thirteenth Temple of Irori, upon the hills of Nors Telor on the border of the great Kingdom of Light, Prior Edward suggested it would be time to renew my books, and presented me with a fresh book in which to take notes.  Seeing the packed state of my old journal, I could not refuse such a gift, even if it is only now, days later that I have a proper chance to sit and write.

This is the third journal of Brun Rockfist, born in the seven hundredth year of the Kingdom of Light and started in the seven hundred and fourty seventh year, in the autumn season.  I trace my heritage back to Rockfists which survived the fall of Under Stalton in the time when the that hallowed place became known as part of the underdark and whom held strong with the elves of Risen Tree in the war of Moon over Sunrise.  I am a humble scribe of history,   If you are to find this, it is most likely that I am dead.  Take it and with it the history of my tale.

While there is a natural joy in training within the halls of the Thirteenth Temple and more in following the trail of history (So very much was lost in the fall of the lower earth), it is at the same time very frustrating.  It is mere scraps that we manage to record of the once shining empire whose crystal lights illuminated the whole of lower earth.  The Kingdom looks at it with almost disinterest, more absorbed with present glories than the supposedly lost forever realms below.  Of late, things have grown more tense, with rumors of expeditionary forces actually being sent underground, not simply to explore abandoned ruins but to deal with invading forces from below.  The very thought shakes me, as there has been no sign of them in many decades, since the time of my father, Axil Rockfist.  It was out of curiosity into this, that I have made my way here, following the call for mercenaries sent out by the Kingdom's messenger.  I would be lying if I did not say that it was also the draw of coin that interested me.  There is not often call for the martial prowess we hone so in the Temple and the wages of a mercenary can be far greater than that of a historian.

It is somewhat a motley lot that was gathered by Sir Lukan.  A half-orc, if you can believe it.  I had heard that there were some of them civilized enough to walk the kingdom openly, but I had not seen such.  He was like a tree, towering up and green within his arm.  Answered to Grubna, and stayed fairly quiet otherwise.  Still, I should keep an eye on him, for he might turn on us as soon as we are in the underground.  A human man by the name of Lawerance looked like he lived in the country and had never been underground in his life.  A somewhat eccentric priest was arguing with the knight when I arrived, and still seems to have a foul temper about his mouth.  Does he know no shame of his fore-fathers to carry their clan name with such a manner?  He said his name was Trogdar.  Perhaps he was a cast-out?  Strange indeed that he would not share his clan name. Finally, an elf.  He seemed timid and a bit quiet, but it was strange to see one outside of the noble games of the Kingdom.  Perhaps not all of them ignored the lessons of history.

Sir Lukan seems to have his wits in order, so I will write more later.
Well, Goodbye.


Day 2 Evening

A Healthy bit of exercise indeed.  I have learned three things since last I wrote.

One is that it seems that the rumors are true.  While we encountered rabble primarily, there was clear sign of organization well beyond a simple kobold infestation.  Those things might be like gnats, but with how fast they can breed, they are worse than roaches.  Still, they wouldn't have gathered so.  Prepared armories?  Those weren't for kobolds.  And a twisted tear, a portal to another place.

Even so, the Kingdom is taking it seriously, no matter the terrible cost.  That hill we entered is nothing but ruin.  Perhaps anything below it as well.  And they're doing this for all of these?  Instead of simply soldiers?  These must be showing up by the day.  And with each being a potential army coming through, they can't afford to simply gather there.  The history they could be crushing underneath their magical devices is...  It is lost forever.  Nothing will ever learn but of the dreadful cost of what must be done.  There is simply no answer for it, for the need to go this far, the only choice could be to plunge forward.  While lured by money, I really must keep my eyes open, for anything we see will not survive our passage.

And the third is that dwarf Trogdar can be such a fool.  I cannot believe he tried to wrestle for my bag while that little man was still conscious.  Did he not even realize what was going on?  There's something off about him.  I can only think he must be an outcast.  Perhaps not even raised by his clan.   I teased him during the journey down and he charged right off to try and take on a room of kobolds by himself.  I understand a young man has things to prove sometimes, but he couldn't handle it.  I'll have to try and keep a better eye on the lad.

Despite that all, we did all come out of there well intact.  Sir Lukan was well to warn on that device as it simply destroyed the hillside below as we ran as best we could to exit it, carrying that little fiend with us.  Sir Lukan rewarded us with a bonus for it.

Our group is patchwork, but it does seem a successful company.  Grubna remains quiet and fiercely reliable, brawling right into the thick of things.  A decent man for an Orc.   The elf, Xandran, was a fair shot with his bow, but seemed to be uncomfortable with something.  Perhaps I was just seeing things but I could've sworn he dropped an arrow at one point.  Lawerence is quick with his hands and feet.  Even with his drawl he seems a man that thinks.  I think he's the easiest to work with of them, but just like a human to need a light in these simple caves.  They never did appreciate the natural beauty of the lands below.  I'll have to see about Trogdar.  Boy could get himself killed like that.

We're going to be tracking back to the city soon, so I best get some shut eye.
Well, Goodbye.