098: Those who know what's best for us must rise and save us from ourselves

Started by Sierra, June 06, 2015, 01:05:51 PM

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<El-Cideon> Shandria proves consistently ill at ease in Arborea and keeps her distance from most everyone else during the party's brief visit there. It isn't too hard to corner her alone when everyone else is having dinner that evening. She's sitting on a rock by the lake, looking at nothing in particular.
<Steph> "Hey, I snuck something special," Stephanie says, walking over to Shandria and planting a bottle between the two of them that seems to contain a boiling, burgundy liquid.
<El-Cideon> Shandria greets you with a dull glare. "Poison doesn't work on devils," she points out, "so I suppose it might be worth trying anyway. What is it?"
<Steph> "Poison doesn't work on me, either. I've been keeping this for an occasion," Stephanie replies, grinning at Shandria. "I can feel this. It's from Limbo or something, mingles distilled elements or... something. What kind of brewery can actually work with distilled elements?" She furrows her brow. "I dunno how it works but the only other thing I ever felt was
<Steph> an infernal brew. I'm not gonna give up drinking just because alcohol isn't strong enough no more!"
<El-Cideon> "I imagine that by now, someone somewhere would have figured out how to become intoxicated with anything at all available," Shandria speculates. "What's so special about this occasion anyhow?" She certainly looks less than impressed by her physical surroundings.
<Steph> "We'll soon reach our goal, so this is kind of like the last decent meal we'll get before this little chapter of our lives comes to a close," replies Stephanie. "And I'm thirsty, feeling kinda philosophical."
<El-Cideon> "I wouldn't have pegged you for someone capable or inclined to toy with such weighty words." Nonetheless, she takes the bottle and peers at it speculatively.
<Steph> Sequestered away after their last trip to Solata, the brew bubbles ominously. "I wouldn't say I'm normally inclined! But anyone can naval-gaze. Don't think it's all that weighty. It's all that bloody cornugon's fault."
<El-Cideon> "They are in a position to be responsible for rather a lot of things," Shandria acknowledges, not without a degree of envy. She uncorks the bottle. Steam coils it. Shandria sniffs it with a mild wince and suggests you take the first drink (infernal resistance or no) and watches for unfortunate results.
<Steph> "It made me wonder a bit! Like... hey, bear with me, but what did you do when you weren't working? You had time off, right?" Stephanie asks, before swigging down a portion of this burning concoction.
<El-Cideon> Shandria waits for Stephanie to explode and, when this does not occur after a reassuring duration, takes the bottle to down a swig herself. She appears satisfied by the results. "Rarely," she says, "but even the finest tool needs the occasional moment to be retouched or repaired before resuming its duties. It's generally best to use such opportunities to try and advance one's position through whatever means available. You can't be seen indulging a sense of idleness. No one would take you seriously anymore."
<Steph> "I don't mean like a holiday, but it's not like you'd always be on the clock, right? You'd have some free time each day, surely?"
<El-Cideon> "*Every* day? What storied luxury you dream of." She takes another swallow and hands the bottle back, then suggests, "Get to the point."
<Steph> Stephanie snorts. "I just wanted to know what you did for fun, or about your friends or something. Krae, he had devils pegged as all being one of a kind. Rigid thinkers, and so on, and all- lemme put it this way, did you ever meet another devil you didn't understand?"
<El-Cideon> "It always takes a little time to puzzle out someone else's specific schemes," she responds, which answers the question in probably not quite the way she'd likely intended.
<Steph> "Yeah, so you all know you're all scheming something!"
<El-Cideon> "Yes," she says, sounding as though any other state of affairs would be foreign beyond all conception. "Aren't you? I've read some mild amount of human history. It's just so many wars and rebellions and assassinations when you get right down to it."
<Steph> "Sure. But they weren't all fought for a chance at advancement! A lot of wars and such are fought over matters of principle, over what's right. Sure, we do have plenty of schemers, too, but even they're divided between those who are merely power-hungry, and those who have something they desperately need to achieve, something beyond themselves."
<El-Cideon> "It's nice to try on the cloak of a righteous cause once in a while," Shandria says. "It looks very flattering, especially to the impressionable and desperate. But it doesn't change the person wearing it at their core." She snorts. "If this is the kind of thing that occupied this cornugon's thoughts, it's a wonder he held his position as long as he did."
<Steph> "He was interested! In how people could hold convictions so distinct from devils, even under torture and unto the death!" Stephanie gestures to Shandria. "Do you really think we're all like that, though? Self-centered and vicious as anything?" she asks, curiously.
<El-Cideon> She shrugs. "So far as I can tell, this characterizes anyone who rises to a position of prominence in society." She looks up and around at her surroundings, taking in the lively blue of the Arborean sky with a rather sickly expression. She seems about to say something else, but settles instead for, "I'm not sure *what* to make of you and your...interest." This seems to suggest by inference Shandria's mental exclusion of Stephanie from any possible conceptions of persons of prominence.
<Steph> "I want to see what you're made of."
<El-Cideon> Again she looks to have something else on her mind but ultimately settles for, "Meat, like most other people," without much inflection.
<Steph> Stephanie stares at Shandria with a twitch of her eyebrow. "I want to know if you're worth my time. Krae thought devils were stuck as what they were. Rigid things, selfish, paranoid, scheming. Yet he himself realised the folly of that approach. How it sapped any credence from- what he called it, your Great and Noble Cause?"
<El-Cideon> "So what is it that you want to do?" she snaps, immediately assuming, "Remake me in your own image?"
<Steph> "Baator should no longer have any meaning for you. What pride can there be, in working at tasks you hate for people who look at you with only scorn?" wonders Stephanie. "I would kill any devil who followed you or came after you, as long as you remain nearby. Soon, our own business will be concluded... and I'll have very little to do. I would be interested to
<Steph> see what sort of calling you find in the absence of that plane's stifling nature. There's no need to scheme as you suggest, as you'll see if you spend even a week watching ordinary mortals. In the absence of requiring that attitude to survive, what do you do?"
<Steph> She peers at Shandria. "As for me, all I really do is punish the guilty, protect the innocent- and, I suppose, repay the occasional kindness. There are certainly worse ways to live, and I can't think of one more noble for one of my skills."
<El-Cideon> Shandria is silent for a long moment. Eventually she concludes, with some evident incredulity, "You actually mean every word of that, don't you?" She sighs, and seems to deflate in place. Trying in vain to salvage her pride, and not without a degree of bitterness, she summarizes her skillset as, "I have a lot of experience filing documents," while staring blankly toward the horizon.
<Steph> "You, uh, need some kinda hobby no matter what," mutters Stephanie.
<El-Cideon> "I had one!" Shandria snaps back. "Currying favor with anyone who would listen to get a better assignment. But the prestigious jobs were all about recruiting mortals, and they mostly went to people who already had experience on other planes doing that, so however does one even start?" She thumps a fist on her thigh in exasperation. "How am I supposed to get the experience needed to advance if I need experience to advance?!"
<Steph> Stephanie rubs her head. "What does Baator even have to offer mortals, apart from pain and suffering?"
<El-Cideon> She sounds happy to rattle off a sales pitch. "Oh, in the short term, there's the money, information, political expertise, favors, and even supernatural bestowments to allow anyone to achieve the position of prestige that they know at heart they really deserve," she says. "In the long term...career opportunities?" She sounds less confident about selling this to someone with Stephanie's copious personal experience.
<Steph> "Isn't that last part meant to be the price," replies Stephanie, equally dubious.
<El-Cideon> "It works out for some people," she tries to insist. "You shouldn't necessarily consider my example typical."
<Steph> "I suppose the lords of hell do alright for themselves. All nine of them?"
<El-Cideon> "Well, you just try and tell me that everyone else on every other world is happy," Shandria counters, pointing rudely at Stephanie as she takes refuge in every cornered debater's privilege to avoid answering inconvenient questions by posing other ones.
<Steph> "Elysium works that way. When you go there, this kind of plane-wide aura changes you into a lazy, happy person, and you spend the rest of eternity napping and stuff." Stephanie furrows her brow. "It's happiness, sort of."
<El-Cideon> "Well, there you are, our worlds are not so different as you'd thought," she says with an air of mock triumph. "Except exchange an eternity of napping for grudging, thankless work." This probably sounded better in her head. "How is it that we haven't conquered a world like that already?" she wonders aloud.
<Steph> "Would you willingly give your life to do that?"
<El-Cideon> "I don't see what I get out of that equation," Shandria points out.
<Steph> "So if you were given an order that means almost certain death, what would you do?"
<El-Cideon> "Ah, you said 'almost,'" Shandria says. "That gives us a little wiggle room. It's all about the right risk for the right reward, isn't it? If someone ordered me to stand in the front line of a massed charge, well, I'd have to obey, but I wouldn't be pleased about it. I hardly call that a proper use of my hard-earned skills. And there isn't any prestigious reward in surviving there, either, except just surviving itself. I think I would have to say that I would try my best NOT to give my life for this enterprise, because I'm not any use at all dead, am I?" She pauses to reflect on this. "Except maybe to your friend."
<Steph> "A pragmatic way of looking at it, but I feel it only illustrates my point. The planes you seek to invade are filled with people and have many allies who would rather die than see them fall to Baator. They'll train and fight to the utmost to protect their way of life! Gladly, too." Stephanie gestures to Shandria. "They put the well-being of others ahead of
<Steph> themselves- or, I suppose, an ideal, a way of living above their own lives. Even if they die, the ideal survives as long as someone champions it. Baator doesn't have that kind of passion. Infernal invasions often start out well, but bog down when truly dangerous opposition appears because in the end, the army is composed of individuals looking out for number
<Steph> one."
<El-Cideon> "Maybe so," Shandria admits at length. "But telling me what not to do doesn't tell me exactly what I should be doing instead," she reminds, more or less summarizing the conversation on her side.
<Steph> "Pelor has two tenets that could serve as a guidepost, but in different ways. Rosemund could explicate upon them in great detail, but it comes down to this; be generous to those who have little yet need much, or be wrathful towards the cruel and greedy who torment others in their wake."
<El-Cideon> Shandria restrains her instinctive criticism to a reserved, "I'll just have to watch and see how that works out for you."

<El-Cideon> ~

<El-Cideon> The party breaks up and everyone finds their own means of passing a quiet evening in Arborea before setting out for Acheron the next day. Alice can be found sitting crosslegged on a hill watching the heavenly sunset.
<Franceska> "Good evening," Franceska greets her. She studies the ground in distaste, contemplating the pros and cons of sitting down next to Alice before finally going ahead with it.
<El-Cideon> The grass appears to tolerate Franceska's presence, for now. Alice greets you with merely a nod, which is as much as she can anyway.
<Franceska> That feeling of grudging tolerance is mutual, she has no doubt of that. Putting it out of her mind with a great deal of mental effort, Franceska voices, "I'm almost afraid to ask, but do you like it here more than Solata, back on Prime?"
<El-Cideon> Alice shuffles through her deck and draws out a card: the image is of an anonymous figure standing upon the water of a perfectly placid lake, looking supremely at peace.
<Franceska> "It takes all kinds, I guess," Franceska muses. "I can talk to Marina about you staying here if you'd like. It'd probably be safer than going to Acheron to fight archmages, too."
<El-Cideon> She looks around for a moment, and then withdraws a familiar card: two hands clasped firmly together. She places it on the ground between the two of you, and the looks up with what might be interpreted as a quizzical posture.
<Franceska> "If you're asking if we're friends, then yes? Are you?"
<El-Cideon> She shakes her head, then finds a sword card and places it alongside the first. Then she looks at you again.
<Franceska> "It would useful to have you along for the fight," Franceska responds, guessing at the meaning. "But someone who found this," she continues, reaching out to tap the figure standing at peace, "should hold onto that."
<El-Cideon> She nods, picks up the cards, but hesitates before shuffling them back into the deck, pausing to make sure you don't have any second thoughts about that.
<Franceska> "There's something I wanted to ask you, to have a clear head for when I go to Acheron," Franceska tells her. "This woman I keep on dreaming about, the one whose face I can't see. Is she real? I've recently started wondering if she wasn't just a figment of my mind instead, the part that didn't want to belong to Baator."
<El-Cideon> She withdraws the old card with the indistinct stranger on it, sets it on the ground. She hesitates for a moment and then settles on a mostly confident nod.
<Franceska> "Huh. Well, she better find me quick, because I'll probably settle down in some remote plane once this is over."
<El-Cideon> Alice considers this at length, then draws out two cards that she sets atop the first in turn: the first displays a mask, of plain white wood, the countenance of indeterminate gender or species but the expression a cryptic one that could easily be interpreted in a combination of ways, wise but cryptic, serious but teasing; the second is another familiar card, of the traveler spying home over a hill. Alice can only shrug helplessly in lieu of any further clarity.
<Franceska> "That's quite alright," Franceska assures her. "I haven't fully decided myself. Settling down is one plan, but Rosemund might want to go save people with Miss Cook, and that would mean I'll need to travel again."
<El-Cideon> She shakes her head, as though that wasn't what she'd meant, but as she evidently doesn't know what else to add in the way of detail, she collects her cards together again.
<Franceska> "Sorry, but it's hard to figure things out when even the clues themselves are cryptic," Franceska says, patting her shoulder.
<El-Cideon> To that at least she nods in firm agreement.
<El-Cideon> Afterward, Marina can be found in her room, cleaning and folding clothes in the professionally lazy way available to all those familiar with basic cantrips.
<Franceska> "It's impressive, the way magic changes your life. Even the simplest spells!" Franceska gives her a wry smile. "Especially the simplest spells, actually. I can cause an earthquake, tsunami or avalanche, but I can't do any of this here."
<El-Cideon> Marina looks up. "This is far more useful, isn't it?" She pats a spot on the bed next to her.
<Franceska> "Oh definitely. Besides, I can't think of a time when a really powerful spell did much for me," Franceska muses as she joins Marina. "It's usually the good old stalagmite to the rescue. I love that spell so much!"
<El-Cideon> "I suppose that wasn't *exactly* what I had in mind," she admits. "Of course, there's rarely any need for anything violent around here."
<Franceska> "Which is good. I know you've mostly seen me at my most violent, but I only learn those spells because they're useful against terrible people. I don't actually go out of my way seeking fights."
<El-Cideon> "Well I hope you haven't any need for them at all anymore after whatever ghastly business you've got in store tomorrow." She waves a cabinet shut after a collection of floral dresses have marched obediently inside and then turns her full attention to Franceska. "I'm sure you'll be much happier when you don't have to fight at all anymore. After all, it seems that what you and your friends collect most on your travels is complaints about every place you visit."
<Franceska> "Air wasn't that bad-- it wasn't, was it? Did you like it there when we visited? But yes, it does seem to be a sad exception."
<El-Cideon> "It was fine to visit," she says. "I don't know whether I'd wish to relocate altogether. I'd have to try it again sometime. If nothing else, I imagine there are all sorts of novel things a couple could do without the ground pinning them down all the time," she adds with a smile.
* Franceska can't help but smile back. "If that's not a reason for another visit, I don't know what is."
<El-Cideon> "Then you can come find afterward, unless you've other plans," she says, reaching out to brush at a lock of hair. "Until then we'll just have to be a little more conventional," she adds brightly.
* Franceska cups Marina's cheek, shaking her head. "No other plans. I'll be around a lot more often, if that's alright."
<El-Cideon> "That's just fine. In fact, if you're going to be here so much more, I might weave something appropriate for you when you get back, so you fit in a little more. That is assuming the notion doesn't offend you too much," she feels obliged to add.
<Franceska> "The world doesn't really like me, but it's okay. Looking at it a certain way, it's just being honest? I can respect that. Besides, you don't agree with it and that's all that I need."
<El-Cideon> "Well, speaking as a representative of Arborea, I feel it necessary to disagree and apologize for your discomfort on its behalf in the customary fashion," Marina says, leaning in for a kiss.

<El-Cideon> ~

<Julia> roll 1d10+10 false life
<Rei-chan> 6,0Julia rolled :6,0 1d10+10 1,0false life --> 6,0[ 1d10=5 ]4,0{15}
<El-Cideon> After a restful night in Arborea, the group warps to Air to retrieve a sorceress for the upcoming raid on Polaris's headquarters. Aria Granville is ready and waiting outside her home, evidently having been notified via Sending by Rosemund the evening before. She's mounted on her clockwork horse, with an iron golem looming at one side and her jungle cat idly grooming itself at the other. "It looks as though we have a full house," she says as she boards with her escorts.
<Julia> "There's no telling what awaits us, but it certainly is a formidable force we're bringing."
<Steph> "I still have hope we can resolve it with a few words of wisdom!"
<Steph> Stephanie frowns. "Like, 'kidnapping is bad!' or 'theft is wrong'..."
<Franceska> "Surrender or die?"
<Steph> "Has that ever worked?"
<El-Cideon> "I'm sure that would be nice," Aria says, not sounding optimistic herself. She lays down a flying carpet for her golem to jet around on once the party's on the other side.
<El-Cideon> "Everyone ready?" Rosemund queries, glancing back from the helm.
<Steph> "All spells prepared, captain!"
<El-Cideon> roll 1d10+10 Aria false life
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d10+10 1,0Aria false life --> 6,0[ 1d10=1 ]4,0{11}
<Julia> "As ready as I can be," Julia ventures.
<El-Cideon> Rosemund nods, chants again, and slips the ship between worlds to the plane of eternal warfare--
* El-Cideon changes topic to 'Current planar traits: -2 to all CHA-based checks for chaotic characters | '
<El-Cideon> You appear outside of a lone turret thrusting up from an ocean of black ice that stretches as far as the eye can see--although that is not very far at all here at the bottom of the world, as Rosemund has to light up her mace for anyone to see much of anything. The castle extension visible here is the tip of a misshapen tower forged from what looks like solid mercury; there are no seams or straight lines to be found anywhere in its construction. There is a hangar of sorts, large enough for a ship's entry, before you, but as Rosemund tries to navigate the ship into the lighted interior it jolts to a stop, hitting some invisible barrier. "Erm, oops--" Rosemund has time to utter before a flurry of jagged slivers composed of the hateful matter of Acheron itself flashes through the air, one of the plane's interminable, deadly storms.
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+10 attack roll vs everyone
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+10 1,0attack roll vs everyone --> 6,0[ 1d20=6 ]4,0{16}
<El-Cideon> roll 2d6 if that hits anyone (DR does not apply)
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 2d6 1,0if that hits anyone (DR does not apply) --> 6,0[ 2d6=9 ]4,0{9}
<Julia> OOC: hits bedford
<Franceska> "It's not your fault, Rosemund," Franceska reassures her.
<El-Cideon> Aria steps up to the front of the ship and examines the unseen wall with magical sight. "Allow me," she says after a moment, extending one hand to emit a beam of sickly green light that strikes the barrier and disperses. Then she nods in satisfaction. "Onward," she suggests.
<Julia> Julia huddles between Battersby and Scarlet for cover against flying shards until they're inside.
<Steph> Stephanie floats off the edge of the ship to look about the hangar within!
* Franceska flies after Stephanie, after bolstering her protections to the best of her ability.
<Franceska> OOC: Owl's Insight, Oaken Resilience
<El-Cideon> Rosemund pilots the ship into into the castle and it docks smoothly in an aperture obviously meant for some similar craft. There's a lip of metal around which guards stand: a trio of modrons with crossbows are on either side of you; also on the left ledge are a man in wizard's robes with an armored bodyguard; on the right side, across a gangplank before a large gateway, stands another pair of men in armor before a woman that draws herself to agitated attention as you arrive. All the humanoids here have a gray sunbrust emblazoned on their armor, and though they appear mostly human, there are constant suggestions of other heritage, be it in unusual tints to eyes or skin or unevenly pointed ears. The woman, with a look of a priestess about her, has a strange bodyguard standing just ahead of her--it looks like a series of metal plates slapped atop a vaguely humanoid mass of crackling white energy.
<El-Cideon> "Who are you?" the woman demands, bristling with indignation. "Announce yourselves, immediately!" Failure to comply with anything she might say sounds liable to result in immediate hostilities.
<Steph> "We're agents of the church of Pelor!" Stephanie declares, staring back at the woman. "Here to investigate charges of theft and kidnapping against Galina Merowyn!"
<Julia> "Yes, Pelor sent us!" Julia boldly declares in the midst of her undead horde.
* Franceska rolls her eyes, currently in her cornugon shape. "Take us to your leader!" she demands.
<El-Cideon> The woman's gaze slides toward Franceska, then Shandria, and her eyes go wide. "You must think us complete imbeciles," she assumes. "Devils in service to the lord of sunlight? A sick jest. Your presence here is an affront to our noble mission." The guards ready their weapons as the priestess raises a hand dramatically. "For Mother Polaris!"
<El-Cideon> OOC: init
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+2 Rosey
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+2 1,0Rosey --> 6,0[ 1d20=2 ]4,0{4}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+2 Jill
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+2 1,0Jill --> 6,0[ 1d20=1 ]4,0{3}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+5 Shandria
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+5 1,0Shandria --> 6,0[ 1d20=17 ]4,0{22}
<Franceska> roll 1d20+7
<Rei-chan> 6,0Franceska rolled :6,0 1d20+7 --> 6,0[ 1d20=18 ]4,0{25}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+7 Aria
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+7 1,0Aria --> 6,0[ 1d20=18 ]4,0{25}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+9 cat
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+9 1,0cat --> 6,0[ 1d20=9 ]4,0{18}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20-1 Aria's robots
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20-1 1,0Aria's robots --> 6,0[ 1d20=9 ]4,0{8}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+7 priestess
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+7 1,0priestess --> 6,0[ 1d20=12 ]4,0{19}
<Julia> roll 1d20+2 Julia
<Rei-chan> 6,0Julia rolled :6,0 1d20+2 1,0Julia --> 6,0[ 1d20=17 ]4,0{19}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+7 soldier x3
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+7 1,0soldier x3 --> 6,0[ 1d20=7 ]4,0{14}
<Julia> roll 1d20+2 Friday
<Rei-chan> 6,0Julia rolled :6,0 1d20+2 1,0Friday --> 6,0[ 1d20=4 ]4,0{6}
<Julia> roll 1d20+2 Battersby
<Rei-chan> 6,0Julia rolled :6,0 1d20+2 1,0Battersby --> 6,0[ 1d20=15 ]4,0{17}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+7 mage
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+7 1,0mage --> 6,0[ 1d20=5 ]4,0{12}
<Julia> roll 1d20+11 Maeander
<Rei-chan> 6,0Julia rolled :6,0 1d20+11 1,0Maeander --> 6,0[ 1d20=8 ]4,0{19}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+10 weird thing
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+10 1,0weird thing --> 6,0[ 1d20=19 ]4,0{29}
<Julia> roll 1d20+9 Bedford
<Steph> roll 1d20+11
<Rei-chan> 6,0Julia rolled :6,0 1d20+9 1,0Bedford --> 6,0[ 1d20=19 ]4,0{28}
<Rei-chan> 6,0Steph rolled :6,0 1d20+11 --> 6,0[ 1d20=18 ]4,0{29}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+3 modron x6
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+3 1,0modron x6 --> 6,0[ 1d20=11 ]4,0{14}
<Julia> roll 1d20+1 Scarlet
<Rei-chan> 6,0Julia rolled :6,0 1d20+1 1,0Scarlet --> 6,0[ 1d20=4 ]4,0{5}
<Steph> "We can't resolve this peacefully like this!" Stephanie exclaims. "You're doing a lot of damage to my hopes and dreams!"
* El-Cideon changes topic to 'Current planar traits: -2 to all CHA-based checks for chaotic characters | axion/Steph (29) > Bedford (28) > Fran/Aria (25) > Shandria (22) > Sister Byrne/Julia/Maeandar (19) > cat (18) > Battersby (17) > guard x3/modron x6 (14) > mage (12) > golem/horse (8) > Friday (6) > Scarlet (5) >Rosey (4) > Jill (3)'
<El-Cideon> OOC: Steph and weird metal thing are up
<Steph> Stephanie blinks out of sight, and then she is suddenly in the apparent priestess' face, ready to remove from her the burden of consciousness!
<El-Cideon> The priestess's towering metal companion extends one arm towards Aria at the prow of the ship and, uttering one potent syllable in Celestial in a grating, echoing voice, tries to freeze her right in place--
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+17 will Aria
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+17 1,0will Aria --> 6,0[ 1d20=15 ]4,0{32}
<El-Cideon> --but the sorceress resists!
<Steph> roll 1d20+24
<Rei-chan> 6,0Steph rolled :6,0 1d20+24 --> 6,0[ 1d20=4 ]4,0{28}
<Steph> roll 1d20+24
<Rei-chan> 6,0Steph rolled :6,0 1d20+24 --> 6,0[ 1d20=5 ]4,0{29}
<Steph> roll 1d20+19
<Rei-chan> 6,0Steph rolled :6,0 1d20+19 --> 6,0[ 1d20=4 ]4,0{23}
<Steph> roll 1d20+19
<Rei-chan> 6,0Steph rolled :6,0 1d20+19 --> 6,0[ 1d20=4 ]4,0{23}
<Steph> roll 1d20+14
<Rei-chan> 6,0Steph rolled :6,0 1d20+14 --> 6,0[ 1d20=20 ]4,0{34}
<Steph> roll 1d20+14
<Rei-chan> 6,0Steph rolled :6,0 1d20+14 --> 6,0[ 1d20=8 ]4,0{22}
<Steph> OOC: flatfoots!
<El-Cideon> OOC: only that 34 is a hit
<Steph> roll 1d20+14 at least it was also a crit
<Rei-chan> 6,0Steph rolled :6,0 1d20+14 1,0at least it was also a crit --> 6,0[ 1d20=13 ]4,0{27}
<El-Cideon> OOC: regular hit, though!
<Steph> roll 1d3+8+6d6 it's NL! Excessively so
<Rei-chan> 6,0Steph rolled :6,0 1d3+8+6d6 1,0it's NL! Excessively so --> 6,0[ 1d3=3 6d6=19 ]4,0{30}
<El-Cideon> Most of Stephanie's strikes richochet off the woman's armor, but one strikes home!
<El-Cideon> OOC: Bedford is up
<Julia> "Bedford, get up in with those modrons!" Julia points to the left flank, sending the skeletal nightmare cantering into their midst and clubbing out at the centre one with his hooves!
<Julia> roll 1d20+16 hoof
<Rei-chan> 6,0Julia rolled :6,0 1d20+16 1,0hoof --> 6,0[ 1d20=20 ]4,0{36}
<Julia> roll 1d20+16 hoof crit? Are they constructs or outsiders or living constructs?
<Rei-chan> 6,0Julia rolled :6,0 1d20+16 1,0hoof crit? Are they constructs or outsiders or living constructs? --> 6,0[ 1d20=8 ]4,0{24}
<El-Cideon> OOC: they do have construct traits, so no crits
<Julia> roll 2d6+12
<Rei-chan> 6,0Julia rolled :6,0 2d6+12 --> 6,0[ 2d6=12 ]4,0{24}
<El-Cideon> The little robot reels under the assault!
<El-Cideon> OOC: Fran & Aria
<El-Cideon> Aria points toward the obvious enemy wizard on the left ledge and fires a bold of green energy in his direction--
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+11 ranged touch
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+11 1,0ranged touch --> 6,0[ 1d20=1 ]4,0{12}
<Franceska> Franceska reconsiders her original plan of striking at the defenders given that Stephanie's opponent still lives, and empowers herself before flying over to the wizard. Between her increased reach and the Hag's Nail, he should have trouble retreating far enough to cast safely, and she should have him in check, even though it places her in increased danger from his bodyguard. "Have you ever
<Franceska> been in a situation so bizarre it must be true? This is one such occasion," she admits to the wizard. "Perhaps you would like to surrender and let us sort things out with Galina? If she returns what she stole from Solata's Church of Pelor, we might just let her live."
<El-Cideon> Shandria opts to join the gang on the left side of the room, attacking the enemy farthest from the big imposing metal monstrosity--the mordon in the far corner. The icy spear she was given flashes into existence and she charges with it.
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+18+2 charge
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+18+2 1,0charge --> 6,0[ 1d20=12 ]4,0{32}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d8+11+1d6 cold
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d8+11+1d6 1,0cold --> 6,0[ 1d8=4 1d6=6 ]4,0{21}
<El-Cideon> OOC: priestess/Julia/fallen angel skellie
<El-Cideon> Sister Byrne steps back from the direction she'd recently been stabbed from. "Just remember--we didn't seek this fight. You invaded our home!" Chanting fervently, she summons up a raging firestorm that washes across the boat and all still standing upon it!
<El-Cideon> OOC: ref, everyone other than Fran/Steph/Shandria
<Julia> "Maeander, the other modrons please," Julia asks, sending the skeletal angel off to start punching up the middle modron on the right flank! In the meantime she conjures negative energy to infuse her and her minions as well as her enemies!
<Julia> roll 1d20+7 Julia ref
<Rei-chan> 6,0Julia rolled :6,0 1d20+7 1,0Julia ref --> 6,0[ 1d20=10 ]4,0{17}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+16 Rosey
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+16 1,0Rosey --> 6,0[ 1d20=7 ]4,0{23}
<Julia> roll 1d20+6 friday ref
<Rei-chan> 6,0Julia rolled :6,0 1d20+6 1,0friday ref --> 6,0[ 1d20=6 ]4,0{12}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+16 Jill
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+16 1,0Jill --> 6,0[ 1d20=19 ]4,0{35}
<Julia> roll 1d20+5 battersby ref
<Rei-chan> 6,0Julia rolled :6,0 1d20+5 1,0battersby ref --> 6,0[ 1d20=9 ]4,0{14}
<Julia> roll 1d20+6 maeander ref
<Rei-chan> 6,0Julia rolled :6,0 1d20+6 1,0maeander ref --> 6,0[ 1d20=4 ]4,0{10}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+9 Aria
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+9 1,0Aria --> 6,0[ 1d20=6 ]4,0{15}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+15 cat
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+15 1,0cat --> 6,0[ 1d20=19 ]4,0{34}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+1 horse (golem is immune)
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+1 1,0horse (golem is immune) --> 6,0[ 1d20=11 ]4,0{12}
<El-Cideon> roll 15d6 fire, halve this if you made ref 24
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 15d6 1,0fire, halve this if you made ref 24 --> 6,0[ 15d6=57 ]4,0{57}
<Julia> roll 3d8+16 negative energy, will halves DC 27 and SR applies
<Rei-chan> 6,0Julia rolled :6,0 3d8+16 1,0negative energy, will halves DC 27 and SR applies --> 6,0[ 3d8=15 ]4,0{31}
<Julia> roll 1d20+14 Maeander slam
<Rei-chan> 6,0Julia rolled :6,0 1d20+14 1,0Maeander slam --> 6,0[ 1d20=1 ]4,0{15}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+22 Sister Byrne will
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+22 1,0Sister Byrne will --> 6,0[ 1d20=15 ]4,0{37}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+13 guard will
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+13 guard will
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+13 1,0guard will --> 6,0[ 1d20=1 ]4,0{14}
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+13 1,0guard will --> 6,0[ 1d20=4 ]4,0{17}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+8 metal thing will
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+8 1,0metal thing will --> 6,0[ 1d20=12 ]4,0{20}
<El-Cideon> roll 3#1d20+6 modrons don't have magic immunity
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 3#1d20+6 1,0modrons don't have magic immunity --> 6,0[ 1d20=12 ]4,0{18}, 6,0[ 1d20=2 ]4,0{8}, 6,0[ 1d20=15 ]4,0{21}
<El-Cideon> Aria's cat charges across the gangplank to slash at one of the guards before he can move!
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+18
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+18 --> 6,0[ 1d20=15 ]4,0{33}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d6+7
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d6+7 --> 6,0[ 1d6=3 ]4,0{10}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+18
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+18 --> 6,0[ 1d20=14 ]4,0{32}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+13
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+13 --> 6,0[ 1d20=11 ]4,0{24}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d6+7
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d6+7 --> 6,0[ 1d6=2 ]4,0{9}
<El-Cideon> After satisfactorily gouging his foe, Barnaby's visible form shifts and wavers within an aura of illusion!
<El-Cideon> OOC: Battersby
<Julia> "Battersby, handle the mage please," Julia asks her wyvern, who rushes past his still reacting guards to barrel him over with claws and tail!
<Julia> roll 1d20+17 talon improved grab if it hits
<Rei-chan> 6,0Julia rolled :6,0 1d20+17 1,0talon improved grab if it hits --> 6,0[ 1d20=12 ]4,0{29}
<El-Cideon> OOC: hits
<Julia> roll 3d6+8 and grapple coming
<Rei-chan> 6,0Julia rolled :6,0 3d6+8 1,0and grapple coming --> 6,0[ 3d6=11 ]4,0{19}
<Julia> roll 1d20+17 cmb grapple
<Rei-chan> 6,0Julia rolled :6,0 1d20+17 1,0cmb grapple --> 6,0[ 1d20=8 ]4,0{25}
<El-Cideon> OOC: just hits him flatfooted, lucky
<Julia> roll 1d8+8 automatic stinger hit, DC 15 fort or poisoned
<Rei-chan> 6,0Julia rolled :6,0 1d8+8 1,0automatic stinger hit, DC 15 fort or poisoned --> 6,0[ 1d8=5 ]4,0{13}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+11 fort
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+11 1,0fort --> 6,0[ 1d20=5 ]4,0{16}
<El-Cideon> The wizard writhes in pain, impaled upon the wyvern's tail!
<El-Cideon> OOC: guards&robots are up
<El-Cideon> The priestess's guards each pick a target--one with a club lays into Barnaby, while another with a greatsword peels off to charge Maeandar, and the wizard's bodyguard swings a halbed thrice at Franceska quite in spite of his companion's immediate distress.
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+22
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+17
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+22 --> 6,0[ 1d20=18 ]4,0{40}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+12
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+17 --> 6,0[ 1d20=5 ]4,0{22}
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+12 --> 6,0[ 1d20=4 ]4,0{16}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d100 vs kitty
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d100 1,0vs kitty --> 6,0[ 1d100=28 ]4,0{28}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d10+14
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d10+14 --> 6,0[ 1d10=9 ]4,0{23}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+22+2 charge vs Maeandar
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+22+2 1,0charge vs Maeandar --> 6,0[ 1d20=3 ]4,0{27}
<Julia> OOC: hit on Maeander
<El-Cideon> roll 2d6+13
<Franceska> OOC: AC 43
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 2d6+13 --> 6,0[ 2d6=11 ]4,0{24}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+24 vs Fran
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+24 1,0vs Fran --> 6,0[ 1d20=6 ]4,0{30}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+19 vs Fran
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+19 1,0vs Fran --> 6,0[ 1d20=20 ]4,0{39}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+14 vs Fran
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+14 1,0vs Fran --> 6,0[ 1d20=6 ]4,0{20}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+19 vs Fran crit?
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+19 1,0vs Fran crit? --> 6,0[ 1d20=14 ]4,0{33}
<Franceska> OOC: Can't be critted, but that 20 is a hit
<El-Cideon> roll 1d10+16+2d6 normal hit, right
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d10+16+2d6 1,0normal hit, right --> 6,0[ 1d10=9 2d6=5 ]4,0{30}
<Franceska> OOC: Is it silver+good?
<El-Cideon> OOC: cold iron, alas (and not good anyway)
<El-Cideon> Sister Byrne commands the modrons: "Defend yourselves where necessary, else bring down the enemy casters!" One targets Bedford with a barrage, one Maeandar, another Shandria. The remaining three unload their crossbows on Aria, as she's the most wounded target available.
<El-Cideon> roll 4#1d20+16 vs Bedford
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 4#1d20+16 1,0vs Bedford --> 6,0[ 1d20=10 ]4,0{26}, 6,0[ 1d20=13 ]4,0{29}, 6,0[ 1d20=16 ]4,0{32}, 6,0[ 1d20=13 ]4,0{29}
<El-Cideon> roll 4#1d20+16 vs Maeandar
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 4#1d20+16 1,0vs Maeandar --> 6,0[ 1d20=16 ]4,0{32}, 6,0[ 1d20=9 ]4,0{25}, 6,0[ 1d20=13 ]4,0{29}, 6,0[ 1d20=1 ]4,0{17}
<El-Cideon> roll 4#1d20+16 vs Shandria
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 4#1d20+16 1,0vs Shandria --> 6,0[ 1d20=5 ]4,0{21}, 6,0[ 1d20=2 ]4,0{18}, 6,0[ 1d20=13 ]4,0{29}, 6,0[ 1d20=20 ]4,0{36}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+16 crit vs S?
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+16 1,0crit vs S? --> 6,0[ 1d20=16 ]4,0{32}
<Julia> OOC: all hit bedford, but he should get AoOs if they use ranged attacks while near him. Or one Aoo anyway.
<El-Cideon> OOC: indeed, go ahead and take it
<Julia> OOC: 3 hit Maeandar, same applies
<Julia> roll 1d20+16 hoof aoo
<Rei-chan> 6,0Julia rolled :6,0 1d20+16 1,0hoof aoo --> 6,0[ 1d20=17 ]4,0{33}
<Julia> roll 2d6+12
<Rei-chan> 6,0Julia rolled :6,0 2d6+12 --> 6,0[ 2d6=6 ]4,0{18}
<Julia> roll 1d20+14 slam aoo
<Rei-chan> 6,0Julia rolled :6,0 1d20+14 1,0slam aoo --> 6,0[ 1d20=20 ]4,0{34}
<Julia> roll 1d8+12
<Rei-chan> 6,0Julia rolled :6,0 1d8+12 --> 6,0[ 1d8=1 ]4,0{13}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d8+6+1d6 sonic vs Bedford
<El-Cideon> roll 1d8+6+1d6 sonic vs Bedford
<El-Cideon> roll 1d8+6+1d6 sonic vs Bedford
<El-Cideon> roll 1d8+6+1d6 sonic vs Bedford
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d8+6+1d6 1,0sonic vs Bedford --> 6,0[ 1d8=5 1d6=5 ]4,0{16}
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d8+6+1d6 1,0sonic vs Bedford --> 6,0[ 1d8=6 1d6=5 ]4,0{17}
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d8+6+1d6 1,0sonic vs Bedford --> 6,0[ 1d8=5 1d6=5 ]4,0{16}
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d8+6+1d6 1,0sonic vs Bedford --> 6,0[ 1d8=4 1d6=5 ]4,0{15}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d8+6+1d6 sonic vs Maeandar
<El-Cideon> roll 1d8+6+1d6 sonic vs Maeandar
<El-Cideon> roll 1d8+6+1d6 sonic vs Maeandar
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d8+6+1d6 1,0sonic vs Maeandar --> 6,0[ 1d8=1 1d6=6 ]4,0{13}
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d8+6+1d6 1,0sonic vs Maeandar --> 6,0[ 1d8=5 1d6=3 ]4,0{14}
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d8+6+1d6 1,0sonic vs Maeandar --> 6,0[ 1d8=1 1d6=3 ]4,0{10}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d8+6+2d6 vs Shandria
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d8+6+2d6 1,0vs Shandria --> 6,0[ 1d8=5 2d6=11 ]4,0{22}
<El-Cideon> roll 2d8+12+2d6 vs Shandria
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 2d8+12+2d6 1,0vs Shandria --> 6,0[ 2d8=9 2d6=9 ]4,0{30}
<El-Cideon> roll 12#1d20+15 all vs Aria
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 12#1d20+15 1,0all vs Aria --> 6,0[ 1d20=17 ]4,0{32}, 6,0[ 1d20=18 ]4,0{33}, 6,0[ 1d20=19 ]4,0{34}, 6,0[ 1d20=17 ]4,0{32}, 6,0[ 1d20=12 ]4,0{27}, 6,0[ 1d20=19 ]4,0{34}, 6,0[ 1d20=7 ]4,0{22}, 6,0[ 1d20=19 ]4,0{34}, 6,0[ 1d20=14 ]4,0{29}, 6,0[ 1d20=6 ]4,0{21}, 6,0[ 1d20=12 ]4,0{27}, 6,0[ 1d20=5 ]4,0{20}
<El-Cideon> roll 3#1d20+15 crit threat
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 3#1d20+15 1,0crit threat --> 6,0[ 1d20=1 ]4,0{16}, 6,0[ 1d20=9 ]4,0{24}, 6,0[ 1d20=20 ]4,0{35}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d8+5+1d6 sonic
<El-Cideon> roll 1d8+5+1d6 sonic
<El-Cideon> roll 1d8+5+1d6 sonic
<El-Cideon> roll 1d8+5+1d6 sonic
<El-Cideon> roll 1d8+5+1d6 sonic
<El-Cideon> roll 1d8+5+1d6 sonic
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d8+5+1d6 1,0sonic --> 6,0[ 1d8=4 1d6=5 ]4,0{14}
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d8+5+1d6 1,0sonic --> 6,0[ 1d8=8 1d6=3 ]4,0{16}
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d8+5+1d6 1,0sonic --> 6,0[ 1d8=2 1d6=1 ]4,0{8}
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d8+5+1d6 1,0sonic --> 6,0[ 1d8=1 1d6=2 ]4,0{8}
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d8+5+1d6 1,0sonic --> 6,0[ 1d8=7 1d6=5 ]4,0{17}
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d8+5+1d6 1,0sonic --> 6,0[ 1d8=6 1d6=6 ]4,0{17}
<El-Cideon> roll 2d8+10+1d6 sonic
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 2d8+10+1d6 1,0sonic --> 6,0[ 2d8=4 1d6=6 ]4,0{20}
* El-Cideon changes topic to 'Current planar traits: -2 to all CHA-based checks for chaotic characters | axion/Steph (29) > Bedford (28) > Fran (25) > Shandria (22) > Sister Byrne/Julia/Maeandar (19) > cat (18) > Battersby (17) > guard x3/modron x6 (14) > mage (12) > golem/horse (8) > Friday (6) > Scarlet (5) >Rosey (4) > Jill (3)'
<El-Cideon> Aria falls onto the deck hard, riddled with crossbow bolts.
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+18 Shan should've got an AoO also!
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+18 1,0Shan should've got an AoO also! --> 6,0[ 1d20=20 ]4,0{38}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d8+11 cold doesn't matter
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d8+11 1,0cold doesn't matter --> 6,0[ 1d8=2 ]4,0{13}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+9 mage CMB to escape!
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+9 1,0mage CMB to escape! --> 6,0[ 1d20=15 ]4,0{24}
<El-Cideon> OOC: assuming that fails, Aria's robots are up. Sort of.
<Julia> OOC: does fail
<El-Cideon> "No surrender, no weakness!" the wizard insists, despite being largely helpless in his present state. Without orders, Aria's golem stands there silently until Rosemund yells at it: "Go avenge your master, you stupid block of iron!" The magic carpet lifts it up and over to the right ledge where it can swing one heavy fist at an offending modron.
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+23
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+23 --> 6,0[ 1d20=14 ]4,0{37}
<El-Cideon> roll 2d10+11
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 2d10+11 --> 6,0[ 2d10=4 ]4,0{15}
<El-Cideon> OOC: Friday and Scarlet power team
<Julia> "Scarlet, Friday, go and help Maeander and Bedford," Julia orders, seeing the dreadful lethality of those modron archers before her. On the right Scarlet swoops down to breathe out a cone of fire encompassing the three modrons there, while Friday dutifully flies over to punch out a modron to the left of Bedford!
<Julia> roll 5d10 fire, DC 18 half
<Rei-chan> 6,0Julia rolled :6,0 5d10 1,0fire, DC 18 half --> 6,0[ 5d10=28 ]4,0{28}
<Julia> roll 1d20+10 succubus punch!
<Rei-chan> 6,0Julia rolled :6,0 1d20+10 1,0succubus punch! --> 6,0[ 1d20=17 ]4,0{27}
<El-Cideon> OOC: succubus hit!
<Julia> roll 1d6+6
<Rei-chan> 6,0Julia rolled :6,0 1d6+6 --> 6,0[ 1d6=1 ]4,0{7}
<El-Cideon> roll 3#1d20+8 roboref
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 3#1d20+8 1,0roboref --> 6,0[ 1d20=18 ]4,0{26}, 6,0[ 1d20=16 ]4,0{24}, 6,0[ 1d20=11 ]4,0{19}
* El-Cideon changes topic to 'Current planar traits: -2 to all CHA-based checks for chaotic characters | axion/Steph (29) > Bedford (28) > Fran (25) > Shandria (22) > Sister Byrne/Julia/Maeandar (19) > cat (18) > Battersby (17) > guard x3/modron x5 (14) > mage (12) > golem/horse (8) > Friday (6) > Scarlet (5) >Rosey (4) > Jill (3)'
<El-Cideon> One of the little robots in the right squad falls dead, while the other two look awfully close to it!
<El-Cideon> Rosemund ignores the many foes in the field and hurries over to the dying Aria to bring her back to fighting trim!
<El-Cideon> OOC: Heal on Aria
* El-Cideon changes topic to 'Current planar traits: -2 to all CHA-based checks for chaotic characters | axion/Steph (29) > Bedford (28) > Fran/Aria (25) > Shandria (22) > Sister Byrne/Julia/Maeandar (19) > cat (18) > Battersby (17) > guard x3/modron x5 (14) > mage (12) > golem/horse (8) > Friday (6) > Scarlet (5) >Rosey (4) > Jill (3)'
<El-Cideon> Jill charges over the gangplank to swing once at the club-wielding soldier!
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+24+2
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+24+2 --> 6,0[ 1d20=16 ]4,0{42}
<El-Cideon> roll 2d6+8
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 2d6+8 --> 6,0[ 2d6=3 ]4,0{11}
<El-Cideon> OOC: weird metal thing and Steph are up. Steph, roll will
<Steph> roll 1d20+14
<Rei-chan> 6,0Steph rolled :6,0 1d20+14 --> 6,0[ 1d20=18 ]4,0{32}
<El-Cideon> OOC: pass, carry on
<Steph> Stephanie shakes her head a moment, before flickering back into view and advancing on the priestess. "You're scary. Scary!" she exclaims, whipping an elemental into place behind her before savagely laying into her once more.
<Steph> roll 1d20+22
<Rei-chan> 6,0Steph rolled :6,0 1d20+22 --> 6,0[ 1d20=7 ]4,0{29}
<Steph> roll 1d20+22
<Steph> roll 1d20+22
<Rei-chan> 6,0Steph rolled :6,0 1d20+22 --> 6,0[ 1d20=14 ]4,0{36}
<Rei-chan> 6,0Steph rolled :6,0 1d20+22 --> 6,0[ 1d20=13 ]4,0{35}
<Steph> roll 1d20+17
<Rei-chan> 6,0Steph rolled :6,0 1d20+17 --> 6,0[ 1d20=15 ]4,0{32}
<Steph> roll 1d20+17
<Rei-chan> 6,0Steph rolled :6,0 1d20+17 --> 6,0[ 1d20=20 ]4,0{37}
<Steph> roll 1d20+12
<Rei-chan> 6,0Steph rolled :6,0 1d20+12 --> 6,0[ 1d20=1 ]4,0{13}
<Steph> roll 1d20+12
<Rei-chan> 6,0Steph rolled :6,0 1d20+12 --> 6,0[ 1d20=9 ]4,0{21}
<Steph> roll 1d20+17 crit?
<Rei-chan> 6,0Steph rolled :6,0 1d20+17 1,0crit? --> 6,0[ 1d20=4 ]4,0{21}
<El-Cideon> OOC: 3x hit, no crit
<Steph> roll 1d3+8+6d6
<Steph> roll 1d3+8+6d6
<Steph> roll 1d3+8+6d6
<Rei-chan> 6,0Steph rolled :6,0 1d3+8+6d6 --> 6,0[ 1d3=2 6d6=27 ]4,0{37}
<Rei-chan> 6,0Steph rolled :6,0 1d3+8+6d6 --> 6,0[ 1d3=1 6d6=21 ]4,0{30}
<Rei-chan> 6,0Steph rolled :6,0 1d3+8+6d6 --> 6,0[ 1d3=1 6d6=26 ]4,0{35}
<El-Cideon> The priestess's eyes glaze over and she slumps to her knees--beaten but, you think, probably not dead. "'She is many and we are one,'" she murmurs like a prayer before collapsing. "I'm sorry, Mother..."
* El-Cideon changes topic to 'Current planar traits: -2 to all CHA-based checks for chaotic characters | axion/Steph (29) > Bedford (28) > Fran/Aria (25) > Shandria (22) > Julia/Maeandar (19) > cat (18) > Battersby (17) > guard x3/modron x5 (14) > mage (12) > golem/horse (8) > Friday (6) > Scarlet (5) >Rosey (4) > Jill (3)'
<El-Cideon> The metal guardian wheels 'round on the now-visible Stephanie and, radiating a menacing aura of righteous indignation, swings its jagged fists at her twice--
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+23
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+23
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+23 --> 6,0[ 1d20=18 ]4,0{41}
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+23 --> 6,0[ 1d20=10 ]4,0{33}
<El-Cideon> roll 2d6+10+16 SMITE CHAOS
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 2d6+10+16 1,0SMITE CHAOS --> 6,0[ 2d6=10 ]4,0{36}
<El-Cideon> OOC: counts as magic
<El-Cideon> OOC: for DR purposes
<El-Cideon> It lands one blow that resonates with a particular disdain for Stephanie and all that she stands for.
<El-Cideon> OOC: Bedford is up
<Julia> Now in amidst the modrons Bedford is an equine whirl of destruction, hooves cracking out to demolish boxy skulls and great big teeth biting around anything he can get in reach!
<Julia> roll 1d20+16 hoof, starting with middle one, swapping once it drops
<Rei-chan> 6,0Julia rolled :6,0 1d20+16 1,0hoof, starting with middle one, swapping once it drops --> 6,0[ 1d20=9 ]4,0{25}
<Julia> roll 1d20+16 hoof
<Rei-chan> 6,0Julia rolled :6,0 1d20+16 1,0hoof --> 6,0[ 1d20=17 ]4,0{33}
<Julia> roll 1d20+11 bite
<Rei-chan> 6,0Julia rolled :6,0 1d20+11 1,0bite --> 6,0[ 1d20=10 ]4,0{21}
<El-Cideon> OOC: all hit
<Julia> roll 1d8+12
<Rei-chan> 6,0Julia rolled :6,0 1d8+12 --> 6,0[ 1d8=5 ]4,0{17}
<Julia> roll 1d8+12
<Rei-chan> 6,0Julia rolled :6,0 1d8+12 --> 6,0[ 1d8=3 ]4,0{15}
<Julia> roll 1d4+8
<Rei-chan> 6,0Julia rolled :6,0 1d4+8 --> 6,0[ 1d4=2 ]4,0{10}
* El-Cideon changes topic to 'Current planar traits: -2 to all CHA-based checks for chaotic characters | axion/Steph (29) > Bedford (28) > Fran/Aria (25) > Shandria (22) > Julia/Maeandar (19) > cat (18) > Battersby (17) > guard x3/modron x4 (14) > mage (12) > golem/horse (8) > Friday (6) > Scarlet (5) >Rosey (4) > Jill (3)'
<El-Cideon> One of the modron's crumples with a sad little emission of "Fatal error--", then another takes a resounding blow to the face.
<El-Cideon> OOC: Fran and Aria
<Franceska> "No surrender? Your choice," Franceska acquiesces, striking at the wizard and its bodyguard with all her strength!
<Franceska> roll 1d20+30-5 (5pa, hag's nail)
<Rei-chan> 6,0Franceska rolled :6,0 1d20+30-5 1,0(5pa, hag's nail) --> 6,0[ 1d20=17 ]4,0{42}
<Franceska> roll 1d20+25-5 (5pa, hag's nail) bodyguard
<Rei-chan> 6,0Franceska rolled :6,0 1d20+25-5 1,0(5pa, hag's nail) bodyguard --> 6,0[ 1d20=14 ]4,0{34}
<El-Cideon> OOC: both hit
<Franceska> roll 1d20+27-5 (5pa, claw) wizard
<Rei-chan> 6,0Franceska rolled :6,0 1d20+27-5 1,0(5pa, claw) wizard --> 6,0[ 1d20=15 ]4,0{37}
<El-Cideon> OOC: ditto
<Franceska> roll 1d20+27-5 (5pa, bite) wizard
<Rei-chan> 6,0Franceska rolled :6,0 1d20+27-5 1,0(5pa, bite) wizard --> 6,0[ 1d20=7 ]4,0{29}
<Franceska> roll 1d20+27-5 (5pa, tail) bodyguard
<Rei-chan> 6,0Franceska rolled :6,0 1d20+27-5 1,0(5pa, tail) bodyguard --> 6,0[ 1d20=4 ]4,0{26}
<El-Cideon> OOC: tail misses though
<Franceska> roll 2d6+29+10 and infernal wound, wizard
<Rei-chan> 6,0Franceska rolled :6,0 2d6+29+10 1,0and infernal wound, wizard --> 6,0[ 2d6=7 ]4,0{46}
<Franceska> roll 2d6+29+10 and infernal wound, bodyguard
<Rei-chan> 6,0Franceska rolled :6,0 2d6+29+10 1,0and infernal wound, bodyguard --> 6,0[ 2d6=8 ]4,0{47}
<Franceska> roll 2d6+10+5 wizard
<Rei-chan> 6,0Franceska rolled :6,0 2d6+10+5 1,0wizard --> 6,0[ 2d6=8 ]4,0{23}
<Franceska> roll 2d6+28+10 wizard
<Rei-chan> 6,0Franceska rolled :6,0 2d6+28+10 1,0wizard --> 6,0[ 2d6=3 ]4,0{41}
* El-Cideon changes topic to 'Current planar traits: -2 to all CHA-based checks for chaotic characters | axion/Steph (29) > Bedford (28) > Fran/Aria (25) > Shandria (22) > Julia/Maeandar (19) > cat (18) > Battersby (17) > guard x3/modron x4 (14) > golem/horse (8) > Friday (6) > Scarlet (5) >Rosey (4) > Jill (3)'
<El-Cideon> The wizard fulfills his apparent goal of dying nobly for his cause, though his bodyguard stands firm for the moment. Aria stands up, scans the field, then opts to stick with things that can't possibly miss: with a vengeful look, she whirls a barrage of bolts at the most damaged modrons.
<El-Cideon> roll 1d4+1 vs one
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d4+1 1,0vs one --> 6,0[ 1d4=1 ]4,0{2}
<El-Cideon> roll 4d4+4 vs another
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 4d4+4 1,0vs another --> 6,0[ 4d4=12 ]4,0{16}
* El-Cideon changes topic to 'Current planar traits: -2 to all CHA-based checks for chaotic characters | axion/Steph (29) > Bedford (28) > Fran/Aria (25) > Shandria (22) > Julia/Maeandar (19) > cat (18) > Battersby (17) > guard x3/modron x2 (14) > golem/horse (8) > Friday (6) > Scarlet (5) >Rosey (4) > Jill (3)'
<El-Cideon> The right squad of modrons collapses, leaving only Shandria and Bedford's foes standing. Shandria promptly tries to remedy this!
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+18
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+13
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+18 --> 6,0[ 1d20=3 ]4,0{21}
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+13 --> 6,0[ 1d20=2 ]4,0{15}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d8+11
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d8+11 --> 6,0[ 1d8=5 ]4,0{16}
<El-Cideon> OOC: nope. Julia/Maeandar up
<Julia> Maeander flies back across to punch one of the modrons on the left, while Julia brandishes her graffitied unholy symbol at the thing that just hit Stephanie, smiting it from existence!
<Julia> OOC: DC 27 fort or die on axion
<Julia> roll 1d20+14 angel punch!
<Rei-chan> 6,0Julia rolled :6,0 1d20+14 1,0angel punch! --> 6,0[ 1d20=4 ]4,0{18}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+16 fort
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+16 1,0fort --> 6,0[ 1d20=12 ]4,0{28}
<Julia> roll 10d6 it takes damage even if it doesn't die at least
<Rei-chan> 6,0Julia rolled :6,0 10d6 1,0it takes damage even if it doesn't die at least --> 6,0[ 10d6=28 ]4,0{28}
<El-Cideon> OOC: also angel hit!
<Julia> roll 1d8+12
<Rei-chan> 6,0Julia rolled :6,0 1d8+12 --> 6,0[ 1d8=4 ]4,0{16}
* El-Cideon changes topic to 'Current planar traits: -2 to all CHA-based checks for chaotic characters | axion/Steph (29) > Bedford (28) > Fran/Aria (25) > Shandria (22) > Julia/Maeandar (19) > cat (18) > Battersby (17) > guard x3/modron (14) > golem/horse (8) > Friday (6) > Scarlet (5) >Rosey (4) > Jill (3)'
<El-Cideon> "Damage cataclysmic," the modron whirs as it shuts down. "WARNING: insufficient allied force..."
<El-Cideon> Barnaby continues his attempt to claw and bite the club-wielding guard to death--
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+18
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+18
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+18 --> 6,0[ 1d20=9 ]4,0{27}
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+18 --> 6,0[ 1d20=14 ]4,0{32}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+13
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+13 --> 6,0[ 1d20=2 ]4,0{15}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d6+7
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d6+7 --> 6,0[ 1d6=5 ]4,0{12}
<El-Cideon> The remaining modron scans the foes surrounding it and focuses fire on Shandria, trying to put down the most vulnerable enemy available while it still lives.
<El-Cideon> OOC: Bedford can AoO here
<El-Cideon> OOC: oops, Battersby first!
<Julia> "Battersby, help Franceska will you?" Julia asks, her wyvern obligingly turning and lunging at one of the guards with no one to guard!
<Julia> roll 1d20+17 talon and grab
<Rei-chan> 6,0Julia rolled :6,0 1d20+17 1,0talon and grab --> 6,0[ 1d20=14 ]4,0{31}
<El-Cideon> OOC: hit
<Julia> roll 3d6+8
<Rei-chan> 6,0Julia rolled :6,0 3d6+8 --> 6,0[ 3d6=13 ]4,0{21}
<Julia> roll 1d20+17 cmb for grab
<Rei-chan> 6,0Julia rolled :6,0 1d20+17 1,0cmb for grab --> 6,0[ 1d20=2 ]4,0{19}
<El-Cideon> OOC: alas
<El-Cideon> The soldier reels, looking badly off but still stubbornly standing!
<El-Cideon> roll 4#1d20+16 and now Shandria gets shot at a lot, Bedford AoO can go too
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 4#1d20+16 1,0and now Shandria gets shot at a lot, Bedford AoO can go too --> 6,0[ 1d20=10 ]4,0{26}, 6,0[ 1d20=13 ]4,0{29}, 6,0[ 1d20=18 ]4,0{34}, 6,0[ 1d20=12 ]4,0{28}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d8+6+2d6
<El-Cideon> roll 1d8+6+2d6
<El-Cideon> roll 1d8+6+2d6
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d8+6+2d6 --> 6,0[ 1d8=1 2d6=8 ]4,0{15}
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d8+6+2d6 --> 6,0[ 1d8=5 2d6=8 ]4,0{19}
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d8+6+2d6 --> 6,0[ 1d8=6 2d6=11 ]4,0{23}
<Julia> roll 1d20+16 bedford AoO
<Rei-chan> 6,0Julia rolled :6,0 1d20+16 1,0bedford AoO --> 6,0[ 1d20=19 ]4,0{35}
<Julia> roll 2d6+12
<Rei-chan> 6,0Julia rolled :6,0 2d6+12 --> 6,0[ 2d6=9 ]4,0{21}
<El-Cideon> The erinyes gasps in pain as she's riddled to within an inch of her life! Meanwhile, the guards each keep at their work--a halberd swings at Franceska, a club at Barnaby, and the soldier with the greatsword rushes at Stephanie ato avenge his fallen commander.
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+24 vs Fran
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+24 1,0vs Fran --> 6,0[ 1d20=3 ]4,0{27}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+19 vs Fran
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+19 1,0vs Fran --> 6,0[ 1d20=19 ]4,0{38}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+14 vs Fran
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+14 1,0vs Fran --> 6,0[ 1d20=8 ]4,0{22}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+19 vs Fran improved crit exists
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+19 1,0vs Fran improved crit exists --> 6,0[ 1d20=15 ]4,0{34}
<Franceska> OOC: Misses AC43, though
<El-Cideon> roll 1d10+16+2d6 damage
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d10+16+2d6 1,0damage --> 6,0[ 1d10=8 2d6=8 ]4,0{32}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+22 vst cat
<Franceska> OOC: No, it missed
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+22 1,0vst cat --> 6,0[ 1d20=17 ]4,0{39}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+17 vst cat
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+17 1,0vst cat --> 6,0[ 1d20=6 ]4,0{23}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+12 vs cat
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+12 1,0vs cat --> 6,0[ 1d20=4 ]4,0{16}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d100
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d100 --> 6,0[ 1d100=81 ]4,0{81}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d10+14
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d10+14 --> 6,0[ 1d10=4 ]4,0{18}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+22+2 charge vs Steph
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+22+2 1,0charge vs Steph --> 6,0[ 1d20=15 ]4,0{39}
<El-Cideon> OOC: AC?
<Steph> OOC: 34
<El-Cideon> roll 2d6+13 damage
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 2d6+13 1,0damage --> 6,0[ 2d6=8 ]4,0{21}
<El-Cideon> "The guard, after him!" Aria orders her golem, which promptly flies after the swordsman to pin him between it and Stephanie.
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+23+2 flank
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+23+2 1,0flank --> 6,0[ 1d20=1 ]4,0{26}
<El-Cideon> OOC: alas. Friday Scarlet power team up
<Julia> "Scarlet, handle the armoured thing, please," Julia instructs while Friday continues dilligently following her last given orders.
<Julia> roll 1d20+10 Friday vs modron
<Rei-chan> 6,0Julia rolled :6,0 1d20+10 1,0Friday vs modron --> 6,0[ 1d20=12 ]4,0{22}
<El-Cideon> OOC: hit
<Julia> roll 1d6+6
<Rei-chan> 6,0Julia rolled :6,0 1d6+6 --> 6,0[ 1d6=4 ]4,0{10}
<Julia> Scarlet flaps ungainly and flies over the melee to descend on the axion with jaw wide apart to take a huge bite out of it!
<Julia> roll 1d20+30
<Rei-chan> 6,0Julia rolled :6,0 1d20+30 --> 6,0[ 1d20=3 ]4,0{33}
<El-Cideon> OOC: hit
<Julia> roll 2d8+12
<Rei-chan> 6,0Julia rolled :6,0 2d8+12 --> 6,0[ 2d8=8 ]4,0{20}
<El-Cideon> Scarlet pries a metal plate off the top of the creature's head, but this doesn't stop it from giving her a disdainful look in response.
<El-Cideon> Rosemund lumbers across the gangplank to try and help the rest of the gang beat down the club-wielding soldier, pinning him between her and Jill.
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+20+2 charge
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+20+2 1,0charge --> 6,0[ 1d20=20 ]4,0{42}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+20+2 charge crit?
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+20+2 1,0charge crit? --> 6,0[ 1d20=19 ]4,0{41}
<El-Cideon> roll 2d8+18
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 2d8+18 --> 6,0[ 2d8=11 ]4,0{29}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+26 Jill
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+21 Jill
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+26 1,0Jill --> 6,0[ 1d20=1 ]4,0{27}
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+21 1,0Jill --> 6,0[ 1d20=6 ]4,0{27}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+16 Jill
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+16 1,0Jill --> 6,0[ 1d20=18 ]4,0{34}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+11 Jill
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+11 1,0Jill --> 6,0[ 1d20=14 ]4,0{25}
<El-Cideon> roll 2d6+8
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 2d6+8 --> 6,0[ 2d6=5 ]4,0{13}
<El-Cideon> The soldier still stands, albeit barely clinging on to life!
<El-Cideon> OOC: metal thing + Steph up
<El-Cideon> The metal monstrosity draws itself up and bellows at Stephanie. "You are unwelcome here! Foreign elements must be subdued!" Then it tries again to punch her twice.
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+22
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+22
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+22 --> 6,0[ 1d20=20 ]4,0{42}
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+22 --> 6,0[ 1d20=15 ]4,0{37}
<El-Cideon> roll 2d6+10
<El-Cideon> roll 2d6+10
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 2d6+10 --> 6,0[ 2d6=7 ]4,0{17}
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 2d6+10 --> 6,0[ 2d6=3 ]4,0{13}
<Steph> Stephanie glowers in fury, but she still prioritizes the distracted guard before her rather than take on this thing- well, aside from giving him one flaming boot to the head in recompense!
<Steph> roll 1d20+24 boot to face
<Rei-chan> 6,0Steph rolled :6,0 1d20+24 1,0boot to face --> 6,0[ 1d20=5 ]4,0{29}
<Steph> roll 1d20+24 guard
<Steph> roll 1d20+24 guard
<Rei-chan> 6,0Steph rolled :6,0 1d20+24 1,0guard --> 6,0[ 1d20=3 ]4,0{27}
<Rei-chan> 6,0Steph rolled :6,0 1d20+24 1,0guard --> 6,0[ 1d20=2 ]4,0{26}
<Steph> roll 1d20+19 guard
<Steph> roll 1d20+19 guard
<Rei-chan> 6,0Steph rolled :6,0 1d20+19 1,0guard --> 6,0[ 1d20=17 ]4,0{36}
<Rei-chan> 6,0Steph rolled :6,0 1d20+19 1,0guard --> 6,0[ 1d20=2 ]4,0{21}
<Steph> roll 1d20+14 guard
<Steph> roll 1d20+14 guard
<Rei-chan> 6,0Steph rolled :6,0 1d20+14 1,0guard --> 6,0[ 1d20=14 ]4,0{28}
<Rei-chan> 6,0Steph rolled :6,0 1d20+14 1,0guard --> 6,0[ 1d20=17 ]4,0{31}
<Steph> OOC: the boot to face is technically a touch attack
<El-Cideon> OOC: boot + two other hits
<Steph> roll 4d6 burn!
<Rei-chan> 6,0Steph rolled :6,0 4d6 1,0burn! --> 6,0[ 4d6=10 ]4,0{10}
<Steph> roll 1d3+6d6+8
<Steph> roll 1d3+6d6+8
<Rei-chan> 6,0Steph rolled :6,0 1d3+6d6+8 --> 6,0[ 1d3=1 6d6=19 ]4,0{28}
<Rei-chan> 6,0Steph rolled :6,0 1d3+6d6+8 --> 6,0[ 1d3=2 6d6=25 ]4,0{35}
* El-Cideon changes topic to 'Current planar traits: -2 to all CHA-based checks for chaotic characters | axion/Steph (29) > Bedford (28) > Fran/Aria (25) > Shandria (22) > Julia/Maeandar (19) > cat (18) > Battersby (17) > guard x2/modron (14) > golem/horse (8) > Friday (6) > Scarlet (5) >Rosey (4) > Jill (3)'
<El-Cideon> The guard collapses with a burst of blood, and like his commander mumurs as a litany: "She is many and we are one..."
<El-Cideon> OOC: Bedford
<Julia> Bedford attacks the last remaining modron with the fury of a horse! A giant horse from hell! Unfortunately without any skin no one can really see any signs of his fury so it just looks like he's mechanically trampling the modron to an uninformed observer.
<Julia> roll 1d20+16 hoof
<Rei-chan> 6,0Julia rolled :6,0 1d20+16 1,0hoof --> 6,0[ 1d20=9 ]4,0{25}
<Julia> roll 1d20+16 hoof
<Rei-chan> 6,0Julia rolled :6,0 1d20+16 1,0hoof --> 6,0[ 1d20=19 ]4,0{35}
<Julia> roll 1d20+11 bite
<Rei-chan> 6,0Julia rolled :6,0 1d20+11 1,0bite --> 6,0[ 1d20=15 ]4,0{26}
<El-Cideon> OOC: all hit
<Julia> roll 4d6+24+2d6+6
<Rei-chan> 6,0Julia rolled :6,0 4d6+24+2d6+6 --> 6,0[ 4d6=16 2d6=7 ]4,0{53}
* El-Cideon changes topic to 'Current planar traits: -2 to all CHA-based checks for chaotic characters | axion/Steph (29) > Bedford (28) > Fran/Aria (25) > Shandria (22) > Julia/Maeandar (19) > cat (18) > Battersby (17) > guard x2 (14) > golem/horse (8) > Friday (6) > Scarlet (5) >Rosey (4) > Jill (3)'
<El-Cideon> "Mission failed..." the modron crackles as it falls to pieces.
<El-Cideon> OOC: Fran and Aria
* Franceska sizes up the bodyguard. He gets her full attention, while the modron nearby only registers long enough for Franceska to send it off with a distracted backhand. "You're certainly strong. I won't demand your surrender a second time. Die for your cult leader's sins!"
<Franceska> roll 1d20+30+2-5
<Rei-chan> 6,0Franceska rolled :6,0 1d20+30+2-5 --> 6,0[ 1d20=12 ]4,0{39}
<Franceska> roll 1d20+25+2-5
<Rei-chan> 6,0Franceska rolled :6,0 1d20+25+2-5 --> 6,0[ 1d20=20 ]4,0{42}
<Franceska> roll 1d20+27+2-5 bite
<Rei-chan> 6,0Franceska rolled :6,0 1d20+27+2-5 1,0bite --> 6,0[ 1d20=15 ]4,0{39}
<Franceska> roll 1d20+27+2-5 tail
<Rei-chan> 6,0Franceska rolled :6,0 1d20+27+2-5 1,0tail --> 6,0[ 1d20=20 ]4,0{44}
<Franceska> roll 1d20+27-5 claw on modron
<Rei-chan> 6,0Franceska rolled :6,0 1d20+27-5 1,0claw on modron --> 6,0[ 1d20=5 ]4,0{27}
<Franceska> OOC: 29 for the claw on this guy if he's still alive
<El-Cideon> OOC: First four hit the guard
<Franceska> roll 2d6+29+10 plus another infernal wound
<Franceska> roll 2d6+29+10 plus another infernal wound
<Rei-chan> 6,0Franceska rolled :6,0 2d6+29+10 1,0plus another infernal wound --> 6,0[ 2d6=5 ]4,0{44}
<Rei-chan> 6,0Franceska rolled :6,0 2d6+29+10 1,0plus another infernal wound --> 6,0[ 2d6=7 ]4,0{46}
<Franceska> roll 2d6+10+10 plus another infernal wound
<Rei-chan> 6,0Franceska rolled :6,0 2d6+10+10 1,0plus another infernal wound --> 6,0[ 2d6=9 ]4,0{29}
<Franceska> roll 2d8+28+10
<Rei-chan> 6,0Franceska rolled :6,0 2d8+28+10 --> 6,0[ 2d8=7 ]4,0{45}
<El-Cideon> Franceska's enemy has just a second to say, with a trace of amusement, "Sin? Sin is obsolete--" before he's rent to pieces. Aria spins out another array of missiles to put down the remaining humanoid guard as Franceska mauls her foe into greasy bits.
<El-Cideon> roll 5d4+5
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 5d4+5 --> 6,0[ 5d4=12 ]4,0{17}
* El-Cideon changes topic to 'Current planar traits: -2 to all CHA-based checks for chaotic characters | axion/Steph (29) > Bedford (28) > Fran/Aria (25) > Shandria (22) > Julia/Maeandar (19) > cat (18) > Battersby (17) > golem/horse (8) > Friday (6) > Scarlet (5) >Rosey (4) > Jill (3)'
<Franceska> "And now, so are you!" she can't resist of getting the last word in.
<El-Cideon> And then the metal menace is the only enemy left in the field. Shandria opts not to go anywhere near it in her present state. "That one's all yours!" she gasps to whoever will listen.
<El-Cideon> OOC: Julia and Maeandar
<Julia> "Maeander, would you?" Julia asks, dispatching the angel to go and help the dragon in assaulting the... thing. While that happens she springs for some healing on herself.
<Julia> roll 3d8+16 bad healz
<Rei-chan> 6,0Julia rolled :6,0 3d8+16 1,0bad healz --> 6,0[ 3d8=12 ]4,0{28}
<Julia> roll 1d20+14 angel punch
<Rei-chan> 6,0Julia rolled :6,0 1d20+14 1,0angel punch --> 6,0[ 1d20=8 ]4,0{22}
<El-Cideon> OOC: angel miss :(
<El-Cideon> Barnaby springs toward the last foe left, though it looks a lot less appetizing than his previous enemy.
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+18
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+18
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+18 --> 6,0[ 1d20=15 ]4,0{33}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+13
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+18 --> 6,0[ 1d20=11 ]4,0{29}
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+13 --> 6,0[ 1d20=1 ]4,0{14}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d6+7
<El-Cideon> roll 1d6+7
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d6+7 --> 6,0[ 1d6=5 ]4,0{12}
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d6+7 --> 6,0[ 1d6=2 ]4,0{9}
<El-Cideon> OOC: Battersby
<Julia> "Battersby, just one enemy left to deal with," Julia prods, the wyvern chicken-walking around to get beside Stephanie at one of the few openings left on this free for all, forgoing the usual pinning routine and going straight for the bite!
<Julia> roll 1d20+19 surely flanking with someone
<Rei-chan> 6,0Julia rolled :6,0 1d20+19 1,0surely flanking with someone --> 6,0[ 1d20=7 ]4,0{26}
<El-Cideon> OOC: it immunes flanking, actually. If that's a 26 anyway, it just hits
<Julia> OOC: it is not
<El-Cideon> OOC: bummer!
<El-Cideon> Aria's golem has just enough reach to fill the last empty space around the enemy, and tries to make good where undead missed-
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+23
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+23
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+23 --> 6,0[ 1d20=10 ]4,0{33}
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+23 --> 6,0[ 1d20=10 ]4,0{33}
<El-Cideon> roll 2d10+11
<El-Cideon> roll 2d10+11
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 2d10+11 --> 6,0[ 2d10=11 ]4,0{22}
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 2d10+11 --> 6,0[ 2d10=10 ]4,0{21}
<El-Cideon> The creature is by now looking badly battered, with many of its plates missing and others barely hanging on to give it a definite form.
<El-Cideon> OOC: more undead!
<Julia> Friday doesn't really have any room to get in so she just stands there looking ghoulish without any further orders. Scarlet is happy to carry on with her orders though, rearing back and turning to the side so she can slam her tail into the thing!
<Julia> roll 1d20+25
<Rei-chan> 6,0Julia rolled :6,0 1d20+25 --> 6,0[ 1d20=19 ]4,0{44}
<El-Cideon> OOC: hit
<Julia> roll 2d6+18
<Rei-chan> 6,0Julia rolled :6,0 2d6+18 --> 6,0[ 2d6=7 ]4,0{25}
<El-Cideon> It barely stays standing after this strike. Rosemund and Jill can't seem to find any way into the melee by this point, but Rosemund at least takes the opportunity to heal herself--
<El-Cideon> roll 4d10+23
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 4d10+23 --> 6,0[ 4d10=20 ]4,0{43}
<El-Cideon> OOC: thing + Steph
<Steph> Stephanie steps around the think to flank it with Scarlet, and then exhausts her fists against its armor! OOC: although I'm going to stop after the first punch if it has some bullshit electric shield hting that hurts me seriously
<Steph> roll 1d20+22
<Rei-chan> 6,0Steph rolled :6,0 1d20+22 --> 6,0[ 1d20=5 ]4,0{27}
<Steph> roll 1d20+22
<Steph> roll 1d20+17
<Rei-chan> 6,0Steph rolled :6,0 1d20+22 --> 6,0[ 1d20=11 ]4,0{33}
<Steph> roll 1d20+17
<Rei-chan> 6,0Steph rolled :6,0 1d20+17 --> 6,0[ 1d20=5 ]4,0{22}
<Rei-chan> 6,0Steph rolled :6,0 1d20+17 --> 6,0[ 1d20=9 ]4,0{26}
<Steph> roll 1d20+12
<Rei-chan> 6,0Steph rolled :6,0 1d20+12 --> 6,0[ 1d20=7 ]4,0{19}
<Steph> roll 1d20+12
<Rei-chan> 6,0Steph rolled :6,0 1d20+12 --> 6,0[ 1d20=12 ]4,0{24}
<El-Cideon> The axion winds up for what will almost certainly be its last act of defiance. "Harmony will be imposed!" is insits. "Righteousness shall prevail!"
<El-Cideon> OOC: no strange bullshit shield, and 3 hits there
<Steph> roll 1d3+8+6d6
<Steph> roll 1d3+8+6d6
<Rei-chan> 6,0Steph rolled :6,0 1d3+8+6d6 --> 6,0[ 1d3=1 6d6=18 ]4,0{27}
<Steph> roll 1d3+8+6d6
<Rei-chan> 6,0Steph rolled :6,0 1d3+8+6d6 --> 6,0[ 1d3=2 6d6=14 ]4,0{24}
<Rei-chan> 6,0Steph rolled :6,0 1d3+8+6d6 --> 6,0[ 1d3=1 6d6=19 ]4,0{28}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+22 vs Steph
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+22 vs Steph
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+22 1,0vs Steph --> 6,0[ 1d20=9 ]4,0{31}
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+22 1,0vs Steph --> 6,0[ 1d20=18 ]4,0{40}
<El-Cideon> roll 2d6+10
<Steph> OOC: one hit! ow
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 2d6+10 --> 6,0[ 2d6=9 ]4,0{19}
<El-Cideon> The metal thing and Stephanie trade blows, and only the tiefling remains standing afterward.
<El-Cideon> OOC: free act
<El-Cideon> There's a subtle shift in the air after the fight, as though something's attention faraway is squarely fixed on the party.
<Julia> "Well... they were certainly well prepared," Julia says. "Everyone alright?" she asks, but she refrains from healing as she senses that attention on them. "We might need reinforcements."
<Franceska> "This could all have been avoided if you'd just not stolen the damn thing!" Franceska snaps.
* El-Cideon changes topic to 'Current planar traits: -2 to CHA/WIS/INT-based checks for nonlawful, -2 to will saves for all | '
<El-Cideon> Shandria flies over to the ship and alights next to Rosemund. "Did you bring me here just to get killed?" she complains. She gives Rosemund a significant look.
<El-Cideon> "Er, of course, I could help you not die if you would prefer that," Rosemund obligingly offers. Shandria graciously accepts. "Oh yes, now that you mention it." She waits calmly as Rosemund extends a healing hand.
<Julia> On the note of reinforcements, she peers at the fallen warriors, trying to figure out how deep their tainted blood flows. If they're tieflings like Stephanie she can't use them but if they're just... tainted, like she is, then that can suffice.
* Franceska flies over to Rosemund, looking perfectly pristine.
<El-Cideon> "Does anyone else need help?" Rosemund asks the room at large.
<Steph> "Yeah, I kinda do!"
<El-Cideon> Rosemund spares a bevy of low-level spells for Stephanie, trying to save up the big ones for later.
<El-Cideon> roll 2d10+14
<El-Cideon> roll 2d10+14
<El-Cideon> roll 2d10+14
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 2d10+14 --> 6,0[ 2d10=7 ]4,0{21}
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 2d10+14 --> 6,0[ 2d10=19 ]4,0{33}
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 2d10+14 --> 6,0[ 2d10=5 ]4,0{19}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d10+7 for Rosey herself, she's being totally thorough
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d10+7 1,0for Rosey herself, she's being totally thorough --> 6,0[ 1d10=4 ]4,0{11}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d10+7 Steph
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d10+7 1,0Steph --> 6,0[ 1d10=1 ]4,0{8}
<Julia> "Save your spells Rosemund, I have an idea," Julia says, peering at the corpses a moment before nodding and approaching the fallen priestess. "I'll need ten minutes to animate one of those corpses but I can turn the living into allies as well," she indicates the priestess but waits in case of strong moral objections.
<El-Cideon> "Er, too late," Rosemund points out. "What did you have in mind?" she asks uneasily.
<Franceska> "Do we really need to give Galine ten more minutes to prepare?"
<Steph> "Ahh, that's so much better!" Stephanie cricks her elbows. "Franceska, give us that treeskin, wouldya? These guys are the serious bees knees- hey, don't do that!" she exclaims, turning to Julia. "That's like slavery? I think?"
<Julia> "I can set her free after we're done?" Julia offers. "But if you feel strongly about it I'll refrain."
* Franceska rolls her eyes, and uses that spell first on Rosemund before placing one on Stephanie as well.
<Franceska> OOC: +5 natural armor to AC
<Steph> That done, Stephanie surveys her surroundings!
<El-Cideon> Aria sends her robot horse into the hold below, it looking pretty badly mangled by the firestorm. "Set her free after what, exactly?" she asks.
<El-Cideon> Stephanie sees there's only the one door out of this room, leading to a broad passageway that looks to descend into the depths of the castle, beneath the level of the surrounding ice.
<Julia> "After she tells us what's happening here and guides us to Galina and fights by our side," Julia says. "I'd have to insert a new organ inside her brain to take over, but it could be removed afterwards by a skilled surgeon." She modestly indicates herself here.
<El-Cideon> Aria takes a moment to summon up a new supernatural barrier of health.
<El-Cideon> roll 1d10+10 false life
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d10+10 1,0false life --> 6,0[ 1d10=6 ]4,0{16}
<Steph> "That sounds disgusting and I'll not be party to it," Stephanie declares, before leaving the room to go to the next one.
<Julia> "You just had to say no," Julia says with a little wince, going to shore up her undead instead.
<El-Cideon> "Let us see whether we can find our way around through the usual means first," Rosemund says delicately.
<Julia> roll 2#2d8+10 Battersby and Friday
<Franceska> "Shandria," Franceska addresses her minion. "You're in charge of watching after that crazy priestess. It seems like the best solution to get things done quickly."
<Rei-chan> 6,0Julia rolled :6,0 2#2d8+10 1,0Battersby and Friday --> 6,0[ 2d8=9 ]4,0{19}, 6,0[ 2d8=3 ]4,0{13}
<Julia> roll 2#3d8+15 Maerander and Bedford
<Rei-chan> 6,0Julia rolled :6,0 2#3d8+15 1,0Maerander and Bedford --> 6,0[ 3d8=15 ]4,0{30}, 6,0[ 3d8=9 ]4,0{24}
<El-Cideon> "What are we going to do with her?" Shandria asks. She kneels down to confirm the woman is still breathing. "It would be easiest and safest to just kill her now."
<Franceska> "Easiest and safest, but lead to the longest argument. Just make sure she's unconscious and out of the fight until we deal with Galina and have the time to decide."
<Julia> "Bedford, Friday, Maeander, you all guard the boat and Shandria. Battersby and Scarlet with me," she instructs her undead before following after Stephanie.
<El-Cideon> Stephanie sees that beyond the sloping passageway is an open atrium. Corridors radiate off at odd angles in profusion here, with no obvious indicator what leads where. Centrally there is, as though grown from the floor, a statue of a feminine angel with arms raised in victory. Etched into the ceiling across from you is the castle's evident mantra: "She is many and we are one." There are sounds of hurried footsteps echoing up the corridor below the sign.
<El-Cideon> "What, and stay here alone?" Shandria asks. "Thank you, I'd be happy to follow where numbers are going." She hurriedly ties up the priestess and scurries behind the party.
<Steph> "Yeah, I knocked her out so she can raise her friends once we're done, maybe." Stephanie says, dourly. "But if we wanna stop this forever and for good we can just drop her off a cliff later. I'm easy- what is this poetic garbage, though?" she mutters, before deciding to rush after the footsteps in chase!
<Steph> OOC: 100ft movespeed woo
<Franceska> "Cults. Why did it have to be cults," Franceska mutters, deciding to stay near Rosemund. Shandria is still executing her orders, so she doesn't exactly have a problem with her choice.
<El-Cideon> It quickly becomes apparent that there's a contingent of armed and armored guards racing up the corridor *towards* Stephanie.
<Steph> OOC: How wide and high is the corridor?
<El-Cideon> OOC: enough for a dragon!
<Steph> OOC: And how many guards? Dozens? >_>
<El-Cideon> The squadron that shortly emerges into the atrium is led by a young man with close-cropped blond hair and eyes that are set just a little too wide apart for his ancestry to be fully human. He has half a dozen soldiers with him, and trooping behind his group are more Grey Sun-emblazoned casters. Striding protectively before these two, looming at ten feet with arms long enough to promise trouble for anyone beelining toward them, is a construct of pure light.
<Steph> "Are you lot gonna be more reasonable than the last lot?" Stephanie asks, floating above them.
<El-Cideon> The leader of the group has a warhammer in one hand and a shield in the other. "What is the meaning of this intrusion?" he demands, albeit more levelly than his predecessor updstairs. He scans your group calmly and quietly.
<Steph> "We're here to find out what your boss is planning," Stephanie replies, straightening herself out. "She's stolen from the church of Pelor, and reputedly kidnapped many magi. Nobody else is looking for an explanation- so we are."
<El-Cideon> He doesn't confirm or deny anything at first, but instead asks, with regard to the composition of your group: "Are you agents of Baator? Invoking a righteous cause?" He sounds more perplexed than anything else.
<Julia> Julia huffs a bit as she finally catches up, undead dragons ambling more slowly behind her. "We're friends of the church she stole from! Also mages like the ones she eats!" she calls out.
<Franceska> "I don't really care about either Pelor or Baator, I just shapeshift into the most efficient combat forms," Franceska responds. "But they care about Pelor's church and I care about some of them, so that explains me and my librarian over there."
<Steph> "We're not agents of Baator! That one is just a witch, and that one's on parole," Stephanie replies, pointing at Franceska then at Shandria.
<El-Cideon> Before he'll explain anything else, he says with regard to Stephanie's claim about Franceska: "Prove that, if you can, before we speak further. There's too much we needn't share with fiends."
<Steph> "Turn back into a human, Franceska dearest."
<Franceska> But the horde of undead is just fine? Franceska frowns. "If I revert to my ordinary human form, you will bring us to your leader, Galina Merrowyn. Is that the deal?"
<El-Cideon> "She is sort of kicked out of the hells right now," Rosemund says with reference to the erinyes. As with most accurate statements, this earns a disapproving scowl from Shandria.
<El-Cideon> "This is not a deal. This is a condition for discussion," the man insists.
<Julia> Probably for the best she didn't mess up their friends upstairs. Well, beyond killing most of them.
<Franceska> "This will be a waste of time," Franceska cautions, but she still takes off her crown and flips it into the air as she shifts back. Now human and clad in her pristine royal robes, her cloak fluttering behind her, she catches the crown and places it back upon her head. "Do talk."
<El-Cideon> "She thoroughly disgraced herself and can't go back home anytime soon," Jill agrees with Rosemund, again to Shandria's evident irritation. "It's best to consider her a free agent at the moment."
<Steph> "Whine, whine, whine," mutters Stephanie.
<El-Cideon> After a moment, the man nods. "You have names? I am Jacono, captain of the Grey Sun guard. If you believe yourselves here on a holy crusade, you proceed from incorrect assumptions. I know nothing of any theft and our recruits are not injured."
<El-Cideon> "Only if they fight back," Aria counters. Jacono seems to recognize her and does not deign to answer her objection.
<Franceska> "Franceska Durant," she responds. Aria and Rosemund can cover their respective parts well enough, and any claims from her would probably receive extra scrutiny.
<Julia> If only they'd come up with a good name for their group! Alas they'll just have to settle for individual introductions. "I'm Julia, that's Scarlet and Battersby."
<Steph> "Stephanie Sundown." Stephanie peers back at him. "So you're saying you're not in possession of the Dawnstar?"
<El-Cideon> Rosemund's introduction covers herself and Jill: "Rosemund Whitefall and Jill Cook, both servants of Pelor. And our scowling probably friend is Shandria."
<El-Cideon> Jacono searches his memory a moment and, with a degree of evident confusion, says, "Ah, the blessed mace. I've read of it. Whyever would we have this object in our possession?"
<Julia> "Because you paid a thief to steal it for her," Julia says with the tone usually reserved for small children.
<El-Cideon> "I don't care about that," Aria interjects. "How many have you kidnapped and for what purpose do you keep them here? And with what RIGHT--" she almost snarls the word, "--do you presume to do this?"
<Franceska> "I care that both are parts of a pattern of Galina and her minions taking what they like while ignoring the objections of the original owners, or how either of you think Pelor condones slavery. He must be a lot more flexible than I thought."
<El-Cideon> "I don't have the first notion what you are talking about," Jacono says to Julia, sounding annoyed and almost visibly mentally dismissing her. "Our cause is just," he answers Aria more calmly. "Though I suspect you are not in the mood to be convinced of this." He waits to see whether anyone looks inclined to dispute that.
<Steph> "Try me! I love a good cause."
<Franceska> "Oh, I would love to hear this as well! A cause so righteous Galina herself left a message to her old hero friends warning them from following her."
<El-Cideon> "We mean to see an end to fiendish interference in the mortal world," he says simply, "and believe that any momentary price pales in comparison to a future thus secured for the multitudes yet unborn."
<Julia> "You're not the one paying the price though, are you?" Julia demands acidly.
<Franceska> "And what exactly makes you qualified to achieve what no one ever has, on any side of the war?"
<Steph> "How exactly do you plan to do that?"
<El-Cideon> "Aren't we?" he turns his attention to Julia. "Did you not kill numerous compatriots of ours on the upper level? I would defy you to suggest that they did not contribute in exactly the manner you challenge. As we all are prepared to do. As we have been since She rescued us." He looks at Stephanie. "I am loathe to discuss intricate technical specifics with belligerent outsiders. I will attempt to illustrate this through other means. Tell me, what is the most potent implement that a modest force can bring to bear against a traditionally more powerful and numerous entity?"
<Steph> "Murder," supplies Stephanie. "Assassination. In military terms, guerilla warfare, yeah?"
<Julia> "They died quickly. They weren't driven insane as they were fed upon for days, months, even years," Julia insists, not willing to let him off that easily. It's taking all her restraint not to just acid fog the lot of them, but as always she waits for others to signal hostilities, this time with uncharacteristic seething.
<Franceska> "If all you need is mages, why not grab a few fiends?" Franceska asks, for her part. "Why go for the lower-hanging fruit, oh mighty hero?"
<El-Cideon> He gives Stephanie a look. "You almost understand, but it's a mistake to assume that carnage alone could secure the future that we seek. Has it not been attempted time and again? I *know* you understand from experience--" he points to Jill, "--as I've heard your name before." He turns back to Stephanie. "Conviction is the key. A small but determined force can with sufficient commitment wear down any numerically superior coalition as it's riven apart by self-interest and personal intrigues. And that is what we will do. We mean only to share our vision with the rest of the mortal world. We will only provide what it presently lacks." He answers Franceska simply. "That, again, is more technical than I feel it necessary to explain at present. We require diverse talents. Would you really suggest that anything of value could be constructed with fiendish input?"
<Steph> "That's, um. Like, you've said nothing I haven't agreed with, but you haven't actually even tried to justify kidnapping mages," points out Stephanie.
<Franceska> "Aren't many of your followers with fiendish ancestry?" she counters. "At the core, we think you're wrong and have a very personal stake in shutting you down. We are also capable enough to do it. Your sole chance of succeeding, at this point, is to tell us exactly how you intend to achive your goal. If we judge it to actually be feasible, then... well, let's get there first?"
<El-Cideon> "I will try," he says. "Another query: how do you feel in this world? This is a serious question. Does this plane welcome you?"
<Franceska> "I'm fine with it."
<Steph> "It's horrible."
<Julia> "As much as any other," Julia says, "They all feel the same to me."
<El-Cideon> "I feel like it wishes me to be marching in formation somewhere and that is all," Rosemund says, echoing Stephanie's obvious distaste.
<El-Cideon> "But you never felt that way at home. In...Solata?" Jacono presumes, based on Jill's presence.
<Steph> "'course not."
<Steph> Stephanie shrugs. "It's a resonance thing. Some places reject you 'cos your beliefs don't line up with the world. Even I know that."
<Franceska> "Different planes feel differently, and most of them are horrible. Your point?"
<Julia> "I mean, Solata doesn't have the flying blades everywhere, and it has a sun and a moon, but on a fundamental level I feel much the same..." Julia goes on.
<Franceska> "Are you trying to make the Prime Material inhospitable to fiends?"
<El-Cideon> "That's because the mortal realm is not at peace with itself," he answers to Stephanie confirmation. "It is in contention with its own beliefs and goals, those of the myriad souls who dwell within it, forever...*undecided*, in a spiritual sense." He nods to Franceska. "In a sense. We will provide direction that is presently lacking."
<Franceska> "You do realize that all of us have been to most other planes and besides temporary discomfort, managed to kill anything we liked over there? Slavers, usually," she says, adding the last sentence pointedly.
<El-Cideon> "Again your vision proves limited to killing," he says with evident disappointment. "And it illustrates much of what we wish to rectify. You cannot kill your way to harmony. It has been attempted."
<Franceska> "Only those that offend my sensibilities," she assures him drily. "So what, you'll nudge Prime to be closer to a heaven of your choice? That's your grand plan?"
<Steph> "So, what, it rejects evil and affirms good behaviour?" asks Stephanie, dourly. "At the expense of choice?"
<El-Cideon> He abruptly changes the course of discussion: "Tell me, what is the fuel that drives the infernal engines? What do you think would happen to the lower planes, ultimately, if they were deprived influx of new souls?"
<Julia> "As I understand planar lore, the essence of the plane is determined by its inhabitants. Remove all the devils from Hell, from the littlest lemure up to Asmodeus, and it would settle into a new equilibrium... while wherever the devils were all displaced to would quickly turn into a new Hell," Julia points out. "As Stephanie says, to fix an ethos over the Prime wouldn't you have to fix everyone
<Julia> who lives there?"
<Franceska> "Aren't you forgetting a little fact? All the planes being infinite? I'm sure the infinity of devils will be very sad it won't keep growing eternally."
<Steph> "They'd die out eventually without fresh blood. But then I'd have to wonder where all the souls meant for them were actually going," replies Stephanie. "Unless you'd say there aren't any?"
<El-Cideon> "There will be," he says, "but they will be more virtuously directed. We are all impressionable when young. When aging, well, we become set in our ways but if, before that, we only had better teachers? Our alterations to the fabric of the material plane will ensure a framework of proper behavior is instilled in new souls. From then, it is only a matter of maintaining our influence while the squabbling factions of the mortal world refine themselves with newer generations. And then we can, at some length, watch the fiends starve."
<Franceska> "Or they could invade in their infinite numbers."
* Franceska shakes her head. "You do realize that you're not actually stopping them from doing anything, and just raising the need to act to counter your extremely longterm plan?"
<Julia> "You're going to teach the horses? The dragons? The spiders? The trees and dryads? There's a lot more than just humans on the prime you know."
<Steph> "Don't like it. Good works should spread by example, not by fiat. Anyway, there's so many mortals living outside the prime that this doesn't actually work," notes Stephanie. "Unless you plan to do the same to the elemental planes, too? And, like, Limbo, and all the rest."
<El-Cideon> "If they did," he challenges Franceska, "would the heavens sit idly by, as they have so oft opted to do?" He shakes his head. "You presume in any event that the infernal legions will immediately understand the cause of their scarcity and act upon this, instead of falling upon each other to hoard the diminishing spoils, which I should say is much more likely." To Julia he answers: "Societies are our concern. Only in great numbers can the proper lessons be passed on." He spares a nod for Stephanie. "We realize that the day may come when an expansion of operations is required."
<Franceska> "I would also like to point out an uncomfortable fact," Franceska says then, after thinking about it some. "If this plan is actually possible, then it would set a precedent for moving a Prime. You will eventually die, the heavens won't intervene, so what do you think will happen eventually, after all the infighting between the devils weeds out the foolish and incompetent and hones the power
<Franceska> of the remaining ones?"
<El-Cideon> "I will die," Jacono concedes. "WE will not."
<Franceska> "Oh please, spare me the empty boasts."
<El-Cideon> "I don't boast," he says calmly, "I point out the readily demonstrable fact of our ongoing commitment."
<Julia> "For all your good intentions, the suffering you inflict ensures that you, and those who will follow your lead, will provide the lower planes with souls," Julia says. "And how you create your Omelas will be known, and people will choose to walk away rather than live in a utopia built on the suffering of the few. The ones left will be the ones who accept the pain of others for their own
<Julia> comfort. No, your entire scenario is built to fail itself."
<Franceska> "Your plan is unworkable to get the result you seek," Franceska concurs. "It is in the same area as that talk of killing that you so look down upon. After all, just kill everyone on Prime with your power and numbers, and Hell stops getting souls afterwards. They're both as dumb to actually try."
<Steph> "'s mass brainwashing, in any event. I see it more or less like what happens on Elysium. A place where your individuality goes to die." Stephanie shrugs. "Besides, I think souls are born without prejudice to begin with, and that that's what makes them special. Forcing a template on them is just making them... outsiders, right? More or less. I feel like
<Steph> there's gotta be weird metaphysical side effects there! Like they won't be able to breed or something..."
<El-Cideon> He shakes his head at Julia. When he speaks, it's with the air of repeating heard rhetoric. "Greed is the essence of the lower planes, this notion that what I *want* is of greater consequence than what someone else *needs*. This is the sentiment that our engine will unwork from the fabric of mortal belief. And you would maintain that we contribute somehow to the legions of hell while denying them converts?" He sounds frankly aghast at Franceska's suggestion. "Have you any notion of resolving conflicts without first resort to murder?" he wonders.
<Franceska> "You seem to be missing the point. Have you any notion of saving people from Baator without resorting to Baator's idealogy and tactics?"
<Steph> "People have the right to not care about others, and to pursue their own happiness," notes Stephanie, dourly. "They just don't have the right to commit crimes or to hurt others outside genuine justice, too. Besides, a world where everyone only cares about people outside themselves would be... banal, and stilted. Pleasureless, no?"
<Julia> "No reason or argument we can offer will sway him. He's every bit as sure in his ideology and methods as any devil," Julia sighs, seeing that the debate is going nowhere. Given his denial and possible ignorance of the theft when Nisbet named and described him, she wonders if he's even all there inside.
<Steph> "Hey, Shandria!"
<El-Cideon> "I await better solutions," he says sadly, "though not with bated breath. All of us here--" his gesture incorporates his immediate squad, all young men and women about in the same age bracket as the party itself, "understand well the consequences of failure when mortal powers are too busy squabbling over personal advantage to recognize the fiendish schemes in their midst. We are the wreckage that ensues when a king or queen decides that it is easier to allow someone else's problem to fester precisely because it is just that. Some of us are just old enough to recall parents deprived us. Others only recall being given succor by *things* such as those," he points casually to Julia's undead horde. "But we all remember when no one else in the world would lift a hand to help us."
<Franceska> "Planes don't work the way you think they do," Franceska says, as if talking to a little child. She might not be a great expert herself, but she knows this little! "What you're trying to do is like having minders to every sentient ever on Prime, and hitting any kids if he's doing something you disagree with, because you think he needs it. Then, eventually, you think it would make people
<Franceska> think the way you do, instead of formenting resentment or any spread of natural human emotions. Can't you even see this little?"
<El-Cideon> Shandria pipes up from her quiet observance of the conversation: "Ye-es?" she says uneasily.
<Steph> "Whaddya think of this plan?"
<El-Cideon> "Did you feel resentment for every cultural lesson you absorbed from your countrymen without realizing it?" he prods Franceska. "Did you even realize you were being taught anything at all when you followed social cues from observation? You err in assuming our work would be so much more obvious and intrusive than this."
<El-Cideon> Shandria says, as if on cue, "Oh, I've got lots of ideas about what we could do with this place." Her excitement dampens a little as she looks around at the party. "I bet I'd be outvoted, though."
<Franceska> "Yes?" she answers, before blinking. "I think Shandria is getting smarter, she didn't jump on the idea right away."
<Julia> "We're really interested in your ideas, Shandria," Julia says encouragingly.
<El-Cideon> "I'd like to take it home," she answers enthusiastically. "Only I think home would probably fight back. It's pretty committed already."
<El-Cideon> "We'll have to agree somehow on what to do with the material plane instead, I guess," she continues, trying to disregard the possibility that the party might not want to use the castle's influence for their own ends.
<Julia> "There you go, the devil stamp of approval. Good job!"
<El-Cideon> "Agreeing on the means," Jacono counters, his weapon shifting in his grasp, "does NOT imply agreement about our disparate ends."
<Franceska> "Keep telling yourself that." Franceska shakes her head. "You know what you could do? You asked, so I'm telling you. Use your organization and power and grab people sent to die in the Blood War. Rescue them, deny Baator and the Abyss both their recruits and eventual souls, and spread the word across the planes. Do something actually heroic!"
<El-Cideon> "No, this sounds good," Shandria says, sounding excited about the chance to rile someone up after being the party's desultory hanger-on for days. "Let's get all those devils right out of the way, we don't need the competition."
<Steph> "You could get out there and offer a helping hand to the destitute, and those spat upon by others!" replies Stephanie, pressing a hand into her chest. "I was like that, too! My life was changed because someone helped. Not by an angel and not by magic!"
<El-Cideon> With his shield hand, Jacono palms his forehead. He gives Stephanie a pointed look. "As were our lives. As were ours. This is why we do what we do." He sighs. "I believe we are at an impasse, and you will insist on interfering?"
<El-Cideon> Aria states, firmly and with self-definition, "No one tells me what I must be."
<Steph> "Imperfect as our Solata is, this isn't the way."
<Franceska> "Plus Polaris probably lied to you here and there, to help you with your decision. I couldn't help noticing you were repeating someone else's arguments here and there instead of thinking for yourself."
<Julia> "I won't see others like me suffer so you can teach our children lessons of your own design," Julia says with her own heroic resolve. "Or... if not your designs then Galina's..." she adds in a mutter after Franceska points that out.
<El-Cideon> Jill speaks up for the first time. "Everything I should like to say to you has been said, except that I know what all of you *were* and I regret that you could not find any more peaceful existence in adulthood than this. Other than that...everything else I have to say is for the person standing behind you."
<Franceska> "I don't suppose you'll let us through to her?"
<El-Cideon> "Yeah, let's kick over this sand castle and...talk about maybe doing something more useful with it," Shandria settles on.
<El-Cideon> "I would hate to have to go through you," Rosemund insists. "I think maybe you are right about one thing: this is what happens when people have bad teachers."
<El-Cideon> To Franceska, he shakes his head. "I cannot relent. If you persist in interfering, we will defend Mother Polaris's cause with our lives."
<El-Cideon> OOC: that's pretty much init
<Franceska> roll 1d20+1
<Rei-chan> 6,0Franceska rolled :6,0 1d20+1 --> 6,0[ 1d20=14 ]4,0{15}
<Steph> roll 1d20+11
<Rei-chan> 6,0Steph rolled :6,0 1d20+11 --> 6,0[ 1d20=20 ]4,0{31}
<Julia> roll 1d20+2 Julia
<Rei-chan> 6,0Julia rolled :6,0 1d20+2 1,0Julia --> 6,0[ 1d20=7 ]4,0{9}
<Julia> roll 1d20+2 battersby
<Rei-chan> 6,0Julia rolled :6,0 1d20+2 1,0battersby --> 6,0[ 1d20=15 ]4,0{17}
<Julia> roll 1d20+1 Scarlet
<Rei-chan> 6,0Julia rolled :6,0 1d20+1 1,0Scarlet --> 6,0[ 1d20=7 ]4,0{8}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+2 Rosey
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+2 1,0Rosey --> 6,0[ 1d20=4 ]4,0{6}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+2 Jill
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+2 1,0Jill --> 6,0[ 1d20=18 ]4,0{20}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+5 Shandria
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+5 1,0Shandria --> 6,0[ 1d20=12 ]4,0{17}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+7 Aria
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+7 1,0Aria --> 6,0[ 1d20=6 ]4,0{13}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+9 cat
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+9 1,0cat --> 6,0[ 1d20=12 ]4,0{21}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20-1 iron golem
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20-1 1,0iron golem --> 6,0[ 1d20=11 ]4,0{10}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+8 Jacono
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+8 1,0Jacono --> 6,0[ 1d20=6 ]4,0{14}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+7 cleric
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+7 1,0cleric --> 6,0[ 1d20=8 ]4,0{15}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+7 mage
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+7 1,0mage --> 6,0[ 1d20=7 ]4,0{14}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+7 soldier x6
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+7 1,0soldier x6 --> 6,0[ 1d20=13 ]4,0{20}
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+5 light golem
<Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+5 1,0light golem --> 6,0[ 1d20=8 ]4,0{13}
* El-Cideon changes topic to 'Current planar traits: -2 to CHA/WIS/INT-based checks for nonlawful, -2 to will saves for all | Steph (31) > Barnaby (21) > Jill/soldier x6l (20) > Battersby/Shandria (17) > Fran/cleric (15) > Jacono/mage (14) > Aria/light golem (13) > iion golem (10) > Julia (9) > Scarlet (8) > Rosey (6)'
<El-Cideon> ~