
"With great power comes the opportunity to abuse that power."

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Started by Carthrat, October 21, 2002, 06:49:02 AM

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The technician was cowed by Misato's speech, stuttered out a "h..Hai!" and walked off, trembling.
[19:14] <Annerose> Aww, mouth not outpacing brain after all?
[19:14] <Candide> My brain caught up


Olorin stared after the technician for a moment. A bit harsh, but next
time he should put some thought into his suggestions, hopefully.

"How much longer until Rei is ready to launch?" Olorin questioned,
returning to the situation at hand.

If I don't get some information soon, he thought, frustrated at his own
impatience, I'm gonna go stir crazy....
Dona nobis pacem
et salva nos a hostibus.
Salva nos, Deus!


"Immediatly," somebody unidentifyable called out.

"CAPTAIN! The Angel is within the borders of Tokyo-3!" screamed out a tech. "Visual on screen... now!"

Abot a quarter of the screen was taken up by a live image, presumably from some hidden camera.

The ground was almost flat. A few skyscrapers towered here and there, but most of the housing and main buildings had been stored beneath the Geofront.

And slightly off to the side was the angel...

It even looked like it's namesake. A towering behemoth, standing on two massive, golden legs, and two distinctively wing-like objects sprouting from it's back.

However, it's torso was anything but angellike. It seemed to be a massive bundle of nerves, body parts, bones, and disgusting looking things all jumbled together. Amazingly, it kept the whole body together.

And the place where it's face should have been instead showed a massive, jutting horn, which looked quite sharp...

The tactical map indicated it was moving quite quickly towards the two stationary Evas...
[19:14] <Annerose> Aww, mouth not outpacing brain after all?
[19:14] <Candide> My brain caught up


"Launch Rei and pipe the visual to the pilots!" Olorin snapped out,
before slipping the headset on as he examined the angel.

"Shinji, Asuka, break and attack the incoming angel, do your best to
avoid a head-to-head pass; try to outflank it, the angel's wings should
hamper its peripheral vision and lateral movement."

"Rei, once you reach the surface, immediately move to assist the other

He reached up, covering the microphone with his left hand, and called
out, "Where the hell is that analysis?!"
Dona nobis pacem
et salva nos a hostibus.
Salva nos, Deus!


Everything started happening at once. Shinji and Asuka began to move around the side of the Angel; there was a tremendous booming sound as Rei's eva began to launch, and Ritsuko's voice came in through the intercom, jabbering out, "Misato! We're detecting strange energy patterns from the wings! We know that the angel can't fly, but watch out!"
[19:14] <Annerose> Aww, mouth not outpacing brain after all?
[19:14] <Candide> My brain caught up


Olorin was somewhat nonplussed when his first thought upon hearing
Ritsuko's statement was; Objection, characterization.

I need to focus better, he mused, and I really need to stop watching
Law & Order.

Returning his attention to the situation at hand, he dropped his left
hand down, idly fingering the cross around his neck, "Shinji, Asuka,
the doctor has detected unknown energy patterns emanating from the
Angel's wings, proceed at your discretion."

He paused for a moment, "Good luck."
Dona nobis pacem
et salva nos a hostibus.
Salva nos, Deus!


The three pilots chirped an affirmitive, and Asuka and Shinji both went into a run, moving towards the sides of the angel.

Ritsuko's voice screamed over the intercom.

"We're detecting nuclear reactions in the center of the wings!"

But it was a little too late.

The feathers on the wings dropped away, revelaing two appendages formed of pure energy. It was really bright, almost as if it was light from heaven...

Asuka and Shinji, strangely, were not deterred.. in fact, they seemed spurred onwards, practically flying towards the angel..

[19:14] <Annerose> Aww, mouth not outpacing brain after all?
[19:14] <Candide> My brain caught up


He winced at the volume of Ritsuko's shout, before paling at the
message it conveyed. He opened his mouth to order them to evade,
then stopped himself short as they sped up.

Anything I said would simply distract them at this point, he thought,
swallowing audibly, and the last thing they need at the moment is me
second-guessing their judgement.

I hope they know what they're doing, he worried, eyes clouded, as he
gripped the cross tightly.

May the wave guide you upon your path, my children, he prayed, eyes
riveted on the Evas speeding towards the Angel.
Dona nobis pacem
et salva nos a hostibus.
Salva nos, Deus!


The Angel's wings flared particularly brightly...

Twin beams of light shot out from the center of it's wings, directed straight towards Asuka's heart.

Ritsuko was screaming technical crap through the intercom, the tech's were talking all around, and Shinji was yelling in anger, rushing towards then Angel-

The beams of light abruptly cut off, and Asuka's eva slumped to the ground. Shinji let fly with a powerful body-slam..

..but the Angel spun around, shedding it's brilliance in a mystic swirl.

It stood, facing away from Eva-01. A brilliant, glorious sound sung from the angel, high and pure and holy.

Eva-01's chest started to spurt blood, and the great machine crumpled.

Only Rei was left standing, having just appeared on the surface...
[19:14] <Annerose> Aww, mouth not outpacing brain after all?
[19:14] <Candide> My brain caught up


"Rei, I want you to move in and provide covering fire for the downed
Evas; lure the Angel away. Continue moving and be evasive, but get
that son of a bitch away from them, understood?" He ordered, his cold,
controlled, voice betraying none of his inner turmoil.

How the fuck are we supposed to kill this piece of shit? He thought
frantically, it brushed off two of the Evas like they were nothing more
than gnats, how the hell can we stand against that kind of power?
Dona nobis pacem
et salva nos a hostibus.
Salva nos, Deus!



Rei stated strafing the angel with high-calibre rifle fire, which, as per usual, did absolutely nothing visible to the angel.

The angel started tracking Rei with it's wings, and Ritsuko was screaming something about a repeat of the energy buildup...
[19:14] <Annerose> Aww, mouth not outpacing brain after all?
[19:14] <Candide> My brain caught up


OOC: I hate being sick. >_<

There are times that I truly hate my life, Olorin mused, watching as
the bullets did absolutely nothing. If I was a pilot I'd at least be able
to do something, instead I'm standing here, helpless to do anything
for them.

He swore mentally as he heard Ritsuko's shouted warning, Fucking Hell!
Can't I catch one break?

"Rei, take cover behind some buildings and keep moving, pop up and fire
a few shots occasionally to keep the Angel's attention, but do not stay
still long enough for it to track you, understood?"
Dona nobis pacem
et salva nos a hostibus.
Salva nos, Deus!


Rei complied, hiding behind a skyscraper.

The prompt blast from the Angel's wings lanced towards the building and demolished it.

Thankfully, it didn't *quite* reach Rei, but the force of impacting the building partially transferred to her, and she stumbled back a step..
[19:14] <Annerose> Aww, mouth not outpacing brain after all?
[19:14] <Candide> My brain caught up


OOC: My brain is fried. @_@

Thank the wave that they make buildings sturdy here, Olorin thought
to himself, now, how the hell do I kill this thing? Damnit, I should have
been more careful from the start. I should have known better than
to rush in without full knowledge of the enemy's capabilities.

With only a single Eva there's no way to outflank this thing, and it's
already shown that a frontal assault has a snowball's chance in hell of
succeeding. He fumed at himself, think, God damn you! What are you
missing? How can you win this?

He breathed in and out, slowly, several times, trying to slow his
racing thoughts, ok, I have a single Eva, unless by some miracle the
others recover, to fight what is obviously a superior opponent, how do
I give my pilot a fighting chance?

He swallowed several times, trying to sooth his parched throat, and
massaged the top of his nose with his right hand; the familiar habit
oddly calming him. How, indeed?
Dona nobis pacem
et salva nos a hostibus.
Salva nos, Deus!


Misato's indecision almost cost her the battle, as the angel let fly with another blast from it's other ring.

Rei managed to fall flat (not a mean feat for the size of the EVA), but the Angel was now closing in on her, evidently to finish her off..
[19:14] <Annerose> Aww, mouth not outpacing brain after all?
[19:14] <Candide> My brain caught up