
"It occured to me while drunk, so it must have been genius."

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Chapter 1

Started by Carthrat, February 24, 2007, 05:43:31 AM

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In the Hundred Kingdoms, there were two nations...

Sol-Falena, monarchy of imminent glory, ruled by Solar might, bolstered by Solar relic, and boasting no less than three Exalts within it's borders. If it had nothing else, it would be a power. An untried, small, but well-trained military under Dragon-Blooded command; a small but growing chapter of a new kind of religion, and the mighty Solar Manse, holding powerful secrets and, reputedly, powerful itself- it seems a nation destined for great things.

Rethala, neighbouring land. Mortal thaumaturges rule, here; their small army is known for it's loyalty, but, sadly, not it's victories. Mercenary companies make up the bulk of it's standing forces, fueled by what profits the kingdom scraped through trade. But able to command the allegiance of local gods gives it an edge other kingdoms lack. The people pay the price and reap the benefits in this land of uncertain fortunes; the field spirits may provide harvest after bountiful harvest, but perhaps it will be your daughter that draws the Sacrifical Lottery next...

On the border of these two countries, in an event sure to sweep across the Kingdoms in the coming weeks, an enormous collossus has risen from the ground. It's march was rapidly halted, but consternation is quickly arising on all nearby fronts- not only because of the creature itself, but because of what it may portend...


Rethala is not large, but it is stable for the most part. Relations with neighbouring countries vary, but it lacks strong ties or strong emnity. Primarily self-sufficient, it boasts one major township, housing Rethala Castle and the Rethala military. Camped outside are the mercenaries that it uses to defend it's holdings and, presumably, anonymously raid it's neighbours (a constant in the fractitous city-states).

A small smattering of villages contains the majority of Rethala's population. Most have little militia to speak of, instead relying on the protection of the local gods, which enjoy the attentions of the ruling thaumaturges.. in some cases, over the people.

Finally, there is a large mine within their borders. Metal Spirits deep beneath the earth regulate the mines and produce robust quantaties of iron, which are carted back to the capital for smelting and forging.
[19:14] <Annerose> Aww, mouth not outpacing brain after all?
[19:14] <Candide> My brain caught up


Meeting and parting ways at the Zenith Colossus, two Solar leaders return to nurture their growing country, while the other travels east, in search of then Twilight Colossus, the supposed key to the Five Colossi.

These five First-Age devices of incredible size- and presumably incredible power- prohpecy themselves to wreak incredible destruction and reconstruction across a huge chunk of the East. But with their activation and control a mystery at present, too many interested parties are beginning to search- and few are bound as allies.

Or, indeed, are even aware of each other.


An Iron Wolf, a Solar of the Night Caste, Indri ventures into the heart of the Rethalan capital to deliver a message to it's leader, Laris Shrike.

The content of the first message was simple; from the ruler of Sol-Falena, a desire to discuss the local border dispute.

But when Indri discovered Shrike's habit of consorting with demons- and feeding the living to them- it was the last day that leader drew breath. But nonetheless, Indri was forced to flee with a God-Blood she rescued, who even now returns to Sol-Falena, dire news in her claws.


Ramaya and Youko, monk and queen, discover reports of missing adults within Sol-Falena itself. Led by Kelath, an orphaned child of the region, they investigate the nearby villages. Every town is a jewel in Sol-Falena, an irreplacable domain of the truly loyal.

Meeting with a beautiful Sijanese mortician by the name of Kurohime, they discover that she was shipwrecked and forced to flee on a nearby river. She leads them to an ancient shrine, guarded by a deluded spirit. After it is reminded of it's true duties, it retreats, enabling the pair to venture within the building...

Inside is, perhaps, a nightmare. Loyal citizens deluded into worshipping death, lead by what could only be one of the Abyssal Exalted- the White Scream of Promised Echo.

Though Youko suffered a serious wound in the ensuing battle, White Scream was defeated; all along, it seems, beliving he was doing the right thing. Whatever he thought, he soul was put firmly to rest by the power of the Sun.


And, far away, to the east, a diplomat, emissary, spy, agent provacteur- four names for one thing. That one thing is a member of the Eclipse Caste, Fantine, who has finally reached the outskirts of Lookshy's complex pacts and alliances.

Yes. That is the town of Arbast. Retaken by a unit of the seventh-legion within only the past few weeks from partisians and rebels, the city is in shambles- but quickly being rebuilt with the efficiency that the legion has become so known for.

Dragon-Blooded diplomats, a Dragon-Blooded govenor, Dragon-Blooded soldiers and a Dragon-Blooded general... all are Seventh-Legion loyalists, it appears. Bringing a fearsome trio of warstriders with them, their military presence in the area is nothing short of dominating- at least compared to the weakness of mortal soldiery.
[19:14] <Annerose> Aww, mouth not outpacing brain after all?
[19:14] <Candide> My brain caught up