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008. "Does that mean you crawled up out of the drain?"

Started by Corwin, October 08, 2010, 05:17:09 PM

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(Continuing from 007.1)

[18:45] <Aaeru> "Maybe he'll look really good in it?" Aaeru suggests. "It won't hurt to ask, at least."
[18:49] <Kotono> As the two chatter, Andrea and Wayland wander in. "But even then, what type of dress would he like to wea-oh! Hi!" Sylvie turns to the two, "Josa's upstairs if you need him."
[18:50] <Aaeru> "It is a difficult question," Aaeru agrees, thinking it over. "The noble types seem to draw his eye more, but each time dresses were brought up, he seemed to instantly jump to yours. Apparently, you've made quite an impression on him while advertising?"
[18:50] * Wayland goes to ask about what they were talking about, thinks better of it, and instead says, "Sylvie, we were looking you you actually."
[18:51] <Kotono> Clearing her throat and giving Aaeru a quick hooded glance, "Oh? Really? What for?"
[18:53] <Wayland> We encountered what we think was a noblewoman on our way here, and were hoping you could give us "some advice on who she may have been."
[18:55] <Kotono> "Oh, like one of the Dukes of a barony?" Sylvie asks, "Or someone exotic?"
[18:57] <Kotono> *Baron of a Barony. You can tell I'm having a slow day.
[18:57] * Aaeru isn't sure why Sylvie wants to table that discussion for now, but she is hardly dim! She can respect the other woman's wishes!
[18:58] <Wayland> "Well, I'm not sure, really. There was a lot of gold involved, and she asked my name. After I told her, she left."
[18:59] <Kotono> "Doesn't ring a bell, but it's vague," Sylvie says. Meanwhile Janson wanders back in, a book tucked under his arm. "Why don't you try and ask around? If she's staying in town you can probably find our her name and that would help."
[18:59] <Janson> "Who's name?" Janson asks, strolling over and putting the book on the counter in front of Sylvie.
[19:00] <Kotono> "Oh!" Sylvie takes the book and holds it to her chest, a big smile on her face, "Thank you! It's such a nice, thick book too!"
[19:00] <Aaeru> "Wayland made a conquest, it seems, but she did not leave her name before she left," Aaeru helpfully fills Janson in.
[19:00] <Wayland> "A noblewoman we met on our way here."
[19:00] * Wayland looks at Aaeru. "I...what?"
[19:01] <Janson> "Should keep you busy for a while," Janson smiles agreeably to Sylvie before turning to Wayland. "You never even got her name? That's pretty sleazy..." he disapproves.
[19:01] <Aaeru> "It does feel pretty sleazy, doesn't it?"
[19:02] <Kotono> Noel and Branna share a look, the latter smirking a little bit.
[19:03] <Aaeru> "You did say there was a lot of gold involved, and that afterwards she left you without even telling you her name. Or did I get things wrong?"
[19:03] <Wayland> "Yes. That's exactly it." Wayland says, wide-eyed.
[19:04] <Kotono> "...." Sylvie looks to Aaeru and rubs her head, "I think you're missing something here, Aaeru."
[19:04] * Janson shakes his head. "Some people, they get a little windfall and they just go crazy..."
[19:04] * Aaeru shakes her head sadly in tandem with Janson.
[19:06] <Andria> Andrea shakes her head and hides a smile at the assumption between Wayland and the noblemwoman.
[19:06] <Wayland> "This...has gotten somewhat out of hand." Wayland says, running his hand through his hair. "We were stopped waiting for a gold-lined carriage to pass, when the woman inside had it stopped and asked me to give my name. After hearing it, she left."
[19:07] <Aaeru> "Aww, that's not fun at all," Aaeru says, pouting.
[19:07] * Janson blinks. "Oh. That just sounds random. Maybe you looked like someone she knew? Did you at least tell her about Whimsical Sweets?"
[19:08] <Wayland> "Certainly less fun than your version, yes."
[19:08] * Janson blinks. "Oh. That just sounds random. Maybe you looked like someone she knew? Did you at least tell her about Whimsical Sweets?"
[19:09] <Wayland> "Unfortunately, I never got the chance. I doubt running after her shouting advertisements would have been a good way to get our name out there, anyway."
[19:11] <Aaeru> "What if you try introducing yourself as Wayland of Whimsical Sweets?" Aaeru helpfully suggests. "Or even throw in a dramatic pause there. Wayland... of Whimsical Sweets. How about it?"
[19:11] <Kotono> "So, go see if you can find out something about her or let it go?" Sylvie says after a little thought, chewing on her lower lip. "Maybe she thought you were cute?"
[19:11] <Janson> "Aaeru and I managed to tell a noblewoman about Whimsical Sweets, didn't we Aaeru?" Janson grins smugly.
[19:11] <Wayland> "She called me 'blue man.'"
[19:11] <Janson> "Well... you are?"
[19:12] <Aaeru> "Yes we di--" Aaeru starts to responds, before Wayland and Janson make her dissolve into giggling.
[19:16] * Wayland shakes his head and sighs.
[19:17] <Aaeru> "How about we go visit a temple or two?" Aaeru suggests as she calms down somewhat. "We're all here, now, and Andrea knows who to talk to at Alicia's temple, right? From there, we can just visit Mystra's, too!"
[19:17] <Janson> "Not much else going on, so why not?" Janson shrugs agreeably.
[19:19] * Wayland shrugs. "Sure, the mystery noblewoman can wait a few hours."
[19:19] <Andria> Andrea shrugs. "Sounds good to me..."
[19:26] <Kotono> "Have fun," Sylvie calls as the party goes off. (More)
[19:26] <Kotono> roll 1d100
[19:27] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 99." [1d100=99]
[19:27] <Kotono> roll 1d100 sub table times
[19:27] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 sub table times and gets 70." [1d100=70]
[19:29] <Kotono> The party heads into the Old City, heading towards the New City. As they cut through the Old City and it's maze of sturdy stone buildings, "Aaaaah!" From a tight alleyway a smoking, smouldering man erupts! His clothes are charred all over, stumbling out! He's maybe 15 feet away from the party. A few other people are around, who stop to stare at the sight.
[19:30] * Aaeru is not one of those gawkers! She is already rushing towards the alley, stopping protectively between it and the man that stumbled outside.
[19:31] <Janson> "Are you alright?" Janson hurries after Aaeru to check on the burnt man.
[19:32] <Andria> Andrea briefly gawks, but shakes it off as Aaeru and Janson move on to help! Slightly ashamed of herself, she too moves closer to the poor man.
[19:33] * Wayland hesitates briefly before quickly moving to assist the man.
[19:34] * Aaeru is first there to take any follow-up attacks instead of the man, but once she ascertains that none would be coming, helping him with his burns and pain would then take precedence.
[19:38] <Kotono> The alley is short, a door to the stone building on the left ajar an dopen. Stteam is wafting out of it. "I'm okay," the man pants, "It missed me! The baths in there, it came right up through the steam vent from below. It made everything hotter in there!"
[19:38] <Aaeru> "Andrea, I'll leave him to you!" Aaeru calls, dashing towards the baths. She sadly cannot heal the way Andrea can, but there is something she can do after all!
[19:39] * Alicia (Ebiris@ has joined #dunes
[19:40] * Alicia is now known as Janson_
[19:40] <Andria> Andrea nods as she places her hands on the injured man, healing some of his injuries. "Be careful!" she calls out after the departing Aaeru.
[19:40] <Andria> ooc: LoH 6HP
[19:40] * Wayland rushes after Aaeru. "Noel, Branna! Time to prove yourselves!"
[19:40] <Janson_> "Wait for me!" Janson calls as he runs after the speedy hobo!
[19:42] <Kotono> What few burns he has fade away! Meanwhile everyone save Andrea rushes into the alley and through the door! Ahead is a steamy hallway, thick with moisture. A fe doors line the hall before going to a four way intersection. A door about 30 ft down is open, great gouts of steam gushing out!
[19:42] <Aaeru> That's where trouble would be, and Aaeru quickly makes her way towards it.
[19:44] * Janson_ likewise darts after Aaeru and into the fray!
[19:44] * Wayland moves forward cautiously.
[19:40] <Andria> Andrea nods as she places her hands on the injured man, healing some of his injuries. "Be careful!" she calls out after the departing Aaeru.
[19:40] <Andria> ooc: LoH 6HP
[19:40] * Wayland rushes after Aaeru. "Noel, Branna! Time to prove yourselves!"
[19:40] <Janson_> "Wait for me!" Janson calls as he runs after the speedy hobo!
[19:42] <Kotono> What few burns he has fade away! Meanwhile everyone save Andrea rushes into the alley and through the door! Ahead is a steamy hallway, thick with moisture. A fe doors line the hall before going to a four way intersection. A door about 30 ft down is open, great gouts of steam gushing out!
[19:42] <Aaeru> That's where trouble would be, and Aaeru quickly makes her way towards it.
[19:44] * Janson_ likewise darts after Aaeru and into the fray!
[19:44] * Wayland moves forward cautiously.
[19:47] <Andria> "Call the guard, let them know what's going on. We'll try to deal with this in the meantime..." Andrea orders the man, starting to move after the others before pausing. "Was anyone else still inside?" she asks, waiting only for the reply before dashing after the others.
[19:52] <Kotono> He nods, "Bathers!" he calls as the party advances in! Aaeru reaches the open door first, the others trailing belong in the hall. The room is full of steam and hot, shielding it from prying eyes! "Ho ho ha ha!" But you can hear that inside! Meanwhile a door a little ahead opens, a tall woman in naught but a skimpy towel glancing out, seeing people and ducking back in.
[19:54] * Janson looks into the steamy room beside Aaeru, waving his hands to try and dissipate the steam while using his magical senses to see if it pinpoints anything unusual deeper within.
[19:54] <Aaeru> "Is anyone in here?" Aaeru calls to the steam-filled room, remaining in the doorway.
[19:56] <Janson> roll 1d20+9 spellcraft
[19:56] * Hatbot --> "Janson rolls 1d20+9 spellcraft and gets 19." [1d20=10]
[19:56] <Kotono> "Sure am," It's a masculine voice, high pitched despite this. "Aaaaaaaah! Come ina nd take a dip if you're up to it!"
[19:58] <Wayland> "Why is it that I have a bad feeling about this?" asks Wayland as he walks cautiously into the steam.
[19:58] <Aaeru> "Public baths exist for the enjoyment of people who don't always have one all to themselves!" Aaeru accuses, pointing into the steam. "Why are you causing trouble for everyone? Why did you burn that poor man?"
[20:02] <Janson> "Yeah, that guy looked really hurt," Janson advances into the room. "What's that all about?"
[20:02] <Kotono> Wayland walks into the steam! He can't see anything...splash! He feels himself falling into chest deep warm water, warm to the point of being uncomfortable. He can't see anything in this steam! "Oh, it was just a little kiss of heat! He'll be fine!" The voice retorts, "Aaaah, I've wanted to see everything above for years now!"
[20:03] <Aaeru> "I bet you can't see anything in this steam!" Aaeru says, stepping in after Wayland. She can't abandon anyone to their fates inside, after all.
[20:08] * Janson draws up just before where he heard Wayland splash into the water.
[20:08] * Wayland peers through the steam. "What the hells is going on here?"
[20:10] <Andria> Andrea catches up, and waves in front of her face, frowning at the sight of so much steam. "What's going on? Did you find out who's responsible?"
[20:10] <Wayland> "Watch your step, there's water over here!" calls Wayland.
[20:12] <Kotono> As Janson and Aaeru stumble ahead, "Oh, I'm out from below and ready to have some FUN!" The voice challenges back! "So what should I do first? I hear that new part of the city's shiny!"
[20:13] <Aaeru> "If you stop with all the steam and apologize to the person you burned, I can take you out on a tour," Aaeru offers.
[20:13] <Janson> "Oh, you should see the temple of Waukeen, definitely," Janson attests to its shininess. "But if you go around burning people you'll get in trouble with the guard and not see anything except a dungeon."
[20:14] <Aaeru> "Make that a frozen dungeon."
[20:16] <Kotono> "Are any of you hot women," the voice then asks, "I hear them always say it's more fun to go do things with a hot woman than alone!"
[20:18] <Wayland> "All of us are regular temperature, thank you!"
[20:18] <Aaeru> "It's pretty hot here, though, you've got to admit that."
[20:23] <Kotono> "Hmph," You hear a grumpy little noise as the steam dissipates. A large square bath is set into the ground. At the edge, just above the water, is a red...thing. It's about two feet tall and humanoid, hissing with heat even here. It's arms are crossed and it's nude, but looks more or less genderless. "Well, let's see then."
[20:24] <Andria> "A... cousin from the volcanoes, Wayland?" Andrea asks, as she takes in the small figure.
[20:24] * Janson peers curiously at the impish little thing. "If you're from down below does that mean you crawled up out of the drain?"
[20:25] <Wayland> "It's a red thing?" asks Wayland.
[20:25] * Aaeru makes her way to the edge and hops out of the bath to sit upon it, glancing sadly down at her wet shirt.
[20:27] <Kotono> "Yep," The creature says with a jaunty smile, "Aaah," It stretches it's arms out up and behind it's head, "So you're a girl and you're a girl," Glances at both Aaeru and Andrea, "Are either of you hot girls?"
[20:27] <Andria> "...that's sort of subjective. Do -you- think we are?" Andrea asks, not sure how to react to the creature.
[20:28] <Aaeru> "No, no!" Aaeru exclaims. "This is where you ask a guy, Andrea!"
[20:29] <Janson> "You're both very hot," Janson smiles approvingly at the female half of the team.
[20:31] <Kotono> "They are?" The creature asks, "Then why don't you two and me go out and see the sights?"
[20:32] <Wayland> "Both of you are very attractive for humans, yes."
[20:32] <Wayland> "However, I predict that this can only end in disaster."
[20:33] * Aaeru smiles back at Janson and Wayland, before her attention returns to the genderless creature. "I already said what it'd take for me to bring you on a tour," she reminds it. "You need to apologize for what you did to that person! And you can't do it again to anyone, even if they ask you to burn them!"
[20:34] <Andria> "If you're going to take care of it, Aaeru, I'll see to anybody injured by the steam, and wait for the guards, and letting them know the trouble is over..." Andrea says.
[20:34] <Kotono> "Hey wait," The creature says, "I said BOTH hot girls, you aren't gonna go off! Have one of them do it!" It points at Wayland and then Janson.
[20:35] * Janson sighs. "I'll wait for the guards, but I don't think I should go barging into everyone's baths. Have you burnt anyone else while you were here?" he asks the imp.
[20:36] <Andria> Andrea pauses, and frowns. "Well, I'm the one that's most capable of dealing with injuries you dealt, so if you want me to accompany you, you're going to have to wait until I see to everyone's injuries," Andrea says firmly, not willing to bow down to the little creature's tantrum.
[20:36] * Aaeru doesn't think anyone else was injured from what she was able to see thus far, but it's certainly prudent to check just to make sure, and she waits on the answer.
[20:38] <Andria> Andrea starts looking around, recalling that the man who escaped at the start said there were other bathers around. They might have gotten out too, but she wanted to make sure.
[20:38] <Janson> "See what happens?" Janson chides the red monster. "If you hurt people you get to spend less time around hot girls."
[20:38] * Janson waits in the hall, tugging on his collar and grimacing at how wet he is from sweat and condensed steam.
[20:42] <Aaeru> This is where Prestidigitation will once more come useful! Aaeru uses it to dry Janson's clothes, first, and then her own.
[20:42] <Kotono> "I didn't burn him! I just gave him a little kiss of heat!" The creature protests right back! Meanwhile Andrea looks around. The first door has a few men inside, the next a couple of women. The qusetion is the same, "What's going on?"
[20:43] <Aaeru> "People get burned from that!" Aaeru tells the creature sternly. "And it's wrong to kiss people without their consent, anyway!"
[20:43] <Andria> "Are you all alright?" Andrea asks the people. "Anybody burnt or anything?"
[20:44] <Janson> "Oh, thank you!" Janson beams at Aaeru, sighing happily at being restored to freshness. "That's really good magic."
[20:45] <Aaeru> "Oh, isn't it just?" Aaeru smiles back warmly. "My very first spell!"
[20:47] <Kotono> "We're okay," Is the general reply, though the men smile at Andrea and the women fret. Meanwhile the creature flies over t Aaeru, "So you're a hot woman...but I don't see any fire. No flame, no steam? Can you ste yourself ablaze?"
[20:48] <Andria> "Humans have various meanings to the word hot. In this case, hot means pretty, uhm...what -is- your name, assuming you have one?" Andrea replies.
[20:48] <Aaeru> "I can make a little light, but that's about it," Aaeru admits. "But hey, few humans can do even that much!"
[20:48] <Andria> Turning back to the people, she says, "Trouble seems to be over, but you may want to just cut your bath short today and head home, folks..."
[20:49] <Kotono> "Wait, YOUR pretty?" The creature stares at Aaeru! "But you're not even on fire! How is that anything but ugly!?" With a scowl, "I'm Falis."
[20:50] <Janson> "There's more to life than fire," Janson puts in sagely.
[20:50] <Andria> "Well, we're pretty by human definition, you know!" Andrea says, frowning a bit at the thought of being called ugly. She's not really vain, but that just hurts a bit!
[20:52] * Aaeru stares back. "If I told you that one day I'm sure I'll train my body to the point where I can light it on fire without problem, would that be good enough?"
[20:52] * Wayland nods along with Andrea. "He's some sort of elemental being, like myself...I think. You said you came from below? Like the furnaces under the city?"
[20:53] <Kotono> "Hmph, boring." The creature goes over to Wayland, "Yeah, the big boiling furnance below! Mihail's! I finally got outta there to see the sights! Slipped right on up. Oh, you're like air without having steam in it, huh?"
[20:54] * Wayland nods.
[20:55] <Kotono> "Since this whole hot women thing was a complete ripoff, how about we go see the city then?"
[20:56] <Janson> "Somebody needs to chill out," Janson can't resist observing as he starts heading back out the way they came.
[20:56] <Andria> "Do you still wish for me to accompany you? Nobody else seems injured, so I can go with you too, although since I'm not your kind of hot anymore..."
[21:02] <Kotono> "Eh, whatever," The creature starts to fly out, "C'mon, let's see what's out here at last!"
[21:03] <Andria> Andrea shrugs and takes that to mean a 'yes'. "You guys will let the guard know what's going on then?" she asks of Wayland and Janson, waiting for an answer before following after Falis.
[21:04] * Wayland looks at Janson. "I'm not exactly sure what happened there just now."
[21:05] <Janson> "Sure, have fun you three," Janson sighs. "All I know is that I'm going to be a lot less keen to use the public baths from now on," he tells Wayland.
[21:05] * Aaeru waves back at Janson and Wayland, the last to follow.
[21:07] * Wayland nods absently before shaking his head and focusing. "We should get the people cleared out of here and contact the Guard."
[21:09] <Kotono> Thus the group heads out! As you do you find a pair of guardsmen here. With them is a man with tousled brown hair, smothering a yawn in his hand. "Hey there," He greets, "Beat us to the punch." He wears frumpled clothes, well made but wrinkled and a bit stained.
[21:09] <Janson> "Why clear them out?" Janson asks. "In fact, why even contact the guard? The thing's happy enough with Aaeru and Andrea, and they can surely handle it if it turns troublesome. We should just let people relax, if the fuss brought any guards over we can explain then."
[21:09] <Wayland> "Because if one thing can make it p here, why not more?"
[21:10] <Janson> "Oh, well," Janson shrugs, seeing the guards.
[21:10] <Aaeru> "Hello!" Aaeru greets them pleasantly. "This is Falis. He just came here, it seems, and doesn't know how to act properly around people."
[21:12] <Andria> Andrea nods. "I apologize for having you come here, we thought the situation was more serious than it really was when we first got to the scene."
[21:12] <Kotono> "No, no," The tousled headed man smiles, "You did the right thing. Falis, eh? You know you're not supposed to go to those vents. Managed to sneak past, did you?"
[21:14] <Kotono> Falis seems to wither in the air, darting back a few feet, "Well no shit, I said I wanted to!" It snaps, "So tis is Balmuria?" He looks around, "It's...not on fire as much as I was hoping it would be."
[21:15] <Janson> "Keep on dreaming, little guy," Janson mutters.
[21:15] <Andria> "You won't see many things on fire while you're up here, Falis. Except maybe a stove or fireplace..."
[21:16] <Wayland> "Fire is mostly contained in the city. Excess fires are doused." says Wayland sagely.
[21:17] <Aaeru> "I guess it might be a disappointment, put that way," Aaeru muses. "Balmuria has more of a water affinity, when it comes right down to it."
[21:19] <Kotono> "Is isn't," The man says, smiling a little bit, "So come along. You know you're not supposed to be out here."
[21:21] <Kotono> "But I've only seen a little," Falis protests quickly, "What about the temple to Waukeen! He there said it was good!" Pointing ot Janson, "I want to see it!"
[21:22] <Aaeru> "Can he see some of the city first?" Aaeru asks. "If it doesn't look as fun as he thought, then Falis could later tell everyone how things really are like here."
[21:22] <Janson> "It's very shiny," Janson repeats with a nod.
[21:26] <Kotono> "Eh," The scruffy man scratches his chin, "I'm supposed to take him right back below. Nothing's supposed to come out so no fires or disasters happen. You got a point, though."
[21:27] * Aaeru sidles up to the man, covering her mouth as she whispers to him, "And since we're already here, I could clean your shirt for you if you would like."
[21:28] <Kotono> "Eh?" With a blink-blink at Aaeru, "What's wrong with my shirt? It's clean."
[21:34] * Aaeru eliminates the stains with the power of prestidigitation. "My word, you are absolutely right! How rude of me. I humbly apologize!"
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake