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Session 1: Tests of Divinity

Started by Dracos, October 21, 2007, 07:44:12 PM

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Oct 21 12:26:10 <Drac-GM>   For some of you, it is your first time in the great city of Huacuan, the jewel of the holy empire and capital of their country.  it is here that stands the great castle of rivers, built with an internal lake and constantly flowing with the water that feeds the many rivers that roam through the city.   Coming from the outside, even from other large cities in the empire, it was an awe inspiring sight.  Nowhere was the growing prosper
Oct 21 12:26:10 <Drac-GM>   ity of the country more evident than here, where even mundane houses doubled as artistic masterpieces of stone crafting, and ivory and gold were common sights.  This though was not your destination today, for it was the time of the petitioner, a holy ceremony that occured every four years where those of willingness from all backgrounds were welcomed into the Temple of the Nine Suns.
Oct 21 12:29:55 <Drac-GM>   Even now, you pass dozens of hopefuls along the way to the towering temple, the glowing crystals that stand high above its majestic spires playing with the sunlight and giving an illusion that nine separate suns were watching over it, slowly spinning around the top of the towers.  The main building in the center was built of a combination of glass, stone, and crystal, and shone brightly from the outside.  You are not though being g
Oct 21 12:29:55 <Drac-GM>   rouped with most petitioners.  You have made your wish clear, and the priests have heard you.  Lead off by various acolytes, you find yourself in a rather comfortable antechamber, a wood circular table in the center with a map of the country upon it, with many carved wood chairs to sit in.  You were brought and told to wait, sitting here as others slowly were also brought into the room.  other petitioners?  It is not long until six
Oct 21 12:29:55 <Drac-GM>    are seated  in the room, waiting somewhat anxiously for the a sign from the clergy.
Oct 21 12:34:53 *   Jai_Wo_Xie takes a seat at the table, rapping her fingers nervously on the wood and scanning over the map for a sign of her hometown, probably lost near the edge somewhere. The green-haired sorceress is still a little dazzled from her tour through the city, the likes of which she hasn't seen before.
Oct 21 12:36:03 *   Hayato is a stubble-faced young man with unkempt and somewhat long black hair framing a severe-looking face, his dark eyes appraising the other petitioners with a trace of nervousness. While he started this path nearly a year ago, it could be said that this is his first true step on the road. Will he stand up compared to these others? Can he afford to fail here, and return to his former ways?
Oct 21 12:36:03 <Hayato>   Such thoughts cause him to hold his silence as he alternates between observing the others and praying to the Gods that he will prevail, here.
Oct 21 12:36:09 <Sunako>   Unlike some, Sunako doesn't appear to be under any pressure. She sits farthest away from the others with her eyes closed, a smile playing across her lips as she fantasises finally being out on her own.
Oct 21 12:37:20 <Drac-GM>   The map is rather fantastic, far better than any she'd seen in her home town.  Her home town is on it, and she finds it easily enough...  though there's something strange about the map.  It seems almost amazingly real.  Must be a real work of art to craft.
Oct 21 12:39:31 *   Sunako starts giggling to herself at the prospect of meeting new friends. There must be ghosts, and creatures of the night, and all kinds of beings just waiting to befriend her!
Oct 21 12:40:58 <Jai_Wo_Xie>   The map is, naturally, far more impressive than anything she could've seen back home, but in a city like this she'd better get used to that! At the moment, it'd probably be better to get to know her fellow applicants rather than the architecture. She takes a moment to peer at the others...wait, is that one girl across the way giggling?
Oct 21 12:41:09 <Hayato>   "You alright?" Hayato asks the laughing young girl. Either she's supremely confident, or the stress is getting to her. There's something faintly menacing in his question, despite the lack of any ill intent. Perhaps its the way he carries himself, or the instinctive confrontational tone he cannot rid himself of.
Oct 21 12:41:51 <Drac-GM>   A strange sight fidgets away in one of the other chairs, a young gnome, picking somewhat at his bulging nose, dressed in brownish leather armor with yellow white bones around it.  None of them were openly bearing their weapons, as to do so without permission in the church would be thought quite untoward.  In the seat closest to Sunako, a young woman with a long green cloak shuffled back and forth a bit in her chair, a bit creeped o
Oct 21 12:41:51 <Drac-GM>   ut as she looked silently on, brushing at her gloves a bit in stress.
Oct 21 12:42:38 *   Sunako doesn't seem to notice the question, dancing with a skeleton in her little daydream.
Oct 21 12:44:03 *   Hayato doesn't like being ignored. "Hey, girl," he repeats himself gruffly. "You..." with an effort, he cuts himself off and sighs. No sense picking a fight here. Grunting in dismissal, he turns away from her and wanders away, trying to exorcise his tenseness somehow.
Oct 21 12:45:18 <Drac-GM>   The youngest of them by far, a bold teenager looked on with bright eyes.  "So, isn't this exciting?"  her voice was perky as silvered armor traced down her form.  Sunako and Jai recognizing it as the symbol of Yang-Tse-Kiang, the river god of the north.
Oct 21 12:46:58 *   Jai_Wo_Xie stretches casually, as though just sitting up in bed back home, and slides out of her chair. She has an odd, almost exaggerated way of moving about, as though she were always marching towards some grand confrontation. "Yeah, it is," she acknowledges, toying with an unruly strand of that emerald hair as she paces. "This is...well, I think this building is bigger than the town I grew up in, really."
Oct 21 12:48:10 <Drac-GM>   "The temple is really grand," She enthused back at the older Jai, not quite as elegant, but with an enthusiasm that was somewhat infectious.  "Did you get to walk by the main hall?  They have statues of the gods there that are huge!"
Oct 21 12:51:17 *   Jai_Wo_Xie smiles. "No, I didn't see that," she says. She has tomboyish, almost pixie-like features, a characteristic somewhat accentuated by her slight build (she can't be any more than five feet in height). She has gray eyes which gleam with youthful curiosity.
Oct 21 12:51:21 <Drac-GM>   The minutes ticked on, an expensive and intricate wood clock in the back of the room indicating that it was two bells to the time of high sun.
Oct 21 12:52:33 [Obsidian²] File caching completed.
Oct 21 12:54:22 <Drac-GM>   The door opened suddenly, with a forboding creak to the young petitioners, two acolytes, cloaked in majestic red and each carrying a black staff in their hands walked in, taking a spot on either side of the doorway, their faces were covered and hidden under red cloth, holes only for their eyes visible.
Oct 21 12:55:10 *   Hayato straightens and turns expectantly towards the two acolytes. Finally... he wasn't sure how long his nerves were going to hold out.
Oct 21 12:57:20 *   Jai_Wo_Xie glances over at the acolytes, their appearance rather forbidding. Hopefully she won't have to dress like that if she makes the cut? (No, no--*once* she makes the cut!) She waits for a moment, to see if these two are harbingers of the arrival of someone of importance.
Oct 21 12:57:52 <Drac-GM>   Behind them walked for a small man, dressed in blue robes with the slighest hint of gold trim around them.  About his neck hung an amulet of that both Jai and Sunako recognized with ease (how could they not~), the holy symbol of Surya, he who rides the chariot of heaven and guards their great empire from disaster.  Streaks of white and purple ran through his hair as he walked in with great meaning, checking the clock and setting hi
Oct 21 12:57:52 <Drac-GM>   mself down in the largest chair in the room, gentle green eyes traced over the room's participants as he took them in before speaking, one of the acoolytes closing the door behind him.
Oct 21 12:59:02 <Hayato>   Seeing that they're not being taken elsewhere, Hayato hurriedly resumes his seat.
Oct 21 12:59:21 *   Jai_Wo_Xie decides it's probably best to sit down again with an *obviously* revered elder in the room. She'll be expected to listen and all, and will do her best to sit still!
Oct 21 13:01:02 *   Sunako is disappointed to be brought back into the real world, but settles to listen, hunching over as her cloak settles over her features obligingly.
Oct 21 13:02:57 <Drac-GM>   Finally speaking, his voice was deep, seizing the room's attention simply, a man well accustomed to being heard and followed and with the power of years of oration behind him.  "By being here, you are showing your interest in being the great protectors of our land.  Of taking on responsibility for the wellbeing of the people and their nurture under the gods.  This is no boon, but a lifetime task and none shall be here but by their
Oct 21 13:02:57 <Drac-GM>   own will.  The Test of Divinity, as safe as we try to make them, are not like any test you may have encountered before, designed to truly test one's suitability for their role.  It is not certain that any of you will be accepted as many years no one is able to pass them sufficiently.  Equally so, it is possible that personal harm or death may occur.  If you wish to leave now, or have somehow found yourself in the wrong place, go wi
Oct 21 13:02:57 <Drac-GM>   th my blessing.  There will be no dishonor in leaving here."
Oct 21 13:03:41 <Drac-GM>   His eyes traced the room once more, waiting to see if any would stand and decide to depart.
Oct 21 13:04:36 *   Hayato steadfastly remains in his seat. He's as ready as he's ever going to be, and can't afford to fail!
Oct 21 13:04:48 <Sunako>   Sunako's heart skips a beat as dangers and death are mentioned.
Oct 21 13:05:36 *   Jai_Wo_Xie doesn't budge an inch!
Oct 21 13:10:30 <Drac-GM>   He nodded.  "We will go around the room.  I would hear, before we begin, your names and your reasons for wishing to join the ranks of the Divine," He gestured first to the quiet woman.  "I am...Keylin Everwood," she said, standing uncomfortably under the focus.  "i come to protect my town and people." Her voice losing any tremble with that as she looked into the man's eyes, then sitting down as the man's kindly gaze turned to the n
Oct 21 13:10:30 <Drac-GM>   ext.
Oct 21 13:12:42 <Sunako>   "Nakahara Sunako," she introduces herself, remaining seated. "Reason for joining..." A giggle escapes past her lips. "To make friends!"
Oct 21 13:16:10 *   Jai_Wo_Xie stands up, briefly. "Jai Wo Xie. I came here because...well, if I'm honest, because it sounded fun. But also, the church helped me find direction once when I had none, and it's only right to repay the favor." She sits again.
Oct 21 13:17:02 <Drac-GM>   The man visibly raises an eyebrow at that strange reason Sunako gave, nodding slightly as Jai spoke.
Oct 21 13:18:04 <Drac-GM>   The gnome stood up, brushing his bear a bit.  "I'm..." he coughed a bit. "here because the gods will me here," He said faithfully, sitting down, still a somewhat s trange sight.
Oct 21 13:20:57 <Drac-GM>   The perky girl stood  up next.  "Sara Georg," the name sounded...more than a bit familiar to Sunako.  "I am here to be a sword against the darkness," She replied energetically, saluting the priest and sitting down.
Oct 21 13:21:58 *   Hayato stands up and coughs, clearing his throat. "I... well, if I'm honest, I haven't lived a good or a pious life," he admits, shifting uncomfortably. "Recently, I came close to dying, and it was a servant of the church who not only saved me, he showed me that I could do so much more if I really tried." He shrugs, "And so here I am. If you'll have me." Bowing stiffly, he then sits down.
Oct 21 13:25:58 <Drac-GM>   The older man nodded.  "Redemption is among the ways of the sun.  Wherever you go, you only have to turn back to the light to find hope."  He stood.  "I acknowledge your intent to take the Tests of Divinity.  You will be lodged here for the next two weeks while you undergo the tests.  You will be judged every moment of your time here.  Tested for worthiness, and placed through the flames of trial to temper the blades for that which
Oct 21 13:25:58 <Drac-GM>    follows.  During these tests, you are not to leave the temple without a guide.  Doing so will be considered an instant failure and an act of cowardice." His words were serious.  "We shall begin simply... with a history test," He clapped, the two men bringing a series of papers to each attendant...
Well, Goodbye.


Oct 21 13:30:56 <Drac-GM>   The morning bell rang as they were gathered early the next day.  The meal given was plain but filling, and they were given an hour to do as they would, but told to gather in the courtyard of dust by the time the fourth bell rang.
Oct 21 13:33:48 <Drac-GM>   And so gather they did, finding a set of young apprentices ready for them, and four acolytes sitting on each in large rectangle about the courtyard.  Candles were lit leading around theme with large gaps and a circle of white traced around each one.  Dressed as the acolytes they saw yesterday, each was a different color, Sunako and Jai recognizing the symbols on their backs and over their faces as matching to the four river kings.
Oct 21 13:33:48 <Drac-GM>    The high priest, Ulrich, was waiting for them as he looked over them.  "Who shall be first to attempt this trial?"
Oct 21 13:35:59 *   Hayato is eager to prove himself. "I will," he declares boldly.
Oct 21 13:36:27 *   Sunako doesn't really care when her own trial will come, and doesn't contest.
Oct 21 13:38:00 <Hayato>   OOC: retract my line
Oct 21 13:39:53 *   Jai_Wo_Xie steps forward, not really knowing what to expect but inclined to take the initiative. "Hey, I'll try," she says simply, somehwat in contrast to Ulrich's seriousness.
Oct 21 13:41:26 <Drac-GM>   He nodded, gesturing for her to enter the surrounded area.  "Please, step inside.  The rest of you may go stand over there," He gestured to a waiting area in the shade.
Oct 21 13:42:13 *   Hayato goes over to stand where indicated.
Oct 21 13:42:34 *   Jai_Wo_Xie steps inside without a question, walking right to the center of the area.
Oct 21 13:42:41 *   Sunako is hopeful for a scene of a beautiful death, or at least some sort of injury.
Oct 21 13:43:33 <Drac-GM>   A priest was waiting there dressed in the orange-yellow robes of Amaterasu, her slightly creased older face looked on patiently as the trial began.  Possibly here to observe, or maybe to provide healing would something go wrong.
Oct 21 13:44:53 *   Jai_Wo_Xie nods silently to the priestess; it seems muttering a Hello would be a little too impudent. She looks around at the four acolytes, wondering what their role would be.
Oct 21 13:47:56 <Drac-GM>   The acolytes began to chant as she stepped inside, a rhythmic verse matching with gestures as semitranslucent white walls formed up suddenly around her, sealing her off from the rest of the courtyard.  The others could see here, but it was as if through a foggy window, the panes sealing all six surfaces.  A swirling portal of darkness twirled around on the other side of the sealed off perimeter, three strange creatures getting depo
Oct 21 13:47:56 <Drac-GM>   sited from it in a clumsy pile.  They were small, maybe about 3 feet tall at most, with leathery green-brown skin.  They argued in a strange tongue as they pulled themselves free, not paying immediate attention to her as one screeched loudly, smacking the other two with a staff holding a small yellowed skull on it.  Standing up, she began to notice something somewhat important..they smelled horrible.  Kind of garbagey.  The three o
Oct 21 13:47:56 <Drac-GM>   f them seemed too be looking around a bit and chattering before they turned towards her, the two leading ones point their rusty looking spears at her and barking in their strange tongue.
Oct 21 13:51:50 *   Sunako perks up at the monsters appear, now regretting not volunteering for this trial. Now, that dazzling creature would get all the luck!
Oct 21 13:53:25 <Jai_Wo_Xie>   Oh dear. Whatever language they were speaking, she doesn't recognize it. The smell is rather overpowering as well. The one with the staff is probably the leader...they aren't being actively violent yet, so she tries to avoid making them so. She draws herself up to her full height (hey, she towers over them!) to project an air of strength while addressing the leader courteously, hoping her attitude will be apparent even if the
Oct 21 13:56:30 <Jai_Wo_Xie>   if the meaning is not: "Greetings."
Oct 21 13:57:58 <Drac-GM>   Seeing her standing tall, the small creatures stepped back, jabbing with their spears and yelling in angry tones back, gesturing around them.
Oct 21 14:01:53 *   Jai_Wo_Xie shakes her head, again hoping that this gesture is clear. "I don't know either," she says, with a placating tone. Some kind of gesture seems called for, but she's not sure she should reach out with the spears being waved around.
Oct 21 14:02:29 <Drac-GM>   OOC: Roll diplomacy.
Oct 21 14:03:04 <Jai_Wo_Xie>   roll 1d20+8
Oct 21 14:03:04 <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Jai_Wo_Xie rolls 1d20+8 and gets 24." [1d20=16]
Oct 21 14:04:51 <Drac-GM>   The jabbering of spears seemed to slow a bit as  they looked at their appearent leader, who yabbered angrily and pointed around, stepping forward and hammering his staff to the ground as he let loose with what sounded like a series of commanding and angry barks at her.
Oct 21 14:07:20 *   Jai_Wo_Xie kneels down in front of the creature, hoping being at the same height as them will make them more at ease and not more likely to stab her. "That's good," she says, more calmly than she feels. "I don't know how to get out either. We'll have to work together." She offers the creature one hand to...sniff, or shake, or whatever is its inclination.
Oct 21 14:13:49 <Drac-GM>   The creature sniffed, looking distrustingly at her, his yellow eyes traced up, before he grabbed her and screeched in a series of barks, the grip painful.
Oct 21 14:18:01 <Jai_Wo_Xie>   "Ow, hey," she starts before stifling her protests and tolerates the uncomfortable grip, as much as she'd like to pull away from the foul-smelling creature. "Look," she says sternly, willing to work with this creature but not submit to it, "I think you'll have to work with me to get out." She gestures between the two of them, and then at the wall.
Oct 21 14:19:49 <Drac-GM>   The creature shrieked and turned  around, gesturing at them and then the wall.  The two creatures bickered among themselves and then with their 'leader for a bit, before one finally went up and jabbed it... getting flung back to land on his rear with a screech.
Oct 21 14:22:44 <Jai_Wo_Xie>   Oh dear. They'd better not blame her for this! Helping the creature up might be taken the wrong way...and she really doesn't want to touch them more than se has to anyway. She reaches a hand out to the nearest wall, not touching it but holding her palm just a hair's width away to see what can be discerned this close.
Oct 21 14:25:15 <Drac-GM>   She felt the strangest pushing, almost as if the wall was crackling and driving her back away from it slightly.
Oct 21 14:33:06 *   Jai_Wo_Xie frowns and turns back to the leader. "Hey," she says, struck by a new thought. "Can you dig?" She bends down and mimes pawing at the ground, looking to see if the leader catches on.
Oct 21 14:36:35 <Drac-GM>   The leader looked at the others and barked, the two starting to tear away at the ground, getting a few feet before hopping backk and pointing down, the three turning at her a bit angrily as down below there was a glowing white shield as well.
Oct 21 14:41:16 *   Jai_Wo_Xie scratches her head, running out of ideas. She decides to test the wall herself, extending her hand *slowly* to the nearest surface and touching the wall very gently, wondering if it repels with as much force as is used...and if it doesn't, it's only fair she take the same risk as the others.
Oct 21 14:42:30 <Drac-GM>   It does seem to do just that, the walls not harming her, but keeping her easily inside them.
Oct 21 14:45:11 <Jai_Wo_Xie>   Now, the next much force can it take? She inches over to the nearest corner and presses her other hand gently against the perpendicular wall. any change? Does it have trouble keeping up with pressure against multiple walls?
Oct 21 14:48:52 <Drac-GM>   It does not seem to, the acolytes that she sees holding their staves not even looking like they notice.
Oct 21 14:52:49 <Jai_Wo_Xie>   Well, she's running out of ideas, at that...she's tempted to try blasting her way through, but they'll have a cage full of madly ricocheting projectiles if that doesn't work. And that's no good for anyone! She takes a swig from her waterskin and then offers it to the "leader," since they might be here a while. "You guys got any ideas?" she asks conversationally.
Oct 21 14:54:59 <Drac-GM>   The leader took it, greedily drinking the rest of it down.  The others growling and barking at him...getting two smacks with his staff before he rose and began...doing the strangest kind of dance.
Oct 21 14:55:03 <Drac-GM>   OOC: Roll diplomacy
Oct 21 14:55:15 <Jai_Wo_Xie>   roll 1d20+8
Oct 21 14:55:16 <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Jai_Wo_Xie rolls 1d20+8 and gets 13." [1d20=5]
Oct 21 14:55:41 <Drac-GM>   It is so silly...she can't help but slightly snicker at the sight.
Oct 21 14:59:41 *   Jai_Wo_Xie stifles that laugh as quickly as she can--it WAS funny, but this isn't the time or place. "My apologies," she says graciously, hoping her embarassment carries through. She bows her head and hopes for the best.
Oct 21 15:06:06 <Drac-GM>   The creature bops her on the head with his cane and gestures her back, continuing its silly dance as the others watch respectfully.
Oct 21 15:07:04 *   Hayato has quit (bedtime -=SysReset 2.53=-)
Oct 21 15:08:57 *   Jai_Wo_Xie winces but is glad her little slip-up didn't make things too much worse than they already were. Lacking much more in the way for ideas, she watches the creature go about its crazy little jog for now.
-10/28/2007 12:37:10 PM.log*   Sunako gives channel operator status to Jai_Wo_Xie
-10/28/2007 12:37:32 PM.log*   Jai_Wo_Xie decides to sit back and watch the creature for a minute, in case it's silly little dance has some magic aspect about it that will help them escape.
-10/28/2007 12:43:11 PM.log<Drac-GM>   The creature looked around after a bit, and seeing their prison no less escapable, began a different silly dance, the other two joining in.
-10/28/2007 12:45:41 PM.log*   Jai_Wo_Xie just continus to watch--she'd help if she could, but she lacks knowledge of what exactly they're doing and can't exactly ask for an in-depth explanation, either. Instead, she studies the walls to see if there's any change in response to the creatures' dance.
-10/28/2007 12:49:13 PM.log<Drac-GM>   Something seems to be forming towards the edge of the enclosed area.
-10/28/2007 12:50:23 PM.log*   Jai_Wo_Xie examines the "something" (without getting *too* close, of course), trying to determine if it resembles any type of magic she's familiar with.
-10/28/2007 12:51:36 PM.log<Drac-GM>   It seems to be a weakening on the fabric of space.
-10/28/2007 12:51:49 PM.log<Drac-GM>   Like the kind that might appear at a summoning.
-10/28/2007 12:55:22 PM.log<Jai_Wo_Xie>   Oh, well...while she doesn't think she's done anything to make these creatures want to hurt her, it's hard to tell how summoned beings will act. She decides not to interfere for now, but *does* take a moment to surround herself with an aura of magical proection just in case things get violent.
-10/28/2007 12:55:40 PM.log<Jai_Wo_Xie>   OOC: Mage Armor cast, yah.
-10/28/2007 12:56:10 PM.log<Drac-GM>   It seems to stay there on the cusp, the little creatures chanting and dancing their hearts out.
-10/28/2007 12:59:28 PM.log<Jai_Wo_Xie>   Hm. Well, she doesn't know any way to get out herself, so maybe she should try and help them out if possible. She doesn't know anything about this dance of theirs (and is a little too self-conscious to try it with all these people watching!), but maybe there's something she can do magically to help them finish their spell?
-10/28/2007 1:03:42 PM.log<Jai_Wo_Xie>   Well, for now at least she tries to sing along as best she can. She doesn't have much of a singing voice, and doesn't know the words, but hopefully mimicing the tune will be enough.
-10/28/2007 1:07:59 PM.log<Drac-GM>   A hole opens up after a bit, the creatures cheering as they rush through and vanish without a trace or a thank you.
-10/28/2007 1:10:34 PM.log*   Jai_Wo_Xie sighs. Well, hopefully that's what she was supposed to do! There's still the matter of getting herself out, though. She takes a moment to look over her examiners. Hopefully they look inclined to shut down the wall?
-10/28/2007 1:15:58 PM.log<Drac-GM>   The walls blinked and went down as the others watched, an unharmed Jai standing in the middle of the empty cortyard.
-10/28/2007 1:17:52 PM.log*   Ebiris is now known as Hayato
-10/28/2007 1:18:09 PM.log*   Jai_Wo_Xie stands up and walks out of the square, assuming the test is over now. "Whew," she says, striding over to her fellow applicants. "I wonder what they were. They smelled awful!"
Well, Goodbye.


Oct 21 14:10:19 <Drac-GM>   A few days into the trials, the group was brought into the main temple, the very amazing room that sara had commented on earlier, nine towering statues of crystal and stone rising up like titans, the room, epic as it was in scale, barely containing them.  There was literally hundreds of pews in the room, each looking like they could sit about fifteen people on it as they were lead down one of the walkways to stand at t
Oct 21 14:10:19 <Drac-GM>   he very feet of the gods.  If nothing else, there was an intense sense of humility the grandeur of it all impressed, making one feel almost small beneath the gaze of the gods.  A trick of the construction, perhaps, left the gods eyes always seeming to watch them as they gathered in at their feet.  Ulrich, continuing to administer their tests, was waiting for them.  "You have done well so far, but piety is as important
Oct 21 14:10:19 <Drac-GM>   to a Divine as any other member of the church.  To live without the grace of the gods is to risk disaster.  Each of you will go forth, and whether in the temple or the city, you will gather an offering for each of the gods.  In doing so, you will demonstrate your respect of them."
Oct 21 14:11:01 <Drac-GM>   A set of acolytes, their faces uncovered stood nearby, dressed in the robes of the various faiths.  Obviously these would be their accompanyment were they to head out into the city on this task.
Oct 21 14:11:47 <Drac-GM>   He did not ask who would participate first, for clearly, this was a test they were  all taking at the same time.  Sara talking with her acolyte and heading off with her, chatting friendly as  she went.  The gnome shortly following as the others began to disperse.
Oct 21 14:12:08 *   Sunako startles. To go out into the city? Where people can be found everywhere? And in broad daylight, at that?
Oct 21 14:14:09 <Drac-GM>   Ulrich stood there, watching them.
Oct 21 14:15:05 <Drac-GM>   A young man stood ready, dressed lightly and bearing a pendant showing his faith to Stamveshdo..
Oct 21 14:15:25 <Sunako>   But the prospect of going back home is much more horrible! Her entire body properly covered, Sunako shuffles outside dejectedly.
Oct 21 14:16:10 <Drac-GM>   The young man walked with her, handsome in his own way, but quietly attending.
Oct 21 14:16:21 <Drac-GM>   The city is huge and it is likely anything she sought she could find here.
Oct 21 14:17:59 <Sunako>   "Dazzling creature," Sunako addresses the acolyte without preamble. "Which area of the city has the least amount of people on its streets?"
Oct 21 14:18:20 *   Jai_Wo_Xie ( has joined #horribleroomofrape
Oct 21 14:23:16 <Drac-GM>   "The...least amount of people?  At this time of day...  it'd be..." he gestured, directing to a slightly rougher quarter of the city, residential where most of the residents would be out.
Oct 21 14:25:04 <Sunako>   Sunako scurries in that direction, seeking out the blessings of shadow whenever she can find them. The choice of acolytes assigned to her made all the difference in Sunako's mind; surely, by relying on luck and marching on she would be able to reach her goal!
Oct 21 14:28:29 <Drac-GM>   Walking as such, the acolyte looked a bit oddly at her, but followed behind the strange  woman.  He didn't really get it, but it wasn't his job to get, he mused, certain this would be an odd story when they went drinking later. Traveling through, she proceeded to trip over someone resting in the shade.
Oct 21 14:30:07 <Sunako>   Sunako throws the shade-bound being a quick, hopeful glance. Is it some manner of demon or zombie she managed to stumble on? A hungry ghost she will finally get to befriend? A skeleton left in the open, its bones bleached?
Oct 21 14:34:47 <Drac-GM>   "hey, look where you're going," the small young elf twitched at  as he got up from where he'd been tripped over, glaring.  "What's wrong with you, hag?  Eyesight going?" He might've been a kid, but he certainly had a rude mouth on him.
Oct 21 14:36:27 *   Sunako turns to look back at the acolyte, a distorted smile visible through the cowl she wears. "Can we use him as the offering?"
Oct 21 14:38:35 <Drac-GM>   "It is your decision, lady petitioner,"  He replied with a put-upon look on his face.
Oct 21 14:39:53 *   Sunako peers down at the boy. "A straying soul, twisted in anguish... would you like to become one with Botan?"
Oct 21 14:41:02 <Drac-GM>   "What?  ..." he stared with confusion and then a bit of fear at the creepy lady.
Oct 21 14:41:05 <Drac-GM>   OOC: roll intimidate
Oct 21 14:41:52 *   You've invited Hatbot to #horribleroomofrape (
Oct 21 14:41:52 *   Drac-GM invited Hatbot into the channel.
Oct 21 14:41:52 *   Hatbot ( has joined #horribleroomofrape
Oct 21 14:41:58 <Sunako>   Sunako's smile widens.
Oct 21 14:42:05 <Sunako>   roll 1d20+6
Oct 21 14:42:05 <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Sunako rolls 1d20+6 and gets 20." [1d20=14]
Oct 21 14:43:11 <Drac-GM>   The boy shrieks pointing at her.  "HIKKOMORI!" and runs off, leaving the two alone.  The attendant clearly not looking too happy at the turn of events.
Oct 21 14:44:42 <Sunako>   Feeling recharged, Sunako skips onwards, giggling to herself. Her first task, to find a cloud. A wet spong would probably do for that.
Oct 21 14:51:45 <Drac-GM>   Heading off, she spots one through a window pane, an older woman scrubbing her dishes with a wet sponge inside.
Oct 21 14:53:24 *   Sunako plasters herself to the window's surface, her hood climbing up just past her mouth. "Please let me borrow that sponge," she asks, her voice coming distorted through the glass.
Oct 21 14:56:21 <Drac-GM>   "What?...who..." The old woman turned to face her.  "...what are you doing there?"
Oct 21 14:59:16 <Sunako>   "Please give me the sponge," Sunako rasps, pressing her palm against the window and letting it slide down slowly. "I need it for my trials. If I can't pass them, I'd rather die, become a ghost and haunt people." She can't help but chuckle at the prospect, however.
Oct 21 15:00:09 <Drac-GM>   OOC: Roll intimidate
Oct 21 15:00:27 <Sunako>   roll 1d20+6
Oct 21 15:00:27 <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Sunako rolls 1d20+6 and gets 23." [1d20=17]
Oct 21 15:04:32 <Drac-GM>   The woman looked rather shaken at it.  'W-What manner of creature are you...  Amaretasu protect me!" she made a sign against the creepy woman.
Oct 21 15:06:06 <Sunako>   "Surya's gift... I must have it...." Sunako's breath fogs up the lower segment of the glass.
-10/28/2007 12:35:57 PM.log<Sunako>   "It has to be Surya's gift," Sunako states piteously. "I need it to present it at the temple, or I fail."
-10/28/2007 12:38:38 PM.log*   Jai_Wo_Xie ( has joined #horribleroomofrape
-10/28/2007 12:42:41 PM.log<Drac-GM>   "A gift to the gods...well,..." She looked at the acolyte beside her, the young man looking like he'd rather be anywhere but here.  "Okay."  She opened the window, offering the sponge.
-10/28/2007 12:45:22 PM.log*   Sunako takes it, stashing it promptly underneath her cloak. "Thank you, granny," Sunako tells the old woman, bowing, and departs. Now on her agenda is a veil, and she scans the laundry lines in the area for one.
-10/28/2007 12:49:45 PM.log<Drac-GM>   No one seems to be hanging a veil on the laundry lines today.  Unfortunate.
-10/28/2007 12:52:53 PM.log<Drac-GM>   Hanging his head, the unnamed acolyte followed her.
-10/28/2007 12:53:33 PM.log*   Sunako steels her heart and decides to brave the market place, waving the acolyte to follow. Even there, she will stay to the shadowed sections, while looking for a suitable veil.
-10/28/2007 12:59:45 PM.log<Drac-GM>   She sees a bridal shop across the way.  They would have plenty.
-10/28/2007 1:00:41 PM.log*   Sunako directs her steps towards it. While white is to be expected, she hopes to find different colors among those offered.
-10/28/2007 1:03:14 PM.log<Drac-GM>   Indeed, she finds dozens of colors around, mixtures too, a silken green with white streaks is a favorite this season it seems.  "Do you need help miss?"  A young woman asks.
-10/28/2007 1:05:23 PM.log<Sunako>   "A veil for Amaterasu," Sunako murmurs to herself. "Something in pretty red...."
-10/28/2007 1:07:16 PM.log<Drac-GM>   "For...oh, going to a fefstival?" She didn't quite get it, but she lead to a set of pretty red veils, ranging from expensive gold trimmed finery, to more modest and simple ones.
-10/28/2007 1:08:48 PM.log<Sunako>   The more modest it is, the more of it would be red and not some cheerful, bright color. Sunako browses through the selection, before settling on one she wouldn't mind wearing herself, if she didn't have her hooded cloak.
-10/28/2007 1:10:24 PM.log<Drac-GM>   "That will be 4 silvers," The woman replied, ringing her up, one might say.
-10/28/2007 1:10:54 PM.log*   Sunako looks expectantly at the acolyte.
-10/28/2007 1:11:48 PM.log*   Ebiris ( has joined #horribleroomofrape
-10/28/2007 1:15:20 PM.log<Drac-GM>   He grumbled, paying for the veil.  "If you insist.  Well then...where to next, miss Sunako?"
-10/28/2007 1:17:51 PM.log<Sunako>   "It's no good buying the offerings, that should be the last resort," Sunako considers, already moving away as the veil disappears into her volumnous cloak. "Some fertile soil, yes, yes."
-10/28/2007 1:17:52 PM.log*   Ebiris is now known as Hayato
-10/28/2007 1:20:41 PM.log<Drac-GM>   "To a farm then?"  He suggested at her request.
-10/28/2007 1:21:53 PM.log<Sunako>   A farm is too much open space with not enough cover. Sunako takes them to look for an errant flower pot instead. Surely, the owners wouldn't object if she took a small bit.
-10/28/2007 1:22:36 PM.log<Drac-GM>   She does see a few flowers outside a windowsill.  They seem well cared for.
-10/28/2007 1:22:58 PM.log*   Sunako knocks on the window, peering inside.
-10/28/2007 1:24:43 PM.log<Drac-GM>   Doesn't seem anyone is home at the moment.  Makes sense, most people are out and about during the day.
-10/28/2007 1:29:58 PM.log<Sunako>   Sunako takes a bit of earth from each pot, distributing the remainder evenly, and places it into a small, empty bag. Then, after writing a thank you note and placing it below the central flower, Sunako smiles to herself. "Tsunami, check!" The next one is easy to her, as she decides to look for a few wild flowers, and make a crown out of them.
-10/28/2007 1:33:39 PM.log<Drac-GM>   There wouldn't be many so close to the bazaar, but traveling but a short ways, she finds a park with some pretty pink flowers.
-10/28/2007 1:34:05 PM.log*   Sunako gasps, and tries to find differently-colored flowers growing wild.
-10/28/2007 1:35:45 PM.log<Drac-GM>   She remembers hearing that there are some pretty flowers in the fields of some of the nobles, but the best bet for lots of wild flowers would be further out from the city.
-10/28/2007 1:36:32 PM.log*   Sunako heads farther out, then, confident that her shadow would stop her if that were against the rules.
-10/28/2007 1:39:19 PM.log<Drac-GM>   He did not, staying behind her as soon she found a small farm towards the edge of the city with several kinds of flowers.
-10/28/2007 1:40:08 PM.log*   Sunako tries to collect dark colors, but just about anything would do for her crown of flowers but white and pink.
-10/28/2007 1:44:43 PM.log<Drac-GM>   Well, she gets some reds and blues.  Not much for dark wild flowers out here.
-10/28/2007 1:45:05 PM.log<Drac-GM>   It isn't pretty, but it is a workable crown of flowers.
-10/28/2007 1:46:20 PM.log<Sunako>   "Check." Sunako puts the crown on, and considers her next move. "How do you become stronger?" she suddenly asks the acolyte.
-10/28/2007 1:49:47 PM.log<Drac-GM>   "In what?" The young man wondered at the strangely sporadic candidate.
-10/28/2007 1:50:23 PM.log<Sunako>   "A stronger god, so others won't look down on you for being weak," Sunako clarifies.
-10/28/2007 2:00:40 PM.log<Drac-GM>   "I idea what you're asking," he replied back to her.
-10/28/2007 2:01:34 PM.log*   Sunako looks disappointed. "Back to the market, then. We need an oar and a scary mas-- two scary masks."
-10/28/2007 2:07:24 PM.log<Drac-GM>   The acolyte nodded, following as was his duty.  "You might find an oar better at one of the docks or fishing lakes.
-10/28/2007 2:07:54 PM.log*   Sunako decides to try a fishing lake, then!
-10/28/2007 2:09:35 PM.log<Drac-GM>   and sure enough, there were plenty of oars, lovers rowing across the lake, boats strung aside docks, oars included.  It was a bit  late for fishing today, but one of the nearby ship places was still open.
-10/28/2007 2:11:10 PM.log*   Sunako shies away from the couples, lurking next to the open boating equipment business as she looks for an oar that would fit Botan.
-10/28/2007 2:16:14 PM.log<Drac-GM>   There are some new ones, some old ones, even a couple broken ones in a pile next to the store.
-10/28/2007 2:16:20 PM.log<Drac-GM>   She may want to ask first.
-10/28/2007 2:16:57 PM.log*   Sunako checks whether there is one that doesn't have a pair, first.
-10/28/2007 2:21:24 PM.log<Drac-GM>   Indeed, one is rather lonely on the farthest boat out.
-10/28/2007 2:24:06 PM.log*   Sunako takes it and goes to look for someone in charge.
-10/28/2007 2:27:30 PM.log<Sunako>   The adjacent cabin seems like the perfect place for that!
-10/28/2007 2:28:05 PM.log<Drac-GM>   Heading to the cabin, she finds a grimy fisherman, the type that is told about in every story on fishing ever.  Complete with the white hair and the anchronistic coat.  "Eh?  What you doing young lady?" He didn't seem put off at all.  But maybe that's because he smelled worse.
-10/28/2007 2:29:32 PM.log<Sunako>   "I need this oar for Botan," Sunako says, smiling widely as she names her favorite deity. "Having spares is important, don't you think?"
-10/28/2007 2:33:58 PM.log<Drac-GM>   "Eh, a tribute to Botan?  Isn't it a bit early in the year?" The man scratched his nose.  "And why not for Yang-tse-Kiang?"
-10/28/2007 2:35:23 PM.log*   Sunako silently points to the crown of flowers she's made herself. "Already have that offering."
-10/28/2007 2:36:14 PM.log<Drac-GM>   The man laughed.  "A cocky one.  How about this...if you can catch one fish with your hands, I'll give you the oar for free."
-10/28/2007 2:36:54 PM.log*   Sunako points back at the acolyte. "Can he pay for it instead? We're already behind schedule."
-10/28/2007 2:44:07 PM.log<Drac-GM>   "Oh fine... 3 coppers."
-10/28/2007 2:44:14 PM.log<Drac-GM>   The priest looked at her before paying.
-10/28/2007 2:46:02 PM.log<Sunako>   "I'll go fishing with you later," Sunako promises, and heads towards the marketplace once more, oar disappearing into the folds of her volumnous black cloak.
-10/28/2007 2:53:22 PM.log<Drac-GM>   Heading back towards the market place, it took some time, but she found a costume and mask vendor on the side of the road.
-10/28/2007 2:54:06 PM.log*   Sunako picks a matching pair of masks, the scariest the store has to offer!
-10/28/2007 2:57:56 PM.log<Drac-GM>   "That'll be 5 silver," The creepy guy maintaining the stand replied as she showed him the two fiercesome masks.
-10/28/2007 2:59:29 PM.log*   Sunako is already deciding on her next move, opting to let her shadow deal with the mundane portion of the test. Though the vendor seems like a great person, so she'll probably return some time!
-10/28/2007 3:01:09 PM.log*   Sunako skulks onwards, looking for a place that sells herbs.
11/4/2007 11:32:06 AM <Drac_GM>   Her acolyte followed her quietly and frustratedly a bit as she skulked onwards.  Thinking of it, wasn't there some places that sold plants and things in the city.  Indeed, she could see a humble plant shop not too far away, tended by what seemed to be a working family.
11/4/2007 11:36:12 AM <Sunako>   Only by a supreme effort did Sunako resist the urge to put on a mask as she approached the shop. Herbs that when ground together into mush would soothe a burn were her goal, and she wasted no time pointing them out, the hood on her cloak dipping lower as she faced the shopkeeper.
11/4/2007 11:38:18 AM <Drac_GM>   The tanned older man smiled, helping her out and carefully pruning some, "This'll cost a copper young lady.  They're particularly good at cleansing.  Did you have an accident recently?"
11/4/2007 11:40:10 AM *   Sunako shook her head, and offered a copper piece to him. "I just need it," she spoke simply, an eye peering at the man out from beneath the hood briefly before it was covered up once more.
11/4/2007 11:43:30 AM <Drac_GM>   "Okay...  you should get some light though, it'll stunt your growth."  He shuffled it into a little leafy wrapping and gave it to her.
11/4/2007 11:44:34 AM <Sunako>   "I'm fine, thank you," Sunako responded, taking the package, where it soon joined the others underneath her cloak. Turning towards the acolyte, she told him, "All done. Let's go back?"
11/4/2007 11:45:19 AM <Drac_GM>   "You have everything you need?" He stared a bit in surprise.
11/4/2007 11:45:38 AM *   Sunako dips her head.
11/4/2007 11:48:44 AM <Drac_GM>   "Okay," the still unnamed acolyte lead the way back to the temple district, leading her into the  very same holy room that they'd started the day in many hours earlier.  The statues stood most impressively over her.
11/4/2007 11:50:02 AM *   Sunako decided to withdraw what she had and settle the objects neatly next to one another, adding her own handkerchief to the collection before sitting back to wait.
11/4/2007 11:57:28 AM <Sunako>   Nodding to herself at last, she began to place each gift before the corresponding statue. "A nice, pretty veil for a shy person," she told Amaterasu's likeness, doing her best to deliver the gift properly. Taking off the crown of flowers from her head, she offered it to Yang-Tse-Kiang. "Something to distinguish a king." A scary mask went to Naga Raja, the other notably being kept by Sunako herself. "Very fierce," she told
11/4/2007 11:57:29 AM <Sunako>    herself, smiling in delight. (more)
11/4/2007 12:01:50 PM <Sunako>   "Some more herbs can never hurt," Sunako commented, placing the purchased ones by Midzu-chi's feet. Standing by Botan's statue, Sunako spent a while merely admiring it, before offering her a spare oar in excellent condition. Haruna received Sunako's handkerchief, with Sunako telling her to have something to wipe away her tears. At Surya's statue, Sunako seemed conflicted, and finally left a wet sponge. "It's a cloud," she
11/4/2007 12:01:50 PM <Sunako>    said convincingly. "Please practice on it, because I couldn't get the real thing?" Passing Stamveshdo's statue, Sunako shrugged. "This entire quest was really my offering to you. Could I bring something to top that?"
11/4/2007 12:04:07 PM <Sunako>   Her journey ends by Tsunami's statue, where a humble offering of fertile earth that brought up beautiful flowers already is left.
11/4/2007 12:14:50 PM <Drac_GM>   A variety of other offerings were in front of the statues, some having finished before hand.  Ulrich was there waiting for her and nodding, keeping most of his council to himself on how she had done as they had throughout the trials.  Unfortunately, none of her fellow trial goers were around.  "I witness the completion of this trial.  As with all things, may the journey ever travel under the grace of the nine suns."
11/4/2007 12:16:03 PM <Sunako>   "I was last?" she asked in surprise.
11/4/2007 12:16:55 PM <Drac_GM>   "No, but neither were you first.  You may go and rest in the temple until tomorrow.  We will be heading out of the city for the next trial and there will be ample walking involved."
11/4/2007 12:17:53 PM *   Sunako nodded, and after sketching a polite bow left the room to explore the rest of the premises.
Well, Goodbye.


-10/28/2007 1:27:45 PM.log<Drac-GM>   Ulrich, the day before the holy day of the week, lead them out to the woods, having offered good boots for the trip, taking them early into the deep woods and turning. "Your next quest is to return to the temple from here."
-10/28/2007 1:30:20 PM.log<Hayato>   "That shouldn't be any trouble," Hayato grins, glad to be in his element after the numerous cerebral and touchy-feely tests he'd had to endure thus far.
-10/28/2007 1:31:33 PM.log<Drac-GM>   "Know that these woods are fraught with all manners of beasts and creatures.  Go forth," He stood, waiting for them to depart.
-10/28/2007 1:32:52 PM.log<Jai_Wo_Xie>   "Hey, I spent a lot of time in the woods as a kid," Jai says, sounding confident. "I think I can manage this."
-10/28/2007 1:33:04 PM.log*   Hayato is about to set off before he pauses. "Wait a minute... that's part of the test!" he exclaims in triumph. "You said we're not allowed out of the temple unescorted or else we fail. Haha, almost fooled me, but not quite," he grin.
-10/28/2007 1:34:48 PM.log<Drac-GM>   The high priest smiled.  "There are rangers throughout the woods that will be keeping an eye on all of you.  You may proceed without worry.  Acolytes will meet you on the other side."
-10/28/2007 1:35:12 PM.log<Hayato>   "You're sure?" Hayato asks suspiciously.
-10/28/2007 1:38:47 PM.log<Drac-GM>   He nodded.  "We are trying to see your worthiness, Hayato."
-10/28/2007 1:39:43 PM.log<Hayato>   "Alright, then. I'll see you back at the temple, high priest," Hayato tempers his tone with some respect and then starts off back the way they came into the woods, returning to the temple.
-10/28/2007 1:40:27 PM.log*   Kotono is now known as Tiny_Ko_Army_Spacestation
-10/28/2007 1:40:48 PM.log*   Jai_Wo_Xie nods and walks alongside Hayato, occasionally peering off into the woods to try and catch a glimpse of these rangers that are supposedly tailing them.
-10/28/2007 1:42:34 PM.log<Hayato>   "Hoping you won't need to sing, this time?" Hayato asks jovially as they stroll along, not terribly concerned with what else may be sharing these woods.
-10/28/2007 1:43:00 PM.log<Drac-GM>   OOC: roll survival, both of you =)
-10/28/2007 1:43:16 PM.log*   Jai_Wo_Xie laughs. "Yeah. It usually takes a fair deal of drink to get me to do that, but I didn't see an alternative there."
-10/28/2007 1:43:43 PM.log<Drac-GM>   Jai sees no sign of them.
-10/28/2007 1:43:44 PM.log<Jai_Wo_Xie>   roll 1d20
-10/28/2007 1:43:45 PM.log<Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Jai_Wo_Xie rolls 1d20 and gets 6." [1d20=6]
-10/28/2007 1:43:57 PM.log<Drac-GM>   But then she also almost missed the rabbit that scurried away from her foot.
-10/28/2007 1:44:49 PM.log<Hayato>   roll 1d20+9
-10/28/2007 1:44:49 PM.log<Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Hayato rolls 1d20+9 and gets 22." [1d20=13]
-10/28/2007 1:46:05 PM.log<Drac-GM>   Coming across a little stream, Hayato notices something swimming with the fishes, a little bigger and a darker shade of blue.
-10/28/2007 1:46:52 PM.log<Hayato>   Its a fish. But Hayato isn't especially hungry and pays it no mind, continuing the walk through the woods towards the temple.
-10/28/2007 1:48:20 PM.log*   Jai_Wo_Xie would be curious enough to stop and take a look at it if she'd spotted it, but she didn't. She continues walking, partly keeping an eye out for critters but mostly just enjoying the day.
-10/28/2007 1:52:05 PM.log<Drac-GM>   Heading onwards, the woods are pleasantly quiet, the animals starting to aclimate to their presence as they walked.  Hayato notices the prints of some large animal crossing the path they're  taking.
-10/28/2007 1:53:23 PM.log<Hayato>   Unless he actually sees an animal, Hayato totally doesn't care, and just keeps right on walking!
-10/28/2007 1:55:33 PM.log*   Jai_Wo_Xie attempts to make conversation as they walk, having to walk a little faster than usual to keep up with the much taller ranger. "So, first time in the city?" she says for starters.
-10/28/2007 1:55:59 PM.log<Drac-GM>   OOC: Survival again
-10/28/2007 1:56:13 PM.log<Hayato>   roll 1d20+9
-10/28/2007 1:56:16 PM.log<Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Hayato rolls 1d20+9 and gets 27." [1d20=18]
-10/28/2007 1:56:27 PM.log<Jai_Wo_Xie>   roll 1d20
-10/28/2007 1:56:30 PM.log<Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Jai_Wo_Xie rolls 1d20 and gets 9." [1d20=9]
-10/28/2007 1:58:08 PM.log<Hayato>   "Yeah," Hayato nods. "I've travelled around a lot, but originally I came from Pyodun. It's a little village you probably haven't heard of. What about you?"
-10/28/2007 2:00:19 PM.log<Drac-GM>   They hear a river running along ahead of them as they proceed, making good time taking the straight route through the woods.  Hayato noticed something carved in one of the trees, a pair of mallards wandering through the woods.
-10/28/2007 2:00:34 PM.log*   Jai_Wo_Xie laughs again. "A little village you probably haven't heard of either. Jingdao, up in the northwest. Cozy little place, I guess, but not much to it if you're not inclined to be a farmer."
-10/28/2007 2:01:04 PM.log*   Carthrat-Sleep has quit (-=SysReset 2.53=-)
-10/28/2007 2:02:25 PM.log<Hayato>   "Yeah, couldn't stand to be a farmer, myself," Hayato agrees. "Had to get out or I'd go crazy in a place like that... huh," he pauses and looks at the ducks on the tree. "Why would someone carve such a stupid looking picture?"
-10/28/2007 2:03:40 PM.log*   Jai_Wo_Xie stops to look at the carving Hayato's pointed out. "Hey, I think it's kind of cute," she says, leaning in for a better look. Then she shrugs. "Couldn't tell you why it's there, though."
-10/28/2007 2:04:13 PM.log<Drac-GM>   OOC: Roll knowledge Nature
-10/28/2007 2:04:18 PM.log<Hayato>   roll 1d20+4
-10/28/2007 2:04:18 PM.log<Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Hayato rolls 1d20+4 and gets 8." [1d20=4]
-10/28/2007 2:04:41 PM.log<Hayato>   "I can see two lovers' names, but ducks?" Hayato shakes his head in wonder before dismissing it and continuing onwards.
-10/28/2007 2:06:44 PM.log<Jai_Wo_Xie>   "I dunno, maybe it's some kind of warning? 'Caution: flesh-eating ducks present?'"
-10/28/2007 2:07:24 PM.log<Hayato>   "They didn't look especially murderous," Hayato snorts.
-10/28/2007 2:07:53 PM.log<Drac-GM>   Hayato couldn't make much out of them.  He knew there was something important there, but it just wasn't coming to mind.
-10/28/2007 2:08:17 PM.log<Hayato>   If it was truly important then clearly he'd remember.
-10/28/2007 2:08:52 PM.log*   Jai_Wo_Xie shrugs. "Hey, appearances can be deceiving. Of course, if it was a warning, they'd've made it clear, like giving them big nasty pointy teeth or something, so I imagine you're right."
-10/28/2007 2:12:23 PM.log<Drac-GM>   Heading onwards through the woods, they soon came to that river they'd heard, the water was beautiful, fish leaping from it as it flowed through the woods, requiring crossing to carry on.  No sign of a bridge though.
-10/28/2007 2:12:53 PM.log<Hayato>   How did they cross it to get out here in the first place?
-10/28/2007 2:14:12 PM.log<Jai_Wo_Xie>   "Hrm," Jai grunts. "How deep does that look to you?"
-10/28/2007 2:16:47 PM.log<Hayato>   Okay, how wide and deep is the river?
-10/28/2007 2:17:44 PM.log<Drac-GM>   The river seems to be about tweleve feet across, it was hard to tell how deep as the waters were quite dark.
-10/28/2007 2:19:10 PM.log<Hayato>   "Deep enough I can't see the bottom. Come on, shouldn't be too hard to find a crossing if you want to avoid swimming," Hayato suggests, starting to move either upstream or downstream, whichever keeps them heading back towards the general direction of the temple.
-10/28/2007 2:19:36 PM.log*   Jai_Wo_Xie walks along the bank. "Well, I could swim over if I had to, but I'd rather it wasn't necessary. Yeah, let's head upstream a ways."
-10/28/2007 2:21:08 PM.log<Drac-GM>   OOC: Spot checks
-10/28/2007 2:21:16 PM.log<Hayato>   roll 1d20+9
-10/28/2007 2:21:16 PM.log<Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Hayato rolls 1d20+9 and gets 16." [1d20=7]
-10/28/2007 2:21:29 PM.log<Jai_Wo_Xie>   roll 1d20
-10/28/2007 2:21:29 PM.log<Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Jai_Wo_Xie rolls 1d20 and gets 13." [1d20=13]
-10/28/2007 2:23:49 PM.log<Drac-GM>   Hayato notices something watching them in the river, going along with them as they start to walk upstream.  It is hard to see in the water, but they are being followed.
-10/28/2007 2:24:26 PM.log*   Hayato tries to look closer, pausing a moment as he turns and looks straight at the watching thing.
-10/28/2007 2:25:18 PM.log*   Jai_Wo_Xie doesn't notice anything's up until Hayato stops, and follows suit after him. "Hey, find something?"
-10/28/2007 2:25:49 PM.log<Hayato>   "We're being followed, look," Hayato points for Jai's benefit as he tries to make out the details.
-10/28/2007 2:26:39 PM.log<Drac-GM>   Looking together, they see...some large turtles?
-10/28/2007 2:27:14 PM.log<Hayato>   Are they just turtles or... evil kappa demons that want to eat them?
-10/28/2007 2:27:26 PM.log<Jai_Wo_Xie>   "Got any notion who or what it is?" she asks, just then spotting the creatures. "Oh! Turtles," she says with approval. Then, with confusion, "Why would turtles follow us?"
-10/28/2007 2:29:13 PM.log<Drac-GM>   OOC: Roll initiative.
-10/28/2007 2:29:20 PM.log<Hayato>   OOC: that answers that!
-10/28/2007 2:29:25 PM.log<Hayato>   roll 1d20+4
-10/28/2007 2:29:25 PM.log<Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Hayato rolls 1d20+4 and gets 8." [1d20=4]
-10/28/2007 2:30:32 PM.log<Jai_Wo_Xie>   roll 1d20+3
-10/28/2007 2:30:32 PM.log<Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Jai_Wo_Xie rolls 1d20+3 and gets 13." [1d20=10]
-10/28/2007 2:31:07 PM.log<Drac-GM>   roll 1d20+3
-10/28/2007 2:31:08 PM.log<Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Drac-GM rolls 1d20+3 and gets 11." [1d20=8]
-10/28/2007 2:31:08 PM.log<Drac-GM>   roll 1d20+3
-10/28/2007 2:31:09 PM.log<Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Drac-GM rolls 1d20+3 and gets 21." [1d20=18]
-10/28/2007 2:31:35 PM.log*   Drac-GM has changed the topic to: Kappa > Jai> Kappa > Hayato
-10/28/2007 2:39:06 PM.log<Drac-GM>   A rock flung forth at them as they discussed it, flying from deep in the waters.
-10/28/2007 2:39:40 PM.log<Drac-GM>   roll 1d20+9
-10/28/2007 2:39:42 PM.log<Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Drac-GM rolls 1d20+9 and gets 11." [1d20=2]
-10/28/2007 2:39:59 PM.log<Drac-GM>   Smashing next to a tree and cleaning missing Jai's too tender head.
-10/28/2007 2:40:02 PM.log<Drac-GM>   OOC: Jai
-10/28/2007 2:41:56 PM.log*   Jai_Wo_Xie leaps back in surprise. "Yipe!" She sidles away from the river, watching for more projectiles and trying to remain just close enough for her to fire back at the creatures if it looks necessary. "I shoulda done this when we left," she says, conjuring an aura of protection around her.
-10/28/2007 2:46:44 PM.log<Drac-GM>   roll 1d20+9
-10/28/2007 2:46:45 PM.log<Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Drac-GM rolls 1d20+9 and gets 13." [1d20=4]
-10/28/2007 2:47:02 PM.log*   Drac-GM has changed the topic to: Kappa > Jai> Kappa2 > Hayato
-10/28/2007 2:47:12 PM.log<Drac-GM>   Another rock flung from the river at Jai, smashing off her newly formed shield.
-10/28/2007 2:47:42 PM.log*   Hayato draws his bow and follows Jai, backing away from the river and using the trees for cover. "I heard somewhere that kappas die if the water on their head tips out, and they're really polite, too. So if they follow us, try bowing?"
-10/28/2007 2:47:47 PM.log<Hayato>   OOC: designating dodge on kappa 1
-10/28/2007 2:48:04 PM.log<Drac-GM>   OOC: Got it.
-10/28/2007 2:48:09 PM.log<Drac-GM>   OOC: Done?
-10/28/2007 2:48:55 PM.log<Hayato>   OOC: I took a move equivalent and a move action. I'm done.
-10/28/2007 2:49:04 PM.log<Hayato>   OOC: and a free action by talking. How busy I am!
-10/28/2007 2:49:17 PM.log<Drac-GM>   OOC: *Nods*
-10/28/2007 2:49:24 PM.log<Drac-GM>   roll 1d20+9
-10/28/2007 2:49:25 PM.log<Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Drac-GM rolls 1d20+9 and gets 28." [1d20=19]
-10/28/2007 2:50:00 PM.log<Drac-GM>   roll 1d3+3
-10/28/2007 2:50:01 PM.log<Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Drac-GM rolls 1d3+3 and gets 6." [1d3=3]
-10/28/2007 2:50:17 PM.log<Drac-GM>   This one slammed through jai's shield with jarring force, catching the young sorceress in the shoulder.  That'd leave a bruise for sure.
-10/28/2007 2:53:40 PM.log<Drac-GM>   OOC: Jai
-10/28/2007 2:54:13 PM.log*   Jai_Wo_Xie reels back and winces. "Ow, damn damn damn," she mutters as she darts for cover behind a thick tree near Hayato. "Do we want to try running? I doubt they can move too fast," she says, panting. "If we stick around, well, I'm not feeling too polite right now." She waves her hand dramatically, miming bombarding the creatures.
-10/28/2007 2:55:30 PM.log<Hayato>   "I can't shoot through water, anyway. Lets just leave them," Hayato agrees.
-10/28/2007 2:56:40 PM.log<Drac-GM>   roll 1d100
-10/28/2007 2:56:41 PM.log<Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Drac-GM rolls 1d100 and gets 68." [1d100=68]
-10/28/2007 2:56:59 PM.log<Drac-GM>   A rock bangs against Hayato's tree.
-10/28/2007 2:59:19 PM.log*   Hayato backs away from the river, just barely keeping it in sight through the foliage. "Lets continue upstream a bit from here - we should be able to see any crossings without tempting turtle demons."
-10/28/2007 3:01:05 PM.log*   Jai_Wo_Xie flees, a little embarassed to have been chased away by turtles, but quite willing to leave without an open fight--it's a long walk back without that, after all. She rubs her shoulder as she walks along. "Ow ow ow. You run into these things before?"
-10/28/2007 3:02:12 PM.log*   Hayato shakes his head. "No, just heard tavern tales... not even sure if that stuff about bowing is true, to be honest..." he admits a bit dubiously.
-10/28/2007 3:03:55 PM.log<Drac-GM>   The turtles did not seem to follow, though running from them left them somewhat disoriented.
-10/28/2007 3:04:13 PM.log<Jai_Wo_Xie>   "Well then...if we see more of them, mind if I try introducing them to some holy fire before bowing? I mean, just to be on the safe side, in case what you heard really was just a rumor."
11/4/2007 12:05:34 PM <Hayato>   roll 1d20+9
11/4/2007 12:05:34 PM <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Hayato rolls 1d20+9 and gets 18." [1d20=9]
11/4/2007 12:06:27 PM <Jai_Wo_Xie>   roll 1d20
11/4/2007 12:06:28 PM <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Jai_Wo_Xie rolls 1d20 and gets 17." [1d20=17]
11/4/2007 12:10:39 PM <Hayato>   As he just said, Hayato continues upstream a bit, no longer directly next to the river so as to avoid tempting evil ninja turtles, but close enough that any crossings will be apparent.
11/4/2007 12:11:51 PM *   Jai_Wo_Xie follows along, reasonably far away from the river but close enough to scan for any more problems along the lines of uncooperative turtle demons.
11/4/2007 12:12:04 PM <Drac_GM>   Searching over the grounds, the two of them found...two separate paths.  One leading further upriver that looked promising and relatively safe beneath the tree cover, and another that headed around and back, towards a hill.  The first wasn't as  pleasant to walk through, but was lower to the ground and definitely upstream.  The other looked like it was heading away from the river in its own way, towards a higher more hilly groun
11/4/2007 12:12:04 PM <Drac_GM>   d.
11/4/2007 12:14:38 PM <Hayato>   Well, they have to cross the river to get back to the temple, so it's not really much of a decision. Hayato continues along the tree-lined path!
11/4/2007 12:15:05 PM *   Jai_Wo_Xie frowns. "Well, I'm tempted to stick to the river unless you've got a good reason not to. At least we know what kind of critters we're dealing with here!" She continues along the same path as Hayato.
11/4/2007 12:16:21 PM <Hayato>   roll 1d20+9
11/4/2007 12:16:21 PM <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Hayato rolls 1d20+9 and gets 19." [1d20=10]
11/4/2007 12:17:35 PM <Hayato>   "No sense heading back that way, since it means we might miss any crossings," Hayato nods, frowning a bit as he occassionally glances towards the river, more watchful for evil turtles than crossings, honestly.
11/4/2007 12:19:02 PM <Drac_GM>   Hayato noticed that the forest was seeming exceedingly strange as they kept along it, not exactly normal.  The forest was definitely not a mundane one, some of the trees unfamiliar to him, and moreso a smaller one he knew he passed earlier before they pulled away from the river was a towering giant now as they crossed by it, heading further upstream.  Through the bushes, he noticed a small burrow hidden a bit ahead of them, smal
11/4/2007 12:19:02 PM <Drac_GM>   l pawprints around it in the soft dirt.
11/4/2007 12:22:42 PM <Hayato>   "Watch out in case you see a badger or something," Hayato indicates the burrow for Jai's benefit. "Vicious little fu-" he just catches himself and amends for the girl's benefit, "furry animals. Say, do these trees look different to you? I'm sure we passed this part on our way out here and they were smaller..."
11/4/2007 12:23:53 PM *   Jai_Wo_Xie glances around at the trees and is unable to see any difference, not recognizing this as someplace she's been before. "I don't know. Are you sure we've been here before? Maybe the area just looks similar?"
11/4/2007 12:24:09 PM <Jai_Wo_Xie>   roll 1d20
11/4/2007 12:24:09 PM <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Jai_Wo_Xie rolls 1d20 and gets 8." [1d20=8]
11/4/2007 12:26:23 PM <Drac_GM>   Its hard to tell, the trees do seem a bit odd and large, but she's not used to watching them and couldn't tell if it is just different trees.
11/4/2007 12:27:07 PM <Hayato>   "Well... hmm. It could just be that the lay of the land is similar, but... something about it just rubs me the wrong way," Hayato replies, rubbing his chin for a moment and looking around before shrugging and continuing onwards.
11/4/2007 12:27:54 PM *   Jai_Wo_Xie just shrugs as well and follows along, not able to see any real difference around her.
11/4/2007 12:31:41 PM <Drac_GM>   Hayato noticed as he lead them around it, a few small bunnies hopping through the bushes, their burrow undisturbed by his kindness.  The path seemed to be getting a little more open, the trees spreading out.
11/4/2007 12:32:42 PM *   Hayato continues strolling along. If they did pass this area previously, that means there must be a crossing that was used, nearby, right? They're bound to find it, sooner or later!
11/4/2007 12:34:00 PM *   Jai_Wo_Xie hums to herself softly as she walks along, rather enjoying the walk despite that nasty bruise on her shoulder.
11/4/2007 12:34:22 PM <Drac_GM>   OOC: Survival rolls of lol :)
11/4/2007 12:34:36 PM <Hayato>   roll 1d20+9
11/4/2007 12:34:36 PM <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Hayato rolls 1d20+9 and gets 29." [1d20=20]
11/4/2007 12:35:17 PM <Jai_Wo_Xie>   roll 1d20
11/4/2007 12:35:18 PM <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Jai_Wo_Xie rolls 1d20 and gets 14." [1d20=14]
11/4/2007 12:36:47 PM <Drac_GM>   It is a rather peaceful walk, the birds strangely quiet though as they headed onwards, a chill in the air as Hayato noticed something out of the corner of his eyes.  Purple?  What would purple be doing in the woods?  Turning his head quickly on a strange instinct he saw a purple and white wolf watching them from a hill nearby, almost hidden away in the trees, a soft and regal nobility in it as it faced him, matching his stare be
11/4/2007 12:36:47 PM <Drac_GM>   fore turning, gazing back once more and starting down the hill away from them.
11/4/2007 12:38:14 PM <Hayato>   "Did you see that?" Hayato asks his companion as the wolf vanishes from sight behind the hill.
11/4/2007 12:39:18 PM <Jai_Wo_Xie>   "See what?" She smirks, then. "Well, I guess that means I didn't. What was it?"
11/4/2007 12:40:50 PM <Hayato>   "A wolf with a strange pelt... it looked purple," Hayato explains, pointing at where it was. "It was looking at us but then it went away down the side of that hill."
11/4/2007 12:41:46 PM <Jai_Wo_Xie>   "Hum. Little odd for wolves, isn't it? Hear anything about purple wolves before?" she asks, figuring hey, he knew about the turtle demons.
11/4/2007 12:43:00 PM <Hayato>   OOC: Have I?
11/4/2007 12:47:02 PM <Hayato>   "Hmm... it could be a nature spirit, maybe," Hayato hazards after a long moment. "I've never seen one, but I've heard, they look like animals, but with some fantastic elements like brightly coloured fur, that sort of thing. It might be a good omen," he smiles buoyed by such thoughts.
11/4/2007 12:47:52 PM <Drac_GM>   Strangely, they no longer heard the running of the river.
11/4/2007 12:48:13 PM *   Jai_Wo_Xie nods. "Well, I vote we follow it unless you've got other plans. We could use a good omen or two around us."
11/4/2007 12:48:30 PM *   Hayato looks at the river. Has it stopped?
11/4/2007 12:49:36 PM <Drac_GM>   Looking through the trees at where the river had been, he sees no sign that there had ever been a river there.  Well, at least thats a lot more obvious.
11/4/2007 12:50:33 PM <Hayato>   "Um... the river appears to have vanished," Hayato states dumbly, walking closer to where it... was.
11/4/2007 12:52:36 PM <Drac_GM>   Which is easy enough to do, the soft earth there seeming much the same as what they'd just walked away from.
11/4/2007 12:53:39 PM <Jai_Wo_Xie>   "That's not really normal behavior for rivers," Jai says, which is about as helpful an observation as Hayato's. She frowns. "We shouldn't be able to get this lost simply walking around. I mean, it's hard to lose a river, you know? There's probably some kind of magic at work."
11/4/2007 12:55:03 PM <Hayato>   "I think so... it helps us, at least," Hayato offers, now able to head in a straight line towards the distant temple past the woods with no pesky bodies of water to interfere.
11/4/2007 12:56:02 PM *   Jai_Wo_Xie walks the same direction, wondering if this was the work of the wolf-spirit.
11/4/2007 12:57:01 PM <Drac_GM>   A strange smell came from near the base of the hill as they headed towards where they thought the city was.
11/4/2007 12:58:50 PM <Hayato>   Define strange?
11/4/2007 12:59:42 PM <Drac_GM>   It was awful.  Not quite like a skunk, but something definitely unpleasant.
11/4/2007 1:00:54 PM *   Hayato waves a hand over his nose and adopts a disgusted expression as he gives the source of the aroma a wide berth.
11/4/2007 1:01:25 PM *   Jai_Wo_Xie sniffs and almost gags, her nose wrinkling up in distaste. "Pheeew. Uh, veering around the hill sounds like a plan here, I think." And she does so, walking around it to the left and keeping an eye out for whatever might've caused such a foul odor.
11/4/2007 1:03:54 PM <Drac_GM>   Heading away, Hayato noticed a rotting dear corpse, half eating against the side of a tree.
11/4/2007 1:05:21 PM *   Hayato glances at the corpse. "Hmmm... strange. Normally scavengers would eat it before it would start to smell so bad," he notes, breathing through his mouth to try and lessen the horrific smell. "This forest is eerie..."
11/4/2007 1:07:23 PM <Jai_Wo_Xie>   "It is," Jai agrees. "Maybe something around here scares away the scavengers? Anyway, I'm not eager to stick around and find out. Let's keep going."
11/4/2007 1:07:32 PM *   Hayato keeps on moving! Dead animals and mysteriously rearranging terrain will not keep him from reaching the temple!
11/4/2007 1:09:37 PM <Drac_GM>   Walking around the hill, Hayato had the sensation that he was being watched, but carried on, the forest getting harder to traverse though.  Had they taken a wrong route?  The tree branches were grown pretty closely together here, making progress slow.
11/4/2007 1:12:22 PM *   Hayato uses his woodsman skills to try and find an easier path, veering vaguely in the direction of downstream relative to the river that no longer exists. Since they moved upstream a fair ways earlier, it'll even out and put them on a more direct route to the temple, anyway.
11/4/2007 1:13:01 PM *   Jai_Wo_Xie just follows Hayato for now, since he seems to find easier to navigate through the tangled growth than her.
11/4/2007 1:14:20 PM <Drac_GM>   Hayato finds an easier path soon enough.  Well, easier with one exception.  A sleepy looking brown bear, a massive one, was sitting blocking what seemed to be a clear path.
11/4/2007 1:16:14 PM *   Hayato holds up a hand to stall Jai. "Keep behind me," he cautions. "Try not to make any sudden moves." With that, he slowly approaches the bear, keeping his posture low and unassuming as he inches closer, gauging its reaction to their presence.
11/4/2007 1:16:41 PM <Hayato>   roll 1d20+7
11/4/2007 1:16:41 PM <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Hayato rolls 1d20+7 and gets 8." [1d20=1]
11/4/2007 1:18:54 PM <Drac_GM>   They inched closer, but Hayato's eyes noticed a sharp red stain on the side of the bear's fur, too late in fact as he could feel the anger and distrust in the creature, his quick reactions letting him yank his hand back from the bear before the powerful jaws would've clamped down on it.  The bear lifting to its feet and giving a mighty roar.
11/4/2007 1:19:12 PM <Drac_GM>   roll 1d20+1
11/4/2007 1:19:12 PM <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Drac_GM rolls 1d20+1 and gets 9." [1d20=8]
11/4/2007 1:19:24 PM <Hayato>   roll 1d20+4
11/4/2007 1:19:24 PM <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Hayato rolls 1d20+4 and gets 5." [1d20=1]
11/4/2007 1:19:39 PM <Jai_Wo_Xie>   roll 1d20+3
11/4/2007 1:19:39 PM <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Jai_Wo_Xie rolls 1d20+3 and gets 9." [1d20=6]
11/4/2007 1:23:27 PM <Drac_GM>   roll 1d20+3
11/4/2007 1:23:28 PM <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Drac_GM rolls 1d20+3 and gets 5." [1d20=2]
11/4/2007 1:23:47 PM *   Drac_GM has changed the topic to: Bear= Jai > ??? = Hayato
11/4/2007 1:24:15 PM *   Jai_Wo_Xie doesn't need any further encouragement from Hayato! With the blink of an eye, she vanishes from sight. Keeping her distance from the bear, she tries to circle around the edge of the clearing.
11/4/2007 1:26:58 PM <Drac_GM>   To the bear, this leaves but one target.  And the bear was an angry bear, its large claws swinging feriociously towards the surprised Hayato, the young man seeing his life flash before his eyes against the backdrop of the sharpened teeth.
11/4/2007 1:27:02 PM <Drac_GM>   roll 1d20+11
11/4/2007 1:27:02 PM <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Drac_GM rolls 1d20+11 and gets 18." [1d20=7]
11/4/2007 1:27:07 PM <Drac_GM>   OOC: Flatfooted AC?
11/4/2007 1:27:21 PM <Drac_GM>   roll 1d20+11
11/4/2007 1:27:22 PM <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Drac_GM rolls 1d20+11 and gets 15." [1d20=4]
11/4/2007 1:27:32 PM <Hayato>   OOC: 15
11/4/2007 1:28:41 PM <Drac_GM>   roll 2d8+8
11/4/2007 1:28:43 PM <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Drac_GM rolls 2d8+8 and gets 17." [2d8=8, 1]
11/4/2007 1:28:48 PM <Drac_GM>   roll 1d20+16
11/4/2007 1:28:49 PM <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Drac_GM rolls 1d20+16 and gets 20." [1d20=4]
11/4/2007 1:28:54 PM <Drac_GM>   OOC: Roll grapple check
11/4/2007 1:29:17 PM <Hayato>   roll 1d20+7
11/4/2007 1:29:18 PM <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Hayato rolls 1d20+7 and gets 25." [1d20=18]
11/4/2007 1:29:49 PM <Drac_GM>   OOC: Ooh, you win one, good luck
11/4/2007 1:29:52 PM <Drac_GM>   roll 1d20+16
11/4/2007 1:29:54 PM <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Drac_GM rolls 1d20+16 and gets 23." [1d20=7]
11/4/2007 1:29:59 PM <Drac_GM>   OOC: second one.  Hope for same luck!
11/4/2007 1:30:12 PM <Hayato>   roll 1d20+7
11/4/2007 1:30:13 PM <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Hayato rolls 1d20+7 and gets 20." [1d20=13]
11/4/2007 1:31:05 PM <Drac_GM>   roll 1d20+6
11/4/2007 1:31:05 PM <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Drac_GM rolls 1d20+6 and gets 17." [1d20=11]
11/4/2007 1:31:11 PM <Drac_GM>   roll 2d6+4
11/4/2007 1:31:11 PM <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Drac_GM rolls 2d6+4 and gets 14." [2d6=4, 6]
11/4/2007 1:32:39 PM <Drac_GM>   The sharpened claws slashed through his leather armor as he was yanked off his feet and painfully biten by the bear.  He felt his body going slack for a moment before he steeled himself, the sense that he was about to die here very strong though as he looked into the bear's unforgiving eyes.
11/4/2007 1:34:33 PM <Drac_GM>   His eyes saw something rushing from the woods, its swift feet padding over the ground...  Hints  of purple..then of brown...then purple again.  Was he hallucinating?
11/4/2007 1:34:40 PM <Drac_GM>   roll 1d20+4
11/4/2007 1:34:42 PM <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Drac_GM rolls 1d20+4 and gets 14." [1d20=10]
11/4/2007 1:35:15 PM <Drac_GM>   roll 1d6+1
11/4/2007 1:35:16 PM <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Drac_GM rolls 1d6+1 and gets 2." [1d6=1]
11/4/2007 1:35:49 PM <Drac_GM>   The bear roared, briefly loosening his grip as a pair of sharp fangs dug into its foot.
11/4/2007 1:37:26 PM *   Hayato swallows in very real fear, not at all having expected that today would be his last day on earth. If only he had... oh, too many regrets to even mention. Desperately, and with a sense of despairing futility, he tries to wriggle free from the bear's grasp!
11/4/2007 1:37:38 PM <Hayato>   roll 1d20+12 escape artist
11/4/2007 1:37:39 PM <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Hayato rolls 1d20+12 escape artist and gets 14." [1d20=2]
11/4/2007 1:38:17 PM <Drac_GM>   roll 1d20+16
11/4/2007 1:38:18 PM <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Drac_GM rolls 1d20+16 and gets 26." [1d20=10]
11/4/2007 1:47:38 PM <Jai_Wo_Xie>   Never one to leave behind a comrade in trouble, Jai whirls around at the other end of the clearing (she wants to help, but she knows better than to be TOO close to the bear), winds back her arm and then flings a barrage of magical orbs at the enraged animal!
11/4/2007 1:47:44 PM <Jai_Wo_Xie>   roll 3d4+3
11/4/2007 1:47:45 PM <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Jai_Wo_Xie rolls 3d4+3 and gets 12." [3d4=2, 3, 4]
11/4/2007 1:50:38 PM <Drac_GM>   The bloody bear doesn't lose its grip on Hayato, despite his slippery tricks.  The blood loss is getting to him and he really can't seem to pull together, flashes of light cross his vision, slamming into the bear's side as the bear roars, its maw opening to tear another chunk of flesh out of his body.
11/4/2007 1:50:45 PM <Drac_GM>   roll 1d20+11
11/4/2007 1:50:45 PM <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Drac_GM rolls 1d20+11 and gets 23." [1d20=12]
11/4/2007 1:52:03 PM <Drac_GM>   roll 1d8
11/4/2007 1:52:04 PM <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Drac_GM rolls 1d8 and gets 7." [1d8=7]
11/4/2007 1:53:40 PM <Drac_GM>   Jai saw the bear turning towards her, flinging her rough companion aside to slam painfully into a tree, the man slumping against the tree unconscious and bleeding.  He clearly didn't have long to live.  Not that mattered much to her as she could see the bloody beast looking towards her, swiping at the wolf that was attached to its foot.
11/4/2007 1:53:46 PM <Drac_GM>   roll 1d20+11
11/4/2007 1:53:46 PM <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Drac_GM rolls 1d20+11 and gets 31." [1d20=20]
11/4/2007 1:53:49 PM <Drac_GM>   roll 1d20+11
11/4/2007 1:53:49 PM <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Drac_GM rolls 1d20+11 and gets 30." [1d20=19]
11/4/2007 1:55:58 PM <Drac_GM>   Sending it yelping to the ground near the man, struggling to stand.
11/4/2007 1:56:15 PM <Drac_GM>   It was not looking good with Jai facing off against the bear by her lonesome, the other two not seeming able to help.
11/4/2007 1:58:34 PM *   Jai_Wo_Xie isn't brave or coolheaded enough to stick around in the face of this monster. She makes herself invisible again and then turns to RUN LIKE HELL. Hopefully she'll have enough of a headstart that there'll be time to throw out some kind of distraction before the bear homes in on the sound of her footsteps.
11/4/2007 2:00:11 PM >Jai_Wo_Xie<   Given how bad its going, I'll toss you a hint.  The bear currently has 11 hp.
11/4/2007 2:03:54 PM <Drac_GM>   The pounding noise behind her told her it would not be that easy as the bear gave chase, the strained breathing getting closer and closer as she tried to escape through the woods.  The trees blurring to her eyes as she ran fearfully from the enraged animal.  The roar shook her bones as she found herself suddenly facing the beast once more, blood dripping from multiple spots on its body, pooling beneath it as it roared and approa
11/4/2007 2:03:54 PM <Drac_GM>   ched her quickly.
11/4/2007 2:05:18 PM <Hayato>   roll 1d100
11/4/2007 2:05:20 PM <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Hayato rolls 1d100 and gets 50." [1d100=50]
11/4/2007 2:09:21 PM <Drac_GM>   roll 1d20+4
11/4/2007 2:09:22 PM <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Drac_GM rolls 1d20+4 and gets 6." [1d20=2]
11/4/2007 2:09:45 PM <Drac_GM>   OOC: Strike last
11/4/2007 2:10:47 PM <Drac_GM>   The pounding noise behind her told her it would not be that easy as the bear gave chase, the strained breathing getting closer and closer as she tried to escape through the woods.  The trees blurring to her eyes as she ran fearfully from the enraged animal... and then silence...the bear turning around as it sniffed and  sought for her, but didn't find her, heading back towards where Hayato lay collapsed on the ground.
11/4/2007 2:12:11 PM <Drac_GM>   OOC: Jai's action
11/4/2007 2:16:08 PM <Jai_Wo_Xie>   ACTION isn't about to let Hayato just turn into bearfood like that! She follows the beast as quietly as she can, moving slowly (as much as she hates to do it). Not sure if she can finish the beast off or not, Jai decides she needs some kind of distraction. She prepares to conjure the sound of a terrible dragon's roar off in the woods by the bear's side (posing melodramatically to imitate this dread creature, though this of c
11/4/2007 2:17:14 PM <Jai_Wo_Xie>   though this of course is unseen given her invisible state).
11/4/2007 2:18:27 PM <Drac_GM>   The bear turned, sniffing the wind, his heckles up, as he left the body there for a second, looking around.
11/4/2007 2:19:01 PM <Hayato>   roll 1d100
11/4/2007 2:19:02 PM <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Hayato rolls 1d100 and gets 5." [1d100=5]
11/4/2007 2:21:53 PM <Drac_GM>   Hayato looks bad.  Really bad all crumpled up there on the ground.
11/4/2007 2:29:03 PM *   Jai_Wo_Xie makes another bid to convince this critter that it's just not worth it to go back for Hayato. She preps another horrible roar, this time closer to the direction of the bear's intended prey. It starts out as a low snarl, then works its way up to a full-throated howl!
11/4/2007 2:31:02 PM <Drac_GM>   The bear turns and growls back.
11/4/2007 2:31:04 PM <Drac_GM>   roll 1d20+3
11/4/2007 2:31:06 PM <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Drac_GM rolls 1d20+3 and gets 22." [1d20=19]
11/4/2007 2:31:49 PM <Drac_GM>   If anything, it seems to have the adverse effect, confusing the bear slightly  but bringing its attention sharply back to the prey, it stalking over to Hayato.
11/4/2007 2:33:40 PM *   Drac_GM has changed the topic to: Bear -> Jai -> Bear
11/4/2007 2:45:05 PM <Jai_Wo_Xie>   Well, so much for that idea. Looks like she doesn't have much choice anymore. She steps back onto the path, as far away as she can be while still being in firing range, and prays to whatever gods might be listening that this shot will be enough. Melodramatic as ever, she whirls her arm over her head, generating a lash of incandescant fire, and flings it towards the beast! "Eat falming death you, uh...stupid bear!"
11/4/2007 2:45:11 PM <Jai_Wo_Xie>   *flaming >.>
11/4/2007 2:45:20 PM <Jai_Wo_Xie>   roll 1d20+5 oh god
11/4/2007 2:45:20 PM <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Jai_Wo_Xie rolls 1d20+5 oh god and gets 19." [1d20=14]
11/4/2007 2:45:38 PM <Jai_Wo_Xie>   roll 4d6 for FIERY DEATH PLEASE
11/4/2007 2:45:39 PM <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Jai_Wo_Xie rolls 4d6 for FIERY DEATH PLEASE and gets 12." [4d6=3, 2, 4, 3]
11/4/2007 2:47:01 PM <Drac_GM>   The flames cascaded from her hands over the nearby bear, the roar of pain as it turned and sent her flying back with its death throes stunning to her ears.  Stumbling back, she watched as the creature struggled to live, collapsing on as the fire took it and shuddering one final time.
11/4/2007 2:49:37 PM *   Jai_Wo_Xie pumps her fist in the air. "YES!" She's quick to suh over to the fallen Hayato, though, hoping he's still alive.
11/4/2007 2:49:43 PM <Jai_Wo_Xie>   *rush over
11/4/2007 2:50:19 PM <Drac_GM>   OOC: Roll Heal.
11/4/2007 2:54:01 PM <Drac_GM>   He's breathing, but he doesn't look good.  She can't tell quite how bad.  Footsteps behind her warned her as someone walked up behind...  An older woman, pushing her gently aside as she started tending to the fallen ranger.
Well, Goodbye.


11/18/2007 11:44:01 AM <Dracos>   The trials were long and difficult, sometimes strange and confusing in their purpose, but the priests were stern and accepted no questions on the validity of their tests.  Finally, a full three weeks after they had arrived, high priest Ulrich gathered those that remained to largest room in the temple.  A flock of watches looked on as he stood at the feet of the nine suns, silently flanked by acolytes of every order.
11/18/2007 11:44:43 AM *   Dracos gives voice to Jai_Wo_Xie
11/18/2007 11:44:43 AM *   Sunako gives channel operator status to Jai_Wo_Xie
11/18/2007 11:49:41 AM <Dracos>   His voice resonated across the hall.  "We come here today to anoint those who have proven themselves worthy to defend our great land from those of beyond.  Who have undergone trials of spirit and body and come to us purified in the crucible of the Trials of Divinity.  Know this, very few can aspire to this and fewer still pass the tests with worthiness.  Know those that shall leave here downhearted, that you should hold your head
11/18/2007 11:49:41 AM <Dracos>    up high for having challenged the Trials at all.  I will call forth now the names of those who have passed the Trials and proven themselves ready for this role."  His gaze warmly passed  over them before stopping at Jai.  "Jai Wo Xie, come forth."
11/18/2007 11:51:01 AM *   Jai_Wo_Xie does so, striding forward confidently. She tries to maintain an air of solemnity appropriate for the occasion, but she's obviously excited and a grin keeps sneaking in.
11/18/2007 11:54:05 AM <Dracos>   The acolytes surround her, closing her off from the world around her as Ulrich steps forward, gesturing for her to kneel before continuing...  "Take now the lifelong duty to protect and serve the Empire, to in all things spiritual guide and heal it."  He lifted a golden chalice, gently pouring it over her head, a tingling sensation as the pure water flowed over her.  "May the waters ever guide your path."
11/18/2007 11:56:53 AM *   Jai_Wo_Xie kneels as instructed. She closes her eyes as the water spills over her face--hey, ceremony has to yield to some practicalities! She doesn't even try to avoid smiling any more once she opens her eyes, though.
11/18/2007 11:59:18 AM <Dracos>   "Rise.  Bear witness, I present the Divine Jai Wo Xie before the Nine Suns," turning back, it was not a small crowd at all that had come out to watch.  "Come forth, Kuran."
11/18/2007 12:00:51 PM <Jai_Wo_Xie>   Wow, that's a lot of eyes. Jai doesn't mind letting someone else take the spotlight now.
11/18/2007 12:01:26 PM *   Kuran grins widely and glances to the side, muttering, "An' you thought they'd send me away?" to someone unseen, before adding more loudly for everyone else's benefit, "The spirits, they be happy!" With said declaration made, he marches proudly up towards the head priest and bows his head.
11/18/2007 12:03:55 PM <Dracos>   "To listen to the world of spirits is a boon greatly sought in this discipline.  I warn you, Kuran, not to listen to deeply or ever turn your ear deaf to them.  You understand better than most that we are not alone here.  In balance do we all survive."  Again, the chalice was raised and the cool water flowed down Kuran's shoulders, cleansing spirit and body.
11/18/2007 12:05:42 PM *   Kuran bobs his head up and down in a nod as water trails off it. "The spirits, they like to talk so," he agrees readily. "It be nice to have someone that listen." Turning around, he waves to the crowd before moving to stand next to Jai.
11/18/2007 12:07:28 PM <Dracos>   "Nakahara Sunako, step forth," his lordly voice intoned after another quiet gaze over those arriving, the tense silence biting on the nerves of those that remained unchosen.
11/18/2007 12:08:18 PM *   Sunako mutely steps forward in slow, measured steps, her hood casting dark shadows across her face.
11/18/2007 12:10:52 PM <Dracos>   Ulrich reached forward as she reached him, drawing back her hood.  "Do not hide in the shadows, for the nine suns are always with you, young Sunako.  To face the unknown one must hold the strength of spirit to always carry on."  The water was cool, relaxing even as it poured down her hair and onto her shoulders.  "I anoint you.  Sunako the Divine."
11/18/2007 12:11:43 PM <Sunako>   "I'm melting," she whimpers quietly as the water flows over her exposed skin.
11/18/2007 12:16:45 PM <Dracos>   Ulrich simply glared, lifting the chalice and handing it back to the waiting acolyte.  "I present before you, the Divines of the 1231th year of Ifurita's reign."  Applause greeted them as those remaining were mostly downcast at their turn in fortunes.
11/18/2007 12:17:40 PM *   Sunako gets her head covered again at the first opportunity.
11/18/2007 12:19:14 PM *   Kuran waves cheerfully in response to the applause, before glancing at the hooded divine next to him. "Maybe you get a bit more sun, you be less likely to melt, eh?"
11/18/2007 12:20:14 PM *   Jai_Wo_Xie chuckles a little at her agoraphobic fellow divine, and wonders how this one will handle travelling out to the countryside.
11/18/2007 12:22:17 PM <Sunako>   "Sun?" Sunako asks. "More sun?"
11/18/2007 12:22:43 PM <Dracos>   The following celebration went by in a blur, the food, the prayers, the moving into the temple.  Soon they found themselves in a small but respectable house on the temple grounds, their new living quarters for their positions.  A set of silken clothes in yellows and reds were also found there, two for each of them.
11/18/2007 12:23:34 PM <Kuran>   "It be so bright and cheery, the spirits be sad they can't see your face through all the shadow," Kuran replies guilelessly, gesturing to her hood. "They promise you no melt, too!"
11/18/2007 12:25:26 PM *   Sunako tugs the hood lower, not sounding convinced in the slightest. "They should just abandon their radiance and join me in the beautiful darkness instead," she responds.
11/18/2007 12:26:36 PM <Kuran>   "Ahh," Kuran shrugs, "The spirits, they no have it as easy as you and me," he admits. "Most only able to stay in one place, can't do much except talk... and talk, and talk, and talk."
Well, Goodbye.