Why We Moved and What's Going On

Started by Dracos, March 23, 2008, 04:02:58 AM

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It's about a week late for this, I'm sorry, moving in real life had my primary attention for the recent time :)

So, we moved from Dejatoons to Procrast, that, most everyone knows at this point or at least some of us did.  I appreciate that folks were generally willing to move quickly and adjusted swiftly to our new server.  I also appreciate that most didn't bury me asking why :)

Sometime last year, irc.dejatoons.net decided to add extra server protections, including among them automated scripts to handle problems.  An understandable, but unfortunate decision on their part.  Circa October, I noticed a disturbing incident of a few chatters getting autobanned from elysium, soulriders, and void from these scripts.  They later managed to get back on as the system only had access to week bans.  While this wasn't enough to move, I found it disturbing and started some feelers into scouting out other servers (of which the one we're now on was one of them).  Not too long after, I found myself banned at work and generally assailed with hostility when asking why and whether there was anything that could be done.  While this was a short term ban, it was followed by a permanent ban that effectively covered the set of web clients that did not get blocked by my work's firewall.  I wrote this off as unfortunate, but gave the place some more time, only showing up in the evenings and mornings from home.  a week or so ago, I saw Stormy and Trunky get banned.  I touched base with the admins about it and they decided to mouth off about it being trunky and stormy's fault.  I paused there for a bit, considering what else to do on this and during it, tried to nickchange to Dracos and identify.  Only to receive a message I had been banned from the #help room.  Now, I've only beenn there a grand total of five times, all following the rules they clearly laid out on it.

  At this point, I was tired of it.  To my eyes, the server had been a bad place for SR for the last age buried among a dozens of larger rooms and getting zero in terms of random server pickups.  The admins of the place had gone from being nice folks to being replaced with folks that flat out did not give a damn whether we were there or not and rather than simply ignoring us had scripts that occasional banned us from the server.  It was simply time to move.  There were some votes for various places, but for right now we're staying at Procrast.net.  Some may have noticed that other rooms that tend to stick with us have chosen not to move at current.  I'm in talks with them and we'll see what happens there.  We may, possibly, do one more move in the short term.  If so, I promise it'll be our last for the foreseeable future.
Well, Goodbye.