
"With great power comes the opportunity to abuse that power."

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038.3 Janson and Sylvie

Started by Corwin, March 14, 2011, 05:20:32 PM

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[19:44] <Kotono> After the trip to the guards, Sylvie makes excuses and leads Janson away down an alley in the Commerce Quarter. "Well then. I do believe we have plans already."
[19:46] <Janson> "I was figuring you'd want to make a stop home for Calley and your mom?" Janson asks, "After that how about hitting up Seira's inn to properly celebrate our escape?" he grins.
[19:50] <Kotono> "Sold," Sylvie nods lightning quick, "I just told her we had to go out of the city, nothing about Hell. So..." Shaking her head back and forth, "I'm going to go on, talk a moment and leave. If I act like it's a great big deal it'll show her something's up, and she's been unusually perceptive lately."
[19:52] <Janson> "Oh..." Janson just laughs and shakes his head, mind somewhat blown by Sylvie's deception. "Uh, well... hey, I guess I can't say anything. If I told my mom I'd been to hell she'd think it vindicated all the whispers in the village. If you're just gonna take a minute then you don't mind me coming along?"
[19:54] <Kotono> "Hmmm..." Sylvie hums a moment, "I suppose coming in with a man would definintely throw her mind off track." She murmurs that, rubbing her chin.
[19:56] <Janson> "She'll think we've had lots more fun than we really had," Janson chuckles at her serious expression, offering her his arm so they can walk and talk rather than loiter in the alley.
[20:01] <Kotono> Thus you walk, heading up through the Commerce Quarter. You pass into the Merchant's way, past a caravan. It flies a black flag, with low mountains set against a starry night sky. Falling in to it's side, and past a few well dressed men in a conversation about what sounds like iron ore trading offhand, "So did you find our information trip there enlightening?"
[20:05] <Janson> "Yeah, it's really surprising, though, isn't it? I mean, why would you make a weapon that's going to rust the doors of your armoury and invite swarms of vermin? I guess they either don't care or have really good cleaners in Hell?" Janson muses, accepting the explanation as given but still finding it unfathomably weird.
[20:12] <Kotono> "That's not precisely right. There's some metaphysics behind it," Sylvie explains, "Hell's already miserable and evil. Besides, the will of the plane is for order. It's not like the Prime Material Plane, our world."
[20:17] <Janson> "Jannath's teachings don't really cover stuff outside of the natural. I've read a few old gnome books, they mention Hell quite a lot, but I mostly read them for the pictures and the magic theory. Never figured I'd need to know about Hell in that much detail."
[20:26] <Kotono> "Likewise." Sylvie says, stopping to laugh and shake her head. The caravan goes ahead towards the temple of Waukeen, while you turn and head northwest down new, broad streets. Looks to be lots of fancy clothing stores and the like - with advertisement about silks from the Fiefdoms, strong wool from Kelara, rich blue satins from Purinn, the latest dresses in style as well as mantles and
[20:26] <Kotono> capes. "This cements us as adventurers, no matter what we call ourselves."
[20:29] <Janson> "Pretty accomplished ones at that... but y'know," Janson starts to smile, "If we're going out tonight, rather than as adventurers we should dress classy - enjoy civilisation while we can." He nods to the boutiques around, "How about we treat ourselves to something nice to wear?"
[20:31] <Kotono> "Oh, that's a fine idea!" Sylvie says after a moment, voice lightening, "Can you buy us some wonderful formal wear?"
[20:33] <Janson> "Got all this money, might as well spend it," Janson nods eagerly... "Oh, except we have been stuck on a smelly boat for a few days. Did you learn that cleaning spell from Aaeru? Otherwise we should stop by a bath before trying one of these shops."
[20:40] <Kotono> "Baths first," Sylvie agrees. A half hour later the two are much cleaner, free of the smell of the ship and sea.
[20:42] * Janson hears many good things about silk, so he figures the Desert Fiefdoms themed shop is a fun place to start their shopping!
[20:46] <Kotono> It's a whitewashed building, the inside smelling of sharp spices and open air. A few people are about, shopping and looking at premade clothes, or in discussions with tailors. In particular you notice a familiar face - Sanuth. He doesn't immediately notice you, seeming to be examining a silk cape. A tanned woman with black hair and clad in colored silks is near the door, a sweeping
[20:46] <Kotono> curtesy as they enter, "Welcome to an oasis of luxury," she says, "The finest silks from far away can be found here, to alleviate your thirst from rough, boring cotton and woolspun clothes."
[20:48] <Janson> "Good afternoon," Janson pays more attention to the woman than he does to the creepy merchant, "Me and my friend were looking for something nice to wear for a night on the town - something that looks good and is comfy," he nods as he states his requirements.
[20:50] <Kotono> "Something luxurious," Sylvie agrees quickly.
[20:51] <Kotono> "Ah, of course." She looks over each momentarily, "Why don't I call a tailor over to take your measurements and advise you, sirs?"
[20:53] <Janson> "Sounds good," Janson nods brightly, although he slips for a moment at the both of them being addressed as sirs. It's probably a cultural thing, though, and not a worry.
[20:55] <Kotono> Soon enough you are before a tailor, who is a whip-thin man with a monocle. He begins taking measurements immediaely, "Ah, what do ma'am and sir want?"
[20:56] <Kotono> "Something beautiful, princess-like, and shows off a little skin...but without being trampy," Sylvie says, "Elegant but not too formal."
[20:59] <Janson> "Something comfortable and classy," Janson offers for himself, "Like what a lord or something might wear when he's taking it easy but still needs to keep up appearances. Preferably in greens and browns. Earth tones."
[21:01] <Kotono> "How fast do you need them?" He asks next, taking a few more measurements and nodding to himself.
[21:03] <Janson> "I was hoping to just pick something up that was already made for tonight," Janson admits with a sheepish look to Sylvie. "But having stuff made specially is probably better in the long run. How long does it usually take you?"
[21:04] <Kotono> "A few days, but I can do a speed order overnight," he answers confidently.
[21:06] * Janson shrugs, "Lets just go with a few days then? We'll just have to use our own wardrobes for tonight," he suggests amiably to the blonde.
[21:07] <Kotono> Sylvie nods agreeably, "Well then, youc an pick them up in three days. Today is the 5th, so come by on the 8th." He answers, "Payment is due on pickup, though you can pay now if you care to."
[21:08] <Janson> "Might as well, save me carrying the money around," Janson steps off the measuring stand. "How much for the two outfits?"
[21:15] <Kotono> "150 marks," After a moment of seemingly mental math that's the answer.
[21:17] <Janson> Dipping into his coin-bag, Janson happily hands over a fistful of platinum. "Put it down for Janson?" he gives his name for when he picks them up later.
[21:18] <Kotono> "Ah, a man of wealth and refined tastes!" The tailor says, "And Sylvie, in case I need to pick them up," she pipes in. "The way things have been going lately..."
[21:20] <Janson> "Lets hope we can have three days at least," Janson sighs, before grinning, "Seeing how you'll look in yours is something to look forward to, anyway," he offers his arm out to her again before bidding farewell to the tailor with, "See you in a few days."
[21:23] <Kotono> With that the two go out, "Home and then to see how drunk we can get?" Sylvie says cheerfully.
[21:25] <Janson> "Yeah, I've got some nicer clothes back at my place, but it's a long walk there and back so I guess I'm good the way I am," he pats his chest, covered in a sooty red tunic and flexible links of ysgardian chainmail. "It'll add authenticity if we end up telling stories," he laughs.
[21:47] <Kotono> With that you head to Sylvie's house! Sylvie heads inside, calling, "I'm home! Mom?" Her call is answered by a call of, "In the bedroom! Welcome home, dear!"
[21:48] * Janson amiably follows along, taking a curious look around and deferring to Sylvie's lead.
[21:50] <Kotono> It's a lived in house in the New City. Sylvie's Mom seems to have nice if minimal taste in decorating, as you head back. A closed door has Sylvie knock, "Mom, I have a friend with me."
[21:51] <Kotono> "It's fine, come in," she invites. To this Sylvie opens the odor and headsinside1 Within is a bedroom, clean andfull of little knickknacks. On the bed Calley lies asleep, curled up. "You're back, Sylvie?"
[21:54] * Janson gives Sylvie's mother a smile but waits for an introduction before saying anything, taking a look at her grandson as well.
[21:56] <Kotono> "Mom, this is Janson," she steps back out of the way, "Janson, this is my mother."
[21:58] <Janson> "Hello," Janson smiles and offers her his hand, not really wanting to address her as 'Sylvie's mom' but not having anything else to say either! "I work at Whimsical Sweets with your daughter. It's nice to finally meet you," he settles for babbling instead.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


[17:51] <@Kotono> "Oh, I've heard about you," she flashes Janson a smile, "But shhh," gently looking towards sleeping Calley, "He's had a long day. Let's go into the kitchen."
[17:53] * @Janson smiles and backs out into the hallway, letting the ladies lead the way to the kitchen. "Hopefully nothing embarrassing," he laughs a little nervously.
[17:55] <@Kotono> Sylvie doesn't quite share that laugh, though she shoots her mother a look. Once in the kitchen Janson finds himself with a glass of cider, Sylvie's Mom having both of you sit. "Oh no, nothing embarrassing. If I didn't know better, I'd think Sylvie likes you."
[17:56] <@Janson> "Didn't know better? Something you're not telling me, here?" Janson grins and nudges the younger woman present, mostly certain it's just dry Balmurian wit rather than anything sinister.
[20:03] <Kotono> Sylvie turns a lovely shade of toasty red, settling for taking a gulp of her cider before, "Mother! Must you? I just got back in town today!"
[20:03] <Kotono> Sylvie's mother smiles and goes to sit down, "And you come home with a man, dear. What am I supposed to expect?"
[20:08] <Janson> "If only it'd been that fun," Janson chuckles. "Still, at least now that we're back in town we can actually let our hair down and relax."
[20:12] <Kotono> "Fun is good," Sylvie says, "Which I haven't had enough of lately. Mom, Janson and I are going to go out tonight. I'm just stopping by to let you know I'm back."
[20:17] <Kotono> "Already...well, Calley is asleep," Sylvie's mom does frown at this, "Have fun then, dear."
[20:18] <Janson> "Ah," Janson is a bit surprised at such an abrupt exit but goes along with Sylvie's whims, "It was really nice to meet you, at least," he nods to her mother, awkwardly ending as he still doesn't know what to call her.
[20:22] <Kotono> Sylvie's already up, taking Janson's hand and leading him out without comment.
[20:23] * Janson obligingly follows along until they're outside. "So... not all happy at home, no?" he observes once they're alone.
[20:26] <Kotono> "Marvelous observation," Sylvie observes, walking ahead. "I'm sure Mom is preparing a lecture about how I need to be around Calley more. Despite seeing him every day that I'm in town."
[20:29] <Janson> "You should stand up for yourself more, then. I mean, aren't you the one who pays for the house and puts food on the table?" Janson suggests, catching up.
[20:32] <Kotono> "Well, Mom does own the house," Sylvie mutters, "I earn as much money as I can."
[20:34] <Janson> "Oh..." Well that undercuts a lot of Janson's assumptions about her life. "Where does your mom get her money from, if she's at home with Calley every day?"
[20:37] <Kotono> "She doesn't work. She has a little bit of reserve money she earns by helping out a friend's shop, but that's it." Sylvie looks ahead at all of this, pointedly not looking back at her retreating home at all.
[20:40] <Janson> "Ahh," Janson nods. It's interesting to know more about Sylvie's background but it's obvious enough she's not in the mood. "Well anyway, we've earned a lot more than a little bit, lately, so lets go get bombed at Seira's inn!" he declares cheerfully, wrapping an arm around her waist as he tries moving back in a more happy direction!
[20:42] <Kotono> Sylvie is fairly stiff most of thew alk, only starting to loosen up by the time you arrive. You go in, Sylvie going right to the counter. She grabs a barstool, "Any idea what you want to start with?"
[20:46] <Janson> "We should get something to fill our stomachs so we're not sick - a proper meal and wine before we start in on the spirits," Janson nods sagely, "Besides, it's early yet, the place'll probably be more lively after we've eaten."
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


[19:43] <Kozzz> The barkeep comes up amid the busy tavern. It's much like last time, filled up with people seeking good food, good drink and good times. "I overheard you. Drinks and dinner to start?"
[19:43] <Kozzz> Sylvie nods, "That's fine, thank you, she murmurs.
[19:47] <Janson> "Yeah, I'll have the vegetable hot-pot and some white wine, thanks," Janson asks for himself, smiling happily. "After weeks of trail rations, overpriced devil food, and ship meals, this'll be my first proper dinner in ages!"
[19:49] <Kozzz> "Give me something big and meaty," Sylvie says, "Whatever wine that goes good with it is fine," she waves a hand, turning to Janson. "Yes, after weeks of dried fruit and stale bread, I could eat a cookbook, let alone good food."
[19:53] * Janson allows himself an immature smirk at Sylvie's dining request. "It's alright when you can forage a bit while travelling for fresher stuff, but there's never enough for everyone that way. Especially since Wayland never actually brought along any rations or even water for himself. Got a rough surprise when we started dying of thirst a few hours after arriving in Hell."
[19:55] <Kozzz> As you talk music fills the tavern. A golden skinned woman sits at a table, strumming a lute. The music is enthrallingly beautiful,her eyes closed as she plays. In a few corners clusters of people are gathered around dicing games, while others are simply getting roaringly drunk. Amid all this noise and the click of mugs and silverware, "Live and learn." Sylvie says, nodding to herself,
[19:55] <Kozzz> "Mmmm. Speaking of, at least the guard pays a reward for that sword."
[19:57] <Janson> "Yeah, thirteen hundred isn't too shabby any way you slice it," Janson agrees. "Hardly makes up for that fancy sword Lady Moongal gave us getting rusted. Those things were freaky as... hah, hell, I guess."
[20:00] <Kozzz> "It's a damned shame. There was some history behind that weapon," Sylvie says as your dinner comes. Fro her it's a big steak, quickly assaulted. "All gone like dust now. Sort of like Branna and Noel."
[20:04] <Janson> "Brent, too. Poor guy, I never even met him," Janson shakes his head sadly as he starts scooping stewed vegetables into his mouth. "And none of those three will even have a grand history to be remembered by. Ahh," he frowns, "We're here to have fun and relax, not hold a wake. Did you and Simmer have any interesting jobs while the rest of us were hiking up the mountains?"
[20:08] <Kozzz> "Nice kid, a bit headstrong," Sylvie opines, "Also didn't do well frozen." Pausing to eat and drink, Sylvie savors her food. "Mmmm!" Meanwhile Janson finds his is quite good, a rich broth with lots of various things added. "Nothing too terribly interesting," Sylvie shakes her head, "We made a bit of money off of them, but I wouldn't call them memorable."
[20:13] <Janson> "Money's the main thing," Janson nods sagely, indulging in some wine. "Also I just had a thought. If we go around bragging about our adventure in hell, isn't your mom going to find out anyway?"
[20:14] <Kozzz> Sylvie takes a long draw of her wine, "Well yeah, but I can just lie to her. What's she going to believe: That I went to Hell, or it's just a publicity stunt for work?"
[20:15] <Janson> "Depends how tough she thinks you are?" Janson retorts wryly.
[20:16] <Kozzz> "If she thinks I'm tough enough for Hell, that's easy enough to counter her with." Sylvie has a ghost of a smile as she drinks deeply, "Oh, I'll get a guilt trip about Calley either way, but that's life."
[20:19] * Janson shrugs. "Yeah, well, what kid would want to be an orphan?" he asks uncomfortably. "I dunno what I'd do if'd been you instead of Brent that got killed. But this is your job, and this is who you are. Can't deny you're a badass adventurer," he teasingly slugs her arm.
[20:21] <Kozzz> Sylvie giggles and returns that, "I'm not dying any which way. I know you shouldn't speak ill of the dead, but Brent charged in without thinking. It's what got him killed in the first place, a stupid mistake. It's not one I'll make."
[20:27] <Janson> "Too smart to kill?" Janson laughs, patting her leg under the bar. "Still, even if you're smart or careful... Noel and Branna didn't do anything wrong themselves like that. Think that's why I stay the hell away from a straight-up fight if I can. Too much that can go wrong, much safer to hang back and snipe while they're worried about the guys in their face instead of me."
[20:28] <Kozzz> Syvlie bats her eyelashes at Janson over a drink of wine at that, "Yeah. I try to avoid charging in like those two, Aaeru or Wayland do. It's like you can feel their life expectancy dropping every time they do that!"
[20:31] <Janson> "Scary stuff, isn't it?" Janson agrees, polishing off his drink and motioning for another. "'Course if they didn't do that then there'd be no one to stop the monsters from charging right at me..." his expression turns sly, "Except when I climb up onto the ceiling where they can't follow. Hah, y'know while we're sitting here thinking of them as reckless, I bet they're thinking of us as
[20:31] <Janson> cowards."
[20:32] <Kotono> Following suit, Sylvie smiles coyly, "Oh yes. Different styles and different desires in battle. I want to try and learn that one magic spell that lets you fly, or at least your own trick. Can just anyone make a pact and gain those powers?"
[20:38] <Janson> "I think so, pretty much. The ancient gnomes did it a lot with devils, and I've heard a lot of fey talking about pacts with me even though I've never really formalised it like that - for me it's more pulling out what's in my ancestral blood than formalising an agreement - although I'll probably form one with Snowarul after I find a roc feather and do that thing. Plus there's rituals I
[20:38] <Janson> need to do to awaken certain powers. You could probably try something like that with Simmer or Silver if you were desperate. I think the powers are determined a bit by the creature you form the pact with but can be modified by rituals. Like how I used to be able to summon swarms of spiders and things, but now I can climb up on walls like a spider myself - it was a pretty easy change
[20:38] <Janson> since they're sorta connected I figure," Janson explains in perhaps more detail than was needed, happy to elucidate on a subject he's well informed on.
[20:40] <Kotono> "Mmmmm," Sylvie murmurs, working on her second drink as she tunes everything else out. "Are there any downsides to it? Any limitations?"
[20:42] <Janson> "Biggest downside is that psycho angels think you're a servant of hell and try to kill you," Janson replies without hesitation. "What's funny is we met a devil angel in hell and she was downright pleasant. Also I remember Andrea's instructor thought I was evil, too. And most people in Aralla did as well, but I think that was more for being a man stepping into a woman's world than anything
[20:42] <Janson> outright 'evil'. But yeah, it's a discipline with an image problem, to put it mildly," he laughs.
[20:44] <Kotono> That gets Sylvie to finish her drink quickly, "Most warlocks are seen as stereotyped villians who have sold their soul to darkness. Still," Running her finger over the rim of her glass, "It may be worth the trouble. I haven't decided yet."
[20:47] <Janson> "Well, it's not free and easy. You've got to work at it like anything else," Janson tells her. "But I like it. I can do impressive and useful things." He leans close to her conspiratorially, "Also I've just about cracked one of the most treasured gifts of Jannath."
[20:49] <Kotono> Oh, now that gets Sylvie's attention. WIth a single raised eyebrow, "And what secret is that?"
[20:51] <Janson> "If you ever visit the Daughters of Jannath, you'd be surprised by how young and perky a lot of the 'elders' look," Janson grins, "Druidic secrets grant them youthful vigour throughout their lives, but it's not just that - they can change their bodies in whatever manner they please, so they can look even better than they really did when they were in their early twenties. You'd be surprised
[20:51] <Janson> by how vain some of them are."
[20:53] <Kotono> "A woman is not vain. She simply cares about her apperance," Sylvie retorts, crossing her arms. "So they use magic and secrets to stop wrinkles and the like?"
[20:55] <Janson> "Possibly. The staying truly youthful, I think that's an honest divine gift, because magic only really alters the surface. But those surface changes?" Janson tilts his eyes upwards and concentrates, his hair darkening until it's jet black.
[20:58] <Kotono> "Polymorphism?" That gets Sylvie to smile, "That's a useful trick. I wonder how I'd look with red hair, or with black..." That gets her to trail off, thinking a moment.
[21:00] <Janson> "Well for hair there's always dye, but it can do a whole lot more," Janson lets his hair turn back to normal at the same time as his stubble vanishes, eliciting a grin as he rubs his now smooth chin. "I can never be bothered to shave, y'know?"
[21:01] <Kotono> Sylvie takes a long look down at her legs, "Okay, you're going to have to show me how you did that!"
[21:04] <Janson> That gets a laugh, Janson draining his drink and rocking slightly as he works out his mirth. "It's pretty advanced, but we can stop by my place later and I can give you some pointers and books," he suggests. "At the very worst you could always just learn a spell for it, but that's not really the same, is it?"
[21:05] <Kotono> "It isn't," Sylvie nods quickly, "Now I really want to learn this, too! Imagine, changing your body as easily as you change clothes! Can you imagine how USEFUL that is?!"
[21:08] <Janson> "I have a few ideas," Janson coughs into his hand. "I'm sure it'd be useful for Whimsical Sweets to have a pseudo-doppelganger on staff, but there's convenience for me, too, plus there's all sorts of fun and mischief that could be done," he grins, "We'd have to hope I don't get corrupted."
[21:10] <Kotono> "Of course," With a completely straight face, "We'll just have to hope that, won't we?"
[21:11] * Janson just laughs while motioning for another drink. "I bet if I knew how to read minds I'd be terrified right now."
[21:12] <Kotono> This just gets an angelic smile from Sylvie, who waits a moment until your drinks arrive. Sipping this one, "Oh, I do have ideas."
[21:14] <Janson> With a mock shudder, Janson hits his beverage hard. "That's what I like about you, Sylvie. You're so educational to be around," he pats her leg affectionately
[21:15] <Kotono> Sylvie leans over, nuzzling shoulders, "You have such a way with words," she purrs lower, "Though..." she pauses in thought, "You know. We can't loiter or allow ourselves idle time when we could be improving. This job gets crazier and crazier."
[21:17] <Janson> "Ah, one night won't kill us," Janson nudges her back. "Although I guess in future we could drink at shittier taverns and use brawls as training?"
[21:21] <Kotono> "That's an idea!" Sylvie throws back her drink, smiling ear to ear, "Mass brawl training!"
[21:23] <Janson> "Shhh!" Janson hushes her and laughs, leaning close, "You'll get us kicked out if they think we're planning that for here!"
[21:23] <Kotono> HAhahaha!" Sylvie laughs, falling into rest on Janson, and then whispering, "We can fight our way out into glory!"
[21:26] <Janson> "Yeah, but I'd like to come back here," Janson continues, still amused as he holds onto the blonde. "Still, the place isn't as lively as I was hoping. You wanna go back to my place, now?"
[21:32] <Kotono> Sylvie does consider this for a little bit, nursing her drink. "Aren't you direct," she murmurs, giving him a thoughtful eye.
[21:37] <Janson> "Well, we did talk about training earlier," Janson admits, holding her gaze, "There's books and magic I could show you... but yeah, there's a lot more we can do there than here," he agrees with a grin, leaning close.
[21:39] <Kotono> "Let's go and see what we can do," Sylvie says, standing and offering her hand out.
[21:41] <Janson> Dropping a handful of gold coins on the bar, Janson likewise gets up and takes Sylvie's hand with a smile, starting to pick their way through the other patrons and back outside.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake