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Loot thread 3: Booty, broads and booze!

Started by Anastasia, August 23, 2011, 02:41:49 PM

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I second this sentiment, Aurora has enough in the vault.


What if they're not stars at all? What if the night sky is full of titanic far-off lidless eyes, staring in all directions across eternity?


Okay then. I'll use Merc's helpful summary to do my proposal (also using Dune's response that we only divide by 27 and not 29).

Quote from: Merc on August 26, 2012, 10:53:06 PM
1. What do you do with the various evil object you've recovered? Elena has a suggestion about some of them and you could always ask others if you want advice.
I don't care. If the others want to purify 'em, go for it, if they want to destroy them, ditto, and same if they want to do whatever Elena is going to suggest.

2. I dunno how you're dealing with gold here and divvying things up. Figure that out.
Last time we had a battle, we divided between all the army commanders. In this case it would be 29 characters, since everyone joined in pretty much.

Sum totals (not counting evil stuff, artifacts, and other unpriced items):
Total - Treasure from defending Aurora: 137,310g
Total - PC team treasure: 270,000g
Total - Lixer's Room: 749,430g
Total - Scrolls: 51,700g

Overall Total - 1,208,440g

Assuming we want to repeat same from last battle (won't change my own sheet until there is confirmation from others, or a check to see if anybody wants to claim anything else or remove from tally for some reason):
Aurora = 604,220 + 94,517.2 = 698,737.2g
29 Commanders/Generals = 604,220/32 = 20,835.17g each

The 29 characters are: PCs, Ebony, Crystal, Adrian, Arrel, Baleruk, Balyss, Canderella, Dana, Drena, Gisfal, Hanna, Kascha, Lief, Mei, Mirima, Misalea, Rosa, Sage Vul'lath, Simmer, Stille, Sylvie, Tannin, Tepen, The Jarl, The Master. Ebony and Crystal would get their shares when they come back, if they don't, we can figure where their shares end up instead.

3. As for items? I can make posts of various NPC interest if you want - if nothing else all the int based people (Kascha, Sylvie, Ithea, Tepen) want the int tome.
Yes, that and the leaf for Muirfinn are pretty obvious interest baiters. And I very clearly am biting hard for that tome.

Shared treasure: 137,310+749,430+51,700 = 938,440gp
Half of it goes to the Aurora (469,220gp) and the other half is divided equally between the following 27 people: PCs, Ebony, Crystal, Adrian, Arrel, Baleruk, Balyss, Canderella, Dana, Drena, Gisfal, Hanna, Kascha, Lief, Mirima, Misalea, Rosa, Sage Vul'lath, Simmer, Stille, Sylvie, Tepen, The Jarl, The Master.
Each of them gets: 469,220 / 27 = 17,378.52gp

Next, we have the Team 1 treasure: 270,000gp
Half of it goes to the Aurora (135,000gp) and the other half is divided equally between Team 1 (Afina, Ebony, Ithea, Jaela, Muirfinn): 135,000 / 5 = 27,000gp

Effectively, everyone on Team 1 has 27,000 + 17,378.52 = 44,378.52gp (PCs+Ebony).

The resulting Aurora Fund is set at 669,389gp. It hasn't been changed since the Aurora share has been consistently half, but Merc's calculations didn't account for the material losses so this figure is the up to date one.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


Does that proposal include the items claimed a few posts up? Namely this.

Muirfinn: Leaf of Yggdrasil.
Ithea: Tome of Intelligence+3.
Hanna: Nevertheless.
The Jarl: Huge Fullhammer+6, sundering. Grants a +3 bonus to sunder attempts, like a shatterspike longsword.
Adrian: Deadman's Helmet.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


No. I propose either of the following two ways to deal with the claims:

-Pay what you can for what you're getting from your share of the loot.
-Forfeit your part of the loot altogether if what you're claiming is that awesome. Even artifacts can be fairly easily priced where there's a will.

Let's say that if someone is claiming a more expensive item than they can afford, Aurora's funds take the hit. And if someone is paying with their share, Aurora's funds get the cash. Thoughts?
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Stuff that goes in the vault:

9 Robes of the Necrolyte: Grants a +8 armor bonus to armor class, +5 resistance bonus to saving throws and grants a -1 profane bonus to total spell level of metamagicked spells. (Minimum adjustment of 0, only applies once and not by each metamagic.)
12 Robes of the Necrolyte: Grants a +8 armor bonus to armor class, +5 resistance bonus to saving throws and grants a -1 profane bonus to total spell level of metamagicked spells. (Minimum adjustment of 0, only applies once and not by each metamagic.)
Knuckles of the Drowning Gasp: Grants a +1 profane bonus to the DC of Drowning Aura's concentration check. In addition, these deal an extra 1d6 points of damage for unarmed strikes.
Longspear+6, unholy power.
Longspear+6, unholy power.
Soulharrow: Quarterstaff+5, vile. This functions as a rod of the blue wyrm, except that it summons a great wyrm zombie blue dragon. Unlike a normal quarterstaff, this deals slashing damage.
Malagon's bone mail: Chainmail+3. Functions as a black robe of archimagi and robe of bones.
Necrocarnin: This black etched tome radiates intense power. While it does not radiate evil, the overwhelming necromantic magic from it and the failure of identify to analyze it has raised concern. Up to command on what's done with it from here - so what do you guys want to do with it? It's most likely an artifact.
Anaxar: Cold iron rapier+9, axiomatic power and unholy power.
Geistknochen: This pair of thigh-high riding boots appears to be made of supple, strong leather. They fit any creature from tiny to gargantuan, adjusting to the size of the creature that holds them. Once worn, the wearer's legs go numb, though this does not inhibit them in any way. Once worn, Geistknochen grants several benefits.
- Doubled movement rate. This does not stack with any other boosts to movement speed.
- +8 enhancement bonus to dexterity.
- +20 competence bonus to Balance, Climb, Jump and Tumble checks.
- Resistance 30 to negative energy.
Geistknochen's power does not come freely. It is a result of consuming the legs of the wearer. Once removed, the wearer's legs crumble to dust, leaving them crippled. Regenerate and higher magic can restore the victim's legs. However, the trauma involved causes the permanent loss of three hit points. This hit point loss cannot be cured by any means short of direct divine intervention (not just a miracle spell). While not an artifact or evil, Geistknochen is unique and not well understood. No price for now - and to be honest with the drawback it would be hard to sell. Up to you guys on what you want to do with it.
Deadman's Mail: Chainmail+5. As a free action whenever the relevant event listed happens, the wearer can sacrifice hit points to prevent it. This hit point damage cannot be prevented or redirected in any way, and must be healed by natural rest.
Energy Drain - 10 hit points per negative level.
Ability Damage - 5 hit points per point of ability damage.
Ability Drain - 10 hit points per point of ability drain.
Critical Hit (reduces the hit to a normal hit, must be declared before the critical confirmation roll) - 25 hit points times the multiplier of the weapon.
Defender's mace: Heavy Mace+4. When paired with a shield, raises the shield bonus by 2 points.
Lore of the Shattered: This book contains the lore of the Shattering Knights, including instructions to the ritual to gain access to that prestige class. This book grants a +5 circumstance bonus to knowledge (arcana) checks about the Shattering Knights. No value, but it's useful if any of you are interested in that prestige class.

Stuff that gets destroyed:

Annalise's Berries: This container of 4 blood red berries is familiar to Jaela, the same sort as Annalise had. If consumed by a living creature, they must make a DC 31 Fortitude save. On failure, they take 2d12 points of Constitution damage. This damage repeats every round until a save is made or the victim is reduced to zero hit points. At that time they do not die, despite having zero Constitution. They instead feel better and function as if they have no Constitution damage. Come the next night, they immediately perish and rise as a vampire.
Scroll of Heretic's Winter
Scroll of Animate Dead
Scroll of Lixer's Mercy
Scroll of Enviolate Spell
Staff of the Jaded Heart. [if possible]
Skull of the Necropolis [already done]
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


Oh, and while on the subject of loot, what are you guys gonna do with the Drought of Life?
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Quote from: Corwin on August 28, 2012, 02:45:26 PMNo. I propose either of the following two ways to deal with the claims:

-Pay what you can for what you're getting from your share of the loot.
-Forfeit your part of the loot altogether if what you're claiming is that awesome. Even artifacts can be fairly easily priced where there's a will.

Let's say that if someone is claiming a more expensive item than they can afford, Aurora's funds take the hit. And if someone is paying with their share, Aurora's funds get the cash. Thoughts?

I still prefer that unpriced items, if they were unpriced for a reason, be left as they are, and people still get shares. There are plenty of times that priceless items have come our way and been divvied up to people just because they need it, circumstance, that's the only loot of the moment (nothing that could be sold), or whatever other reason. Priced items that could be afforded were almost always discounted from shares, or had people lend money.

Scouring through the thread, I have only found -three- occassions where share of loot was given up to get an item. Two of those were by Yuth, a hammer for Willim (that he eventually gave up to giants) from Ysgard, and a necklace for Muirfinn from the Thorazul adventure. The last was Gaelach going to Adrian from Ysgard. Yuth's items were priced and he couldn't afford them and there was no money to lend, while Adrian's item was priceless.

As Yuth is the one that first proposed giving up shares, and he's the only PC that has been affected by that proposal in the past, if he's still okay with doing things that way, despite my disagreement and grumbling, Ithea will give up her share for the Tome of +3 Int and just follow that proposal from this point onward.
<Cidward> God willing, we'll all meet in Buttquest 2: The Quest for More Butts.


I'm all for people fighting for me to get money here, but at the same time I'm okay with giving up my share if necessary. I'm certain that hammering out the Lannark deal later this/next week will gain us SOMEthing.
What if they're not stars at all? What if the night sky is full of titanic far-off lidless eyes, staring in all directions across eternity?


I wasn't fighting for you, I was fighting for Ithea's share. =p

Just saying, if you as the person most regularly affected don't care, I'll suck it up and go along with it.

So yeah, Ithea gives up her share for the tome of +3 int.
<Cidward> God willing, we'll all meet in Buttquest 2: The Quest for More Butts.


Okay, noted. I'll get to sorting out NPC claims/loot in a bit.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Quote from: Corwin on August 28, 2012, 01:34:06 PMShared treasure: 137,310+749,430+51,700 = 938,440gp
Half of it goes to the Aurora (469,220gp) and the other half is divided equally between the following 27 people: PCs, Ebony, Crystal, Adrian, Arrel, Baleruk, Balyss, Canderella, Dana, Drena, Gisfal, Hanna, Kascha, Lief, Mirima, Misalea, Rosa, Sage Vul'lath, Simmer, Stille, Sylvie, Tepen, The Jarl, The Master.
Each of them gets: 469,220 / 27 = 17,378.52gp

Next, we have the Team 1 treasure: 270,000gp
Half of it goes to the Aurora (135,000gp) and the other half is divided equally between Team 1 (Afina, Ebony, Ithea, Jaela, Muirfinn): 135,000 / 5 = 27,000gp

Effectively, everyone on Team 1 has 27,000 + 17,378.52 = 44,378.52gp (PCs+Ebony).

The resulting Aurora Fund is set at 669,389gp. It hasn't been changed since the Aurora share has been consistently half, but Merc's calculations didn't account for the material losses so this figure is the up to date one.

Hanna, the Jarl and Adrian give up their shares to for the items noted. Does this get split up amid the others or does it go into the Aurora fund?
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


<Cidward> God willing, we'll all meet in Buttquest 2: The Quest for More Butts.


Right. Going to start knocking out people one by one.

Ebony gets 44378.52 gold. This goes into storage for now since she's not here to do anything with it.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?